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Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea 1. Information Collection 2. Preparation Stage 3. Visa Application Process 4. Arrival in Korea Chapter 2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure 1. Koreas Language Education System 2. Higher Education in Korea 3. Secondary Education Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea 1. Immigration Guide 2. Housing 3. Transportation 4. Insurance 5. Banking 6. Communication Facilities 7. Postal Service 8. Garbage Disposal 9. Religion 10. Leisure Activities 11. Festivals in Korea 12. Libraries & Bookstores 13. Part-time Work 14. Full-time Employment 15. Tips on Safety 30 41 47 58 61 63 69 72 73 74 86 90 91 94 96
Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Subway Lines Check-list Practical Korean Contacts of Main Organizations Appendix 5 List of Korea Universites 1 2 3 4

6 7 8 14

17 21 29

Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea

Information Collection
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Once you have decided to study in Korea, it is important to collect practical information and to begin preparations. Many international offices of Korean universities and study-abroad organizations provide lots of information on their websites where you can search and acquire such information. The most recent information on Korea, its education system, universities & colleges, and education exhibitions are offered at (which is serviced in 11 languages - Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and French

Especially, National Institute for International Education(NIIED) provides most up to date information regarding Korea, education system, study in Korea, colleges & universities and education exhibition etc. In addition, NIIED operates the comprehensive Study In Korea Information Management System(SIMS) website( where prospective students can find information about college(undergraduate/graduate) admission application and visa application inquiry services. This site is available in 11 languages; Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Turkish, Spanish, Arabian, French. You can also find more information about Korea and study in Korea on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at

In addition, National Institute for International Education holds education exhibitions overseas every year in cooperation with the Korean Ministry of Education and universities abroad. As university staff members participate in these education fairs, all information concerning studying in Korea such as the Korean education system, curricula, training, scholarship, housing, and others are available.

Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea

Tip NIIED International Student Service Center

The service center operated by the National Institute for International Education(NIIED) provides foreign students with counseling and assistance for their successful studies in Korea as well as with a wide range of information about studying in Korea

*Contents : Information on studying in Korea, scholarships, entrance examination, life in korea, etc *Target : Foreigners studying in Korea or interested in studying in Korea *Service Hours (telephone and Visit)
- English or Chinese : 9 a.m~6 p.m Monday~Friday Office closed on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays - Vietnamese : Monday 13:00~18:00 - Japanese : Wednesday 13:00~18:00 - Mongolian : Thursday 13:00~18:00 - Russian : Friday 13:00~18:00
Online counseling is available throughout the year.

English : 82-2-3668-1490, Chinese : 82-2-3668-1491, Vietnamese : 82-2-3668-1492, Japanese : 82-2-3668-1492, Mongolian : 82-2-3668-1492, Russian : 82-2-3668-1492,

FAX : 82-2-764-1327

Preparation Stage

It is crucial to obtain all necessary information regarding school admission including required qualifications, application procedures and documents, and estimated cost for a successful studyabroad program in Korea. Korean colleges and universities offer many different programs that can differ accordingly in their course lengths so it is important to collect various aspects of information about the desired program. The admission period for spring is between September and November, and for fall, it is between May and June. The exact application period may start at different times depending on universities, thus it is important to check application schedules and deadlines in advance.

Admission Qualifications for Post-secondary Schools

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Course Junior College Undergraduate Master's Course Ph. D Course

Qualifications Foreigners who have completed courses of primary and secondary education abroad (12 years total) Foreigners who have completed courses of primary and secondary education abroad (12 years total) For those who have completed courses of primary and secondary education abroad and have a B.A. Degree For those who have completed courses of primary and secondary education abroad and have a B.A. Degree

Course Length 2~3 years 4~6 years 2 years or more 2 years or more 1 semester~1 year 1 semester~1 year

Exchange Student Anyone enrolled at a partner university Study at a Korea university on an exchange program with the home Short-term university or / and a student on leave or graduate from the home Self-funded Study university Vacation Study for Foreigners Foreign students participating in programs related to Korean Language or Korean studies held during the summer or winter vacations

2~3 months

 In case of a student from a country with an under-12-year school system, he or she should submit the documentary evidence that includes the proof of the completion of the whole courses of his or her elementary and middle schools such as diplomas to the president of the college or the university he or she would like to enroll in.

Visa Application Procedures

Anyone who wants to study abroad must obtain a student visa from a Korean Embassy or Consulate in their country residence after preparing all required documents to enter Korea when one receives an admission letter. The type of VISA required differs according to what kind of course (Korean language training, regular degree, research, or exchange student at) will be taken at a university in the Republic of Korea. For a student visa, applicants require a D-2 Visa (for a degree that is higher than a professional school, research course, and exchange student course) and a D-4 Visa (Korean language study at language school in University. For more information on student visas, please visit the website of the Korea Immigration Service (http://
 If a visa applicant is Chinese or Cuban, he/she should apply for a student visa at diplomatic offices abroad (Korean embassy or consulate) after receiving a Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance issued by the local immigration service (local office). However, if a Chinese citizen enters Korea as an exchange student based on a student exchange agreement with a Korean university, the applicant can directly apply for a student visa at a Korean diplomatic or consular office at the overseas college where a Chinese student is enrolled (If the applicant enters Korea as an exchange student, Chinese nationals can receive a visa directly from an overseas diplomatic office and enter Korea. But this is only limited to students who have studied more than one semester at a 4-year-degree college or graduate school level. If the applicant is an exchange student through a student exchange program among community colleges, he/she should receive a Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance to enter Korea.).

(1) Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance

Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea

To simplify the visa issuance procedure and period, the Korean Government operates an improved visa issuance certificate system with which the inviter living in Korea applies to Korea Immigration Service( for the visa issuance for the foreign invitee, and the certificate of visa issuance is issued to the invitee, and then the Korean Embassy (or Consulate) issues the visa. Except some special cases (such as overseas job training & employment, overseas Koreans, sightseeing and permanent residence), the Korean Government demands all foreigners who would like to stay in Korea for a long time to get the certificate of visa issuance before the visa application procedure. To obtain the Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance, the student himself or an inviter, who is in Korea (head of school which is planned to enter), must submit all required documents for visa issue and apply for a visa issue permit at the local immigration service (or branch office). If a foreigner who receives a Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (number) submits it (number) to the Korean governmental office in the applicant's country, one can receive the visa quickly. Its effective period is 3 months and it is only effective for that Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance.
Visa may be more familiar to readers, but it is called Sajeong as a formal term by the Department of Justice in Korea. Both terms will thus be used interchangeably hereafter.

1. Foreigner to enter Korea 2.Inviter

1. Foreigner to enter Korea

Applicant Handing Authorities Immigration Office Acceptance Applicant Handing Authorities Embassy/Consulate Acceptance

Procedure Flow Diagram for Certificate of Visa(Sajeung) Issuance

Submissin Documents
Passport  Application of Certificate for Recognition of vise lssuance Other Document

Submissin Documents
 Application of Visa Issuance  Certificate for Recognition of vise lssuance Passoport Other Document



Permission Issuance of Visa /Issuance

Issuance Issuance of Visa Issuance Pemission

Procedure with in Korea

Procedure to Embassy / Consulate

(2) Student visa (D-2)

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Who is eligible?
A foreigner who desires to receive a regular course of education (undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D.) or to research in specific area at a two-year college, university, graduate school (including graduate school in evening time), which is established by the Higher Education Act, or at academic research institute that is established and regulated by the Special Act and higher education than a two-year college

How to apply?
Applicant submits a visa application form to a Korean embassy or consulate.

Required documents:
- Passport - Application for visa issuance or application for Certificate of Confirmation of Visa Issuance -F  ee (2012): US$50 or equivalent (single entry visa) or US$80 or equivalent amount (multiple entry visa - Standard admission permit, which includes scholastic aptitude and financial capability - Certificate of Business registration as educational institute (copy of ID certificate) - Original or copy of certificate of transcript of highest educational qualification -P  roof of financial support (such as proof of more than US$12,000 or US$13,000(Capital city) of deposit account balance, or certificate of domestic remittance, etc)
I f scholarship on standard admission permit can prove domestic stay expense, it can be replaced by certificate of scholarship after review.

-C  ertificate of residence or family register (only applicable to Chinese, and all family members should be stated.) -D  ocuments regarding scholastic exchange program or agreement between universities (only applicable to exchange students) -P  ersonal reference (If an applicant cannot prove its ability to pay for its own expenses, such as tuition, during stay, or if Minister of Justice Department specially requires)
Certificate  of Confirmation of Visa Issuance or issuance number is provided, the applicant can submit only his/her passport, application for visa issuance, and Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (or Confirmation of visa issuance number).

(3) Visa for language training (D-4-1)

Who is eligible?
- If anyone wants to enroll for a regular Korean study program (only recognizing regular daytime courses) at language school at university level
Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea

How to apply
Applicant himself submits a visa application form to Korean embassy or consulate.

Required document:
- Visa (Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance. Copy of visa when application is submitted) - Application form for visa issue or application for a visa issue permit -F  ee (as of 2012): US$50 or equivalent amount (single entry visa) or US$80 or equivalent (multiple entry visa) -A  Certificate of Admission which contains the decision result of academic competency and financial support
 If one is a holder of an 'invitation' issued by the National Institute for International Education, the Certificate of Admission can be omitted.


- Original or copy of certificate of transcript on the highest education

 If anyone has completed one's educational course which is equivalent to a 2nd half of semester in the 3rd year of domestic high school, it can substitute for a diploma with transcript or expected diploma.

- Business registration as an educational institution (copy of certificate of unique number) - Documents to prove domestic living expenses (If it is for a three-month regular course admission, it is more than US$5,000 of domestic remittance or certificate of foreign exchange) -P  ersonal reference (If an applicant cannot prove its ability to pay for its own expense, such as tuition, during his/her stay, or if the Minister of Justice Department specially requires it) -C  ertificate of residence or family register (only applicable to Chinese and all family members should be stated.)
 However, if the Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance or Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance is received, the applicant can submit only a passport, application for visa issue, and Certificate for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (or Confirmation of visa issuance number).

17] < 2010.11.16>

( )


(CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE No : 1. Surname PHOTO 3.54.5 2. Given Names 6. Nationality 8. Home Address 9. Phone No. 11. E-mail 13. Passport No. 15. Place of Issue 18. Occupation 10. Mobile Phone No. 12. National Identity No. 14. Classification 16. Date of Issue , , , , DP(), OF(), OR(), OTHERS() 17. Date Of Expiry 3. 5. Date of Birth 7. Country of Birth The Guidebook for Foreign Students ) 4. Gender [ ]M [ ]F

19. Business Phone No.


20. Name and Address of Present Employer 21.[ ] married [ ] widowed [ ] Single [ ] divorced

Marital status

22. Spouse's Name 24. Spouse's Nationality

23. Spouse's Date of Birth 25. Spouse's Phone No. 27. Potential Length of Stay 29. Previous Visit (If Any) 31. Phone No. in Korea

26. Purpose of Entry 28. Potential Date of Entry 30. Address in Korea 32. Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay?

33. 5 Countries You Have Travelled During The Past 5 Years Please note that C-series visa holders are not able to change their residential status after entry into Republic of Korea pursuant to the first clause of article 9 of Immigration Regulation 34. Accompanying Family 35. Guarantor or Reference in Korea Relationship Nationality Name Date of bitrh Gender




Date of bitrh


I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. DATE OF APPLICATION SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
210mm297mm((2) 60g/)

(2, 3 )


(APPLICATION No.) : Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea



China University / Prof. (TEL) 123-456-7890




Korea University / Prof. (TEL.) 02-123-4567 010-1234-5678

Korea Seoul


(Consent for sharing of administrative information) 211 . I, the undersigned, hereby consent to allow all documents and information required for the processing of this application to be viewed by the public servant in charge. As specified under E-government Law, section 21, article 1. . . (I agree) (I disagree. I will present all related documents myself) Applicant ( ) (sign/seal) deputy of applicant ( ) (sign/seal)

(REASON FOR INVITATION) : (DESIRED PERIOD OF INVITATION) : (WORK AT) : 172 . I hereby apply for confirmation of visa issuance, pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 17 of the provisions for enforcement of the Immigration Law. : 2010 . 07. 08. (SIGNATURE) (DATE OF APPLICATION) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ,

: : : :

Arrival in Korea


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(1) Entry
(a) Preparing Documents : F  ill out declarations form given in flight by the flight attendants in order to expedite arrival procedures
Quarantine Questionnaire

 Passengers and crew who have been to countries intected by cholera, yellow lever or pests must fill this out


Arrival Card

 Starting from November 1. 2005, Korea citizens need only to fill out and submit a departure card and foreign citizens need only to fill out and arrival card for passport control in Korea  All arriving passengers from foreign countries must prepare and submit a customs declaration form. When traveling with family, only one customs declaration form needs to be filled out

Customs Declaration Form

(b) Customs Declaration Form : A  ll arriving passengers from foreign countries must prepare and submit a customs declaration form - When travelling with family, only one customs declaration form needs to be filled out. - Fill out the Customs declaration form and declare corresponding items, and also remember to enter travelers name, date of birth, and other personal information. - Customs Declaration forms may be filled out in the arrival area of the airport, but in order to expedite the process, it is highly recommended the forms be completed before landing.
P  rohibited products to bring in : guns, illegal drugs, unauthorized medicine, adult toys, uninspected animals, unclaimed jewelry, expensive clothes, and electronics

(c) Immigration - Korean nationals do not have to complete the arrival card but visitors do. - Prepare your passport, arrival card, and other documents, and queue at the immigration counter to submit all documents to the immigration officer. (d) Baggage Claim : A  fter passing through immigration, please check the large monitor screens to find your baggage carousel number, and then take the escalator down to the 1st floor. (e) Attention : I f your baggage cannot be located, proceed to the lost baggage counter for assistance. Oversized baggage must be retrieved at the oversize baggage carousel.

(2) To & From the Airport

(a) Limousine Bus Many limousine buses to Seoul or other cities are available at the Incheon Airport. You can buy tickets and also can get information at the Bus Ticketing Booth: Exit 4 and 9 (indoors) & Exit 4, 6, 7, 8, 11,13, and 9C (outdoors). The one-way ticket to Seoul usually costs 13,000KRW and to Daejeon, 22,100KRW, to Daegu, 34,100KRW, to Gwangju 30,900KRW, and to Busan 42,400KRW.
Chapter 1_ The Road to Korea

Entrance - Floor 1

Local Bus Shuttle Bus



Groups Bus 1C passenger Car International Taxi 3C

Groups Bus

passenger Car

Shuttle Bus

Emergency Incheon


2A 3A Shuttle Bus 2B 3B 4A


4D 5C













5B 6A








Seoul 11B 10B 12A 11A 10A


12B 13B 13A






10 11




Passenger Terminar 1st Floor (Arrival Area)

Airport Information Center

Ticket Offices


Ticket Offices

* Internet booking for local bus ticket: * Schedule for Seoul and Gyeonggi-do: (Tel: 1577-2600)

(b) Airport Railroad To go to Seoul, you can use the Airport Railroad located in the Transportation Center (on B1F). The fare from Incheon Airport to Seoul Station costs 3,950KRW for the commuter trains and 14,500KRW for the express trains.
l na al atio min ern er Int go T n o ar he t C o Inc por se Air Un

G m eo am G y ye an g

po Air po



5 Lin

D al igt Me



y Cit 2 6 5 iv. n n 6 un e e ok Un ine e isu isu L Lin nguis de Lin ik gu Lin ngu ng ng on o o Ho Go Gy Gy Gy




4 on gu



AREX Express Incheon International Airport Seoul Station

Transfer IRT1(lncheon Rapid Transit)

Line 5 Line 9

Line 2 Line 6 Line 4

Line 1 KTX Kyonguisun

(c) Taxi Taxi Stands: Taxi stands are located on the arrival level (1F) at the passenger terminal between platform 4D and 8C.


Emergency Incheon



Taxi Stands
4D 5C
6C 6D 7C 8C 9C

14C 13C 9D

2A 3A Shuttle Bus 2B 3B 4A







5B 6A








12B 13B Seoul 11B 13A 10B 12A 11A 10A


Shuttle Bus







10 11





The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Passenger Terminar 1st Floor (Arrival Area)

Airport Information Center

Ticket Offices


Ticket Offices

4D International Taxi 5C Deluxe Jumbo Taxi

Seoul Taxi

Gyonggi Taxi

Yeongiong/Yougy Taxi

Incheon Taxi

8C Deluxe


Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

Korean education is a single-track of 6-3-3-4 system. Its compulsory education is nine years in cluding six years of elementary school and three years of middle school. One academic year has two semesters, first from March to August and second from September to February. There are two vacations, summer from July to August and winter from December to February.

