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Lord Ashcroft International Business School

Intercultural Management
Marketing, Strategy and Enterprise
Module Code: MOD001095 ear: !01"#1$ Semester: !

%cademic ear: !01"#1$ Semester#&rimester: !

Module 'uide

Intercultural Management...........................................................................................1 1. Key Information ......................................................................................................2 2. Introduction to the Module......................................................................................2 3. Intended Learning Outcomes..................................................................................3 Anglia Rus in modules are taught on the !asis of intended learning outcomes and that" on successful com#letion of the module" students $ill !e e%#ected to !e a!le to demonstrate they ha&e met those outcomes........................................................................................................... ' 3.1 (m#loya!ility s ills deli&ered in this Module..........................................................) '.1 Attendance Re*uirements....................................................................................+ ). Assessment............................................................................................................ , ).1 Su!mitting &ia -urnitin./K 0radeMar 12am!ridge and 2helmsford students3. 14 ).2 Su!mitting your $or 1Students in all other locations at Associate 2olleges3......12 ).3 Mar ing Ru!ric and 5eed!ac ............................................................................12 ).' Re6Assessment 7resit8........................................................................................13 9. :o$ is My ;or Mar ed<.....................................................................................13 Assessment 2riteria and Mar ing Standards............................................................1= =.1 S#ecific Assessment 2riteria .............................................................................1= =.2 Assessment 0uide..............................................................................................1+ Assessment 2riteria..................................................................................................24 +. Assessment Offences...........................................................................................22 ,. Learning Resources..............................................................................................2' ,.1. Li!rary................................................................................................................ 2' ,.2. Other Resources................................................................................................2) 14. Module (&aluation..............................................................................................2) 11. Re#ort on Last >eli&ery of Module......................................................................29 A##endi% 1? Re6Assessment Information..................................................................2=

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Module 'uide

1( )ey In*ormation
Module: Module +eader: Intercultural Management Dr Lesley Viney LAIBS Building (mail? Lesley.&

(&ery module has a Module >efinition 5orm 7M>58 $hich is the officially &alidated record of the module. Bou can access the M>5 for this module in three $ays &ia? the Cirtual Learning (n&ironment 7CL(8 the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at $$$ Dmodulecatalogue Anglia Rus inEs module search engine facility at $$$ Dmodules

All modules deli&ered !y Anglia Rus in /ni&ersity at its main cam#uses in the /K and at Associate 2olleges throughout the /K and o&erseas are go&erned !y the Academic Regulations. Bou can &ie$ these at $$$ Dacademicregs. A #rinted e%tract of the Academic Regulations" no$n as the Assessment Regulations" is a&aila!le for e&ery student from your 5aculty Office 7all ne$ students $ill ha&e recei&ed a co#y as #art of their $elcome #ac 8. In the unli ely e&ent of any discre#ancy !et$een the Academic Regulations and any other #u!lication" including this module guide" the Academic Regulations" as the definiti&e document" ta e #recedence o&er all other #u!lications and $ill !e a##lied in all cases.

!( Introduction to t,e Module

-his module #ro&ides an insight into the com#le%ity of intercultural management. It #ro&ides a num!er of theoretical frame$or s and an o&er&ie$ of the history and the current state of cultural research. -he module e%amines strategic dilemmas $here culture #lays an increasingly influential role in com#anies of all siFes. It #resents cultural di&ersity as a central element in the #rocesses of !usiness change and organisational de&elo#ment through the use of case studies and interacti&e scenarios. It dra$s on the di&ersity of the student grou# as a resource and attem#ts to generate dynamic learning e%#eriences. One of the main focuses for the design of this module has !een the further de&elo#ment of rele&ant em#loya!ility and #rofessional s ills. Such s ills are im#licit in the learning outcomes. Multiculturalism has !een considered during the design of this module and $ill !e considered $hen the assessment !rief is $ritten. -he aim of the module is to raise a$areness a!out the com#le%ity of international !usiness and the im#ortance of addressing cross6cultural issues !oth at an organisational and at an indi&idual le&el. -he course $ill gi&e students an o##ortunity to study the history of culture related research and de&elo# a critical &ie$ a!out the currently a&aila!le frame$or s. ;e shall loo at national and organisational culture and $ill discuss the $ays that a multi6cultural $or force can #ro&ide an o##ortunity rather than cause difficulties for an organisation. @artici#ants $ill learn to a##reciate the com#le%ity of international !usiness and $ill ac*uire useful s ills to ena!le them to o#erate successfully in different cultural en&ironments. -he aim of this module is to gi&e not only theoretical no$ledge !ut also #ro&ide first hand" #ersonal e%#erience of the challenges
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Module 'uide

and learning o##ortunities that stem from interacting $ith #eo#le $ho come from different cultural !ac grounds. ;e $ill e%amine the $or of leading researchers in the field such as :all" :ofstede" -rom#enaars" :am#den6-urner and 0ullestru#. Students are e%#ected to test the frame$or s and reflect on their &alue and rele&ance to human interaction in the $or #lace and in society as a $hole. -here is an em#hasis on a##lying theory" research findings and integrating the no$ledge into #ersonal cultural a$areness and sensiti&ity. In line $ith the o!Gecti&es of the ey te%ts the #ur#ose of the module is Hto #ro&ide a more #rofound insight into" and understanding of" manEs cultural similarities and dissimilarities and the #ur#ose of facilitating action in intercultural conte%t.I 70ullestru#" :. 724498 #. 198 -he use of case studies and scenarios from different cultural !ac grounds #lay an im#ortant #art in the deli&ery of this module. It is #articularly rele&ant to students $ho ha&e had direct e%#erience in at least t$o cultures !ut it $ill also !e useful and of interest to students $ho ha&e not had this e%#erience. It is an interdisci#linary course that $ill dra$ on the !ody of no$ledge in international !usiness" management" organisational theory" no$ledge management" #sychology" organisational learning and cross6cultural management. @artici#ants are e%#ected to ta e an acti&e #art in the module and engage fully $ith the to#ics of the lectures and seminars. Students are e%#ected to $or continuously and ta e e&ery o##ortunity to ma e o!ser&ations" disco&eries and learn a!out their o$n and other cultures. International Mar eting is !asically ado#ting the same #rinci#les that are a##lied in domestic mar eting" !ut in an international conte%t. But $hat does this mean in #rinci#le< @ut sim#ly" international mar eting is Hmar eting in more than one countryI. 2ateora and 0raham 7244)8 define it as Hthe #erformance of !usiness acti&ities designed to #lan" #rice" #romote" and direct the flo$ of a com#anyEs goods and ser&ices to consumers or users in more than one nation for a #rofit.I >uring the course of this module $e shall e%#lore international mar eting !y analysing a $ide &ariety of case studies and academic articles. IEm a$are that some of you may ha&e studied international mar eting at undergraduate le&el" $hile others #erha#s ha&e studied other areas of mar eting" !ut ha&e yet to e%#lore it from an international #ers#ecti&e. ;hiche&er" this module is designed in such a $ay as to ser&e the needs of students $ith &arying no$ledge of international mar eting. A ey theme of the module is that it is not !ased on one #articular ey te%t" !ut re*uires e%tensi&e reading of academic articles rele&ant to each $ee Es to#ic. Je&ertheless" you are still re*uired to read around the su!Gect my com!ining the reading of articles $ith te%t!oo s" !usiness #ress" trade magaFines etc. (ach $ee students are e%#ected to read the rele&ant Gournal article listed in the module guide. All articles can !e accessed &ia the /ni&ersity li!rary !y accessing the (merald or Business Source @remier data!ase. Alternati&ely" you can access !y using a Kournal search.

