Case Presentation - Aurora Quezon

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Date of Interview: February I.

Biographic Data Name: LC Sex: Male Age: 61 years old Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Manila A re!!: Tondo, Manila "eligion: Roman Catholic # ucational Attainment: Elementary Graduate $ccupation: Carpenter (part- time) %arital Statu!: Married Spou!e Name: MC $ccupation: ouse!i"e &ealth Financing: #one Income: $hp %&'('' per day 'anguage: Ta)alo) II. Pa!t &ealth &i!tory *ccordin) to LC, he has a history o" asthma +ac, !hen he !as 1 year old up to - years old( e also stated that he has complete immuni.ation and usually )ot illnesses such as "e/er, cou)h, and cold durin) his childhood( e also said that he does sel"- medication !hene/er he )ets sic, )i/in) e0amples such as ta,in) o" $aracetamol "or "e/er or La)undi Forte !hen he has cou)h( LC declared that the only accident that he has encountered !as !hen he )ot electric shoc,ed on 1''1 a"ter touchin) a li/e !ire "rom a Meralco post( 2#atu,lap 3yon) +alat ,o sa ,anan) +aha)i n) ,ata!an ,o,4 LC said( e also reported that the electric shoc, current !as 1%, ''' /olts !hich had him admitted at Tondo General ospital "or 1 !ee,( e is a "ormer ci)arette smo,er and !as ad/ised to cessate +y his physician & years a)o +ecause o" secretions in his lun)s !hich causes him to ha/e di""iculty o" +reathin) and cou)h( III. Pre!ent &ealth &i!tory *ccordin) to LC, he !ent to a physician !ith a complaint o" di""iculty o" +reathin) on 5anuary 1', 1'1%( LC stated that !hene/er he !ould clim+ the stairs he e0periences pantin) !hich is relie/ed +y rest( 6n 5anuary 11( 1'1% he !as dia)nosed !ith dia+etes mellitus so no! he ta,es *mlodipine and Met"ormin as his maintenance dru)s( 27umasa,it din 3yon) tuhod ,o, na)simula ito no8n) last & months pa,4 he /er+ali.ed( e stated that he ta,es medication "or it +ut could not recall its name anymore( LC /er+ali.ed, 289i ,o na n)ayon iniinom, mata)al na, ,asi na,a,asira da! sa atay(4 I(. )enogram (. )or on*! Functional Pattern &#A'+& P#",#P+I$N- &#A'+& %ANA)#%#N+ PA++#"N

:hen LC !as as,ed to rate his current health !ith 1 +ein) the lo!est and 1' +ein) the hi)hest, he rated himsel" a - statin), 2May ,auntin) ,aramdaman ,asi a,o(4 *ccordin) to LC, a person is healthy i" he is stron), ener)etic and happy and i" a person is sic, he does not ha/e ener)y and "eels !ea,( LC reported that he does not +elie/e nor )o to ;uac, doctors or 2al+ularyo4( 2$a)malala na 3yon) sa,it o ,aramdaman, pumupunta na ,ami sa doctor,4 LC /er+ali.ed( e also mentioned does not )o to the dentist "or chec,- ups( *t home, LC said that he usually !ears a shirt and shorts +ut does not !ear slippers inside the house( e also does hand!ashin) +e"ore and a"ter meals( The only places that he has +een !ere <am+oan)a (1=-&), $an)asinan and >a)uio( LC con"erred that )ood health could +e achie/ed +y sleepin) early, !a,in) up early and eatin) the ri)ht ,ind o" "ood( N.+"I+I$NA'- %#+AB$'I, PA++#"N *ccordin) to LC, he usually eats ? times a day and does not ha/e any di""iculty in eatin)( e li,es to eat /e)eta+les and "ruits +ut a/oids s!eets( LC stated that also he drin,s a lot o" !ater !hich ta,es a+out 1'-1% )lasses a day and is also "ond o" drin,in) co""ee in the mornin)( For +rea,"ast, he usually ta,es ?-% pieces o" pan de sal or 1 pac, o" pancit canton and a mu) o" co""ee !hile "or lunch and dinner, he usually eats "ish and /e)eta+les !ith 1-? cups o" rice per meal( *t times, he snac,s on an e)) sand!ich to)ether !ith a mu) o" co""ee in the a"ternoon( 9urin) 7undays, they usually eat meat( 2 i!ahi!alay ,ami ,uma,ain n) pamilya ,o( *n) asa!a ,o lan) an) madalas ,on) ,asama ,umain,4 LC /er+ali.ed( e also reported that he and his !i"e !ould sometimes @ust +uy "ood "rom a carinderia i" they are the only ones le"t at home( LC stated that their usual "ood +ud)et per meal is $hp ?'(''( #'I%INA+I$N PA++#"N LC said that he de"ecates once a day usually around &A'' *M( 2>ro!n siya( indi naman mati)as at hindi naman din malam+ot,4 he said( LC stated that he urinates "or a+out 6-B times a day since he drin,s a lot o" !ater( e also does not "eel any pain or discom"ort !hen he de"ecates or urinates( A,+I(I+/-#0#",IS# PA++#"N 2 indi a,o na)e-e0ercise( #a)e-e0ercise lan) a,o ,apa) )usto ,o,4 LC stated( *ccordin) to him, his "orm o" e0ercise is !al,in) !hich he does 1-? times a !ee, "or at least an hour( LC usually !a,es up at %A'' or &A'' *M then ta,es his +rea,"ast at -A'' *M, lunch at 11A'' $M then a siesta at 11A?'1A'' $M( *"ter ha/in) his siesta, LC !ould then ta,e his +ath and sit outside their house or play !ith his )randchildren( >y BA'' $M he then ta,es his dinner and !ould then sleep at =A'' $M( 2Capa) may side line, may tra+aho, ma),a,arpintero, m)a BA'' *M han))an) &A'' $M a,o na)tratra+aho( M)a &A?' $M na,au!i na 3,o,4 he /er+ali.ed( S'##P-"#S+ PA++#"N The client sleeps "or --= hours a day as accordin) to his statement( is sleepin) time is at =A'' $M to %A'' *M( LC reported that he has no di""iculty in sleepin) and sleeps com"orta+ly !ithout any interruption( e also "eels

