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(Referring to the Utah "judge" caught "practicing law without a license", now a nominee for federal judicial office)

What's strange about this case is that...there is no such thing as a "license" to practice law. They are "admitted" into practice. Who issues them a license? The BAR? Please see information below. edina ATTORNEY LICENSE FRAUD ATTORNEY'S LICENSE??? AIN'T NO SUCH THING!!! A" P#R T$# %&!T#' "TAT#" "%PR# # ()%RT* A. The practice of +aw (A& &)T be licensed by any state,"tate "chware -. Board of #.aminers/ 010 %.". 203/ 204 B. The practice of +aw is A& )((%PAT!)& )5 () )& R!6$T7 "ims -. Aherns/ 289 ".W. 82: ;9421< !!. The "(#RT!5!(AT#" from the "tate "upreme (ourt= 9. )&+> authori?es/ A. To practice +aw "!& ()%RT"" As a member of the "TAT# @%'!(!A+ BRA&($ )5 6)A#R& #&T. B. (an )&+> represent WAR'" )5 T$# ()%RT. 2. !&5A&T" 0. P#R")&" )5 %&")%&' !&' "## ()RP%" @%R!" "#(%&'% / A)+% # 8/ "#(T!)& B. B. A. "(#RT!5!(AT#" !" &)T A +!(#&"#.... A. To practice +aw A" A& )((%PAT!)&. B. &or to ') B%"!&#"" A" A +AW 5!R 777 !!!. The ""TAT# BAR" (AR' !" &)T A +!(#&"#777 A. !t is a "%&!)& '%#" (AR'" B. The "BAR" is a "PR)5#""!)&A+ A"")(!AT!)&." 9. +iCe the Actors %nion/ Painters %nion/ etc. 2. &o other association/ #A#& ')(T)R"/ issue their own license. A++ AR# !""%#' B> T$# "TAT#. (. !t is a &)&D6)A#R& #&TA+ PR!AAT# A"")(!AT!)&. 9. "ee Attorney 6eneral 'an orales' letter. 2. As per this letter* the "tate does not issue licenses and they are not issued by his office7 !A. The "tate Bar is* A. An %nconstitutional onopoly/ Article 9/ "ection 2E/ Bill of Rights. B. A !++#6A+ F (R! !&A+ #&T#RPR!"#* (. Aiolates Article 2/ "ection 9/ "eparation of Powers clause of the (onstitution. '. There is &) P)W#R )R A%T$)R!T> for Goining of +egislati-e/ @udicial/ or #.ecuti-e as the BAR and "%PR# # ()%RT )5 T#HA" are doing. A++ # B#R"
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)5 B)T$ AR# )&)P)+!"T!( BAR # B#R"7 #. !n -iolation of the R!6$T T) W)RI +AW" of A. "tate Bar Rules. . . at Article !!!/ "ection 2. . . #nrollment in the "tate Bar= "#ach person who becomes licensed to practice law is R#J%!R#' T) #&R)++ !& T$# "TAT# BAR W!T$!& 9: 'A>" "B#5)R#" )R "A5T#R" R#(#!A!&6 A +!(#&"# T) PRA(T!(# +AW. #&R)++ #&T !& T$# BAR A&' +!(#&"# AR# &)T T$# "A #. T$# BAR (A& &)T +!(#&"# A&>)&#77777 !t is Kuite simple to see that a great fraud and conspiracy has been perpetrated on the people of and America. The American Bar is an offshoot from +ondon +awyers' 6uild and was established by people with treasonous goals in mind. They ha-e accomplished 43L of their goals. The &#W W)R+' )R'#R is in the saddle &)W. American People start the Gob for them...or before their "&#W W)R+' )R'#R" bosses/ the !nternational BanCers/ gain the remaining 2L. and American +awyers should checC historical records. They will find that the first people "#+! !&AT#'" in a power shift ;no matter who whines< are the lawyers and Gudges...for they always ha-e pro-en themsel-es unworthy of any trust from either side7 "Woe unto you ;A woe is a curse< +awyers7 5or you ha-e taCen away the Cey of Cnowledge* you entered not in yoursel-es/ and them that were entering in you hindered..." +uCe 99=12. A!. The A #R!(A& BAR A"")(!AT!)& TRA!T)R" !& )%R !'"T= The founding 5athers who wrote our (onstitution and formed our go-ernment/ made it -ery clear that this was to be a 5R## #&T#RPR!"# country and all (iti?ens are to be eKual under +aw and not a pri-ate capitalistic monopoly or cartel as they had e.perienced in #urope. %nder free enterprise system/ any (iti?en who was willing to risC his time and finances/ can go into business. The public with the freedom of choice/ can patroni?e this business or decide they don't liCe the ser-ice or product and stay away* whereas/ in a pri-ate or a capitalistic system/ only the pri-ileged elite can go into certain businesses or professions such as had been practiced in #urope for ages/ maCing the public their (APT!A# (%"T) #R". The #%R)P#A& BA&I#R" and 5!&A&(!A+ (ART#+" decided to change A #R!(A to the same system that they had so they could taCe o-er this go-ernment too/ and sent some British lawyers o-er here to organi?e an American Bar Association on the same order as the #nglish Bar where only +ords can be @udges and determine who shall practice law.
