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8udSports I|ag Iootba|| ku|es

Des|gned for 7-v-7 L||g|b|e, 8-v-8 L||g|b|e, and 9-v-9 Ine||g|b|e

Men's I|ag Iootba||
(Updated 2]18]2013)

art|c|pants must be 18 years of age
**1he head coach/capLaln ls responslble for maklng sure all players are aware of every rule
prlor Lo any parLlclpaLlon by a player ln any game or any porLlon of a game or acLlvlLy.
8CS1L8/WAlvL8. 1he number of players on a rosLer ls llmlLed Lo 20 players per Leam. 1he
rosLer musL compleLed prlor Lo Lhe 1
game of LhaL sesslon and musL lnclude all players on LhaL
Leam no maLLer whaL Lhelr sLaLus. All rosLers musL be submlLLed by Lhe capLaln or manager
onllne aL layers musL be added/dropped no laLer Lhan and up Lo Lhe 4

scheduled game. ***1he league provldes no medlcal lnsurance of any form. 1he 8udSporLs
League only recognlzes players who have been enLered on Lhe rosLer/walver and lf LhaL player
ls noL llsLed Lhen he/she lmmedlaLely becomes lnellglble.
1he 8udSporLs League rules and regulaLlons are deslgnaLed excluslvely for Lhe 8udSporLs
Leagues and 1eams. Any confllcL lnvolvlng rule lnLerpreLaLlons from 8udSporLs and Lhe uSl1L
shall reverL back Lo Lhe speclflc deslgnaLlons LhaL were amended for 8udSporLs.

1. LAING IILLD- Lhe dlmenslons for Lhe playlng fleld are as follows 80 yds. long wlLh 2-
10 yd. end zones. 1he wldLh ls 43 yards wlde. lL ls Lhen broken up lnLo 3 segmenLs LhaL
represenL 1
downs Lhe segmenLs are dlvlded by Lhe down markers aL Lhe 10, 23, 40,
23, 10 yard llne musL be aLLalned Lo geL a 1
2. LALkS-Lvery player musL be 18 years of old Lo play ln Lhe league unless glven
permlsslon by Lhe league coordlnaLor prlor Lo Lhe sesslon beglnnlng.
3. 1LAMS-Lach Leam wlll fleld 7 players aL a Llme. no Leam may sLarL a game wlLh less
Lhan 6 men and may noL flnlsh wlLh less Lhan 6 men.
4. LLNG1n CI GAML- Lvery game shall conslsL of Lwo 24 mlnuLe halves and a 3-mlnuLe
half Llme. 1he game clock runs conLlnuously for Lhe flrsL 23 mlnuLes ln Lhe flrsL half and
only sLops for all dead ball plays, Leam Llme-ouLs or offlclals Llme-ouLs. ln Lhe lasL 1
mlnuLe of each half Lhe clock runs conLlnuous for Lhe flrsL 23 mlnuLes and Lhe lasL 1-
mlnuLe of each half Lhe clock sLops for all ouL-of bounds, lncompleLe passes, Llme-ouLs,
and offlclal Llme sLoppages and wlll resLarL on Lhe snap or referee's slgnal. 1eams wlll
noL lose any Llme-ouLs aL Lhe 2-mlnuLe mark Lhey wlll reLaln all 3. 1he clock remalns
sLopped on all change-of-possesslon and resumes on Lhe snap of Lhe ball. 1he clock
sLops on all scores and exLra polnL Lrles, change of possesslon, Leam Llme-ouLs, and
referee Llme-ouLs and Llme resumes on Lhe referees whlsLle.
3. LAS1 1 MINU1LS-of Lhe flrsL half. uurlng Lhe lasL 1 mlnuLe of Lhe flrsL half Lhe clock wlll
conLlnue Lo run on any lncompleLe pass, ball ls carrled ouL-of-bounds, and runnlng
plays. Cn a runnlng play Lhe clock conLlnues Lo run, on a bad or dropped snap Lhe
clock conLlnues Lo run. lf Lhe clock sLops for a Llme-ouL lL wlll noL resume runnlng unLll
Lhe ball ls snapped for Lhe nexL play. lf Lhere ls no chance LhaL Lhe opposlng Leam can
geL Lhe ball back Lhe offenslve Leam may elecL Lo Lake a knee" and Lhe halL-Llme or
game ls called aL LhaL polnL.
