2014 Resume Coder

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601 E. 4th Street Kimball, NE 6914 !9"0# $4%404& He'(ri)*+.a''ette,-ah...).m


Bachelor of Science degree in Health Administration Working toward a Masters degree in Adult Education with a healthcare influence Registered Medical Assistant 10+ ears in managing of medical!surgical offices" #ut$atient!%n$atient medical coding with an em$hasis in surgical coding" &'+ ears of medical office e($erience) from front desk to *ack office) to managing" Skilled at learning new conce$ts +uickl ) working well under $ressure) and communicating ideas clearl and effecti,el " E(tensi,e com$uter training) including knowledge of multi$le medical software $ackages"


Masters in Adult Education /'i2er+it- .3 4h.e'i5 BS in Health Administration /'i2er+it- .3 4h.e'i5 Associates in Allied Health -egree in Medical Assisting I'+tit6te .3 B6+i'e++ a'( Me(i)al Career+

Expected Graduation 2015 Graduated with honors May 4, 2013 Graduated with honors July 2010

.hemistr & ears C.l.ra(. State /'i2er+it1/02



Kimball Health H.+8ital, Kimball, NE Clinic Manager Managing a critical access) rural health clinic Managed 3 $ro,iders) including medical doctors) $h sician assistants and nurse $ractitioners" Also managed all the nursing and clerical administrators" 4ill in as a Medical Assistant when needed 5a roll) scheduling) coding) working with ,endors" 5re$ared and taught %.-110.M regarding new and u$coming changes"

July 2013-Present

o!e"#er 200$-July 2013

Ba''er Health, 9reele-, C.l.ra(. HIMS CODER SENIOR Re,iewing and coding in$atient and out$atient charts for reim*ursement) concentration on out$atient!in$atient surger Worked with Med Series com$uter software and 6M integrating software" Also worked with .erner) .lin7rac and ,arious other medical s stems" 5re$ared and taught Edu.ode regarding new and changes to %.-1/ and .57 8uidelines" Res$onsi*le for coding surger ) la*orator ) 91Ra s) Endosco$ies and ,arious other hos$ital charges" June 2003- o!e"#er 200$

S6r:i)al A++.)iate+ .3 9reele- Manager/Coder Managed three $h sicians" Accounts $a a*le and recei,a*le" 5a roll" All surgical coding and *illing" :se of %.-1/ and .57 resources" 7a( $re$aration for the $ractice and filing of ta(es +uarterl " Managing of nursing and front staff" :se of Medisoft and ;e(t8en software" .redentialing and all other $h sician related management"



AH%MA ..A certification in &00& RMA certification with a score of /&< August &010 Al$ha Beta =a$$a ;ational Honor Societ .urrentl enrolled in a ..S class) e($ected to take the e(am 4e*ruar &012

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