How To Edit A Linux Live CD ISO in 30 Easy Steps

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Command Line Militia: How to edit a Linux Live CD ISO in 30 easy steps
Command Line Militia: How to edit a Linux Live CD ISO in 30 easy steps
by voncrud - 2005-05-04 19:58:17

So you have a Linux Live CD, but it doesnt have that particular program you need to have and you must edit the CD. Just to make it interesting, we are going to do it all by command line, including burning the ISO to cdrom:

EXTRACT CD: 1) Boot up a Linux Box (I used WhiteBox Enterprise with 2.4.21-27 kern) 2) Insert CD into CDROM 3) mkdir /cdiso 4) cp -av /mnt/cdrom/* /cdiso EXTRACT and EDIT INITRD.IMG (The Linux Filesystem) 5) mkdir /cdinitimg 6) find the initrd.gz or initrd.img in /cdiso 7) gunzip -c /cdiso/isolinux/initrd.img > /cdinitimg/initrd.img - believe it or not the image is compressed 8) cd /cdinitimg 9) mdkir point 10) mount initrd.img point -o loop 11) mkdir /cdimgextract 12) cp -av /cdinitimg/point/* /cdimgextract 13) umount /cdinitimg/point 14) rm -rf /cdinitimg 15) make any changes you need to the initrd.img in /cdimgextract REMAKE MODIFIED INITRD.IMG 16) mkdir /cdinitrd 17) dd if=/dev/zero of=initrd.img bs=1k count=60960 18) mke2fs -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v initrd.img 19) mount initrd.img cdinitrd -t ext2 -o loop 20) cp -av /cdimgextract/* /cdinitrd 21) umount /cdinitrd 22) gzip --best initrd.img 23) cp initrd.img /cdiso/isolinux/ 24) rm -rf /cdinitrd 25) rm -rf /cdimgextract REMAKE MODIFIED ISO 26) cd /cdiso 27) use this shell script: -note: you may have to edit it a little to fit your ISO. #!/bin/bash # make the new iso and put in root. mkisofs -o /new.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \ -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \ -boot-info-table -J -R -V disks . # 28) now you have a new ISO named new.iso in your / directory BURN THE NEW ISO IMAGE 29) eject the old cd, and pop in a blank - make sure you have cdrecord 30) cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 /new.iso NOTE: For the record, I had to edit a G4U CD to add dolly client (a peer to peer client for clustering) for a project here at work.

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28-02-2014 14:36

Command Line Militia: How to edit a Linux Live CD IS...

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