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Weapons # Item Weight/Item Cost/Item 58 Javelins 4 lbs 5 sp 18 Daggers 1 lb 2 gp 10 Slings .

5 lbs 1 sp 1 Short Swords 2 lbs 10 gp each 2 Alchemist Fire 1 lb 50 gp 2 Hand Crossbows 3 lbs 75 gp 1 Leather whip 3 lb 2 gp 1 Curved Short Sword 2 lb ? 50+ Arrows 3 lb/20 1 gp/20 14 short spears 4 lb 1 gp 3 Kobold Fire Bombs (DC11 DEX, or 4 dmg, 20' radius) 1 lb each 2 Kobold Glue Bombs (DC11 STR, or Restrained, 20' radius) 1 lb each Armor # Item 3 Wooden Bucklers

Weight/Item 4 lbs

Cost/Item 5 gold

Treasure # Item Weight/Item Cost/Item 1 Silver Necklace with White Gem (25g) 1 Silver Necklace with Clear Gem (15g) 1 Copper Ring 1 Carved Bone Statuette of dragon with draconic word on the base(10gp) 1 Brass mug with jade inlays (100gp) 1 Tapestry with silver and gold Threads (15g) 5 gold rings 5 Silver Necklaces 5 Silver Bracelets 2 unidentified potions Misc. # 9 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 1 2 50'

Item Keys on a keyring Anti-toxin Steel spear tips Vial of Acid Caltrops Hunting Traps Lantern Manacles Pints of Oil Vial of poison Potions of healing Silk rope

Weight/Item 1 lb 1 lb 2 lbs 15 lbs 1 lb 2 lb 1 lb 1 lb 5 lb/50

Cost/Item 50 gp each 8 sp each 25 gold 1 gp 5 gp each 5 sp 2 gp 1 sp 100 gp 50 gp 1 gp

25 1lb 1 10 1 10 10 3 1 1 1 10 3 1 1 1

Wire Wax Scales (merchants) 3 lb Iron Spikes 5 lb/10 Tinderbox 1 lb Empty Vials Empty bottles Candles .1 lb Rags Flask Fey wine days of rations 1 ib/ration Kegs of Beer Hard Cheese Tin of Gold-ish paint keg of brandy

3 gp 2 cp/10 5 sp 1 gp 1 cp 2 cp

1 Pp 131 Gp 573 Sp 2,487 Cp 658 Cp (but painted to look like)

Known Magic Items: Exquisitely crafted Herbalism Kit (Orc Construction, Ornamental, Gleaming, Metamorphic) Master artisan crafted wooden box (with folkart feel), woodwork is exceptional. It looks like it was crafted by a powerful and skilled magic user but with simple and common items. WiIt has a braided leather strap attaching to Copper Buttons (kind of like a buttonfly) on the sides, the top has wood inlay design of the Mount Nardvic (and after time the owner will notice that the design on the front always depicts the real weather on the mountain). Above the simple latch, wood inlay words say in Orcish,Eternal Spring. The rest of the box is skillfully inlaid with delicate wood designs that subtly change each morning. Also the bottom of the box has a secret compartment, which has a subtle button that also changes location on the box with the design. When the button is pressed the bottom opens and reveals a miniaturized garden, that grows up to 6 plants. Any seeds planted in the garden grow to maturity by break of dawn each morning. On the Lid is a set of orcish instructions written on parchment then sealed into the lid with waxes and resins. It reads: "Vohgar, remember what I have taught you. The Beast of the garden must sleep during day, but should you open the box in darkness, it will be set free. You would be in great

peril, should this happen. Only six plants may grow in the garden, and you would be wise to grow enough Bracklace for 3 doses a day, or your fever will set in and ne'er break. Bring us a piece of the eye, and save your people."

Pocketed Belt (Gnome Design, Storied, Illusion, MIstaken) The belt is contains 9 pockets wrapping around the full circumference. The belt looks to be made of leather but from an animal that is unfamiliar. It look completely ancient, and the leather is the softest the group has ever seen. The color of the belt shifts from warm tan tones to dull grays at the edges of the material. The stitching appears to be Metallic or maybe even Mythryl thread. On top of the buckle is a central pocket that is died purple. Inside the pocket is small child's figurine, a toy wooden horse. Each Mythryl clasp has an engraved word on top, that is not readable to the players, and doesn't look like gnomish. The eight other pockets are small and identical except for the words on the clasps. On the inside of the belt (facing the wearer's body when worn), which is black and rough underleather like suede, is hundred's of stitched runes in a variety of metallic threads. Anybody who studies the runes will hear faint humming or music, and if for long periods will hear a song being sung in a different language. The insides for all of the pockets feel like impossibly deep fur, even though when you look inside there seems to be an normal sized pocket lined with a variety of animal furs, you hands can explore a space that feels to be nearly a foot deep, 4 inches wide. The mouth of the the pockets does not expand, but each pocket can hold a bottle, 1 or 2 daggers, or heaps of change. The weight of the belt always remains about 2lbs. Never heavier. When donned after 10 minutes of being worn, the belt begins expelling the contents of the previous owner (which can't be taken from the owner when the belt is worn). If anyone else reaches into the pocket it feels empty, unless the belt is off the owner for more than 10 minutes. The belt also after 10 minutes of being worn begins to change appearance, to whatever the wearer likes. It takes some discipline to control, and at first it will appear simply as whatever the owner would most fancy, after time the belt will intuit the design that the bearer wishes. The Central purple pocket has an even stranger quality, any object that is placed in there will change the appearance of the bearer to match the appearance of the owner of the object. The more coveted the object was to the original owner, the more powerful the illusion, and the longer the illusion lasts.

Frog? Zhule Mal Halfling Sized Studded Leather (Alphin Ledbetter) 8 lb Finely crafted short bow (that is carved to resemble a dragon) 2 lb Thieves Tools 1 lb 6 Magical arrows 2 short swords 4 lbs 4 daggers 4 lbs

Blackgate Finely Crafted Steel Shield (Shield has a large bleeding eye, with two skeletal claws reaching upwards, at the bottom is an accurately carved depiction of a severed heart)

5 javelins 2 daggers 1 sling 1 short sword 1 short spear longsword Net (10' radius) Steel shield Studded Leather Healers kit

20 lbs 2 lbs .5 lb 2 lbs 4 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 8 lbs 13 lbs 1 lb

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