Civil Services Mentor January 2014

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AUGUST, 2012
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The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League
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Indias First Indias First Indias First Indias First Indias First
Interplanetary Mission Interplanetary Mission Interplanetary Mission Interplanetary Mission Interplanetary Mission
The Mars Orbiter Mission
(MOM), informally called Mangalyaan
is a Mars orbiter launched into Earth
orbit on 5 November 2013 by the
Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO). The 1,337 Kilogram
spacecraft carries a suite of five
instruments to study Mars, its
atmosphere and acquire photos of
the Red Planet. The mission is a
technology demonstrator project
aiming to develop the technologies
required for design, planning,
management and operations of an
interplanetary mission. The Mars
Orbiter Mission probe lifted-off from
the First Launch Pad at Sriharikota,
Andhra Pradesh near Chennai, using
a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV) rocket C25 at 09:08 UTC (2:38
PM IST) on 5 November 2013.The
launch window was approximately
20 days long and started on 28
October 2013.The MOM probe
spent about a month in Earth orbit,
where it made a series of seven
altitude-raising orbital maneuvers
before trans-Mars injection.
It is Indias first interplanetary
mission and, now ISRO has become
the fourth space agency to reach
Mars, after the Soviet space program,
NASA, and European Space Agency.
The spacecraft is being currently
monitored from the Spacecraft
Control Centre at ISRO Telemetry,
Tracking and Command Network
(ISTRAC) in Bangalore with support
from Indian Deep Space Network
(IDSN) antennae at Byalalu.
Background Background Background Background Background
The MOM mission concept
began with a feasibility study in 2010,
after the launch of lunar satellite
Chandrayaan-1 in 2008. The
government of India approved the
project on 3 August 2012, after the
Indian Space Research Organisation
completed 125 crore (US$19
million) of required studies for the
orbiter. The total project cost may be
up to 454 crore (US$69 million). The
satellite costs 153 crore (US$23
million) and the rest of the budget
has been attributed to ground
stations and relay upgrades that will
be used for other ISRO projects.
The space agency had initially
planned the launch on 28 October
2013 but was postponed to 5
November 2013 following the
inability of ISROs spacecraft tracking
ships to take up pre-determined
positions due to poor weather in the
Pacific Ocean. Launch opportunities
for a fuel-saving Hohmann transfer
orbit occur about every 26 months,
in this case, 2016 and 2018. The Mars
Orbiters on-orbit mission life will be
between six and ten months.
Assembly of the PSLV-XL
launch vehicle, designated C25,
started on 5 August 2013. The
mounting of the five scientific
instruments was completed at ISRO
Satellite Centre, Bangalore, and the
finished spacecraft was shipped to
Sriharikota on 2 October 2013 for
integration to the PSLV-XL launch
vehicle. The satellites development
was fast-tracked and completed in a
record 15 months. Despite the U.S.
federal government shutdown,
NASA reaffirmed on 5 October 2013
it would provide communications
and navigation support to the
mission. ISRO chairman stated in






E 4 44 44
The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League
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November 2013 that if the MOM and
NASAs orbiter MAVEN were
successful, they would complement
each other in findings and help
understand Mars better.
P. Kunhikrishnan was the PSLV-
XL spacecraft launch Mission
Director. Mylswamy Annadurai is the
Program Director and Subbiah
Arunan is the Project Director. S. K.
Shivkumar of ISAC was responsible
for the orbiting payload and also
oversaw design and development of
the orbiter.
Obj ecti ves Obj ecti ves Obj ecti ves Obj ecti ves Obj ecti ves
The specific objectives of the
Mars Orbiter Mission are primarily
associated with spacecraft
construction and mission operations
as Mangalyaan serves as a pathfinder,
being Indias first mission beyond the
Moon which brings its own unique
challenges such as the 20-minute
average signal delay to Mars. The
Indian Space Science Data Center
has provided the following Mission
Develop the technologies
required for design, planning,
management and operations of
an interplanetary mission.
Orbit maneuvers to transfer the
spacecraft from an elliptical
Earth orbit to a heliocentric
trajectory and finally insert it
into Mars orbit.
Development of force models
and algorithms for orbit and
attitude computations and
Navigation in all mission phases.
Maintain the spacecraft in all
phases of the Mission meeting
Power, Communications,
Thermal and Payload
Incorporate autonomous
features to handle contingency
The following scientific
Objectives have been set for
the Mars Orbiter Mission:
Study climate, geology, origin
and evolution of Mars
To study sustainability of life on
the planet.
