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March 9B A@56

7ssue CA=

$ee)ly Communication

E%MS -&obcat &ulletin

A Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage Model Middle School A California Distinguished Middle School

Con,ratulations E"na %ill Mi""le School Employees o* the 0ear1 O"r /la##ifie 8&*lo+ee of the 9ear i# Mrs/ San"y $heeler1 ,r#. Wheeler i# an incre ible *er#on7 with a cal& an *atient e&eanor. She con#i#tentl+ &a!e# *o#iti)e connection# with #t" ent# an #taff &e&ber#. O"r 5eacher of the 9ear i# extre&el+ *a##ionate an will a )ocate for what i# be#t for #t" ent #"cce##. Mrs/ Kathleen $a)ely i# a teacher lea er extraor inaire7 an a #i'nificant rea#on wh+ we are a School# to Watch &o el #chool.

Contact Us: School Office: 925-513-6440 /on'rat"lation# ,r#. Wheeler an ,r#. Wa!el+: Fax: 925-513-0696 Go to the Web: www.brentwoo .!"# Sprin, Stu"ent-le" Con*erences 2 than) you1 Email Us: 5han! +o" to all the fa&ilie# who *artici*ate in their #che "le conference# la#t wee!. Principal: Kirsten Jobb We a**reciate +o"r *artner#hi* an on'oin' #"**ort: !$obb%brentwoo .!"# Vice-Principal: Maria Gonzalez 3uarterly 'ssessments ne4t $EEK: March 55th 2 56th &'on(ale(%brentwoo .!"# ;"arter 3 -##e##&ent 8xa&# are an o**ort"nit+ for #t" ent# to e&on#trate all the+ Vice-Principal: Rusty Ehrlich ha)e learne thro"'ho"t the 3r <"arter. 3arent# an G"ar ian#7 *lea#e &a!e #"re rehrlich%brentwoo .!"# +o"r #t" ent #t" ie# for their te#t# each ni'ht a# well a# attainin' a 'oo a&o"nt of Counselor: Saraina Sil a = #lee* an eatin' a n"tritional brea!fa#t. ##il)a%brentwoo .!"# Parents! Club Presi"ent: #eann $eibert 513-6440 x4096 eh&#*arent#cl" E"yssey o* the Min" 2 Re,ional (ournament hoste" by E"na %ill Mi""le School1 We are ery e!cited to host the first "egional #ournament of the ne$ly formed %elta "egion of Odyssey of the Mind& 't $ill be held right here on our cam(us on March )th and *th. We $ish all the teams the ery best+ and es(ecially our EHMS teams&& Go ,obcats& &rin,in, %istory to #i*e at E"na %ill Mi""le School1 #his $ee- our *th grade class $ill e!(erience a s(ecial treat . Colonel "oy Wells $ill olunteer his time and artifacts $ith our school. He $ill bring historical facts and (ieces of art from the Ci il War era to life for our students. We are ery fortunate to ha e a (artnershi( $ith Colonel Wells and are than-ful he continues to share his e!(ertise $ith us&

'ttention: School 1ro* Off23ic! 4* Safet+:

(he pic)-up loop in the bac) o* the school +at the ,ym o** o* #a-rence #ane. is the best an" sa*est place to pic) up an" "rop o** stu"ents/ March

5he front of the #chool i# re#er)e for b"##e# an #afet+ )ehicle#. 3lea#e &a!e arran'e&ent# with +o"r chil to *ic! the& "* at the '+& *ic! "* loo*. We are #eein' an increa#e in "n#afe *ractice# on 6irch Street7 an o"r #t" ent# an #taff are bein' *"t at

S'VE (%E 8'(E1

Our EHMS Parents Club is hosting a Spa,hetti Dee" on Friday 'pril 55th at <:@@ pm in our Gymnasium. More info coming soon.

7mportant 8ates to Remember at E"na %ill Mi""le School Fa&il+ =ife >nfor&ation ?i'ht: 9:; % @:00- 5heatre 8=-/ ,eetin': 9:< % 6:30 *& - =ibrar+ O +##e+ of the ,in .e'ional 5o"rna&ent 9:= > 9:? - 80,S School Site /o"ncil ,eetin' 9:5@ % 3:30 A =ibrar+ Final 8xa&#: 9:55- 9:56 S*rin' 6rea!: 9:5= 2 9:A? School .e#"&e#: 9:95

lity Dle4ibi

=i)in' the Be+ of Flexibility means to #hift *er#*ecti)e# an chan'e if nee e to reach o"r 'oal#.

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