"( Intended +earning Outcomes

On successful com#letion of this module #artici#ants $ill !e a!le to?

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Module 'uide +earning outcomes

On successful com#letion of this module students $ill !e a!le to? 2ritically e&aluate the im#ortance of cultural factors inside and outside the $or #lace 2ritically analyse different cultures using a##ro#riate conte%tual frame$or s (%amine and e&aluate the com#le%ity of culture $ithin organisations including s#ecific issues such as com#le% nature of &er!al and non6&er!al communication 2ritically analyse their #ersonal cultural heritage and e&aluate its influence on their !eha&iour in a multi6cultural en&ironment

Anglia Rus in modules are taught on the !asis of intended learning outcomes and that" on successful com#letion of the module" students $ill !e e%#ected to !e a!le to demonstrate they ha&e met those outcomes.

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Module 'uide

"(1 Employa-ility skills deli.ered in t,is Module

It is im#ortant that $e hel# you de&elo# em#loya!ility s ills throughout your course $hich $ill assist you in securing em#loyment and su##orting you in your future career. >uring your course you $ill ac*uire a $ide range of ey s ills. In this module" you $ill de&elo# those identified !elo$? . S)I++ 2ommunication 7oral8 2ommunication 7$ritten8 2ommercial A$areness 2ultural sensiti&ity 2ustomer focus >ata :andling >ecision ma ing (nter#rising 5le%i!ility Initiati&e Inter#ersonal S ills Leadershi#DManagement of others Jet$or ing Organisational ada#ta!ility @roGect Management @ro!lem Sol&ing and analytical s ills Res#onsi!ility -eam $or ing -ime Management Other Skills ac/uired in t,is module L L L L L L L L L L L L L L % %

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Module 'uide

$( Outline Deli.ery Course outline ;ee 1? ;ee 2? &opic 2ourse o&er&ie$ M introduction to $hat is culture. >efinitions of culture and culture in organisations -heoretical frame$or s for studying national and organisational cultures. -he a##roaches of (d$ard :all" 0eert :ofstede" 5ons -rom#enaars" 2harles :am#den6-urner and Milton Bennett and others are com#ared. ;e also loo at cor#orate cultures" es#ecially the a##roaches of 2harles :andy" -rom#enaars and :am#den6-urner and (d Schein. Other a##roaches and criti*ue M 2ultural Intelligence M (arley N >a&id -homas Intercultural 2om#etence as a dynamic ca#a!ility. ;hat is the relationshi# !et$een intercultural issues and the inno&ati&e ca#a!ility of a multinational com#any< /sing real life case studies" these dimensions $ill !e e%#lored further. Intercultural 2om#etence and 2ommunication -heories of communication across cultures" language and culture" non6&er!al communication. 2ase Study? -he e%#erience of a !orn6glo!al Indian SM(. :ere $e $ill e%amine the multi#le6cultural dimensions and trace ho$ an Indian com#anyEs simultaneous intercultural interfaces $ith (uro#ean" American N South6(ast Asian cultures. ;e $ill also e%#lore reasons of success and failure. 2an lessons !e learned< Intercultural dimension of Strategy. -he *uestions to !e e%#lored include M ho$ does national culture affect strategy< -o $hat e%tent do di&erse a##roaches to strategy reflect di&erse cultural assum#tions< >o decisions $e ma e reflect a #rocess $hich is distinctly different de#ending on cultural &alues< ;e $ill e%#lore $ays of antici#ating strategic mo&es in different cultural settings amongst national com#etitors" and try to reach an understanding of international strategies. Intercultural as#ects of I:RM ;e $ill e%#lore ho$ culture affects many as#ects of human resource management #ractices" including career de&elo#ment" training" socialiFation" #erformance a##raisal" com#ensation etc. Basic assum#tions defining se&eral :R #ractices such as &alues and !eliefs $ill !e e%amined" ena!ling us to loo at different #ers#ecti&es and a##lication across di&erse cultures. Leadershi# and Multicultural -eams ;e $ill e%amine ho$ notions of cross6cultural difference can !e a##lied to traditional a##roaches to understanding leadershi#. Key com#etencies of leaders $ithin the conte%t of multicultural teams $ill !e e%#lored.
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;ee 3? ;ee '? ;ee )? ;ee 9?

;ee =?

;ee +?

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Module 'uide

;ee 14?

Intercultural issues and 0lo!aliFation. ;hat does it mean to !e truly glo!al< :o$ do glo!al organiFations manage cultural differences< ;hat are the challenges of glo!al integration and local res#onsi&eness< ;e need to create international learning systems that in*uire of different cultures and unify our &alues $ith theirs. Intercultural Issues in MNAs and IJCsD Born60lo!als in a hi6tech en&ironment. ;hat is the nature of intercultural issues in the conte%t of mergers and ac*uisitions< :o$ is I2 de&elo#ed" nurtured and managed in IJCs and ho$ can I2 !e conte%tualiFed $ith a creati&e $or 6en&ironment< 2ourse summary and assignment ad&ice

;ee 11?

;ee 12?