Mission Design Mission Design Mission Design Mission Design Mission Design
Launch & Insertion Launch & Insertion Launch & Insertion Launch & Insertion Launch & Insertion
The Mars Orbiter Mission is
planned to launch on an Indian Polar
Satellite Launch Vehicle flying in its
XL configuration. Mangalyaan does
not use a direct injection in which
the launch vehicle delivers the
spacecraft to its Trans-Martian
Trajectory. Instead, Mangalyaan is
delivered to Earth orbit from where
it uses its own propulsion system to
insert itself into its TMI trajectory over
a period of weeks. This design still
requires the spacecraft to be
launched within a narrow window
that is only open for a few days every
26 months. The MOM launch window
opens on October 28, 2013 and
extends through November 19,
The Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle in its XL Version stands 44.5
meters tall, has a core diameter of 2.8
meters and a liftoff mass of 320,000
Kilograms. It is a four-stage rocket that
uses a combination of solid rocket
stages and liquid-fueled stages. The
launcher can deliver payloads of up
to 1,410 Kilograms to
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit and
is not capable of delivering payloads
of this weight-class to interplanetary
trajectories requiring a different
approach to Lunar or Mars missions
using PSLV.
The PSLV launcher consists of a
large core stage that is 20.34 meters
long and holds 138,000 Kilograms of
solid propellant making it one of
the largest solid rocket stages ever
flown. It provides a whopping thrust
of 495,600 Kilograms. Clustered
around the core are six Solid Rocket
Boosters each being 1 meter in
diameter and 13.5 meters long
holding 12,000 Kilograms of
propellant. Each of the boosters
provides 51,250 Kilograms of thrust.
The second stage of the launch
vehicle uses storable propellants,
Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine
fuel and Nitrogen Tetroxide oxidizer,
that are consumed by a single Vikas 4
engine that provides 81,500kg of
vacuum thrust. The stage is 12.8
meters long featuring a 40,700-
Kilogram propellant load.
The PS3 stage of the PSLV
launcher is solid-fueled, being 2.02
meters in diameter and 3.54 meters
long holding 6,700 Kilograms of
HTPB-based propellant. The third
stage provides a total thrust of 24,900
Kilograms. Stacked atop the third
stage is the PS4 Upper Stage that
again uses hypergolic propellants
Monomethylhydrazine fuel and
Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen
consumed by two L-2-5 engines. The
stage is 2.02 meters in diameter and
2.6 meters long featuring a fuel load
of 2,920 Kilograms. Upper stage
thrust is 1,500 Kilograms.
Spacecraft Spacecraft Spacecraft Spacecraft Spacecraft
Mass: Mass: Mass: Mass: Mass: The lift-off mass was
1,350 kg (3,000 lb), including 852 kg
(1,880 lb) of propellant mass.
Dimensions: Dimensions: Dimensions: Dimensions: Dimensions: Cuboid in shape
of approximately 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in)
Bus: Bus: Bus: Bus: Bus: The spacecrafts bus is a
modified I-1 K structure and
propulsion hardware configurations
similar to Chandrayaan 1, Indias lunar
orbiter that operated from 2008 to
2009, with specific improvements
and upgrades needed for a Mars
mission.The satellite structure is of
aluminum and composite fiber
reinforced plastic (CFRP) sandwich
Power: Power: Power: Power: Power: Electric power is
generated by three solar array panels
of 1.8 m 1.4 m (5 ft 11 in 4 ft 7 in)
each (7.56 m2 (81.4 sq ft) total), for a
maximum of 840 W generation in
Martian orbit. Electricity is stored in a
36 Ah Li-ion battery. 5 55 55
The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League
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Propulsion: Propulsion: Propulsion: Propulsion: Propulsion: Liquid fuel engine
of 440 N thrust is used for orbit raising
and insertion in Martian orbit. The
orbiter also has eight 22 N thrusters
for attitude control or orientation.
Communications: Communications: Communications: Communications: Communications: Two 230
W TWTAs and two coherent
transponders. The antenna array
consists of a low-gain antenna, a
medium-gain antenna and a high-
gain antenna. The High-gain antenna
system is based on a single 2.2 metre
reflector illuminated by a feed at S-
band. It is used to transmit and
receive the telemetry, tracking,
commanding and data to and from
the Indian Deep Space Network.
Payl oad Payl oad Payl oad Payl oad Payl oad
The 15 kg (33 lb) scientific
payload consists of five instruments.
Atmospheric Studies Atmospheric Studies Atmospheric Studies Atmospheric Studies Atmospheric Studies
Lyman-Alpha Photometer
(LAP) a photometer that
measures the relative
abundance of deuterium and
hydrogen from Lyman-alpha
emissions in the upper
atmosphere. Measuring the
deuterium/hydrogen ratio will
allow an estimation of the
amount of water loss to outer
Methane Sensor For Mars
(MSM) will measure
methane in the atmosphere of
Mars, if any, and map its sources.
Particle environment studies Particle environment studies Particle environment studies Particle environment studies Particle environment studies
Mars Exospheric Neutral
Composition Analyser
(MENCA) is a quadrupole
mass analyser capable of
analysing the neutral
composition of particles in the
Surface imaging studies Surface imaging studies Surface imaging studies Surface imaging studies Surface imaging studies
Thermal Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (TIS) will
measure the temperature and
emissivity of the Martian surface,
allowing for the mapping of
surface composition and
mineralogy of Mars.