Koreas Language Education System

Korean language courses are available at a Korea language institute which many Korean universities offer or at some free Korean language courses. a. University Language Institutes Enrollment at a university language institute is the most preferred method for most students who seek university level education in Korea. The student receives 15 to 20 hours of language education each week during the 10 to 12 week long course. The fee is typically around 950,000 to 1,500,000 Korean won. Most courses are aimed at adult students. Some courses have special culture events where students can occasionally visit local cultural sites.

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

(1) Admission Procedures F  illing out the Application form -> Document Examination -> Tuition fee payment -> Admission approval -> Document Issued -> Visa Application/Extension (2) Example of Admission Documents


* Application form * Copy of passport * Passport photo * Certificate of bank balance and certificate of proof of bank balance(US$ 5,000 or more) * 1 copy of the last educational diploma or degree received * Authorized identification * Application fee

(3) Example of the levels of Korean language programs

Learning Korean characters, phonetic value and characterisitcs of syllable structure. Beginners (Elementary 1A) Understanding of basic words and simple sentences and improving the ability to express oneself.

Elementary 1

Learning Korea characters, phonetic value, and syllable structure characteristics. Learning basic words and configuration, basic sentence structures that are essential in everyday life  Acquiring the ability of greeting, self introduction, shopping, ordering food, expressing date and time and other conversations that are necessary in basic life  Acquiring and correcting exact pronunciation and learning to distinguish phonological changes.  Acquiring essential connection and word endings, as well as passive form sentences, causative form sentences, and indirect speech grammar.  Acquiring a little more complicated conversation for everyday life such as making phone calls, reservations, using the post office and bank.  Learning basic vocabulary needed to perform everyday tasks such as general phenomena of society, as well as using public facilities.  Learning complicated postpositions, connections and word endings, as well as supporting words.  Learning to make a conversation about familiar social material and to understand advertisements, interviews, and weather forecasts.  Acquiring language features of description, advising, and refusing, necessary to maintain social relationships.  Acquiring onomatopoeic, mimetic word, proverb, basic current event vocabulary, metaphysical vocabulary and current event terminology that are frequently used.  Complete complicated postpositions, word ending conjugation systems and learn various meanings as well as their use.  Understanding Korean culture through general current events in the newspaper and on TV. Learn to judge comprehensively and logically opinions toward social problems.  Acquiring various idioms and loan words, and learn social phenomenon, related metaphysical vocabulary, and current event vocabulary.  Learning to preview materials concerning politics, the economy, society, and culture and learn relatively easy literature.  Covers a wide range of the overall problems related to politics, economy, society, and culture through discussion. Acquiring the language featues of summarizing, demonstrating, convincing, needed for tasks. Learning extensive vocabulary, slang, argot, and abbreviations of professional fields.  Acquiring the ability fluently and accurately, in relation to the professional field, to be able to enter a school and gain employment. Write a treatise after researching reference materials and finding information about a topic.  Preparing to enter University or graduate school, and getting a job, setting a native speaker proficiency goal, acquiring the ability to study not only cultural subjects but also academic classes.  Learning in-depth vocabulary and grammar, translation and reading of cultural books, listening activity through multi-media and power point production practice, key learning of composition through various topics of writing covered during that day.

Elementary 2
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Internnediate 1

Intermediate 2

Advanced 1

Advanced 2

Immersion Class

T  o enroll in a course offered by a university language institute, students must have a Visa (typically type D-4). The admission approval certificate from the language institute and an ID is also necessary to get a visa. Because different rules apply for Korean embassies in different parts of the world, researching about the details first is recommended.

Tip_ Just  in case you decide to move to different language institute during the course, it is wise to have
full knowledge of the refund policies of the program in advance.

b. Free Korean Lectures National Institute for International Education offers its Korean language education system(KOSNET) to foreign students who would like to learn Korean by themselves. As an online-based learning system that helps foreigners or overseas Koreans who don't know Korean to learn it anytime anywhere, KOSNET is offered to you for free at the KOSNET website (http://

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

And some foreigner support institutes such as Seoul Global Center and private organization for foreign workers offer free Korean language classes.
Free education organizations Seoul global center Migrant workers welfare society in Korea Contact/Homepage
* 02-2075-4780 * (Kor/Eng/Chi/Jap) * 02-858-4115~8 * (Kor) * 02-6900-8000 * - Korean courses for Migrant Workers and International Married Women - 2 semesters, beginners/intermediate/advanced/KLPT - Weekday class- Tue, Thu/week, 2hrs each - Weekend class-Sunday, 4sessions /2hrs each * 02-2151-6500 * - 4 different levels of Korea courses - Classes at Mon/Wed/Fri * : 02-3672-9472 * - Sunday classes for foreign workers - Free lecture, but fee for the teaching materials (About 15000 Korean) Many district offices offer Korean classes. The schedule for the classes is different for each district office.


Korea migrant's center

Korea foundation volunteer network

"With migrants" Korea foundation volunteer network

Some Korean universities offer free offline education as well as online education, for example; Paichai University ( and Sogang University ( Other chances of free Korean classes also exist, from the KBS World program by KBS (, and the study Korean program. ( c. TOPIK: Test of Proficiency in Korean The Korean government demands a certain level of English or Korean from international students because basic English or Korean skills are needed in order to have a comfortable stay in Korea.
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Therefore, every foreign student who would like to have a 4-year university degree or 2~3-year college in Korea is required to submit his or her TOPIK score (level 3 or higher) accompanied by the admission documents to the corresponding college or university and reach level 4 or higher to graduate. Nevertheless, you don't need to acquire the level 4 if you are in a certain designated English level (such as PBT 550, CBT 210, iBT 80, TEPS 550 or higher) and your courses are given in English. For more information, please ask your college or university. For exchange students, government invited students, foreign government supported students, Korean language students, art & physical education applicants, the required test scores may be alleviated; For more information, please ask your college or university. The Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) is aimed at providing the direction for the study of the Korean language to foreigners who don't speak Korean as their native language and evaluating their Korean language speaking ability to use the evaluation result for their study abroad and employment. TOPIK that had once been administered by the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation has been transferred to the National Institute for International Education since 2011. The test is held in 177 test centers in 62 countries including 20 test centers in Korea. The test is held five times a year (in January, April, July, October and November), and the yearly test schedule is notified on the TOPIK website at the beginning of every year. The levels are divided into six different levels: Beginner (Levels 1 and 2), Intermediate (Levels 3 and 4), and Advanced (Levels 5 and 6). For more information about the test, please refer to the TOPIK website(


Higher Education in Korea

Higher education institutions in Korea are largely divided into junior colleges(2~3 year program), universities(4-year program) and graduate schools. In recent years, with the development of information and communication technologies, cyber universities that deliver education in the format of e-Learning are also growing. Graduate-level programs (Master's and Doctoral degree programs) are generally provided at 4-year universities. But recently, separate 'graduate schools' are also being established to exclusively offer graduate programs with no affiliation to universities. By establishment type, Korean universities are divided into national universities that are established and operated by the central government, public universities that are established by local governments, and private universities that are founded by private non-profit educational foundations. To promote quality assurance, the Ministry of Education imposes certain requirements for higher education institutions with regard to faculty composition, curriculum, facilities, degree conferment, etc. Therefore, all private universities which take up the largest share of higher education institutions in Korea are regular educational institutions that have fulfilled the ministry's requirements for establishment and have acquired official accreditation. The Ministry of Education and Korean universities have been actively promoting Study in Korea with a view to gaining international competitiveness and international exchanges and cooperation. As of December 1, 2012, there are roughly 89 thousand international students studying in Korea, among which 64,000 are in degree programs. a. Universities & Colleges Korean universities and colleges offer the following courses.
Foreign students can join a degree program offered during the regular semesters with Korean students. Degree programs are instructed either in Korean or English, After completion, a degree is granted. Most of higher education institutions offer student exchange programs based on the academic agreements with universities overseas. Universities run summer and winter schools offering regular courses and Korean language courses. As many Korean unviersities are keen on internationalization, approximately 30% of courses are taught in English, Some universities have Department of lnternational Studies which teaches all the courses in English. Many universities run Korean language institutes to offer Korean language courses. Short intensive courses for three to four weeks aim to improve communication skills. 10 to 40 week intensive programs improve student's communication skills through many practical assignments and cultural activities, which will also enhance student's understanding about Korea.

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure


Degree Program Exchange Student Program Summer/Winter Program Courses taugh in English

Korean Language Courses

b. Graduate Schools Graduate schools are divided into general graduate schools within universities which offer academic programs, and professional graduate schools which offer practical skills. Master's programs require two or more years of study, and 24 academic credits in general. Upon earning all required credits, students must pass a qualification exam, after which they should write and submit their Master's thesis. Doctoral programs require three or more years of study, and 36 credits in general. After earning all required credits, students must pass a comprehensive qualification exam and write a Doctoral thesis. Graduate schools also offer post-doctoral programs for those who want to continue research after acquiring a doctoral degree. c. Admission to Universities and Graduate Schools (1) General Admission Procedure for Foreign Students


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Selection of university and department. Visit website of each university make inquires at Korean embassy in home country (refer to Meet requirements and prepare documents for entrance application

Admission Preparation step

Send entrance application and related documents

Receive entry confimation

Prepare necessary visa documents (Make inquires at Korean embassy in home country, visit website - www.immigration.

Immigration Preparation Apply for visa

Acquire visa

(2) Documents Needed For Application

* application form * self-introduction and study plan * letter of recommendation * academic record at previous institution and proof of graduation * photocopy of passport or proof of nationality * proof of Korean and English ability * portfolio, videotape, etc. (for arts and physical education applicants only) * documents proving financial stability

- proof of the students or financial guarantors bank balance (maintained for at least one month), domestic remittance, or currency certificate of the amount equivalent to or larger than the average annual expenses for tuition and living - certificate of property tax payment - pledge to bear study expenses, etc

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

 Documents required and application deadlines are all different for each university. Refer to each universitys certificate of property tax payment homepage for details. I nformation related to other universities and majors can be found at D  epending on the document (mostly involving the certificate proving the highest level of education) some places might require translation authentication or an Apostille confirmation. * Apostille :  A system that allows foreign documents to be used without the confirmation of the Korean embassy. Over 100 countries are involved in the Apostille system.


(3) Application Period For spring semester, applications are accepted during the previous September- November period. For the fall semester, applications are accepted during May-June period. Many university applications can be found and completed on the Internet. Undergraduate admission can be divided into two cases. Normal entrance requires the completion of high school education. Transfer between universities requires a certain amount of credits from the transferring school or completion of undergraduate study. (4) Application Methods Although most universities use documents and scores to determine a students level of competence, some universities prefer to conduct interviews or require that student applicants take specially prepared tests.

d. Fees for Studying in Korea Students should consider the tuition fees before selecting the desired university at which to study. Typically, national universities have lower tuition fees than private universities. Since tuition fees may differ depending on colleges or universities, you need to confirm in advance the tuition fees for the college or the university you would like to enter. Fees for Studying Abroad
Type of University By Related Subject
Humanities - related The Guidebook for Foreign Students Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad. Undergrad Grad.

Cost(USD, per semester)

$2,000-2,300 $2,500-2,700 $2,500-2,800 $3,000-3,300 $2,800-3,000 $3,500-3,800 $4,300-4,400 $4,000-5,100 $3,000-3,500 $3,800-4,000 $4,000-5,000 $5,000-6,000 $4,000-5,000 $5,000-6,000 $5,000-6,000 $6,500-7,000

Sciences - related National University Tuition Fees Fine Arts - related

Medicine - related

Humanities - related

Sciences - related Private University Tuition Fees Fine Arts - related


Medicine - related

Application Fee


A  pplication fees differ from university to university. Many universities have scholarships for foreign students.

For a comfortable stay in Korea during the study period, we recommend considering the cost for transportation, study materials, dorm fees and etc. Below is an example. List of Costs
Screening fee Korean language class Dormitory $50 ~ $150 10weeks $1,000 ~ $1,400, 3weeks : $800 Room shared by 4 $300 ~ $800 (per semester) Room shared by 2 $600 ~ $1,000 (per semester) Dorm fees vary depending on whether food is included or not About $300 per month at the school cafeteria A meal in the school cafeteria typically costs around $2.5 ~ $3 $300 per month (Security deposit $3,000 ~ $5,000) $300 ~ $500 per month $20 per month $40 per month Base fare for subway/bus : $1.0 $30 per month Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

Estimated Fee(USD)

Food Rent (outside school) Boarding House Medical insurance Transportation lnternet

O  ther fees depend heavily on whether the campus is located in a metropolis or a suburb. Thus, determining the exact location of the campus in advance is recommended.

e. Scholarships (1) Scholarships in universities Many Korean universities run a variety of scholarship programs for foreign students. Most universities support foreign students for 30-100% of their tuition depending on their academic results. See the website for guidance on scholarships from universities: www. Example of merit scholarships (by a private university in Seoul)
Undergraduate Graduate School

Scholarship Amount
At least 30% of tuition 100% of tuition 80% of tuition 100% of tuition, free dormitory

Excellent students Excellent students recommended by faculties Those recommended by faculties Excellent students Excellent students Excellent students

International Graduate School

100% of tuition 50% of tuition

Example of merit scholarships (by a private university outside of Seoul)

Example of merit scholarships (by a private university outside of Seoul)


Scholarship Amount
50% of tuition 30~70%of tuition depending on GPA 100% of tuition

Excellent students Excellent students recommended by faculties Excellent students recongnized by foreign professors, national research centers, researchers or faculties Different scholarship depending on the language ability Excellent students

Graduate School

80% of tuition 50% of tuition

(2) Scholarships from the Korean government Various ministries of the Korean government run scholarship programs for foreign students and are gradually increasing their quotas. At present, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide scholarships for foreign students.
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

1) Global korea scholarships (

Korea Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students
Eligibility Fields supported Period of support Support provided Quota Application dates
Countries with Diplomatic Relations with Korea (The number of beneficiary countries may vary each year.) All Fields 2 years for Masters, 3 years for Ph. D Round trip air fare, Tuition fees, living costs of 900,000 Won per month, research expenses of 420,000 Won per year for the field of Humanities and 480,000 Won per year for the fields of science, and medical insurance provided. 000 people January - February


Korea Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students

Eligibility Fields supported Period of support Support provided Quota Application dates
Countries with Diplomatic Relations with Korea (The number of beneficiary countries may vary each year.) All Fields 4 years for Undergraduate, 1 year for Korean language study provided separately Round trip air fare, Tuition fees, living costs 800,000 Won per month, medical insurance provided. 000 people September - October

Scholarship for Outstanding Self - Financed Foreign Students

Eligibility Fields supported Period of support Support provided Quota Application dates
Foreign students All Fields 1 year - Living expenses : 500,000 won per month - Career counseling and participation in culture experience camp 200 foreign students January~February

Scholarship for Outstanding Exchange Students

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure

Eligibility Fields supported Period of support Support provided Quota

Exchange students 80% or higher GPA in the previous term All Fields 6 months (one term) or 12 months (two terms) Living Expenses (800,000 won per month) Reserve Fund (200,000 won per month) Roundtrip Airfares (1,700,000 won on average) Medical lnsurance premium About 300 foreign students

Art Major Asian (AMA) Scholarship - Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism
Eligibility Fidles supported Period of support Support provided Quota Application dates Scholarship Provider
Excellent Artists from various Asian countries Arts fields (music, dance, fine arts, film, drama, traditional arts) 4 years undergraduate, 2~3 years postgraduate 18 million won per year for undergaduate, 18 million won per year for postgraduate 20people June~July Korean National University of Arts T. 82-2-958-9073


The International Scholar Exchange Fellowship - Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Eligibility Fielde supported Period of support Support provided Quota Scholarship Provider
University professors and researchers from Asian countries Humanities/Social Sciences, Energy, Telecommunications About 1 year 2.2 million Won research expenses, entry expenses, return airfare and insurance About 50 Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies

(3) Corporation scholarships

Company Samsung LG Lotte POSCO KT&G Hyosung
The Guidebook for Foreign Students Name of Scholarships Global Scholarship Program: GSP LG Common Welfare Foundation Lotte Scholarship Foundation (for Korean related major graduates, and basic science majors) POSCO Chungam Foundation (DIS, science, technology related majors) KT&G Scholarship foundation Hyosung Scholarship foundation Daewoong foundation(China, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, lndonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Russia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, CIS countries, and the Middle East doctorate, honorary degree, a Master's degree seekers) Pencil scholarship (No restrictions)

Daewoong Alpha stationery

f. General lnformation about Academic Affairs

Course Registration Course Evaluation
Every year students should register courses of their interest. All the end of a semester, students can make comments and evaluations for the offered courses. During the vacations, students can take winter and/or summer school courses for a before.