0lease note content may-e su-1ect to c,ange

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Module 'uide

$(1 %ttendance 2e/uirements

Attending all your classes is &ery im#ortant and one of the !est $ays to hel# you succeed in this module. Research has found a clear correlation !et$een student attendance and o&erall #erformance. In accordance $ith the Student 2harter" you are e%#ected to arri&e on time and ta e an acti&e #art in all your timeta!led classes. If you are una!le to attend a class for a &alid reason 7e.g. illness8" #lease contact your Module -utor Anglia Rus in $ill closely monitor the attendance of all students and $ill contact you if you ha&e !een a!sent $ithout notice for t$o $ee s. 2ontinued a!sence can result in &arious conse*uences including the termination of your registration as you $ill !e considered to ha&e $ithdra$n from your studies. International students $ho are non6((A nationals and in #ossession of entry clearanceDlea&e to remain as a student 7student &isa8 are re*uired to !e in regular attendance at Anglia Rus in. 5ailure to do so is considered to !e a !reach of national immigration regulations. Anglia Rus in" li e all British /ni&ersities" is statutorily o!liged to inform the /K Border Agency of the :ome Office of significant unauthorised a!sences !y any student &isa holders.

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Module 'uide

5( %ssessment
&,e assessment *or t,is module consists o* one part: 0art 414 &ype o* assessment The module will be assessed by a 3,000 word assignment. 3ord or Su-mission dates time limit 3"444 Le&el =? Sunday 19th March" $ords 241' 7!y )#m8

MOD001095 Intercultural Management Semester &4o 5e- !01$

-his module $ill !e assessed !y a 3"444 $ords indi&idual assignment. @lease note that scenarios mentioned !elo$ must ha&e interactions !et$een indi&iduals from different cultures. If you are using a case6study" for instance" Kraft and 2ad!ury" you $ill still need the interacti&e scenarios !et$een American N British em#loyees De%ecuti&es D managers in order to successfully analyse and e&aluate as re*uired !y this assignment. Identify a set of managerial situations M HscenariosI 6in&ol&ing intercultural issues. /se rele&ant conce#tual frame$or s and analyse it. Bour analysis should include? 1. Identification of the scenarios that you $ill !e using to analyse in your assignment. -hese may further include? a. !. 2. Identification of the organiFations andDor countries in&ol&ed Brief descri#tion of the caseDsituation and the cultural as#ects in&ol&ed. 2once#tual 5rame$or

;hat conce#tual frame$or s $ill you use for this analysis< Kustify your choice. Is this conce#tual frame$or a##ro#riate or $ould you need some other elements for your analysis that are not #ro&ided !y one #articular a##roach< 3. Analysis of the scenarios and their im#act on the organisation or the !usiness and management conte%ts. '. >escri!e the $ays !y $hich managers or leaders are tac ling those emerging issues. -his can !e o!tained from the scenarios" from the information #ro&ided in lecturesDseminars" etc." 7from inter&ie$s $ith managers 6 o#tional" although time6consuming8" or from your o$n e%#erienceDo!ser&ations. ). Suggest some recommendations and actions to !e im#lemented in order to minimise conflict and ma%imise cultural a$areness and synergy. 9. In your assessment include an additional section analysing your e%#erience of $or ing in grou#s $ith different nationalities. -his can !e your e%#erience of $or ing in grou#s on this module or may !e your #astDcurrent e%#eriences at $or or $hilst studying. Alternati&ely these e%#eriences may !e integrated into your main analyses" there!y eliminating the re*uirement for an additional section. =. Bi!liogra#hy

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Module 'uide

All course$or assignments and other forms of assessment must !e su!mitted !y the #u!lished deadline $hich is detailed a!o&e. It is your res#onsi!ility to no$ $hen $or is due to !e su!mitted M ignorance of the deadline date $ill not !e acce#ted as a reason for late or non6su!mission. Any late $or $ill JO- !e acce#ted and a mar of Fero $ill !e a$arded for the assessment tas in *uestion. Bou are re*uested to ee# a co#y of your $or .

5(1 Su-mitting .ia &urnitin67) 'radeMark 8Cam-ridge and C,elms*ord students9

Bou are re*uired to su!mit your $ritten assignment7s8 online &ia -urnitinD0rademar . /nless stated on the assignment !rief" all your assignments should !e su!mitted online. :ard co#y assignments handed into the i2entre $ill :O& !e mar ed. ou must put O72 Student ID num-er ;SID< as t,e su-mission title ;details -elo4<( Bou $ill !e enrolled automatically to t$o ty#es of -urnitin class? 18 0rademar 2lasses entitled !y module name" to $hich you $ill su!mit a OJ( -IM( OJLB final su!missionO 28 -he Originality Re#ort 2lass to $hich you can su!mit multi#le drafts for originality chec ing. -he 0rademar class #age sho$s the start date 7$hen you can !egin su!mitting $or 8" the due date for your assignment and the #ost date. All assignments must !e su!mitted !y )#m on the due date. Any late $or $ill JO- !e acce#ted and a mar of Fero $ill !e a$arded for the assessment tas in *uestion. -he #ost date is the date $hen !oth feed!ac and #ro&isional results $ill !e #osted online. Bou should follo$ the detailed instructions #ro&ided on the CL(. ;hen you su!mit your #a#er" remem!er to?

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Module 'uide

O:+I:E S7=MISSIO: %:D 5EED=%C) &>2O7'> '2%DEM%2) At the #ost date you $ill get your feed!ac through -urnitinD0rademar . ;e ha&e im#lemented this online feed!ac system to gi&e you the follo$ing !enefits? More timely recei#t of your feed!ac O Better *uality feed!ac O -he a!ility to hand in your $or onlineO Reduction in time s#ent *ueuing to hand in and #ic u# your assignmentsO -he a!ility to recei&e mar er feed!ac $hen it is #osted" regardless of your locationO Reduction of !oth yours and the uni&ersityEs car!on foot#rint !y no longer #rinting $or .

>O3 &O ?IE3 O72 5EED=%C) 2lic on the class that you $ish to &ie$ and then you $ill see the assignments for the module listed. 2lic the !lue &ie$ !utton to o#en u# the document &ie$er. A ne$ $indo$ $ill o#en and you $ill see your feed!ac on the right6hand side of the screen. Or clic on the grey arro$ to do$nload a co#y of your assignment and feed!ac .