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!n 94:4 they incorporated this TRA!T)R)%" group in the state of !llinois and had the "tate +egislature ;which was under the control of lawyers< pass an unconstitutional law that only members of this powerful union of lawyers/ called the ABA/ could practice law and hold all the Cey positions in law enforcement and the maCing of laws. At that time/ !llinois became an outlaw state and for all practical purposes/ they seceded from the %nited "tates of America. A!!. The BAR A"")(!AT!)& then sent organi?ers to all the other states and e.plained to the lawyers there how much more profitable and secure it would be for them/ as lawyers/ to Goin this union and be protected by its bylaws and cannons. They issued to the lawyers in each state a charter from the !llinois organi?ation. (alifornia Goined in 9428 and a few reluctant states and their lawyers waited until the 940:'s to Goin when the treasonous act became '# 5A(T) and the (iti?en's became capti-es. %nder this system/ the lawyers could guarantee preGudged decisions for the pri-ileged class against the lower class. This was all made possible by the A #R!(A& BAR A"")(!AT!)& to fa-or the right and ha-e unlawfully substituted them in place of (onstitutional +aws. What is the real difference between the dreaded "Ilansman" in white robes and fiery crosses and the ABA "Ilansmen" in the B+A(I R)B#" sitting on the bench? Aren't they as dictatorial as the I6B and the 6#"TAP) are accused of being? This has fulfilled )rwell's prediction for 943B and made it a fact/ T$# B+A(I R)B# (%+T. Aarious groups that ha-e been lawfully stoned walled by the ABA and the courts suggest we Goin hands and file an initiati-e to abolish the Bar Association as there are 98 states where (iti?ens ha-e the Right to do this by the -oting process. !f we can do this it will destroy/ the power of the Bar in America with similar method they used to gain their power/ state by state. Any (iti?ens who li-e in one of these 98 states/ can do this/ and if not in one of these states you can contribute to other states that can. Who is going to run the (ourts and practice law if we outlaw the BAR? The ()&"T!T%T!)&A+ () )& +AW ()%RT" and () )& +AW nonD%nion ()%&"#+)R". ! would liCe to remind you that the (onstitution was written in plain #nglish and the "tatutes passed by (ongress were also in plain #nglish/ with the intent of (ongress how each law should be used and not the opinions of -arious @udges as the codes list. Any normal person can read the (onstitution and "tatutes and understand them without any trouble. The public in (alifornia was shocCed to learn that the "tate 6o-ernment has no control or Gurisdiction o-er the Bar Association or its members. The state does not accredit the law schools or hold Bar e.aminations. They do not issue state licenses to +AW>#R". The Bar Association accredits all the law schools/ holds their pri-ate e.aminations and selects the students they will accept
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in their organi?ation and issues them soDcalled license but Ceeps the fees for themsel-es. The Bar is the only one that can punish or disbar a +awyer. They also select the lawyers that they consider Kualified for @udgeships and -arious other offices in the "tate. )nly the Bar Association or their designated committees can remo-e any of these lawyers from public office. The "tate +egislature will not change this system as they are also a designated committee of the Bar. )n August 29/ 943B/ Rose Bird/ (hief @ustice of the (alifornia "tate "upreme (ourt/ another of the Bar Associations @udicial (ommittee's/ stated in essence that the Bar should determine the legality of all initiati-es before they were allowed to go on the ballot. This is contrary to both "tate and 5ederal (onstitutions/ as well as the +aws of this &ation instituted By and 5or the People as a "o-ereign %&!T> of !ndependent "tates of We The People/ not a fraudulent (orporate entity of +awyers. This is a tremendous amount of power for a PR!AAT# union that is incorporated and headKuartered in !llinois to hold o-er the (iti?ens of (alifornia or any other state. The only recourse is through this initiati-e process and -ote by the people. After the 5ounding 5athers had formed the (onstitution/ outlining the laws as to the way our go-ernment was to be run/ Thomas @efferson said/ in essence/ "This pro-es that plain people/ if gi-en the chance/ can enact laws and run a go-ernment as well as or better than royalty and the blue bloods of #urope." The American people must stop thinCing that lawyers are better than they are and can do a better Gob than they can before the courts of America. %nder the (ommon +aw and the +aws of America/ no where is it e.pressly gi-en for anyone to ha-e the power or the right to form a (orporation. (orporations are gi-en birth because of ignorance on the part of the American people and are operating under implied consent and power which they ha-e usurped and otherwise stolen from the people. By R!6$T A&' +AW T$#> $AA# &) P)W#R/ A%T$)R!T> )R @%R!"'!(T!)&/ and must be put out of business by the good (iti?ens of America in their fight for 5R##') . We cannot hope to reclaim our (ountry if we continue to let that beast stay in our bed and in our homes. !t is imperati-e that we remo-e this demon from its throne and put )%R ()&"T!T%T!)&A+ () )& +AW ()%RT" and @%"T!(# ">"T# / bacC into effect. We must stop worrying about what someone else will thinC/ this is our country and we ha-e foreign entities attempting to taCe control of us and our &ation.

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These children of "atan ha-e nothing good in store for any of us/ and those who are ignorant enough to belie-e their lies/ deceit/ and conspiracy/ deser-e Gust what they recei-e because they asC for it. !H. )"T +AW>#R" are )%R #&# >= The small handful that are good must get on the right side and help us win our war/ or they are not on our side. There can be no more sitting on the fence/ people must decide which side they are on and fight. +awyers that claim to be on our side and are later found out to be traitors/ must be put to death as this is Gust what they ha-e planned for all Americans/ who do not abide by their rules and regulations. Americans cannot win the war if they allow traitors to infiltrate our tanCs and get away with it. The enemy Americans are fighting is a deadly enemy/ that care nothing for anyone out of their own ranCs/ and if you turn your bacC on them/ you could be their ne.t -ictim. H. "TR#A")&" +AW>#R A&' +AW>#RD@%'6# ()%RT" AR# %&()&"T!T%T!)&A+= "ince the B!66#"T (R! #" in the world are committed in the courtrooms by lawyers and lawyerDGudges A6A!&"T the people/ as the lawyers and their bar associations/ which are affiliated with each other !&T#R&AT!)&A++>/ ha-e Goined in the !&T#R&AT!)&A+ ()&"P!RA(> A6A!&"T T$# P#)P+# of the %&!T#' "TAT#" )5 A #R!(A to '#"TR)> T$# %&!T#' "TAT#" )5 A #R!(A 5R) W!T$!& ;TR#A")&<. They ha-e already taCen o-er the courts and the go-ernment/ and A++ political parties/ where they all taCe orders from )&# 5R)&T )55!(#/ the offices of the internationally affiliated bar associations/ maCe a )&# PART> "">"T# /" the BAR A"")(!AT!)& PART>. This necessitated and %R6#&T need to form a 2nd political party/ the A&T! +AW>#R PART>/ where all lawyers and those who attended law school are barred from this 2nd party ;A+P<.. All the states ha-e unconstitutional aristocratic courts/ as their constitutions and,or unconstitutional "lawyer systems" reKuire Gudges to be lawyers/ creating a R%+!&6 (+A""/ which is 5)RB!''#& by Article !A/ "ection B/ of the %.". (onstitution/ the 90th Amendment and Article !/ "ection 2E of the (onstitution. H!. The %.". (onstitution 6%ARA&T##" to e-ery state in this union a R#P%B+!(A& 5)R of go-ernment. Any other form of go-ernment is 5)RB!''#&. &o public officer or branch of go-ernment can be limited to a R%+!&6 (+A"" of any Cind/ or the states become AR!"T)(RA(!#" and &)T republics. Also/ the lawyers ha-e made themsel-es 9st (lass (iti?ens/ where many public offices and branches of go-ernment are open to lawyers only.