Seasonal Semesters month to take some extra regular courses or re-take some courses they have failed (Summer/Winter School) Leave of Absence Re-registration
After getting permission from a school for a leave of absence, students must leave Korea with in 15 days. Students have to apply for re-registration to restart their studies after the leave of absence. Students receive academic warning when not having met the minimum requirement of academic competency, which is usually above 1.5~2.0 out of 4.5 but differs depending on school regulations. When three warnings given, students will be dismissed from the school, which can cause a handicap against visa extension. Students can change their major when approved by the school approval. Some courses are delivered 100% in English, Recently many Korean universites have increased the number of English courses, more than 100 per semster in favor of foreign students. For some reasons, students can be removed from a school register. Students can withdraw from a school by submitting required documents.

Academic Warning

Changing Major English Courses Dismissal Withdrawal

Secondary Education

If you have children in Korea, generally speaking there are three options for their education. Each option has its own advantages. a. Local Korean Schools Foreigners are free to send their children to Korean school. This is an option especially for those children with sufficient Korean language skills. Children lacking fluency in Korean might find it difficult to adjust to Korean school. For more information about the entrance qualifications, please ask the corresponding local education office. Korean schools are divided into public and private schools. Public elementary schools are free (except for school lunches, for which you must pay). Private elementary schools tend to be much more expensive than their public counterparts, but at the middle and high-school level, prices are comparable. Regardless, private Korean schools are much cheaper and even cheapest than international school. b. International Schools Most foreigners eventually send their children to one of Seouls international schools. Be prepared to spend US$12,000-20,000 a year to send your child to an international elementary, middle or high school. That being said, international schools provide a quality foreign language educational environment. English language international schools usually follow American or, in some cases, British curricula. If you have children with special needs, be sure to check if the school provides the necessary services and facilities. c. Home-schooling These days, thanks to the Internet, home-schooling has become a real option for parents, particularly for non-Korean speaking families who do not want to pay the high cost for an international school. If you have the patience and dedication, there are a number of websites that will help you build structured curricula for your children, such as and the US Distance Learning Association(

Chapter2_ Education in Korea & Enrollment Procedure


Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Immigration Guide
a. Foreigner registration and entry declaration If a foreigner wants to stay in the Republic of Korea more than 90 days from entry date, he/she should personally visit the immigration service or its branch office, which oversees one's place of residence, of Korea Immigration Service, and then resister as a foreigner and receive a certificate of foreigner registration. The issued certificate of foreign registration can be used as ID in Korea. In addition, a foreign student must declare his/her entry to Korea at his/her own embassy or consulate in Korea. There are 41 immigration services across the country and you can find information on the website ( by visiting your local office guide on an Introduction to the Korean Immigration Service.  Required documents: Application form (It can be downloaded from Go to civil form application), passport, one color photo (size: 3*4, wallpaper: white color)
 If the certificate of foreigner registration is lost, one should apply for reissuance of the lost one within 14 days from the lost date by visiting the immigration service or its branch office with passport, document explaining how one lost it, photo, and fee of 10,000 won.

b. Foreigner registration and report on address change Foreign students must have in his/her possession at all times a certificate of foreign registration issued by Immigration Service. Besides, if any one of the following is changed, one must report to the immigration service or its branch office within 14 days to change the foreign registration item. 1. Name, sex, date of birth, nationality 2. Passport No., issue date, expiration date 3. Organization, institution, or school is changed (including name change) or added.
If the above item is not reported within 14 days from change on registration item, you must be careful not to be penalized by paying a fine or penalty of up to 1,000,000 won by violating Article 35 of the Immigration Act (reporting on change of foreigner's registration item). In addition, if place of residence is changed, one must report to the local government office or its branch office that administers one's residence within 14 days from moving residence. Pay attention therefore to timely reporting. If you do not report within 14 days of address change, you will be subject to pay a fine of up to 1,000,000 won for violating Immigration Law of Article 36 (report on address change).


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

 Required documents (if school is changed): Integrated application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, certificate of student registration for changed school and certificate from previous school

 Required documents (if place of residence is changed): Integrated application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, proof of residence (e.g. rent agreement) c. Visa extension Application for visa extension (length of stay) can be made two months before the expiration date to the local Immigration Service, and, if the applicant violates any purpose of visa stay during his/her visit, the visa extension may be restricted. 1) Student visa (D-2) Required documents:  Application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, receipt of tuition payment, copy of bankbook or certificate of bank account transaction for the past three to six months (proof of living expenses during stay), 30,000 won fee, transcript, and confirmation on school attendance (if required). Extension period: 1-2 years
 One Time within six months up to two years after regular course (one year for graduate degree)

2) Training (D-4) visa Required documents:  Application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, 30,000 won fee, certificate of student registration (which should state class attendance and training schedule), certificate of training expenses, copy of bankbook or certificate of bank account transaction for the past three or six months (proof of living expenses during stay), 30,000 won fee, transcript (if required). Length of extension: 3-6 months Limitation on extension:  It will be not extended in case of frequent absence, possible illegal work, or long-term stay. D. Part-time jobs (arbeit)
For details, please refer to Ch3. 13 Part-time Job

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


1) Qualification
F  oreign student (D-2) who is attending undergraduate course, which is more than a twoyear college, and graduate or Ph.D. program As a language training attendee, more than six months of training is required.

2)  Required documents: Consolidated application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, confirmation letter for hourly part-time job by the staff in international student service center, including signature of employer. Please visit the HiKorea website ( and download Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form for the part-time job application form. 3)  Allowed hours: Less than 20 hours per week per term [semester or quarter] (Less than 30 hours per week during semester or quarter if one finishes one's graduate degree or Ph.D. program and prepares for one's thesis) 4) Attention:
This is limited to a job that can be done as student status by social norms.  If one does not report to the Immigration Service and illegal hourly job activity is discovered, one is subject to payment of a fine deportation.  Qualification for language conversation instructor: Anyone who is qualified for language conversation instruction (E-2)
 Qualification for language conversation instructor (one who meets one of the following conditions)


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

-A  s a citizen and native speaker of that country, one should graduate from a university that uses the respective language as a native language and hold a degree which is more than bachelor's degree or above or equivalent education - If one graduates from high school or college in the respective country where one uses the respective language as a native language, and acquires a degree which is more than a bachelor's degree in a domestic university
 C onversation instructor at short-term English camp (C-4) has same required qualifications as for an E-2 visa.

 If a wage is not paid, one should report to the Department of Labor to receive unpaid wages. If one cannot process it by oneself, one should seek help from school staff or a friend (Internet reporting can be made at, Tel. 1350).

5) Guidelines on private teaching

If one teaches foreign language conversation, one must obtain a foreign language teaching visa (E-2) and get permission for extracurricular activity from the Immigration Service. Please take note that extracurricular private lessons are not allowed, except for holders of residence visas (F-2 of Ga (A) ~ Da (C), Ja (I) ~ Ka (K)) / overseas Koreans (F-4)/ permanent resident (F-4)/ marriage immigration (F-6). (Violators will be imprisoned for up to one year or subject to a fine of 5,000,000 won.)

6) Restrictions on hourly part-time jobs for international students:

Private lessons, high-tech industries or institutions, entertainment bars or salons, adult entertainment, speculation business like casino or gambling, or any business location which is against ethical customs, etc. E. Visa status change

1)  Visa change from C-3, D-2 (international student) visa -> D-4 (training) visa (Limited to a language school in a University, although Korean language training at a lifetime education center or private school will be allowed.)
- Required documents: Application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, 50,000 won fee, standard admission letter (which should be issued in accordance with the international student information system by the Department of Justice, and a seal is required by a dean or chancellor of a university), receipt of tuition payment, proof of staying expenses (The applicant can show a copy of his/her bankbook proving that more than US$5,000 is deposited, or a certificate of foreign exchange.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

2)  Visa change from C-3 (general short-term), D-4 (training), etc -> D-2 (international student) visa:
- Required documents: Application form, passport, certificate of foreigner registration, 60,000 won fee (including registration issuance charge), standard admission letter (It should be issued in accordance with the international student information system by the Department of Justice, and the seal of the dean or chancellor of the university is required.). In addition what is required is a receipt of tuition payment, proof of living expenses (it can be shown by a copy of a bankbook proving that at least US$12,000 or US$13,000(Capital city) is deposited, or a certificate of foreign exchange, original or a copy of a certificate of a transcript of the highest educational certificate, of residence or family register (only applicable to Chinese), documents regarding scholastic exchange program or agreement between universities (only applicable to exchange student)


F. Completion of international study (language training), etc: If a foreign student ends his/her study due to no registration, dropout, temporary absence, expulsion from school, graduation, or end of training, he/she must leave the country within 30 days of that event (if remaining period of stay is less than 30 days, it should be before the termination of the visa residence period.) or change of residence status (inquiries on extension of stay should be directed to the immigration service.) even if there is remaining time on the certificate of foreigner registration. If one does not leave the country, the violator may be subject to cancelation of residence permit due to illegal stay according to the Immigration Act and he/she will be disadvantaged with regard to extension of residence in Korea. Furthermore, the foreigner registration card must be returned to the immigration officer on departure from Korea. G. Extension of stay using e-civil service ( Extension of stay 1. Screen layout 1.1 Information on extension of stay for a registered foreigner - On the e-civil service request menu, on the top, select extension permission for length of stay for registered foreigner.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

- From civil service information, agree to joint use of administrative information and select one's own civil service before application.

1.2 Preparing for application to extend length of stay for registered foreigner

- If the applicant has confirmation of a governmental scholarship and invitation, select yes on the list.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Related items.

- It will apply to D-2 class (professional bachelor's course (D-2-1), bachelor's course (D-2-2), master's course (D-2-3), Ph.D. course (D-2-4), institution (D-2-5), exchange student (D-2-6), and D-4 class (language student (D-4-1). - If required documentary proof (confirmation on government scholarship and invitation) is attached and if you do not select yes on exempt from fee, a notifying message will be sent.


1.3 Application to extend length of stay for registered foreigner (English version) - If confirmation on government scholarship and invitation exists, then select yes from the list of items.
Same as Korean version.

Same as Korean version.

2.1 My Page - On My Page, a petitioner can confirm what is petitioned.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

g. Korea Immigration Service (Oct. 2012) Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon (14 Offices)
Incheon Airport Immigration Office City Air Terminal Incheon Airport Immigration Office Gimpo Branch Office Incheon Airport Immigration Office Seoul Station Seoul Immigration Office Seoul Immigration Office Sejongno Branch Office Incheon Immigration Office Incheon Airport Immigration Office Hwaseong Immigration Processing Center Immigration Bureau Suwon Immigration Office Suwon Immigration Office Osan Branch Office Suwon Immigration Office Pyeongtaek Branch Office Yangju Immigration Office(Uijeongbu) Yangju Immigration Office(Goyang)

159-6, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu. Seoul 712, Bangwha-dong, Gangnam-gu. Seoul 43-227 Dongja-dong UongSan-gu, Seoul 319-2, Sinjeong-6dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul SK Hub Bldg. 2F, 89-4, Gyeongun-dong Jongno-gu, Seoul 1-31, Hang-dong 7-ga, Jung-gu. Incheon 2172-1, Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon 238-7, Mado-myeon, Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do Government Complex, 1, Jungang-dong, Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do 1012-6, Yeongtong-dong, Yeong-tong-gu, Suwon Songtan P.O Box 3, Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do 570, Manhori, Poseung-myeon, Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do 467-2, Deokgye-dong, Yangju City, Gyeonggi-do 104-16, Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do

Phone NO
02-551-6922~3 02-2664-6202 02-362-8431 02-2650-6211 02-732-6214 032-890-6300 032-740-7014 031-355-2016~9 02-2110-3433 031-695-3800 031-666-2677 031-683-6937~8 031-828-9303 031-919-7662

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


Busan and Gyeongnam (8 Offices)

Busan Immigration Office Busan Immigration Office Gamcheong Branch Office Gimhae Immigration Office Masan Immigration Office Masan Immigration Office Geoje Branch Office Masan Immigration Office Sacheon Branch Office Masan Immigration Office Tongyeong Branch Office Busan Immigration Office Ulsan Branch Office

17-26, Jungang-dong 4-ga, Jung-gu. Busan Busan International Fish Market, 791, Amnam-dong, Seo-gu, Busan 2350, Daejeo-2dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan 2-6, Wolpo-dong, Masan, Gyeongsang-nam-do 535-5, Majeon-dong, Geoje, Gyeongsang-nam-do 44-5, Donggeum-dong, Sacheon, Gyeongsang-nam-do 171-, Dongho-dong, Tongyeong, Gyeongsang-nam-do 139-16, Maeam-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan

Phone NO
051-461-3091~5 051-254-3917~8 051-979-1322~5 055-223-7074 055-681-2433 055-835-4088 055-645-3494 052-279-8000


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Gwangju, Jeolla, and Jeju (7 Offices)

Gwangju Immigration Office Jeonju Immigration Office Jeonju Immigration Office Gunsan Branch Office Gwangju Immigration Office Mokpo Branch Office Yeosu Immigration Office Yeosu Immigration Office Gwangyang Branch Office Jeju Immigration Office

366-1, Hwajeong-3dong, Seo-gu, Gwangu San27, Hoseong-dong 1-ga, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, Jeolla-buk-do 49-32, Jangmi-dong, Gunsan, Jeolla-duk-do 982-2, Ogam-dong, Mokpo, Jeolla-nam-do 944, Hwajang-dong, Yeosu, Jeolla-nam-do 1359-5, Jung-dong, Gwangyang, Jeolla-nam-do 673-8, Geonip-dong, Jeju

Phone NO
062-381-0312 063-245-6164 063-445-2581 061-282-7294 061-689-5518~9 061-792-1139 064-722-3494

Daegu, Gyeongbuk, and Gangwon (7 Offices)

Daegu Immigration Office Daegu Immigration Office Pohang Branch Office Daegu Immigration Office Gumi Branch Office Chuncheon Immigration Office Chuncheon Immigration Office Donghae Branch Office Chuncheon Immigration Office Goseong Branch Office Chuncheon Immigration Office Sokcho Branch Office

1012-1, Geomsa-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu 58-13, Hanggu-dong, Buk-gu, Pohang, Gyeongsang-buk-do 188, Sinpyoung-dong, Gumi-si Saamgil 6 (or hakgongni 29-1), Dongnae-myeon, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do 821 Cheongok-dong, Donghae, Gangwon-do Sacheon-ri, Hyunnae-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do 53-Dongmyeong-dong, Sokcho, Gangwon-do

Phone NO
053-980-3512 054-247-2971 054-459-3581 033-244-7352~3 033-535-5721~2 033-680-5100~1 033-636-8613~4 Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


Daejeon and Chungcheong (5 Offices)

Daejeon Immigration Office Daejeon Immigration Office Cheonan Branch Office Daejeon Immigration Office Seosan Branch Office Cheongju Immigration Office Cheongju Immigration Processing Center

16-8, Jungchon-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon 492-3 Bulldang-dong, Cheonan-si Hanseong Bldg, 3F, 197-8, Daesan-ri Daesan-eup, Seosan Chungcheong-nam-do 791 Biha-dong, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju, Chungcheong-buk-do 148 Mipyeong-dong, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju, Chungcheong-buk-do

