What The Bible Says About Me

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What the Bible Says About Me RELATIONSHIP

I am a child of God.
But to all who have received hi !!those who believe i" his "a e!!he has #ive" the ri#ht to beco e $od%s childre" & '(oh" )*)+,-

I am a branch of the true vine, and a conduit of Christs life.

I a the true vi"e a"d y .ather is the #arde"er- I a the vi"e/ you are the bra"ches- The o"e who re ai"s i" e!!a"d I i" hi !!bears uch 0ruit1 because a2art 0ro e you ca" acco 2lish "othi"# '(oh" )3*)1 3,-

I am a friend of Jesus.
I "o lo"#er call you slaves1 because the slave does "ot u"dersta"d what his aster is doi"#But I have called you 0rie"ds1 because I have revealed to you everythi"# I heard 0ro y .ather '(oh" )3*)3,-

As a child of God, I am a fellow heir with Christ.

A"d i0 childre"1 the" heirs '"a ely1 heirs o0 $od a"d also 0ellow heirs with 4hrist,!!i0 i"deed we su00er with hi so we ay also be #lori0ied with hi 'Ro a"s 5*)6,-

I have been accepted by Christ.

Receive o"e a"other1 the"1 7ust as 4hrist also received you1 to $od%s #lory 'Ro a"s )3*6,-

I have been called to be a saint.

& To the church o0 $od that is i" 4ori"th1 to those who are sa"cti0ied i" 4hrist (esus1 a"d called to be sai"ts1 with all those i" every 2lace who call o" the "a e o0 our Lord (esus 4hrist1 their Lord a"d ours ') 4ori"thia"s )*+,- 'See also E2hesia"s )*)1 Phili22ia"s )*)1 a"d 4olossia"s )*+-,

I am joined to the ord and am one spirit with !im.

But the o"e u"ited with the Lord is o"e s2irit with hi ') 4ori"thia"s 8*)6,-

I am no lon"er a slave, but a child and an heir.

So you are "o lo"#er a slave but a so"1 a"d i0 you are a so"1 the" you are also a" heir throu#h $od '$alatia"s 9*6,-

I have been predestined by God to obtain an inheritance.

I" 4hrist we too have bee" clai ed as $od%s ow" 2ossessio"1 si"ce we were 2redesti"ed accordi"# to the o"e 2ur2ose o0 hi who acco 2lishes all thi"#s accordi"# to the cou"sel o0 his will 'E2hesia"s )*)),-

I have been sealed with the !oly #pirit of promise.

A"d whe" you heard the word o0 truth 'the #os2el o0 your salvatio",!!whe" you believed i" 4hrist!!you were ar:ed with the seal o0 the 2ro ised Holy S2irit 'E2hesia"s )*);,-

I am seated in the heavenly places with Christ.

& A"d he raised us u2 with hi (esus & 'E2hesia"s +*8,a"d seated us with hi i" the heave"ly real s i" 4hrist

I am a member of Christs body and a parta$er of !is promise.

& The $e"tiles are 0ellow heirs1 0ellow e bers o0 the body1 a"d 0ellow 2arta:ers o0 the 2ro ise i" 4hrist (esus 'E2hesia"s ;*8,- 'See also E2hesia"s 3*;<-,

I have boldness and confident access to God throu"h faith in Christ.

& I" who we have bold"ess a"d co"0ide"t access to $od because o0 4hrist%s 0aith0ul"ess 'E2hesia"s ;*)+,-

I am a citi%en of heaven.
But our citi=e"shi2 is i" heave"!!a"d we also await a savior 0ro 4hrist & 'Phili22ia"s ;*+<,there1 the Lord (esus

I have been brou"ht near to God by the blood of Christ.

But "ow i" 4hrist (esus you who used to be 0ar away have bee" brou#ht "ear by the blood o0 4hrist 'E2hesia"s +*);,-

I am a son
.or i" 4hrist (esus you are all so"s o0 $od1 throu#h 0aith- $alatia"s ;*+8

I am sealed by the !oly #pirit

A"d who has also 2ut his seal o" us a"d #ive" us his S2irit i" our hearts as a #uara"tee- + 4ori"thia"s )*++

I am a co&wor$er with God

.or we are $od%s 0ellow wor:ers- >ou are $od%s 0ield1 $od%s buildi"#- ) 4ori"thia"s ;*?