Mars Colour Camera (MCC)
will provide images in the visual
spectrum, providing context
for the other instruments.
Telemetry and command Telemetry and command Telemetry and command Telemetry and command Telemetry and command
The Indian Space Research
Organisation Telemetry, Tracking and
Command Network performed
navigation and tracking operations for
the launch with ground stations at
Sriharikota, Port Blair, Brunei and Biak
in Indonesia, and after the
spacecrafts apogee became more
than 100,000 km, two large 18-metre
and 32-metre diameter antennas of
the Indian Deep Space Network
started to be utilised. NASAs Deep
Space Network is providing position
data through its three stations located
in Canberra, Madrid and Goldstone
on the U.S. West Coast during the
non-visible period of ISROs network.
The South African National Space
Agencys (SANSA) Hartebeesthoek
(HBK) ground station is also
providing satellite tracking, telemetry
and command services. Additional
monitoring is provided by technicians
on board two leased ships from the
Shipping Corporation of India, SCI
Nalanda and SCI Yamuna which are
currently in position in the South
Pacific near Fiji.
Orbit raising manouvers Orbit raising manouvers Orbit raising manouvers Orbit raising manouvers Orbit raising manouvers
Several orbit raising operations
were conducted from the Spacecraft
Control Centre (SCC) at ISRO
Telemetry, Tracking and Command
Network (ISTRAC) at Peenya,
Bangalore on 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 16
November by using the spacecrafts
on-board propulsion system and
Earth flybys for gravity assist. The aim
was to gradually build up the
necessary escape velocity (11.2 km/
s) to break free from Earths
gravitational pull while minimizing
propellant use. The first three of the
five planned orbit raising manoeuvres
were completed with nominal results,
while the fourth was partially
successful. However, a subsequent
supplementary manoeuvre raised the
orbit to the intended altitude aimed
for in the original fourth manoeuvre.
A total of six burns were completed
while the spacecraft remained in
Earth orbit, with a seventh burn
conducted on 30 November to insert
MOM into a heliocentric orbit for its
transit to Mars.
The first orbit-raising
manoeuvre was performed on 6
November 2013 at 19:47 UTC when
the 440 newtons (99 lbf) liquid
engine of the spacecraft was fired for
416 seconds. With this engine firing,
the spacecrafts apogee was raised
to 28,825 km, with a perigee of 252
km. The second orbit raising
manoeuvre was performed on 7
November 2013 at 20:48 UTC, with a
burn time of 570.6 seconds resulting
in an apogee of 40,186 km. The third
orbit raising manoeuvre was
performed on 8 November 2013 at
20:40 UTC, with a burn time of 707
seconds resulting in an apogee of
71,636 km.
The fourth orbit raising
manoeuvre, starting at 20:36 UTC on
10 November 2013, imparted an
incremental velocity of 35 m/s to the
spacecraft instead of the planned 135
m/s as a result of underburn by the
motor.Because of this, the apogee
was boosted to 78,276 km instead of
the planned 100,000 km. When
testing the redundancies built-in for
the propulsion system, the flow to the
liquid engine stopped, with
consequent reduction in incremental
velocity. During the fourth orbit burn,
the primary and redundant coils of
the solenoid flow control valve of 440
Newton liquid engine and logic for
thrust augmentation by the attitude
control thrusters were being tested.
When both primary and redundant
coils were energised together during
the planned modes, the flow to the 6 66 66
The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League The Mars Orbiter Mission: Step Towards Elite League
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liquid engine stopped. Operating
both the coils simultaneously is not
possible for future operations,
however they could be operated
independently of each other, in
sequence. As a result of the fourth
planned burn coming up short, an
additional unscheduled burn was
performed on 12 November 2013
that increased the apogee to 118,642
km, a slightly higher altitude than
originally intended in the fourth
The apogee was raised to
192,874 km on 15 November 2013,
19:57 UTC in the final orbit raising
Trans-Mars injection Trans-Mars injection Trans-Mars injection Trans-Mars injection Trans-Mars injection
On 30 November 2013 at 19:19
UTC, a 23-minute engine firing
initiated the transfer of MOM away
from Earth orbit and on heliocentric
trajectory toward Mars. The probe will
have to travel a distance of 780 million
kilometres (484 million miles) to reach
Trajectory correction Trajectory correction Trajectory correction Trajectory correction Trajectory correction
manoeuvres manoeuvres manoeuvres manoeuvres manoeuvres
Four trajectory corrections are
planned: the first is done on 11
December 2013, the second will be
in April 2014, then in August 2014,
and September 2014. The first
trajectory correction manoeuvre
(TCM) was carried out at 01:00 IST,
December 11, 2013, by firing the 22
newtons (4.9 lbf) thrusters for a
duration of 40.5 seconds.
Mars orbit insertion Mars orbit insertion Mars orbit insertion Mars orbit insertion Mars orbit insertion
The current plan is for insertion
into Mars orbit on 24 September
2014, approximately 2 days after the
arrival of NASAs MAVEN orbiter.
