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In the words of Isaiah 1:11-20, God says he is sick and tired of all Israels sacrifices,

v11-15. What is it that God is looking for? Is 1:16,17 _____________________________

If we will repent and turn from sin, what will God do for us? Is 1:18 ________________
More than that, if we are willingly obedient to Him, what will happen to us? Is 1:19
Blessings of Obedience
Obedience releases Gods richest blessings on our lives. Some we have already seen as in
Is 1:19. What is the blessing that comes upon us as we fear God and keep His
commandments? Deut 5:29 _________________________________________________

No 12


Study Twelve:

The Blessings of Obedience

Jesus is Lord and Saviour

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ came not only to be our Saviour, but that He is
Lord as well. We are therefore to give Him total and absolute obedience in every area of
our lives. Who has raised Jesus and made Him both Lord and Christ? Ac 2:36
What is the end result of Christ dying on the Cross, rising from the dead and living in the
fulness of life again? Rom 14:9 ______________________________________________

What are some of the blessings of obedience mentioned in Deut 28?

v1 _____________________________________________________________________
v4 _____________________________________________________________________
v6 _____________________________________________________________________
v7 _____________________________________________________________________
v9 _____________________________________________________________________
v12 ____________________________________________________________________
v13 ____________________________________________________________________

Before whose judgment seat will we all stand one day and give an account? Rom 14:10

Where do true prosperity and success spring from? Josh 1:7,8 ______________________

To whom was Jesus being obedient in all that He did? Phil 2:8; Jn 4:34 ______________

As we abide in Jesus, and hold fast to His words, what will be the result? Jn 15:7

Who has been given a name above every other name? Phil 2:9 _____________________
What is something that every tongue in heaven, on earth and under the earth will confess?
Phil 2:10,11 _____________________________________________________________
How high has Jesus Christ been exalted? Rev 3:21; Heb 1:3 _______________________

In the time of His Second Coming to judge the nations and execute the wrath of God,
Rev 19:15, what is the Name that is written on His robe and thigh? Rev 19:16 _________
The word LORD means master, owner, possessor and sovereign ruler? How should
these titles affect us? ______________________________________________________


Is God speaking to you about something in your life that He wants you
to obey Him in? Do not be afraid to obey Him. You will be blessed.

Lordship and Obedience

Obedience to the will of God must naturally follow our recognition of the Lordship of
Christ in our lives. We cannot claim that Jesus is our Lord and still live as we please.
What is more important than the words we speak? Mat 7:21 _______________________
If we hear the Word of God, agree with it, but do not do it, what are we doing to
ourselves? Jam 1:22 _______________________________________________________

What does Jesus expect of us when we call Him Lord? Lk 6:46 _____________________
Obedience a Sign
If we call Jesus LORD and do what He says, what are we proving? Lk 6:46 _________
Furthermore, if we obey Jesus, and keep His commandments, what else does this prove?
Jn 14:15 ________________________________________________________________
If we obey the commandments of Jesus, what will Jesus and the Father do for us?
Jn 14:21,23 ______________________________________________________________

The Security of Obedience

The Lord promises to bless and protect those who will in faith obey His word and do
what He says. Christians are not exempt from trials and problems, but our obedience to
Gods laws will help us overcome in every situation and give us the final victory.
Please read Mat 7:21-27. Who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Mat 7:21 __________
How would you describe someone who says, Lord, Lord, but does not do Gods will?
Now if we are listening to Jesus teachings of Matthew, chapters 5,6,7, and doing them,
how secure will we be through every rain, flood, and storm of life? Mat 7:24,25

What is necessary before we can say that we know God? 1Jn 2:3 ___________________
If we are keeping the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ, what does this prove?
1Jn 3:24 ________________________________________________________________
Gods Commands are not Burdensome
Gods commandments are meant to bless us, not bind us. When we obey His laws, we
will in fact be liberated instead of being limited. It is only in Gods Will that we are
free. What is the way of being a disciple, or obedient follower, of Jesus? Jn 8:31

Obedience is Better than Sacrifice

Nothing else can substitute for obedience. God wants a people who will keep His word
and obey Him at all costs. We will look at the dangers of disobedience to God. Please
read 1Sam 15:1-23. What are Samuels famous words to Saul in 1Sam 15:22,23?
In Ps 40:6-8; Heb 10:5-7, we read of Jesus example to us. What did Jesus delight
Himself in? _____________________________________________________________

What two things follow abiding and being obedient to His will? Jn 8:32 ______________

What was the reason for this delight in Jesus? Ps 40:8 ___________________________

Where is true rest to be found? Mat 11:28 _____________________________________

What is Gods promise to us? Jer 31:33, Heb 8:10 ______________________________


What are the three steps of entering into His rest? Mat 11:29 _______________________
What is the yoke that links us to Jesus as we walk with Him? Mat 11:29; Lk 9:23 ______
How do we show our love to God? 1Jn 5:3 _____________________________________
In what way are Gods commandments described? 1Jn 5:3 ________________________

Why is it better to obey God and do what he says to us? Lk 6:46-49 _________________
If we lay aside sin and receive with meekness the Word of God planted in our heart, what
benefit will we receive? Jam 1:21. ___________________________________________
If we look into the liberating Word of God, Jn 8:32, and continue in it, remembering to
do it, what will be the result? Jam 1:25 ________________________________________

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