0OI:&S &O :O&E 1. -he due date as seen in eCision is the official su!mission deadline. Any late $or $ill JO- !e acce#ted and a mar of Fero $ill !e a$arded for the assessment tas in *uestion. >o not lea&e it until the last minute to su!mit your $or M the system !ecomes e%tremely !usy and can !e slo$er during the #eriod of the deadline. 2. 0rademar final su!mission classes $ill !ecome a&aila!le 14 $or ing days !efore the final su!mission date. Be a$are that $or can only !e su!mitted OJ2( to these classes and cannot !e remo&ed or changed. 3. All $or su!mitted M/S- !e entitled !y your Student I> num!er. '. Any $or handed in &ia the i2entre $ill JO- !e mar ed. ). -he Originality Re#ort is automatically generated !y -urnitin on su!mitting $or . A #a#er co#y of the originality re#ort is not re*uired. 9. -he Originality Re#ort $ill not !e used to ma e assessment decisions unless concerns arise as to #oor academic #ractice" #lagiarism" or collusion. -he re#ort may then !e considered as #art of the normal in&estigatory #rocedures underta en !y the academic team and the >irector of Studies 7again" #lease see Section 14 of the Assessment Regulations8. =. Re6sits and e%tensions are also to !e su!mitted &ia -urnitin. Je$ -urnitin classes $ill !e created for re6sits.

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Module 'uide

+. 5ull details as on su!mitting to -urnitin" the Originality Re#ort" and a 5APs list" can !e located on the module CL(. If you ha&e e%#erience su!mission difficulties" #lease email? LAIBSQ0rademar 5urthermore" there is a su##ort CL( site 7htt#?DD& DsitesDgrademar Dlai! $ith &ideos to sho$ you ho$ to su!mit your $or and to &ie$ your feed!ac . All course$or assignments and other forms of assessment must !e su!mitted !y the #u!lished deadline $hich is detailed a!o&e. It is your res#onsi!ility to no$ $hen $or is due to !e su!mitted M ignorance of the deadline date $ill not !e acce#ted as a reason for late or non6su!mission.

5(! Su-mitting your 4ork 8Students in all ot,er locations at %ssociate Colleges9
All student $or $hich contri!utes to the e&entual outcome of the module 7i.e. if it determines $hether you $ill #ass or fail the module and counts to$ards the mar you achie&e for the module8 is su!mitted according to your institutions guidelines. Academic staff 2AJJO- acce#t $or directly from you. Any late $or $ill JO- !e acce#ted and a mar of Fero $ill !e a$arded for the assessment tas in *uestion. Bou are re*uested to ee# a co#y of your $or .

5(" Marking 2u-ric and 5eed-ack

-he mar ing criteria" sho$n in Section =.1D=.2" will be used to mar your wor .

5eed-ack Bou are entitled to $ritten feed!ac on your #erformance for all your assessed $or . 5or all assessment tas s $hich are not e%aminations" this is #ro&ided !y a mem!er of academic staff through 0rademar at 2am!ridge and 2helmsford. At other locations and Associate 2olleges, this is !ro"ided through the com!letion o# the assignment co"ersheet on which your mar and #eedbac will relate to the achie"ement o# the module$s intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you were gi"en #or the tas when it was #irst issued. %&amination scri!ts are retained by Anglia Rus in and are not returned to students. 'owe"er, you are entitled to #eedbac on your !er#ormance in an e&amination and may re(uest a meeting with the Module Leader or Tutor to see your e&amination scri!t and to discuss your !er#ormance. Anglia Rus in is committed to !ro"iding you with !rom!t #eedbac on all assessed wor within a !rom!t 20 working days o# the submission deadline or the date o# an e&amination. This is e&tended to 30 days #or #eedbac #or a Ma)or *ro)ect module +!lease note that wor ing days e&cludes those days when Anglia Rus in ,ni"ersity is o##icially closed- e.g. between Christmas and .ew /ear0. @ersonal tutors $ill offer to read feed!ac from se&eral modules and hel# you to address any common themes that may !e emerging. On occasion" you $ill recei&e feed!ac and mar s for $or that you com#leted in the earlier stages of the module. ;e #ro&ide you $ith this feed!ac as #art of the learning e%#erience and to hel# you #re#are for other assessment tas s that you ha&e still to com#lete. It is im#ortant to note that" in these cases" the mar s for these #ieces of $or are uncon*irmed and su-1ect to e@ternal moderation and &,is means t,at, potentially, marks can c,ange, in eit,er directionA

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Module 'uide

Mar s #or modules and indi"idual !ieces o# wor become con#irmed on the Dates #or the 1##icial *ublication o# Results which can be chec ed at $$$ Dresults.

5($ 2eB%ssessment ;resit<

If you are unsuccessful $ith the 1st attem#t of your assessment" you must com#lete a re6assessment. As indicated in 2ection 3.4.5. o# the 2enate Code o# *ractice, this is a .%6 assessment, you CA..1T re7wor the assessment e&!lained in this section. The re7assessment in#ormation is gi"en in A!!endi& 8.

C( >o4 is My 3ork MarkedD

After you ha&e su!mitted your $or or you ha&e com#leted an e%amination" Anglia Rus in underta es a series of acti&ities to assure that our mar ing #rocesses are com#ara!le $ith those em#loyed at other uni&ersities in the /K and that your $or has !een mar ed fairly" honestly and consistently. -hese include9

Anonymous marking M your name is not attached to your $or so, at the !oint o# mar ing, the lecturer does not now whose wor he:she is considering. 6hen you underta e an assessment tas where your identity is nown +e.g. a !resentation or Ma)or *ro)ect0, it is mar ed by more than one lecturer + nown as double mar ing0 Internal moderation M a sam#le of all $or for each assessment tas in each module is moderated !y other Anglia Rus in staff to chec the standards and consistency o# the mar ing External moderation M a sam#le of student $or for all modules is moderated !y e%ternal e%aminers M e&!erienced academic sta## #rom other uni"ersities +and sometimes !ractitioners who re!resent rele"ant !ro#essions0 7 who scrutinise your wor and !ro"ide Anglia Rus in academic sta## with #eedbac , ad"ice and assurance that the mar ing o# your wor is com!arable to that in other ,; uni"ersities. Many o# Anglia Rus in$s sta## act as e&ternal e&aminers at other uni"ersities. Departmental Assessment Panel (DAP) M #erformance !y all students on all modules is discussed and a!!ro"ed at the a!!ro!riate DA*s which are attended by all rele"ant Module Leaders and e&ternal e&aminers. Anglia Rus in has o"er 4< DA*s to co"er all the di##erent sub)ects we teach. -his module #alls within the remit o# the Mar eting, 2trategy and %nter!rise >A@. -he follo$ing e%ternal e%aminers are a##ointed to this >A@ and $ill o&ersee the assessment of this and other modules $ithin the >A@Es remit?