I am an heir
A"d i0 childre"1 the" heirs@heirs o0 $od a"d 0ellow heirs with 4hrist1 2rovided we su00er with hi i" order that we ay also be #lori0ied with hi - Ro a"s 5*)6

I have been chosen of God, and I am holy and beloved.

There0ore1 as the elect o0 $od1 holy a"d dearly loved1 clothe yourselves with a heart o0 ercy1 :i"d"ess1 hu ility1 #e"tle"ess1 a"d 2atie"ce & '4olossia"s ;*)+,-

God loves me and has chosen me.

We :"ow1 brothers a"d sisters loved by $od1 that he has chose" you & ') Thessalo"ia"s )*9,-

'y body is Gods temple

Or do you "ot :"ow that your body is a te 2le o0 the Holy S2irit withi" you1 who have 0ro $odA >ou are "ot your ow"1 ) 4ori"thia"s 8*)? you

I am chosen by God
But you are a chose" race1 a royal 2riesthood1 a holy "atio"1 a 2eo2le 0or his ow" 2ossessio"1 that you ay 2roclai the eBcelle"cies o0 hi who called you out o0 dar:"ess i"to his arvelous li#ht- ) Peter +*?

I am the body of Christ

Now you are the body o0 4hrist a"d i"dividually e bers o0 it- ) 4ori"thia"s )+*+6

I have access to God

.or throu#h hi we both have access i" o"e S2irit to the .ather- E2hesia"s +*)5

I am a son of God
He 2redesti"ed us 0or ado2tio" as so"s throu#h (esus 4hrist1 accordi"# to the 2ur2ose o0 his will1 E2hesia"s )*3

I am an ambassador of Christ
There0ore1 we are a bassadors 0or 4hrist1 $od a:i"# his a22eal throu#h us- We i 2lore you o" behal0 o0 4hrist1 be reco"ciled to $od- + 4ori"thia"s 3*+<

I am chosen by God
>ou did "ot choose e1 but I chose you a"d a22oi"ted you that you should #o a"d bear 0ruit a"d that your 0ruit should abide1 so that whatever you as: the .ather i" y "a e1 he ay #ive it to you- (oh" )3*)8

I am chosen
But you are a chose" race1 a royal 2riesthood1 a holy "atio"1 a 2eo2le 0or his ow" 2ossessio"1 that you ay 2roclai the eBcelle"cies o0 hi who called you out o0 dar:"ess i"to his arvelous li#ht- O"ce you were "ot a 2eo2le1 but "ow you are $od%s 2eo2le/ o"ce you had "ot received ercy1 but "ow you have received ercy- ) Peter +*?!)<

I am a priest

>ou yourselves li:e livi"# sto"es are bei"# built u2 as a s2iritual house1 to be a holy 2riesthood1 to o00er s2iritual sacri0ices acce2table to $od throu#h (esus 4hrist- ) Peter +*3


I have been justified and redeemed.

But they are 7usti0ied 0reely by his #race throu#h the rede 2tio" that is i" 4hrist (esus 'Ro a"s ;*+9,-

'y old self was crucified with Christ, and I am no lon"er a slave to sin.
We :"ow that our old a" was cruci0ied with hi so that the body o0 si" would "o lo"#er do i"ate us1 so that we would "o lo"#er be e"slaved to si" 'Ro a"s 8*8,-

I am a new creature in Christ.

So the"1 i0 a"yo"e is i" 4hrist1 he is a "ew creatio"/ what is old has 2assed away!!loo:1 what is "ew has co e '+ 4ori"thia"s 3*)6,D

I will not be condemned by God

There is there0ore "o co"de "atio" 0or those who are i" 4hrist (esus 'Ro a"s5*),

I have been set free in Christ.

