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Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

Chapter 10 Irreversibility and availability

potential for providing USEFUL work from some energy sources reversible real work = irreversibility i

lost-work = ToSgen

T To

Available energy unavailable


Isobaric process


T WrevH . E . = Q Qo = Q 1 o T
Q Q S = = o T rev To WrevH . E . = Q To S

Definitions Availability (exergy): maximum reversible work without the additional heat transfers Irreversibility = reversible work actual work Descriptions of reversible work and irreversibility (three processes) A. STEADY PROCESS(power plants or refrigerators), no KE and PE TH
q inlet

q = ( he hi ) + w (1st law)
exit From 2nd law, irreversible process such that


1 dS q = ( se si ) = s gen > 0 dt m TH
School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

rev 1 dS q qo = ( se si ) =0 dt m TH To rev = To ( se si ) q qo

q inlet qrev




rev o

( he hi )


exit wrev

T w rev = To ( se si ) ( he hi ) + q 1 o TH


irreversibility i

w To TH

= To ( se si ) q

q = To ( se si ) TH 1 dS net / real = To = To s gen dt m

Comments 1. without k.E.and P.E. 2. for nozzles and diffusers, these terms should be involved 3. for these cases, total enthalpy should be used

B. Control mass process No k.E.and P.E. changes assumed 1st law of thermodynamics



c.m. U2-U1 S2-S1


Q2 = U 2 U 1 + 1 W2

S net / real = Scm + S surr = ( S 2 S1 )

Q2 =1 S2, gen > 0 TH

rev QO


Any necessary heat engines and pumps

Snet / real = ( S2 S1 )
1 rev Q2 QO =0 TH TO

rev = TO ( S2 S1 ) 1 Q2 QO




c.m. U2-U1 S2-S1

rev (U 2 U 1 ) W2rev =1 Q2 + QO

I 2 =1 W2rev 1 W2 TO TH

= TO ( S2 S1 ) 1 Q2

TO + 1 Q2 (U 2 U 1 ) TH

= TO ( S2 S1 ) 1 Q2

T = TO ( S2 S1 ) (U 2 U 1 ) + 1 Q2 1 O TH

T = TO ( S2 S1 ) O = TO 1 S 2, gen TH

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

C. Transient process
Wcrev . v = TO ( m 2 s2 m1 s1 ) ( m 2 u2 m1 u1 ) + TO ( me se m i si ) 1 TO ( me he mi hi ) + Q cv TH 1 TO = mi ( hi TO si ) me ( he TO se ) + m1 ( u1 TO s1 ) m2 ( u2 TO s2 ) + Q cv TH Q TO = mi hi miTO si me he + meTO se + m1u1 m2 u2 m1TO s1 + m2TO s2 + Q cv cv TH
+ (m u m u ) + ( m h m h ) Wc . v = Q cv 1 1 2 2 i i e e I cv = Wcrev . v Wcv Q = TO ( m2 s2 m1 s1 ) + ( me se mi si ) cv = T0 S gen TH

AVAILABILITY and 2nd Law Efficiency What is the maximum reversible work that can be done by a given mass in a given state ? Availability (exergy): maximum reversible work without the additional heat transfers Irreversibility = reversible work actual work Equilibrium pressure and temperature equilibrium with the surroundings chemical equilibrium implying no further chemical reactions Zero velocities and minimum P.E. A. STEADY PROCESS (control volume analysis)
T w rev = To ( se si ) ( hTOTe hTOTi ) + q 1 o TH T = ( hTOTi To si ) ( hTOTe To se ) + q 1 o TH
Contribution to the net reversible work from the heat transfers

For steady state, flow reversible work will be maximum when the mass leaving the c.v. is in equilibrium

h = ho , s = so ,Ve = 0, Z e = Z o
School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

Flow availability (EXERGY) Maximum reversible work per unit mass flow without the additional heat transfers
= h TO s + V 2 + gZ ( ho TO so + gZ o ) 2

For steady state,

T w rev = i e + q 1 o TH
inlet qrev



exit wrev



Difference between the reversible work and the actual work

T W = ( m = cv W i i m e e ) 1 o Q I cv cv cv T cv , j j

1st term : decrease in the availability of the mass flows 2nd term : decrease of availability of each heat transfer rate j at reservoir Tj 3rd term : increase in availability of the surroundings that receive the actual work Rate of irreversibility means the destruction rate of availability proportional to the net rate of entropy increase B. CONTROL MASS ANALYSIS (non-flow analysis) Volume may change, and some work is exchanged with the ambient

T W2rev = TO ( S 2 S1 ) (U 2 U 1 ) + 1 Q2 1 O TH T rev 1 w2 = ( e1 TO s1 ) ( e2 TO s2 ) + 1 q2 1 O TH

Maximum if the final state is in equilibrium with the surroundings

e2 = eo = u + gZ o w surr = Po ( vo v1 ) = Po ( v1 vo )