M%2)E&I:', E:&E202ISE %:D S&2%&E' E@ternal E@aminerEs :ame Dr 2oss =rennan Dr +indsey Carey 0ro*( Dr( Fens Cordes Dr Margaret 5letc,er Mr 'i-son %cademic Institution 7ni.ersity o* >ert*ords,ire 'lasgo4 Caledonian 7ni.ersity >oc,sc,ule >arG 7ni.ersity o* %pplied Sciences 7ni.ersity o* 'lasgo4 HueenIs 7ni.ersity o* =el*ast
@age 13

0osition or Employer 2eader in Marketing Senior +ecturer 0ro*essor o* Management and Marketing +ecturer Senior &eac,ing 5ello4

Module 'uide

Mr +uiG Montan,eiro 0ro* 2oger 0almer

7ni.ersity o* S,e**ield =ournemout, 7ni.ersity

%ssociate +ecturer Dean o* =usiness Sc,ool

-he a!o&e list is correct at the time of #u!lication. :o$e&er" e%ternal e%aminers are a##ointed at &arious #oints throughout the year. An u#6to6date list of e%ternal e%aminers is a&aila!le to students and staff at $$$ Deeinfo.

Anglia Rus inEs mar ing #rocess is re#resented in the flo$chart !elo$?

@age 1'

Module 'uide

Anglia Rus inEs mar ing #rocess is re#resented in the flo$chart !elo$?

@age 1)

Module 'uide

Internal Moderation Stage Mar ing Stage

5lo4c,art o* %nglia 2uskinEs Marking 0rocesses

Student su!mits $or D sits e%amination ;or collated and #assed to Module Leader

;or is mar ed !y Module Leader and Module -utor7s81. All mar s collated !y Module Leader for ALL locations2

Internal moderation sam#les selected. Moderation underta en !y a second academic3

(%ternal Moderation Stage

Any issues<


JO Students recei&e initial 7unconfirmed8 feed!ac /nconfirmed mar s and feed!ac to students $ithin 24 $or ing days 734 $or ing days for MaGor @roGects8

(%ternal moderation sam#les selected and moderated !y (%ternal (%aminers'

>A@' Stage

Any issues< JO Mar s su!mitted to >A@) for consideration and a##ro&al 2onfirmed mar s issued to students &ia e6Cision Mar s A##ro&ed !y >A@) and for$arded to A$ards Board


All $or is mar ed anonymously or dou!le mar ed $here identity of the student is no$n a #resentation8 -he internal 7and e%ternal8 moderation #rocess com#ares $or from all locations $here the module is deli&ered 7e.g.2am!ridge" 2helmsford" @eter!orough" Malaysia" India" -rinidad etc.8 -he sam#le for the internal moderation #rocess com#rises a minimum of eight #ieces of $or or 14R 7$hiche&er is the greater8 for each mar er and co&ers the full range of mar s Only modules at le&els )" 9 and = are su!Gect to e%ternal moderation 7unless re*uired for se#arate reasons8. -he sam#le for the e%ternal moderation #rocess com#rises a minimum of eight #ieces of $or or 14R 7$hiche&er is the greater8 for the entire module and co&ers the full range of mar s >A@? >e#artmental Assessment @anel M Anglia Rus in has @age o&er 19 2) different >A@s to reflect our su!Gect co&erage

Module 'uide

%ssessment Criteria and Marking Standards J(1 Speci*ic %ssessment Criteria


+earning Outcome

1. Content. Bou must deal $ith your to#ic in a $ell6rounded manner" touching u#on all maGor issues and #ossi!le analyses thereof. -hin ing outside the !o% and demonstrating inno&ati&e solutions to culture related com#le%ities $ill !e highly re$arded. >o your analysis" conclusions and your recommended solutions hang together< 4. Critical analysis. Once you ha&e demonstrated your understanding of the &arious issues at sta e" you are strongly encouraged to dis#lay a ca#acity for inde#endent thin ing" i.e." to come u# $ith your o$n creati&e solution. A sim#le a##lication of a functional theoretical frame$or $ill not !e sufficient. Bou are e%#ected to ma e an attem#t to address the issues in their full com#le%ities addressing cultural and ethical dilemmas" contradicting &ie$s and interests. If a##ro#riate you may choose to suggest different scenarios as #art of your recommendation. *resentation. Bour argument should !e coherent" $ell6ordered and full of e%am#les. If a statement is made" the e%am#le used to su!stantiate it should !e the a##ro#riate one. -he final #roduct must !e $ell structured" $ith a contents #age" su##orted !y gra#hics $here a##ro#riate" $ritten in good !usiness (nglish" $ith suita!le headings and #age num!ers.
"( $( Literature re"iew. References are $elcome not only to theorists $ho $e $ill ha&e studied in class







!ut also to e&idence of your o$n inde#endent reading. ;hen a##ro#riate your criti*ue of some frame$or s is $elcomed #articularly $hen it demonstrates your conscious choice of selecting the most a##ro#riate methods for conte%tualiFing your assignment.
&O&%+ M%2)S