MOM will be set on a highly elliptical
orbit around Mars, with a period of
76.7 hours and a planned periapsis
of 365 km (227 mi) and apoapsis of
80,000 km.
Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar
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Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India
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I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on
India is the fourth largest
economy in the world. However, one
factor which is a drag on its
development is the lack of world
class infrastructure. In fact, estimates
suggest that the lack of proper
infrastructure pulls down Indias GDP
growth by 1-2 percent every year.
Physical infrastructure has a direct
impact on the growth and overall
development of an economy. But, the
fast growth of the Indian economy in
recent years has placed increasing
stress on physical infrastructure, such
as electricity, railways, roads, ports,
airports, irrigation, urban and rural
water supply, and sanitation, all of
which already suffer from a
substantial deficit. The goals of
inclusive growth and a 9 percent
growth in GDP can be achieved only
if this infrastructure deficit is
overcome. Infrastructure
development will help in creating a
better investment climate in India. To
develop infrastructure in the country,
the government is expected to revisit
issues of budgetary allocation, tariff
policy, fiscal incentives, private
sector participation, and public-
private partnerships (PPPs) with
There are many issues that need
to be addressed in different
infrastructural fields. To begin with,
the gap between electricity
production and demand is affecting
both manufacturing and overall
growth. Then though road transport
is the backbone of the Indian
transport infrastructure, it is
inadequate in terms of quality,
quantity, and connectivity. Also in the
overall transport sector, civil aviation
and ports desperately need
modernization. It is expected that the
public sector will continue to play an
important role in building transport
infrastructure. However, the
resources needed are much larger
than what the public sector can
12th Five Year Plan 12th Five Year Plan 12th Five Year Plan 12th Five Year Plan 12th Five Year Plan
Inadequate infrastructure was
recognized in the Eleventh Plan as a
major constraint for rapid growth. The
Plan had, therefore, emphasized on
the need for massive expansion on
investment in infrastructure based on
a combination of public and private
investment, the latter through various
forms of PPPs. Substantial progress
has been made in this respect. The
total investment in infrastructure,
which includes roads, railways, ports,
electricity and telecommunication,
oil gas pipelines, and irrigation, is
estimated to have increased from 5.7
per cent of GDP in the base year of
the Eleventh Plan to around 8 per
cent in the last year of the Plan. The
pace of investment has been
particularly buoyant in some sectors,
notably telecommunication and oil
and gas pipelines, while falling short
of targets in electricity, railways,
roads, and ports. Efforts to attract
private investment in infrastructure
through the PPP route have met with
considerable success, not only at the
level of the central government, but
also at the level of individual states. A
large number of PPPs have taken off,
and many of them are currently
operational at both the centre and in
the states.
The Twelfth Plan intends to
continue its thrust on accelerating the


A 8 88 88
Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India
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pace of investment in infrastructure
as this is critical for sustaining and
accelerating growth. The Planning
Commission in its Twelfth Five Year
Plan Document (2012-17) expects
investments in infrastructure projects
to be worth of US$ 1 Trillion over the
five years of the plan. The total
investment as a percentage of GDP is
also expected to be in the range of
7-9% (see figure 1). Public
investments in infrastructure have
been the dominant form of
infrastructure financing in India, but
this is expected to change and the
private sector will be expected to
invest more in infrastructure in the
coming years. It would be necessary
to review the factors which may be
constraining private investment, and
steps may be needed to rectify them.
PPPs, with appropriate regulation and
concern for equity, need to be
encouraged in social sectors, such as
health and education. Several state
governments are already taking steps
in this direction.
However, public investment in
infrastructure is still expected to bear
a large part of the infrastructure needs
in backward and remote areas for
improving connectivity and
expanding much-needed public
services. Since resource constraints
will continue to limit public
investment in infrastructure in other
areas, PPP-based development
needs to be encouraged wherever
feasible. The above chart shows the
percentage component of public
and private investment in
infrastructure in the 11th Five-Year
Plan. As per the 12th Plan Document,
the Planning Commission targets to
achieve 50% private and PPP funding
in total infrastructure investments,
compared to a little more than 30%
in the 11th Plan. The chart 3 below
gives us an idea of what portion of
private investment is in the form of
PPP investments. It is evident that
there is a greater emphasis to initiate
PPP projects in the 12th Plan. In terms
of number of projects, roads and
highways are emerging as favoured
destinations for PPP, while telecom
and electricity lead in terms of
private investments. Currently there
are 758 projects in the pipeline with
more than 53% in the roads sector,
followed by urban development with
20% of the projects. See chart 4
The Indian power sector has
attracted much private investment in
the past years. With 56 projects for a
total consideration of US$ 12.6
billion, the sector accounts for 18%
of the total value of PPP projects
across sectors, though only 7% of the
total number of PPP projects. Indias
total generating capacity is around
173,626.4 megawatts (MW), of
which the private sector accounts for
the lowest (21.2%). See figure 5 and
5A. India is expected to make great
investments in the power sector due
to rapid urbanization, rural
electrification and industries across
the country. Under the 12th Plan, the
private sector is likely to account for
a major share of the additional
capacity (55.6%). PPP is likely to be
the preferred route for such ventures.
