Fuel Processing Technology

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The fuel processing technology proposed a novel way generating high voltage for electric discharge plasma in controlling emission in diesel engine exhaust. a solar powered high frequency electric discharge topology has been suggested that will improve the size and specific energy density required when compared to the traditional repetitive pulse or 50 hz.ac energization.this methodology has been desiged,fabricated and experimentally verified by conducting studies on real diesel engine exhaust.



rocessing Technology deals with the scientific and technological

aspects of processing fuels to other fuels, chemicals and by!products. rocessing is considered in the sense of chemical conversions such as hydrogenation, gasification, pyrolysis and upgrading as well as physical processing by beneficiation, cleaning and removal Fuel Processing Technology deals with the scientific and technological aspects of processing fuels to other fuels, chemicals and by!products. rocessing is considered in the sense of chemical conversions such as hydrogenation, gasification, pyrolysis and upgrading as well as physical processing by beneficiation, cleaning and removal of inorganic matter as well as sizing, crushing or screening. "oal, petroleum, oil shale, tar sands and peat are emphasized.

#ll technological aspects of processing are included such as optimization, catalysis, feeding, product separation, catalyst recovery, economics, pollution control, etc., concerned with liquefaction, gasification, combustion, solvent extraction $or solvent refining%, co!processing of coal and oil, and upgrading $such as &, ', or ( removal% processes. "ontributions are appropriate on the chemistry and science of fuels and their products as these relate to processing of fuels, the products of processing or experience in bench scale, process development units or commercial process development.


Fuel Processing Technology deals with the scientific and technological aspects of processing fuels to other fuels, chemicals and by!products. rocessing is considered in the sense of chemical conversions such as hydrogenation, gasification, pyrolysis and upgrading as well as physical processing by beneficiation, cleaning and removal of inorganic matter as well as sizing, crushing or screening. "oal, petroleum, oil shale, tar sands and peat are emphasized. #ll technological aspects of processing are included such as optimization, catalysis, feeding, product separation, catalyst recovery, economics, pollution control, etc., concerned with liquefaction, gasification, combustion, solvent extraction $or solvent refining%, co!processing of coal and oil, and upgrading $such as &, ', or ( removal%processes. "ontributions are appropriate on the chemistry and science of fuels and their products as these relate to processing of fuels, the products of processing or experience in bench scale, process development units or commercial process development.


)hen comparing a hydrogen fuel cell to that of a gasoline fuel, the density of hydrogen is lesser. *eaning, it has a very less energy+unit volume compared to gasoline. This ma,es it practically impossible to store enough hydrogen and process it and hence ma,e it drive a car to a maximum distance. Though this problem can be solved by using liquid hydrogen, which has a density more than normal hydrogen it has problems regarding its storing temperature. The storing temperature of liquid hydrogen is extremely low and also needs a high pressure. This problem ma,es the cost of production higher and also a difficulty in the mode of transportation.

#nother important note about hydrogen is that its molecular structure is present in all natural gases li,e methanol, ethanol, and gasoline and so on. -f these molecular structures could be easily removed from these natural fuels and thus used for ma,ing a fuel cell, all the above said problems could be solved. Thus, a fuel processor, commonly ,nown as a steam reformer is used to produce hydrogen from natural fuels. This is carried out by a device called reformer. This device is used to react the natural fuel along with steam at very high temperatures.


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