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Und ! "# $%&d'n( )*+ D!. Md. F'.'/%dd&n H.O.D. G )$!'0#.

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K#)!d#'3 452054

D!. Md F'.'/%dd&n
Head of Department, Geography Prananath Autonomous College Khordha- 752057


Th s s to !ert fy that

an "nder

Graduate student of the department of geography, P#$# Autonomous College, Khordha, and has underta%en &A 'o! o (!onom ! 'ur)ey on ) llage Padanpur of Khordha d str !t for the part al fulf llment of the graduat on degree# Th s *or% has +een done under my super) s on and gu dan!e# ,t s purely of h s-her o*n and doesn.t n)ol)e any dupl !at on# The ass stan!e and !ooperat on re!e )ed * th n the !ourse of th s *or% s duly a!%no*ledged#

Date/ Pla!e/ Md. F'.'/%dd&n

A(6n)72 d$ - n"

, * sh to !on)ey my deep sense of grat tude to my esteemed tea!her Dr# 0d# 1aya2udd n, Department of Geography, P#$# College, Khordha, *hose !onstant gu dan!e and through super) s on ha)e seemed the *or% for !ompet t on#

, am e3tremely grateful to my all esteemed tea!hers of the department for the r t mely !ooperat on and pro) d ng ade4uate nformat on and help for the preparat on of the report#

, * sh to e3press my genu ne than%s to my fam ly, fr ends and !lassmates for the r !ooperat on and t mely help#

5astly , *ould l %e to than% the nha+ tants of Padanpur ) llage for the r !ooperat on and help dur ng the f eld sur)ey and also the typ st for h s help n typ ng out th s report#

$ame of student


Geography +e ng a su+6e!t of an nterd s! pl nary nature7 helps n the study of all ed d s! pl nes, espe! ally n the modern *orld, *here the te!hnolog !al gap +et*een the de)eloped and the de)elop ng !ountr es s !los ng fast# 8hat e)entually de! des the real strength of a !ountry s the )ar ety and magn tude of ts natural resour!es a degree of the r e3plo tat on# Therefore the study of geography for the de)elopment of any nat on s not only useful +ut a+solutely ne!essary part !ularly n a large and de)elop ng !ountry l %e ,nd a# The so! o-e!onom ! sur)ey +e ng the part of plann ng pro!ess a!t )ates the de)elopment of any reg on# ,nd a s pr mar ly a representat on of ) llages7 the de)elopment of these rural areas s asso! ated * th the de)elopment of !ountry# Tapp ng the so! al e!onom !al +a!%ground of any reg on one !an plan for the de)elopment# Th s pro6e!t report s +ased on so! al and e!onom ! !ond t on of the Padanpur ) llage spe! al emphas s has +een g )en on the demograph !, e!onom ! !ond t on, transportat on and !ommun !at on, edu!at on, per !ap tal n!ome and s 2e of land holders# The sur)ey s +ased on pr mary data rele)ant f gures are sho*n +y ta+ular and graph !al forms# 0aps are also g )en *hen ne!essary#

Cert f !ate A!%no*ledgement Prefa!e Contents 5 st of Ta+les 5 st of 1 gures

CHAPT(9' Chapter-: Chapter-2 Chapter-; Chapter-< Chapter-5 ,ntrodu!t on Phys !al 'ett ng Demograph ! 'tru!ture 'o! o- (!onom ! Aspe!ts 1 nd ngs and Con!lus on

8% 1"&)nn'&!