Publ i c-Pri vate Publ i c-Pri vate Publ i c-Pri vate Publ i c-Pri vate Publ i c-Pri vate
Partnerships in India Partnerships in India Partnerships in India Partnerships in India Partnerships in India
In the last one decade, the
government has been faced with a
huge resource crunch. The
combined deficit of the central and
state governments is roughly 10 per
cent of GDP. Government borrowing
has been capped through the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budgetary
Management Act. This necessarily
limits state participation in
infrastructure financing, thus opening
the door to innovative approaches,
such as PPPs.
The Government of India has
been encouraging private sector
investment and participation in all
infrastructure sectors. As the National
Development Council has made
clear: Increased private participation
has now become a necessity to
mobilise the resources needed for
infrastructure expansion and
upgrading. The PPP model has been
fairly successful in many advanced
countries and it is a robust model.
PPPs in India are in a nascent stage,
but are gaining popularity and
support given the dire need to
improve infrastructure in the country.
A review of international best
practice in PPPs suggests a number
of core issues that public authorities
must address when considering their
use for procuring public
infrastructure projects. These include:
Whether PPP arrangements will
result in better value for money
than conventional procurement
Whether the project is
affordable in the long term,
given overall budgetary
How willing is the private
sector to be involved in the
provision of public services;
and what type of PPP
arrangement is most
appropriate for a particular
In recent years, the PPP model
in India has been fairly successful with
several projects being implemented
across sectors. However, one of the
main problems confronting
infrastructure and PPPs in India is the
delay in implementing and executing
large-scale projects resulting in time
and cost overruns. Efficiency in
implementing infrastructure projects
in India is a rarity. The PPP model is a
complex one leading to problems at
various stages of implementation and
execution of the project. Box 1.1
gives the broad reasons why PPPs fail
in some cases.
Why do some PPPs fail? Why do some PPPs fail? Why do some PPPs fail? Why do some PPPs fail? Why do some PPPs fail?
If a contract is inadequately
managed, one or more of the
following problems may occur and 9 99 99
Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India
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potentially render the project
1. The provider may assume
control, leading to unbalanced
decisions that do not reflect
the interest of the public
2. Decisions are taken at
inappropriate times;
3. New business processes are
unsuccessfully integrated with
existing ones, and fail;
4. People within either sector may
fail to understand their roles and
5. Disputes and misunder-
standings may arise, some of
which might be inappropriately
6. Progress may be slow or there
might be an inability to move
forward; The desired benefits
may not be achieved; and
There are a number of reasons
why the public sector may fail to
manage a PPP project successfully,
including: Poorly drafted contracts;
Contract managers assigned
insufficient resources; Lack of
experience in either the public sector
or the provider teams; A failure to
adopt an attitude towards
partnership; Personality clashes
between project team personnel;
Lack of understanding of the
complexity, context, and
dependencies of the contract;
Unclear identification of authority
and responsibility in relation to
commercial decisions; Lack of
measurement of performance; Focus
on existing arrangements rather than
emphasis on potential improvements;
and Inadequate monitoring and
management of statutory, political,
and commercial risks.
Undoubtedly, PPPs in India
have gathered significant traction in
recent years but it is said that India
lacks the overall sophistication of the
market in terms of innovative and
diverse application of PPPs.
According to a 2011 survey by the
Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, over 240 projects with a
value of US$14.5 billion have been
delivered over the last 15 years which
show that this model has been
operational in India, with a majority
of $9.4 billion having been delivered
during 2005-10 alone.
Over the years, adoption of
standardized documents, such as
model concession agreements and
bidding documents for award of PPP
projects have been streamlined and
there has also been accelerated
decision-making by agencies in a
manner that is fair, transparent, and
competitive. This approach has
contributed significantly to the
recent strides in rolling out a large
number of PPPs in different sectors.
According to the Private Participation
in Infrastructure database of the
World Bank (India), with 1,017 PPPs
accounting for an investment of Rs
486,603 crore, India is second only
to China in terms of the number of
PPPs; in terms of investment it is
second to Brazil. Transport is the
dominant PPP sector in India both by
the number of projects and
investment, mainly due to the large
number of road sector projects.
Further efforts are needed to
mainstream PPPs in several areas, such
as power transmission and
distribution, water supply and
sewerage, and railways where there
are significant resource shortfalls and
also a need for efficient delivery of
services. Similar efforts will also have
to be initiated in social sectors. The
government has also been
emphasizing the need to explore the
scope of PPPs in the development of
social sectors like health and
Some of the major PPPs
undertaken so far are:
1. Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and
Bengaluru airports.
