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Principles of Marketing and Management


Table of Contents
1. Executive Summar !. Issues an" #utloo$ %rofile &. External Anal sis '. Internal Anal sis (. Strate) an" Im*lications from Anal sis +. Action %lan

Executive Summar
Ryanair is a low-cost Irish airline operating to 178 destinations within the European Union. Its Chief Executi e !fficer" #ichael !$eary reported re enues of %&.'() *illion for the fiscal year of (+11" ,ringing profits of %&7-.' #illion. .s can ,e seen in the Issues and !utloo/ 0rofile" there are a nu1,er of issues confronting the fir1. Its contro ersial ad ertising" e1ployee relations" suscepti,ility to oil prices and worldwide conflict" and its dependency on its CE!" are all areas which the fir1 needs to address. 2he success of the fir1 has ,een credited to the fact the co1pany offer the ,are 1ini1u1 ser ices for the cheapest price" negotiate cheap and rewarding contracts with 1ainly secondary airports" utilise a 1odern and thus efficient fleet of ()1 aircraft" and charge for any additional ser ices which the custo1er 1ight re3uire. 4espite the success of the fir1 to date there are se eral areas in which it can i1pro e. 5irstly" ,y continuing its pursuit to purchase .er $ingus the fir1 could ,eco1e one of the largest and 1ost profita,le airlines in the world. #oreo er" ,y proceeding with plans to expand into the .1erican 1ar/et with Ryan.tlantic" the fir1 could ,eco1e a leading airline worldwide. Ulti1ately" the future of the fir1 is un/nown due to the ulnera,ilities of the airline industry. 4ue to the fact that the airline has perfor1ed so well in recessionary ti1es should ,e encouraging for its future outloo/. 6owe er" if the issues confronting the fir1 are not dealt with then the future of the co1pany could ,e at ris/. 2he external analysis of the fir1 using the 0E72 1ethod highlighted se eral nota,le aspects of the fir1. 5irstly" the political analysis showed that Ryanair has consistently utilised changes in the political en iron1ent to its ad antage. 2he econo1ic analysis showed that Ryanair has perfor1ed to a high standard during ,oth expansionary and recessionary ti1es. 2he social analysis of the airline is not as pro1ising" noting the effects conflict and natural disasters ha e had on the airline in recent ti1es. 5inally" the technological aspect of the analysis highlighted the fact that Ryanair was the first co1pany to fully utilise self-ser ice chec/-in /ios/s. 2he internal analysis of the fir1 using the 78!2 1ethod also highlighted nu1erous aspects of the fir1. 2he 7trength aspect of the analysis highlights facts such as Ryanair leading the way in online ,oo/ing" and the lac/ of union support at Ryanair creating additional flexi,ility. 2he wea/ness aspect of the analysis highlights nu1erous issues" including the on a erage greater distance of secondary airports fro1 the city centre when co1pared to pri1ary airports. 2he strategy fro1 the i1plications of analysis section will detail how Ryanair can increase the return fro1 their strengths and li1it the hit of their wea/nesses ,ased on the analysis a,o e. 2his includes using less contro ersial for1s of 1ar/eting" cut costs ,y increasing econo1ies of scale and deal better with governments. 5inally" the action plan section will gi e

detailed reco11endations of what action we reco11end Ryanair to ta/e for the future de elop1ent of the co1pany.

Issues an" #utloo$ %rofile

Im*ortant issues confrontin) t,e firm
Controversial a"vertisin)
Ryanairs contro ersial ad ertising ca1paign is a serious issue confronting the fir1. 2his issue is a co1plicated one as on the one hand contro ersial ad ertising da1ages the fir1s reputation" yet on the other hand it helps expands the ,rands recognition and is ery cheap 0R. 2he 1ost pressing concern is how far the executi es are going to allow the airlines i1age to deteriorate. .n exa1ple of Ryanairs contro ersial ad ertise1ents can ,e seen in one placed in *elgiu1 in (++1 featuring a fa1ous *elgian statue of a urinating child with the caption" 90issed off with 7a,ena:s high fares; $ow fares ha e arri ed in *elgiu1<. 2his ad ertising ca1paign resulted in 7a,ena successfully suing Ryanair. !n the one hand" ha ing to issue a pu,lic apology is one that tarnishes the airlines reputation" howe er" on the other hand" the 1edia co erage this court case ga e the airline was ery cheap 0R" and ulti1ately helped grow the airlines ,rand. 2he sa1e can ,e said of an ad ertising ca1paign run in (+++" which co1pared *ritish .irways =*.> flight costs to that of Ryanairs" featured the headline 9Expensi e *astards<. *. ,rought Ryanair to court o er the supposedly 91isleading< ad ert? howe er the case was e entually dis1issed. !nce again ,eing ,rought to court di1inishes the airlines reputation" yet the court case did ad ertise Ryanairs co1petiti e ad antage o er *. and also ga e the airline a lot of pu,licity. 6owe er" the line ,etween cle er 0R stunts and offensi e" ,rand da1aging" state1ents is ery thin. In (++7" Ryanair ran an ad ert featuring 7inn 5eins #artin #c@uiness and @erry .da1s" and a speech ,u,,le stating 9Ryanair fares are so low e en the *ritish .r1y flew ho1e<. .lthough the ad was intended to ,e co1ical" it did cause offense to the Ulster Unionists. .n airline getting in ol ed in serious political issues" ,e it hu1orous or not" is a dangerous tactic and one which could ,ac/fire on the airline. In (++8" Ryanair released an ad ertising ca1paign featuring a 1odel dressed as a school girl with the headline 96ottest *ac/ to 7chool 5ares<. .fter recei ing doAens of co1plaints" the .d ertising 7tandards .uthoritys =.7.>" re3uested that Ryanair re1o e the ad" howe er" their re3uest was ignored. In .pril (++8" ha ing ignored se eral of the .7.s re3uests they were reported to" and pro,ed ,y" the UB !ffice of 5air 2rading for repeated ad ertising offenses. 6owe er" nothing ulti1ately ca1e of the pro,e. 2he pro,e has had little effect on Ryanairs ad ertising strategy as the co1pany has repeatedly" and successfully" i1ple1ented contro ersial 0R stunts since. 5or exa1ple" in (++) #ichael !$eary stated that a %1 charge to use toilets was ,eing considered. 2his outrageous state1ent was reported in the 1edia for se eral proceeding wee/s resulting in priceless ad ertising. !$eary hi1self e en ad1itted that it was Cust a cheap 0R stunt afterwards. =Irish ti1es>

In 1ore recent ti1es" Ryanairs ad ertise1ents ha e featured the airlines attracti e e1ployees posing nude for a calendar. 2hese recent ad ertise1ents ha e ,een la,elled 97exist< and 9!ffensi e< =**C" (+1(> and recei ed nu1erous co1plaints. 2hese new ad ertise1ents ,y Ryanair are 1ore worrying for the co1panys i1age. 0re iously" the contro ersial ad ertise1ents were witty and atte1pted to ,e hu1orous" howe er these new raunchy ad ertise1ents contain neither hu1our nor wit" instead they are pro ocati e and conse3uently dangerous to the co1panys i1age.

Refused .7.s re3uest to re1o e ad ertise1ent

7uccessfully sued ,y 7a,ena .irlines

!ffensi e ad ertise1ents to Ulster Unionists

.7. ,randed this ad ertising ca1paign 97exist< as it 9!,Cectifies< wo1en.

Em*lo ee Relations
Ryanair is one of the few airlines that refuse to recognise trade unions. #ichael !$eary stated that Ryanair refuses to recognise trade unions until the 1aCority of Ryanair staff wants unionisation =Ryanair:s #ichael !:$eary on 2rade Union Recognition" #arch 1))8 " (+1+>. 6owe er" o er the last se eral years there has ,een increasing pressure on Ryanair to do so. 2his pressure has specifically co1e fro1 pilots o er their want for ,etter pay and conditions. 2he *ritish .irline 0ilots .ssociation =*.$0.> atte1pted to get Ryanairs recognition in (++)" howe er according to a Ryanair press release" their atte1pt 95ailed D again" so its ,ye ,ye *.0$0.< =Ryanair" (++)>. .s the nu1,er of e1ployees the airlines e1ploys increases" the greater the de1and for trade unions will rise and Ryanair will struggle to a oid recognising unions. 2herefore" the potential for stri/es and other industrial actions is one issue that confronts the fir1 in the near future. 2his threat is e er increasing" as Ryanairs contro ersial pu,lic relations ca1paign will not ,e accepted ,y e ery e1ployee.

