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Lnsstr. 2, 30175 Hannover, Telephone: 0511 54 54 56 43 Mobile: 0151 63159049 !ail: "hera#a$%%&'!ail.(o!

M)ha!!a* "hera# +$ra!

Personal Profile
+ proa(tive, pro*)(tive an* res)lts,*riven in*ivi*)al, -ith an arra. o/ s$ills *evelope* thro)'h a *iverse ran'e o/ 0)sto!er /a(in' roles, ()rrentl. see$in' to *evelop a (areer -ithin the retail environ!ent )tilisin' e1istin' e1perien(e. +pproa(hable, -ith e1(ellent interpersonal, (o!!)ni(ation an* ne'otiation s$ills, pro!otin' 'oo* -or$in' relationships -ith (ollea')es an* people 2 en'a'e -ith. 0on/i*ent -or$in' )ns)pervise* an* (o!petent or'anisin' !. o-n -or$loa*. 3e(eptive to (onsoli*atin' e1istin' s$ills4 a((o!plishe* in s)pervisor. an* assistant !ana'e!ent roles to e1pan* responsibilit. an* /)rther (areer prospe(ts.

Skills and Attributes

5)alit. 0)sto!er "ervi(e Hi'hl. e//e(tive (o!!)ni(ation an* interpersonal s$ills Mana'e!ent an* s)pervisor. e1perien(e 0o!p)ter Literate 6 Mi(roso/t 7or*, 1(el, 2nternet an* !ail servi(es +ttention to *etail an* vis)al !er(han*isin' *ispla. "tron' 8)!eri(al, ti!e,!ana'e!ent an* or'anisational s$ills +*aptable, /le1ible able to !)lti,tas$ e//e(tivel. 1perien(e in so(ial (are

Employment History
Shell Ltd, London 2008 2006 -

e!eptionist"Administrator - 9aine* rapi* pro!otion4 responsible /or vario)s !ana'erial tas$s in(l)*in' trainin' sta//4 3esponsible /or !eetin' b)*'etar. an* sales tar'ets thro)'h !otivatin' an* *evelopin' sta//, (onsistentl. a(hievin' an* s)rpassin' :e. ;er/or!an(e 2n*i(ators4 ;' a pivotal role in the 'ro-th o/ the sites rapi* /)el sales4 ")pportin' !ana'e!ent an* sta// to help (reate their o-n s)((ess/)l an* pro*)(tive tea!4 Ma1i!isin' ever. sales opport)nit. b. pro!otin' the hi'hest stan*ar*s o/ ()sto!er (are an* re(o'nisin' potential *evelop!ent an* trainin' opport)nities4 3esponsible /or the openin' an* (losin' o/ the site -hi(h in(l)*es ta$in' *eliveries, sto($ (he($, pla(in' or*ers an* *ealin' -ith h)n*re*s o/ ()sto!ers a *a.. Lloyds #S$ Pl!, London 200% 2008 -

&ashier"&ustomer Ad'isor - <asi( tas$s in(l)*e* the han*lin' o/ !one., *ealin' -ith ()sto!er =)eries an* (' o)t transa(tions in a ti!el. an* e//i(ient !anner -ith the hi'hest stan*ar*s o/ ()sto!er (are. The >ob also involve* several (leri(al tas$s s)(h as', /ilin' an* or'anisin' (he($s, *eposit slips an* en*orse!ents. ?//erin' spe(ial pro!otions an* ()rren(. e1(han'e -ere also !. tas$s alon' -ith )sin' a (o!p)terise* s.ste! to e//e(tivel. !ana'e all ()sto!er =)eries.

Lnsstr. 2, 30175 Hannover, Telephone: 0511 54 54 56 43 Mobile: 0151 63159049 !ail: "hera#a$%%&'!ail.(o!

M)ha!!a* "hera# +$ra!

(ualser' &onsultin) Ltd, London 20** 20*0 -

Passen)er Assistant , The 'eneral *)ties o/ this role -ere to ens)re the (o!/ort an* sa/et. o/ all passen'ers. +s a ;+, !. role -as to ens)re all passen'ers -ere es(orte* /ro! their pi($ )p point to the *rop o//, in a ti!el. an* sa/e -a. an* to !ini!ise an. *is(o!/ort that (o)l* o(()r. This involve* -or$in' -ith el*erl. an* v)lnerable people.

+arks and Spen!er Pl!, London 20*2

20** -

Se!tion +ana)er - This role -as !)(h li$e an assistant !ana'erial role. 2n assistan(e -ith another se(tion !ana'er 2 ha* to loo$ a/ter the shop /loor, *eal -ith ()sto!er (o!plaints@re/)n*s, an* !a$e (onstant sto($ (he($s on -hat -e ()rrentl. ha* in store an* -hat nee*e* to be or*ere*. 2n a((or*an(e -ith sto($ (he($s, *ate (he($s also nee*e* to be *one /or ite!s soon to e1pire alon' -ith the !ana'e!ent o/ 20 sta// -hi(h in(l)*e* se!i,trainin'. 2 also ha* to sit *o-n -ith the store !ana'er an* assess /inan(ial reports -ith !. re(o!!en*ations on ho- to !a1i!i#e 'ro-th in (o!petition -ith other stores. The overall *)t. -as to ens)re a s!ooth *a. to *a. r)nnin' o/ the store an* to han*le all other 'eneral en=)iries.

Edu!ation and (ualifi!ations

Leyton 6th ,orm, Leyton, London 2 A Le'els * AS Le'el <)siness "t)*ies, 2.0.T La*%%% 200- - 2006

.orlin)ton S!hool, Leyton, London 200 % /&SE passes 2n(l)*in'

n'lish, Mathe!ati(s an* "(ien(e

2n !. spare ti!e 2 en>o. so(ialisin' -ith /rien*s, *inin' o)t' *i//erent t.pes o/ /oo*s. 2 li$e spen*in' ti!e -ith /a!il. a(tivities an* events. 2 have a $een interest in rea*in' an* li$e to rea* both /i(tion an* non,/i(tion. 2 also tr. to $eep /it as o/ten as possible an* visit the '.! -hen ti!e allo-s.

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