2. Ultra-mega power projects at
Sasan (Madhya Pradesh),
Mudra (Gujarat),
Krishnapatnam (Andhra
Pradesh), and Tilaiya
( Jharkhand).
3. Container terminals at Mumbai,
Chennai, and
4 Tuticorin ports.
5. 15 concessions for operations
of container trains.
6. Jhajjar power transmission
project in Haryana.
7. 298 national and state highway
Indias estimated overall
infrastructure investment is pegged
at US$ 1 trillion in the 12
Five Year
Plan of which approximately 40 per
cent is expected from the private
sector. While this ensures tremendous
potential opportunities for private
sector investment, it is imperative that
both the government and the private
sector address the issues of achieving
efficiency in the tendering process,
execution of projects on-time and
within budgets, and streamlining
structural financing problems.
Approach to PPP s in India Approach to PPP s in India Approach to PPP s in India Approach to PPP s in India Approach to PPP s in India
PPPs are still a relatively new
phenomenon in India and in a
nascent stage compared to the
advanced models of PPPs in other
countries. Until 2004, there were only
85 PPPs, but between 2004 and
2005, this figure leapt to 500, and in
2011 the number of PPPs in the
country had increased to 840 as per
the PPP database of the Government
of India. PPPs worth billions are under
development across the country,
with the largest number of projects
in the road and bridges sector,
followed by ports. These sectors
dominate PPP initiatives. The leading
state users of PPPs by number of
projects are Madhya Pradesh and
Maharashtra, followed by Gujarat,
Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. Almost all
contracts have been of the BOT/
BOOT type or their close variants,
which involve user payments. 10 10 10 10 10
Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India Infrastructure Development in India
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The largest number of PPPs in
India has been in the road sector
followed by urban development,
energy, and port sectors. Economic
Survey (2008-09) noted six key
hurdles faced by PPPs: policy and
regulatory gaps; inadequate
availability of long-term finance;
inadequate capacity in public
institutions and public officials to
manage PPP processes; inadequate
capacity in the private sectorboth
developer/investor and technical
manpower; inadequate shelf of
bankable infrastructure projects that
can be bid out to the private sector;
and inadequate advocacy to create
greater acceptance of PPPs by
stakeholders. Undoubtedly, India has
to proceed with caution with respect
to PPPs, ensuring necessary checks
and balances because the benefits
of private sector efficiencies will
come at a price.
In this context, and in view of
ensuring project sustainability over
the long term, the suggestion for
independent regulatory bodies in
core infrastructure sectors, such as
the transport sectorcomprising
highways, railways, urban metros,
ports, and airports is a welcome
suggestion for future reforms.
Measures also need to be taken to
make existing regulatory agencies in
the power sector more effective. To
make PPPs a success, state
governments need to establish full-
fledged PPP departments mandated
with developing core competencies,
policy frameworks, and public
discourse. Lessons and experiences
of other emerging markets in this
context would also be helpful.
Rigorous assessment of the costs and
benefits of large projects would also
be critical for achieving broader
public support for the projects.
Rajendra Rajendra Rajendra Rajendra Rajendra
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Free from Political Influence Free from Political Influence Free from Political Influence Free from Political Influence Free from Political Influence
In a path-breaking verdict, the
Supreme Court directed that
bureaucrats be given a fixed tenure
and their promotions and transfers be
decided by a board, in order to free
the bureaucracy from the clutches of
political bosses and put an end to
civil servants being shunted out for
not toeing their line. Noting that
deterioration of the standards of
probity and accountability with civil
servants is due to the political
influence, the apex court held that
bureaucrats must not function on
verbal or oral instructions given by
their superiors and political
executive as it gives room for
favoritism and corruption and also
defeats the rights guaranteed to the
citizens under RTI Act.
Administrative reforms in India
have been a long-drawn-out process,
and recommendations on having a
xed tenure system for bureaucrats
have been repeatedly made since
before Independence. The Supreme
Court order directing the centre and
the states to set up civil services
boards for the management of
transfers, postings, inquiries,
promotions, rewards, and
punishments of administrative
personnel, while ensuring a xed
minimum tenure for them is a
laudable step. The apex courts
decision signals an important move
towards much-needed
administrative reforms in India and is
a signicant step in a long journey that
began decades ago. The idea of
bringing about stability in the tenure
system of bureaucrats has been the
focal point of a number of
administrative reforms initiatives, and
despite the efforts of multiple
commissions and committees, it has
yet to be implemented in the
countrys non-political and
permanent executive structure.
Perspecti ve Perspecti ve Perspecti ve Perspecti ve Perspecti ve
Stability of tenure has long
been advocated by organisation
theorists as the basis of effective and
efficient management. This basic
tenet was emphasised at the very
inception of the discipline of public
administration by classical theorists
such as Henry Fayol. In his seminal
work General and Industrial
Management (1949), Fayol states that
one of the principles of management
is stability of tenure as it provides
orderly human resource stafng and
establishes provisions to ensure that
an employee possesses the requisite
ability to perform his or her work
efciently. He points out that it takes
time to develop the skills necessary
to perform effectively in a particular
position (Wren and Bedeian 2009).