ener)etic and satis"ied in the mornin)( *ccordin) to him, he sleeps to)ether !ith his !i"e and si0 other people in one room( 2Minsan ,apa) may main)ay, na)pa-party o na),a-,arao,e na)i)isin) a,o,4 he /er+ali.ed( 7ometimes he also ta,es a t!o-hour siesta and !atches the tele/ision as a "orm o" her rela0ation( S#'F P#",#P+I$N- S#'F ,$N,#P+ PA++#"N *ccordin) to LC, his hea/iest !ei)ht !as -=( & ,)( e "eels satis"ied !ith his !ei)ht and appearance( e also stated that he thin,s has physical alteration to his +ody( e sees himsel" as e;ual in his relationship to others( For him, his )ood ;ualities are hum+le and ,ind !hile his +ad ;uality is +ein) moody( For the ne0t & years, he said that his )oal is, 2Dmunlad an) +uhay, ma),aroon n) inaasam(4 ,$)NI+I(# PA++#"N The client can read and !rite +ut accordin) to him his eyesi)ht on his ri)ht eye is +lurred( 2Mala+o siya, paran) may ulap,4 he reported( :hen he !ants to learned ne! thin)s he studies( 2Masaya a,o sa )ina)a!a ,o, sa tra+aho ,o,4 the client said pertainin) to his !or,( *ccordin) to him, he ta,es a +ath once a day, cuts his nails e/ery t!o !ee,s +ut does not +rush his teeth( 2:ala na ,asi a,on) n)ipin,4 he stated( "$'#1"#'A+I$NS&IP PA++#"N 26,ay naman ,ami n) pamilya ,o,4 LC said( *ccordin) to him, their "amily +onds +y )oin) out o" to!n once a year and ,arao,e sin)in) 1 to ? times a month( *t times !hen their "amily has a ;uarrel, they tal, to sol/e the pro+lem( :hith re)ards to the place they li/e, LC stated that he is com"orta+le !ith it +ut i" possi+le, he !ants more space +ecause they are t!el/e people li/in) in their house( 7ometimes he )ets irritated !ith the noises comin) "rom parties and his )randchildrens8 cries( LC is usually calm and happy( e e0presses his moods /er+ally +ut his moody ;uality at some times a""ect his "amily +ecause they !ould )et scared o" him( ,$PIN) PA++#"N :hen as,ed a+out the most si)ni"icant people to him, 27yempre, pamilya ,o,4 he ans!ered( e is ha/in) con/ersations !ith his "amily re)ularly and in times o" need, 2#ilalapitan ,o 3yon) ,apatid ,on) si Cora.on( 9o8n a,o humihin)i n) payo,4 LC /er+ali.ed( *ccordin) also to him, !hen in a stress"ul situation, he copes +y acceptin) and sol/in) the pro+lems, sometimes, he +ecomes an)ry to the person !ho committed a sin ( e also tal, !ith the person in/ol/ed in the situation, then see,s ad/ices "rom his sister( 2$a) may pro+lema, dapat harapin natin, at sosolusyonan(4 as Mr( L(C stated( :hen handlin) stress"ul situations, he @ust listens to music, prays and !atches tele/ision( e is the one ma,in) decisions in the "amily thus the head o" the "amily( 2*,o an) nasusunod at may hulin) salita pa rin(4 as he /er+ali.ed(

:hen someone in the "amily is sic,, Mr( L(C !as the one ta,in) care o" them especially !hen the person has +een su+@ected to con"inement in a hospital( Mr( L(C role in the house is the +read!inner o" the "amily( 2*,o an) padre de pamilya sa +ahay, a,o pa rin an) na)dedesisyon at may hulin) salita(4 as he /er+ali.ed( e is a hea/y smo,er and !as stopped +y his physician, & years a)o( e consumed 1% to ?' stic,s per day( 9urin) occasions, he tends to drin, alcohol( e usually consumes hal" a liter a !ee,( S#0.A'I+/- "#P"$D.,+I(# >ein) a man "or him is someone !ho is a+le to put up his "amily that he +uilt( 2 7inusuportahan ,o an) pamilya ,o, asa!a ,o, at m)a ana,( $inapa,ita ,o at sinasa+i ,o ,un) )aano ,o sila ,amahal(4 as he /er+ali.ed( *ccordin) to him, his health concerns !ere not a""ected in chan)in) his !ay o" e0pressin) himsel" as a man( e is a @oyous person and +elie/es that there8s no need to !orry +ecause God is al!ays there( e is still into se0ual acti/ities !ith his !i"e and is not ha/in) any trou+le !hile doin) it( (A'.#S- B#'I#F PA++#"N e stated that they )o to Church e/ery 7unday to)ether !ith his !i"e( e also said that they attend El 7haddai e/ery 7aturday( E" they miss )oin) to the church they @ust listen to the radio "or an on)oin) recorded mass( 27umasa+ay ,amin) na)dadasal sa radyo(4 *s Mr( L(C /er+ali.ed( *ccordin) to him, the /alues that he instilled to his "amily are honesty and tran;uility(

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