'o! o-e!onom ! sur)ey s the methodolog !al sur)ey of small area *h !h s ntended to study the so! al aspe!ts of a !ommun ty# Th s deals * th the so! al e!onom ! !ond t ons of the people of any reg on# Thus, the study s ntend to gather nformat on on demograph !, so! al and e!onom ! !ond t ons of the study area and to f gure out asso! ated pro+lems and suggests ne!essary measures to +e ta%en to*ards m t gat ng the pro+lem# ,t pro) des a +ase for the m !ro le)el plann ng and mplementat on of d fferent programs for the de)elopment of the sur)eyed area# The d str !t Khurda !ame nto +e ng on : st Apr l :>>; +y d ) d ng of ts erst*h le Pur d str !t *h !h after d ) s on +e!omes Pur , Khurda and $ayagarh, later on the year 2000 the d str !t name s Khordha# =n the +as ! of so l, !l mate topography, geo-hydrology and other resour!es, Khordha d str !t !an +roadly d ) ded nto t*o su+ reg ons/ ? Delta ! Allu) um reg ons ? 5ater te su+ reg ons Khordha s the head4uarters of the d str !t of the same name and s s tuated :>@ <0A to 20@ 25A $orth lat tude and B5@ 2<A 55AA to B5@ ;CA 5AA long tude, and !o)ers a landmass of 2B:; s4# %m# A!!ord ng to 20:: !ensus, t had a populat on of 2,2<C,;<:, out of *h !h :,:CC,><> male and :,07>,;>2 female and a dens ty of 7>> persons per s4 %m# The a)erage l tera!y rate s B7#5:# 8 th regards to 'e3 9at o, the d str !t has >25 females per :000 male *h le the a)erage nat onal se3 rat o n ,nd a s ><0# mpro)ement and

A so! o-e!onom ! sur)ey *as !ondu!ted on 2: st Danuary 20:; at Padanpur ) llage of Datn su+-d ) s on of Khordha d str !t# The o+6e!t )e of the study s to gather nformat on on d fferent aspe!ts of demograph !, so! al and e!onom ! !ond t ons of the ) llagers# 1or *h !h a 4uest onna re *as de)eloped, *h !h !o)ers d fferent se!tors of so! al and e!onom ! stru!ture of the ) llage# 1or the purpose Padanpur ) llage of Datn su+-d ) s on *as sele!ted +e!ause of ts pro3 m ty to our !ollege *h !h s lo!ated on left s de of Khordha - Datn ma n road and 07 %m a*ay from the College# The ) llage s *ell !onne!ted * th road*ays and only 0B %ms a*ay from the Datn 9a l*ay Dun!t on of (ast!oast 9a l*ay# The ) llage s !ompr sed of <50 household of d fferent !ommun t es# 1or the study purpose only :C< households *ere ta%en us ng random sampl ng te!hn 4ues# All the students of the department *ere engaged as n)est gators# The nformat on *as !olle!ted +y us ng Household, Demograph ! and (!onom ! '!hedules# The 4ual tat )e nformat on of the d fferent s!hedules *as

transformed nto numer !al !odes +y us ng nom nal, ord nal s!ale of measurements# The !oded data *ere pro!essed through 'P'' E'tat st !al Pa!%age for 'o! al '! en!es? pa!%age# ,n the present study, fre4uen!y d str +ut on, !ross ta+ulat on and per!entage d str +ut on *ere made for analy2 ng the !olle!ted data#


L)('"&)n+ The ) llage Padanpur s s tuated n +et*een B5 0 25A ;0AA ( long tude and 200 >A $ lat tude# The ) llage !omes under Datn +lo!% of Datn 'u+d ) s on# The ) llage s *ell !onne!ted * th road*ays as t s s tuated 6ust ;00 meters a*ay from Khurda-Datn ma n road and 05 % lometers from $H-5# The nearest to*nsh p s Datn *h !h s also a ra l*ay 6un!t on lo!ated 0C %ms from Padanpur ) llage# The $at onal ,nst tute of '! ent f ! (du!at on and 9esear!h E$,'(9? !enter s s tuated ad6o n ng to the left s de of the ) llage# T)0)$!'0#.+ The ) llage topography s mostly a +arren *asteland !ons st ng of sand and ro!%s# The so l prof le s poor and unsu ta+le for agr !ulture purposes# C2&-'" + The ) llage Padanpur en6oys e3treme !l mate * th summers that are as hot as <:#<@C and * nter temperature some t me go do*n +elo* B@C# 0ay s the hottest month * th a ma3 mum of <:#< degrees Cels us temperature and De!em+er s the !oldest month * th a m n mum temperature of >#5 degrees Cels us# The a)erage ra nfall of the ) llage s :<<; mm and s generally re!e )ed due to the 'outh-(ast 0onsoon# The ra nfall dur ng Dune to 'eptem+er !onst tutes a+out 7<F of the annual ra nfall# V $ "'"&)n+ As already ment oned a+o)e, the topography s unsu ta+le for e3tens )e )egetat on gro*th or agr !ulture# Paddy s the only s gn f !ant