Phone NO
042-220-2201~4 041-621-1347 041-681-6186 043-236-4905~6 043-290-7512~3

You can reserve a visit at


The Guidebook for Foreign Students


After deciding to study in Korea, the next things to do is to decide a school and accommodation. When deciding on a school, availability of dormitory should be considered. When unavailable, a boarding house or renting a room can be also an option. a. Dormitory Most of universities in Korea manage apartments on campus, dormitories, and/or various types of residences. In order to stay in a dormitory students have to follow the application procedures which can be different depending on the university so students should check the process on the university website. (1) Application period : February for spring semester, August for fall semester (2)  Required documents : dormitory application form and other documents required by each university (3) Types : a room for 1 person, 2 people or 4 people (4) Cost : 700,000KRW - 1,200,000 for 6 months (sometimes meals can be included) (5) Length of stay : 6 months (application to be submitted each semester) (6) Note : Rules and regulations of each university should be noticed and followed
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Example) 00 University Dormitory Application 1. Dates Application Period: Every January / August Selection: Every February / August 2. Application and Selection Selection criteria: Freshmen and first-comers assigned with priority  Documents: Application for Dormitories (downloadable), Proof of Enrollment, Official Transcript, Proof of Insurance Selected by the Office of International Cooperation randomly


a domitory

3. Dormitory Types International House (2 students per room), Techno Residence (2 students per room), 1st student dormitories (4 students per room, priority given to freshmen) 4. Fees  International House, Techno Residence: 1,200,000 KRW for 6 months (security deposit -50,000 KRW) 1st student dormitories: 900.000 KRW for 6 months (security deposit-50,000 KRW) 5. Duration of Stay : 6 months 6. Notice -I f all of required documents are not submitted by the moving-in date, dormitory rooms will not be assigned, and the application will be withdrawn. 7. Contact : Office of International Cooperation 02-0000-0045 b. Boarding House When a dormitory is not available, the next option is a boarding house. A boarding house provides room and food and receives payment, which differs from room rent without meals. A boarding house is popular for young students because it is a good way to familiarize oneself with Korean lifestyle. However, it is hard to maintain privacy in a boarding house because it is a communal type of residence.
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(1) Where to find: many boarding houses available around university campuses (2) Price : 200,000KRW - 1,000,000KRW per month (  Depending on cities, the price varies: in Seoul, 350,000KRW - 550,000KRW, in metropolitan cities such Daegu or Busan, 300,000KRW - 500,000KRW, and in other rural areas, less expensive.) (3) Meal : Usually breakfast and dinner are provided at a fixed dining time. ( Students should strictly observe the dining time) (4) How to find : T  he best way to find a proper house for you is to look for one by yourself. You can refer to the bulletin boards of your college or university. (Some colleges and universities offer housing information through the International Partnership Department). You can also refer to advertisements in newspapers. (5) Contract : Directly contact the landlord of the house and to agree upon the contract.


a boarding house

Tip Important thing to consider when looking for room &

board-One person or two persons in a room?

* What time is breakfast and dinner? * What is the menu? * Is the kitchen available? * Is the bathroom clean? * How many students share a bathroom? * Is a laundry machine avaliable? * What is furnished? * Is lnternet available and included?

c. Rooming house Residence culture is changing in Korea. One of common types of residence now is a rooming house designed for single people, particularly for sleeping. Rooming houses have very limited space but are commonly furnished with an air-conditioner, desk, and bed. Usually there is a shared laundry machine and some rooming houses have restaurants. Careful decision should be made for safety and emergency procedures in case of incidents such as fire. Rooming houses are very affordable near each college or university especially in Sinlim-dong and Noryangjin-dong in Seoul. The cost may differ depending on options such as facilities and meals. The cost ranges from 170,000 to 450,000KRW per month. Information can be found on bulletin boards or websites of universities. d. Room Rent You can rent a room good for one person or a house with several rooms that are good for several people. (1) How to find : y  ou can find necessary information from real estate offices, house advertisements in newspapers and other advertisements. (2) Types : Officetel, apartment, one bachelor room, a house good for one person (3) Kind of lease (a) Wolse (Monthly Rent) :  There are two types ; no deposit, but monthly payment, or a small deposit which will lessen the monthly rent amount.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


(b) Jeonse (Key money deposit) :  Jeonse or key money deposit is a housing rental system specific to Korea. Instead of paying monthly rent to a landlord, a large lump sum payment is deposited into the landlords bank account for the duration of the contract. By law, Jeonse contracts are signed for two years. At the end of the contract, the deposited amount is returned to the renter. One Room :  The deposit can range from 30,000,000 to100,000,000 KRW. The rooms more furnished and closer to subway or bus stop are more expensive. One room includes facilities for eating, sleeping, and cooking. House rent :  Students can rent one room or several rooms. Renting a house only for one person may cost at least 50,000,000KRW as deposit. Renting a house with two or three bedrooms would require a deposit around 50,000,000 to 100,000,000KRW. The more expensive ones have better facilities and location. Flat : T  he deposit is around 50,000,000-100,000,000KRW for two bedrooms, living room, bathroom, and balcony. Apartment : The average deposit is over 100,000,000KRW.
I n Korea, it is common that no furniture and home appliances are provided to tenants. Therefore, tenants should fill their rooms by themselves.

(c) Saguelse :  This is similar to Wolse or monthly rent, but differs because tenants make a deposit and the monthly rent is deducted. The monthly fee is rather low ranging from 150,000 to 300,000KRW but usually bathrooms or toilets are shared. This type of lease is very uncommon these days, but still available in rural areas. (d) Combined Payment (Monthly payment + deposit ) :  Wolse requires renters to deposit an arranged amount of money with the landlord, with monthly rent paid on a specified date of each month. The minimum deposit amount depends on the landlord, but the total amount of deposit sum is negotiable with the landlord. The deposit sum can be increased in order to lower the monthly rent fee. For instance, an increase of 5 million won in deposit money will result in a deduction of 50,000 won from the monthly rental fee. In the case the renter fails to make a monthly payment, the landlord has the right to deduct the amount from the key money deposit. Landlords of Wolse and Saguelse usually pay for new wallpaper and linoleum flooring, and repair of waterworks and plumbing. However, in the case of monthly payment + deposit, any repair expense less than 40,000won, is not usually paid by landlords. Although landlords are not responsible for the expenses for new wallpaper or linoleum, it is negotiable. In case of cancellation of the Wolse or Sageulse lease before the contract period, fees for remaining period


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

are to be returned. If more than a half of month has passed since residence began, payment for the remaining are not refundable. The contract for Jeonse or combined payment is usually for two years, but sometimes it is negotiable for one year. To avoid legal issues, using a real estate agent is highly recommended because indemnity can be claimed to the agent. Concerning any legal problems, you can consult with the following centers:
Seoul City Call Center for Lease : 02)731-6720~1 National Tax Service Call Center : 126 Seoul City Call Center for Commercial Lease : 02)2133-1221 Korean Legal and Cooperation : 132 Real Estate Trade Management Call Center : 1588-0149

When making a contract for one bachelor room (one-room), flats or apartments, it is safest and wisest to use real estate agents. Information can be found in various newspapers, periodicals or advertisements, but again real estate agents are more recommended.
 Korea Association of Realtors:

Tip Things to consider when renting a room

* What is furnished : air-conditioner, desk, bed? * Is the place furnished with a washing machine? * What are the conditions of the lease? * Are utilities included? * How much is the monthly maintenance fee? * Is Internet connection free? * How should I dispose of the garbage?

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


e. Moving When thinking about making a move in Korea, there are several types of relocation services available.

a move

(1) Call Van Service If you are single and own few possessions, a call van service may be the economically wise method of relocation. For those who are staying in Korea on a short-term basis, use this affordable option to save money. (2) Standard Relocation Service Standard Relocation Service is the most affordable way to move and best suited for single individuals without much to pack. The moving company will provide a truck and a mover/ driver. You must pack and unpack all your belongings yourself and although not the most convenient method of choice, it is the most economical option available. (3) Complete Relocation Service
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

The moving company provides 2-3 movers. The movers pack, transport, and unpack all your belongings. This method is quite convenient considering you only have to organize your belongings and the movers will take care of everything else. Cleaning and extra services to make the entire moving process easier are also available at extra costs. Tip No Spirits day What is  *  No spirits day? It is more of a longstanding Korean myth than anyting else, but certain days of the lunar calendar are considered to be "free of evil spirits : and thus good days to move. This may not mean much to foreigners but some movers actually charge more for their services on these days. Since more people may reserve these dates for their move. you will probably need to pay additional costs in order to move on these days. Check with your service provice for the specific dates.


(4) Store-then-relocate Service Storage services are often provided by complete relocation service movers. The service provider will store your belongings in a storage space until your designated move-in date. The cost of storage service varies depending on the amount and duration of your storage needs.

(5) Professional cleaners

Professional cleaners provide cleaning services for the entire residence on the move-in day. As things can get hectic and there may be a lot to cover, you might want to hire these helping hands to clean up the mess in your new place. They also provide blanket, sofa, and carpet cleaning services for you.


Throughout Korea, you can use the convenient public transportation system. Some big cities are densely populated and suffer from heavy traffic, yet the public transportation system is well developed in a systematic and up-to-date system. Various bus routes cover all corners of the city, and you will find that buses are a convenient way to get around the city once you get accustomed to the seemingly complex routes. Seoul city operates the bus-only lane system which allows buses not much affected by the citys heavy traffic. In addition, you can use metro system in major cities in Korea. It is the most efficient and convenient method of getting around town. Not only is it cheap, the average travel time between stations is 2-3 minutes. In rush hours, it helps you get to your destinations much faster than using cars or buses. You can also conveniently travel between cities using inter-city buses or trains. Especially, traveling between regional cities has become more convenient with the addition of the high speed KTX train in 2004. In addition to the KTX, two major domestic airlines as well as several other smaller airlines provide flights to numerous regional cities on a daily basis.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


a. Taking the Bus (1) City Bus Three types of buses cover routes connecting every corner of the city: Ilban bus, Jwaseok bus, and Maeul bus. Over 400 express and residential buses and 8,500 city buses serve Seoulites on a daily basis. Bus routes can be the hardest to master for newcomers. However, once you get accustomed to taking the bus, it may be easier for you to reach destinations not easily accessible by subway. Buses travel in five to fifteen minute intervals but it may take longer in busier parts of the city. Schedules vary depending on the bus routes but most routes start at 4:30 a.m. with the last bus of the day making its round at 1 a.m. One of the advantages of traveling by bus is that you can actually enjoy the sights and sounds of various neighborhoods around Seoul. If traffic worries you, bus routes do not get as congested as blue lanes marked in blue on streets of major areas are around Seoul to provide a free flow of bus traffic. The drawback to taking the bus is with the jockeying for elbow-room or seating on a moving bus full of commuters.
Seoul Transport Operation and Information Service: Incheon Bus Info: Busan Public Transport Info: Daegu Bus Info: Gwangju Bus Info: Daejeon City Bus: Naver Traffic:
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Seoul Inner-city Bus Bus Types Seoul city buses usually operate at 5 to 10 minute intervals, and it takes longer during the peak hours. Schedules vary depending on the bus routes but most routes start at 4:30 a.m. with the last bus of the day making its round at 1 a.m. One of the advantages of traveling by bus is that you can actually enjoy the sights and sounds of various neighborhoods around Seoul. If traffic worries you, bus routes do not get as congested as bus-only lanes (marked in blue on streets of major areas) are around Seoul to provide a free flow of bus traffic. The drawback to taking the bus is with the jockeying for elbow-room or seating on a moving bus full of commuters. Ilban buses are sometimes referred to as city buses, which are the most commonly seen of type of buses in the city. Ilban buses come in yellow, blue and green colors. Bus numbers indicate the area of departure and arrival plus another digit or two for bus identification. To access bus routes or a Seoul Bus Map, visit


Bus Typers in Seoul

Blue Buses : These buses connect suburban areas to downtown Seoul. Three types of blue buses exist : bendable bus. CNG (compressed natural gas) bus with a lower platform and regular CNG bus. The city of Seoul partly operates these buses that travel at higher speeds and longer distances within the city. Identified by a three-digit number : departure area+single-digit number. Green buses : Green bus is operated by private companies. These branch buses connect residential areas, subway lines and bus terminals. ldentified by a four-digit numdering system : departure area + arrival area + double - digit serial number

Yellow buses : Circulation buses accommodate various traffic demands. The yellow buses circle downtown Seoul and make short stops at major tourist, shopping, and business areas around the center of the city. Identified by two-digit numbers : area number + serial number Red buses : Red buses or express buses are the quickest of the group for wide area line since they make fewer stops. These buses are the most comfortable and are designed to seat every passenger on the bus. Express buses come in various colors and the main purpose is to provide commuters easier access to neighboring cities such as llsan, Bundang, Suji, Suwon, Anyang and lncheon, Express buses are labeled with a four digit number on the front, side and back Maeul buses : Smaller community buses are with shorter routes that often include residential areas. Maeul buses are easy to spot due to their significantly smaller size in comparison to other buses.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

 The above bus system of Seoul may differ from other cities.

Bus Fares in Seoul : 900Won~2,000Won


(2) Intercity Bus When planning a trip to regional cities, a bus is also one of the most convenient options to travel around the country. Buses are divided into express buses and intercity buses. The former will take you another region quickly through expressway(s) without any stop, while the latter will go through express way(s), national highway(s) or local road(s) via some regions. There are four bus terminals in Seoul: Dong Seoul, Sang Bong, Nambu, and Seoul Terminal. You do not have to make reservations in advance to get tickets and since there is an abundance of buses for each route, a little wait will get you comfortably seated on the next bus. Express buses come in two types: ilban and udeung. While udeung buses cost a little more, they are more comfortable with a row of single seats to the left and double seats on the right. This provides much more leg room for those long rides. (, Tel 1588-6900). You need to confirm whether a certain region has separate express bus terminal and intercity bus terminal or an integrated bus terminal.

Bus Terminals
Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul The Guidebook for Foreign Students Seoul Incheon Daejeon Daegu Gwangju Ulsan Busan

Dong Seoul Terminal Sangbong Terminal Seoul Express BusTerminal Central Terminal Seoul Nambu Terminal Incheon JonghapTerminal Daejeon Express Bus Terminal Daegu Express Terminal Youthquare Ulsan Express Bus Terminal Busan Jonghap Bus Terminal

1688-5979 02-323-5885 1688-4700 02-6282-0114 02-521-8550 032-451-2114 1577-2259 1588-6900 062-360-8114 052-268-1556 1577-9956



b. Subway Metropolitan cities such as Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, and Daejeon have subway systems. Most people use the subway as their main transportation as the subway networks are very well developed and highly convenient with many lines. Seoul Metro has 11 lines, but other metropolitan cities have fewer lines, 1 to 3, but they are still the most convenient compared with other transportation systems.. (1) Seoul Metro You will find that the subway is the most efficient way to get around the city. The subway system has grown significantly over the years since the inauguration of line 1 in 1974. With eleven lines connecting various parts of the city, Seoulites can often travel to their desired destination without the use of buses or taxis. The Seoul Metro is quite easy to use since the lines are color-coded and each station is labeled with a three-digit code. The first digit refers to the line and the last two digits indicate the station number. For example, Myeong-dong station is 424, meaning stop number 24 on line 4. You might also notice that some of the subway trains and platform designs differ slightly as Seouls public transit system is run by three organizations: the Seoul Metropolitan Subway Corporation, the Korean National Railroad and the Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation. The subway operation hours are from 5:30 to approximately 24:00. The estimated travel time between subway stations are 2-3 minutes. The schedule can vary depending on the line so remember to make note of the schedule in advance.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


(2) Subway Payment In Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, the basic fare is 1,150 won within 10km and 100won is added per 5km. Thus, subway fares start at 1,150 won and can cost up to 1,500 won depending on your final destination. However, average travel within Seoul will cost between 1,150 to 1,500 won. If using T-Money cards, you can save 100 won on each trip. Several ticket purchasing options are available for the Seoul Metro. The most obvious is the ticket bought at the ticket window or at automated machines which dispense tickets. These tickets include one-time tickets and prepaid tickets. When purchasing your ticket, it is important to clearly state your destination.
Adult Middle/High School Student Elementary School Student 1,150Won 1,150Won 500Won

Discounted (with Transportation Card)

1,050Won 750Won 450Won

The subway fare may be different depending on the cities

(3) Subway Lines

Line 1 (Navy Blue) Line 2 (Green) Line 3 (Orange) Line 4 (Blue) Line 5 (Purple) Line 6 (Brown)
The Guidebook for Foreign Students The first line built in Seoul, the main purpose of line 1 is to connect the southwestern cities with northeast city of Uijeongbu through Seoul. The only circular line of the Seoul Metro it crosses all the major stops around the heart of the city. Many of the entertainment, shopping and other tourist destinations are located near this line The orange line connects the northwest area to the southwest areas, perpendicularly crossing the center of the city. Commuters residing in the northeast or southwest areas of Seoul use line 4 to reach central Seoul. Makes stops at Gimpo Airport and Yeouido. an island known as a business/residential island on the Has River. Connects the norhwest to the northeast parts of Seoul, passing through central Seoul in the process.

