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How much have the British changed?

1) Video
Listen and order the opinions below. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) f two people love each other the! should be allowed to get on with their love life li"e an!bod! else. #m not reall! into politics. don#t thin" !ou have to be married to have children. $he benefits s!stem is messed up... t#s wrong because the ta%pa!ers have to foot the bills. &obod! trusts politicians. 'eople sometimes feel the! are too small to ma"e a difference. have no real strong views on religion. 'eople don#t ta"e marriage as a serious vow an!more. wouldn#t sa! #m religious at all.

2) Video
Listen again and answer 1. (eligion. )ince 1*+3 the percentage of people who sa! the! belong to a religion has ,,,,, . a) risen b) fallen c) remained the same 2. (eligion. $he proportion of people belonging to the -hurch of .ngland has ,,,,,,. a) risen b) doubled c) halved 3. (elationships. /ritain has become more tolerant. a) $rue b) 0alse 1. (elationships. n 1*+3 203 of people thought homose%ualit! was alwa!s wrong. $hat figure has now more than ,,,,. a) doubled b) tripled c) halved 2. 4elfare. /ritain is a lot less supportive of government intervention and less s!mpathetic to those on welfare benefits although over the last !ear there has been ,,,,,,, in s!mpath!. a) a downturn b) a slight fall c) a slight rise d) an upturn 5. 'olitics. $he percentage of people who trust the government to do the right thing for the countr! rather than the part! ,,,,,,, to 6ust 1+3. a) has risen b) has fallen 7. 'olitics. $here has been a ,,,,,,,,,,, in the proportion of people who thin" it#s a citi8en#s dut! to vote. 9owever people are more li"el! to sa! the! are interested in politics now than the! were in the 1*+0s. a) sharp fall b) sharp rise c) stead! decline d) stead! rise

How much have the British changed?

3) Look at the diagram and fill in the gaps with a number How British attitudes have changed over 3 !ears

"H# $"ational Health #ervice) $he /ritish )ocial :ttitudes (eport found that ;1),,,,,3 of people in /ritain are now satisfied with the &9). $his compares to a low point in 1**7 when ;2),,,,,3 were satisfied and a high point in 2010 when ;3),,,,,3 were satisfied. #ocial #ecurit! Benefits% $he surve! also found people in the <= had more s!mpath! for those out of wor" in 2012 than the! did in 2011. :ccording to the report> ;1),,,,,3 of /ritons in 2012 believed benefits for unemplo!ed people were ?too high and discourage wor"?> compared to ;2),,,,,3 in 2011. &amil! and se'ual attitudes @ther findings show how views towards marriage and gender have also changed. /etween 1*+3 and 2010 the marriage rate in .ngland and 4ales more than halved> from 22 to 22 ;among men) and 12 to 20 ;among women). n 1*+3 ;5),,,,,3 of /rits thought premarital se% was wrong compared to ;7),,,,,3 in 2012. n 1*+1 almost half of /rits ;;+),,,,,3) thought a manAs 6ob was to earn mone! and a womanAs 6ob was to loo" after the home and famil!B in 2012 that had fallen to 6ust ;*),,,,,3. n 1*+3 ;10),,,,,3 thought homose%ualit! was ?alwa!s wrong?. $his increased to ;11),,,,,3 in 1*+7 and is 6ust ;12),,,,,3 in 2012.

How much have the British changed?

() )eading
*) )ead the te't below and answer these +uestions% -ompared with 20 Cears agoB 1. 2. 3. 1. s class still important in /ritish lifeD :re the /ritish more or less interested in politicsD :re the /ritish of toda! more or less optimisticD Eo people thin" the Fueen is still importantD

,oll shows our views on class- politics- unions and ro!alt! have all moved on since 1./3% Britons are more interested in politics than 50 years ago, but less convinced that the government pays much attention to their views. The survey also found that while trade union power has become less of a concern, the influence of big business persists as an issue for 61% of people, slightly up on half a century ago. alf a century on, the survey suggests, the influence of class over British politics has diminished, along with a feeling of engagement with !estminster, but it has not been accompanied by a loss of interest in politics " rather the reverse. #ignificantly, in $01% only 1&% thin' that (having elections ma'es government pay a good deal of attention to what people thin'(, against )6% in 1*6%. +et in contrast, $,% now say they ta'e (a good deal( of interest in politics, up from 16%, while )%% ta'e (some( interest, compared with %&% in 1*6%. -olitics is alive and well, it appears, but the ouse of .ommons is not the focus. /mong the findings, the 1*6% and $01% polls also underscore the shift in public opinion on social security. 0n 1*6%, &&% thought the government should spend more on pensions and social services, while that figure is now )$%. owever, given the choice between ta1 cuts and increases in social services, there has been a small decline in support for ta1 cuts, from 5$% to )6%, and only a similar fall in support for more social services, from )$% to %&%. The comparative figures reveal a sharp decline in optimism. Today 11% thin' they are better off than they were a year ago, and %,% feel worse off. The figures for 50 years ago were %%% and $1% respectively.