Conflict an" #il %rices

Richard *ranson" serial entrepreneur and owner of Eirgin .irlines" stated in his auto,iography that 92he two 1ain ingredients of an airlines profita,ility are the nu1,er of passengers and the cost of a iation fuel< =*ranson" (++(>. #il %rices .s the a aila,ility of oil decreases" the price of it will increase" and as a result 1aintaining a 9$ow-Cost< i1age will ,e difficult for any airline. In the e ent of an increase in oil prices" the tic/et prices of airlines will ine ita,ly rise" which will ,e 1uch to the dissatisfaction of 1any tra ellers. In (+1(" Ryanair had to increase its a erage fare ,y 17F as a conse3uence of higher fuel prices =R2E" (+1(>. 6owe er" as all airlines are in the sa1e situation" Ryanair neither gains nor loses a co1petiti e ad antage. 2he effect oil prices ha e on the profit airlines 1a/e is un3uestiona,le" as reported ,y the International .ir 2ransport .ssociation in (+11 =#il1o" (+11>. 4ue to the .ra, 7pring" the tsuna1i in Gapan" and rising oil prices" the airline industry reduced its worldwide profit in (+11 fro1 H8.' *illion" to H- *illion. Ryanair experienced an 18F increase in fuel costs in (+11" and in (+1( it expects its fuel costs will rise ,y %&I+ #illion. =R2E" (+1(> Jet" the a,ility to esti1ate future fuel costs is li1ited due to unforeseen natural disasters" and conflicts. 2he potential conflict ,etween Israel and Iran" and se eral other countries" will argua,ly ha e a greater effect on oil prices then the .ra, 7pring" due to the potential international ra1ifications. Conse3uently" there is the possi,ility that airline profits will further fall in the future.

Conflict 2he potential for conflict in the world today is getting greater and greater. *etween Iran" Israel" .1erica" Korth and 7outh Borea" Russia" China and se eral other countries" it see1s as if e ery day one 1ore step is ,eing 1ade towards conflict. .s 1entioned a,o e" worldwide conflict has serious effects on oil prices? the .ra, 7pring contri,uted to worldwide airline profits to ,e cut in half last year. 6owe er" conflict does not only affect oil prices" it also affects passenger nu1,ers. In the days following .1ericas in asion of Ira3" Eirgin .tlantic alone recei ed &+++ cancellations =*ranson" (++(>. 2herefore the threat of cancellations for a larger airline li/e Ryanair o er a potentially larger conflict is ery large.

-uture C,ief Executive #fficer .CE#/

Ryanairs current CE!" #ichael !$eary" is essential to the airline. *efore !$eary" Ryanair ran two routes and transported 8+"+++ passengers a year. #oreo er" the co1pany was losing 1oney. 6a ing studied the 1odel 7outh8est .irlines e1ployed in .1erica" !$eary was con inced the sa1e 1odel could wor/ for Ryanair. In (+11" Ryanair flew to 1'+ destinations and transported 1ore than 7( 1illion passengers. !$eary has transfor1ed Ryanair into one of the 1ost successful and profita,le airlines in the world. 2he 3uestion re1ains howe er" how will Ryanair perfor1 once !$eary is gone; 8ithout this contro ersial and outgoing persona running the airline" how will Ryanair perfor1; 8ill they ,e a,le to 1aintain their le el of profita,ility and growth" or will their profita,ility and success enter a recession; In 1any ways" this pro,le1 faces the 1aCority of successful co1panies who owe a lot of their success to their CE!. 2he future success of .pple" for exa1ple" is in 3uestion now that 2i1 Coo/ has replaced their for1er CE! 7te e Go,s. 5or the 1o1ent" the co1pany is in a position of growth and loo/s relati ely sta,le. 6owe er" without Go,s to guide the1 in the future will they ,e a,le to 1aintain this position; .s can ,e seen" this pro,le1 is ery si1ilar to one Ryanair will so1eday face.

Coul" t,e firm be more successful0

#ichael !$eary stated on Ganuary &+th" (+1( that 9Ryanair is currently in a very favourable position, as between the EU recession, higher oil prices, the unfolding failure of the package tour operator model, significant fare increases from competitors, and their capacity cuts it has enormous growth opportunities. =R2E" (+1(>. Ryanair expects to experience so 1uch growth that they esti1ate they will add 1+++ new Co,s in (+1(" and plan on increasing the siAe of their fleet fro1 (7+ planes to &+I planes. 2herefore in the near future" the fir1 loo/s to ,e in a ery encouraging position. .s a result of its encouraging financial results" Ryanairs future holds se eral hopeful areas of expansion. In (++' and (++8 Ryanair atte1pted to ta/e o er .er $ingus. Its %1.-8 *illion ,id in (++' was reCected" as was its %7-8 #illion ,id in (++8" despite it ,eing a (8F pre1iu1. Ryanairs will to ta/eo er .er $ingus is clear to see" and a ta/eo er ,id in the future is expected.

.nother possi,le area of expansion is a transatlantic ser ice. Ryan.tlantic was due to ,e operational this year" howe er due to delays in the .ir,us .&I+ L8*? the launch of the airline has ,een delayed till (+1-. Ryanair plans this long-haul airline to fly to ' destinations in the U7" and co1pete with airlines such as Eirgin .tlantic. =Riegel" (+1+> 5inally" ,y getting planes supplied at a cheaper price" Ryanair could potentially cut significant costs. #ichael !$eary has stated that he is loo/ing into switching suppliers to Co1ac" a Chinese supplier" or alternati ely switching to a Russian supplier" Ir/ut. *y switching to cheaper suppliers" Ryanair could not only expand its short haul flight fleet" ,ut also in est in long haul flight fleet for Ryan.tlantic and possi,ly other entures. ! erall" as can ,e seen fro1 the possi,le areas of expansion a,o e" there are se eral ways in which Ryanair could ,eco1e 1ore successful.

1o2 ,as t,e firm been successful0

2here are nu1erous factors which ha e contri,uted to the success of Ryanair. 5irstly" although Ryanair flies to the 1aCority of capital and 1aCor cities in Europe" it tends to solely fly to the cities secondary airports. *y flying to secondary airports" Ryanair can negotiate a cheaper landing fee and conse3uently cut costs. !n occasions this strategy wor/s out ery well for the co1pany" as in so1e cases the secondary airports are closer to the city centre. 6owe er" in other cases the secondary airport can ,e as far as 7+/1 fro1 the city centre" thus not ,enefiting the custo1er that 1uch. Konetheless" ,y flying to secondary airports" Ryanair ha e ,een a,le to cut costs" and thus offer cheaper fees. .side fro1 de1anding low landing fees" Ryanair also de1ands low handling fees" and financial assistance with 1ar/eting and pro1otional ca1paigns fro1 the airports =0layle" (++)>. In order to guarantee that they recei e their de1ands" Ryanair threatens to pull out of airports if their de1ands are not 1et" in other words they pit airports against each other. !ne of the reasons why Ryanair is so successful is that they can offer the lowest fares possi,le. 2he co1pany can offer the lowest possi,le fares ,y offering the ,are 1ini1u1 ser ices. 2hese low fares attract a significant a1ount of passengers to the airline" thus attracting significant re enue. #oreo er" ,y then charging for additional ser ices" ones offered free of charge ,y other airlines" fro1 water to food" the co1pany can generate extra re enue. 2his ,usiness 1odel" originally used ,y 7outh8est .irlines" has pro en to ,e extre1ely successful thus far. 5urther1ore" ,y offering no frills the airline does not ha e to spend a significant a1ount of ti1e restoc/ing its airplanes once they ha e landed" thus offering the opportunity of a short turnaround ti1e" and once again sa ing 1ore 1oney. 5inally" Ryanair operate the newest" greenest" and 3uic/est fleet in the European Union =Ryanair" (+1(>. 2hey only use a single type of plane" the *oeing 7&7-8++EU" with a 1ere &.' year a erage age. *y using newer planes" Ryanair ensures that its aircraft are the 1ost efficient a aila,le on the 1ar/et at the ti1e. 2hus" once again gi ing it a co1petiti e ad antage o er the 1ar/et.


3,ere is t,e firm ,ea"e"0

Ryanair could ,eco1e one of the largest" 1ost successful airlines in the world if future plans fall into place. 6owe er" the airline industry is an extre1ely co1petiti e one and with Ryanairs contro ersial i1age and gung-ho strategy" the co1pany could ,e in ruins in short ter1. #oreo er" the future of Ryanair see1s dependent on #ichael !$earys decision 1a/ing" and as a result Ryanair are suscepti,le to his well-,eing" and future replace1ent.

External anal sis

2o esta,lish how Ryanair is doing we 1ust exa1ine and understand their external and en iron1ental forces. 2o do this we will use 0E72 analysis. 2his is ta/ing into account the influences politics" econo1y" social and technology ha e on Ryanairs ,usiness. Each of these external forces plays a huge i1pact on the strategic direction of Ryanair.

