Initial Startup-Method of Statement For Activated Sludge Process

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COMMISSIOING METHOD OF STATEMENT As the plant has to be put in operation , a start up procedure is outlined hereafter.

However in order to have a proper start up and subsequent operation there are some preliminary pres tart up activities to be done which have listed below as follows. 1. Availability of the drawin ! : a. P&I Dia ram : b. !I"# PIPI$% &A'()" * c. PIPI$% %#$#+A& A++A$%#,#$" D+%! -(+ i. Aeration "an.s ii. !econdary !edimentation "an. iii. Ano/ic "an.s iv. 0hlorine 0ontact "an. v. Irri ation "an. vi. -iltration Area vii. !lud e Holdin tan.1!lud e "ransfer Pumps viii. 2ac.wash outlet tan. 1Activates slud e withdrawal tan. ". Start# $% a. So&r'e of A'tivated Sl&d e "he e/tended aeration process requires a certain amount of bacteria 3activated slud e4 in the aeration tan.. "he activated slud e is obtained i. (y Develo%in A'tivated !l&d e in a few wee)! fro* !ewa e : It is more usual for the activated slud e to be rown from the natural bacteria present in the sewa e while pumpin sewa e throu h the e/tended aeration system. In a warm climate, such as in the ,iddle #ast, it is usual to row sufficient bacteria in two wee.s in summer or four wee.s in winter. Durin this period, the secondary effluent will not be of adequate quality to pump to the sand filter or for it to be adequately disinfected. "herefore it will not be suitable for irri ation purpose. Inadequate secondary effluent can be reco ni5ed by its hi h turbidity 3not transparent4 and should be disposed of, usually by road, to a safe disposal ii. Seedin of +lant by !l&d e fro* another a'tive a'tivated !l&d e %lant "he wei ht of activated slud e solids required to operate at desi n flow rate at based on a ,&!! concentration of 6.789 i.e,7866 m 1lit3:7.8 . 1m74will be : !olids wt : 7.8 / ;e . , where ;e is Aeration tan. effe.vol.m7.: <86< m7 Hence the amount of slud e required is :7.8 . 1m7 / <86< : =>8> . s "his slud e is normally withdrawn from the hopper of the settlement tan. of the operational plant. Activated slud e imported arrives as a liquid, usually of solids concentration 6.=to ? 9. "hus at 6.= 9 3 =666 m 1lit: = ms1m7 : = . 1m74 volume of slud e will be : ?6@< m7

b. +ro'e!! !tart &% ,Introd&'in -aw Sewa e As it is e/pected that low flow would persist initially , only one stream of Ano/ic ,Aeration and !econdary !edimentation "an. would be put into operations.32 stream4 ?. Permit the sewa e to flow into the bar screen chamber. (nly the automatic bas screen A2! *?6? will be operated initially. <. Allow the ano/ic tan. "A*?6? 2 .As this tan. is already filled with water incomin sewa e will displace equal amount to the aeration tan.. !tart the submersible mi/er A%*?6? A. 7. "he aeration tan. is also full of water . As soon as !ewa e is introduced to the plant start the aerators. 2ased upon incomin quantity of sewa e no of aerators that would be put in operation will be decided. "he aerators will run <B hours. If it is planned that the slud e is to be brou ht from outside to aide start *up then slud e is to be introduced into the aeration tan. alon with fresh sewa e. B. !ewa e overflows to !econdary sedimentation tan.* "A*?68 2. 8. 2ased on the incomin flow it can be estimated how much time is required for the Ano/ic 1 Aeration 1!edimentation tan. full of sewa e. (pen the valve 3;* ?<> 4 on the slud e line to the Activated slud e withdrawal tan. and allow it the level to rise to the level of the !econdary sedimentation tan.. (nce full stop the inflow of sewa e. @. !tart only one Activated slud e +eturn Pump. "his return slud e pump should be continuously operated. >. "he ano/ic recycle pumps will not be brou ht in operation when the effluent at the outlet weir becomes transparent 3not cloudy4. =. (nce a clear effluent is achieved further sewa e is pumped to the process. Durin this period 3commissionin of the plant4 the effluent from the !econdary sedimentation tan. will not be of adequate quality to be pumped to the sand filters . "herefore it will not be fit for reuse . ;isually inadequate effluent can be au ed by the hi h turbidity. C. "his effluent is collected in the chlorine contact tan. and is recycled to bar screen usin the filter feed pump. ?6. )ntill the clear effluent is achieved off spec effluent will be disposed off to a safe disposal site. "his should be continued till steady state is achieved. ??. 0hec. the effluent quality 3after the !econdary !edimentation tan. 4 analytically to ascertain that the quality is as mentioned under desi n basis. ?<. After this permit the treated effluent from the !econdary sedimentation tan. to the chlorine contact tan.. If for some reasons the chlorine contact tan. has been used to store treated sewa e durin start up then , this need to be chec.ed for any settlement of solids and cleaned if necessary. Durin this cleanin period the treatment should be on and the effluent from the !ettlement tan. should be led away by a fle/ible hose pipe to disposal, till the 0hlorine contact tan. is clean (+ the inflow of raw sewa e should be stopped.3ma/imum upto ? day4. Durin this period note that no disinfection should be made. ?7. -ill the 0hlorine contact tan. "A *?6@ with the settled effluent from the !econdary !edimentation tan.. As soon as the prefi/ed level is reached the one of the -ilter feed pump P*?6= A1210 shall operate and feed the filter ;*?6< A ,anually start the chlorine dosin system and the Polymer dosin system. !tart the -ilter -eed Pump in manual mode and observe the Pressure difference between across the inlet and the outlet. Dhen the pressure difference reaches ? bar 3?6 mtrs 4 stop the Pump and start the bac.wash operations by usin -ilter

