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1 Endorsor Verifier
The Endorsor Verifier module of the endorsor enables you to authenticate digitally signed documents received from the brokers and the associated signature. You can also verify whether the signature has been revoked with the aid of the Certificate Revocation List Check (CRL). To invoke Endorsor Verifier:


ouble click on the deskto!. The main screen of the Endorsor Verifier is dis!layed. Refer "igure 1.

Figure 1: The Endorsor Verifier m in s!reen

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To verif# 1.

digi& ""# signed do!umen&:

Click 'ro(se) in the section Se"e!& *o!umen& to select the document to be verified. The +hoose fi"e dialog is dis!layed. Refer "igure #.

Figure %: The +hoose fi"e di "og #. $. %. Locate and select the document to be verified. Click O,en. Click 'ro(se) in the section Se"e!& Sign &ure to select the re&uired signature file. The +hoose fi"e dialog is dis!layed. Refer "igure $.

'ignature files use the .sig e(tension.

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Figure -: The +hoose fi"e di "og ). *. Locate and select the signature file. Click O,en

+ften certificates are revoked. , list of revoked certificate in maintained in the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). -t is recommended that a signed document be com!ared against the CRL to ensure that a non revoked certificate is in use.

The u!dated CRL must be !eriodically obtained from the certificate authority.

To v "id &e /. 0.

signed do!umen& g ins& &he +RL.

'elect the check bo( +RL +he!k. Click 'ro(se) under +RL +he!k to select the CRL document. The +hoose fi"e dialog is dis!layed. Refer "igure %.

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Figure .: The +hoose fi"e di "og


Locate and select the CRL.

The CRL files use the .!r" e(tension.

12. Click O,en.

-f you choose not to validate the certificate against the CRL3 the revoked certificate will be treated as a regular (non4revoked) certificate.

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To verif# &he do!umen&. 11. Click Verif#.

e!ending on the security o!tions set in -nternet 5(!lorer3 the following screen may be dis!layed. Refer "igure ).

Figure /: In&erne& E0,"orer se!uri&# !onfirm &ion 1#. Click 1es to !roceed.

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1.1 Su!!essfu" Verifi! &ion

-f the selected signature matches that of the signed document3 a confirmation message is dis!layed. Refer "igure *.

Figure 2: Verifi! &ion !onfirm &ion mess ge 1$. Click O3. The document is dis!layed. Refer "igure /.

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Figure 4: The verified do!umen&

1.% Unsu!!essfu" Verifi! &ion

6erification is unsuccessful in three situations.

The signature in the document does not match the selected signature. The signature is not trusted. The certificate used to sign the document has been revoked.

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-f the selected signature does not match the signature in the signed document3 an error message is dis!layed. Refer "igure 0.

Figure 5: The unm &!hed sign &ure di "og

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-f the signed document uses a signature that is not trusted3 the following screen is dis!layed. Refer "igure 1.

Figure 6: The un&rus&ed sign &ure di "og

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-f the signed document uses a revoked certificate3 the following screen is dis!layed. Refer "igure 12.

Figure 17: The revoked sign &ure di "og

5ven though the verification is unsuccessful3 you can still view the document. To vie( &he do!umen&: 1%. Click O3. , confirmation dialog is dis!layed. Refer "igure 11.

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Figure 11: +onfirm &ion di "og 1). Click 1es to view the document. The unverified document is dis!layed. Refer "igure 1#.

Click No to return to the main !age of Endorsor Verifier.

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Figure 1%: The unverified do!umen&

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