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- DAM , DISTRICT TRENGGALEK , EAST JAVA by : Hisham Mohammad Adnan H1F009053 SARI The research area includes several villages whose location is the border area between the District and the District Dam Monument , District of Psychology , East Java . Regional geological studies have spacious 16 km2 . Location specific studies conducted geochemical soil samples in the area Suren Lor and Karangtengah taken by the method of 100x100 meter grid with intervals . Geomorphological units of the study area consists of Hills Volcanics Unit and Unit Terdenudasi Terdenudasi karst hills . Phase geomorphic study area is toward young adults . River flow pattern is dominated by a rectangular pattern and subdendritik , patterned dendritic fraction . Stratigraphic study area can be divided into six lithologies that I Volcanics Breccia Unit , Andesite Lava Unit I, Unit II Volcanic Breccia , Andesite Lava Unit II , Unit andesite intrusion , and Reef Limestone Unit . Rock units in the study area was the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene . The relationship between these lithologies are aligned , but the relationship between the Unit Limestone reefs with other units are not aligned . Geological structures that develop in the area of mapping is the dominant shear fault motion . Suren Fault and Fault Karangtengah have the right sliding motion , while the fault that formed later had left the sliding movement is Fault Corner , Masaran Fault and Fault Prambon . Based on the analysis of the pilot soil geochemical (soil sampling ) threshold price obtained 0.021 ppm Au , Cu 69.74 ppm , 36.66 ppm Pb , Zn 104.75 ppm , 2340.15 ppm Mn , Hg 0.076 , 0.228 ppm As , and 2.87 ppm sb . Based on the distribution of geochemical anomalies obtained four Au prospect area , there is an anomalous area of up to 10 ppm . element associations in the study area showed a good relationship between the elements of the base metals Cu , Pb , Zn , and Mn . While Au showed a correlation with Ag , As, and Sb . Anomalous distribution pattern obtained three quartz vein zones that correspond to the distribution of anomalies that vein zone in the north, west , and east of the site survey is relatively north-south trending and northwest- southeast . Keywords : Psychology , geochemistry anomaly , Au , Suren Lor , soil sampling , threshold price .

Undergraduate Theses from JBPTITBPP / 2012-11-14 14:17:53 Oleh : WAHYU NOVIAN SAPUTRA (NIM 12006054), S1 - Department of Geology Dibuat : 2011, dengan 7 file Keyword : Karang Dalam, geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi, sejarah geologi, geokimia Lokasi penelitian terletak di daerah Karang Dalam dan sekitarnya, Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatera Selatan. Secara geografis daerah penelitian terletak pada koordinat UTM zona 48 S 334000 mE 337500 mE dan 9572000 mN 9568500 mN, dengan luas daerah penelitian kurang lebih 12,25 km2 (3,5 km x 3,5 km). Geomorfologi daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi tiga satuan geomorfologi, yaitu Satuan Perbukitan Kompleks, Satuan Perbukitan Volkanik, Satuan Dataran Banjir dan Teras. Stratigrafi daerah penelitian terdiri atas empat

satuan batuan tidak resmi, berturut-turut dari tua ke muda adalah Satuan Batupasir, Satuan Batulempung, Satuan Breksi Volkanik dan Satuan Aluvium. Struktur geologi yang terjadi pada daerah penelitian adalah kemiringan lapisan berarah timurlaut baratdaya dan tiga sesar mendatar yang berarah baratlaut tenggara. Pada Tengah Miosen Awal (N7) diendapkan satuan batupasir Formasi Gumai pada lingkungan neritik tengah - luar, yang diikuti dengan pengendapan secara selaras oleh satuan batulempung pada periode akhir Miosen Awal dengan lingkungan pengendapan neritik tengah. Setelah itu, terjadi tektonik kompresi pada Pliosen berarah utara - selatan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya sesar mendatar di daerah penelitian berupa Sesar Puntang, Sesar Kuba dan Sesar Asam. Setelah itu diendapkan satuan Breksi Volkanik pada Kuarter. Pada masa sekarang terdapat satuan aluvial yang diendapakan secara tidak selaras diatas satuan batupasir dan batulempung. Pada daerah penelitian terdapat analisis geokimia satuan batulempung Formasi Gumai. Analisis geokimia dilakukan pada sampel KDL-09 dan LMT-11. Interpretasi geokimia berupa plot antara HI dengan Tmax menunjukkan bahwa sampel LMT-11 telah mencapai kematangan termal dan telah berada pada oil zone. Hal ini menunjukkan potensi Formasi Gumai sebagai batuan induk pada sistem petroleum Cekungan Sumatera Selatan. Deskripsi Alternatif : The research area is located administratively at Karang Dalam village, Lahat Regency, South Sumatera Province and geographically at UTM zone -48 334000 mE 337500 mE and 9572000 mN 9568500 mN, which covers area around 12,25 km2 (3,5km x 3,5 km). Geomorphological units in the research area are divided into three units, that are Complex Ridge, Terrace and Flood Plain, Volcanic Ridge Units. The research area is divided into four stratigraphy units from the oldest to the youngest in age, which are Sandstone unit, Claystone unit, Volcanic Breccias Unit, and Alluvium Unit. Geological structures which can be identified are northwest-southeast dipped beds, three strike slip faults with northeastsouthwest orientation. Geological history of the research area was started in Early Miocene with the development of South Sumatera Basin, which was indicated by deposition of Sandstone Unit Gumai Formation in Midlle Early Miocene (N7) that bed was deposited in middle - outer neritic, subsequently Claystone Unit of Gumai Formation was deposited during Late Early Miocene(N8). Then a tectonic compression happened during Pliocene with trend north - south which caused the development of strike slip fault in the surrounding areas such as Puntang Fault, Kuba Fault, Asam Fault. Then during quarter there is a deposition of volcanic breccias. Present days alluvium unit deposited on the Sandstone Unit and Claystone Unit, along Lematang River. There are geochemistry data gathered in the research area, in claystone unit Gumai Formation. Geochemistry analysis data taken from sample code KDL09 and LMT-11. Geochemistry interpretation from HI vs Tmax graphic show that LMT-11 has been mature in the oil zone. This data show that Gumai Formation role as a source rock in the South Sumatera Basins petroleum system.