Line 7 (Olive green) The olive green line supplements line4. connectiong the soutwest and northeast area of the city Line 8 (Pink) Line 9 (Gold) Bundang Line (Yellow) Incheon LIne 1 Central Line Gyeongui Line Airport Railroad
The shortest line, it was built to provide commuters access to the southeast area. Notable cultural and historical stops are on this line Connects Gimpo Aitport to the districts of Gangnam via the national Assembly Building and Seoul Express bus Terminal. Bundang Line is created to accommodate the population in the satellite city south of Gangnam. A line connecting north and southern parts of lncheon city The central line connects the center with northeastern part of Seoul. A rall way line connecting Seoul Station to Dorasan station of Paju city. Connects lncheon lnternational Airport to Gimpo Airport, and also Seoul Station.


Tip T Money Card

Purchasing a pre-paid transportation card or T-Money card can be very convenient and less confusing. You can recharge these cards by simply giving the person behind the ticket window your card and the amount you wish to recharge. those of you here for a longer stay may to opt for the credit-based transportation cards. These cards include credit cards, debit cards or e-cards. The total fare amount is accumulated and at the end of the month, it is billed to you along with your other transactions. Subway fares start at 1,050 won and can cost up to 1,5oo won depending on your destination. However, an average travel with in Seoul will cost between 1,050 to 1,500 won. Not only are T-money cards convenient, but you can save 100 won on each trip. T-Money cards can be purchased at ticket windows or at your local convenience stores (Family Mart, Buy the Way, GS25, 7-eleven). / 1644-0088
 cars. Black taxis are Mobeom or luxury taxis and cost more.

c. Taxis
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Taxis in Korea are affordable, comfortable, and can be a convenient way to travel. In case of Seoul, taxis are widely divided into common taxis and luxury taxis. There are three types of taxis in Seoul: white, silver, and black. White and silver taxis are Ilban or regular taxis and are identified by white and blue plastic caps on top of the car. White caps indicate privately owned taxis while blue caps are company owned

a taxi


(1) Regular(Ilban) Taxis While you can differentiate between a private and company owned taxi by the plastics caps on top of the cars, It is usually easy to spot company owned taxis as they have the company name and numbers on the side doors. The basic fare for these taxis is 3,000 won for the first 2km with an increase of 100 won per 144 m. Keep in mind that there is a 20% fare hike from (2) International Taxi International Taxis offer the most convenient and comfortable service both to foreign residents and visitors to Seoul. (a) International Taxi Service - The Seoul government manages the entire service from the selection and education of its drivers to the fare system and call center operation. - All drivers have completed the standard education course for foreign language proficiency. - These taxis provide customized services for foreigners staying in Korea, ranging from airport use, tours of Seoul, fulfilling business schedules and offering guidance on life in Seoul. - The flat fare applied to the section between Incheon airport and destination in Seoul will help you to make your travel more economic. - The information desk and exclusive platform located in Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport provide the personal touch for VIPs, right from the getgo, our service is founded on. - Ease of payment is ensured as our taxis are equipped to accept various credit cards (Visa, Master, JCB, AmEx) and T-money. (b) Types of International Taxis Medium Taxi : 5-seater including driver, 1600cc-2000cc, Orange Luxury Taxi : 5-seater including driver over 2000cc, Black Large Taxi : 6~9-seater including driver, over 3,000cc Black
All drivers wear uniforms and display name tags indicating license. (Kor/Eng/Japns/Chins), Tel: 1644-2255


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(3) Call Van A call van is an advanced and new method of transportation in Korea. (a) Differences between Taxis and Call Vans - Taxi : Mainly for passengers, but may also carry luggage - Call van :  Mainly for passengers with luggage and freight, but can also carry only passengers (4) Mobeom Taxis These taxis are black with yellow plastic caps on top of the car. Although more comfortable than regular taxis, these luxury taxis also cost more. The basic fare is 5,000won for the first 3 km with an increase of 200won per 164m.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


d. Train Several options exist for those looking to travel to regional cities from Seoul. Although express buses are one option, it is better to use trains or flights for domestic travel for the sake of overall convenience. Three types of trains exist in Korea: KTX, Samaeul, and Mugunhwa. - KTX : The introduction of KTX in 2004 has made life easier for travel to regional cities. These high-speed trains travel at 300 km/h and have 20 cars with 935 seats in total.  The special section has 127 seats with three per section while the general section has 808 seats  with four per section. Standing room is also allowed on the KTX. -S  amaeul trains are the next fastest way to travel, 146 147 Transportation Living in Seoul taking Seoul cites to Busan in 4 1/2 hours. These trains are roomier and do not have standing room tickets available. Samaeul trains stop at all major cities and were the fastest trains before the introduction of the KTX. These trains can be easily distinguished by their blue, green, and yellow colors. The length of the train can vary from five to twelve cars. -  Mugunghwa trains, named after the national flower of Korea, are the slowest and the least comfortable of the group. Standing room is allowed and the seating arrangements are not as spacious as the Samaeul train. Mugunhwa trains were commonly used prior to 2004 and are still widely used since they make many stops not serviced by KTX or Samaeul trains. e. Domestic Flights Two major airlines, Korean Air (KAL) and Asiana Airlines, as well as several smaller airlines, serve domestic flight routes. Gimpo Airport is the base of all domestic flights with daily flights to Gwangju, Gunsan, Busan, Yangyang, Yeosu/Suncheon, Ulsan, Jeju, Jinju/Sacheon, and Pohang. When considering domestic flights or train rides, it is important to check the calendar for national holidays. The two major holidays in Korea are Chuseok in September and the Lunar New Year in February when people often make their way to their ancestral hometowns for family gatherings. They are the equivalent to hectic transportation schedules around Christmas or Thanksgiving overseas. Try to avoid travels on major holidays and if its absolutely necessary, plan ahead and book your tickets early.
Yangyang Airport Incheon Airport Gimpo Airport Wonju Airport Gheongju Airport


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Pohang Airport Gunsan Airport Daegu Airport Ulsan Airport Gimhae Airport Sacheon(Jinju) Airport

Muan Airport Gwangju Airport

Yeosu Airport International Airport Domestic Airport

Jeju Airport

f. Driver License

(1) procedure to obtain a drivers license

Traffic Safety Training Physical Test Admission for Written Test

You can reapply for an exam from the day after the failure Failure

Written Test Pass Admission for Technical Skill Test

You can reapply for an exam from 3 day passed after the failure Failure

Technical Skill Test Class 1&2 Passed Issuance of Driver's License Permit

You can reapply for an exam from 3 day passed after the failure Failure

Admission for Road Driving Test Road Driving Test Issuance of Driver's License

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Foreigners legally residing in Korea can obtain a drivers license by following the procedures below. The written test can be taken either in English, Chinese, Japanese, German, French and etc. Test preparation books can be purchased at drivers license agencies. (2) Exchanging a foreign license into Korean license An authorized foreign license can be exchanged in Korea into a Korean one. Firstly, all the required documents should be submitted and verified. Then, there will be take physical exam. The foreign license must be a full license: temporary, provisional, probationary, permit, certificate or motorcycle license cannot be exchanged. * More information can be found at Drivers License Agency
 (, Tel. 1577-1120



a. National Health Insurance Program The National Health Insurance Corporation ( provides health insurance for foreign students. The insurance is designed for overseas Koreans and foreigners who stay in Korea for more than a year. Foreign students, their spouses and their children under 20 are eligible for the insurance. To apply, the student must submit a copy of his/her alien registration card and verification of his/her purpose of stay at an office of the Corporation. English call center service is available for foreign students at 02-390-2000.

National Health Insurance Program

Eligibility When Eligible Application Documents

A foreigner who has intentions to stay in the Republic of Korea for more than one year with D-2 (Student) Visa, and her/his spouse and children under 20 (F-3). Since the date of Alien Registration - Verification of Eligibility including Alien Registration Card - Verification of Purpose of Stay (A copy of Alien Registration Card or a copy of Residence Certificate) - Verification of Income (If the applicant has income) - The insured is subject to pay from the first day of Alien Registration - The insured is subject to pay during temporary leave within 3 months. - In the case of a temporary leave longer than three months, the insurance is cancelled on the next day of departure, and the student must renew it upon return. - The payment amount is about 34,000 won monthly and must be prepaid in three month intervals. * There is a 50% discount for students (D-2) Same as Koreans Prepaid per three months


The Guidebook for Foreign Students


How to use the service Payment

b. International Student Insurance If students want to buy insurance from a private firm, they can buy medical and injury insurance for foreigners from travelers insurance companies. In case of injury or illness, students can get treatment from clinics or hospitals and pay with their own money. Then, they can apply for reimbursement from the insurance company. (1) Application Process and Documents International student insurance can be purchased by any foreign students who possess an alien registration card. Students can find the coverage desired or can inquire about information at the university where they will study.

(2) Insurance Fee Depending on the coverage for injury or illness, the insurance fee varies. In general, it costs approximately 100,000Won with one year coverage of 1,000,000Won. (3) Coverage - Accidental death and disability: While traveling, if the insured dies or sustains disability by sequel due to a sudden accident - Accidental Medical Reimbursement (Overseas): While traveling overseas, if the insured gets injured and as a result, he/she undergoes medical treatment by an overseas medical institution, the Company will pay actual medical expense assumed by the insured within the limits of the insured amount. - Accidental Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, Inpatient): While traveling, if the insured gets injured and as a result, he/she is hospitalized in a domestic medical institution for medical treatment, the Company will pay medical expense including such hospitalization, sickroom and operation within the limits of the insured amount. - Accidental Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, 0utpatient): While traveling, if the insured undergoes medical treatment as an outpatient in a domestic medical institution, as a result of bodily injury he/she suffered, the Company will pay such medical expense less the deductible per each outpatients treatment within the limits of the insured amount.
Deductible:  10,000won for a clinic, 15,000won for a hospital and 20,000won for a general specialized hospital.

- Accidental Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, Prescription): While traveling, if the insured gets injured and as a result, he/she gets prescriptions from a domestic medical institution as an outpatient, the Company will pay such the medical expense less the deductible per one prescription within the limits of the insured amount.
Deductible : 8  ,000won

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

-  Sickness Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, Prescription): While traveling, if the insured gets prescriptions from a domestic medical institution as an outpatient due to a disease, the Company will pay such the medical expense less the deductible per one prescription within the limits of the insured amount. (4) Reimbursement In the case of illness or injury, the insured pays for his/her treatment first and will receive reimbursement from the company by submitting receipts for the treatment and medicine. (5) Note Students are advised to check whether they have any diseases first and then seek a good insurance product with a broad coverage. Also it is very important to carefully read the terms & conditions and to understand the coverage.


c. Medical System in Korea

a medical service

Various medical institutions in Korea including private hospitals, general hospitals, oriental hospitals, and public health centers provide high quality medical services through medical specialists and cutting-edge medical equipment. Highly advanced medical fields in Korea include ophthalmology, spinal surgery, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, heart surgery and infertility treatment. With the rapidly increasing number of foreigners visiting or residing in Korea, more medical facilities have opened international clinics and have endeavored to provide medical services that best meet foreigners medical needs and global standards. Korean medical facilities are categorized into three types by the number of medical departments and the size of the medical facilities. To use third-tier hospitals, a patient needs a referral letter from a first or second-tier medical facility. If the patient goes directly to a third-tier hospital without a referral letter, he/she cannot receive medical insurance coverage and will have to pay the high medical costs. Foreigners can use medical services from international clinics in third-tier hospitals directly, however, it is more costly.
 http: // (Tel: 02-794-2474)
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(1) First-tier medical facilities These types of facilities include private hospitals and public health centers. First-tier medical facilities have a limited number of medical departments and provide a comprehensive medical service for treating and preventing early symptoms of diseases. (2) Second-tier medical facilities Second-tier medical facilities have medical specialists and more than 4 medical departments and provide medical services for both inpatients and outpatients. In general, these types of facilities have 30 to 500 beds. Emergency treatment is available. (3) Third-tier medical facilities General hospitals or hospitals belonging to medical schools are categorized as third-tier medical facilities. These types of facilities have medical specialists in all different medical departments, more than 500 hospital beds and offer specialized medical services for emergencies.


 How to make medical appointments

To receive fast and convenient treatment it is recommended that you make medical appointments in advance. You can make appointments by visiting or calling the hospital. Also, appointments are available through fax or the hospital website. When you visit a hospital to make an appointment, bring your insurance card with you. Fill out an appointment application form and submit it at the Patient Affairs Department window.
 Paying for medical treatment

For payment of medical costs, you need to go to the Administration office of the hospital. Most hospitals accept credit cards. At some hospitals with international clinics, you can pay the medical fees through the international clinics. Or international clinics can assist you in preparing documents needed for the payment. In general, many hospitals can provide English receipts for medical treatment performed. The medical expenses vary depending on whether you have insurance or not. Some hospitals accept overseas health insurance from the insurance companies the hospital is affiliated with. For overseas health insurance coverage, the foreigner needs to pay first and submit a claim to his/her insurance company. Tip University Health Center When needing * medicine for a flu or headache, students do not need to go to a clinic or pharmacy, but can instead use university health centers on campus. University health centers have flu medicine, painkillers, digestive medicine, and first-aid medicine and staff for assistance. For university students, all the medicine is free of charge.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


a bank


Many banking, insurance, financial products and services are available in Korea. There can be some restrictions imposed to foreign students in banking or finance due to strict national regulations. Depending on the types of international transactions, there can be some specific stipulations on documents and transaction amount.

a. Opening an Account Foreigner can open a bank account by visiting a bank whether he/she resides in Korea or not. A residing foreigner can refer to an individual who has been staying in Korea for more than 6 months while a non-residing foreigner can refer to a person who has been staying in Korea for less than 6 months. Required Documents: Passport, Alien Registration Card b. Money transfers When you want to send money overseas, you can transfer money at a bank. Through designated foreign exchange banks, you can transfer up to $50,000 (remittance + exchange rate) a year, and if you have a document showing how the money was acquired, then you can transfer any amount within ones range of income. Different banks have different fees and restrictions on transfers, so it is recommended that you compare the information at different banks. It is convenient and fast to transfer money through telegraphic transfer. For such a transfer, you need to write down the name of the recipient, address, account number, the name of bank, and other pertinent information in English. c. Exchange of Money If you have a passport, you can easily exchange foreign money or travelers checks for Korean money at Korean banks, including the Korean Exchange Bank, and the change booths at the airport. You can exchange up to $10,000 (for one entry) at a time. The foreign exchange rates are not fixed and change depending on economic factors. Related Websites Yahoo Finance: Korea Exchange Bank The Exchange Rate ARS Service: Tel. 82-2-1544-3000(#3) Tel. 82-2-1588-3500(#3)


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Tip Useful Terminology  Real Name Verification Act Korea enacted the Real Name Verification Act in 1993, which stipulates that all transactions be made only under ones real name and applies to both to Koreans and foreigners. When using a proxy, documents should be submitted to verify the real name on the transaction. Foreign Exchange Regulations There are restrictions on international transactions for foreign tourists, residing foreigners, and non-residing foreigners, as follows: - Buying Korean currency :  Foreigners can buy Korean currency within the amount they brought to Korea. Non-residing foreigners can buy Korean currency less than 10,000USD. - Buying foreign currency :  Foreigners can buy foreign currency within the amount of income earned in Korea or with the amount brought to Korea. Students can purchase foreign currency up to 10,000USD without a claim, but should present passport.