.or 0reedo 4hrist has set us 0ree- Sta"d 0ir 1 the"1 a"d do "ot be sub7ect a#ai" to the yo:e o0 slavery '$alatia"s 3*),-

I have been set free from the law of sin and death.
.or the law o0 the li0e!#ivi"# S2irit i" 4hrist (esus has set you 0ree 0ro death 'Ro a"s 5*+,the law o0 si" a"d

In Christ Jesus, I have wisdom, ri"hteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

He is the reaso" you have a relatio"shi2 with 4hrist (esus1 who beca e 0or us wisdo $od1 a"d ri#hteous"ess a"d sa"cti0icatio" a"d rede 2tio" & ') 4ori"thia"s )*;<,0ro

'y body is a temple of the !oly #pirit who dwells in me.

Eo you "ot :"ow that you are $od%s te 2le a"d that $od%s S2irit lives i" you ') 4ori"thia"s 8*)?,A

God leads me in the triumph and $nowled"e of Christ.

But tha":s be to $od who always leads us i" triu 2hal 2rocessio" i" 4hrist a"d who a:es :"ow" throu#h us the 0ra#ra"ce that co"sists o0 the :"owled#e o0 hi i" every 2lace '+ 4ori"thia"s +*)9,-

(he hardenin" of my mind has been removed in Christ.

But their i"ds were closed- .or to this very day1 the sa e veil re ai"s whe" they hear the old cove"a"t read- It has "ot bee" re oved because o"ly i" 4hrist is it ta:e" away '+ 4ori"thia"s ;*)9,-

'y new self is ri"hteous and holy.

& Put o" the "ew a" who has bee" created i" $od%s i a#e!!i" ri#hteous"ess a"d holi"ess that co es 0ro truth 'E2hesia"s 9*+9,-

I was formerly dar$ness, but now I am li"ht in the ord.

& .or you were at o"e ti e dar:"ess1 but "ow you are li#ht i" the Lord- Wal: as childre" o0 the li#ht 'E2hesia"s 3*5,-

)ecause of Gods mercy and love, I have been made alive with Christ.
But $od1 bei"# rich i" ercy1 because o0 his #reat love with which he loved us1 eve" thou#h we were dead i" tra"s#ressio"s1 ade us alive to#ether with 4hrist!!by #race you are saved 'E2hesia"s +*9!3,D

I have become the ri"hteousness of God in Christ.

$od ade the o"e who did "ot :"ow si" to be si" 0or us1 so that i" hi the ri#hteous"ess o0 $od '+ 4ori"thia"s 3*+),we would beco e

I have been made one with all who are in Christ Jesus.
There is "either (ew "or $ree:1 there is "either slave "or 0ree1 there is "either 0e ale!!0or all o0 you are o"e i" 4hrist (esus '$alatia"s ;*+5,ale "or

I have been blessed with every spiritual blessin" in the heavenly places.
Blessed is the $od a"d .ather o0 our Lord (esus 4hrist1 who has blessed us with every s2iritual blessi"# i" the heave"ly real s i" 4hrist 'E2hesia"s )*;,-

I am chosen, holy, and blameless before God.

.or he chose us i" 4hrist be0ore the 0ou"datio" o0 the world that we u"ble ished i" his si#ht i" love 'E2hesia"s )*9,ay be holy a"d

I am redeemed and for"iven by the "race of Christ.

I" hi we have rede 2tio" throu#h his blood1 the 0or#ive"ess o0 our tres2asses1 accordi"# to the riches o0 his #race 'E2hesia"s )*6,-

I am Gods wor$manship created to produce "ood wor$s.

.or we are his wor: a"shi21 havi"# bee" created i" 4hrist (esus 0or #ood wor:s that $od 2re2ared be0oreha"d so we ay do the 'E2hesia"s +*)<,-

(he peace of God "uards my heart and mind.

A"d the 2eace o0 $od that sur2asses all u"dersta"di"# will #uard your hearts a"d 4hrist (esus 'Phili22ia"s 9*6,i"ds i"

I have been made complete in Christ.

& >ou have bee" 0illed i" hi 1 who is the head over every ruler a"d authority '4olossia"s +*)<,-

I have been raised up with Christ.

