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Description: Indepth question on E1 (adopted in India &US) & T1( adopted in Europe) technology Display Of Answers: On Time Limit:


Question No.

Question Body

Question 1.

(15 !"#in$le

1. T ! &. " ! '. #oth 1 or $ . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

E1 and T1 are standardized ______________technologies

Question &.

(15 ("#in$le

1. 345 micro seconds &. 164/ micro seconds '. 714$ micro seconds . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

Suppose -e ha(e a channel -ith a rate o& /01's2 That means that -e need to transmit a 'it e(ery _____

Question '.


1. 7$ channels &. 1$5: channels '. 1;$: channels . 7$:: channels )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).7

The 8 9 is restricted to the _____________'ecause in each le(el more 'its are added &or &raming until its getting hard to get the channels4



1. 8synshronous &. 8lesiochronous '. 8seudonymous

igital 9ierarchy igital 9ierarchy igital 9ierarchy

)hat is the &ull &orm o& 8 9<

. %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

Question 5.


1. !icro-a(e technology &. "i'er technology '. T ! Inter&ace . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).7

E1 and T1 are.

Question *.


1. 7$ =hannels &. 7: =hannels '. 1/ =hannels . 1$ =hannels )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

E1 has e&&ecti(e.

Question +.

(155 "#in$le

1. )e send same data on se(eral channels (&or 'ac,up) &. )e send se(eral transmissions on a same lin, '. )e send se(eral transmission on se(eral lin,s . ?ll o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

)hile multiple>ing.

Question !.


1. $6 channels &. $0 channels '. 1$ channels . / channels )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

T1 has e&&ecti(e.

Question (.


1. 5 1'As there&ore it isnBt good &or (oice &. /0 1'As there&ore it is a -aste to use it &or data '. $4:05 !'As there&ore it is good &or (oice2 music and data . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).0

E1 =hannel @ate is.

Question 1).


1. cloc, &. The s-itches in each side '. "raming 'its . %ot synchronized )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).7

E1 synchronization is gained 'y.

Question 11.


1. 1$ channels CCD5/ 'its &. 1$ channels E &raming 'it CCD 53 'its '. $0 channels CCD1;$ 'its . $0 channels E &raming 'itCCD 1;7 'its )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).0

T1 "rame.

Question 1&.


T1 Super &rame .

1. @o's 'its &or synch and inter&eres data transmissions &. @o's 'its &or =?S and inter&eres data transmissions '. @o's 'its &or signaling and inter&eres data transmissions . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

Question 1'.


1. Un&ramed &. "ramed '. !ulti&ramed . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

E1 stream o& $:05 1'As -ith no channel association 4 )hich mode is this <

Question 1 .


1. Un&ramed &. "ramed '. !ulti&ramed . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

In E1 all 7$ slots are used &or data2 detection o& 'oundaries is gained -ith TS: 4 )hich mode is this <

Question 15.


1. Un&ramed &. "ramed '. !ulti&ramed . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).7

In E12 TS: is used &or synchronization2 all other channels are una&&ected 4)hich mode is this <

Question 1*.


1. 5 19z &. 1/ 19z '. 7$ 19z . /0 19z )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

)hat is the &rame rate in E1<

Question 1+.

(15* "#in$le

1. 5 19z &. 1/ 19z '. 7$ 19z . /0 19z )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

)hat is the &rame rate in E1<

Question 1!.


1. 7$ 'its &. /0 'its '. 1$5 'its . $6/ 'its )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).0

?n E1 "rame is composed &rom _________4

Question 1(.


1. 1:$0 1'As &. 1600 1'As '. $:05 1'As . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

T1 'it Structure uses

Question &).


1. TS: &. TS1/ '. TS7$ . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

In E12 ______ is used &or signaling 2 'ut can 'e also used &or data4

Question &1.


1. synchronization 'et-een &rames & Error =orrecting &. Signaling '. #oth 1 & $ . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

In E1 2 TS: is used &or

Question &&.


1. 1$ &. $0 '. 7: . 7$ )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).$

The T1 &rame is composed &rom______channels

E>planation. The &rame is 1;7 'its that are composed &rom 1 &raming 'it E 5 'its F $0 Time Slots

Question &'.


1. 11:::11 &. 1111:11 '. ::11:11 . 1111111 )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).7

The synchronization pattern in TSC: in E1 !ulti "rame Structure is

Question & .


1. ==S &. =?S '. =?SC %o =@= . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

?t least one channel (usually TS1/) is used &or signaling and ser(es asynchronously all the channels

Question &5.


1. =?S &. ==S '. =?S O"" . %one o& the a'o(e )rong* +oo,ing &or ans-ers(s).1

In each multiC&rame2 &or each channel2 there is a &rame that hal& o& itBs TS1/2 is dedicated &or that channel signaling.

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