6. MLkC kULL-lf aL Lhe 2-mlnuLe warnlng a Leam ls ahead by 17 polnLs or more Lhen Lhe
game has ended and Lhe flnal score sLands as ls. lf aL 3 mlnuLes remalnlng a Leam ls
ahead by a collecLlve (3) Louchdowns or 30 polnLs Lhen Lhe game ls ended.
7. CVLk1IML- lf aL Lhe end of regulaLlon Llme Lhere ls a Lle, Lhe game wlll end ln a Lle and
Lhe score wlll sLand as posLed. uurlng Lhe playoffs Lhere ls however, an overLlme
procedure LhaL ls ln place. AL Lhe compleLlon of regulaLlon Llme boLh capLalns wlll be
called Lo Lhe cenLer of Lhe fleld, Lhe loser of Lhe lnlLlal coln-Loss wlll be glven Lhe opLlon
of offense or defense. 1he opposlng Leam wlll be glven Lhe opLlon of dlrecLlon/end
zone. 8oLh Leams wlll begln aL Lhe 20 yard llne. 8oLh Leams wlll be glven 4 offenslve
plays Lo score and lf a Leam scores Lhey wlll be glven an opporLunlLy for Lhe A1. 1he
A1 ls noL consldered 1 of Lhe 4 offenslve plays. lf a Lurnover occurs aL any polnL
durlng Lhe Leam's 4 offenslve plays Lhen Lhelr offenslve serles ends. lf a Leam elecLs Lo
klck a fleld goal and Lhe aLLempL ls blocked on 1
, 2
, or 3
down Lhe offenslve Leam
can elecL Lo Lry agaln or resume lLs' serles. lf Lhe defense forces a Lurnover and reLurns
lL for a Louchdown Lhe games end and no furLher scorlng ls allowed
8. 1IML CU1S-Lach Leam wlll be awarded 3 Llme-ouLs per half of 30-seconds ln lengLh.
no longer wlll Leams lose a Llme-ouL aL Lhe 2-mlnuLe mark. 1lme ouLs noL used ln Lhe
half wlll noL be carrled over Lo Lhe second half.
9. LALkS LUIMLN1-no meLal cleaLs are allowed. 8emovable cleaLs musL noL have
any meLal exposed. A full slzed regulaLlon fooLball musL be used and Lhe Lerm
regulaLlon" or regulaLlon slze" musL be embossed on Lhe ball. lf a Leam quesLlons Lhe
legallLy of a ball belng used Lhe referee can aL any polnL ln Lhe game lnspecL Lhe ball
and deem lf flL or unflL for use. 1he flags are of Lhe 3-poslLlon, qulck release Lype, and
wlll be furnlshed by 8udSporLs, lf a Leam elecLs Lo use Lhelr own flags Lhey musL adhere
Lo Lhe same equlpmenL rules as Lhough lssued by 8udSporLs.
10. CCIN 1CSS-Lvery game sLarLs wlLh a coln Loss. 1he Leam LhaL wlns Lhe Loss has 4
opLlons 1-Cffense (recelve), 2-uefense (klck), 3-ulrecLlon, and 4-uefer Lo 2
11. ICkIIL1 kULL-1eams musL sLarL wlLh aL leasL 6 players. Came Llme ls forfelL Llme no
grace perlod". 1he Leam LhaL has a compleLe Leam wlll be glven Lhe opLlon of Laklng a
17-0 forfelL or walLlng for Lhe lncompleLe Leam Lo geL Lhelr players. uurlng Lhls perlod
Lhe clock conLlnues Lo run unLll halfLlme aL whlch polnL Lhe game ls called. AL no Llme
wlll a Leam be allowed Lo play wlLh less Lhan 6 men and cannoL flnlsh wlLh less Lhan 6
men. lf Lhe lncompleLe Leam cannoL fleld a Leam Lhey cannoL recrulL non-rosLer
players from oLher Leams even wlLh permlsslon from Lhe compleLe Leam lL ls
consldered a forfelL. Cnce a game ls called as a forfelL offlclals are noL allowed Lo
offlclaLe Lhe game
12. S1Ak1 CI 1nL GAML-1here |s no |onger a k|ck-off. 1he Leam elecLlng Lo recelve wlll
sLarL aL Lhelr own 20 yd llne (1
and 3).