There0ore1 i0 you have bee" raised with 4hrist1 :ee2 see:i"# the thi"#s above1 where 4hrist is1 seated at the ri#ht ha"d o0 $od '4olossia"s ;*),-

'y life is hidden with Christ in God.

& .or you have died a"d your li0e is hidde" with 4hrist i" $od '4olossia"s ;*;,-

Christ is my life, and I will be revealed with !im in "lory.

Whe" 4hrist 'who is your li0e, a22ears1 the" you too will be revealed i" #lory with hi '4olossia"s ;*9,-

I am justified by faith
There0ore1 si"ce we have bee" 7usti0ied by 0aith1 we have 2eace with $od throu#h our Lord (esus 4hrist- Ro a"s 3*)

I am saved by "race throu"h faith

.or by #race you have bee" saved throu#h 0aith- A"d this is "ot your ow" doi"#/ it is the #i0t o0 $od1 "ot a result o0 wor:s1 so that "o o"e ay boast- E2hesia"s +*5!?

I am an aroma of Christ
.or we are the aro a o0 4hrist to $od a o"# those who are bei"# saved a"d a o"# those who are 2erishi"#1 + 4ori"thia"s +*)3

I am bou"ht with a price

.or you were bou#ht with a 2rice- So #lori0y $od i" your body- ) 4ori"thia"s 8*+<

I am set free from sin

A"d1 havi"# bee" set 0ree 0ro si"1 have beco e slaves o0 ri#hteous"ess- Ro a"s 8*)5

I am made ri"hteous by Christs obedience

.or as by the o"e a"%s disobedie"ce the a"y were ade si""ers1 so by the o"e obedie"ce the a"y will be ade ri#hteous- Ro a"s 3*)? a"%s

I am empowered by the !oly #pirit

But you will receive 2ower whe" the Holy S2irit has co e u2o" you1 a"d you will be y wit"esses i" (erusale a"d i" all (udea a"d Sa aria1 a"d to the e"d o0 the earth-F Acts )*5

God loves me and "ave !imself for me

G.or $od so loved the world1 that he #ave his o"ly So"1 that whoever believes i" hi should "ot 2erish but have eter"al li0e- (oh" ;*)8

I am the salt of the earth

G>ou are the salt o0 the earth1 but i0 salt has lost its taste1 how shall its salti"ess be restoredA It is "o lo"#er #ood 0or a"ythi"# eBce2t to be throw" out a"d tra 2led u"der 2eo2le%s 0eetMatthew 3*);

I am not a slave to sin

We :"ow that everyo"e who has bee" bor" o0 $od does "ot :ee2 o" si""i"#1 but he who was bor" o0 $od 2rotects hi 1 a"d the evil o"e does "ot touch hi - ) (oh" 3*)5

God will answer my prayers

A"d this is the co"0ide"ce that we have toward hi 1 that i0 we as: a"ythi"# accordi"# to his will he hears us- A"d i0 we :"ow that he hears us i" whatever we as:1 we :"ow that we have the reHuests that we have as:ed o0 hi - ) (oh" 3*)9!)3

I have overcome the world

Little childre"1 you are 0ro $od a"d have overco e the 1 0or he who is i" you is #reater tha" he who is i" the world- ) (oh" 9*9

God will for"ive my sin

I0 we co"0ess our si"s1 he is 0aith0ul a"d 7ust to 0or#ive us our si"s a"d to clea"se us 0ro all u"ri#hteous"ess- ) (oh" )*?

I am a parta$er of !is divine nature

By which he has #ra"ted to us his 2recious a"d very #reat 2ro ises1 so that throu#h the you ay beco e 2arta:ers o0 the divi"e "ature1 havi"# esca2ed 0ro the corru2tio" that is i" the world because o0 si"0ul desire- + Peter )*9

I have been delivered from the dominion of dar$ness.