.s Ryanair operates 1ostly in Europe" they do not ha e any political uncertainty with regards to flight routes and destinations. 6owe er the forces outside Europe are the ones they are concerned a,out such as !0EC ,ut I will discuss this further on. 7ince 1)78 deregulation has ,een helping the airline industry grow. 2his ,egan in the United 7tates in which the .irline 4eregulation .ct partially shifted control o er air tra el fro1 the political to the 1ar/et sphere =$i,rary of Econo1ics and $i,erty>. Europe followed suit with the final stage of deregulation ta/ing effect in .pril 1))7" allowing an airline fro1 one 1e1,er state to fly passengers within another 1e1,er:s do1estic 1ar/et =7tanford" (+++>. Ryanair too/ full ad antage of this new opportunity opening new routes to se eral locations such as fro1 $ondon 7tansted to 7toc/hol1 and !slo as well as routes fro1 4u,lin to 0aris and *russels =#ar/et *uster>. 2he !pen 7/ies .gree1ent is another for1 of deregulation that could affect Ryanairs position in the airline ,usiness in the future. !pen s/ies is the na1e of the agree1ent ,etween the EU and U7 that will allow EU-,ased airlines to fly fro1 any city in the EU to any city in the U7 and ice ersa. 2his ca1e into effect in #arch (++8" Ryanair hasnt 1ade any changes as of yet ,ut #r !$eary has said that he is loo/ing at ,eginning transatlantic flights to the U7 at as low a cost as ten euro =R2E (++7>. If this ,egins" it will co1pletely change the transatlantic price co1petition. .irlines were exe1pt fro1 the EUs E1issions 2rading 7che1e" which 1eant that they did not ha e to pay for their C!( e1issions. 7ince the ,eginning of this year" (+1(" this has changed? all flights that enter or exit EU airports will ha e to ,uy their C!( allowances. 2here has ,een outrage a1ong airlines arguing that a iation only contri,utes to (F of glo,al C+( e1issions. .s a result of this sche1e 1any airlines such as @ulf airlines E1irates and Etihad .irways ha e warned of higher tic/et prices in order to pass costs on to the custo1ers. Ryanair announced that fro1 Ganuary 17th they would ,e charging passengers a (Ic le y in order to co er these costs =Irish ti1es" (+1(>.


.s we can see fro1 a,o e" Ryanair has ta/en full ad antage of e ery new opportunity that has presented itself to the1. 2hey ha e announced new routes and charges depending on the circu1stances. Jou could ne er predict what else is new to co1e fro1 Ryanair as a result of regulations.

.ir tra el tax is a tax that has hit airlines hard in the past few years. 2his tax 1eant that for e ery departure fro1 Ireland you would ha e to pay ten euro. 6owe er in the (+11 ,udget the tax has ,een dropped to three euro per passenger departing fro1 an airport. 6owe er a rate of %( applies where the flight is to a destination located not 1ore than &++ /ilo1etres fro1 4u,lin .irport. 2his co ers all flights within Ireland and flights to the following locations in the UBM Cardiff" @lasgow" 0restwic/" $i erpool" #anchester" *lac/pool and Isle of #an. . rate of %1+ applies to flights to any other destination =Re enue" (+11>.

Ryanair is loo/ing extre1ely profita,le. Ryanair has a +18.71% 1 year return in co1parison to .er $ingus which has a -7.92% =*loo1,erg" (+1(>. 2his is a huge difference ,etween the two airlines. Ryanair announced that it is Europes largest scheduled airline earning an increase of 17F in half year profit. 9This is testimony to the robustness of Ryanairs lowest cost lowest fare model which continues to deliver traffic and profit growth even during a deep recession =Ryanair" (+11>. .irlines all o er the world are shedding Co,s" cutting routes and grounding planes. Ryanair see1s to ,e one of the only airlines growing during these slow econo1ic ti1es" as it has announced the addition of extra flights during ti1es of high de1and" for exa1ple the six nations 1atch in 0aris. .lso in Ganuary" Ryanair announced the addition of 1+++ new Co,s for pilots" ca,in crew" engineers and sales and 1ar/eting people =R2E" (+1(>. !il prices are an issue for all airlines" Ryanair howe er ha e addressed the pro,le1 through hedging. 6edging is agreeing a price for oil well in ad ance of ac3uiring it. Ryanair has increased its fuel hedging position to )+F of its fuel re3uire1ents for (+1( =Centre for . iation" (+1(>. .s the high costs of fuel and oil are not affecting Ryanair too ,ad" these rises in fuel costs could actually ,enefit Ryanair ,y forcing co1petitors to higher their prices" encouraging 1ore custo1ers to fly with Ryanair and could also result in 1ore airlines going ,ro/e =Centre for . iation" (+1(>. 7o what on the surface appears to ,e a negati e cost for Ryanair could actually ,enefit the1.

In this current econo1ic en iron1ent where une1ploy1ent in Ganuary (+1( was 1-.(F" this shows us how little each consu1er has to spend. It has ,een in this econo1ic en iron1ent that Ryanair has grown. 2hey ha e ta/en ad antage of consu1ers needs for cheaper prices" ta/ing away the pre ious luxuries of flying such as co1ple1entary drin/s or ,iscuits and charging for e ery extra aspect of flying. 5or the 1ost part custo1ers do not care a,out these luxuries to pay higher prices for the1. In this econo1ic en iron1ent the 1ost i1portant thing is low prices and Ryanair ha e pro ided this.


2hese past few years the airline industry as a whole has experienced trou,les due to natural disasters that ha e cost airlines huge a1ounts of 1oney. 5or exa1ple the ash cloud in (+1+ cost Ryanair ().7 1illion euros in expenses =Irish ti1es" (+11>. 2his is huge costs to the airline for unforeseen circu1stances. 7ince this incident Ryanair now charges a two euro le y when ,oo/ing to 9cover the cost of future compensation claims =Irish ti1es" (+11>.

In (++) Ryanair ,egan the introduction of self-ser ice passenger chec/ in /ios/s" this syste1 was already in place for custo1ers who were tra eling without any luggage ,ut now this ser ice is a aila,le for e eryone. 5or the people who still wish to carry ,aggage there will ,e a ,aggage drop off. 2his syste1 is the first self-ser ice passenger /ios/s with chip and 0IK technology. Ryanair has a three year contract with Ingenico to de elop and pro ide this ser ice. 2hey introduced this as a way of reducing costs and to ena,le the1 to lower prices to the consu1er =**C news" (++)>. Ryanair has the 1ost 1odern fuel efficient aircrafts? this is a certain ad antage today with the increasing prices of oil and fuel costs.

Government Re)ulation
2he airline industry in Europe has always had difficulties with regulation fro1 the E.U and do1estic go ern1ents. Before the 1980s hea y restrictions were put in place on co1petitors in this industry which were created ,y indi idual countries trying to protect their national airlines. In the 1980s Ireland and the United Bingdo1 for1ed a li,erised ,ilateral agree1ent. 2his was a huge step in showing other countries that deregulation was the way forward for the .irline industry. Also during the 1980s the E.U. set a,out deregulating the industry. #easures followed that were applied throughout all EU countries. Since 1997 the result of the E.U. i1ple1entations has ,een that any E.U. airline can operate anywhere within the rest of Europe without restriction. More recentl the E.U is trying to for1 a ,ilateral agree1ent with .1erica to replace the indi idual agree1ents that ha e ,een already 1ade ,etween so1e indi idual states and the U7.

2he EU co1petition law is another ,arrier that 1ight affect Ryanair. 2he su,Cect of state aid to particular ,usinesses has attracted 1uch attention lately. Under EU law" it states that the EU has the authority and power to control any aid gi en to a particular ,usiness if it encourages discri1ination. .n exception of this would ,e if the EU was the ,ody to pro ide aid to a certain ,usiness. In a particular scenario if the European Union disco ered aid gi en" the European Union can order repay1ent of the a1ount gi en. .n exa1ple of the European Co11issioners latest decisions are as followsM


2he latest decision ,y the European Co11ission regarding the case at Charleroi 1eant that Ryanair 1ust pay ,ac/ so1e of the aid granted ,y ,oth the 8alloon Region and *7C.. 2his part of the aid was regarded as 7tate .id which is no longer allowed under E.U. co1petition law. It concluded howe er that so1e of the aid gi en was legiti1ate and did not ha e to ,e repaid as it was co1pati,le with the pri ate 1ar/et in estor principle. 2he Co11ission hopes that the decision will ensure 9full co1petition ,etween carriers out of regional airports< and 9that the ad antages granted at a particular airport are not discri1inatory and ,enefit fro1 a greater transparency<.