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All other people are limited to only two branches of go-ernment and to only certain offices in those two branches of go-ernment/ maCing all people who are nonDlawyers into 2nd class subGect citi?ens. When the courts belong to the people/ as the %nited "tates (onstitution R#J%!R#"/ ;Article !A/ "ection B/ we the people/ will &#A#R rule against themsel-es. !n these %nconstitutional courts foreign tribunals ;hoodlum centers</ "men" in blacC dresses/ that are %nconstitutional R)B#" )5 &)B!+!T>. ;Article 9/ "ection 4 and 9:< with a lot of hanCy panCy and hocus pocus/ dispense a per-erted !'!)Tology/ where the people are terrori?ed by members of the B+A(I R)B# (%+T ;lawyers and lawyer Gudges in the courtrooms. The legislati-e branch of go-ernment does &)T ha-e the (onstitutional Power to issue (ourt )rders or any other Cind of )rders. )&+> presidents and go-ernors ha-e the (onstitutional Power to grant PAR')&"/ but lawyers and lawyerDGudges are unconstitutionally granting PAR')&" with "immunity from prosecution." (iti?ens are not permitted to act liCe people in the courts. The (iti?en ;2nd class< is told that he does not Cnow how to fill out fancy lawyer forms* that he is not trained in the law* that he does not Cnow court rules and procedures* etc. This is %nconstitutional "lawyer system/" only $#AR"A> "%B"T!T%T#" ;lawyers< &)T under oath/ ha-e access to the courts/ e-en though )&+> sworn testimony and e-idence can be presented in court. Anything else is Bill of Attainder/ &)T permitted under the %.". (onstitution ;Article 9/ "ections 4 and 9:<. The %.". (onstitution does &)T gi-e anyone the right to a lawyer or the right to counsel/ or the right to any other $#AR"A> "%B"T!T%T#. The Eth Amendment is -ery "P#(!5!(/ that the accused )&+> has the right to the A""!"TA&(# of counsel and this A""!"TA&(# of counsel (A& B# A&>)&# T$# A((%"#' ($))"#" W!T$)%T +! !TAT!)&. H!!. +AW>#R" and +AW>#RD@%'6#"= (reated %nconstitutional "lawyer system" preDtrial "motions" and "$earings" to ha-e eternal #HT)RT!)&!"T!( litigations/ which is BARRATR> and also is in -iolation of the %.". (onstitution/ and Article 9/ "ection 9B of the (onstitution as this places defendants in ')%B+# @#)PAR'> a hundred times o-er. 'efendants only ha-e a right to A TR!A+/ &)T TR!A+".