@age 1=

Module 'uide

J(! %ssessment 'uide

-he follo$ing guide has !een #re#ared in order to assist #artici#ants in the #re#aration of their assignment for this module. It should !e read in the conte%t of the /ni&ersityEs $ider guidance on assessment guideline and statements of academic le&el? J0K and a-o.e -here should !e significant e&idence of reading around the area !eyond the materials #ro&ided" sho$ing e&idence of #ersonal research. -he assignment should sho$ a highly effecti&e understanding" and critical a##raisal and use of a num!er of analytical frame$or s. -he o&erall analysis should !e coherent and con&incing" sho$ing a high le&el of internal consistency" and high *uality argument and reasoning. It should demonstrate #ersonal rele&ance and !e free of self6dece#tion. -he #lan should !e $ell6found on the #rior analysis" and feasi!le and realistic. -he $or should !e coherent and clear in terms of the style and form of $ritten (nglish" $ith an e%em#lary referencing and #resentation. C0 L C9K -here should !e reasona!le e&idence of reading around the area !eyond the materials #ro&ided" sho$ing e&idence of #ersonal research. -he assignment should demonstrate an effecti&e understanding" and critical a##raisal and use of a num!er of analytical frame$or s. -he o&erall analysis should !e coherent and con&incing" sho$ing a good degree of internal consistency" and *uality arguments and reasoning. It should demonstrate #ersonal rele&ance and !e reasona!ly free of self6dece#tion. -he #lan should !e $ell6found on the #rior analysis" and feasi!le and realistic. -he $or should !e coherent and clear in terms of the style and form of $ritten (nglish" $ith good *uality referencing and #resentation. 50 L 59K -here should !e some e&idence of reading around the area !eyond the materials #ro&ided" sho$ing a degree of #ersonal research. -he assignment should demonstrate an effecti&e understanding and use of a num!er of analytical frame$or s. -he o&erall analysis should !e coherent and con&incing" sho$ing an acce#ta!le degree of internal consistency" argument and reasoning. It should demonstrate some degree of #ersonal rele&ance and the issue of self6dece#tion should !e addressed. -he #lan should !e reasona!ly !ased on the #rior analysis" and feasi!le and realistic. -he $or should !e coherent and clear in terms of the style and form of $ritten (nglish" $ith reasona!le *uality referencing and #resentation. $0 L $9K -here should !e some attem#t to read around the area !eyond the materials #ro&ided. -he assignment should demonstrate an understanding and use of a small num!er of rele&ant analytical frame$or s. O&erall the analysis should demonstrate some coherence" $ith at least some degree of internal consistency" argument and reasoning. It should ha&e some e&idence of an attem#t to sho$ #ersonal rele&ance. -here should !e some e&idence of a$areness to the issue of self6dece#tion. -he #lan should ha&e some !asis on the #rior analysis" and ha&e some feasi!ility and realism. -he $or should !e coherent and clear in terms of the style and form of $ritten (nglish" $ith an attem#t at referencing. -he #resentation should !e acce#ta!le. "9K and -elo4 B *ail -here $ill !e little or no attem#t to read around the area !eyond the materials #ro&ided. -he assignment does not demonstrate a secure understanding of the rele&ant analytical frame$or s" and no more than one or t$o are addressed. O&erall the analysis fails to demonstrate coherence" $ith no real e&idence of internal consistency" argument and reasoning. -here is little e&idence of an attem#t to sho$ #ersonal rele&ance. -he issue of self6dece#tion is not addressed. -he #lan is #oorly !ased on the

@age 1+

Module 'uide #rior analysis" and lac s feasi!ility and realism. -he $or is #oorly constructed and $ritten" lac ing in coherence and clarity. Referencing is #oor or a!sent. -he #resentation is of #oor *uality or unacce#ta!le.

@age 1,

Module 'uide

%ssessment Criteria
%N !IA "#$%IN #NI&E"$I'(

ENE"I) A$$E$$MEN' )"I'E"IA AND MA"%IN +E?E+ *


+e.el J is characterised !y an e%#ectation of studentsE e%#ertise in their s#ecialism. Students are semi6autonomous" demonstrating inde#endence in the negotiation of assessment tas s 7including the maGor #roGect8 and the a!ility to e&aluate" challenge" modify and de&elo# theory and #ractice. Students are e%#ected to demonstrate an a!ility to isolate and focus on the significant features of #ro!lems and to offer synthetic and coherent solutions" $ith some students #roducing original or inno&ati&e $or in their s#ecialism that is $orthy of #u!lication or #u!lic #erformance or dis#lay.

'eneric +earning Outcomes ;'+Os< (Academic "egulations+ $ection 2) Mark =ands C,aracteristics o* Student %c,ie.ement -y Marking =and Outcome )no4ledge M 7nderstanding
(%ce#tional analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics $ith &ery clear originality and autonomy. (%ce#tional de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument ma ing an e%ce#tional use of scholarly con&entions. >emonstrates inde#endence of thought and a &ery high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency. ;or #ushes the !oundaries of the disci#line and may !e considered for e%ternal #u!lication

Intellectual ;t,inking<, 0ractical, %**ecti.e and &rans*era-le Skills

(%ce#tional analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. (%ce#tional de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument" ma ing consistent use of scholarly con&entions. (%ce#tional research s ills" inde#endence of thought" an e%tremely high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency" e%ce#tional e%#ressi&eD#rofessional s ills" and su!stantial creati&ity and originality. (%ce#tional academicDintellectual s ills. ;or #ushes the !oundaries of the disci#line and may !e considered for e%ternal #u!lication Outstanding analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. Cery high le&el de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument" ma ing consistent use of scholarly con&entions. Outstanding research s ills" inde#endence of thought" a high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency" outstanding e%#ressi&eD#rofessional s ills" and considera!le creati&ity and originality. (%em#lary academicDintellectual s ills (%cellent analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. :igh le&el de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument" ma ing consistent use of scholarly con&entions. (%cellent research s ills" inde#endence of thought" a high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency" e%cellent e%#ressi&eD #rofessional s ills" and considera!le creati&ity and originality. (%cellent academicDintellectual s ills" and considera!le creati&ity and originality 0ood analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. >e&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument" ma ing consistent use of scholarly con&entions Satisfactory no$ledge of ey issuesD conce#tsDethics in disci#line. >escri#ti&e in #arts !ut some a!ility to synthesise scholarshi# and argument. Minor la#ses in use of scholarly con&entions Basic no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. 0enerally descri#ti&e" $ith restricted synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and little argument. /se of scholarly con&entions inconsistent. Limited research s ills im#ede use of learning resources and #ro!lem sol&ing. Significant #ro!lems $ith structureDaccuracy in e%#ression. -eamD@racticalD @rofessional s ills not yet secure. ;ea academicD intellectual s ills. Limited use of scholarly con&entions Little e&idence of research s ills" use of learning resources and #ro!lem sol&ing. MaGor #ro!lems $ith structureD accuracy in e%#ression. -eamD@racticalD@rofessional s ills &irtually a!sent. Cery $ea academicDintellectual s ills. Little e&idence of use of scholarly con&entions Inade*uate use of research s ills" learning resources and #ro!lem sol&ing. MaGor #ro!lems $ith structureDaccuracy in e%#ression. -eamD@racticalD@rofessional s ills a!sent. (%tremely $ea academicDintellectual s ills. Inade*uate use of scholarly con&entions


Achie"es module outcome+s0 related to =L1 at this le"el

Outstanding analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics $ith clear originality and autonomy. Outstanding de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument ma ing an e%em#lary use of scholarly con&entions. >emonstrates inde#endence of thought and a &ery high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency


(%cellent analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. (%cellent de&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument ma ing e%cellent use of scholarly con&entions. >emonstrates inde#endence of thought and a high le&el of intellectual rigour and consistency


0ood analysis of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics. >e&elo#ment of conce#tual structures and argument ma ing consistent use of scholarly con&entions Satisfactory no$ledge of ey issuesD conce#tsDethics in disci#line. >escri#ti&e in #arts !ut some a!ility to synthesise scholarshi# and argument. Minor la#ses in use of scholarly con&entions A marginal !ass in module outcome+s0 related to =L1 at this le"el A marginal #ail in module outcome+s0 related to =L1 at this le"el. *ossible com!ensation. 2at7 is#ies (uali#ying mar >ails to achie"e module outcome+s0 related to this =L1. ?uali#ying mar not satis#ied. .o com!ensation a"ailable Basic no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. 0enerally descri#ti&e" $ith restricted synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and little argument. /se of scholarly con&entions inconsistent




Limited no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. Largely descri#ti&e" $ith restricted synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and limited argument. Limited use of scholarly con&entions.