Communication Facilities
a. High Speed Internet High speed Internet has spread rapidly in Korea, one of the worlds most internet savvy countries. High speed Internet services are available in many homes. There are three major companies offering high speed internet services: KT Megapass, LG Powercom and Hana Fos. If you call the companies for registration consultation or register for Internet services after signing up for membership online, an installation technician will visit you to install the Internet services. To use an Internet service, you need wired equipment for wired internet service and wireless equipment for wireless Internet service. The initial cost for installment is 30,000 won and monthly service charges range from 25,500 to 30,000 won (VAT excluded). However, service charges vary depending on Internet service providers and different products. In general, there are 1 to 3-year contract periods. Discount rates are applied, depending on the period of your contract. If you cancel the Internet service within the term of your contract or shorten the period of your contract, you will have to return the discounted amount you have received during the duration of your contract. You will also have to pay the rental fees for modem and AP.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea



Regular phoneTel. without dialing area code 100 (toll-free) mobile phone Tel. with the area code+100 (fee charges) Tel. 1644-7000 Tel. 106 (without area code) 080-8282-106 #3 (English)

Kt olleh

LG U+ SK broadband (K, E)

b. Internet Cafe (PC bang)

a PC room

Throughout Seoul, there are many places where you can use the Internet, and thus it is easy to find one in your neighborhood. These places are called PC bang, the Korean word bang means room, but other names that can be seen include Internet cafe,or titles using cyber, net, and internet plaza in their names. When you need to use the Internet to check e-mail, surf the web, or work on /print documents, please go to a PC bang in your neighborhood. You can use the Internet at a reasonable price. Hourly rates are between 1,000 and 1,500won. If you have membership or go to the PC bang during nighttime hours, it is cheaper c. Telephone Service


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(1) Moblile Phone

Mobile phones are widely and commonly used in Korea, and have various functions such as texting messages, taking pictures, and videos, and video calling. Major communication companies in Korea are SK Telecom (SKT), Kt olleh and LG Telecom. Detailed information can be found on each companys website in English. To buy a mobile phone, foreigners need to submit a passport copy, foreigner registration card, and other required documents. In the case of using a proxy, that person should bring an ID with the other documents.

Mobile phone
Deposit required Call Center : 080-2525-0111 No deposit required, but information of credit card or bank account required. Prepaid phones available. Call Center: 02-2190-1180 and 1583(toll-free from KT mobile phone) olleh shop for foreigners: http://global/ Same as Koreans but bank account required. Call Center: 1544-0010

Kt olleh


Communication companies have different fee structures depending on the lifestyles and needs of their clients. Payment can be made via wire transfer, credit card, autogiro, ATM, or online remittance. (2) Home Phones To install a telephone line in a home or an office, call 100 without the area code. Once you call the number, the telephone company in the area of your residence will install a phone line for you. For phone installation, a foreigner needs his/her passport and a copy of his/her foreign registration card. The steps for installing a fax machine are the same as for telephone installation. To use a fax machine, you need to connect it to your phone. - Long Distance Calls : D  ial the area code and then the number.
( Example) When calling a friend living in Daegu, dial the area code (053) + the number(123-4567)
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Major area code

Seoul Incheon Gwangju Chungchongbuk-do Gyeongsangbuk-do Busan Jeollabuk-do Jeju

02 032 062 043 054 051 063 064

Gyeonggi-do Daejeon Daegu Chungchongnam-do Gyeongsangnam-do Ulsan Jeollanam-do Gangwon-do

031 042 053 041 055 052 061 033


- International : W  hen making an international call, dial the international calling code, country code, area code, and phone number. International Calling Codes
Number 001

LG Dacom

Onse Telecom

SK Telecom

(3) Pay Phones As the use of mobile phone has become widely used and the demand for pay phones has increased, there are less pay phones on the streets or in public places. Pay phones are operated by coins, phone cards, or credit cards and can be used to make local, long distance, or international calls. The rate for local calls is 70won per three minutes. International collect calls can be made by pressing the emergency button or dialing 00799.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Tip Voltage The standard voltage in Korea is 220 volts. The outlet has two round holes and is the same type used in France, Germany, Austria, Greece, Turkey, and many other countries.

d. Cable TV Cable TV is a means of communication that combines broadcasting and telecommunication and provides multi-channels relating to a variety of specialized fields of broadcasting. Depending on their needs, viewers can choose from many specialized channels, including movies, dramas, sports/games, news/information, entertainment, regional access/TV guide, home shopping, children, music, hobby/living, culture/documentary, women/family, education /public access and religion. In addition, viewers can watch not only territorial broadcasting, but also overseas satellite TV programs from America, Japan, China and Europe. Recently, cable TV providers offer additional services including high speed internet service. A foreigner who wants to sign up for cable TV service needs to provide his or her name, contact information, address, Alien Registration Card, and a bank account for automatic money transfer. (For money transfer by giro, a copy of ones passport will be required.) Required documents may be different for each cable service company, so you should make inquiries at your local cable TV provider. You can contact the Korean Cable TV Association for phone numbers of each local cable service provider. *, Tel: 02-735-6511 e. Newspapers and Magazines

a paper a magazine
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

There are a great number of newspapers and magazines in Korea, including dailies, weeklies, and monthlies. You can get newspapers or magazines through a one-year subscription but you can also buy them at newsstands around bus stops or subway stations, and 24-hour convenience stores and bookstores. In addition, many media companies offer updated news and information online. You should have to pay for hard copies of newspapers and magazines, but you can get information online free of charge. English-language newspapers in Korea include the Joongang Daily, Korea Times and Korea Herald. Seoul is a monthly magazine on Korean culture and tourism. Monthly English-language Magazines
Name of company


URL (E) (E) (E)

English-language Newspapers
Name of company
Joongang Daily Korea Times Korea Herald

URL [E] [E] [E]

Name of company
Kyunghyang Newspapers Kookmin llbo Seoul Newspapers Donga Ilbo Munhwa Ilbo Hankyoreh Hankook Ilbo Yonhap News Maeil Economy Seoul Economy Segye Ilbo Chosun Ilbo Joongang Ilbo Hankyung Newspapers Herald Business Financial News The Guidebook for Foreign Students

URL [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K] [K, E, J, C, Spanish, Arabic] [K, E] [K] [K] [K, E, J, C] [K] [K] [K] [K]

f. Broadcast stations and radio channels Koreas three major broadcast stations are KBS, MBC, and SBS. Each broadcast station has broadened their scope of broadcasting through territorial broadcasting, radio programming, cable, satellite programming, the Internet and DMB. In particular, the development of internet homepages has enabled viewers to watch programs again. In addition, more programs have included viewers opinions or information in the programs. Arirang TV is an English-language broadcast station that provides news and information on Korea. All TV and radio programs of the broadcast station are available in English. AFN (1530 AM, 102.7 FM) is a 24-hour English language radio station.


Postal Service

a parcel service

a. Postal Service You can mail letters, postcards, and little parcels by putting them in a mailbox on the street or by visiting a post office in your neighborhood. You should go to the post office when using non-standard envelopes or postcards. You need to write down the postal code when you send a letter or a package. Post offices, DHL, Federal Express, UPS, Hanjin Shipping Company, and EMS provide shipping services Postal Service
Shipping Company
DHL Korea Federal Express UPS Hanjin Shipping EMS

1588-0000 080-023-8000 02-2022-1000 1588-1612(International Shipping) 1588-1300

Homepage Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

(1) Domestic Postal Service National postal code directories are available at post offices. You can use domestic postal services by writing down the recipients postal code and attaching stamps for regular mail or express mail. When you choose registered mail, you should get a receipt. Registered mail is more expensive than regular mail. However, the process of the delivery of registered mail is recorded, so it is possible to track the mail. The hours of most post offices are 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday, but some post offices are open until 8 pm, and some are open even on Saturdays. For more information on rates, fees, postal codes, compensation for damages, and so forth, contact the following number. (Tel. 1588-1300)


General Postage Rates (As of 2007)

Content Weight
up to 5g Standard mail 5g ~ 25g 25g ~ 50g up to 50g Non-standard mail above 50g

Standard mail rates

270 won 300 won 320 won 390 won 120 won

General mail

(2) Overseas postal service For overseas mail, a direct visit to a post office is required. Express Mail Service provides the fastest and safest international postal service that delivers urgent letters, documents, and packages. EMS is operated by the Korea Post under special agreements with reliable, overseas postal counterparts. Before sending your mail, make sure to write down the address and names of senders and recipients, phone numbers, the contents, quantities, and costs of items. Rates vary depending on the kind of mail and weight, so you need to check the information through homepages or at the post office counter. After sending your mail through EMS, airmail, or registered mail, you can check the status of delivery through the customer service center for international mail at the post office call center. When you call in Korea, use the following number. (Tel. 1588-1300) If you are calling from outside Korea, dial the following number. (Tel. 02-2108-0051~0059) Permissible and and Non-permissible items for Overseas Mail
Transmissible items Non-transmissible items
Coins and Bank Notes Money Remittances Negotiable Articles Prohibited articles  Items that are dangerous to handle or can destroy or contaminate other items  Flammable or explosive materials or dangerous materials (Paint, ink, etc.) Obscene or indecent items  Processed or unprocessed gold, silver, platinum, gems and other valuables Items that are prohibited at the receiving country


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Official Communications Commercial Papers Computer Data Check Clearances Bussiness Samples Magnetic Tape Microfilm

B  anned items can be confiscated or the sender can be subjected to an additional tax so checking the list of banned items is advisable.

b. Door-to-door delivery Door-to-door delivery refers to the service that provides direct delivery to the recipient. It is more costly, but safer and faster than regular mail. Because senders leave the receivers contact information, it is less likely to lose the delivered items. With a call, an employee of a door-todoor delivery company visits your place and delivers various items including documents, parcels, and heavy goods the next day of receiving the items anywhere in the nation (On holidays or in certain areas including islands or mountainous areas, the delivery might be delayed for one or two more days). Other than calling, you can make a reservation through the homepage of the door-to-door delivery company. For the post office door-to-door delivery service, you can visit a post office and sign up for the service. Rates for the door-to-door service vary depending on the receivers area, the kind and size of the items and the number of items. You can verify this information on the homepage of the door-todoor delivery company.
- The post office door-to-door delivery service delivers the items the next day and items sent to Jeju-do by sea are delivered in two days. - The size refers to the sum of width, length, and height. If any of these exceeds the standard, you should pay additional charges. - The same delivery area refers to Si or Do where receipt and delivery of items were made and other areas and Jeju-do are separated from the same delivery areas. The delivery areas are divided into nine areas (Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi / Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam / Daejeon, Chungnam / Chungbuk /Gwangju, Jeonnam / Daegu, Gyeongbuk / Jeonbuk / Gangwon / Jeju) - For the Jeju area, receipt of delivery items is made in Jeju-do and the rates of Jeju are applied to the delivery items sent to other areas. For the items sent from other areas, the rates are applied depending on the delivery area. - Additional fees for a registered package might be charged.

Door-to-Door Delivery Companies

Hanjin Door-to-door Delivery The Korea Express Door-to-door Delivery KGB Door-to-door Delivery Logen Door-to-door Delivery Post Door-to-door Delivery

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

1588-0011 1588-1255 1577-4577 1588-9988 1588-1300


(Ex) Basic rates for post office door-to-door delivery service (as of 2009)

(Ex) Basic rates for post office door-to-door delivery service (as of 2009)
Within the same area Post office door-to-door delivery Other areas Delivery to Jeju by air Delivery to Jeju by sea


up to 2kg (up to 60cm)

4,000 won 5,000 won 6,000 won 5,000 won

up to 5kg up to 10kg up to 20kg up to 30kg (up to 80cm) (up to 120cm) (up to 140cm) (up to 160cm)
5,000 won 6,000 won 7,000 won 6,000 won 6,000 won 7,000 won 8,000 won 7,000 won 7,000 won 8,000 won 9,000 won 8,000 won 8,000 won 9,000 won 11,000 won 9,000 won

c. Quick Service Quick service is faster than door-to-door delivery service. Quick service delivers items to the recipient within 24 hours by a motorcycle or car. Many quick services are available through the Internet and operate 24 hours, all year round. You can pay for the service through various payment methods such as cash, credit cards, money transfer, or cell phones. Rates for quick service are different depending on the distance between the place of origin and the place of receipt of the item, and the size of items. Information for this service should be checked in advance on the websites of quick service companies.

Garbage Disposal
Separate garbage collection is designed to levy a graded charge for the amount of waste you dispose. The system facilitates the disposal of recyclable waste and the reduction of general waste by using the Standard Plastic Garbage Bag. It has been enforced since 1995. Garbage that should be collected separately for recycling includes foods, papers, plastics, bottles, cans, scrap metals, styrofoam and vinyls. Unrecyclable garbage should be put in a standard garbage bag. The way to dispose garbage may differ depending on regions. For more information about waste disposal, please ask the corresponding district office or the local residents. a. Penalty for violations -P  enalties ranging from 100,000 won up to 1,000,000 won (depending on the local district) will be levied against an illegal disposal. -I f food waste is not separated from general waste, penalty rates for illegal disposal will grow progressively higher. (Penalty rates apply differently for each local district.) b. Pick-up Hours -D  ischarge after sunset. - You  can get in information on the dates and time for garbage pick-up from the local district office. c. Pick-up Locations -I n front of the gate (if residence is an individual home) -O  utdoor waste container for apartments
You can easily find garbage disposal bags at supermarkets and convenience stores.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

International students should buy white colored grabage bags. Not yellow one it is used for business. Recyclables do not require garbage, and should be disposed of separately. Cities have different garbage bags.


a religion

Freedom of religion is guaranteed in Korea. About 23.2% of Koreans are Buddhist, 19.7% Christian, and 6.6% Roman Catholic. Most Buddhist temples are located in mountains but there are some in cities. Churches and Catholic cathedrals can easily be found in every town. Also, there are student religious groups at universities.
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

a. Buddhism Since its introduction in the Three Kingdoms period, Buddhism was the national religion during the Unified Silla Kingdom and Goryeo Dynasty. Thus, Buddhism is a historic religion in Korea. There are various sects including Jogyeo-jong, Cheontae-jong and Taego-jong.
Jogyeo-jong: Cheontae-jong: Taego-jong: 02-2011-1700 043-423-7100 02-739-3450


b. Christianity Since introduced in the 18 century, Christianity has prevailed in Korea. Churches are ubiquitous in Korea. c. Roman Catholicism
Myeongdong Catholic Cathedral: 02-774-1784 Korean Association of Catholics: 02-460-7500

d. Muslim
Korean Muslim Federation: 02-793-6908

e. Other Religions
Chondogyo: Daejonggyo: Won Buddhism: 02-732-8991 02-394-8930~1 063-850-3193

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Leisure Activities

a. Sports (1) Baseball Championship

a baseball


From April to October the baseball championships are held. Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Korea. On weekends, many people go to watch baseball games with family and friends. There are 9 professional teams that play in such stadiums as Jamsil (Seoul), Mokdong (Seoul), Daegu, Gwangju, Busan, Daejeon, and Incheon. The entrance fee is from 8,000 to 30,000 won depending on seats.
- Korean Baseball Organization:

(2) Soccer League

a soccer

From March to November the professional Soccer championships are held. Soccer is the most popular sport in Korea. 16 professional teams from Seoul, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, Jeju, Soengnam, Suwon, Ulsan, Incheon, Jeonnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongnam, and Gangwon compete for the championship. The entrance fee is 6,000 to 15,000won.
- Korean Football Association:

(3) Basketball Championship

a basketball

From October to March the professional basketball championships are held. Basketball is the most popular winter indoor sport in Korea. Professional male teams are from Seoul, Ulsan, Daegu, Incheon, Jeonju, Busan, Changwon, Anyang, and Wonju, totalling 10. There are 10 professional female teams. The entrance fee ranges from 7,000 to 20,000won.
- Korea Basketball League: - Female Korea Basketball League:

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

(4) Professional Volleyball


a volleyball

From November to April is volleyball season. There are 6 male and 6 female professional teams.
- Korean Volleyball Federation :

b. Entertainment (1) Movies

a movie

Koreans love the cinema and this is evident in the number of theaters, large and small, around the city. North American-style multiplexes and small independent theaters provide moviegoers with a variety of options. The most notable multiplexes are CGV (Tel. 15441122/ [K]), Mega Box (Tel. 1544-0600/ [K]), Lotte Cinema (Tel. 1544-8855/ [K]), and Cinus (tel. 1544-0070/ www. [K]). In general, you need to pay 8,000~10,000KRW for a movie. Online ticketing is available but service is not available in English. Most theaters, if not all, show foreign films with Korean subtitles, but for those interested, there are theaters that show Korean films with English subtitles.
- Korean Cinema Association: 02-732-3382 - Busan International Film Festival: - Jeonju Film Festival: - Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival:

Historical records show that drinking, singing, and dancing and just having fun have always been a part of Korean culture. This might help to explain the Korean love for the cultural arts. Various venues exist in Seoul and are mainly used to host large scale performances and events. Some of the annual events and festivals include world renowned artists and performers, and for those involving local artists, subtitles in various languages are provided for foreigners in attendance. Traditionally Daehak-ro in Seoul has a hub for performances, musicals, and opera, but these days, near Chungdam-dong or Apgujeong-dong there are

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(2) Performances and Musicals

a perform

many theaters. Admission fees differ depending on the performances ranging from 15,000 to 100,000won or higher.
- The National Theater: - The National Theater of Korea: - Seoul Arts Center:

(3) Museums and Art Galleries

a museum

There are plenty of museums and art galleries sponsored by many different organizations, including national and regional ones, schools, corporations, and individuals. There are various themes, sizes, and types. Therefore, there are many choices. As there are numerous museums and galleries, finding right information may be difficult, but the following association might be helpful.
- Korean Museum Association: or 02-795-0959
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


c. Night Clubbing

a club

Young people in Korea go night clubbing to release stress and enjoy life. At clubs, Korean youth drink and dance, but too much clubbing or/and drinking is not recommended in general. The best and most popular clubbing place is the Hongdae (Hongik University) area, where many clubs and bars can be found. Club Day
The area surrounding Hongik University, or Hongdae() as it is more commonly referred to is the center of Korea's youthful nightlife. Many of Seoul's idiosyncratic clubs that draw the younger set are clustered in the area, and on the last Friday of every month these clubs host a Club Day, since become a mainstay event of the area. A 15,000 won ticket allows party-goers admittance into 11 clubs, with one complimentary drink, Hongdae is an ideal place for those who enjoy dancing and music.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Culture festival

d. Shopping (1) Street Shopping

a market

If you are the type of person who enjoys wandering hectic streets full of vendors selling anything from food to toys, clothes, accessories, and shoes at discounted prices, Korea is the place to be. Street vendors are ubiquitous in Korea, with some areas housing more than others.

