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Final Team Project: Tactical Brief 007x

GIT 210 Team 4 Matthew Hubbell Eriko Gould Recardo Henry

Product Name: Tactical Designers: Team 4

Brief 00 !

"ro#ect Mana$er% Matthew Hubbell &ead 'e(i$ner% Eriko Gould )ommunicator% Recardo Henry
Storing and Securing

Concept and Mission

Tactical Brief 00 ! i( a (ecret a$ent in(*ired *ortfolio briefca(e+ hi$hli$hted by it,( rich en(emble of u(eful and cuttin$ ed$e feature(- Thi( model of rede(i$n wa( dri.en by a fa(cination with the $ad$et filled ca(e( of the modern day (*ecial a$ent+ and the belief that im*ro.ement( could be made to mo(t *ortfolio briefca(e( in the key area( of (ecurity+ er$onomic(+ and ed$ine((- /ur mi((ion i( to *re(ent a conce*t and a *roduct that will (tandout out a( an inno.ati.e addition to the *ortfolio briefca(e indu(try-

Ke !esearc" Findings
Re(earch into the traditional *ortfolio briefca(e market re.eal( the reoccurrin$ theme of an indu(try dominated by (imilar ba$ (tyle(+ (imilar interior layout(+ and (imilar lockin$ feature(- 0rom de*artment (tore( to online (tore(+ con(umer( are often *re(ented with a *roduct that 1*i$$y back(2 off of the look and feel of the ty*ical me((en$er ba$+ *ro.idin$ little in the a(*ect of item .ariationIn our information (y(tem dri.en world+ *ortfolio briefca(e con(umer( are alway( lookin$ for a *roduct that can com*liment and (u**ort their onboard while maintainin$ additional (*ace for their nece((ary item( like *a*erwork+ bu(ine(( card( or *en(- 3hile mo(t *ortfolio briefca(e( are able to achie.e thi( to a (ati(factory de$ree with a (tandard la*to* carryin$ ca(e+ there are (till many con(umer( who re4uire e!tra (*ace+ and often find them(el.e($ to (acrifice additional item( while fillin$ the needed (*ace to carry their la*to*- 5dditionally+ the e!tra wei$ht a((ociated with carryin$ thi( onboard may *ut (ome u(er( at ri(k of in#ury due to the continuou( *hy(ical (train

on their back and e!tremitie(6ecurity+ an im*ortant and nece((ary feature for any *ortfolio briefca(e with la*to* carryin$ abilitie(+ ha( chan$ed .ery little+ with (*innin$ numeric lock( bein$ con(idered the mo(t acce*tably (ecure lockin$ mechani(m- Thou$h (ufficiently (ecure in mo(t (ettin$(+ the threat of intru(ion i( $reatly hei$htened by the increa(ed *re.alence of more (o*hi(ticated intruder(-

Guided by our re(earch+ we (et out to make im*ro.ement( in the area( we,.e identified- The im*ro.ement( we,.e made are a( follow(%

1) Security In order to meet the (ecurity demand( of our intended audience+ Tactical Brief 007x will feature a (tate of the art biometric fin$er*rint (canner to *ro.ide an additional layer of (ecurity while on the #ob or on the $o- The fin$er*rint (canner will al(o act a( the *rimary acti.ator of a number of within briefca(e- The *in *oint accuracy of the (canner make( it an ab(olute mu(t7ha.e for tho(e who work in $o.ernment+ defen(e and data (ecurity-

2) Ergonomics 8 5( noted *re.iou(ly+ the ta(k of$ to carry around a 97 lb la*to* with other *otentially hea.y item( can take it,( toll on a *er(on *hy(ically- It,( a $i.en the(e day( that many *eo*le mu(t match their ri$orou( workload with their need for *ortability- In doin$ (o+ many *eo*le *ut them(el.e( at ri(k of (ufferin$ lon$7term ill effect( brou$ht on by *hy(ical (train- 6ome of the(e effect( include im*ro*er (*inal ali$nment+ (houlder in#ury+ and e.en *inched ner.e(- To remedy thi( *roblem+ Tactical Brief 007x will feature $roundbreakin$ built7in la*to* technolo$y utili:in$ a ultra7thin and li$htwei$ht touch(creen /&E' di(*lay wei$hin$ le(( than a *ound- Thi( di(*lay+ which act( a( a monitor a( well a( a keyword+ will be made entirely out of *la(tic+ hel*in$ to dra(tically reduce the wei$ht a( well a( the ri(k( a((ociated with u(in$ *ortfolio briefca(e( that only offer (tandard la*to*

carryin$ ca(e(- In addition to the li$htwei$ht /&E' di(*lay Tactical Brief 007x will utili:e li$htwei$ht material( (uch a( can.a(+ and .inyl to further reduce wei$ht and health ri(k-

3) Space 8 3ith a bendable ultra7thin /&E' di(*lay fulfillin$ keyboard and monitor re4uirement(+ Tactical Brief 007x ha( the ability to *ro.ide additional (*ace for u(er( by freein$ u* (*ace ty*ically re(er.ed for traditional la*to*(-

4) Built-in o!er 5dditionally $roundbreakin$+ TB007x will *ro.ide all of the nece((ary *ower needed to *ower all of a u(er,( onboard by incor*oratin$ the newe(t addition of (u*er micro lithium7ion batterie( into the briefca(e- 3ith thi( built7in feature at a u(er,( di(*o(al+ they will ha.e the ability to rechar$e onboard 1+000 fa(ter than what all current lithium7ion batterie( are ca*able of-

/ur (ecret a$ent in(*ired *ortfolio briefca(e will be $eared toward three main $rou*(%

"e#eral$%o&ernment 'gents The biometric fin$er*rint (cannin$ feature( offered by our briefca(e make( it an ideal re(ource and tool for any a$ent lookin$ to (ecure (en(iti.e data-

(orporate Business )n#i&i#uals &ikewi(e+ cor*orate bu(ine(( em*loyee( and $o.ernment contractor( will find the additional (*ace and biometric ca*abilitie( .ery u(eful at (torin$ and (ecurin$ (en(iti.e data- 6*ecifically+ com*anie( that ha.e em*loyee( who (*eciali:e in defen(e and information (ecurity will con(ider our *roduct a crafty addition to their briefca(e collection- The (leek and *rofe((ional a**earance of Tactical Brief 007x allow( it to blend in *erfectly in any cor*orate bu(ine(( (ettin$-

Tec* +un,ies 8 Bell( and whi(tle( and cuttin$ ed$e feature( make our briefca(e attracti.e to anyone with an un4uenchable thir(t for new and e!citin$ technolo$y- 0rom the bendable ultra7thin /&E' di(*lay+ biometric lockin$ feature(+ (u*er rechar$eable micro7battery (u**ly+ to e.en it,( li$htwei$ht characteri(tic(+ TB007x would make a *erfect $ift for any 1tech #unkie2-

Cost: Gi.en that the ultra7thin /&E' di(*lay+ and (u*er micro7battery are $roundbreakin$ and new
technolo$ie(+ the co(t to own TB007x will be in the ran$e of about ;1+000 to ;1+900-

&tages of Design
6emi7final 6ketche(

Built-in Monitor Design

Folder Shaped Design

Split Case Design

Final Design

Product Description Motto: '&toring and &ecuring(

Cost: 5**ro!imately )*+,00

Mind Map


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