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1 Consider the essential prerequisites for understanding and applying the New Testament. 1.2 Embrace the appropriate attitudes for understanding and applying the New Testament. 2.1 Read through the entire boo in a modern English translation or listen to the entire document on tape and record some of your initial obser!ations. 2.2 "upplement your obser!ations by reading discussions of basic matter of introduction #e.g.$ authorship$ date and place of writing$ recipients$ occasion$ purpose$ special emphases$ structure%. &.1 'dentify the literary type and read a brief discussion on interpreting that ind of literature. &.2 'dentify the limits of the unit of te(t you are studying. &.& )iscern the unit*s role within the larger conte(t. +.1 Establish the te(t of the passage. +.2 ,arse the ey words and ma e a pro!isional translation of the passage. -.1 .naly/e the synta( of the passage. -.2 0a e a grammatical diagram of the passage. 1.1 0a e a semantic diagram of the passage. 1.2 2oo for repeated words$ transition de!ices$ and parallelism. 1.& Construct a pro!isional outline of the passage. 3.1 )o further reading about how to do word studies properly. 3.2 'dentify and "tudy the words in your passage that need special attention. 3.& 'n!estigate the historical4cultural bac ground of concepts that call for further study. 5.1 2oo at the relationship between your passage and parallels in other parts of the New Testament. 5.2 2oo at the relationship between your passage and quotes$ allusions$ and !erbal parallels in the 6ld Testament. 5.& 2oo at the relationship between your passage and the broader arena of Christian theology. 7.1 Consult the leading commentaries on your passage. 7.2 Consult special studies on your passage. 18.1 ,roduce a finished translation of your passage. 18.2 9rite an e(tended paraphrase of your passage. 11.1 "ummari/e the original situation or problem. 11.2 2ist the general principles communicated by the passage #:boiling down the truth;%.

<eorge <uthrie and =. "cott )u!all. >iblical <ree E(egesis? . <raded .pproach to 2earning 'ntermediate and .d!anced <ree . #<rand Rapids$ 0'? @onder!an$ 1775%$ 18&ff.

11.& 6bser!e how the principles in the te(t address the original situation. 11.+ 'dentify a parallel situation in a modern conte(t that contains all the ey elements identified in "tep 11.&. 11.- 'dentify the !arious areas of life to which the passage might apply #:slicing up life;%. 11.1 0a e specific application to the target audience #:primary life applications;%. 12.1 Retrie!e your pro!isional outline and re!ise it based on what you disco!ered in "teps 34 11. 12.2 Craft your outline to a form suitable for communication. 12.& ,repare your own heart to preach or teach the biblical message.

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