This logic holds true even today and
has been the basis of many arguments
in the favour of xed tenures in
government services.
In India, the system of stafng
through tenure was established by
Viceroy George Curzon (1899-
1905). A number of commissions
and committees supported the
system and also advocated stability
of tenure. They included the
Llewellyn Smith report (1919); the
reports of the Simon Commission
(1930); Wheeler Committee (1936);
Maxwell Committee (1937);
Rowlands Committee (1944-45); and
the Bengal Administration Enquiry
Committee (Avasthi and Avasthi










? 12 12 12 12 12
A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy?
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2004). After Independence, the rst
Administrative Reforms Commission
(ARC 1967) and the second ARC
(2008) have dealt in detail with the
need for administrative reforms and
xed tenures.
Current Situation Current Situation Current Situation Current Situation Current Situation
The second ARC has given a
detailed account of the current
situation. One of its reports points out
that frequent transfer of civil servants
continues to be a problem in public
administration in India, and goes on
to list its ill effects.
It affects governance because
civil servants are not allowed to stay
in a position long enough to acquire
adequate knowledge and
experience of their job, and an
understanding of the milieu and
culture in which they have to function
and the problems they need to
They are unable to build the
required mutual condence and
understanding which takes time to
develop and is necessary for
administrative leadership. It prevents
civil ser vants from staying in a
position long enough to institute or
sustain reforms and it is both
demoralising and demotivating when
civil servants are not in a position long
enough to see the fruits of their eorts
which could be a source of
enormous satisfaction to them.
Frequent transfers and posting lead
to lack of accountability and
Short tenures are not only
characteristic of the administration at
the lower echelons, but also are a
regular feature in the higher civil
services (e g, t he IAS [Indian
Administrative Service],
IPS [Indian Police Service] IPS [Indian Police Service] IPS [Indian Police Service] IPS [Indian Police Service] IPS [Indian Police Service]
etc) (2008: 182). etc) (2008: 182). etc) (2008: 182). etc) (2008: 182). etc) (2008: 182).
A government report shows that
only a very small percentage of IAS
of cers spent more than three years
in the same position between 1978
and 2006 the highest being 10% in
1996 and the lowest 5% in 1979. It
also reveals that the majority of ofcers
spent less than a year in the same
position. The ARC report states that
the situation is much worse in the
states, with a large percentage of
ofcers lasting less than a year in any
one position.
The ARC report points out that
the trend of frequent transfers can be
said to have taken root in the country,
especially in recent years. When a
new government is formed after an
election, one of the rst actions the
political executive carries out is
transferring civil servants. These
transfers are often made on the basis
of caste or community reasons or for
monetary considerations. This leads
to an erosion of morale in the
bureaucracy and, more worryingly,
reinforces caste and communal
divisions within it. The transfers also
lead to a lack of accountability and
are an important cause of the spread
of corruption.
Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations
We should note that the
Supreme Court s ruling to ensure
xed minimum tenures comes against
the backdrop of several other
commissions and committees having
made similar recommendations while
looking into administrative reforms.
The Fifth Pay Commission
(1997) in its massive report observed
that providing continuity in
administration and stability in
governance required xing a
minimum tenure for positions held by
civil servants. The minimum tenure
suggested for a bureaucratic post
was three to ve years, except in
cases where a longer tenure was
justied on functional grounds, such
as ensuring the continued availability
of certain specialized skills. As with
the Supreme Court verdict now, it
favoured constituting high-powered
civil service boards at the levels of
the union and state governments to
regulate and look into cases of
premature transfers of civil servants.
The report of the committee of
experts on disciplinary and vigilance
inquiries headed by P C Hota (2004)
also recommended the
establishment of civil service boards/
establishment boards comprising
senior civil servants. It urged that a
Civil Services Act be enacted to make
these boards at the centre and states
statutory bodies.
In its proposed set-up at the
centre, an appointments committee
of the cabinet would be the nal
authority on the transfer of
administrative personnel who came
under the central stang scheme. The
principle of a xed tenure would
apply to senior ocers who are not
under the central staffing scheme,
but are working under the central
government, and in their case, the
minister under which their
department fell would be the nal
authority on transfers. Chief ministers
would be the nal authority on the
transfer of all Group A ocers of state
services and IAS ocers serving in
state services.
If a chief minister did not agree
with the recommendations of a civil
services board/establishment board,
he would have to record his reasons
in writing. An ocer transferred
before his tenure is over could
appeal before a three member
ombudsman even if this move was
carried out on orders of the chief
The report also recommended
that the chairperson of the
ombudsman be a retired ocial of
proven honesty and integrity. The
other two members could be from
among serving ocers and they could
carry out their duties on a part-time
basis. In all cases of premature
transfers, the ombudsman would be
liable to send a report to the
governor of the state, who would lay
it in an annual report before the state
legislature. The ombudsman could 13 13 13 13 13
A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy? A Fixed Tenure for Civil Servants: End of Nexus between Politics & Bureaucracy?
