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How to add a new or custom spell

Firstly save the SpellForge file under a new name. (Make regular saves during your additions). You also cant import characters created with a version SpellForge that doesnt include your added spells. In this example we will add a new Wizard/Sorcerer spell:
Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: 1 min./level (D) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes instant growth of a creature, doubling its size and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creatures size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a 2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a 1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.

Enlarge Creature

Unhide the SpellList sheet by using the method below or clicking on the Hide/Unhide Sheets button on the Options sheet.

Scroll to the bottom of the SpellList sheet; row 2560 is the first blank entry (currently you can add 10 custom spells, if you have more than 10 spells to add new rows must be inserted both on this sheet and the Export sheet) We will work our way across the sheet now: Enter the level of the spell in the appropriate cell (Sorcerer 3 and Wizard 3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the School column we enter 8 for Transmutation (see table below) leave blank if it none.

Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy Transmutation Universal

In the Living Greyhawk column enter U (see table below) A Always (used for PHB spells only) C Closed L Limited O Open U Unused Next the Availability columns Click and hold the left mouse button on the first Availability column and move the mouse across so that all the Availability cells in the row are selected the release the mouse button.

At the bottom right of the selected cells you will see a small square dot. Move your mouse pointer over this; when the pointer changes shape click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse down, when the next rows of cells are also highlighted release the mouse button (this has copied the data from the cells above into the row we want to work on whilst maintaining any relative cell references.

The Availability by School doesnt need to be edited. Now we may need to edit the Availability by Source If the spell is always available then TRUE is the cell value. If the spell is tied to a specific Book and Campaign we need to reference it to that (see table below). In our example we will tie it to the Heroes of Battle book so we enter =HRHB into the Availability by Source cell.
Book / Setting Title Book of Exalted Deeds Book of Vile Darkness Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Divine Complete Mage Complete Warrior Draconomicon Eberron Campaign Setting (book) Eberron Campaign Setting (campaign) Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Frostburn Heroes of Battle Heroes of Horror Libris Mortis Lords of Madness Magic of Faerun Miniatures Handbook Monster Manual Planar Handbook Players Guide to Faerun Source Formula =HRED =HRVD =HRCV =HRCA =HRCD =HRCM =HRCW =HRDR =HRES =HREBCS =HRFRCS =HRFB =HRHB =HRHH =HRLI =HRLM =HRMF =HRMH =HRMM =HRPL =HRPF

Player's Handbook Companion Player's Handbook II Races of Destiny Races of Faerun Races of Stone Races of the Dragon Races of the Wild Sandstorm Spell Compendium Stormwrack


The Availability by Campaign column is used for Living Greyhawk so we dont need to change anything. The next Availability columns deal with Good/Evil/Chaos/Law and are only changed if the spell requires or denies these specific traits (search through other spell entries if you need this). The final Available column shows us if the spell is in fact available. Now add the spell name: Enlarge Creature The Spell Flag is used for Living Greyhawk, highlight the cell above the row we are working on and then copy the contents as we did for the Availability cells (see above). Enter the School abbreviation: tra for Transmutation Enter the Components: vsm Enter the Casting Time: 1r Enter the Range: Close

Enter the Duration: =CasterLvl&" min(D)" This spells duration is 1 minute per caster level. CasterLvl is a cell referenced that holds this value. Look at other spells for other variations. Enter the Save: Fort neg Enter the Spell Resistance: Yes Enter the Description: This spell causes instant growth of a creature, doubling its size and multiplying its weight by 8 as per the spell Enlarge Person. Now the Book and Page Reference can be added. We could refer to the Enlarge Person spell in the PHB (Book ph) (Page 226) or you custom spell book (Book csb) (Page 1) The Full Refer entry is what is displayed when you click on a spell name on a class spell selection sheet.

Thats all we need to do to this sheet. Now we have to add the spell to the Sorcerer and Wizard selection sheets. The method for adding the spell to the selection sheets is the same. Unhide the Sorcerer Spells sheet. Now we need to unhide some hidden columns. First we need to be able to see the rows and column headers (see pictures below).

The spell we are adding is a 3rd level spell so we need to unhide the columns between V and Z. With the mouse pointer on the V column when the pointer changes Left click and hold the button down then move the mouse to include column Z and then release the mouse button. Then right click on the selection and select Unhide.

Scroll down to the last entry in the 3rd Level Spells and select the cells of the last entry columns U-Y and then copy this entry down into the next row as we did earlier on the SpellList sheet.

Enter the name of the spell: Enlarge Creature The spells now have to be sorted this is done by selecting a spell casting class and selecting that class on the Spell Sheet (This may be automated in the next release). Now we can check that we can select the spell. Ensure that the appropriate option(s) are selected in this example Heroes of Battle. Scroll back up and click on the Sort spell button, when the sort has finished click on the Sort button a second time (this ensures that the spells are referencing the correct information). Select the new spell Enlarge Creature. Go to the Spell Sheet and click on the Re-Run button (ensure that you have enough class levels and ability scores high enough) and the spell should now be displayed. Now hide columns W-Y by selecting the columns and then right clicking and the selection and selecting Hide. Hide the Row and Column headers (see above for method). Carry out the above for any other classes that have selection sheets. Go to the Options sheet and click the Clear all Selections button (this resets all our selections). Now to ensure that the spells on every spell selection sheet references the correct spell data. Unhide all the sheets by the click on the Hide/Unhide button on the Options sheet. On the Notes sheet click on the Sort Spells Post New Additions button. Finally on the Options sheet click on the Hide/Unhide button to hide all the sheets and save the file.

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