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There is nothing I love more than spending a day on the water fishing with my kids!

And now my wife gets to join in on the fun! What a great idea!

Families that play together stay together

For more information, call Todd Longley 204-955-2744

Without the support of our sponsors, partners and volunteers, Generation Next Angler Fishing To u r n a m e n t s w o u l d n o t take place.


Galaxy Comics & Collectibles Crow Duck Lake Camp Mosaic Graphics

Darrin Bohonis Photography Mainline Industries Four Points Financial Solutions

Lac Du Bonnet - Manitoba June 21, 2014

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Event Information

D AT E : S AT U R D AY J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 4

L O C AT I O N : L A C D U B O N N E T, M B - T O W N D O C K S


1 . A D U LT A N G L E R N A M E ( P L E A S E P R I N T ) : A d d r e s s : City: Phone:


Generation Next Angler 804 College Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2X 1A9

R E G I S T R AT I O N & PA N C A K E B R E A K FA S T: 7 : 0 0 A M L E G I O N H A L L 4 5 M C A R T H U R AV E . R U L E S M E E T I N G : 7 : 3 0 A M L E G I O N H A L L 4 5 M C A R T H U R AV E . FISHING HOURS: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

1. Up to 4 people per team - One adult Male & one adult Female plus two must be 17 yrs of age or younger, proof of age may be required. 2. All Manitoba Sport Fishing and Canadian Coast Guard Regulations apply. Anyone caught breaking these regulations may be disqualified. 3. Fishing bounderies are the accessible waters from MacArthur Falls to Seven Sisters Dam. 4. All teams must clearly display their team number decal by attaching it to the port side of the motor. 5. Boat inspections will take place from approximately 8:00 am to 8:30 am at both the town launch and the town docks. Every teams boat must be inspected. 6. Fishing hours will be from approximately 8:30 am until 3:30 pm sharp, starting by a trickle start. Any team returning late may be disqualified. 7. Boats will leave by a trickle start in the order of team number as called out from the Special Events boat. 8. Your tether kill switch must be operational and be worn at all times of travel above idle speed. 9. All participants must wear a lifejacket AT ALL TIMES during the tournament. 10. A maximum of 5 fish (Walleye or Sauger) will be allowed to be weighed in. At no time should there be more than 5 fish in the livewell. 11. Only fish under 45cm and over 70cm will be weighed. Only three fish per team over 70cm are eligible for weigh in. Fish will be measured with mouth closed and tail pinched. 12. Stressed fish will be penalized by 25% of that fishes weight, dead fish will be disqualified. All fish will be judged (stressed/ dead) in the livewell at the docks upon return by a tournament official. 13. Prizes will be awared in order of the teams heaviest weight overall and awarded to the participants separately. In case of a tie, the team with the heaviest fish will determine the winner. 14. In order to be eligible for prizes, each team must return and pass the Winnipegs radio Special Events boat to have your number recorded no later than 3:30pm. celebrity and very f u n n y A c e B u r p e e Even if you do not intend to weigh in, you must check in with the Special Events boat to confirm your safe return. from the Ace 15. Weigh in will be done in order of return. Burpee Show on 1 0 3 . 1 V i r g i n R a d i o 16. Following the dinner at approximately 4:30 pm, the prizes will be awarded. will be back to 17. Every team must be present for a group photo at the end of the tournament. e m c e e ! B e s u r e t o 18. Generation Next directors shall retain the right to decline entry into this j o i n i n o n t h e f u n ! tournament. 19. All decision by the Directors are final. 20. Generation Next directors retain the right to change these rules at their discretion. Final set of rules will be supplied at the rules meeting the morning of the tournament. 20. All rules have loopholes. It is the intent of the organizers to provide an honest sportsmanlike tournament. In the interest of good sportsmanship, participants are reminded that Spirit of the Ruleshall apply.

P o s t a l C o d e : Email: D a t e :

S i g n a t u r e :

2 . A D U LT A N G L E R N A M E ( P L E A S E P R I N T ) : A d d r e s s : P o s t a l C o d e : Email: D a t e : S i g n a t u r e : City: Phone:


In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Generation Next Angler Fishing Tournament; the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates and agrees that: 1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this tournament is significant to myself and the youth anglers that I am responsible for, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipement and personal discipline may reduce the risk, the risk of injury does exist. 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISK for myself and the youth anglers that I am responsible for both known and unknown even if arising from the negligence of the releasees or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; 3. I willingly agree to comply with the applicable rules & regulations for participation for myself and the youth anglers that I am resonsible for. If however, I or the youth anglers I am responsible for observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself and the youth anglers I am responsible for from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; 4. All participants are required to act with due care for their own safety and the safety of others while participating in the tournament and any related activities. Generation Next Angler Fishing Tournaments Inc. does not assume any liability or responsibility for any participant. Generation Next Angler Fishing Tournaments Inc. will not be responsible for any personal injury to participants or for any loss of or damage to the personal property of participants, while participating in the tournament. 5. I, for myself and the youth anglers am responsible for and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representative and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS Generation Next Angler Fishing Tournaments Inc., and their affiliates and each of their respective members, owners, officers, directors, governors, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, successors and assigns, officials, volunteers, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (Releasees), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6. I am responsible for, and signing on behalf of, the following youth anglers:


R E L AT I O N S H I P T O A D U LT A N G L E R ( p l e a s e c i r c l e ) P a r e n t G u a r d i a n O t h e r


R E L AT I O N S H I P T O A D U LT A N G L E R ( p l e a s e c i r c l e ) P a r e n t G u a r d i a n O t h e r

A D D R E S S :

An exciting and fresh new tournament format for the entire family! The Generation Next Angler Fishing Tournaments Inc. is a not for profit organization that is committed to introducing every member of your family to the excitement and thrill of tournament fishing. Four participants per team; two adults (one male, one female) and two youth 17 years of age or younger. Although it is not mandatory that four register as a team, a three participant team will still qualify to sign up, however, this will provide an opportunity for another person to experience the thrill of friendly competition that Generation Next has to offer. Dont wait, sign up today! Spots will sell out fast and once youre in, youre guaranteed a spot next year! - See you on June 21st!

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