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Jennifer Wilker, #21 NELA, Cohort III September 15, 2013 Fall Entrance Plan for Warren New


Goal 1: Establish a positive, meaningful, cooperative relationship with the staff members that will provide as the launching pad for a year of observations, evaluations, curricular support, and when necessary, tough conversations.
Objective A: Develop a constructive relationship with all certified teachers. Timeline Impact
Send introductory letter to all staff members Attend grade level meetings and offer support August 16th (completed) September 16th, next scheduled. (Attended but noticed concern). August 27th (completed) Teachers, students, staff, and parents were able to get a quick glimpse of me before they had a chance to get to know me on a personal/professional level. This gave me the opportunity to realize that teachers were not meeting like they should and when they did meet, they did not stay on topic. When offering support, the core chairs were not receptive but the novice teachers were eager to reach out for help. Most teachers (not all) are opening up to me and sharing their feelings and frustrations because they trust me. This has been a great way to build that professional relationship.

E-mail all certified teachers offering classroom support in the form of ongoing new teacher trainings and a member of Critical Friends Team for all teachers Conduct an informal observation (at least 10 minutes) of each certified teachers classroom and drop a friendly, encouraging note behind to point out areas of strength and areas needing support Include at least one shout out in each of our staffs need to know emails Learn at least one personal thing about each teacher (interests, hobbies, roots, family, etc.) and ask them about it. Eat lunch in the cafeteria during each lunch period at least once a week

August 30th September 30th (completed) Weekly (working great) Ongoing (working great)

Weekly (did not go as well as I had planned)

This has made it easy for teachers to open up to me and ask for ideas they can use in their classrooms. This is also motivating teachers to hone in on what they are doing good even better. This has allowed me to get to know the staff as well as the students. Becoming interested in what motivates them and drives them has helped build the relationship and mutual respect between me and the students and staff. This is not working as well as I had hoped. I am often tied up doing other obligations so I do not make it out to the cafeteria. When I do make it to the cafeteria it is like being in a teachers lounge because all the teachers are doing is complaining about EVERYTHING!

Objective B: Develop a constructive relationship with all supports staff (Custodians, Teacher Assistants, PTA, Cafeteria workers, bus drivers).
Send introductory letter to all staff members August 16th (completed) This worked very well. The bus drivers and cafeteria workers were so grateful that I reached out and introduced myself to them. They told me they often feel like outsiders because they were rarely

Leave encouraging notes for staff in their mailboxes or classrooms thanking them for their work. Include at least one shout out in each of our staffs weekly newsletter

Ongoing (going great) Weekly (OK)

Learn at least one personal thing about each staff member (interests, hobbies, roots, family, etc.) and ask him or her about it. Join and attend PTA meetings

Ongoing (Completed) Joined September 16th, (No)

included in anything. By beginning professional relationships with my staff on a positive note, it makes the crucial conversations easier because the teachers know it is nothing personal when I give constructive criticism. When I set this goal it seemed doable but I quickly found out that doing this once a week seemed redundant to the staff. They (as well as I) felt that I was giving shout outs for the mere purpose of recognizing each person not because each person had done something above and beyond to recognize them for. Knowing the staff on a personal level nurtures a trusting atmosphere and a culture of respect for all. I joined at the beginning of the year but since then, there has not been a PTA meeting. We do not have an active PTA.

Goal 2: Establish myself as not only a figure of authority to the children of New Tech, but also as an ally, a counselor, and a learning partner.
Objective A: Develop and maintain a positive relationship with the kids
Introduce myself during Squire School and Open House. Greet parents and students first day of school and introduce myself to people I have not met. Introduce myself to every child I meet (as long as its appropriate). Be at bus duty in the morning and car-rider duty in the afternoon to meet and greet students and parents. Timeline August 20th (completed) Impact This went great! The students as well as their families are excited to have me at New Tech. Since I am from the county and have taught in the county for years I know many of the students and families already. Being we are such a small school, it did not take me too long to learn everyones name. The students appreciate me calling them by name instead of hey you. Being on morning duty I am able to greet students first thing in the morning and when I see a student not in dress code or see a student upset, I am able to address it immediately before it becomes a greater issues than what it already is. I am also able to have informal conversations with parents, which they seem to enjoy. This is the highlight of my week we the mentor principal and myself go into classes and have heart-to heart conversations with students. Students open up to us when we come onto their turf and it has really helped build a trusting relationship between the students and us. This worked great and was like my secrete weapon. The students were so surprised I knew their names so quickly, they did not know I would go into my office and lookup their picture from the previous year so I would make it a point to call them by their first name the

Ongoing (completed) Ongoing (going great)

Join the principal when she has principal talks with individual homerooms.

Keep a copy of the most recent yearbook on hand to study for name recognition.

August 29th, 30st, and September 4th (continually scheduled for biweekly) (going great) Ongoing (completed)

Be constantly visible, whether in the hallway, in classrooms, outside, or in the lunchroom.

Ongoing (going great)

next time I saw them. This is working to keep behaviors under control and also to have those quick how is your day conversations with the students to let them know I care.

Objective B: Develop and maintain a positive relationship with the parents

Greet parents in the mornings and afternoons in front of the school Join the PTA and attend meetings. Ongoing (going great) September 16th (joined) September 19th (meeting scheduled) Next 4 weeks in preparation for event on October 10th (completed) September 16th October 25th (completed) Parents are enjoying being greeting on a regular basis but what I think they like even more is seeing how their child is being greeted and treated the moment he/she walks into our school. This is not going as planned. We had our initial PTA meeting at the beginning of school but we have not had one since. We have very supportive parents but they do not seem to be willing to be apart of an organized group. It was amazing to see the turnout for this program. The performance put on by the students really boosted the students pride in their school. This helped me start the year off on a positive note with all parents and made the calls about behavior easier since I had established a rapport with the parents first.

Help Organize drama performance to help draw in parents to our first parent night Make 30 parent phone calls (1 a day for the next 30 days) praising the behavior or accomplishments of a student.

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