(2) Apgujeong-dong

Apgujeong -dong
Apgujeong-dong is home to high-end and designer products. There are a number of luxury brand shops, popular overseas brand shops, and even used luxury goods shops. There are also some nice cozy coffee shops along the way. Galleria Department Store opposite Rodeo Street, contains some of the priciest goods around. - Directions: Take Apgujeong Station, line 3, exit 2 and walk up straight in the opposite direction of the exit. The walk to Cheongdam Station, line 7 also has some nice shops and boutiques. (3) Myeong-dong
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


Myeong -dong

This area has become a mainstay on the list of tourist destinations. It is home to a number of shops and boutiques that offer hip and trendy fashions at affordable prices. Migliore and Noon Square are large shopping malls that can offer shoppers hours of shopping fun. - Directions: Myeongdong Station, line 4, exits 6, 7 will lead you to the busy streets of Myeong-dong. The underground walkway is connected to Euljiro 1-ga Station, line 2.

(4) Samcheong-dong

Samcheong -dong
The area running parallel and to the rear of Gyeongbok Palace is known as Samcheongdong. Small shops of modern and hip fashion designers with their own unique styles can be found here. - Directions: Take Gyeongbokgung Station, line 3, exit 5 and follow the palace stonewall until you reach a slew of shops and restaurants.

(5) Insadong


The Guidebook for Foreign Students


If you are in search of traditional items, Insadong is the place. Shoppers can find neckties with traditional patterns, modern hanbok with pattern resembling the national flag, anything else related to the country and its traditions. Koreans also frequent this area in search of antique goods and traditional tea shops. - Directions: Take Anguk Station, line 3, exit 6 and walk down until you reach Crown Bakery. Turn left and you will find Insadong Cultural Street which leads to Jongno 2-ga rotary. From Jonggak Station, line 1, exit 3, walk straight until you reach Tapgol Park and then turn left.

(6) Itaewon

ltaewon -dong
This is the most multicultural place in the country. Itaewon offers some of the most best authentic ethnic food in Seoul. However, there is more to Itaewon than just great food. It offers Korean antiques and sports uniforms can be found at low prices. -D  irections: Take Itaewon Station, line 6 and any exit will lead you to the streets of Itaewon.

(7) Internet Shopping

Online shopping
Internet shopping is very common in Korea as it is very convenient and some goods are a lot cheaper than off-line shops. Consumers should check the conditions and terms when shopping online. Some cheaply priced goods can be of low quality, so lots of browsing and review of consumer comments is highly recommended.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

(8) Traditional Markets Traditional markets are good places to experience an aspect of Korean culture as well as to shop for various types of goods, new and used. Namdaemum Market and Dongdaemun Market in Seoul are the most famous. Local cities also have traditional markets. Sometimes these markets are open every 3 or 5 days and are fun places to buy special local products and to enjoy cultural activities. Products are sold at reasonable prices.


Tip Things to know when shopping  There can be communication difficulties in English except for ltaewon.  Paying in Korean currency is more economical than in US dollars.  Exchanging of bargaining in the morning is not recommended. When the first customer does not purchase a product, it can be considered as bad start of a day. For any troubles or inconvenience. Call the complaint center of the Korea Tourism Organization, at 02-735-0101.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Average Price List of Goods

0.5L water 750won

An apple 1,300won

A bagel 1,500won

Ramyeon 600-900won

Snack(small) 700won

PizzaHut(L) 22,900won

Starbuckscoffee Americano(tall) 3,600won

BigMacset inMcdonald's 4,900won

Bibimbap 5,000-10,000won

Movie 8,000-9,000won

Abook(small) 8,00012,000won

CD 15,000won

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

DVD 20,000-25,000won

Newspaper 600-1,500won

PCbang (PCroom) Onehour 1,000-2,000won

Noraebang (KaraokeRoom) Onehour 5,000-15,000won

Soda250ml (smallcan) 850won

Milk(1L) 2,100-2,500won

Beer(bottle) 1,600-3,500won

Cigarettes 1box 2,500won


Busfare 1,000won

Basetaxifare 2,400won

Subwayfare (oneservicearea) 1,000won

Money & Currency Check

Make sure to make note of the serial number of checks valuing more than 100,000won in case of loss.

Old Bills

10,000 won

5,000 won

1,000 won

New Bills

e. Amusement Parks One of the most common outdoor entertainment attractions is amusement parks. There are many fun amusement parks in Korea where many people enjoy visiting with families and friends. Korean metropolitan cities have big amusement parks whereas there are some small ones in small cities. The major ones are as follow.

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

50,000 won

10,000 won

5,000 won

1,000 won


500 won

100 won

50 won

10 won

a theme park
- Lotteworld (Seoul): - Everland (Gyoenggi-do): - Kumdori Land (Daejeon): - Woobangland (Daegu): - Kumho Family Land (Gwangju): - Gyeongju World (Gyeongsan-do):

f. Korean Sauna - Jimjilbang

a spa

Korean sauna called Jimjilbang is a unique aspect of Korean culture and has recently become a common leisure activity and place for relaxation. At Jimjilbang, Koreans can enjoy saunas with their family and friends at temperatures of 50 to 90 degrees Celsius . Jimjilbangs are usually open 24hours, so patrons can stay overnight. There are different admission fees for adults and children and for different regions, but average fees range from approximately 7,000 to 10,000won. Some travelers or tourists even stay at jimjilbang instead of hotel due to the convenience of the various facilities there and particularly for the cheap price. In the sauna, heat increases the circulation and makes users sweat profusely, creating relaxing cathartic effect. Jimjilbang reportedly increases the metabolism as well as helping to relieve shoulder, head, and neck pain. It also improves skin quality and loosens stiff muscles. T-shirts and short pants are provided, and the facilities offered include rooms such for PCs, sleeping, movies, and fitness, and there are cafeterias, restaurants, singing rooms, and massage services. There are also common areas for females and males, but public baths are separated as well as the sleeping rooms.

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea



Festivals in Korea
Although Korea is small in territory, it has many travelling attractions. With its natural, historical, and cultural sites located around the peninsula, Korea can be an interesting place for adventurous types. There are four distinct seasons and a number of things to see and do with the changing climate. According to personal interests and preferences, travel can be planned. Using a travel agent is also a good idea. If traveling individually is preferred, thorough preparations are essential to fully explore the beauty of Korea and widely enjoy the rich culture. Detailed information can be obtained from the following site:
- Korea Tourism Organization:

Korea Tourism Organization is a reliable source of information, and is run by the Korean government to provide a variety of information to visitors and tourists alike. Its website can be very useful for planning a trip to or in Korea. A good motivation to travel in Korea is to enjoy in one of the many local festivals. Local cities hold hundreds of exciting and exotic festivals, each with their own characteristics every year. The following festivals have been popular with foreigners as well as Koreans.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

a. Hampyeong Butterfly Festival

a butterfly
- Where : Hampyeong-gun, Jeonnam - When : Every April to May - What : T  he feature exhibit during the festival is the Butterfly Ecology Pavillion, an indoor exhibition which houses as many as 60,000 butterflies from around Korea. The beautifully landscaped pavillion is also the home of more than 100 types of plants and 600 types of flowers and native trees. The adjacent Butterfly & Specimen Gallery features an extensive display of rare and extinct butterflies from around the world. The exhibition also pays tribute to plants and insects that have been designated as endangered species. The Outdoor Experience Area will serve as the hands-on activity site and includes demonstrations of natural dyeing techniques, thread spinning and ceramic painting. Finally, frogs, turtles and diving beetles strut their stuff in a petting zoo format. Music, dancing, and traditional performances are round out the festivities.

b. Boryeong Mud Festival

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

- Where : Daecheon Beach, Boryeong-si, Chungnam - When : Every July - What : B  oryeong Mud Festival is held at Daecheon Beach on the west coast of Korea. Events are spread along the scenic beach resort throughout the festival, including a competition for a Mud King and Queen and Miss Mud, bathing in a massive mud tub, mud massages, a mud dancing contest and a mud photo contest. Other attractions include a mud sliding competition, a street parade, fireworks and ssireum, traditional Korean wrestling, in the mud. To heighten the festive mood, a street parade of mud-covered girls and models, a marching band and a samba dance team will march through the streets of Daecheon, Boryeong City. The organizer of the event offers information in English, Japanese and Chinese for foreign tourists.


c. Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival

a light
- Where: Jinju-si, Gyeongnam - When : Every October - What : T  he main events of Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival are the hanging and floating of wishing lanterns and making and exhibition of creative lanterns and swinging lanterns. The festival also offers a wide variety of cultural events that link participants with the areas unique and interesting past such as fireworks on the river, Jinju nongak performance and traditional bullfighting. During the festival performers in Korean and Japanese soldier uniforms recreate the battle between Korea and Japan around the Jinjuseong fortress. Together with those from many different regions of Korea, the traditional lanterns of such countries as China, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, etc. are exhibited on both sides of the Namgang River, making gorgeous night scenery.


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

d. Taebaeksan Mountain Snow Festival


- Where: Taebaeksan Provincial Park, Hwangji Pond, O2 Resort - When : Every January - What : A  fantastic snow-laden dream world unfolds on the slopes of Taebaeksan, one of Koreas legendary mountains, held since 1995. Beginning with the opening of the snow festival, a number of events are held, which include an international snow sculpture exhibition, a family snowman making contest, a model Greek temple of snow, four-seasons in the snow field, a national climbing contest, Okung sled riding, a miniature soccer game, riding a dog-sledge, traditional folk performances, and many other activities. Together with this festival, you can look around Taebaek Coal Museum, Yongyeon Cave, ancient limestone erosion of Gumunso, Hwangji (the source of the Nakdong River), Geomryongso (the source of the Han River), and so on.

e. Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


- Where: Hwacheongang riverside, Hwacheon-si, Gangwon-do - When : Every January - What : H  wacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival is a unique theme festival which is held in every January in Hwacheon, Gangwon-do, a clean region where Sancheoneo and otters live. You can enjoy catching Sancheoneo by hand or by fishing on the 40 centimeter-thick ice. The festival is full of good shows and 30 or so various experience programs such as ice sledding, snow sledding, snow sculpture and ice soccer.



Libraries & Bookstores

a. Libraries You can improve your Korean language reading books and materials in major Korean libraries. Your good command of Korean will make your stay and study in Korea comfortable and rewarding.
U  niversities have central as well as college libraries with plenty of books and journals.
The National Library of Korea The National Assembly Korea Namsan Public Library

Phone & Website

02-535-4142 02-788-4211 02-754-7338

As the biggest library in Korea, it possesses all the materials published in Korea (about 7,900 thousand volumes as of Oct. 30. 2010) and is located on Banpo-ro, Seocho-gu Situated near the National Assembly Building and available not only for the Members of Parliament / legislation supporting institutions but other national and local government bodies and people in general. Located in Namsan, Yongsan-gu, and owns a large collection of materials. Commands a good view of downtown Seoul and the Han River : Popular for walking in spring and fall.

b. Bookstores (Seoul)
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Address & Tel. URL

- The. 02-1544-1900 - - Kyobo Bookstore near Gwanghwamun is the biggest bookstore in Korea and therefore boasts the biggest of books in foreign languages.

Kyobo Bookstore

- The. 02-1544-9020 Youngpoong Bookstore - - Youngpoong in Jongno also offers an impressive collection of books in foreign languages. - The. 02-556-6002 02-2198-3040 - - Located in COEX, Samsung station, this large bookstore has a sizeable collection of English books and magazines. - The. 02-734-9565 - - Owns a large collection of books on Korea in English. - The. 02-797-2342 02-797-2342 - - Sells new and used books and operates e-bookstore.

Bandi & Luni's


Seoul Selection

What the Book

O  ther locations can be found on websites.

13 Part-time jobs by students

If a foreign student wants to work part-time in Korea, he/she should receive permission for such extracurricular activity from the immigration service be enrolled in undergraduate course (more than a two-year college) or master's or Ph.D. program, or after one receives more than six months (one semester) of classes by registering with language training course. After the applicant is qualified, he/she can work up to 20 hours during semester and unlimited time for part-time during vacation. However, a part-time job should not be prioritized over studying and the income from part-time work in Korea should be only part of the persons income and it should not be one's only income. Students can work in a part-time or temporary position or assistant at a restaurant, store or company that is outside the school, or school store, bookstore, school office or laboratory. Part-time information will be given at school employment center, store ad, local newsletter, or Internet, and the job seeker will be hired through a simple interview. Part-time work will not be allowed for private tutoring lessons, adult entertainment bars or high-tech industry. For details, this is regulated by the Department of Justice. There are some precautions to be taken when visiting the e-civil service ( or immigration service and applying for part-time employment. When a job seeker applies for a job for the first time or extend permission time for part-time employment, one should apply for part-time job permission. If one already received permission and then changes employer (place of employment) or working hours within the permitted period, one must report hourly employment. In other words, keep in mind that permission and reporting is totally different.
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea

Part-time employment regulations for foreign student

Qualified holder of a visa for working at a language school (D-4-1)
Qualification - Anyone who is a language training student after receiving a confirmation letter from the staff of a language institute during the training period and six months has elapsed from the D-4-1 qualification obtaining date. - A foreign student who receives a letter of confirmation from the staff in international student service center and currently enrolled students in an undergraduate program (more than twoyear college), graduate program, or Ph.D. program, or a student who is preparing a thesis after finishing a Masters or Ph.D. degree. Six months should have elapsed. Screening criteria for part-time job permission - Qualifications for part-time job activity - Permitted hours and places of employment


Less than 20 hours per week during a semester or a quarter (if one is enrolled in a Masters or  Ph.D. course, or if one completes a graduate or Ph.D. course and is preparing a thesis, it will be limited to within 30 hours per week.) Unlimited hours during vacation It is limited to two locations (place of employment).

Application documentation: - Passport, certificate of foreign registration, consolidated application form (Form 34) - Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form Location of application - Immigration service or office in jurisdiction
It can be applied to a part-time job through an e-petition (  Regarding allowed areas, exceptions for allowing, restricted areas, please refer to below part-time employment permission of international student qualification (D-2).