!rop to +e !ult )ated here# Tea% plantat on *as ra sed n th s d ) s on dur ng :BB5# D&1"!&,%"&)n )* P'dd. (%2"&9'"&)n &n P'd'n0%! 9&22'$ +
Valid Missing Total Kharif Rabi Total Not Applicable 35 1 36 12 16" 21.3 .6 22.0 ! .0 100.0


P)0%2'"&)n S"!%("%! 'nd C)-0)1&"&)n+ Populat on of any reg on ma nly depends on the lo!at on, phys !al and natural !ond t ons of any reg on# Th s area s not su ta+le for human settlement +ut a+out :000 people are stay ng here ma nly due to the pro3 m ty of the ) llage to the d str !t head4uarters# Ta+le G ;#: D str +ut on of Household $um+er of Household :0B ;0 :C :0 :C< Per!entage C5#> :B#; >#B C#: :00#0

General =HC 'C 'T Total

The d str +ut on of household s g )en n ta+le G ;#:# ,t s e) dent from the ta+le that out of :C< households, C5#> per !ent +elong to general !ategory, follo*ed +y :B#; per !ent +elong ng to =ther Ha!%*ard !aste, >#Bper !ent of households +elong to '!heduled Caste and only C#: per

!ent +elong to '!heduled Tr +es# ,t s generally o+ser)ed that ma6or ty of households *ere +elong to Khandayat su+-!aste# Among the '!heduled Caste ma6or ty +elong to Dho+a su+-!aste# ,t s found that among the '!heduled Tr +e, only 'a+ara tr +es are l ) ng n the ) llage#

Ta+le G ;#2 P !( n"'$ d&1"!&,%"&)n )* S : 0ale 1emale Total 1re4uen!y <5: ;55 B0C Per!ent 5C#0 <<#0 :00#0

The ta+le G ;#2 sho*s the se3 d str +ut on of the ) llage# ,t s e) dent from the ta+le that the total populat on of the ) llage Padanpur s B0C and among them 5C#0 per !ent are males and <<#0 per !ent are females# The se3 rat o s B0C females per :000 males#

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage Male Female

A$ S"!%("%! + ;;;; I-0)!"'n( )* A$ $!)%0 The d str +ut on of age group s g )en n ta+le G ;#;# ,t s found that out of the total household sur)eyed n the ) llage, ma6or ty of the people are n the age groupC0 I a+o)eE::#BF?, follo*ed +y20 - 2< aged populat on :0#7 per !ent# ,t s also found that :<#> per !ent +elong to !h ldren :< years and +elo*, *hereas, 5<#: per !ent !onst tute the *or% ng group# Ta+le G ;#; D str +ut on of Age Groups Age Group 5ess than : yr# 5-> :0 - :< :5 - :> 20 - 2< 25 - 2> ;0 - ;< 1re4uen!y 22 <: 57 70 BC 7: 77 Per!entage 2#7 5#: 7#: B#7 :0#7 B#B >#C

;5 - ;> <0 - << <5 - <> 50 - 5< 55 - 5> C0 I A+o)e Total #

7B C; C5 <> ;2 >5 B0C

>#7 7#B B#: C#: <#0 ::#B :00


M'!&"'2 S"'"%1+ Ta+le G ;#< D str +ut on of 0ar tal 'tatus 0ar tal 'tatus 0arr ed "nmarr ed 8 do* 8 do*er D )or!ed Total 1re4uen!y <C7 ;25 :: 2 : B0C Per!entage 57#> <0#; :#< 2#0 :#0 :00

The d str +ut on of mar tal status s g )en n ta+le - ;#<# ,t s o+ser)ed from the ta+le that 57#> per !ent of the total populat on +elongs to marr ed group, follo*ed +y <0#; per !ent +elong ng to unmarr ed populat on# ,t s found that only 2#0 per !ent are * do*er and )ery negl g +le per!entages are found n * do* and d )or!ed !ategory# MARITAL STATUS OF PADANPUR VILLAGE

L&" !'(. R'" + Ta+le G ;#5 D str +ut on of 5 tera!y 1re4uen!y C<; :C; B0C Per!ent 7>#B 20#2 :00#00