Undergraduate Theses from JBPTITBPP / 2012-11-13 14:19:45 Oleh : KEVIN CHANNEL (NIM 12005032), S1 - Department of Geology Dibuat : 2011, dengan 8 file Keyword : geotermal, Batur, geokimia, tanah, boron.

Geomorfologi Kubah Lava, Satuan Geomorfologi Dataran Volkanik, dan Satuan Geomorfologi Perbukitan Volkanik. Stratigrafi daerah penelitian terbagi ke dalam lima satuan batuan, yaitu dimulai dari yang tertua hingga ke termuda yaitu Satuan Lava Andesit Pangamunamun, Satuan Lava Andesit Jimat, Satuan Lava Andesit Nagasari, Satuan Lava Andesit Pekandangan, dan Satuan Jatuhan Piroklastika Batur. Pada daerah penelitian terdapat lima kawah dimana empat diantaranya menunjukkan arah kelurusan ke utara dan sebuah Sesar Turun Sumberejo berarah N 14o E. Studi geokimia tanah dilakukan di sekitar Kawah Timbang, Dataran Tinggi Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. Dari 128 sampel tanah yang diambil, 22 sampel tanah horison A dan 12 sampel tanah horison B dianalisis. Dari 22 sampel tanah dari horison A yang telah dianalisis, nilai boron daerah penelitian berkisar antara 106,80 hingga 557,37 ppm, merkuri antara < 4,0x10-4 hingga 1,6x10-3 ppm, pH tanah antara 4,98 hingga 6,72, dan temperatur tanah antara 12,4 hingga 16,5 C. Berdasarkan pada hasil analisis geokimia tanah, berikutnya dibuat peta penyebaran unsur boron, temperatur tanah, dan pH di sekitar Kawah Timbang. Berdasarkan pada peta-peta tersebut, didapat kemungkinan kehadiran dua rekahan yang dengan rekahan pengontrol kawah-kawah yang disebutkan sebelumnya. Deskripsi Alternatif : Geomorphologically, the study area consists of three geomorphology units, namely: Lava Dome Unit, Volcanic Plain Unit, and Volcanic Hills Unit. Stratigraphy of the study area is divided into five units (from the oldest to the youngest): Pangamunamun Andesite Lava Unit, Jimat Andesite Lava Unit, Nagasari Andesite Lava Unit, Pekandangan Andesite Lava Unit, and Batur Pyroclastic Fall Unit. In the study area, five craters are found and four of them shows a lineament to the north and a strike with a trend of N 14o E. The soil geochemistry study was held around Timbang Crater, Batur Plateau, Banjarnegara District, Central Java. From 128 soil samples, 22 soil samples from A horizon and 12 soil samples from B horizon were analyzed. From 22 samples taken from horizon A which had been analyzed, boron ranges from 106.80 to 577.37 ppm, mercury ranges from < 4.0x10-4 to 1.6x10-3 ppm, pH of soil ranges from 4.98 to 6.72, and the soil temperature ranges from 12.4 to 16.5 C. Based on the soil geochemistry analysis, boron, soil temperature, and pH distribution map were made. As a result, there are indications of two fractures which are different with the fracture that controled the other craters mentioned before.

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