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Course Outline Course Information

Course Code: Course Tittle: Course Hours: Department: Session:

comp-315 Introduction to Programming Concepts using C/C++ 3 Computer Science January to April 201

Course Description:
!"is course #ill co$er t"e %asic programming concepts/tec"ni&ues using C/C++ languages #it" an introduction to structured programming and a%stract types' Program In(ormation) !"is course is $ery important part o( many computer science and ot"er science programs including P"ysics* C"emistry* +at"ematics* ,ngineering* and Astronomy'

Recognition of Prior Learning: Course Delivery Met ods:

-asic .ogic and +at"ematical t"in/ing po#er

!"is course is deli$ered (ace-to-(ace in t"e classroom and computer .a% using t"e #"ite%oard* computer #it" multimedia'

Course !ormat:
!eac"ing +et"ods) 2 "ours lecture e$ery #ee/ .earning Acti$ities) 3 "ours la% e$ery #ee/

Instructor Information
Instructor) 0a"eer A"mad ,mail)1a"eer e$er20002"otmail'com 3((ice P"one) 453-5323 3((ice .ocation) 6oom-231 7e# Campus 3((ice 8ours) +onday to 9ednesday :2 ; 3 pm< and %y an appointment

Student Readiness
Tec nology " #$uipment Readiness:
Computer) 32/5 %it System .inu=) >e%ian '0* +andri$a 200? 9indo#s) 9in @/Aista SP2/BP SP3 Cree >is/ space :Complete Installation<) 550 +% o( dis/ space* or 1' D% i( installed #it" re(erence documentation' Cree S#ap Space) 500 m% Aideo Card) Cor .inu=) 5 -%it $ersion)100'1 '14 or later* 32-%it $ersion)100'1 '14 or later Cor 9indo#s) 9in @* Aista and BP-$ersion 255'5? 98E. or .ater

Drap"ic .i%rary) 3penDl C++ Compiler (or .inu=) D7F gcc) '0 up to '3'2 C++ Compiler (or 9indo#s) +icroso(t Aisual Studio '7,! 2005 SP1 #it" all security updates* +icroso(t Aisual Studio '7,! 200? SP1*+icroso(t Aisual Studio '7,! 2010

Student Commitments:
Class contact time) 2 "our lecture class per #ee/ #%pected reading) Corresponding c"apter (rom t"e %oo/ La& 'or( per 'ee() 3 "our practical/Comp la% class per #ee/

Course Resources:
Re$uired Te%t&oo()s*: Introduction to programming using C++ A$aila%le at college %oo/ store References: 8and outs Po#er Point Presentation >emonstration on multimedia Internet sites o :"ttp)//###'cplusplus'com/doc/tutorial/< o ("ttp)//###'cprogramming'com/tutorial'"tml<

Student Learning
Learning Outcomes:
Fpon t"e success(ul completion o( t"is course* you s"ould %e a%le to understand t"e relations"ip %et#een "ard#are* so(t#are and programming understand "o# computer language a((ects t"e operation o( a computer read* #rite* and de%ug C and C++ programs apply good programming style apply mat"ematical /no#ledge to t"e design and implementation to computer algorit"ms #rite programs to accomplis" simple tas/s understand t"e issues and trends in computer et"ics de$elop and maintain a computer programming collection* and a system o( li%raries and use(ul (unctions

Instructional Sc edule:
9ee/ or module !opic Assignments

9ee/ 1

Introduction to Computer 8ard#are So(t#are 3S (unctions Application So(t#ares

6ead t"e types o( computers (rom internet

9ee/ 2 9ee/ 3

Introduction to Computer Programming 6ead "o# to #rite an and C++* algorit"ms algorit"m +a/ing >ecisions I( statement I( else Statement I( elsei( else statement .ooping/Iterations Cor loop 9"ile loop >o #"ile loop Cunctions/Procedures +id !erm Cunctions Continued 6ecursion Pointers Arrays 3ne dimensional !#o dimensional >ata Structure Searc"ing Sorting Input/output 6eading data (rom t"e >is/ 9riting data on t"e 8ard >is/ Preparation 9ee/ Cinal ,=am Assignment 5) Assignment ) Assignment 1)


Assignment 2)

9ee/ 5 9ee/ 5 9ee/ @ 9ee/ ? 9ee/ 4

Assignment 3)

9ee/ 10

Assignment 5)

9ee/ 11

Assignment @)

9ee/ 12 9ee/ 13

Important Dates
Date Important Information

Ce% 2@ ; +arc" 02 +id !erm ,=am April 13 ; April 20 April 20 ; April 2@ Preparation 9ee/ Cinal ,=am

+ssessment and #valuation:

)#%ams, tests, assignments, papers, pro-ects, etc.* Assignments ProHect :2 proHects o( e&ual mar/s< #it" presentations +id !erm ,=am Cinal ,=am !otal) /eig t 20G 30G 25G 25G 100G

Letter 0rade Distri&ution

A+ A -+ '5 '0 3'5 3'0 40 to 100G ?0 to ?4G @5 to @4G @0 to @ G C+ C > C 2'5 2'0 1'0 0'0 55 to 54G 50 to 5 G 50 to 54G 0 - 4G

+inimum per(ormance re&uirement (or t"is course) C1 )To Pass t e Course*. !o %e success(ul in ot"er courses* good score is re&uired'

Course Policies
0eneral +cademic Policies: It is t"e studentIs responsi%ility to %e (amiliar #it" and ad"ere to t"e present college Academic Policies' !"ese Policies can %e (ound in t"e college portal' Supplementary Policies: All assignments and proHects must %e su%mitted %y t"eir speci(ied due dates' Cailure to complete as assignment %y its due date #ill result in 1ero mar/' Students a%sent (rom an e=am #it"out a $alid reason accepta%le #ill recei$e a mar/ o( 1ero on t"e e=am' See ot"er policies at college portal Date Revised: January 201

+ut ori2ation
!"is course is aut"ori1ed (or use %y) JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ C"air* Computer / I! ,ducation JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ >ate

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