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Writing English Science Thesis or Dissertation Tittle: I find the tittle of this paper self-explanatory.

The reader can immediately get an idea about what is done in this paper after reading this tittle. Abstract: The abstract is short, not more than one side of the page. But the abstract contains headings. May be it is because of the reason that currently some journals require abstract in different headings (Purpose, methodology, findings, research limitations, etc). Introduction: Introduction is written well, the author started broadly and then narrowed down to his specific objective. The beginning section starts broadly by giving readers a brief introduction of the field and a short history of research field. The middle section then narrowed down to the specific area and explains why this research area is important with the help of some examples, then explains what actually authors want to do and The end gives the organization of the paper and discuss the findings of the paper.

Literature review: This is a conceptual paper so lot of literature review is conducted. Figures and tables: As we have learnt that the title of the figure must be at the bottom of the figure and the title of the table must be at top, but in this paper the author uses left and right sides for writing the titles of figures and tables. All the figures should be pasted much closer to where they are discussed in the text.

Result: This is a conceptual paper, which tries to provide the theoretical basis for the further developments in the concerned field of study. So in this paper the author generate a series of propositions. Each proposition is arranged well and supported by solid reasons. The arrangement of propositions is also good, starting from the simplest and then move to the next. Also each proposition is supported by the previous work. Conclusion: Starts by giving a short description of all the work done in this paper, then discuss the results and also supports the results by giving references. The suggestions for future research is placed in a separate section.

References: The author use many old references (like 1967, 1995), which is not a good idea. But they may be included because of the reason that the concept given in this paper is quite new and he tries to use different concepts from different fields in his work. The description is well written including: 1. List of authors, 2. Year of publication, 3. Title, 4. Journal name/ Conference name, 5. Volume number and 6. Page numbers.

Quoting: As we have learnt that whenever we want to quote something if it is less than 20 words we can use inverted commas ( ) otherwise block indent is used for larger sections, but in this paper within introduction the author quoted a statement in inverted commas which is more than 20 words. Overall contents:

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