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When a criminal is freed on a T#($&!(A+!T>/ $# !" 5R##' B#(A%"# )5 A 5!H and a PA>D)55/ as a defendant can only be freed if found innocent B> A @%R> &)T B> A&> "T#($&!(A+!T>." Whene-er a lawyer is in-ol-ed in a case directly or indirectly/ as a litigant or assisting in counsel/ A++ +AW>#RD@%'6#" $AA# T) '!"J%A+!5> T$# "#+A#"/ A" T$#R# (A&&)T B# A ()&"T!T%T!)&A+ TR!A+ and also there would be a -iolation of the conflict of interest laws/ along with the -iolation of separation of powers and checCs and balances/ because ")55!(#R"" )5 T$# ()%RT AR# )& B)T$ "!'#" )5 T$# B#&($. These same +AW>#RD@%'6#" are awarding or appro-ing +AW>#R 5##"/ directly and indirectly/ amounting to B!++!)&" )5 ')++AR" annually/ all in -iolation of conflict of interest laws. "ince crime and treason are against the law/ and the lawyer profession is a crooCed profession/ a +#6A+ B)%&T> should be placed on A++ +AW>#R" ;betrayers< and all those who are aiding and abetting these TRA!T)R"/ the lawyers. As long as there are lawyers/ there will ne-er be any law/ constitution or Gustice. There will only be )B R%+#/ R%+# B> A )B )5 +AW>#R" ;TRA!T)R"<. !HA. (A"# "+AW" !" %&()&"T!T%T!)&A+= As (A"# "+AW" !" #&A(T#' B> T$# @%'!(!A+ BRA&($ )5 6)A#R& #&T. When a lawyerDGudge instructs/ directs/ or gi-es orders to a Gury/ the lawyerDGudge is TA P#R!&6 W!T$ T$# @%R>. $e also tampers with testimony when he orders the answers to be either "yes" or "&o." The lawyer DDGudge also tampers/ and rigs the trial when he orders anything stricCen from the record/ or when he "rules" certain e-idence and the truth to be inadmissable. This maCes the trial and transcript 5!H#' and R!66#'/ because the Gury does not hear the R#A+ TR%T$ and A++ T$# 5A(T". @uries are made into puppets by the lawyers and lawyerDGudges. All lawyers are automatically in the Gudicial branch of go-ernment/ as they ha-e the %nconstitutional T!T+# )5 &)B!+!T> ;Article 9/ "ection 4 and 9:</ ")fficer of the court." (iti?ens ha-e to be elected or hired to be in any branch of go-ernment but nonDlawyer (iti?ens are limited to only 2 of the 0 branches of go-ernment. +awyers as 9st class citi?ens/ can be hired or elected to any of the three branches of go-ernment.
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+awyers/ ")fficers of the (ourt/" in the @udicial Branch/ are %nconstitutionally in 2 branches of go-ernment AT T$# "A # T! # whene-er they are hired or elected to the e.ecuti-e or legislati-e branches. This is a -iolation of the separation of powers/ checCs and balances/ and the conflict of interest laws. 'istrict attorneys and "tate's attorneys ha-e taCen o-er the 6rand @uries 5R) the people/ where the people are '#&!#' A((#"" to the grand Guries when they attempt to present e-idence of crimes committed in the courtrooms by the lawyers and lawyerDGudges. TR> TAI!&6 T$!" AT#R!A+ T) T$# 6RA&' @%R!#"7 The %.". (onstitution/ being the "upreme 5undamental +aw/ is not and (A&&)T be ambiguous as to be interpreted/ or it would be a worthless piece of paper and we would ha-e millions of interpretations ;%nconstitutional amendments< instead of the few we ha-e now. That is why all Gudges and public ser-ants are "W)R& T) "%PP)RT the %.". (onstitution/ &)T interpret it. !magine hypothetically how stupid it would be if any constitution stated/ "that the Gudicial branch of go-ernment has the power to interpret this constitution." )R6A&!M#' (R! # ne-er e.isted until the BAR A"")(!AT!)& tooC o-er )%R ()%RT" and )%R 6)A#R& #&T. &ow crime is organi?ed internationally/ Gust as the Bar Associations are organi?ed. "ome of their international affiliations include but are not limited to T$# !&T#R&AT!)&A+ @%'!(!A+ A"")(!AT!)&* !&T#R&AT!)&A+ TR!A+ +AW>#R" A"")(!AT!)&* W)R+' P#A(# T$R)%6$ +AW (#&T#R* W)R+' A""# B+> )5 @%'6#"= et al. This means that the Bar Associations are not only the !&T#R&AT!)&A+ (R! # ">&'!(AT#/ but also the !&T#R&AT!)&A+ W)R+' 6)A#R& #&T and !&T#R&AT!)&A+ () %&!"T PART>. HA. %nder !&T#R&AT!)&A+ )R'#R"=

