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PMS Local operation General There are two different levels of DG operation: Locally at engine panel and switchboard

d Remote/Auto from the PMS This philosophy for the LOCAL/REMOTE definition is important for the functions described. When the system is set to local, the PMS functions are disabled, and the operator must manually perform all functions required for use of the DG. Any of the two LOCAL switches in ER or MSB will cause the generator to be set to LOCAL in the PMS. The actual switch is also indicated at the VDU. Local Engine Control The engine can be started and stopped locally from the engine control panel, located by the engine. The Shut Down function is independent of the LOCAL/REMOTE switch. Local Switchboard Control A. General When the LOCAL/REMOTE switch in the MSB is set to LOCAL, the local operation of the DG from switches in the MSB is enabled if fitted. Engine must then be in remote. B. Start/Stop From the start/stop switches at the MSB, the operator can start and stop the engine when running in LOCAL. C. Synchronize In Local Manuel mode, the increase/decrease switches will control the speed setting of the engine, and manual synchronization will be possible. The synchronizer in the switchboard will connect the breaker at the correct angle, when a local connect order is given from the operator. In Local Auto mode, the MSB will automatic synchronize from Woodward synchronizer. D. Unload/Disconnect The disconnection of a LOCAL generator is done in a traditional way, by decreasing the load, and disconnecting the breaker when the load is reduced. The operator should carefully observe the load situation at the parallel generators, when unloading, in order to prevent an overload situation. PMS Operation A. System Functions The PMS will handle all necessary functions for controlling the diesel generators, synchronizer, governors and MSB breakers. By a number of VDU pictures, the operator will get the status information, and be able to control parameters and functions in order to provide the necessary number of generators connected to the MSB. The main parameters in the system are, the actual number of generators to be kept connected by the system, and the desired start order sequence the engines should be started in. The actual number is determined by the mode selected, and normally the mode defines a minimum numbers of generators to be connected regardless of the consumed power. When

these parameters are altered, the system will automatically arrange the generators, breakers and other components in order to do the desired configuration. B. The major PMS functions are: Load dependent start/stop Standby start, Pre warning Standby start, Shutdown Alarm handling/status indication Mode handling (keeps a mode-defined number of DGs connected) Partial/total Blackout handling Volt/frequency alarm handling Reconnection of breakers after blackout Load control of propulsion drives (if fitted with adjustable RPM drives) C. MODE SELECTION Three Different PMS modes are defined in the system DP Mode Manouvre Mode Transit Mode By selection of this modes, it will be possible to enter different values for the involved components, which automatically will be activated when the mode is changed. The levels may be set by the operator. D. Fork breakers If the generator is able to connect to two different switchboards through 2 generator breakers, additional functionality is added to control the two breakers. If the fork is set in manual mode, the operator selects which switchboard to have control of the generator. If the fork is set in automatic mode, the generator can act as stand-by for both switchboards. E. Tie Breaker control 1. General The tiebreaker control can be performed manually from the VDU, or locally from the MSB. When tiebreaker is open, the system will go into SPLIT-mode. The difference in operation from the operators point of view will be different start order selectors for bus closed and for bus open. When the bus opens, the PMS actually will handle the two buses as two individual systems, and the operator will also operate the systems individually from two different start order selectors, as well as two different MINIMUM NUMBER selectors. Each of those operator changeable digits will change color when the tiebreaker changes status, in order to indicate for the operation, which one is valid for the actual mode. 2. Closed transfer breaker When the tiebreaker is closed, the AUTO operation from the PMS is based on the start order selection, set by the operator. The start order defines the order the PMS will connect generators to the MSB based on the actual power requirement, or the minimum number set at the VDU by the operator.

In such mode it is recommends always to have at least two DGs connected, and one at each side of the transfer breaker. However, such control is subject to the Operators decision, the PMS is not making this restriction to the system. 3. Start order selector Each DG is located in a priority array, in order to control the start order of the engines. The DG with the highest priority will usually be running, and the next one to start is the one with a higher sequence number. Only the ones in AUTO and AVAILABLE, will be active members in the array. Unavailable generators will not be considered in the array. 4. Start order and Min/Max No selection This figure shows the start order selection method for the PMS. When the transfer breaker is closed, the operator will control the start order and Min/Max No from a central menu, and when the transfer breaker is open, the operator will use the side tables which appear. Only the start order array in use, will be displayed in the VDU, the other arrays will be hidden. The sequence is changed by right clicking the position in the array witch the operator wants to change and the Gen no is selected from the roll down menu. The entered Gen no. will now be set in this position of the start sequence and the generator previous in this position will swap to the location where the entered generator was located. When a generator is selected as the last one in seq. it will unload, disconnect and stop after the predefined cool-down time if it is not required by the actual power consumption. F. Number of generators connected The actual number of generators to be connected is controlled from the following two criteria: Total power consumption. Minimum number set by the operator or the mode selection The power consumption will calculate a minimum number of generators required in order to keep the load at each DG within the limits set in the system. These two limits are POWER_START_LIM, and POWER_STOP_LIM. The actual number of generators connected to the MSB by the PMS will be the highest value of the two above mentioned criteria. G. Maximum Number To improve the fuel economy, it is possible to limit the numbers of generators connected in order to prevent a load dependent start of the next generator. This makes it possible to run the connected generators with a high and fuel-efficient load. The maximum number is entered on the VDU.

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