Scenario #1: Be A Supermodel: Questions

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Scenario #1: Be a Supermodel It is important for online teachers to be very familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

in place in the school or district and to be able to guide students to understand and adhere to the policy. Questions: 1. Is the individual using technology inappropriately? 2. What actions make the scenario appropriate or inappropriate? 3. What could or should the individual have done differently? Instructions: Create a new posting titled "Legal and Ethical Issues Scenario # 1_YourLastName" to respond to one (your choice) of the Technology Use Scenarios on pp. 9294 of the Digital Citizenship in Schools textbook (2nd ed.). In your response you should answer the three questions listed above, using, if appropriate, reference to your own AUP. You should also attach a copy of your AUP or provide a link to the document. If you do not have an AUP in your work situation, you can use the sample one provided below. Scenario 1: Sean and the school website parody 1. The individual was using technology in an inappropriate manner. 2. Seans use of a parody school website was misleading about the actual beliefs and morals of the school and also said hurtful comments and misleading statements about students and personnel. In the Coffee County acceptable use policy it is unacceptable to post misleading information or to harm others using defamation of character. A parent complained that Sean had posted lies about her daughter on the sight which could ruin her reputation and he also posted lies about the school which could cause damage, especially since it was mentioned that drinking occurs with the school involved which is a major crime. 3. The individual should have never created a parody website, but if he felt a need to do so he needs to make sure that the parodies do not cause harm to anyone or anything. It is also against the rule for him to hack into the online school website without permission, so he never should have put anything that was unapproved by the school on their website in the first place. Resource: Coffee County AUP

Scenario #2: Keep your Cool It is important for online teachers to communicate clearly with students, peers and parents. Instructions: Create a new posting titled "Legal and Ethical Issues Scenario # 2_YourLastName" to write an email to the individual in the Scenario you chose in Legal Issues and Ethics Scenario # 1 Be a Supermodel. In the email, address the situation in a tactful, accurate, and helpful manner, and help the individual understand what the proper course of action would be in the situation described. I will answer the "email" as if I were the individual, and may agree or disagree with your advice. Reply to my simulated response; again, with tact and respect. To: From: Subject: School Website Parody Sean, It has come to my attention on February 9, 2014 that you have set up a school parody website and have redirected community members to your site instead of the actual school website. I have also been informed that parents are very upset by the misleading content you have posted about not only the school but certain students as well that may be harmful to their reputation. The Coffee County acceptable use policy states that it is unacceptable for, uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property, including defamation (harming another's reputation by lies); using anothers password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into believing that someone other than yourself is communicating or otherwise using his/her access to the network or the Internet; upload a worm, virus, Trojan horse, time bomb or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participating in hacking activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems. You have violated several of these standards including defamation, and participating in hacking activities. Because your actions have mentioned underage drinking activities associated with the school we have brought in the Coffee County Police department to investigate any laws that may have been broken so that they can be handled appropriately. As for school punishment, because others were harmed by your activities you will serve five days outof-school suspension (OSS) followed by five days of in-school suspension (ISS). You will also no longer be allowed to school computers on campus or participate in working with the school website activities on or off of Coffee School premises. You and your parents will need to report to Coffee High School by 8:00 am on February 10th to meet with the Coffee County Police department and sign referral paperwork stating that you are aware of your punishment that the school system has issued. If you or your parents have any questions or concerns at that time you may comment then.

Thank You, Miss Harrison

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