Co1petition is another force which is currently and will re1ain in the future to influence Ryan .irs actions and future perfor1ance. 7ince co1petition policies were introduced" co1petition in the airline industry has 1assi ely exploded" especially in the last ten years. It is li/ely that co1petition will continue to grow as new entrants see/ to ta/e ad antage of the re1o al of regulation. Jet" e en though there has ,een a ast a1ount of new people entering into this industry" 1any ha e failed. 2his is 1ainly ,ecause the existing co1petitors are in a sustaina,le position and they attac/ these new ,usinesses with lower fares or ,etter custo1er ser ice. 2he esta,lished ,usinesses appreciate custo1er loyalty and their sustaina,le prices as they ha e a strong foothold in the 1ar/et co1pared to new co1petitors that dont ha e this ad antage. 2o really understand and loo/ into the co1petition in this industry" it is necessary to di ide the four 1ain players into categories. 2hese are as followsM

5lag carriers Independent airlines franchises of 1aCor airlines charter operators

2he fl!g c!rriers" these are the airlines that fly intercontinental and 8estern Europe routes. In the past these ha e ,een hea ily dependent on aid fro1 their own go ern1ents such as .ir 5rance" .litalia" .er $ingus and I,eria. 2he co""erci!l fl!g c!rriers such as *ritish .irways" B$#" 7candina ian .irline and $ufthansa ha e operated with little aid or none at all in recent years. 2he inde#endent c!rriers such as Ryanair and Easy Get pro ide low fare flights and recei e no aid. 2hese factors ha e an effect on Ryan air as they are co1peting against larger airlines which also recei e aid. 2hese are Cust two of the 1any external factors that ha e and will re1ain in the future to ha e an effect on Ryan .irs decisions. !ther factors include oil prices" the econo1ic downturn" e en such e ents li/e )-11" and wars =e.g. Ira3> ha e all led to an econo1ic downturn etcN


R anair4s customers
Ryan .ir is /nown for its custo1er hostility" ,ad and so1eti1es rude custo1er ser ice. . co1pany who focuses pri1arily on profits excluding the high le el of custo1er ser ice that the 1aCority of other airlines swear ,yO 7o we as/ oursel es this 3uestion" why is Ryan .ir so successful; .nd what /ind of people want to fly with an .irline such as Ryan .ir; .ccording to the 2elegraph Kewspaper" the airline:s passenger nu1,ers increased ,y 1(F to -+.11 people during the six-1onth period= which was the final few 1onths of (+11>" and Ryanair said it had so far not felt any i1pact fro1 the downturn in the econo1y.,ysectorPtransportP887&I8&PRyanair-raises-profitforecast-after-tic/et-price-increases.ht1l> . lot of Ryanairs custo1ers are 1oney conscious people who are loo/ing for a reasona,le cheap deal during these recessionary ti1es. Kot only does Ryanair attract 1oney conscious people ,ut also *usiness people" groups and fa1ilies who are Cust loo/ing for a relia,le airline to transport the1 to their destination on ti1e.

Ryanair has 1any opportunities to expand especially in these ti1es where they are thri ing on the econo1ic cli1ate. 5or exa1ple

Ryanair could ta/e ad antage of the open s/ies agree1ent with the U7 and ,egin transatlantic flights at low costs pro iding flights all o er the world. 2hey could plan to expand ,eyond the European 1ar/et into .sia" Russia which could result in an increase in passenger traffic. 2he addition of new EU countries is an opportunity to expand airline ser ices as people will ta/e ad antage of the low air ser ices and 1ay find Co,s across ,orders ,ut also the touris1 industry could increase pro iding huge opportunities for Ryanair.

Ryanairs greatest threat is econo1ic reco ery. Ryanair is a leading ,rand for low fares which is ideal for these recessionary ti1es" howe er when the econo1ic cli1ate starts to loo/ again people will ,e 1ore li/ely to spend 1ore on flights and their de1and will drop. 6owe er I do ,elie e that there will always ,e de1and for cheap flights e en if it 1ay fall in the future. Kew entrants is another huge threat to Ryanair as the there is a high chance that new entrants will Coin the 1ar/et after seeing Ryanairs success in the past few years. 7urging world oil prices could ha1per efforts ,y 1any airlines to ste1 losses this year. Ryanair reported a (+F increase in the half year net profits to %I-- 1illion. 2his shows how sta,le Ryanair is as an airline at this present ti1e" e en with the rise in oil prices Ryanair still encountered an increase in profit and are expecting the1 to continue to rise =Ryanair" (+1(>.


Internal Anal sis

Resources an" ca*abilities

In order to co1pete in the airline ,usiness in is essential to ha e 1any i1portant resources and capa,ilities. 2hese resources include capital" the appropriate fleet of aircraft. 2he capa,ilities include expertise in ter1s of staff with the a,ility to access to routes. In addition it is also essential to ha e the proper strategic planning in ter1s of identifying your co1panys 1ission. Ryanair has o er the years has successfully co1,ined all of these factors.

Ryanair initially was financed ,y the Ryan fa1ily when they launched the ,usiness in 1)8I and ,eca1e a pu,lically 3uoted ,usiness on the stoc/ exchange in 1))7 where it raised ade3uate capital to de elop its ,usiness.

Tan)ible resources
A**ro*riate fleet of aircraft Ryanair has concentrated on de eloping a unifor1 fleet of *oeing aircraft and as a result has ,enefited fro1 econo1ies of scale in ter1s of 1aintenance cost. A)reements 2it, air*orts Ryanair de elops agree1ents with regional airports to fly its arious routes. 2he airports it deals with in turn offer ery /een costs to Ryanair.

1uman resources
Ryanair e1ploys a highly flexi,le and producti e wor/ force and its ways of wor/ing gi e it a co1petiti e edge o er its ri als. 5or exa1ple ca,in staff clean the airplanes to ena,le the1 spend the least a1ount of ti1e on the ground 2he co1pany has a ery clear ision of its 1ission and that is to ,e a no frills low cost airline. .ll of the a,o e tie in to this 1ission to 9fir1ly esta,lish itself as Europes leading lowfares scheduled passenger airline through continue i1pro e1ents and expanded offerings of its low-fares ser ice< =Ryanair (++7" strategy "> *y (+1+" Ryanair was flying 7- 1illion passengers per year. Its fleet was (7( *oeing aircrafts and 8)++ staff and operated 1&++ routes. Its profit rose ,y (' per cent said year to -+1 1illion euro. 2his perfor1ance was achie ed against a ery tur,ulent oil 1ar/et and a olcanic ash disruption that caused ha oc to the airline ,usiness. =httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPa,out>

1. Ryanair is the largest European airline and therefore ,enefits fro1 scale o er and
a,o e its co1petitors.

2. It operates 1odern *oeing aircraft and this unifor1ity of aircraft cuts down on
1aintenance costs in so far as 1aintenance staff are specialised.

3. Ryanair has ,uilt its ,usiness on a non-union wor/ force and this has 1ade the
co1pany 1ore flexi,le when it co1es to changes and inno ations in wor/ practices.


2raditionally other airlines ha e had to deal with entrenched unionised wor/ practices which add costs that Ryanair ha e a oided.

4. Ryanair utilise their aircraft ,y turning the1 around 3uic/er than co1petitors and as a
result this increases utilisation of the assets 1a/ing the ,usiness 1ore profita,le than its co1petition. Exa1ples of this include seats 1ade of leather =easier to clean> and ca,in staff =rather than cleaners> cleans the aircraft as soon as the plan arri es and as a result the plane spends less ti1e on the ground then its co1petition.

5. Ryanair has led the way in online ,oo/ing and tic/etless flights. ! er the years this
has affecti ely done away with tra el agents and ground staff. 2he consu1er has ta/en this wor/ and cost away fro1 Ryanair ,y using his own co1puter to ,oo/ and print his own tic/et. In addition the we,site is used to sell on additional offerings that Ryanair ,enefits fro1 including car hire" hotel roo1s and insurance. !ther airlines ha e ,een forced to try and copy this Ryanair 1odel in order to try and ,e co1petiti e.

6. Ryanair has generated additional inco1e strea1s ,y charging the consu1er for extra
,aggage and additional weight. 2he co1pany has affecti ely trained the consu1er to arri e on ti1e with their printed tic/et and the exact weight in ter1s of luggage. 2he consu1er on the other hand is under no illusion that if he does not adhere exactly to the co1panies rules he will pay additional costs or indeed 1iss his flight. .ll this contri,utes to a ery efficient experience in ter1s of ,oarding Ryanair flights.

7. Ryanairs reputation is that of a no frills low cost airline pro iding on ti1e ser ice.
Ryanair has agree1ents in place with regional airports throughout Europe that guarantee it low airport charges and ena,le it to offer low cost fares. Its position as the largest European airline gi es it a uni3ue ,argaining power when it co1es to purchasing new aircraft.

8. Ryanair has a first class safety record in no dou,t attri,uta,le to the 1odern fleet and
specialised 1aintenance and this reputation is no dou,t a /ey part to its success.

1. Costu1ers are ery price sensiti e and if Ryanair do not pro ide the cheapest fair the
custo1er will si1ply switch to a different airline.

2. Ryanair has a reputation in the 1edia for ,eing difficult to deal with on issues of
consu1er ser ice. 7o1e of the Ryanair staff are seen as arrogant and rude. 2his can ,e seen as a wea/ness. Ryanairs co1petition on the other hand ha e the opportunity to differentiate the1sel es ,y pro iding a ,etter custo1er ser ice experience.

3. It is difficult to 3uantify how 1any custo1ers ha e ,een 1arginalised ,y Ryanair o er

the years and refuse to use the airline.

4. Ryanairs regional airports can ,e so1e distance fro1 the city they are ser icing.
2heir co1petition on the other hand can ha e the ad antage of flying to 1ore con enient locations.


.lthough it is an ad antage to Ryanair to fly the one type of aircraft" *oeing" this causes the airline to ha e few suppliers. 7witching costs fro1 one supplier to the other is high ,ecause all 1echanics and pilots would ha e to ,e retrained.


6. Ryanair operates in an industry where it 1ust face 1any threats howe er these
threats apply to the entire industry and Ryanair are as well placed or indeed ,etter placed to deal with these threats then their co1petition. Exa1ples of these threats include olcanic ash" terrorist acti ity and 7.R7" foot and 1outh etc.