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

Maximum available work

max max wavail = wrev w surr

Nonflow availability : maximum available work from as a state without the heat transfers
= ( e To s ) ( eo To so ) + Po (v vo )
= ( e + Po v To s ) ( eo + Po vo To so )

T = ( e TO s ) ( eo TO so ) + Po (v vo ) + 1 q2 1 O TH

Irreversibility I: maximum available work from as a state without the heat transfers
To = + I m ( ) 1 Q W act ( PoV2 V1 ) 1 2 1 2 T j 1 2 j

Decrease in availability of the control mass Decrease in availability of the heat transfers at reservoirs Tj

Availability increase of the surroundings that received the actual work

NET DESTRUCTION OF AVAILABILITY OF THE CONTROL MASS AND SURROUNDINGS : proportional to the net increase of entropy if c.m receives the work increase of availability for the work done by the c.m decrease of availability other irreversible factors that decrease availablity - heat transfer (combustion or frictions etc.) - expansion work e.g. turbine shaft work NOTES The less the irreversibility associated with a given change of state, state, the greater the amount of work will be done (the smaller the amount of work will be required) Availability is one of our natural sources for effective use of these From an economic point of view, exergy analysis can be applied to the optimum design of a variety of engineering systems

Here defines the secondsecond-law efficiency ---- > NEXT TALK

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

Second Law Efficiency Comparisons of the desired output of a process with the cost, or input, in terms of the thermodynamics availability As previously, for example, the turbine efficiency is defined as
turb = wa / w s

This compares two energy quantities -> first law efficiency BUT, here actual work is divided by the decrease in availability from the same inlet state ot the same exit state
2 nd = wa / ( i e )

For compressor or pump

2 nd = ( i e ) / wa ,input

For devices without involving the production or the input of workd

1 ( 2 1 ) / m 3 ( 3 4 ) 2 nd = m = = cv I cv TS W cv cv gen
Total rate of availability supplied from all sources e.g. flows, heat transfers, and work inputs

4 cold 1
wanted / source = 2 nd = source I cv source

3 hot 2

EXERGY BALANCE EQUATION flow availability / non-flow availability these forms are consistent with one another unified formulation for a general control volume
= m = m ( e eo ) + Po m ( v vo ) To m ( s so )

= m

o indicates dead state : ambient state with zero k.E. k.E.

d dme dm dV dm dms dm = eo + Po Po vo To + To so dt dt dt dt dt dt dt dme dV dms dm = + Po To ( ho To so ) dt dt dt dt

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

From continuity equation

dm i m e = m dt

From energy equation and 2nd law

dE dme W + m i hTOTi m e hTOTe = = Q cv cv dt dt dS dms Q i si m e se + cv + S = = m gen dt dt T

Above three equations are substituted into exergy equation

d dV W + m i hTOTi m e hTOTe + Po = Q cv cv dt dt Q (h T s ) m i si + To m e se To cv To S i m e To m gen o o o T

d dt T = 1 o Q cv T + P dV W cv o dt i i m e e + m To S gen
where Transfer by heat at T Transfer by shaft/boundary work Transfer by flow Exergy destruction

i = hTOTi ho To ( si so ) e = hTOTe ho To ( se so )
RATE OF EXERGY STORAGE = Transfer by heat + Transfer by shaft/boundary shaft/boundary work + Transfer by flow Exergy destruction(due to entropy generation, irreversibility)

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

Lecture note for general thermodynamics, 2003

CASE STUDY 1: steady state control volume with a single flow Steady state : no storage of mass, energy, entropy, and exergy with constant volume
T 0 = 1 o Q cv Wcv + 0 + m i i me e To S gen T = 1 To Q i i m e e To S W cv gen cv + m T T cv + i e To s gen w = 1 o q T

i e = hTOTi ho To ( si so ) hTOTe ho To ( se so )
= hTOTi hTOTe To ( si se )

T cv + hTOTi hTOTe To ( si se ) To s gen = w rev To s gen w = 1 o q T

Single heat transfer term and no entropy generation

CASE STUDY 2: no flow steady-state c.v. of heat engine, heat pump, electric heating element, or refirgerator no storage and work -> the work equals the Carnot heat engine work reduced by the exergy destruction of any irreversible process occurring inside the control volume
+m = 1 To Q i i m e e To S W cv cv gen T T S = 1 To Q W cv cv o gen T

CASE STUDY 3: a control mass going through a process (1 2)

d To + P dV T S = Q W 1 cv cv o o gen dt T dt
T 2 1 = 1 o Q cv dt 1 W2 + Po (V2 V1 ) To1 S 2, gen T 1 = m (e2 e1 ) + Po (V2 V1 ) To m ( s2 s1 )
2 1

T W2 Po (V2 V1 ) = 1 o 1Q 2 ( 2 1 ) To1 S 2, gen TH

School of Mechanical Engineering, ChungAng University

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