2462,R 1461,R

Little e&idence of no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. Largely descri#ti&e" $ith little synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and little e&idence of argument. Little e&idence of use of scholarly con&entions. Inade*uate no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. ;holly descri#ti&e" $ith inade*uate synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and inade*uate argument. Inade*uate use of scholarly con&entions.

@age 24

Module 'uide
Jo e&idence of no$ledge of ey issuesDconce#tsDethics in disci#line. Incoherent and com#letely !ut #oorly descri#ti&e" $ith no e&idence of synthesis of e%isting scholarshi# and no argument $hatsoe&er. Jo e&idence of use of scholarly con&entions. Jo e&idence of use of research s ills" learning resources and #ro!lem sol&ing. Incoherent structureDaccuracy in e%#ression. -eamD@racticalD@rofessional s ills non6 e%istent. Jo e&idence of academicDintellectual s ills. Jo e&idence of use of scholarly con&entions

16,R 4R

A$arded for? 7i8 non6su!missionO 7ii8 dangerous #ractice andO 7iii8 in situations $here the student fails to address the assignment !rief 7eg? ans$ers the $rong *uestion8 andDor related learning outcomes

@age 21

Module 'uide

N( %ssessment O**ences
As an academic community" $e recognise that the #rinci#les of truth" honesty and mutual res#ect are central to the #ursuit of no$ledge. Beha&iour that undermines those #rinci#les $ea ens the community" !oth indi&idually and collecti&ely" and diminishes our &alues. ;e are committed to ensuring that e&ery student and mem!er of staff is made a$are of the res#onsi!ilities sDhe !ears in maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and ho$ those standards are #rotected. Bou are reminded that any $or that you su!mit must !e your o$n. ;hen you are #re#aring your $or for su!mission" it is im#ortant that you understand the &arious academic con&entions that you are e%#ected to follo$ in order to ma e sure that you do not lea&e yourself o#en to accusations of #lagiarism 7e.g. the correct use of referencing" citations" footnotes etc.8 and that your $or maintains its academic integrity. >efinitions of Assessment Offences Plagiarism @lagiarism is theft and occurs $hen you #resent someone elseEs $or " $ords" images" ideas" o#inions or disco&eries" $hether #u!lished or not" as your o$n. It is also $hen you ta e the art$or " images or com#uter6generated $or of others" $ithout #ro#erly ac no$ledging $here this is from or you do this $ithout their #ermission. Bou can commit #lagiarism in e%aminations" !ut it is most li ely to ha##en in course$or " assignments" #ortfolios" essays" dissertations and so on. (%am#les of #lagiarism include? directly co#ying from $ritten $or " #hysical $or " #erformances" recorded $or or images" $ithout saying $here this is fromO using information from the internet or electronic media 7such as >C>s and 2>s8 $hich !elongs to someone else" and #resenting it as your o$nO re$ording someone elseEs $or " $ithout referencing themO and handing in something for assessment $hich has !een #roduced !y another student or #erson.

It is im#ortant that you do not #lagiarise M intentionally or unintentionally M !ecause the $or of others and their ideas are their o$n. -here are !enefits to #roducing original ideas in terms of a$ards" #riFes" *ualifications" re#utation and so on. -o use someone elseEs $or " $ords" images" ideas or disco&eries is a form of theft. )ollusion 2ollusion is similar to #lagiarism as it is an attem#t to #resent anotherEs $or as your o$n. In #lagiarism the original o$ner of the $or is not a$are you are using it" in collusion t$o or more #eo#le may !e in&ol&ed in trying to #roduce one #iece of $or to !enefit one indi&idual" or #lagiarising another #ersonEs $or . (%am#les of collusion include? agreeing $ith others to cheatO getting someone else to #roduce #art or all of your $or O co#ying the $or of another #erson 7$ith their #ermission8O su!mitting $or from essay !an sO #aying someone to #roduce $or for youO and
@age 22

Module 'uide

allo$ing another student to co#y your o$n $or .

Many #arts of uni&ersity life need students to $or together. ;or ing as a team" as directed !y your tutor" and #roducing grou# $or is not collusion. 2ollusion only ha##ens if you #roduce Goint $or to !enefit of one or more #erson and try to decei&e another 7for e%am#le the assessor8. ),eating 2heating is $hen someone aims to get unfair ad&antage o&er others. (%am#les of cheating include? ta ing unauthorised material into the e%amination roomO in&enting results 7including e%#eriments" research" inter&ie$s and o!ser&ations8O handing your o$n #re&iously graded $or !ac inO getting an e%amination #a#er !efore it is releasedO !eha&ing in a $ay that means other students #erform #oorlyO #retending to !e another studentO and trying to !ri!e mem!ers of staff or e%aminers.

