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V6 Home Learning This year the children have been asked to take more responsibility and accountability for

their own home learning. Our school policy states that homework is to be completed each day and should take between 20 and 30 minutes.

! There are 3 main components of V6s home learning: ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Spelling: Each week the children will have 6-10 words to learn. Instructions for what they need to do is linked on our class blog Reading Log: The children need to read regularly (at least 15 mins per day) at home using a variety of text. In their reading log/spelling work book is a log for them to fill out and activities to complete about what they have read. The activities are linked into the classroom literacy program. Basic Facts: It is important for the child to have speed and accuracy of their basic facts. They are expected to be practicing them at home and school. The children can also choose home learning from the classroom self-directed learning (SDL) programme (Must Do priorities and Can Do choices). Must do tasks are independent activities that practise learning or strategies taught during the week. These tasks are generally expected to be worked on during SDL time in the classroom and may be finished off at home if necessary. Could you please support your child to independently manage their homework and when necessary, reminding them to bring their books back to school. In addition to this, there will be a weekly Hands-on Homework fun task. It is an optional learning experience that is designed to involve children in a broad range of activities/tasks. The HOH and other home learning information is on our class blog. Thanks, Jacqui

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If you havent done so already, please subscribe to our class blog by typing your email address into the space on the right hand sidebar. You will receive an email every time we post something on our class blog. Please leave us comments/feedback - we love reading what people think of what we are sharing.

! V6 Blog: ! !

Useful Websites

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Team Blog: On this site there are timed and untimed tests. It would be great for your child to practice them daily. The stage/s your child need to practice is _________________________. Use the student login box username: st_island80 password: island80 Here are many different interactive learning objects that link directly back to the NZ Curriculum. They also represent all the different strands in maths. The children should choose learning objects from level 2 and 3. Basic Facts Quizzes Interactive Literacy Games Interactive Literacy and Numeracy Game There are more sites and activities linked off our class blog.

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