Im*ortance of ac,ievin) Sustainable com*etitive a"vanta)e

1. Cost leadership- Ryanair ha e the a,ility to effecti ely set the prices of airline tic/ets
for the industry.

2. Ryanair has 1aintained sustaina,le co1petiti e ad antage ,y ,uilding on its

strengths and eli1inating wea/nesses.

3. 2he co1pany has lower operating costs than its co1petition ena,ling it to offer low
priced fares to consu1ers. 2hese lower operating costs co1e a,out as a result of the focused 1odern *oeing fleet that is co1petiti e to 1aintain and operate.

4. Ryanair 1aintains a sustaina,le co1petiti e ad antage with its low flight cost
,ringing flying within the reach of people of the 1ost li1ited 1eans.

5. Ryanair offers extra ser ices and products to its custo1er including car hire roo1
rental" ,us and train tic/ets" insurance and e en lottery tic/ets.

6. Ryanair was one of the first airlines to de elop its internet solution. 7. Ryanair deal with regional airports that are happy to ha e the Ryanair traffic and offer
the1 low landing charges. 2his is in direct contrast to airlines operating out of the ,igger airports. Ryanair tries to a oid these larger airports gi ing the co1pany a sustaina,le ad antage in the industry =httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPa,out" (+1(>. !ne of Ryanairs nu1,er one co1petitors is the airline Easy Get. 2he following ta,le shows their co1petiti e ad antage o er this co1petitor. Carrier Re enue =#illion> %&"'() %1-)7.& 0rofit =#illion> %-++.7Q %()&.Ku1,er of Ku1,er 0assengers E1ployees =#illion> 7(.1 II 8)++ 8+++ of 5leet 7iAe (8' (++

Ryanair Easy Get


1. (httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PdocPin estorP(+11P3-R(+11Rdoc.pdf" (+1() 2. (httpMPPcorporate.easyCet.co1Pin estorsPresults-centrePSP1ediaP5ilesPEPEasyCet-0lcE(PpdfPin estorsPresults-centreP(+11P(+11-half-year-results.pdf" (+1(>

Strate) Im*lications from t,e Anal sis


.s shown a,o e Ryanair has gone fro1 strength to strength as a co1pany in recent years ,oth in ter1s of econo1ic perfor1ance and 1ar/et presence. Ryanairs success in the airline 1ar/et has ,een pri1arily due to their no frills low fare ser ice" the 3uic/ turn-around ti1e of their aircrafts and their successful 1ar/eting ca1paigns ,ased around their C.E.! #ichael !$eary. In order to continue and i1pro e on the growth they ha e enCoyed we suggest that Ryanair adopt the following strategies to 1axi1ise their current strengths?

Lo2 cost base:

2he recession has afforded Ryanair the ideal opportunity to cut costs. 6owe er with the glo,al econo1y on the erge of reco ery =Edwards" K (+1(> it is set to ,eco1e increasingly 1ore difficult for Ryanair to 1aintain the low cost ,ase on which it relies. 2herefore Ryanair 1ust now ta/e steps to 1aintain their low cost ,ase in a stronger econo1y. 2hey ha e already ,egun to ta/e steps to achie e this outco1e such as negotiating to ,uy a new fleet of aircrafts fro1 a new Chinese 1anufacturer rather than the 1ore expensi e *oeing aircrafts and ,y opening &1 new routes in 6ungary to capitalise on the failure of 6ungarian airline Eale . *y capitalising on the failure of other European airlines ,y opening new routes they achie e greater econo1ies of scale and thus costs fall. In the current 1ar/et airlines are struggling to ,e profita,le due to rising fuel costs and falling passenger nu1,ers" this presents the ideal opportunity for the profita,le Ryanair to continue to expand and ensure that their costs" and thus their fares" stay low when de1and and real consu1er inco1e ,egins to increase once 1ore.

5ar$etin) Strate) :
Ryanair pursues a contro ersial and uni3ue 1ar/eting strategy often centred on the declarations and stunts of C.E.! #ichael !$eary. #ichael !$eary has ,eco1e synony1ous with the Ryanair ,rand and he ensures that Ryanair 1axi1ise all possi,le opportunities to appear in newspaper headlines. 2his strategy had ,een successful in the past howe er it is solely reliant on #ichael !$earys 1edia appeal and thus when he lea es his position as Ryanair C.E.! there will ,e a serious drop in their isi,ility in the 1edia. In order to reduce this potential drop off e suggest that the co1pany gradually reduces #ichael ! $earys influence in the 1edia" focus 1ore on other 1ar/eting initiati es such as ad ertising and 1ost i1portantly introduce a future C.E.! replace1ent plan. 2his plan would in ol e de eloping younger e1ployers and instilling in the1 the ethos of Ryanair with the iew of one of the1 ta/ing o er the role of a pu,lically isi,le C.E.! in the future Ryanair approach of deli,erately contro ersial print ad ertising is strength? howe er in recent ti1es they ha e ,ordered on offensi e and ha e had ad ertise1ent ,anned ,y the .d ertising 7tandards .uthority of *ritain =7weeney" # (+1(>. 7uch ads are a drain on resources as they cannot ,e printed and they also ris/ alienating custo1ers. If Ryanair continue with such contro ersial ad ertise1ents they 1ay see a decline in passengers and considera,le consu1er ill will towards the co1pany. 2o a oid this we ad ise Ryanair to continue with its contro ersial ad ertising ,ut a oid any offensi e ads.

Government %olic :


Ryanair has gained considera,le concessions fro1 Irish @o ern1ents in the past such as the reduction of the air tra el tax fro1 %1+ to %& in (+11. 6owe er Ryanair" through #ichael !$eary" ha e pursued an antagonistic approach to dealing with the go ern1ent. 2heir political ai1s include" a1ongst other things" the re1o al of the air tra el tax and a reduction in airport charges i1posed ,y the 4u,lin .irport .uthority. 2ransport 1inister $eo Erad/er has suggested that these ai1s can ,e 1et if Ryanair agree to increase passenger nu1,ers co1ing through Irish airports" in particular 7hannon airport. In this instance the approach ,y Ryanair appears to ,e flawed and thus they can i1pro e their ,usiness and increase re enues if they ta/e a less rigid iew to negotiations.

%rice Sensitivit
!ne of the 1aCor wea/nesses within Ryanair is custo1er sensiti ity to price increases therefore the o, ious thing to ,e done to /eep this wea/ness fro1 affecting the organisation is to /eep as 1any flights as possi,le at cheaper rates than other airlines. 2his will ensure that current custo1ers will stic/ with Ryanair and also 1ay influence custo1ers who pre iously used other airlines to switch to Ryanair. 2his wea/ness will no longer ,e a threat to Ryanair if they can do this.

%ublic Re*utation
.nother wea/ness of Ryanairs is their reputation in the 1edia and a1ong the pu,lic. .s pointed out in the Internal .nalysis" Ryanair are /nown for their staff ,eing 9arrogant and rude<. .lthough there 1ay ha e ,een difficult situations in the past relating to issues such as consu1er ser ice" if Ryanair could create an opportunity to atte1pt to rid the1sel es of this reputation and rectify the pu,lic opinion of their staff" then this wea/ness would also no longer ,e a threat to the organisation. 5or exa1ple in relation to the ad ertise1ent situation in 5e, (+1(" the Ryanair ad was found offensi e and unsuita,le that lin/ed fe1ale ca,in crew with sexually suggesti e ,eha iour. It is ads li/e this which will cause a lot of contro ersy in the pu,lic and will 1ost definitely affect Ryanairs reputation" therefore if Ryanair were to refrain fro1 contro ersial acti ity" it would i1pro e their reputation which accordingly would decrease the chances of this wea/ness fro1 ha ing any 1aCor effects on the co1pany. 0eople who ha e pre iously had a negati e experience while flying with Ryanair or werent satisfied with the flight and how situations were dealt with are 1ore than li/ely co11itted to flying with any airline ,esides Ryanair. 6owe er" there is not 1uch we can do a,out a wea/ness such as this except try and /eep current custo1ers as happy as possi,le and hope that those who 1ay ha e experienced unpleasant Courneys in the past change their 1inds in the future.


Air*ort Location
2he location of Ryanairs regional airports can ,e a long distance fro1 city which they are ser icing at ti1es therefore if the co1pany opened up new routes that were 1ore con enient to custo1ers it would increase their custo1er acti ity and they would no longer ,e in danger of losing custo1ers due to aw/ward routes or locations.

External T,reats:
.s 1entioned already as a wea/ness in the External .nalysis" Ryanair faces threats such as olcanic ash" terroris1" 5oot and #outh etc." howe er these are wea/nesses that affect all airline ser ices therefore Ryanair is not the only airline with this flaw and any precautions that need to ,e ta/en to pre ent these acti ities fro1 occurring are surely ,eing i1ple1ented ,y all airline ser ices.

Action %lan
Ex*ansion of t,e com*an
2here are nu1erous ways in which Ryanair can expand as a co1pany. Ryanairs 1ain goal as a co1pany is to 9esta,lish itself as Europes leading low-fare scheduled airliner< =Ryanair" KP.>. In this section of the action plan" we will outline se eral ways in which Ryanair can further secure this position" and to guarantee the security of this position in the future. #oreo er" se eral other expansion action plans are noted thus not restricting Ryanairs future to Europe.