A++ +AW>#R"/ whether they left law school yesterday or 1: years ago/ are #HA(T+> T$# "A #. All lawyers ha-e to file the same motions and follow the same procedures in using the same %nconstitutional "lawyer system" of hanCy panCy and hocus pocus/ and to '#"TR)> T$# %&!T#' "TAT#" )5 A #R!(A 5R) W!T$!& by always ruling A6A!&"T T$# P#)P+#. A++ +AW>#R" A&' +AW>#R @%'6#" AR# 6%!+T> )5 "TR#A")&." !n probate/ the lawyers place themsel-es in e-eryone's will and estate. When there are minor children as heirs/ the lawyerDGudges appoint a lawyer ;a child molesting 5agin< for #A($ ($!+' and/ at times/ the lawyer fees #H(##' the total amount of the estate.

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An )%TRA6#)%" amount of TAH " )&#>" is directly and indirectly "T)+#& B> +AW>#R". oney that is budgeted to (ounty Boards/ "chool Boards and other local and federal agencies e-entually finds its way into the pocCets of lawyers/ as A++ of these agencies are "TR!(I#'" and "5)R(#'" into #T#R&A+ #HT)RT!)&!"T!( +!T!6AT!)&. !n all elections/ A)T# A6A!&"T A++ +AW>#R"/ ne-er -ote for a lawyer. Aote 5)R &)&D+AW>#R" )&+>. !f only lawyers are running for election to the same office/ do &)T -ote for any of them/ as most are A++ A+!I#. All lawyers are programmed to be "TRA!T)R" A&' !&$% A& (+)&#"." WA+I ")5T+> A #R!(A&" A&' (ARR> A B!6 "T!(I ost importantly don't be afraid to use it. We are under -icious assault and we must maCe use of e-ery resource we ha-e/ or gi-e into their sla-ery. ()P> A&' "PR#A' W!'#+>/ "#&' ()P!#" T) T$# (R! !&A+ +AW>#R" A&' +AW>#RD@%'6#". !! (orinthians 1=1. 5or we walC by faith/ not by sight. Author %nCnown DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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5rom the @uly 9443 !daho )bser-er= DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Do Idaho Attorneys Have a L !ense to "ra!t !e? "ThinC of it as a state being" by $ari $eath 'oes membership in the American Automobile Association gi-e ordinary Americans a -alid license to dri-e? Would membership in the &ational Rifle Association permit one to carry a concealed weapon? By Goining the &orth American $unting (lub would a person be licensed to hunt in &orth America? !f answer to the pre-ious Kuestions are no/ then why is membership to a state bar association construed as a "license" for attorneys to "practice" law? by $ari $eath Alfred AdasC published an article in the Anti"hyster aga?ine a while bacC entitled "'eemed to be +icensed." !t was a humorous e.pose' on the fact that Attorneys in don't actually ha-e a physical license to practice law but are somehow "deemed" to be licensed by reason of their membership in the "tate Bar Association. ! found this to be a curious situation and thought ! would conduct an informal in-estigation of !daho's "license to practice law." !t is/ after all/ against the law/ to practice law without a license in !daho. "urely our !daho Attorney's wouldn't Cnowingly breaC the law. ! ran into some attorneys that ! Cnew/ and during the course of our con-ersations/ ! asCed if ! could see their license to practice law. )ne continued to talC about hunting and fishing and a-oided the subGect. The other mumbled something about he was once issued a certificate years ago/ but neither could show an actual license. As r. AdasC pointed out in his article/ this nonDissued "license" which all Gudges and attorneys are "deemed" to ha-e/ furthers the independent/ nonDaccountable grip the pri-ate bar associations ha-e on the Gudicial branch of go-ernment. )ur !daho (onstitution doesn't reKuire any "license to practice law." "ome time passed since my original informal in-estigation on the !daho "license to practice law." As a defendant who was acti-ely litigating my right to tra-el without a dri-ers "license/" so long as ! didn't inGure others/ or damage their property/ ! thought this could be a prime opportunity to see if the prosecutor and magistrate prosecuting me were "licensed." "ubpeona