0n 1*6%, %6% of British people thought Britain should have very close ties with the 2#. That has fallen to 1)% in $01%. The survey also underlines the decline in support for the monarchy as a political entity " 6%% thought the 3ueen and the royal family were very important to the nation in 1*6%, compared with )1% now. :dapted from!/2013/nov/17/1*53-opinion-poll-westminster-public

B) &ind words or phrases in the te't which are similar to the following0
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 5. a little higher than G ;1),,,,,,,,,,,,,, leads one to believe ;v.) G ;2),,,,,,,,,,,,,, is less than G ;3),,,,,,,,,,,,,, opposite ;n.) G ;1),,,,,,,,,,,,,, mportantl! G ;2),,,,,,,,,,,,,, results ;n.) G ;5),,,,,,,,,,,,,,

7. +. *. 10.

emphasise G ;2 verbs) ;7),,,,,,,,,,,,,,> ;+),,,,,,,,,,,,,, a drop in numbers G ;2 nouns) ;*),,,,,,,,,,,,,,> ;10),,,,,,,,,,,,,, show ;v.) G ;11),,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the order given G ;12) ,,,,,,,,,,,,

How much have the British changed?

1) @pinions ----------=e!---------1 2 3 an!bod! else. 1 2 5 bills. 7 + * have no real strong views on religion. wouldn#t sa! #m religious at all. f two people love each other the! should be allowed to get on with their love life li"e don#t thin" !ou have to be married to have children. 'eople don#t ta"e marriage as a serious vow an!more. $he benefits s!stem is messed up... t#s wrong because the ta%pa!ers have to foot the &obod! trusts politicians. #m not reall! into politics. 'eople sometimes feel the! are too small to ma"e a difference.

2) Hideo Iui8 ----------=e!---------1. ;b) 2. ;c) 3. ;a) 1. ;c) 2. ;d) 5. ;b) 7. ;c)

3) 9ow /ritish attitudes have changed over 30 !ears ----------=e!---------&9) ;&ational 9ealth )ervice) $he /ritish )ocial :ttitudes (eport found that 513 of people in /ritain are now satisfied with the &9). $his compares to a low point in 1**7 when 313 were satisfied and a high point in 2010 when 703 were satisfied. )ocial )ecurit! /enefits. $he surve! also found people in the <= had more s!mpath! for those out of wor" in 2012 than the! did in 2011. :ccording to the report> 213 of /ritons in 2012 believed benefits for unemplo!ed people were ?too high and discourage wor"?> compared to 523 in 2011. 0amil! and se%ual attitudes @ther findings show how views towards marriage and gender have also changed. /etween 1*+3 and 2010 the marriage rate in .ngland and 4ales more than halved> from 22 to 22 ;among men) and 12 to 20 ;among women). n 1*+3 2+3 of /rits thought premarital se% was wrong compared to 113 in 2012. n 1*+1 almost half of /rits ;1*3) thought a manAs 6ob was to earn mone! and a womanAs 6ob was to loo" after the home and famil!B in 2012 that had fallen to 6ust 133. n 1*+3 203 thought homose%ualit! was ?alwa!s wrong?. $his increased to 513 in 1*+7 and is 6ust 223 in 2012.

1/) $&) /J(/ @pinion 'oll K Hocabular! ----------=e!---------0ind words or phrases in the te%t which are similar to the followingB 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 5. 7. +. a little higher than G slightl! up on leads one to believe ;v.) G suggests is less than G diminished opposite ;n.) G reverse mportantl! G )ignificantl! results ;n.) G findings emphasise G ;2 verbs) underscore> underlines a drop in numbers G ;2 nouns) decline> fall

*. 10.

show ;v.) G reveal in the order given G respectivel!

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