Part-time job regulations for foreign students

Student qualification holders (D2)
Qualifications - A foreign student who receives a letter of confirmation from the staff in international student service center and currently enrolled students in an undergraduate course (more than two-year college), graduate program, or Ph.D. course, or a student who preparing a thesis after finishing a Masters or Ph.D. course. Screening criteria - Validity for activity other than stay qualification - Permitted hours and places of employment  Up to 20 hours per week during a semester or quarter (if one is enrolled in a Masters or Ph.D. program, or if one has completed a graduate or Ph.D. course and is preparing a thesis, it will be limited to a maximum of 30 hours.)  Unlimited during vacation times  It is limited to two locations (working locations) such as one part-time location  Application documentation: Same as application form for part time job by language training student
The Guidebook for Foreign Students


Allowed area: - Any occupation that has a close relationship with ones major - Instructing foreign language conversation at an educational institution, such as a private institution (limited, however, to qualified conversation instructors).
* Private lessons are restricted.

- An occupation which can be performed by a student according to social norms - Any occupation that has a close relationship with ones major, or translation, interpretation, restaurant assistant, general office assistant, or an occupation which can be done by a student according to proper social norms. - Other simple labor that is not restricted to work
However, one should be qualified in accordance with governing laws and regulations in each area.

Exception for permission: -I f one works as an intern to acquire credits or receives a certain amount as allowance by participating in a research project, or participates, such as a teaching assistant or librarian, in a student scholarship at school, a separate permit is not required. -I f one receives compensation and work is temporary normal housework or office assistant, and work is not done as an occupational job like a household assistant. Restricted areas: -I f one seeks a job at a high-tech industrial company or institute that restricts recruitment to protect industrial secrets -I f one gets a job where does a speculative business which is defined and regulated by Speculative Business Act of 2-1-1 and its Enforcement Ordinance of 1-2. -I f one works as pleasure or as an entertainer in a saloon, bar or entertainment drinking bar which is regulated by Food and Sanitation Act of 36-2 and its Enforcement Ordinance of 21-8. -I f one gets a job at a business location that is contrary to ethical Korean customs as regulated by Article 2 of the Sex Business Act and Article 2 of its Enforcement Ordinance -A  ny private lesson activity that is regulated by the School Establishment, Operation and Private Lesson Act -I f any restriction is imposed on securing a job by the Minister of Justice or if an activity is not allowed in terms of ones student status

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea



Full-time Employment

a. Employment Information According to the Immigration Control Act, visas for professors (E-1), research (E-3: applicable only to Natural Sciences and Engineering), or specific activities (E-7), foreigners who have completed a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences or Engineering, and those with a Master s degree in Humanities from a Korean university, are entitled to stay and engage in full-time employment in Korea without a reentry permit.
Contact Information for Employment Inquiries : w ,

GoldCard provides employment support for foreign students. A lot of career related information is available on its website, Moreover, the National Institute for International Education also holds employment information sessions and job fairs either at universities or at exhibition centers. b. GoldCard System The GoldCard system recruits outstanding foreign employees for leading industries in Korea and provides them with visa support and other assistance. The ColdCard system is available to high-tech professionals working in 8 high-tech areas; e-commerce (enterprise information system, e-business), new materials, transportation equipment, digital electronics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, environment and energy, and management of technology  8 Leading Industries :  E-Biz, Environment, Bio, Digital Electronics, Nano-technology, Transportation/Mechanical, New Materials, Management of Technology  Immigration Benefits - Maximum Stay: 5 years (E-7- 3years) - Multi-entry visa - More activities allowed beyond the primary purpose of - Change/add work location
Details available at, Tel: 1345 (Fax 02-2650-4550)


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

c. What is Science Card? Science Card is a type of reference issued by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea in order to facilitate the employment of the outstanding foreign scientists and engineers within Korea by offering them conveniences with visa issuance and the acquisition of permissions for stay in Korea.
Instructions on the application process

Who are Eligible for Application:

Foreign nationals who want to work as the highly-educated science and technology-related  workforce at the science & engineering research institutes, including the institutes of junior colleges or colleges of higher levels, government-sponsored institutes, national/public institutes, corporate institutes, etc.

Difference between General Visa and Privilege Visa

Type of visa Maximum period of sojourn per visit Status of sojourn Workplace

General Visa
Single visa Up to 2 years E1(Professor) or E3(Researcher) Only the reported workplace

Privilege Visa (issued when Science Card is submitted)

Multiple visa Up to 5 years Allowed to be engaged in activities not covered by the status of sojourn (E1E3) Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea Alteration or addition of workplace allowed

 The online process of issuing Science Card ( has decreased the time for the issuance from 15 days to 7 days.

Requirements for Application Those who have M.S. degrees (with 3 years or more of research experience) or PhD degrees * Professors (Status of sojourn: E-1) and researchers (Status of sojourn: E-3) in the fields of humanities or new growth engine under the WCU (World Class University) program of the Ministry of Education (MOE).



Tips on Safety

After the application process with a university, students should make contact with a supervising professor, the international office, and any acquaintances in Korea. Contact information should be shared with those people and any changes such as for phone number, email, or address. It is very important to share any difficulties or troubles in Korea with family members and friends in order to properly cope and overcome any challenges. Regarding accidents or crime, students should contact the police for assistance.

a. Money Issues -A  lthough muggings are not very common in Korea, foreign students should be careful of their belongings and money they carry. - Carrying a small amount of cash is recommended while other funds for tuition and living expenses should be deposited in a bank account. -L  eaving cash out in a dormitory, house, or room is not advisable. Students should be cautious and use common sense. b. General Safety -W  hen seeking housing, safety concerns and conditions should be considered. -W  hether it be day or night, students should keep doors locked. - When visitors come claiming to check the gas, telephone, or water, you should check the persons identification. -B  efore leaving home or going to bed, students should turn off the water faucet and gas. -I f encountering a suspicious person or car, students should call the police and make sure to lock the door. -I f a housekey is lost or stolen, the landlord should be contacted immediately to request the door lock to be changed. - Important documents should be kept carefully and separately. If lost, students should get them reissued as soon as possible. -S  tudents should carry their house key always even when leaving home for short periods of time. c. Internet Crime  In general, internet crimes in Korea involve gambling, depictions of sexual violence, threats, fraud, leak of personal information, and the running illegal websites. Releasing viruses or distributing spam emails are also considered Internet crimes.
The Guidebook for Foreign Students


d. Laws for Protecting Internet Communication - A person who is found to have caused personal damage through text messages will be sentenced to a maximum of 3 years of imprisonment or a maximum penalty of 20million won. -A  person who is found collecting personal data, causing injury, leaking personal information, causing a tertiary harm, or causing any loss to another will be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years of imprisonment or a maximum penalty of 50million won. - A person who is found releasing illegal photos, committing fraud, or delivering illegal materials will be sentenced to a maximum of 1 year of imprisonment or a maximum penalty of 10million. - Movies, videos, games, and music that are allowed and indicated of permission by Minor Protection Law can be sold. - Selling cigarettes, alcohol, drug, and/or adult toys is prohibited. Law violaters will be punished according to the law. e. Financial Crimes - If you are requested to give bank account information, credit card number and/or any passwords over the phone, you should immediately suspect voice-phishing, which is a criminal act in which such information is used to gain access to personal financial accounts. Foreign students involved in voice-phishing will be punished according to the law. -I t is crucial not to disclose any personal banking information such as an ID or password to anyone, and to keep banking certificates secure. f. Other Foreign student security lately has become an issue as there have been some unfortunate criminal cases. Therefore, students are advised to pay attention to their personal safety. (1)  Carrying only a little cash and larger amount in the bank is recommended. Leaving cash out openly in a dormitory or house can be dangerous. (2)  Lending money should be very carefully reconsidered, and in most cases, avoided. Do not let people know how much money you keep in your account or the assets your parents have. (3)  Do not decide upon housing only by price, but also consider the location, whether it is safe or not even when using a real estate agent.
 Landlords of rooming house or boarding houses are not responsible for the personal belongings of tenants, so students should be careful to secure their belongings and are advised to get insurance.
Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


(4)  For any emergency situations, immediately call the police by dialing 112, especially when threatened or injured. For instance, if encountering a burglar, it is imperative to call or contact the police. Even if something is lost at school, it is better to notify the proper authorities.
F  or emergencies, notify your academic advisor, international office, and/other embassy.

g. Organizations for Law-related information  Korea Legal Aid Corporation (, Tel. 02-532-0132) has 18 Has 6 offices and 40 branch offices, and offers free legal consultations.  Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations (, Tel. 1644-7077) is the oldest legal organization and has 31 offices. Korean Bar Association (, Tel. 02-3476-4000)  Korea-China Cultural Association International (, Tel. 02-785-3117)


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Chapter 3_ Studying in Korea


Appendix 1. Subway Line (Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Deajeon)


Seoul Subway Linemap

The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Appendix1. Subway Line


Busan Subway Linemap

The Guidebook for Foreign Students


Deagu Subway Linemap

Appendix1. Subway Line


Gwangju Subway Linemap

The Guidebook for Foreign Students


Deajeon Subway Linemap

Appendix 2. Check-list
Basic materials for traveling will help you greatly in settling down to Korea. Below is a list of things that are recommended

Documents Passport Passport/Visa copy Airplane Ticket Passport picture Spare ID pictures Transcript ID National ID International driver's license International student ID Financial Cash Credit card Clothing Clothes Underwear Socks Shoes, Sandals Sneakers Swimsuit Hat/scarf/gloves

Bathroom related Cosmetics Towels Comb Soap Sanitary pad Stationery Books Paper, pens, pencils Dictionary Watch Belt Electronics (220V) Electronic dictionary Camera Alarm clock Other Medicine Glasses/contact lens Razor, washing necessities Souvenirs

Appendix2. Check-list



Appendix 3. Practical Korean

English Hello Whats your name? My name is ... Where are you from? I'm from ... Pleased to meet you Goodbye I dont understand Please write it down Do you speak Korean? Yes, a little How do you say ... in Korean? Excuse me How much is this? Sorry Thank you Can you help me? Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Can you say it again?
The Guidebook for Foreign Students

(Korean) . (an-nyeong-ha-se-yo) ?(i-reum-i mue-e-yo?) ... . (je i-reum-eun ... im-ni-da) ? (Eo-di-seo o-syeo-sseo-yo?) ... . (Jeo-neun ... e-seo wa-sseu-yo) . (Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da) . (an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo) - you are leaving . (an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo) - you are staying . (mo-reu-ge-sseum-ni-da) ! (jeog-eo ju-se-yo!) ? (han-guk-mal ha-sil jul a-se-yo?) , . (yae, jo-geum-yo) ... ? (... reul han-guk-mal-lo eo-tteo-ke ma-rae-yo?) ! (shil-le-ha-ge-ssum-ni-da) ? (i-geo eol-ma-ye-yo?) ! (mi-an-ham-ni-da) . (kam-sa-ham-ni-da) ?(jom do-wa-ju-shil ssu in-na-yo?) (/) ? (Hwa-jang-shil/yak-kuk)-i oe-di-ye-yo? ? (da-shihan-ben mal-sseum-hae-ju-shi-ge-ss-yo?) ? (Cheon-cheo-ni mal-sseum-hae ju-shi-ge-ss-yo?) !(jeok-eo ju-se-yo!) . (Mo-reu-ge-sseo-yo.) ? (Da-neun young-o-ro mu-seun teu-shi-e-yo?) ?(I-ge mue-ye-yo?) . (jeo-neun han-gung-mal jal-mo-tae-yo.) /.(Ne/A-ni-yo.)

Can you speak slowly? Write it down please! I dont know! What does dan mean in English? What is this? My Korean is bad. Yes./ No.


Appendix 4. Contacts of Main Organizations

1. Emergency (No local area number required)
Orangization Hi! Korea [Immigration, Sojourn counseling] Crime report Emergency rescueFire Phone number Information Emergency medical information center National health insurance Foreigner call center International emergency help system 1345 112 119 114 1339 02-390-2000 02-3140-1700 With area code Without area code Contact Details

2. Embassies and Cultural Centers in Korea

Country USA England France Germany Japan China Vietnam Philippines Mongolia Thailand Cambodia Australia Turkey Malaysia Bangladesh Indonesia Nepal Russia Contact 02-397-4114 02-3210-5500 02-3149-4300 02-748-4114 02-2170-5200 02-738-1038 02-739-2065 02-769-7387~9 02-798-3464 02-795-3098 02-3785-1041 02-2003-0100 02-3780-1600 02-2077-8600 02-796-4056 02-783-5371~2 02-3789-9770 02-318-2116 Homepage
Appendix3. Practical Korean / Appendix4. Contacts of Main Organizations


Cultural Centers
Country USA UK France Germany Japan China Philippines Mongolia Turkey Contact 02-397-4114 02-3702-0600 02-3149-4300 02-2021-2800 02-765-3011 02-733-8307 02-597-3400 02-446-4199 02-3452-8182 Homepage

3. Homepages of Main organizations

Ministry of Education National lnstitute for International Education Global Korea Scholarship Study in Korea System Electrionic Government for foreigners Korea Immigration Service Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Test of proficiency in Korean Korean Language Study on the Internet Gold card system Korean Council for University Education Korean Council for University College Education National Health Insurance Corporation Korea Tourism Organization National Museum of Korea The National Folk Museum of Korea Incheon International Airport Seoul Metro Korean Railroad Express Bus Lines Association Korea Meteorological Administration


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

Appendix 5. (List of Korea Universites)


82-41-550-0721, 2080 82-2-760-1362~1365 82-2-820-0050~4 82-62-230-6494 82-2-2260-8981~2 82-2-901-8216 82-33-639-0328(0189, 0301) 82-53-819-1703 82-53-850-3114 82-53-850-5681~8 82-1-249-8765 82-64-735-2031~2 82-42-280-2125 kr 82-51-200-6442~3 82-54-630-1248, 1231 82-51-890-1033-4 82-51-320-2092_2093 82-31-539-2702 82-51-510-0701~6 82-51-629-5600 82-51-640-3352~5 82-33-649-7114 82-41-850-8054, 6~7 82-62-950-3576 82-2-3290-1114 82-51-510-3651~3 82-33-250-7192, 3, 4 82-33-243-6429 82-43-230-3278~9 82-2-2173-2114 82-2-3299-1281
Appendix 5. List of Korea Universites


University 8

82-2-570-7372 82-33-248-1303 82-42-629-7114 82-62-940-5992, 5993 82-31-450-5138, 5140 82-31-379-0211~0212 82-63-230-5407, 5532 82-2-2220-0045 82-2-320-1056 82-41-540-9712~6 82-2-2049-6213 82-31-2803-611 82-33-640-2766, 2767 82-55-330-1025 82-2-3277-3158~3161 82-53-810-1622, 1624, 1626 82-2-300-1511 82-42-520-5243 82-54-279-3781~2 82-53-950-6091, 6092 82-53-327-3000~1 82-43-229-8814, 8815, 8917 82-53-580-6028 82-62-530-1036 82-53-850-7722, 7816 82-55-751-6229 82-31-201-3177 2-2-3299-8881 82-32-860-9220 82-55-320-3605 82-32-835-9571~5 82-2-3399-3602 82-2-880-5114


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

82-2-380-2572, 2512 82-2-2210-2114 82-2-2610-4129 82-2-710-9284, 9352, 9928 82-61-750-3141~3, 3146 82-41-530-1693, 1304, 1307 82-33-730-0182 82-2-3408-3973 82-31-8005-2101~5 82-52-259-2079, 2080, 2675 82-54-760-1740 82-52-217-1182 82-2-705-8118 82-2-940-7006 82-51-999-5480, 5481 82-41-530-2072 82-63-850-5752 82-31-219-2921~6 82-63-290-1078/1079 82-2-2123-3486~90 82-43-261-3293, 2008, 3299 82-42-750-6523 82-2-820-5114, 6114 82-31-441-1157 82-43-649-3526 82-33-632-6551 82-53-850-1361/2 82-51-850-3147 82-31-644-1000 82-33-240-9000
Appendix 5. List of Korea Universites


University 8

82-54-851-3075 82-32-540-0400~4 82-54-420-4194 82-33-610-0339 2-55-680-1507, 1518 82-31-999-4650, 4648, 4624 82-53-650-9521, 9522 82-63-450-8150~3/8291 82-53-850-8060, 8069 82-53-589-7795 82-63-280-5290 82-31-639-4452 82-62-515-5012 82-2-950-7041 82-61-740-7400~5 82-63-840-1521 82-42-629-6130 82-43-210-8303


The Guidebook for Foreign Students

The Guidebook for International Students

Publisher : Lee, Byong Hyun Editor : Cheon, Hoon Publishing Institution : National Institute for International Education Date of Issue : Dec 2013 Address : 81, Ihwajang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea Zip Code 110-810 Website :,


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