:el# to A&oid Assessment Offences Most of our students are honest and $ant to a&oid committing assessment offences. ;e ha&e a &ariety of resources" ad&ice and guidance a&aila!le to hel# ma e sure you can de&elo# good academic s ills. ;e $ill ma e sure that $e ma e a&aila!le consistent statements a!out $hat $e e%#ect. Bou $ill !e a!le to do tutorials on !eing honest in your $or from the li!rary and other su##ort ser&ices and faculties" and you $ill !e a!le to test your $ritten $or for #lagiarism using S-urnitin./KE 7a soft$are #ac age that detects #lagiarism8. Bou can get ad&ice on ho$ to use honestly the $or of others in your o$n $or from the li!rary $e!site 7$$$.li!$e! DreferencingDreferencing.htm8 and your lecturer and #ersonal tutor. Bou $ill !e a!le to use S-urnitin./KE" a s#ecial soft$are #ac age $hich is used to detect #lagiarism. -urnitin./K $ill #roduce a re#ort $hich clearly sho$s if #assages in your $or ha&e !een ta en from some$here else. Bou may tal a!out this $ith your #ersonal tutor to see $here you may need to im#ro&e your academic #ractice. ;e $ill not see these formati&e -urnitin./K re#orts as assessment offences. All students in 2am!ridge and 2helmsford are also e%#ected to su!mit their final $or through -urnitin./K as outlined a!o&e. If you are not sure $hether the $ay you are $or ing meets our re*uirements" you should tal to your #ersonal tutor" module tutor or other mem!er of academic staff. -hey $ill !e a!le to hel# you and tell you a!out other resources $hich $ill hel# you de&elo# your academic s ills. @rocedures for assessment offences An assessment offence is the general term used to define cases $here a student has tried to get unfair academic ad&antage in an assessment for himself or herself or another student. ;e $ill fully in&estigate all cases of sus#ected assessment offences. If $e #ro&e that you ha&e committed an assessment offence" an a##ro#riate #enalty $ill !e im#osed $hich" for the most serious offences" includes e%#ulsion from Anglia Rus in. 5or full details of our assessment offences #olicy and #rocedures" see Section 14 of the Academic Regulations at? $$$ Dacademicregs.

@age 23

Module 'uide

9( +earning 2esources 9(1( +i-rary

Lord Ashcroft International Business School li!! -his course $ill gi&e you an o##ortunity to read around the to#ic of culture and ho$ and $hy it is so im#ortant in many areas of our #ersonal and organisational life. Bou are in&ited to read as much as #ossi!le and !ring the $ealth of your #ersonal no$ledge to our seminar discussions. -he follo$ing list contains !oo s that $ill ho#efully $het your a##etite and $ill encourage you to go !eyond the recommendation and e%#and your no$ledge and understanding of this com#le% and e%citing to#ic. >umetF" K 724128 2ross62ultural Management -e%t!oo " Kerome >umetF ISBJ13? ,=+1'=,1),9+4 Bro$aeys" M. and @rice" R. 7244+0 ,nderstanding Cross7Cultural Management " 5-D@rentice :all 5rench" R. 7 24148 Cross7Cultural Management in wor organi@ations "2I@> 0ullestru#" :. 724498 Cultural Analysis A towards cross7cultural understanding" 2o#enhagen Business School @ress :am#den 6-urner" 2. -rom#enaars" 5. 724448 Building Cross7cultural com!etence" Kohn ;iley N Sons L-> :ofstede" 0. 71,,=8 Culture and 1rganisation9 2o#tware o# the Mind" Mc0ra$6:ill :olden" J. 724428 Cross7Cultural Management, A ;nowledge Management *ers!ecti"e, 5-D@rentice :all Samo&ar" L. 724418 Communication between Cultures" ;ads$orth Schneider" S. and Barsou%" K6. 724438 Managing Across Cultures" 5-D@rentice :all -rom#enaars N :am#den 6-urner 71,,=8 Riding the 6a"es o# Culture" Jicholas Brealey

@age 2'

Module 'uide

9(!( Ot,er 2esources Jone. 10( Module E.aluation

>uring the second half of the deli&ery of this module" you $ill !e as ed to com#lete a module e&aluation *uestionnaire to hel# us o!tain your &ie$s on all as#ects of the module. -his is an e%tremely im#ortant #rocess $hich hel#s us to continue to im#ro&e the deli&ery of the module in the future and to res#ond to issues that you !ring to our attention. -he module re#ort in section 11 of this module guide includes a section $hich comments on the feed!ac $e recei&ed from other students $ho ha&e studied this module #re&iously. Bour *uestionnaire res#onse is anonymous. @lease hel# us to hel# you and other students at Anglia Rus in !y com#leting the Module (&aluation sur&ey. ;e &ery much &alue our studentsE &ie$s and it is &ery im#ortant to us that you #ro&ide feed!ac to hel# us ma e im#ro&ements. In addition to the Module (&aluation #rocess" you can send any comment on anything related to your e%#erience at Anglia Rus in to at any time.

@age 2)

Module 'uide

11( 2eport on +ast Deli.ery o* Module MOD7+E 2E0O2& 5O2M

This #orm should be com!leted by module tutors +where there is more than one deli"ery0 and #orwarded to Module Leaders who com!iles the results on to one #orm #or use at the *rogramme Committee and other methods o# disseminating #eedbac to students.

Module Code and &itle: MO>4414,) Intercultural Management %nglia 2uskin Department: MS( +ocation;s< o* Deli.ery: Cam-ridge and 0artners,ips %cademic ear: !01!B1" Enrolment :um-ers ;at eac, location<: Module +eader: Dr 0arisa 'ilani Ot,er Module &utors: ?arious
Student %c,ie.ement *ro"ide a brie# o"er"iew o# student achie"ement on the module as e"idenced by the range o# mar s awarded. A
detailed brea down o# mar s will be a"ailable at the De!artmental Assessment *anel.

Semester#&rimester: !

A $ide range of mar s $ere a$arded" some &ery good mar s at the to# end.

5eed-ack *rom Students Brie#ly summarise student res!onses, including any written comments In general" some #ositi&e comments from the maGority of students. 5or e%am#le" in Buda#est the module achie&ed 144R satisfaction.

Module +eader#&utorEs 2e*lection on Deli.ery o* t,e Module, including 2esponse to 5eed-ack *rom Students +including resources i# a!!ro!riate0 Je$ Module Leader

De.elopments during t,e current year or planned *or ne@t year +i# a!!ro!riate0 JDA

E@ternal E@aminerEs Comments 2tate whether the e&ternal e&aminer agreed the mar s and:or commented on the module All mar s agreed !y (%ternal (%aminer

@age 29

Module 'uide

%ppendi@ 1: 2eB%ssessment In*ormation

&>IS I:5O2M%&IO: O:+ %00+IES &O S&7DE:&S 3>O %2E 7:S7CCESS57+ I: &>EI2 5I2S& S7=MISSIO:
&,e reBassessment *or t,is module consists o* one: 0art 414 &ype o* assessment ou must c,oose completely di**erent scenarios to t,ose c,osen in your original assignment( &,ey must also dra4 on completely di**erent countries to t,ose you analysed in your original assignment( I* you *ail to do so you 4ill not get a mark( 3ord or Deadline *or assessment time limit 3"444 Resit #eriod? 21st Kuly" 241' $ords


@age 2=

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