Design, Discipline and Deliverance

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5 /08/ 2012 DESIGN, DISCIPLINE AND DELIVERANCE Message by bro.

kennard M c Allister Eigth things we should know about our warfare against the enemy. These strategies are used to pressure God`s people to fall and to distort the original design and to derail us from fulfilling GOD`s purpose for our lives. 1.The voice you choose to listen to is the one you will seek to satisfy . 2.we make our decisions based on the interpretation of our perceptions. 3.Deception begins with self. 4.The enemy tries to make you feel that you are not ; when you are. 5.The enemy tries to make you feel are; when you are not. 6.He tries to deceive us into thinking that what we have is of no value to make us go searching for what we already have. 7.If the enemy can`t get to you from the inside out he will try from the outside in. 8.Ignorance of the enemy`s devices makes us vulnerable to be taken advantage of by him. Scriptural ref. Genesis 3 vs 1-6. By understanding these things it can help us in a number of ways 1 Helps us strengthen our defense . 2 Gives us understanding of the enemy`s devices 3 Makes us more offensive against the kingdom of darkness. 4 See the need for discipline ,deliverance to restore and maintain the design.

There are three things as believers we must accept . 1 There are things that won`t change ,they are the way there they are by DESIGN. 2 There are things that we can change ,that can be done through a process called DISCIPLINE. 3 There are things that only GOD can change that is DELIVERANCE.

DESIGN THE THING THAT WON`T CHANGE Eg. Our complextion ,our ethnicity, the colour of our eyes,we can look at nature itself seed time and harvest,snow ,the sun that rises and set everyday,just to name a few. With respect to our DESIGN(man) there are threethings to note 1 Our Identity which refers to our look,association,who we are in CHRIST.(1PET.2:9) When ever there is a deviation of the original design you will find confusion,destruction and meaninglessness.(ROM 1 ;20-32) 2 Our Image ; what we ought to be like ,our GOD likeness ,partaking of his divine nature.(GEN.1:26) 3.Our purpose :our function ,what we were made to do and to fulfill .(EPH2:10 & 1;11)

GOD design man not to be change by satan, mans` sinful nature and perception but to be maintained buy GOD`s revelation of what man should be. GOD`s blueprint for man has not changed but because of sin, distortion and deformation came .From since the fall of man GOD has been working on his PERFECT redemption plan for man; his prize creation. Because the redemption plan includes both GOD and Man we must do our part to allow him to do his .we must first understand the design, learn how to maintain it by knowing the word of GOD and learning the valuable lessons from the scriptures, eg. where it was first lost and became distorted (Gen 3;1-6). So whatever we gain would not be lost but to be built upon to increase in strength. This is why our discipline to observe and teach all things that are given to us by GOD`s word is necessary. We have seen in the world how men with discipline have made incredible achievements , which is just pure human effort, many of them take the glory for their accomplishments and know not GOD. How much more a people of GOD with discipline with the help of GOD himself by his SPIRIT in pursuit of fulfilling his will accomplish. For every person that would accomplish what is considered remarkable through being discipline who know not our GOD and gives him no glory will testify against those who have so much more the they (faith and the SPIRIT of) GOD. It is written nothing shall be impossible to us that believe .(MAT 17;20) WHAT ON EARTH CAN`T WE NOT ACCOMPLISH. TO HAVE FAITH IS ONE THING ; LIVING A LIFE OF FAITH REQUIRES DISCIPLINE. We can receive healing by faith but it will take faith and discipline to keep our healing. Every member of the body of CHRIST is required to have discipline; but it is written the just should live by faith (Rom 1;17),and without faith it is impossible to please GOD (Heb 11;6), yet how many times we

often have to stir up our faith to get something from GOD that through the process of discipline we could have gotten or to believe him to change a situation or circumstance that could have been avoided by discipline. For when we should be rewarded by the LORD for being diligent as a result of our discipline, we end up having to depend on a bailout plan because of a lack of discipline. Brothers and sisters, members of the body of CHRIST this ought not to be so ,if we continue to operate in this manner we will end up as just having a form of GODLINESS and deny the very power of GOD that is available. Though faith in CHRIST JESUS will allow us to walk in his righteousness, it takes a life of discipline to observe and keep his commandments in order to walk uprightly before him. (Ps.84; 11) No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. DISCIPLINE : the things we can change. Discipline can be said to be; the capacity to establish and maintain boundraries, by instruction, practice and correction. Which the word of GOD is able to do for us (2TIM3 ;16) Many of the words used in the scriptures for correction, chastening, instruction fall within the context of discipline ,in some versions of the bible the word discipline is used in these instances. Eg. Proverbs 5:23 says ; he will die without instruction(discipline) and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. The word instruction in the NIV is discipline. DISCIPLINE Discipline builds consistency, it helps us to be persistent in what we do and why we do what we do. Discipline builds integrity, it helps us do what we supposed to do when it should be done. Discipline builds character it helps shapes who we are. GOD desires that we grow in our character and consistency as a result of our discipline to meditate in his word and allow his word to be formed in us and to walk in his SPIRIT. The bible says to know how to possess our vessels in sanctification and honour .(1THESS 4;4) GOD WOULD NOT DO FOR US WHAT HE EXPECTS US TO DO AND HAS GIVEN US THE POWER TO DO FOR OURSELVES. GOD IS FAITHFUL TO ALWAYS DO HIS PART , HE IS GOD .

DELIVERANCE : The things only GOD can change. Though we can access the deliverance power of GOD by faith, it takes discipline in doing the things that pleases him to consistently access that power. Eg . we can get our healing by faith but a life without discipline can cause a re-occurrence of our former state. One that walks with the understanding of the DESIGN ,who is driven by purpose ,understands his identity in CHRIST JESUS (who and what we are in him)and reflects the image ( CHRISTLIKENESS ,the very nature of GOD)and is disciplined in the things of GOD will not only have access to the deliverance power of GOD ,but will become a deliverer by GOD for the sake of others . The HOLY SPIRIT has been sent to work on us till we become to the full stature of JESUS CHRIST the perfect example of what the design is.(EPH 4;13) GOD`s intentions are for us to have access to that which he has made available. His power, his character, and his nature his which is wrapped up in his promises and rewards for us.

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