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iTrex Sdn. Bhd.

e-Financial Solutions Professional

eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System
The e-Solution To Achieve Corporate Financial Goal
eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System
Today’s  corporate  treasurer  is  concerned  with  far  more  than
traditional cash management.  A key component of the growth
of an organization, treasuries must constantly search for tighter
controls, efficiency enhancements and improved reporting. 
Corporate  Treasury  Management  –  including  liquidity,  market
and  credit  risk  –  is  an  ongoing  challenge  in  every  treasury PLACE PHOTO HERE,
operations.  Specific challenges include the following:  OTHERWISE DELETE BOX

• Timely management reporting 
• Data transparency 
• Tracking detailed information on assets, liabilities 
and cash flow 
• Achieving consolidated risk view across 
• Developing a single, consolidated view of financial 
data e.g. by regions, divisions, projects 
• Integration with external transaction processing 
Let eyeTreasurz do the works
• Locating the necessary information to create 
accurate forecasts  Are  you  spending  too  much  time
• Allocating time and resources strictly to calculating  collating  financial  data  especially
financial costs  cash  flow  information  manually
  from  different  sources?    Do  away
Our flagship product, eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System with  non‐productive  time  and
provides  solutions  to  help  the  corporate  treasurer  to  meet human errors from re‐keying data. 
these challenges by delivering enabling technology to help drive  
integration,  automation,  visibility  and  collaboration  while  also Using  eyeTreasurz  corporate
offering  modeling  and  analysis  tools  to  help  manage  debt, treasury  management  system,  you
protect investments and drive growth.  can  easily  collate  and  compile  the
  information  automatically  without
eyeTreasurz  offers  treasury,  risk  and  cash  management
the need to re‐key it. 
solutions for corporations and public sector.  Our solutions are
designed  to  help  empower  treasurers,  allowing  them  to  gain
visibility  to  daily  cash  positions,  reduce  manual  processing, Increase the efficiency and accuracy
decrease  operating  costs,  and  drive  improved  management  of of your financial data and cash flow
liquidity and risk.   forecast  processes.  eyeTreasurz
  allow  you  to  focus  on  interpreting
eyeTreasurz  delivers  front‐,  middle‐  and  back‐office  treasury and analyzing what the information
systems offering comprehensive cash management, forecasting, means for your business. 
and the ability to integrate cash exposures into a common view.  
Further,  using  eyeTreasurz  for  automation  and  reporting,
companies  can  improve  management  of  financial  risk,  debt,
liquidity, interest rate and FX movements.  
iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-x)
e-Financial Solutions Professional
eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System
Nowadays, many corporate treasurers found that maintaining multiple finance environments with differing
policies and systems across many operating units has become inefficient, costly and generally unwieldy.
This not only hinders the ability of finance and treasury departments to deliver timely and accurate
financial information, but also prevents them from adding real strategic value.

Thus, eyeTreasurz offers a full suite of Treasury solutions, delivering comprehensive reporting, analysis,
modeling and transaction processing. It can reduce time to produce management and financial reports;
greater transparency and quality of information; and faster close processes.

Do you have the right 
software for better 
treasury & cash flow 

Are you hindered by 
Are senior 
the complexity of 
disparate systems, a 
demanding access to 
proliferation of 
more reliable 
spreadsheets, and 
information within 
varied management 
shorter periods of 
processes and 


Do you understand 
Are you assisting the 
how cash flow risk 
business by providing 
inpacting your 
forward looking 

Are you being 
pressured to do more 
with the same or less 

iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-x)
e-Financial Solutions Professional
eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System
eyeTreasurz Highlights 
• Improved data management on entry and aggregated levels (e.g. by regions, divisions, projects) 
• Streamlined data collection workflows with detailed user profiles and authorization 
• User‐friendly  and  easy  data  input  for  front‐end  activities  e.g.  collections,  payments,  receivables  and
• Built‐in models to automatically generate accurate forecasts on assets, liabilities and cash flows 
• More insight on cash flow monitoring and forecasting by project, company and division 
• Real‐time cash management by project, company and division 
• Central repository for all project cash flow data 
• Consolidation of financial data by regions, projects or other aggregated levels 
• Efficient multi‐currency management including multiple exchange rate calculations 
• Automatic calculations of financial data e.g. scheduled loan installments, accrual interest, unrealized and 
realized FX profit/loss, amortization, etc. to support daily accounting entries 
• Flexible and user‐friendly GL setup and integration 
• Reporting on detailed and aggregated levels 
• Built‐in  program  to  auto‐generate  official  documents  e.g.  instruction/correspondence  letter  to 
counterparty, payment/cash vouchers, etc. that can suit all template designs 
• Clear management of budget, actual and forecast scenarios 

eyeTreasurz Key Benefits 
• Improved visibility and transparency
• View detailed data for 100% traceability, reliability and consistency
• Generate operational and strategic reports to raise awareness of the cash situation
• More process efficiency
• Distribute key information quickly and efficiently
• Reduce duplication of works and increase productivity
• Increase visibility and control over projects and understand how they cause fluctuations in cash
• Deploy the solution worldwide using web-based technologies
• Unified infrastructure from the holding company to the individual business units
• Unify the processes of strategic planning and control
• Maintain a seamless integration with underlying transactional systems

iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-x)
e-Financial Solutions Professional
eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System
Core Features: 
¾ Investment Management  ¾ Transaction Processing 
¾ Debt Management  ¾ Transaction Lifecycle Management 
¾ Credit Reporting and Analysis  ¾ Settlement 
¾ Cash Forecasting  ¾ Bank Account Managements 
¾ Global Visibility of Cash Movements  ¾ Cheque Management 
¾ Cash  Flow  by  Project  for  Construction  and ¾ Bank Reconciliation 
Engineering Industry  ¾ Front‐  and  Back‐end  Financial  Data 
¾ Real‐time Liquidity Management  Capture 
¾ Real‐time Cash Flow Reporting  ¾ A/P and A/R Interfaces / Management 
¾ Accounting  ¾ Detailed  Financial  and  Management 

Tracking credit facility limit on real-

time basis.

Tracking bank account movement

on real-time basis.

iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-x)
e-Financial Solutions Professional
eyeTreasurz – Corporate Treasury System


iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-X)

e-Financial Solutions Professional

iTrex Sdn. Bhd.

No. 10-2 Jalan Puteri 5/2
Bandar Puteri
47100 Puchong
Selangor. Malaysia

Fax: (60) 03-8075 9674


iTrex Sdn. Bhd. (847797-x)
e-Financial Solutions Professional

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