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through Bertha Dudde 7040

Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likel to !e !elie"ed ....

#ou $ill onl !e a!le to $ork $ithin a small circle at first% for the $orld is still far stronger than ou and $ill &ush ou aside if ou $ant to come to the forefront. 'he $ill to li"e is too strong% to li"e the life $hich $ill not last fore"er and $hich onl consists of $orldl (o s. )nd $here"er this $ill &redominates ou cannot &re"ail% e"en if ou &ossess the &urest truth. *o+one $ants to get used to the idea that the earth is facing its end% that such &o$erful u&hea"al $ill take &lace on it $hich $ill also destro all life on Earth .... )nd therefore the $ill !e more rece&ti"e to messages &romising a continuation of Earth% and this e,&lains $h messages $hich com&letel contradict M Word con"e ed to ou from a!o"e are !eing !elie"ed% !ecause &eo&le look for and find ho&e and the assurance in these messages that their life $ill not suddenl come to an end .... 'he $ill al$a s more $illingl allo$ themsel"es to !e im&ressed ! those messages than ! the admonitions and $arnings you &roclaim to them. 'his is $h the !ringers of those messages $ill meet $ith far more a&&ro"al and ou $ill not !e listened to !ut more likel !e treated aggressi"el . )nd thus ou should onl e"er $ork for Me to the e,tent - M self ena!le ou to do so and ne"er think that ou should ha"e to come to the fore in the $orld.

'he $orld is and $ill remain M ad"ersar .s realm% and an one $ho finds a&&reciation and acclaim in this $orld also $orks on !ehalf of the $orld and thus for M ad"ersar . #ou ha"e to acce&t that onl a small circle $ill e"er choose Me and M kingdom .... and that e"er thing great in the $orld is ad"erse acti"it . )dmittedl % M Word con"e ed to ou ! Me shall !e s&read% and - !less those $ho su&&ort this $ork/ and M !lessing $ill also rest on our s&iritual acti"it % so that the hearts of $illing &eo&le $ill feel affected and thus s&iritual success $ill also !e achie"ed. But ou $ill ne"er !e a!le to accom&lish this mission on a large scale% for the ad"ersar can onl too easil sli& in $here the masses are !eing a&&roached .... the $ill ne"er !e like+minded $here it concerns the recei&t of the &ure truth .... !ut the $ill usuall agree if $orldl +fa"oura!le as&ects are offered to them. )nd humanit does see the direction it is heading to% it also recognises the great danger of scientific e,&eriments !ut it tries to alla itself% it !elie"es that it $ill !e hel&ed through countermeasures of unkno$n &o$ers !ecause this is $hat it $ants .... )nd ! doing so it can.t see clearl an more% it allo$s itself to !e misled and thus gets caught u& in the nets of lies ! the one $ho $ants an thing a&art from that a light should shine for humanit to find and take the $a to Me. #et ou shall illuminate the darkness $ith the light that shines do$n to earth from a!o"e .... Regardless of &eo&le.s disa&&ro"al ou shall time and again &roclaim the near end and the &receding last $arning sign% ou shall !e diligent and use e"er o&&ortunit to s&read M Word% !ut ou shall $ork in seclusion% !ecause in &u!lic ou $ill ha"e little success. 0o$e"er% 1esus 2hrist.s act of 3al"ation shall !e mentioned $here"er the o&&ortunit is offered to ou% for all &eo&le can !e informed of this% e"en the &eo&le of the $orld $ho no longer &a attention to 0im%

!ecause the kno$ of 0im and $ill onl e"er hear an old truth $hich can affect their conscience% $hich can also moti"ate them to form their o$n o&inion one da . )nd the will to kno$ the truth $ill then also make their hearts receptive to M Word !efore the end comes ....


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