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Brian Maynes

Practitioner Programme

Introductory brochure

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Brian Maynes Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Introductory brochure

What Goal Mapping is

A blend of ancient wisdom, fused with scientic understanding, to create real power
Goal Mapping is a tried, tested, proven and popular method for setting and achieving goals in any area of life, and in any endeavour, either individually or collectively. Originally developed by Brian Mayne in 1995, Goal Mapping has become astoundingly successful in corporate businesses, for student education, and for members of the general public. With literally tens of thousands of people having attended Goal Mapping presentations, or completed the Goal Mapping system via books and audio-programmes, the system is fast becoming the number one choice for all forms of conscious achievement.

The master skill for life Learning how to set and achieve goals is the master skill for life because it is the skill that allows you to gain all other skills and abilities. Setting goals or conscious intentions is the natural way our brain works, and throughout recorded history, the most successful men and women have been those that have learned to developed the natural mental ability of goal setting into a powerful skill for achievement. The measure of effectiveness in any goal setting technique lays in its ability to connect your consciously chosen objectives to your subconscious mind, so that your subconscious begins to pursue your goal automatically. Traditionally the typical method of drumming in this subconscious acceptance of goals has been through repetition, usually involving the process of writing and re-writing the goal again and again, line after line, hundreds of times each day. This method does work for some people, but most nd it too boring, too time consuming, and largely ineffective, with the great majority giving up long before their subconscious has received the goal. One of the great challenges of this approach is that it caters predominantly for the left-brain, which has a limited path to the subconscious mind.

Words and pictures However, in recent years tremendous breakthroughs in understanding how we learn have shown clearly what ancient teachings always knew: that the major pathway to the subconscious lies not through the left side of the brain, which thinks in words, but through the right side of the brain, which thinks in pictures. It was out of these insights that the technique of Goal Mapping was born. Utilising a powerful and unique combination of words and pictures to activate both the left and right brain, Goal Mapping stimulates whole-brain activity, communicates clearly to the subconscious, and harnesses the intrinsic aspects necessary for any kind of conscious, intended success. The seven steps of Goal Mapping guide the user to success through consideration of what, why, when, how, and who will move you forwards. Goal Mapping takes each person through the process of identifying their goals, dening their motives and committing to taking action, with the completed Goal Map becoming the blueprint for future success.

Whether in business, education, or individual members of the general public, Goal Mapping has proven itself to be at the lead of personal empowerment and conscious achievement.

Brian Maynes Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Introductory brochure

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Personal and professional

A universal life-skill for turning dreams into realities

The Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme is suitable for existing or aspiring leaders, trainers, managers, tness instructors, counsellors, therapists, social workers, personal and professional coaches, or anyone seeking to empower the lives of others.

The growth of goals High performing organisations and successful men and women have always known the value of setting regular written goals. However, now more people than ever are setting goals for all manner of reasons to help themselves and others to become more, do more and have more. Increasing numbers are, for example, setting goals to take early retirement or to change their career. There is a growing tide of people who set goals to get tter, lose weight, stop smoking, lower their cholesterol, detoxify and cleanse their mind and body. Goal Maps are used by individuals and organisations to address a wide range of specic applications. Schools teachers are empowering children with the Goal Mapping system. Companies are using Goal Mapping throughout all departments to set collective objectives, create individual personal development plans, measure achievement in quarterly reviews, and as part of the induction process for newcomers. A growing number of specialists are adopting the technique as their chosen approach for achievement to share with their clients as part of their overall practice. Many people now use and teach the Goal Mapping technique for various health and exercise requirements. In addition to the more obvious uses in helping people to advance their career, wealth, and lifestyle, Goal Mapping is also employed to help people attain wellbeing, gain their natural weight, get tter and change their habits.

Whether as a trainer, manager, exercise instructor, therapist, social worker, life coach, or just someone who wants to help others empower themselves, the Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme will bring great benets to both you and your clients.

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Brian Maynes Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Introductory brochure

The options
The Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme includes three delivery options that have been specically designed to cater to the personal, professional and educational arenas. Each option has a uniquely designed delegate pack to accompany the various types of delivery, so you can feel condent in providing your customers with the highest quality support tools available. Your Practitioner Workbook will give you a detailed step-by-step guide through each of the delivery options enabling you to deliver the Goal Mapping system with ease, excellence and condence in your chosen market every time.

The Personal Option This is for anyone wishing to share Goal Mapping on a one-to-one basis or with small groups over a short session time. This option is ideally suited for coaches, therapists and managers.

The Professional Option This option is for individuals who wish to deliver half or full day Goal Mapping workshops. This option is ideal for consultants, trainers, workshop leaders and facilitators. There is also a Corporate Trainer Option for organisations that wish to gain in-house ability to deliver and use Goal Mapping. Please call the Lift International Ofce on +44 (0) 1983 852 815 to discuss your needs.

The Education Option The Education Option is for individuals that wish to deliver Goal Mapping to students over short or long periods. This option has been designed and structured to enable the practitioner to share Goal Mapping with a class during three 45-minute sessions or for one 45-minute session each week for nine weeks. There is also an option available for a variety of educational communities such as schools, clusters and educational authorities and groups in both the state and private sector. Please call the Lift International ofce on +44 (0) 1983 852 815 to discuss your needs.