5 terate ,ll terate Total

The d str +ut on of l tera!y s g )en n ta+le G ;#5# ,t s e) dent from the ta+le that 7>#B per !ent of people are l terate, *hereas only 20#2 per !ent of people are ll terate# ,t s also seen that among the ll terate group ;#: per !ent are +elong to !h ldren +elo* < years# Among the l terate groups of populat on 7>#B per !ent of people ha)e formal edu!at on and :7#: per !ent *ere l terate through nformal edu!at on# LITERACY RATE OF PADANPUR VILLAGE

The d str +ut on of 4ual f !at on s sho*n n ta+le - ;#C# ,t s o+ser)ed from the ta+le that most of the l terate populat on ha)e stud ed upto h gh s!hool E;;#7F?, follo*ed +y pr mary '!hool E:B#:F? and m ddle s!hool EC#5?# 1urther only 27#7 per !ent of l terate populat on has attended !ollege for h gher stud es# Though there s pr mary and se!ondary and lo!ated n the ) llage, the ) llagers are not * ll ng to +e n s!hool# Th s may +e due to e!onom ! !onstra nts of the people# Though there s no h gh s!hool n the ) llage +ut the per!entage s relat )ely h gh +e!ause of a*areness among the people a+out the +enef ts of h gher edu!at on# Ta+le G ;#C

D str +ut on of Jual f !at on Jual f !at on Pr mary 0 ddle '!hool H gh '!hool H gher 'e!ondary Graduat on Post-Graduat on Total 1re4uen!y :<C 52 272 70 >7 C B0C Per!ent :B#: C#5 ;;#7 B#7 :2#0 0#7 :00#00

The a+o)e ta+le pro) des a +r ef loo% at the general 4ual f !at on of the ) llage# 7>#BF of the total l terate populat on has s!hool edu!at on #e# pr mary edu!at on7 *h le ;;#7F ha)e attended h gh s!hool# =nly :2#0F of the total l terate populat on has done graduat on and 0#7F has done post graduat on# 8UALIFICATION STATUS OF PADANPUR VILLAGE

C#'0" !3 IV


H)%1 T.0 + Ta+le G <#: D str +ut on of House type House type Pu!!a Kut!ha 'em KPu!!a Total 1re4uen!y Per!entage >B ;; ;; :C< 5>#B 20#: 20#: :00#00

The d str +ut on of type of house n the ) llage s sho*n n the ta+le <#:# ,t s e) dent from the ta+le that ma6or ty of the houses E5>#BF? are pu!!a houses, follo*ed +y 20#: per !ent of houses are %ut!ha and sem pu!!a type# Ta+le G <#2 D str +ut on of $um+er of 9ooms $o of 9ooms 1re4uen!y Per!entage

: 9==0 2 9==0' ; 9==0' < 9==0' 0=9( THA$ 5 Total

:2 ;> <; 2C << :C<

7#; 2;#B 2C#2 :5#> 2C#B :00#00

,t s e) dent from the ta+le <#2 that most of the houses ha)e more than f )e rooms #e# 2C#B per !ent, follo*ed +y 2C#2F houses ha)e ; rooms,2;#BF houses ha)e 2 rooms and :5#>F houses ha)e < rooms# =nly 7#; per !ent of houses ha)e s ngle room used for l ) ng and !oo% ng purpose# ,t s nterest ng to note that among the ) llagers 75F per !ent of households ha)e % t!hens *h le only ;>#C per !ent of household ha)e !o* sheds and only <#>F of household ha)e poultry pens# D!&n6&n$ <'" !+ The d str +ut on of dr n% ng *ater s sho*n n ta+le G <#;# ,t s e) dent from the ta+le that 72#C per !ent of households uses pr )ate sour!e of dr n% ng *ater, *h le the rest 27#< per !ent ha)e pu+l ! sour!e of dr n% ng *ater# Ta+le G <#; D str +ut on of Dr n% ng *ater Dr n% ng *ater Pu+l ! Pr )ate Total S)%!( )* D!&n6&n$ <'" !+ The d str +ut on of sour!e of dr n% ng *ater s g )en n ta+le <#<# ,t s o+ser)ed that ma6or ty of the people #e# 55#5 per !ent depend on pu!!a *ell for dr n% ng *ater, follo*ed +y 2>#; per !ent of people depend ng 1re4uen!y Per!entage <5 ::> :C< 27#< 72#C :00#00