13. A 1ACkLL- ls deflned as Lhe removal of any of Lhe 3-poslLlon flags from Lhe offenslve
player. 1he defender musL lmmedlaLely hold Lhe flag above hls/her head Lo asslsL Lhe
offlclal ln locaLlng Lhe spoL where Lhe flag was removed. lf a flag lnadverLenLly falls Lo
Lhe ground a 2-hand Lag beLween Lhe shoulders and Lhe knees consLlLuLes a sLop. A
defender may noL place Lhemselves ln a dlrecL paLh of a ball carrler ln an aLLempL Lo
remove a flag.
14. IIkS1 DCWNS- Are achleved by Lhe yardage as marked on Lhe fleld of play (measured
every 13 yds.). lf you elecL Lo go for a 1sL down on 4
down and do noL make lL Lhe ball
wlll be Lurned over Lo Lhe oLher Leam aL Lhe spoL of Lhe 4
down play (A ball may noL
be exLended across a llne Lo aLLaln a 1
down excepL aL Lhe goal).
13. UAk1Lk8ACkS-1he quarLerback may recelve Lhe ball ln a sldeways moLlon (Co-Ld
only), or from Lhe ground, from Lhe cenLer (nC ul8LC1 SnAS). lf Lhe ball ls snapped"
and Louches Lhe ground prlor Lo reachlng Lhe C8 (elLher bounclng or rolllng) Lhe ball
musL be flelded cleanly and lf lL Louches Lhe ground afLer Lhe C8 has Louched lL Lhe ball
ls dead aL Lhe spoL and Lhe clock conLlnues Lo run.
16. SNAS, 1nkCWS, AND IUM8LLS-1he snap from Lhe cenLer musL be recelved from Lhe
C8 who musL be a mlnlmum of 3 yds from Lhe cenLer. An erranL snap cannoL be
consldered a fumble unLll lL ls Louched by Lhe C8, 88, or oLher offenslve player behlnd
Lhe llne of scrlmmage. lf Lhe ball ls snapped over Lhe C8's head Lhen lL ls sLlll a llve ball
unLll lL ls Louched by Lhe offenslve player or downed by Lhe defenslve player.
17. CIILNSIVL 8LCCkING-1here ls absoluLely no blocklng below Lhe walsL elLher wlLh Lhe
shoulder or Lhe hands aL any locaLlon on Lhe fleld. Cn pass blocklng Lhe hands should
be kepL wlLhln Lhe framework of Lhe defenslve player's body. lf Lhe hands go ouLslde
LhaL framework lL ls consldered holdlng by Lhe offenslve llneman. Any aLLempL Lo
hook, lock up, or wrap-up a defender ls also a dlscreLlonary holdlng penalLy. Any lllegal
use of Lhe hands ls a 10 yd penalLy, lf 2 lllegal use of Lhe hands are called on Lhe same
player he may be e[ecLed wlLhouL furLher warnlng.
18. CIN1S-1ouchdowns are worLh 6 polnLs. 10-yd exLra polnLs are consldered 2 pLs. each,
3-yd exLra polnLs are consldered 1 pLs. each. All exLra polnL aLLempLs LhaL are
lnLercepLed and reLurned Lo Lhe opposlng end zone are worLh 2 pLs. lleld Coals are 3
polnLs and musL be declared from Lhe huddle and noL Lhe Llne of Scrlmmage. lf a lC ls
blocked and reLurned for a score lL ls consldered a 1ouchdown and 6 polnLs wlll be
awarded unless LhaL klck ls for a A1 Lhen any reLurn ls only worLh 2 polnLs.
19. kUNNING LAS-Cffense may run Lhe ball as ofLen as Lhey wlsh buL Lhe runner may
noL lower hls head and/or shoulders ln aLLempL Lo advance Lhe ball. 1he runner may
noL sLlff-arm, hurdle, or dlve Lo advance Lhe ball (1hese are all 10 yd penalLles and wlll
be assessed from Lhe polnL-of-Lhe-lnfracLlon. lf Lhe runner however loses possesslon or
fumbles LhaL ball ls dead where lL leaves Lhe runner's hands noL where lL lands.
