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Qytetrimi & Qytetrimet-Perandorit e Mdha !

Fjala Qytetrim vjen nga fjala latine Civilis, q do t thot civile, q do t thot qytetar, dhe Civitas, do t thot qytet ose qytet-shtet. N gjuht latine dhe anglo sakson, termat "kulturs" dhe "civilizimit" prdoret n mnyra t ndryshme se sa n gjuhn gjermane. Historin e shkencs do t thot nga shkall t gjer dhe t strukturave t qndrueshme kulturave q zhvillojn nj forc t madhe, edhe pse ato shpesh kan nj larmi formash dhe fazat e zhvillimit. Prkufizimin e sotme t qytetrimit n politikn ndrkombtare e kupton kt paraqitur metaforikisht si "ombrell kulturore" pr disa kultura t ngjashme q nuk jan gjeografikisht duhet t jen t lidhura s bashku. Shtetet e ndajn nj botkuptimin e nj qytetrimi. Kultura sht definuar ktu si nj prodhim i lokalizuar do t thot-dhnia e vlerave dhe normave t prbashkta. Pas shkenctarit Norbert Elias dhe teoria e tij sociale pr procesin e qytetrimit, termi sht prdorur edhe n kuptimin e "qytetrimit". Qytetrimet m t Mdha t t Gjitha Kohrave (Greatest Civilizations of All Time): 1Egjipti i Lasht (3150 BC - 30 BC) 2Qytetrimi Ilir-Ilirian, 2000 B.C, sh. IV p.e.s 3Perandoria Maya(2000 BC-1540 AD) 4Perandoria Asiriane (1920 BC-1311 AD) 5Perandoria Hitite (1600 BC - 1178 BC) 6Perandoria Olmeke-Meksik (1500 BC - 400 BC) 7Perandoria Greke (800 BC-600 AD) 8Qytetrimi Maqedonas-V-L-Greqise, 650 p.e.s 9Perandoria e Kartagjens (650 BC - 146 BC) 10Perandoria Persiane (550 BC - 651 AD) 11Qytetrimi Thrak-Maqedoni-Bullg.Sebi, Sh. V-te, p.e.s, 12Dinastia Kola-Indi-Ashoka (350 BC-1279 AD) 13Perandoria Mauryane-Indi (322 BC-185 BC) 14Perandoria Kineze (221 BC-1912 AD) 15Dinastia Silla-Kore (57 BC-935 AD) 16 Perandoria Romake (27 BC-1453 AD)

17Perandoria Pandyan-Indi (50 AD-1350 AD) 18Perandoria Aksumite-Etiopi (150 AD-950 AD) 19Perandoria Franke-Gjermani (3rd century-843 AD) 20Perandoria Bizantine (330 AD-1453 AD) 21Epoka e Arte Islamike (750 AD - 1257 AD) 22Moravia-eki (833 AD - 1949 AD) 23Perandoria Etiopiane (1137 AD-1974 AD) 24Perandoria Mongole (1200-1400 A.D) 25Perandoria Otomane (1299 AD - 1923 AD) 26Aztec Pernadoria Azteke (1428 AD - 1521 AD) 27Qytetrimi Inkas-Kolumbi, 1438 - 1533, 28Mughal Perandoria Mughale (1526 AD - 1857 AD) 29Perandoria Britanike (1583 AD-present) 30Shtetet e Bashkuara (1776 AD-Present) 31Bashkimi Sovjetik (1917 AD - 1991 AD) 32Republika Popullore e Kins (1949 AD - Present) The word civilization comes from the Latin civilis, meaning civil, related to the Latin civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city or city-state. Adjectives such as English "civility" developed from this root, but during the 18th century Enlightenment a verb "civilize" came to be commonly used, leading to a new word "civilization" to describe the result. This was used first by authors writing about national and personal improvement such as Victor Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau in France, and Adam Ferguson in Scotland who in his 1767 Essay on the History of Civil Societywrote that, "Not only the individual advances from infancy to manhood, but the species itself from rudeness to civilisation."[6]" The word was therefore opposed to barbarism or rudeness, but the thinking behind the new word was connected to modernism's active pursuit of progress and enlightenment. As such it has always been coloured by Social Darwinist assumptions about superiority and inferiority.
Thrace (Thraka)was a unifying name for the people living on the territory of modern-dayBulgaria, northern Greece, western Turkey, Romania, Moldova, southern Ukraine, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia.

The history of Illyrian warfare spans from the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC up to the 1st century AD in the region of Illyria and in southern Italy where the Iapygian civilization flourished. Groups: Taulantii, Dardani, Iapyges, Ardiaei, Liburni, Japodes, Enchele, Paeonians. Dalmatae.

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