Increase -li),t -re6uenc of Routes

.lthough up to date data on the fre3uency of Ryanair flights is una aila,le" according to Ryanairs we,site" they ha e traditionally ,een a low fre3uency airline" with the fre3uency of flights per route a day ,eing 1.88 in (++- =Ryanair" KP.>. 8e propose that Ryanair increase the fre3uency of their routes" which will offer a 1ore flexi,le ti1eta,le to passengers" thus offering the1 a ,etter ser ice. *y offering a arying flight fre3uency Ryanair could e en potentially co1pete directly with their co1petitors" if they so wished. If not" they could offer fa oura,le tra elling ti1es on the route" for exa1ple" in a ,usiness 1ans case" early in the 1orning and late at night. !f course this plan would only ,eco1e feasi,le if the de1and was there" and thus further research would ,e re3uired ,efore i1ple1enting it. If Ryanair were to push ahead with this plan" they would need 1ore planes and e en 1ore staff. 2he issue of hiring 1ore staff is one that cannot ,e altered too se erely" howe er as can ,e seen in other action plans ,elow and in estigation into the nu1,er of staff re3uired per flight could ,e ,eneficial. . separate action plan also in estigates the possi,ility of


Ryanair purchasing aircraft fro1 Russian or Chinese suppliers at a cheaper price" thus the cost of ta/ing on extra aircraft would not ,e as great. .s stated a,o e" Ryanairs goal is to 9esta,lish itself as Europes leading low fare airline< pro iding 9fre3uent flights< =Ryanair" KP.>. 2hus ,y increasing the fre3uency of flights on its routes" Ryanair would Cleary ,e fulfilling one of the 1ain co1pany goals.

#*en Ne2 Routes in E7

.s the worlds population increases" the de1and for transportation will naturally increase. #oreo er" this increase will ,e further escalated as 1ore and 1ore European cities ,eco1e 1odernised and industrialised" and the a1ount of i11igrants co1ing into the city ,eco1es larger. .s a result" in the near future" traditionally s1aller routes and s1aller airports will ,eco1e larger" and the de1and for flights and additional routes will grow. In order to stay ahead of the co1petition and to re-affir1 its positions as Europes leading low-fare airline" Ryanair 1ust research future ia,le routes ,efore co1petitors. !nce they ha e identified these routes" Ryanair 1ust esta,lish their presence there" ,eco1e the do1inant airline" and ,uild so1e custo1er loyalty. .n alternati e" or an additi e" to this plan would ,e to introduce a Ryanair ser ice to a route that is not currently offering a low-fare ser ice. 5or exa1ple" the 4u,lin to $is,on route is solely operated ,y .er $ingus" despite their ,eing a de1and for a daily and pea/ ti1e twicedaily" ser ice. 0ossi,ly Ryanair could ,e a oiding $is,on due to its lac/ of a su,stantial secondary airport" howe er in the near future a new airport will ,e ,uilt and thus Ryanair will ha e no 1ore excuses. 2here are nu1erous cases li/e this one throughout the EU" which offer Ryanair nu1,er growth opportunities. Ulti1ately" ,y opening new routes in the EU" Ryanair would once again ,e 1eeting its goal of ,eco1ing Europes leading low-fare airline.

Ex*ansion into ot,er Re)ions

Central8Eastern Euro*e .s 1ore and 1ore Eastern and Central European countries ,eco1e part of the EU" the a1ount of tourists and ,usiness1en tra elling there will only increase. 2ouris1 and *usiness in Eastern Europe has increased dra1atically as a result of the EUs expansion" and low-fare airlines li/e Ryanair can ta/e greater ad antage of this. .side fro1 pro iding so1e of the 1ain routes to Eastern Europe" Ryanair does not offer all of the1 which is surprising considering the large and growing population of Eastern Europe. 8e ,elie e that as this part of the world ,eco1es 1ore 1odernised and in-line with 92he 8est<" that tra el will increase in the region. .t the ery least" tra el ,etween these Eastern European countries alone will increase due to the population" thus so1e airline has to pro ide a low-fare solution. 2here are 1) countries in Eastern Europe and ,y setting up a nu1,er of ,ases in the region? Ryanair could ,eco1e the leading low-fare airline there. !f course" if needs ,e the na1e of


the co1pany could ,e change of altered to ,etter suit the target 1ar/et" ne ertheless the plan is a tangi,le one. Ryanairs goal clearly states that they ai1 to ,eco1e Europes leading low-fare airline" without do1inating the Eastern European 1ar/et? they will not ,e a,le to clai1 this title. 2hus" full expansion into the European 1ar/et is a necessity in the near future of the co1pany. Nort, Africa .side fro1 flying to #orocco" Ryanair does not offer any other ser ices to the .frican Continent. 2here are currently -.( #illion .fricans li ing in Europe" ''F of which originated fro1 the Korth of .frica. Jet" for all of these .fricans that ha e 1igrated to the EU" no lowfare ser ice or e en traditional ser ice is ,eing offered ,ac/ to the Korth of .frica. .s the .frican population ,eco1es larger" the 1iddle to upper class will naturally expand and 1ore and 1ore tourists will want to isit Europe at an afforda,le price. 5urther1ore" the nu1,er of lower class citiAens loo/ing to co1e to Europe for wor/ will increase" and they too will re3uire a for1 of transport to get there. .lthough we recognise that the 1aCority of lower class .fricans co1e into Europe illegally" ta/ing the o erall 1ar/et siAe into consideration its potential cannot ,e denied. !nce again we could reco11end opening a ,ase in southern Europe or in Korth .frica to acco11odate all of these additional flights? howe er we recognise that due to the difficult political circu1stances" negotiations and ,usiness in Korth .frica would ,e difficult at ,est. 8e also recognise that .frica is not 1entioned in any of Ryanairs goals" howe er if the airline is to continue its current le el of growth and expansion" 1o ing into other 1ar/ets is essential. 7nite" States of America .s 1entioned in pre ious sections" Ryanair already has a plan in place to 1o e into the transatlantic 1ar/et with the creation of Ryan .tlantic scheduled for (+1-. 2his is a huge 1o e for the co1pany as it will expand its international presence and open up a co1pletely new 1ar/et. !nce Ryanair 1o e into the transatlantic 1ar/et it then ,eco1es possi,le for the1 to 1o e fully into the .1erican do1estic 1ar/et. 6owe er" a nu1,er of factors affect this possi,le 1o e. 5irstly" there is huge co1petition in the .1erican 1ar/et" na1ely 7outh8est .irlines" the airline fro1 which Ryanair ,ases its ,usiness 1odel on. 7econdly" the 5ederal . iation .uthority =5..> i1ple1ents a strict criterion for appro al of do1estic airlines in the U7.. 2he 1ain criterion is that the 91aCority of funding and the 1anage1ent< ha e to co1e fro1 9U7 institutions and co1panies< =*ranson" (++(>. 2herefore" #ichael !$eary would ,e una,le to ,eco1e CE! of Ryanair .1erica" and 1ore to the point" funding for the proCect would ha e to co1e fro1 an .1erican source. 2hese entry ,loc/s 1ay ,e too great for Ryanair to o erco1e" howe er the possi,ility re1ains for the1 to enter the 1ar/et should they wish. In the traditional sense of the Ryanair corporate goals this particular aspect of the action plan does not fulfil any of the1. 6owe er"


Ryanairs own plan to expand transatlantic does not fit its 1ission state1ent either" thus as the co1pany is a state of continuous growth any 1ar/et or direction is possi,le.

Strate)ic Alliance
7trategic alliances ha e ,eco1e a /ey feature for 1any airlines" especially in this tur,ulent econo1y. 2here are 1any 1ar/et forces which are causing a need to arise for co1panies to colla,orate with other co1panies on ,oth a national and international le el in order to i1pro e their efficiency. It has ,een argued that fir1s that engage in these strategic alliances ha e the potential to gain capa,ilities and access in an easier fashion to target 1ar/ets and share financial ris/s ,etween the fir1s in ol ed. In the past Ryanair has not engaged in a strategic alliance with another airline for fear of losing control o er costs" /eeping the co1pany focused on point-to-point flights and a oiding co1plicated code-sharing and 5ifth 5reedo1 deals =Ryanair 6oldings" (+11> Ryanair has suggested in recent years that it 1ay ,e interested in long haul flights and in particular transatlantic 1ar/ets. !ne way of ,roaching this ,usiness would ,e for Ryanair to consider the possi,ility of for1ing a strategic alliance with another airline in order to test the 1ar/et for long haul traffic. In this way Ryanair could 1ini1ise its in est1ent" while at the sa1e ti1e gain ery alua,le insights into the transatlantic ,usiness. 2he resources re3uired for such a enture would depend on the le el at which the co1pany sought to achie e in ter1s of 1ar/et penetration. 8e would suggest that if Ryanair were to consider an alliance with an existing long haul operator out of .1erica then the in est1ent in ol ed need not ,e too considera,le. Its partners existing long haul fleet could do e tail with Ryanairs European operation offering the transatlantic tra eller Ryanairs European options while at the sa1e ti1e gi ing Ryanair alua,le insights into the .1erican consu1er. Ryanairs online we,site would also ,e of i11ense ,enefit to a potential partner in increasing traffic on transatlantic routes while at the sa1e ti1e its reach within Europe would ,e a considera,le ,enefit to the .1erican tra eller.