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How to prepare
The prerequisite for the Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme is attendance and completion of a Goal Mapping Workshop. This can be done via a live workshop, The Goal Mapping DVD Set or the Goal Mapping Success Pack. Please check the events calendar at for forthcoming live workshop details. Also please ensure that you have produced a Goal Map (general life or specic) within three months of attendance. Free Goal Mapping templates and guide are available for download from our website at So heres your opportunity to get your colour pens out and paint the next chapter of your life! If you are interested in sharing Goal Mapping with children, we also highly recommend that you read Sam the Magic Genie by Brian Mayne as the education option is based on the learning from this book. Copies are available from the online shop at or by calling 01983 852815 (price 5.99 plus p&p)

What happens
This three day training is in three Modules. Module 1 The Seven Key Principles for Goal Mapping Module 2 The Seven Steps of Goal Mapping Module 3 Sharing the Goal Mapping System To ensure you get the most from the training, there will be a variety of learning formats: group presentations, how to demonstrations, exercises, coaching, practical skill building, interactive work and discussion, practise sessions, and plenty of opportunity to have your questions answered as you go along. Certication is then awarded based on satisfactory completion of the programme including the delegate practise delivery sessions that are incorporated within the three days.

What else is included

You will receive a unique Goal Mapping Practitioners Kit including the range of client/delegate/ student workbooks for the above options. The comprehensive Goal Mapping Practitioners Kit includes everything you need to begin sharing Goal Mapping in your chosen way. Each kit includes a range of support learning, marketing and presentation tools to support and enable you to deliver the highest standard of information, inspiration and enablement. As a fully certied practitioner, you will qualify for membership of the Lift Academy, and will be expected to use the high quality range of delegate packs to support and enhance your delivery. Supplies of delegate packs, workbooks, products and tools are all available at preferential Academy rates for practitioners, providing you with an additional source of valuable income just one of the many benets of being an Academy member.

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Brian Maynes Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Introductory brochure

What you will learn

A whole-life self empowerment skill to share with others
The Goal Mapping Practitioner workshop has been specically created to enable individuals or organisations to empower others with the technique of Goal Mapping. Learn how to harness and share the power of positive thinking Learn how to move beyond motivation into purpose led inspiration Learn how to condition the subconscious autopilot to aim for success Learn how to set and achieve goals through Goal Mapping Learn how to powerfully coach others into achieving their goals Learn how to empower children with the Goal Mapping technique Learn how to create and teach specific project-focused Goal Maps for businesses, client objectives, and social projects

How you will benet

A life of peace, happiness and abundance to share with others
The benets of becoming a Goal Mapping Practitioner and joining the Lift Academy are great in number and far reaching in consequence: Gain the ability to share Goal Mapping with others on a personal and professional basis Choose to focus your energy on a specific market sector or across a range of sectors to help others achieve any manner of life improvements and objectives Become an Academy member and enjoy being part of a like minded thriving community committed to giving and receiving ongoing support to expand your Goal Mapping practise Receive Goal Mapping products and training support tools including: Trainers Workbook, Client/ Delegate/Students Workbook, Trainers Notes, PowerPoint presentation, audio CD set, and marketing materials Purchase Goal Mapping products and delegate packs at discounted prices Receive regular newsletters, free downloads, and web links Receive regular updates on newly developed support materials, tools and programmes to enhance your Goal Mapping practice Receive preferential rates on tickets for Goal Mapping showcase events and workshops hosted by Lift International Last, but by no means least, the greatest benet of sharing the Goal Mapping system is who you become as a person in the process. The gift of self growth generating authentic condence and contentment that lasts a lifetime

Brian Maynes Goal Mapping Practitioner Programme Introductory brochure

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What people say about Goal Mapping

Goal Mapping brought my life into focus in such a meaningful way. At a time of such great change, we all need to be clear about our direction and Goal Mapping does just that. Gill Fielding, one of Channel 4s Secret Millionaires It is no exaggeration to say that the effects of this programme are life changing. Brenda Sanders, Cable & Wireless Communications Just wanted to let you know that I got very good results onmy pilot aptitude tests. Its a big step and Ive ummed and aahed, but Goal Mapping stripped off the niggling wraps of uncertainty and poured a spotlight onto the fact that this is something that I really want to do. Goal Maps are up. Medical examinationon Tuesday. Application forms poised. Manager aware that I will be leaving. Im set to go. Many thanks. Damon 25 very sceptical and weary staff from a range of primary and secondary schools were re-energised and empowered by the incredible Positive Visualisation and Goal Mapping technique. The techniques which have been applied to business leaders have a direct application for raising achievement in our classrooms. Goal Mapping is now being applied at transition between Y6 and 7 through a learning to learn transition passport. We are condent that it will help our students to refocus on their learning by visualising their bright future and then mapping their route to that successful dream. It is a technique that will give hope to our youngsters. I thoroughly recommend Goal Mapping to any school. Dave Sharratt, Assistant Director, Leigh Park Education Action Zone

What certied practitioners say

This course has put me on purpose and improved my means to give my gift to others. The material is the best I have ever seen Kristyn Haywood, coach and trainer An incredible journey through the world of Goal Mapping to empower life enhancing changes and achievement in others Diana Page, FLP Goal Mapping has become a key tool in our portfolio of change management tools Wendy Boast, 2change
2008 Lift International. All rights reserved.

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