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Republic of the Philippines Regional Trial Courts 6th Judicial Region Branch 33 Bacolod City JUANA D !

A CRU" Plaintiff# *$ersus* -AR./ 0ANT/0 Defendant# 1* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 JUD.C.A! A22.DA3.T /2 JUANA D !A CRU" 4 Case No%&''((6) 5 JUR.0D.CT./NA! -ATT R0+ Juana dela Cru6# 3' years old# a business,o7an# presently residing at Unit 89*A of :rand Royal Apart7ent# Barangay &'# !acson 0treet# Bacolod City# Negros /ccidental% Atty% -ar Del -ar# ,ith business address at 8 nd 2loor# -ayfair Buliding# !acson 0treet# Bacolod City# Negros /ccidental as her C/UN0 !% PR !.-.NAR; 0TAT - NT <.# Juana dela Cru6 # the Plaintiff in this case hereby declares+ that . a7 ans,ering =uestions as>ed of 7e and fully conscious that . a7 under oath and that . 7aybe held liable for cri7inal liability for false testi7ony or per?ury%@ AU 0T./N0 AND AN0B R0 &% A C Are the sa7e Juana dela Cru6 ,hose personal circu7stances as abo$e statedD A C ;es 8% A C Are you also the sa7e Juana dela Cru6 the Plaintiff in this case designated as Case No% &''((6)% Ci$il Case No% &''((6) Re+ Unla,ful Detainer

A C ;es

3% A C 0ho,ing to you this co7plaint consisting of 6 pages# is this the case you are referring toD

A C ;es

E% -anifestation+ * Be as> that this co7plaint be 7ar>ed as <A@%


9% /n page & of this co7plaint already 7ar>ed as 1hibit <A@ is ,ritten na7e Juana dela Cru6 and abo$e it is a signature% Bhose signature is this+

A C -ine

6% A C The present address you indicated in your co7plaint as Unit 89*A at :rand Royal Apart7ent is o,ned by ,ho7D

A C . o,ned the :rand Royal Apart7ent%

(% A * Do you ha$e any proof that you are the real o,ner of this propertyD

A C ;es# . ha$e ,ith 7e the land title certificate TCT*&83E9 issued by the Registry of Deeds%

'% -anifestation+ Be as>ed that this land title certificate be 7ar>ed as e1hibit <B@%

)% A * Bhat is the nature of business of the said property that you hadD

A C The apart7ent property is for rent or lease per unit at a rate of 2/UR TF/U0AND TB/ FUNDR D .:FT; 2.3 P 0/0 AND 0 3 NT; /N C NTA3/0 4 P E8'9%(&5 per 7onth% . ha$e the recent -ayorGs Per7it ,hich indicates the nature of business . had%

&H% -anifestation+ Be as>ed that this -ayorGs Per7it for 8H&3 be 7ar>ed as e1hibit <C@

&&% A * Bhat is the na7e of the tenant leasing Unit 89*C of the said propertyD

A C -ario 0antos

&8% A * 2ro7 July 8H&8 to January 8H&3# ho, 7uch did -ario 0antos paid for the rents co$ering on the dates 7entionedD

A C None

&3% A * Bhat ,as the total arrears of rental pay7ent dueD

A * Thirty thousand pesos 4 P 3H#HHH%HH 5%

&E% A * Did you send notices of de7and for pay7ent to the tenant# -ario 0antos for his delin=uencyD A - Yes

&9% A C Fo, 7any de7and letters ,ere you able to send and ,hen ,as the 2inal De7and !etter recei$ed by the DefendantD

A C . ,rote 8 initial de7and letters and a 2.NA! D -AND letter ,hich infor7ed hi7 that his failure to pay ,ill be sub?ected for a legal re7edy% The !ast De7and !etter ,as 7ailed last -ay &'#8H&3%

&6% -anifestation+ Be as>ed the court that this De7and letters be 7ar>ed e1hibit <D*&# D*8# D*3 correspondingly%

&(% A C That despite the repeated de7and letters# the tenant failed to pay the arrearagesD

A * ;es

&'% A * Bhat did you do ne1tD

A C . filed a co7plaint to Barangay &' against the said tenant# -ario 0antos%

&)% A C Bere you able to settle the co7plaint in the BarangayD

A * No# because the defendant failed to appear in the barangay nor ,ith the !UP/N despite ha$ing been infor7ed by the barangay%

8H% A C 0o# ,hat ,as the reco77endation of the !UP/N concerning your co7plaintD

A C The !UP/N at Barangay &' reco77ends the filing of UN!AB2U! D TA.N R against -ario 0antos%

8H% -anifestation+ Be as>ed the court that this !UP/N certificate be 7ar>ed as e1hibit < @%


. F R B; C RT.2; that . ha$e personally conducted the e1a7ination of the abo$e*na7ed ,itnessI that the abo$e =uestions and ans,ers ,ere faithful records of the proceedings and neither . or other persons present ha$e coached the ,itness on his ans,ers%

ATT;% -AR!/N R ; ANAC! T/


1a7ining Counsel


.# Juana dela Cru6# of legal age# 7arried# 2ilipino citi6en# and a resident of UN.T 89*A of :rand Royal Apart7ents # !acson 0treet# Barangay &'# Bacolod City hereby ,itnesseth+

That . a7 the abo$e na7ed ,itnessI that . ha$e $oluntarily sub7itted 7yself to the foregoing e1a7ination and all 7y ans,ers thereto are true and correct based on authentic docu7ents%

.N B.TN 00 BF R /2# . hereby sign 7y na7e this 2ebruary &6# 8H&E at Bacolod City# Philippines%

JUANA D !A CRU" Affiant

0UB0CR.B D AND 0B/RN to before 7e this JJJJJJJJJJ at Bacolod City# Philippines affiant e1hibiting his JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ issued on JJJJJJJJ at JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ%

Doc% No% JJJJ Page No% JJJ Boo> No% JJJ 0eries of JJJJJ

Atty% :abriel Nestia BAR Roll No. 26631- 2010 PTR No. 217634/1-6-04, Bacolod City IBP Rec. No. 500300/12-29-12/Bacolod

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