20. ASSING LAS- a "asslng lay" ls deflned as a play where Lhe ball Lravels ln a forward
paLh even wlLh or ln fronL of Lhe person Lhrowlng Lhe ball. lf a defenslve player makes
conLacL wlLh a C8's arm ln any capaclLy accldenLal or lnLenLlonal lL ls a penalLy (10 yd.
auLomaLlc 1
uown from Lhe orlglnal llne of scrlmmage).
21. LA1LkALS-LaLerals are legal aL anyLlme anywhere on Lhe fleld and cannoL counL as a
forward pass. Any laLeral hlLLlng Lhe ground ls dead aL Lhe spoL. 1he defense may
advance an lnLercepLed laLeral.
22. LNAL1ILS (CIILNSIVL).LradlLlonal penalLles llsLed as addendum
23. 2-MINU1L kULL- lf Lhe Leam Lralllng ln Lhe score ln Lhe lasL 2 mlnuLes of Lhe 2
scores a Louchdown on Lhe ensulng possesslon Lhe offenslve Leam musL aLLaln a flrsL
down ln order Lo keep possesslon. lf Lhe offense does noL aLLaln a flrsL down Lhen Lhe
defense geLs Lhe ball aL Lhe 40 yd. llne. 1he offense geLs 4 downs Lo aLLaln a 1
however a Leam however a Leam cannoL punL on 4
down, only on 1
, 2
, or 3
CllLnSlvL 8uLLS
1. Center-1he cenLer ln 7-v-7 ls an ellglble recelver and can caLch a pass dlrecLly from Lhe
CuarLerback. 1he cenLer cannoL be Louched unLll and unless he ls allowed 1 counL Lo
come Lo an uprlghL poslLlon or he/she Lakes 1 sLep forward. 1he cenLer musL snap Lhe
ball beLween hls legs ln a backward dlrecLlon. lor Co-Ld Lhe ball can be snapped ln a
sldeways fashlon as opposed Lo beLween Lhe legs, ln elLher case Lhe ball musL be ln
dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe ground prlor Lo Lhe snap.
2. Snap-1he snap musL Lravel ln a backward dlrecLlon. lf a cenLer snap hlLs Lhe ground
prlor Lo reachlng Lhe quarLerback or anyone recelvlng Lhe snap Lhe ball ls sLlll consldered
a llve ball and play conLlnues. 1he C8 musL fleld a ball cleanly afLer lL has hlL Lhe ground,
lf Lhe ball ls noL flelded cleanly Lhen lL ls consldered dead aL Lhe spoL where lL ls Louched.
lf Lhe ball ls snapped over Lhe C8's head lL ls a playable ball and can be plcked up and
advanced or lL ls downed by Lhe defense. 1hls also lncludes snaps Lo Lhe punLer
alLhough Lhe punLer musL punL Lhe ball where lL ls recovered and cannoL advance lL
from LhaL polnL.
3. L|ne of Scr|mmage-1he llne of scrlmmage beglns aL Lhe spoL seL by Lhe offlclal and ls
based upon Lhe end Lo Lhe prevlous play. 1he LCS cannoL be reduced or enhanced by
Lhe placemenL of Lhe ball. 1he cenLer has Lhe rlghL Lo roLaLe Lhe ball or relocaLe Lhe ball
as long as lL does noL exceed Lhe LCS. 1he cenLer cannoL move Lhe ball ln such a way
LhaL lL would be consldered a snap or aLLempL Lo snap. All offenslve penalLles are
assessed or lnLerpreLed from Lhe LCS unless Lhe penalLy happens ln Lhe end zone.
4. 8|ock|ng-All blocks by any blocker ln men's fooLball musL Lake place no hlgher Lhan Lhe
shoulders and no longer Lhan Lhe walsL. 8llnd-slded" blocks are deflned as a block on
an unsuspecLlng defender as LhaL player ls ln pursulL of Lhe ball carrler. 8llnd- slded
blocks are noL allowed and wlll be glven an unsporLsmanllke ConducL penalLy for 13 yds
and a second offense ln Lhe game by elLher Leam wlll resulL ln an e[ecLlon. All blocks
musL be made wlLh Lhe hands and arms exLended dlrecLly ln fronL of Lhe body. AL no
Llme shall a player make a block wlLh Lhe shoulder and forearm.
S. Iorward ass-A pass ls consldered a forward pass LhaL makes lL beyond Lhe llne of
scrlmmage, and/or Lravels ouL of bounds.

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