Ne2 mar$etin) strate)

Ryanairs 1ar/eting strategy appears to ,e to offer the lowest fares while /eeping ad ertising costs to a 1ini1u1. Kewspaper ad erts and posters are the chosen 1edia used to get Ryanairs low cost 1essage out to the pu,lic. 2his approach see1s to ,e coupled with 1axi1 that there is no such thing as ,ad pu,licity in so far as Ryanair are regularly in the news for what could ,e ter1ed as 1inor contro ersial reasons. 8hether it is the Ryanair calendar or cartoon newspaper ad ertise1ents po/ing fun at go ern1ent 1inisters" suggestions of a fat surcharge for larger custo1ers- no story line see1s to get o erloo/ed in Ryanairs 3uest to ,e in the pu,lic eye.


8hereas there is no dou,t that this approach has ,een extre1ely successful for Ryanair in the past" a 1ore professional and considered approach to 1ar/eting could Cust as well yield

spectacular results for the co1pany. Ko one /nows how 1any custo1ers ha e ,een alienated ,y Ryanairs antics in the past. If the co1pany were to adopt a different and 1ore caring approach to its custo1er and to 1ar/et itself as such" the result could well ,e an increase in ,usiness and profit. Ryanairs 1ission to ,e the low cost carrier could ,e underpinned ,y a 1ar/eting strategy that portrayed the co1pany as 1ore caring to its custo1er. 2here need not ,e a co1pro1ise in ter1s of its efficiency and approach to fast turn around and ti1ely departures and arri als. 7pecifically" the co1pany could set a,out encouraging its staff to ,e courteous and respectful to its custo1ers and to 1o e away fro1 the i1age where ,y the staff appear to ,e intent on penalising custo1ers. 2here would ,e little or no cost in ol ed in this ,ut o er ti1e and in practice it would re1o e so1e of the hostility that so1e ele1ents of the pu,lic hold towards the airline. In addition to this the co1pany at no extra cost to itself could resol e to co11unicate to its passengers" particularly in situations where flights are delayed and this would 1ini1ise custo1er annoyance = hospital out patients waiting roo1s typically ha e a notice declaring 9typical waiting ti1e ' hours<- this infor1ation infor1s the custo1er. Contrast this with Ryanair who occasionally when flights are delayed lea e custo1ers uninfor1ed of li/ely departure ti1es>. #ichael !$eary has 1ade great capital down the years in gra,,ing e ery opportunity to 1a/e headlines and ,e contro ersial in order to pu,licise Ryanair. .gain this has ,een successful in ,ringing the co1pany to its current position in the European . iation industry. 2he necessity for such actions 1ay well ha e ,een Custifia,le at a ti1e when the airline was ,eing ,uilt fro1 a loss 1a/ing enterprise. 7uch antics are ,eneath an airline that aspires to ,e nu1,er one in its industry. 7uch actions also only ser e to further alienate perspecti e clients and to ena,le staff to ,e discourteous to custo1ers. 2he specific action re3uired going forward would ,e that #ichael !$eary would reconsider his approach to the 1edia ,earing in 1ind its i1pact on the custo1er. Ryanair could portray itself as a 1ore caring enterprise ,y ,eing 1ore acti e in the co11unity and gi ing ,ac/ in a way si1ilar to other ,usinesses that sponsor e ents li/e the young scientist exhi,ition for exa1ple. In the past Ryanair has charged disa,led people for the use of a wheelchair. .ppalling pu,licity li/e this could easily ,e negated ,y the co1pany ,eing seen to ,e 1ore supporti e of the less fortunate in the co11unity" again such specific actions are not expensi e. In su11ary" Ryanair could easily adopt a 1ore caring and respectful approach through its 1ar/eting strategy without incurring any significant extra expense. 2his in turn would not ,e in conflict with its goals which are to /eep costs at a 1ini1u1 in order to re1ain the low cost operator. Kor would the a,o e actions i1pede the airline in its 3uest to re1ain on ti1e and efficient in ter1s or departure and arri al. In our opinion the effect o er ti1e would ,e i1pro e the co1panies perception in the custo1ers eyes and to win ,ac/ so1e of the custo1ers who ha e ,een alienated ,y the ,usiness o er the years. Kone of the a,o e is a 1aCor departure fro1 the ,usinesses tried and tested 1ar/eting strategy ,ut the effect of the


change could ,e significantly positi e while at the sa1e ti1e /eeping co1pany focused on its goals.

See$ to *rotect t,emselves from oil *rices

In order for any airline to protect the1sel es fro1 the rising prices of oil they 1ust either cut capacity or increase prices =C82 Industry 8atch" (+11>. .s pre iously stated in our 0E72 analysis" Ryanair are protecting the1sel es well fro1 the rising costs of oil ,y hedging" they are not cutting capacity nor increasing prices. 2here is a ris/ in ol ed in hedging howe er" such as" the airline can only ,enefit if the costs of oil continue to rise. If oil prices fall in the future" within the next year" Ryanair will not ,e achie ing the opti1u1 cost efficiencies of hedging" especially since are 9they are !"# hedged for $%&' at ()*" per tonne +appro,. ()* per barrel-, an &)# price increase on last year, but significantly below current prices =Ryanair" (+11>. E en though there is a ris/ in ol ed in hedging" there is no ,elief that oil prices are going to fall in the near future so I would thin/ that Ryanair are safe ,y hedging. Ryanair also 9succeeds by ranking first or second for efficiency in load factor and seating density, while runner.up /athay 0acific ranks first on aircraft fuel economy, distance, and freight share =.non." n.d.>. .gain Ryanair are reducing their costs of oil ,y using so1e of the 1ost fuel efficient aircrafts. .s I ha e said a,o e Ryanair ha e not increased their prices due to the rising prices of oil and this contri,utes to the attain1ent of their goals. $ow prices are one of their top goals so at the 1o1ent their use of hedging is their way of 1eeting their goals and o,Cecti es.

Ensure ex*loitation of tax exem*tions

Ryanair does not exploit any tax exe1ptions howe er if it does not recei e good prices or falls icti1 to higher costs they either eli1inate or drastically decrease their ser ices. 5or exa1ple in 7hannon" Ryanair had to pay the ten euro tourist tax and could not ,e exe1pt fro1 it" so Ryanair did not renew their contract with the airport. E en though Ryanair does not exploit of tax exe1ptions" it is 1ainly ,ecause they do not recei e the1. If they were to recei e such exe1ptions I a1 of the ,elief that they would exploit the1 co1pletely.

9ob cuts
Ryanairs top goal is low prices" so one would thin/ that to reduce the a1ount of Co,s a aila,le is an easy way to /eep prices low. 5or the 1ost part Ryanair agrees with this and has cut Co,s when there ha e ,een increases in operating costs such as in (++) Ryanair announced the 1loss of '"" 2obs among pilots, cabin crew and engineers =.non." (++)>. Ryanair ,la1ed the introduction of the ten euro tourist tax as a reason for their need to reduce costs and /eep their co1petiti e edge in the 1ar/et. In the following years Ryanair cut further Co,s as a result of this tourist tax. Ryanairs ai1 is to /eep costs 1ini1u1 so with continuing rising costs of production" Ryanair has to continue to reduce its staff nu1,ers. .t the end of 5e,ruary (+1( Ryanair announced that it plans to cut &++ Co,s in Edin,urgh due to the high airport charges there. Ryanair ha e cut up to nearly (+++ Co,s since (++).


6owe er with the introduction of online chec/ in" the need for e1ployees has fallen. If Ryanair continues to cut Co,s in places where costs are rising they will continue to achie e their goals of low fares and low operating costs. Ryanair as a co1pany ser es where costs are low so if prices rise they reduce costs in any way they can" whether it ,e cutting Co,s or cutting routes.

Investi)ate Loa" -actors

2o co1,at the econo1ic downturn and increased fuel prices" Ryan air needs to loo/ at all of their routes and in estigate each of their load factors in order to deter1ine which routes they are 1a/ing a 1arginal profit on and which routes are loss 1a/ing . !nce Ryan .ir identifies which routes are 1a/ing an extre1e loss then the co1pany can eli1inate these routes. Ryanair need to carefully thin/ a,out the decisions they 1a/e as they need to protect their slots fro1 co1petitors such as .er $ingus and other European low cost airlines. Ryan .ir could de ise a new strategy and i1ple1ent this plan to retreat so1e of the routes that are loss 1a/ing. In (++) Ryan .irs ri als" .er $ingus" suffered a downturn in their load factors. .er $ingus announced that they suffered a 7F decrease. .er $ingus suffered a passenger loss of 8&I"+++ co1pared to (++8.