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The !daho "tate Bar ignored my first letter seeCing a copy of the Prosecutor Payne's and agistrate c6ee's "license to practice law/" so ! issued a "ubpoena 'uces Tecum demanding either a copy of their licenses or a letter on their letterhead stating that they did not ha-e a license to practice law. The !daho "tate Bar responded by sending a letter on its letterhead stating= "The !daho "tate Bar does not ha-e physical "licenses to practice law" for our members/ so ! am unable to pro-ide you with copies. $owe-er/ ! can gi-e you the following information= 'ouglas Paul Payne is an acti-e member in good standing of the !daho "tate Bar. $e is currently licensed to practice law in !daho. 'aniel @. c6ee is also a member in good standing of the !daho "tate Bar. $e is currently a Gudge in the state and/ therefore/ does not practice law. "incerely/ Annette "trauser/ otion to dismiss ! then incorporated this in a otion to 'ismiss and filed it with the court ;Benewah county case number (R 48D::B:8<. #.cerpting from my Affida-it in "upport of otion to 'ismiss= &o license to paractice law Both Prosecutor 'ouglas Paul Payne and agistrate 'aniel @. c6ee do not ha-e "licenses to practice law/" as reKuired by statute to hold and conduct the public offices which each officer has assumed. This fact is further e-idenced in #.hibit B/ a true and correct copy of a letter from Annette "trauser/ embership Administrator for the !daho "tate Bar/ attached hereto. !daho (ode 09D2E:9 reKuires that the Prosecuting Attorney be "... an attorney and counselor at law duly licensed to practice as such in the district courts of this state..." !daho (ode 9D22:E ;2< reKuires that Attorney practice law in the state of !daho." agistrates be "...currently licensed to embership Administrator."

As e-idenced in the letter from Annette "trauser ;#.hibit B</ Prosecutor Payne and agistrate c6ee do not ha-e "licenses to practice law." 5urther in the letter/ s. "trauser claims that 'ouglas Paul Payne "is currently licensed to practice law in !daho." To follow up this letter and clarify its contradictory statements/ which first states that
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there are no "licenses to practice law" and then states that 'ouglas Paul Payne "is currently licensed to practice law in !daho." ! called the !daho "upreme (ourt and Annette "trauser/ on the morning of April 22/ 9443. !n my phone call to the !daho "upreme (ourt ! was informed/ by the se-eral clerCs that ! talCed to/ that when a new attorney passes the bar and is sworn in at the "upreme (ourt/ then the "upreme (ourt issues a (ertificate of Admission. ! then called Annette "trauser to confirm this process and to try get a better e.planation as to how an attorney can be "licensed to practice law" when there are no "licenses to practice law." "trauser confirmed that the process described by the "upreme (ourt clerCs to admit a new attorney to the bar was correct. "trauser further e.plained that the "license" for an attorney was different than/ for e.ample/ a hunting or fishing license/ which was an actual paper license. "trauser told me to thinC of an attorney's license "as a state of being." "trauser also stated that to become a member of the bar and maintain status as a member in good standing/ an attorney must pay membership fees/ pro-ide information about any trust accounts they may ha-e/ and occasionally participate in continuing legal education reKuirements. ! ha-e also learned from prior phone con-ersations with the !daho "tate Bar/ that the bar is a pri-ate association/ not a go-ernmental entity or office. N5rom the e-idence and information that ! ha-e been able to gather thus far/ an attorneys' "license to practice law" is not any Cind of bona fide "license/" but rather a certificate of membership in a pri-ate nonD go-ernmental association/ which maCes some attempt at self regulating its members. At best/ it may be an "implied license/" and best was described by !daho "tate Bar embership Administrator "trauser "as a state of being." The abo-e mentioned code sections reKuire a prosecutor to be "duly licensed" and attorney magistrates to be "currently licensed to practice law." BlacC's +aw/ " #dition/ offers the following rele-ant definitions of license= "A permit/ granted by an appropriate go-ernmental body/ generally for a consideration/ to a person/ firm/ or corporation to pursue some occupation or to carry on some business subGect to regulation under the police power." "(ertificate or the document itself which gi-es permission." "The permission by competent authority to do an act which/ without such permission/ would be illegal/ a trespass/ a tort/ or otherwise not allowable."