upon %ut!ha *ell for dr n% ng *ater# ,t s nterest ng to note that only :5#2 per !ent of households depend on Tap *ater, Hore *ell and tu+e *ells# Ta+le G <#< D str +ut on of 'our!e of Dr n% ng *ater 'our!e of Dr n% ng *ater Pu!!a 8ell Kut!ha 8ell Tu+e 8ell Tap 8ater Hore *ell Total L&$#"&n$+ Ta+le G <#5 D str +ut on of 'our!e of 5 ght ng 'our!e of 5 ght ng Keros ne (le!tr ! ty $o arrengement Total 1re4uen!y :B :<2 < :C< Per!entage ::#0 ;#7 2#< :00#00 1re4uen!y >: <B :< :0 : :C< Per!entage 55#5 2>#; B#5 C#: 0#C :00#00

C))6&n$ F% 2+ The d str +ut on of !oo% ng fuel s g )en n ta+le <#C# ,t s o+ser)ed that a ma6or ty of households #e# <2#7F use Gas as !oo% ng fuel follo*ed +y ;>#CF of total households us ng 1 re *ood for !oo% ng# Lery negl g +le amount of households E2#<F? use (le!tr ! ty for !oo% ng purposes *h le only ;#<F of total households use !o* dung as !oo% ng fuel# Ta+le G <#C

D str +ut on of Coo% ng 1uel Coo% ng fuels 5ea)es Co* Dung 1 re 8ood (le!tr ! ty Gas Go+ar gas Kerosene Total 1re4uen!y :7 C C5 < 70 : : :C< Per!entage :0#< ;#7 ;>#C 2#< <2#7 0#C 0#C :00#00

T)&2 "1+ The d str +ut on of To lets s g )en n ta+le <#7# ,t s o+ser)ed that a ma6or ty of the households do not ha)e any % nd of to let fa! l ty a)a la+le as 57#>F of the total households of the ) llage use open f eld methods# :C#5F households use p t to lets *h le the rema n ng 25#CF use sept ! methods# Ta+le G <#7 D str +ut on of To lets To let types =pen 1 eld Pt 'ept ! Total 1re4uen!y >5 27 <2 :C< Per!entage 57#> :C#5 25#C :00#00

O((%0'"&)n'2 S"!%("%! +

The d str +ut on of =!!upat onal stru!ture s g )en n the ta+le G <#B# ,t s nterest ng to note that only ;C#Cper !ent of people are a!t )ely *or% ng, out of *h !h :0#> per !ent of people *ere engaged n da ly la+ourers, >#: per !ent n +us ness, <#7 per !ent n Go)t# ser) !e, ::#B per

!ent n d fferent 6o+s# 1urther C;#< per !ent of populat ons do not *or% a!t )ely# Ta+le G <#B D str +ut on of =!!upat onal 'tru!ture K nd of o!!upat on Da ly la+ourer Agr#la+ourer Agr !ulture 8at!h man Hus ness Go)t#ser) !e (mployee Dr )er Puroh t Hotel 6o+ 'tudent House * fe Do not *or% 1re4uen!y BB :0 2C 5 7; ;B 22 2< C ; :C7 22; >C Per!entage :0#> :#2 ;#2 0#C >#: <#7 2#7 ;#0 0#7 0#< 20#7 27#7 ::#>

$ot appl !a+le Total

25 B0C

;#: :00#0

E()n)-&( C)nd&"&)n+
The o)erall e!onom ! !ond t on of the ) llagers s not so de)eloped# 0ostly the people are engaged n la+our a!t ) t es *h le farm ng s almost negl g +le#
#ess than Rs.2$500 2$500%5$000 5$000%10$000 10$000%20$000 More than 20$000 Total Not Applicable 33 12" &2 3! 15 301 505 06 ".1 15." 11." ".6 1.& 3!.3 62.! 100.0

O((%0'"&)n T.0 +

0a6or ty of the populat on E:0#>F? *or%s as da ly la+orers# =nly ;#2F of people prefer agr !ulture as an o!!upat on7 *h le >#:F do +us ness and <#7F go)ernment ser) !e#



F&nd&n$1 'nd C)n(2%1&)n

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