He has delivered us 0ro the do ai" o0 dar:"ess a"d tra"s0erred us to the :i"#do beloved So"1 4olossia"s )*); o0 his

I am crucified with Christ

I have bee" cruci0ied with 4hrist- It is "o lo"#er I who live1 but 4hrist who lives i" eA"d the li0e I "ow live i" the 0lesh I live by 0aith i" the So" o0 $od1 who loved e a"d #ave hi sel0 0or e- $alatia"s +*+<

I have the mind of Christ

G.or who has u"derstood the i"d o0 the Lord so as to i"struct hi AF But we have the i"d o0 4hrist- ) 4ori"thia"s +*)8

I am the li"ht of the world

G>ou are the li#ht o0 the world- A city set o" a hill ca""ot be hidde"- Matthew 3*)9

I have been born a"ain

Si"ce you have bee" bor" a#ai"1 "ot o0 2erishable seed but o0 i 2erishable1 throu#h the livi"# a"d abidi"# word o0 $od/ ) Peter )*+;

I am a child of li"ht
.or you are all childre" o0 li#ht1 childre" o0 the day- We are "ot o0 the "i#ht or o0 the dar:"ess- ) Thessalo"ia"s 3*3

I am dead
.or you have died1 a"d your li0e is hidde" with 4hrist i" $od- 4olossia"s ;*;

I am sealed by the !oly #pirit

A"d do "ot #rieve the Holy S2irit o0 $od1 by who rede 2tio"- E2hesia"s 9*;< you were sealed 0or the day o0

I am a prisoner of God
I there0ore1 a 2riso"er 0or the Lord1 ur#e you to wal: i" a which you have bee" called1 E2hesia"s 9*) a""er worthy o0 the calli"# to

I have access to God

I" who ;*)+ we have bold"ess a"d access with co"0ide"ce throu#h our 0aith i" hi - E2hesia"s

I am dead to sin
A"d you were dead i" the tres2asses a"d si"s E2hesia"s +*)

I am redeemed
I" hi we have rede 2tio" throu#h his blood1 the 0or#ive"ess o0 our tres2asses1 accordi"# to the riches o0 his #race1 which he lavished u2o" us1 i" all wisdo a"d i"si#ht E2hesia"s )*6!5

I am free
There is there0ore "ow "o co"de "atio" 0or those who are i" 4hrist (esus- .or the law o0 the S2irit o0 li0e has set you 0ree i" 4hrist (esus 0ro the law o0 si" a"d death- .or $od has do"e what the law1 wea:e"ed by the 0lesh1 could "ot do- By se"di"# his ow" So" i" the li:e"ess o0 si"0ul 0lesh a"d 0or si"1 he co"de "ed si" i" the 0lesh1 i" order that the ri#hteous reHuire e"t o0 the law i#ht be 0ul0illed i" us1 who wal: "ot accordi"# to the 0lesh but accordi"# to the S2irit- .or those who live accordi"# to the 0lesh set their i"ds o" the thi"#s o0 the 0lesh1 but those who live accordi"# to the S2irit set their i"ds o" the thi"#s o0 the S2irit- --- Ro a"s 5*)!;?

Christ died for me

But $od shows his love 0or us i" that while we were still si""ers1 4hrist died 0or usRo a"s 3*5

I am fearfully and wonderfully made

.or you 0or ed y i"ward 2arts/ you :"itted e to#ether i" y other%s wo b- I 2raise you1 0or I a 0ear0ully a"d wo"der0ully ade- Wo"der0ul are your wor:s/ y soul :"ows it very well- My 0ra e was "ot hidde" 0ro you1 whe" I was bei"# ade i" secret1 i"tricately wove" i" the de2ths o0 the earth- >our eyes saw y u"0or ed substa"ce/ i" your boo: were writte"1 every o"e o0 the 1 the days that were 0or ed 0or e1 whe" as yet there was "o"e o0 the - Psal );?*);!)8

I am a temple
Eo you "ot :"ow that you are $od%s te 2le a"d that $od%s S2irit dwells i" youA I0 a"yo"e destroys $od%s te 2le1 $od will destroy hi - .or $od%s te 2le is holy1 a"d you are that te 2le- ) 4ori"thia"s ;*)8!)6

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