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!mplied license= ")ne which is presumed to ha-e been gi-en from the acts of the party authori?ed to gi-e it." BlacC's +aw/ " #dition offers the following rele-ant definitions of 'uly= "!n due or proper form or manner* according to legal reKuirements. Regularly* properly* suitable* upon a proper foundation/ as distinguished from mere form* according to law in both form and substance." !daho (ode 4D9:9/ states that "(ourts taCe Gudicial notice of...OtPhe true signification of all #nglish words and phrases/ and of legal e.pressions." The A((%"#' contends that as offices of public trust/ the Prosecutor which must be "duly licensed" and the attorney magistrate who is to be "currently licensed" as reKuired in the !daho (ode sections/ must ha-e a bona fide license/ not an "implied license" which/ as has been shown herein/ is nothing more than a certificate of membership in a pri-ate association/ which the embership Administrator of said association has told me to thinC of an Attorney's license "as a state of being." "uch metaphysical "licenses" or memberships certainly do not conform with "the true signification of the #nglish word" "license/" are not "according to law in both form and substance"* "in due or proper form or manner"* and are not "A permit/ granted by an appropriate go-ernmental body." 5urther/ most "licenses" are issued by an e.ecuti-e office of go-ernment/ such as a sheriff's office/ or an administrati-e agency/ such as the 'epartment of 5ish and 6ame. The !daho "tate Bar is a pri-ate/ nonD go-ernmental association/ which deems its memberships to be licenses/ and through this metaphysical construction has created a monopolistic control o-er the Gudicial branch of public go-ernment. !f such a membership in an association is sufficient "license" to hold an office of public trust/ then similar memberships should suffice for other areas of "licensed" acti-ity. !s a membership in the American Automobile Association a -alid license to dri-e? Would membership in the &ational Rifle Association permit one to carry a concealed weapon? By Goining the &orth American $unting (lub would a person be licensed to hunt in &orth America? !f a group of indi-iduals wished permission to do "an act which/ without such permission/ would be illegal/ a trespass/ a tort/ or otherwise not allowable/" could they then form an association/ issue memberships/ deem themsel-es "licensed/" and grant permission to the associations members to do an act which was otherwise not allowable?
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The charges in the instant case against the A((%"#' should be dismissed because the prosecutor is not "duly licensed" to practice law/ and the magistrate is not "currently licensed to practice law/" therefore both are not in compliance with the statutory reKuirements of their respecti-e offices. 5inal outcome And what result can one e.pect when one presents a otion to 'ismiss liCe this one to the local magistrate court? agistrate c6ee refused at two different hearings to allow this motion to be argued. At the first hearing/ while not allowing me to maCe any argument on the motion/ agistrate c6ee made a prosecutorial argument from the bench against the merits of the motion. And what argument could he ha-e made against this motion/ you might asC? The Cind that has been all too common in the continuing saga of my right to tra-el case= "heer a-oidance of the facts and the law. aCe money/ help your country and support The !daho )bser-er at the same time by signing up as a &)R5#' Redemption (enter. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD The !daho )bser-er P.). Bo. B18 "pirit +aCe/ !daho 303E4 Phone= 2:3D211D20:8 #mail= Web= http=,, http=,,,obser-er,

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