Cost Re"uction 5et,o"s

In order for Ryan .ir to re1ain in a financially sta,le condition in the upco1ing years" Ryan .ir 1ay need to de ise a sur i al strategy. 4ue to this recession cuts need to ,e 1ade in order for Ryan .ir to continue 1a/ing a profit. .n exa1ple of cost reduction that Ryan .ir has already i1ple1ented is that Ryan .ir do not e1ploy cleaning staff to ser ice their planes in ,etween Courneys" instead Ryan .irs stewards and stewardesses perfor1 the ,asic cleaning duties in colla,oration with their nor1al e eryday wor/ duties. .nother plan that Ryan .ir ha e discussed ,ut ha e not yet i1ple1ented was an idea to re1o e the toilet at the rear of the plane to insert 18 extra seats= which could lead to an increase in profits> and charge custo1ers 1 euro to use the toilet at the front of the plane. 2he idea to charge the euro is not to earn 1oney ,ut to disincenti es custo1ers fro1 using the toilets and waiting for the1 to use the toilet pro ided in the ter1inal. 2hese are Cust a few ways in which Ryan air could reduce costs and increase profits.

Ex*loitin) tourism Tren"s

Ryanair needs to create a new 1ar/eting strategy that will ,ring in custo1ers tra elling to tourist destinations during the su11er period. !ne of the 1ain goals of Ryanair is to offer the lowest fares at all ti1es. 4uring the su11er 1onths in the current econo1ic cli1ate there is guaranteed to ,e a decrease in the nu1,er of people tra elling a,road" howe er if Ryanair ha e flights to /ey tourist destinations =e.g. $a Rochelle" Cannes> at the lowest prices" the fa1ilies that do intend to tra el will use Ryanair.


E7 Emission tra"in) sc,eme

5ro1 (+1( onwards all flights co1ing in or out of EU airports are 1ade ,uy C!( allowances. 2his is a ery costly legislation which could cost the airline industry ,illions. 2he airline e1issions allowance will ,e 1ax )7F of the a erage annual e1issions in (++--(++'" and at )IF fro1 (+1( onwards. 8I F of e1issions certs will ,e free with the ,alance of 1IF ,eing auctioned. Ryanair uses Cust o er a third the fuel to transport its a erage passenger one 1ile co1pared to the least efficient" .1erican Eagle.

A"vertise efficient fleet of *lanes

Ryanair uses the 1ost efficient fleet of planes in the EU. It has a fleet siAe of (8) and has o er 17+ destinations. Ryanair clai1s to operate the newest" greenest and 3uietest fleet of aircraft in Europe which is appealing to custo1ers. 2he airlines are expanding at a fast rate which shows that they are ,eco1ing 1ore and 1ore popular. 2he success rates for on ti1e arri als and departures are o er )+F accurate which shows that e en though it has one of the largest fleets" it is still hugely successful when it co1es to ti1e 1anage1ent which also 1eans that Ryanair is stic/ing to its goal of 1ini1ising the nu1,er of passengers facing delay.

.non." (++). Ryanair. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPnewsPryanair-announces-flight-and-Co,-cuts-atdu,lin-airport T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U. .non." (+11. /3T 4ndustry 3atch. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.cwtindustrywatch.co1PindustryRwatchPenPglo,alParticleP(+11+(Particle1.ht1l T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U. .non." (+11. Ryanair. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PdocPin estorP(+1(P31R(+1(Rdoc.pdf T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U. .non." (+11. Ryanair holings. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.answers.co1PtopicPryanair-holdings-plc-adr T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U. .non." n.d. Ryanair. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPa,outPryanair-and-the-en iron1ent T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U.


. iation" C. C. =(+11" #ay (I>. /505 /entre for 5viation. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair earnings up ('F ,ut change in tac/ for (+1(M

httpMPPwww.centrefora iation.co1PanalysisPryanair-earnings-up-('-,ut-change-in-tac/-for(+1(-I(1+) **C" (+1(. Ryanair 6se,ist adverts6 banned after complaints. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.,,'8&+ T.ccessed 1) #arch (+1(U. **C. =(++)" #ay 1->. Ryanair to close desks. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 **CM httpMPPnews.,,,eatPhiPtechnologyPnewsidR8+I++++P8+I+')(.st1 *ranson" R." (++(. 7osing 8y 9irginity. (nd ed. $ondonM Eirgin *oo/s. Cox" 5. $. =n.d.>. 7ibrary of Economics and 7iberty. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 .irline 4eregulationM httpMPPwww.econli,.orgPli,raryPEncP.irline4eregulation.ht1l 4halla" #. =n.d.>. 8arket :uster Ryanair. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l Edwards" K. =(+1(>. 48$ sees signs of global recovery. . aila,leM httpMPPwww.independent.ieP,usinessPworldPi1f-sees-signs-of-glo,al-reco ery-&+I-(7I.ht1l. $ast accessed 1)th #ar (+1(. 4rish Times. =(+1(" Ganuary 1(>. Retrie ed #arch &" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair to add (Ic ,oo/ing le yM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l 4rish Times. =(+1(" Ganuary 1(>. Retrie ed #arch &" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair to add (Ic ,oo/ing le yM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l 4rish Times. =(+1(" Ganuary 1(>. Retrie ed #arch &" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair to add (Ic ,oo/ing le yM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l 4rish Times. =(+1(" Ganuary 1(>. Retrie ed #arch &" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair to add (Ic ,oo/ing le yM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l 4rish Times. =(+1(" Ganuary 1(>. Retrie ed #arch &" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair to add (Ic ,oo/ing le yM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperP,rea/ingP(+1(P+11(P,rea/ing('.ht1l $JKC6" 7. =(+11" #ay 11>. 4rish Times. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 2ouris1 sector greets lower tax rateM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperPirelandP(+11P+I11P1((-()''))8'&.ht1l #adde1" C. =(+11" #ay (->. 4rish Times. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 Ryanair cautious as profits up ('FM httpMPPwww.irishti1es.co1PnewspaperPfinanceP(+11P+I(-P1((-()7'&7'1&.ht1l #il1o" 4." (+11. ;il prices pose threat to airlines6 profits and survival, 45T5 warns. T!nlineU . aila,le atM,usinessP(+11PCunP+'Pairline-industry-profit-slu1p-oil T.ccessed 7 #arch (+1(U. 0layle" 7." (++). Time to take flight from these Ryanair add.ons. T!nlineU . aila,le atM T.ccessed 7 #arch (+1(U. 0$C" E. =(+11" #ay 1+>. Results for the si, months ended <& 8arch '"&&. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 httpMPPcorporate.easyCet.co1Pin estorsPresults-centrePSP1ediaP5ilesPEPEasyCet0lc-E(PpdfPin estorsPresults-centreP(+11P(+11-half-year-results.pdf Riegel" R." (+1+. Ryanair wages price war on 5er 7ingus in holiday market. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.independent.iePnational-newsPryanair-wages-price-war-on-aer-


lingus-in-holiday-1ar/et-(+-I1--.ht1l T.ccessed 7 #arch (+1(U. R2E" (+1(. Ryanair ups profit forecast on higher fares. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.rte.iePnewsP(+1(P+1&+Pryanair-,usiness.ht1l T.ccessed 7 #arch (+1(U. Ryanair" (++). Ryanair 3elcomes :57056s /onfirmation. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPnewsPryanair-welco1es-,alpa-s-confir1ation T.ccessed ' #arch (+1(U. Ryanair" (+1(. 5bout Us. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPa,outPryanair-and-the-en iron1ent T.ccessed 7 #arch (+1(U. Ryanair" KP.. =trategy. T!nlineU . aila,le atM httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PdocPin estorP7trategy.pdf T.ccessed (+ #arch (+1(U. Ryanair6s 8ichael ;67eary on Trade Union Recognition, 8arch &!!). (+1+. T5il1U 4irected ,y swgarrett1)8+. IrelandM Jou2u,e. Ryanair. =(+11" #ay (&>. R%5>54R $U77 %E5R 0R;$4T=. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+11" fro1 httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PdocPin estorP(+11P3-R(+11Rdoc.pdf Ryanair. =(+1(" #arch (+>. Ryanair about us. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 httpMPPwww.ryanair.co1PenPa,out Revenue. =n.d.>. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 enue.iePenPtaxPexcisePleafletsPair-tra el-tax.ht1lVsection(I R2E. =(+1(" Ganuary 17>. RTE. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 (+1( growth to lead to 1"+++ Co,s - RyanairM httpMPPwww.rte.iePnewsP(+1(P+117Pryanair-,usiness.ht1l =tanford. =n.d.>. Retrie ed #arch (+" (+1(" fro1 httpMPPadg.stanford.eduPaa(-1PintroPairlineindustry.ht1l 7weeney" #. =(+1(>. 5=5 bans se,ist Ryanair ad. . aila,leM,P1IPasa-,ans-sexist-ryanair-adV. $ast accessed 1)th #ar (+1(. 7weeney" #. =(+1(>. 5=5 bans se,ist Ryanair ad. . aila,leM,P1IPasa-,ans-sexist-ryanair-adV. $ast accessed 1)th #ar (+1(.


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