2ac.wash Pump*P*?6C A12. Prior to bac.washin each filter with treated effluent water, the pressure in the filter shall be released by openin the 2ac.wash (utlet E;*?6B . -or further operations refer to the ;alve sequence attached herewith. Please note that these sets of operations are for one filter usin one bac.wash pump. "he same procedure is to be followed for the other filter and pump usin the same principles and positionin the respective valves accordin ly. '. Steady !tate 'ondition (nce the steady state conditions is reached the slud e wastin should also be initiated based on the ,&!! in the Aeration tan. . Dhen e/cess slud e is to be wasted open valve ;*?<8. "his is operation is to be limited to one to two times a day based on slud e settelabilty results ."he duration of openin this valve will be decided at site. -ollowin plant commissionin and rowth of the activated slud e, the processes will operate automatically with intermitant manual operation. "he plant must operate with all auto1manual switches in the FAutoF position. Any reappearance of effluent turbidity 3cloudiness4 should be treated by stoppin or reducin the sewa e flow for one day, or until a transparent effluent appears in the !ettlement "an.. "hereafter sewa e shall be admitted, initially at a reduced flow, for as lon as a transparent effluent is bein sustained. If the daily sewa e flow is low, a proportionately reater volume of activated slud e would be required for commissionin . -or other types of available seed slud e than Factivated slud eF, ,#"I"( (;#+!#A! &I,I"#D must be consulted. F!teady !tateF 0ondition It shall be the (peratorGs aim to et the Plant properly runnin in and to achieve a sort of Fsteady stateF condition where the final #ffluent quality may be .ept within a satisfactory ran e. Dhen this condition is reached, the (perator shall .now how to control the different parameters to maintain this condition. #very activated slud e plant has a unique set of operatin parameters and control conditions. It is difficult therefore to pre*determine parameters for startup and for a Fsteady stateF condition. !ome uidelines can however be iven. "he procedure to reach the Fsteady stateF condition shall be based on a trial and error approach. )ntil such time the system stabili5es and the operatin personnel have ained sufficient hands*on e/perience, operational problems must be treated as they arise. "he (perator shall be able to control the followin parameters efficiently : !lud e wastin rate 3removal of e/cess slud e from the treatment process4. "his will influence the ,&!! concentration of solids in the Aeration "an. !lud e return rate 3from !econdary !edimentation "an. to Aeration "an. 4 Faeration rateF. "his influences the Dissolved (/y en 3D(4 concentration in the Aeration "an. . 2ac.wash period for each !and -ilter. As this plant is fitted with a P&0 and the bac.wash period is preset durin commissionin ,. the se can be fine tuned as when required

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