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also decide on damages to be paid
to an ocer unfairly transferred to
compensate him for dislocation and
the mental agony caused by it.
The Hota Committee observed
that the absence of a xed tenure for
ocials was one of the important
reasons for tardy implementation of
government policies, for a lack of
accountability among ocers, for the
waste of public money due to
inadequate supervision of
programmes, and, above all, for large-
scale corruption.
It emphatically pointed out that
there was overwhelming evidence
that ocials of state governments,
particularly those in the all-India
services serving in states, were
demoralised with frequent transfers
at the whims of local politicians and
other vested interests, who
succeeded in prevailing upon chief
ministers or ministers to order them.
Chief ministers often had to oblige
powerful factions in their part y by
transferring senior ocers who were
honest, sincere, and steadfast in
carrying out government
programmes but were seen as
inconvenient by local politicians
whom they did not humour. The
reason behind this trend, the
committee pointed out, was faction-
ridden party politics in some states.
What suffered was the public interest
with collectors/district magistrates,
senior superintendents of police/
superintendents of police/deputy
inspectors general of police and
divisional forest ocers/conservators
of forests and other senior ocials
being frequently displaced.
The second ARC (2008)
quoted from the 2002 report of the
National Commission to Review the
Working of the Constitution, which
commented on the issue of untimely
transfers. It held all issues to do with
personnel policy, including
placements, promotions, transfers,
and fast-track advancements, be
managed by autonomous personnel
boards, which would functions on
the lines of the Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC).
Such boards had to be
constituted under a parliamentary
legislation under Article 309 of the
Constitution. This would be a major
step towards neutralising the well-
known trend of playing politics with
official postings in public services in
general and the higher civil services
in particular.
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion
The Supreme Court verdict is
only the tip of the iceberg. A number
of reforms commissions have pointed
out shortcomings in personnel
management of the Indian executive
and advised measures to introduce
much-needed changes. It has been
time and again observed that the
frequent transfer of civil servants has
a negative eect on governance and
stands in the way of them delivering
ef- cient and effective services to
the people.
The fact of the matter is that no
commission or committee report has
so far contested the need for xed
minimum tenures, but the
government continues to drag its feet.
A democratic government ought to
serve its own people and not itself,
something which our legislatures
need to be repeatedly reminded of.
With the apex court now stepping
in, we can only hope the powers that
be will nally get the message.
S P Singh S P Singh S P Singh S P Singh S P Singh 14 14 14 14 14
National Issues National Issues National Issues National Issues National Issues
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Amendment of Article 371(D) Amendment of Article 371(D) Amendment of Article 371(D) Amendment of Article 371(D) Amendment of Article 371(D)
is needed for bifurcation of is needed for bifurcation of is needed for bifurcation of is needed for bifurcation of is needed for bifurcation of
Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
The Union Law Ministry on 14
November 2013 told to the Group of
Ministers (GoM) about the necessity
of amendment of Article 371 (D) of
the Constitution of India for
bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. The
Article 371D of Constitution of India
writes Special provisions with respect
to the State of Andhra Pradesh. Two-
third majority of Parliament will be
needed for the passage of the
constitution Amendment Bill, which
will be the biggest political inference
in passage. The GoM will seek the
advice of Goolam Vahanvati, the
Attorney General before they
proceed with the Bill. As they want
to enquire that a single bill on
bifurcation is sufficient or a separate
bill will be required to be
Land transfer for Dr B. R. Land transfer for Dr B. R. Land transfer for Dr B. R. Land transfer for Dr B. R. Land transfer for Dr B. R.
Ambedkar Memorial approved Ambedkar Memorial approved Ambedkar Memorial approved Ambedkar Memorial approved Ambedkar Memorial approved
Union Cabinet on 25 November
2013 approved a proposal to transfer
Indu Mill land in Mumbai to
Maharashtra government for
constructing Dr B R Ambedkar
memorial. The decision was taken in
the meeting of the Cabinet chaired
by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan
Singh. It would empower the Centre
to acquire certain area of the Mill
belonging to National Textile
Corporation Limited in Mumbai for
facilitation of construction of the
memorial. Over 48000 square
metres of land will be acquired for
the purpose. According to the
cabinet note, NTCL will be paid 45.77
crore rupees for the land. In this
regard, Dr. B R Ambedkar Memorial
Bill, 2013 is likely to be introduced in
Parliament in the winter session
beginning on 5 December 2013. The
legislation is aimed at empowering
the Central government to acquire a
portion of the land belonging to the
National Textile Corporation Limited
(NTCL) for facilitation of the
construction of a memorial for
Ambedkar. The ashes of Dr
Ambedkar are interred at Chaitya
Bhoomi, which is situated in the
vicinity of the Indu Mill.
India declared itself free from India declared itself free from India declared itself free from India declared itself free from India declared itself free from
Bird Flu Bird Flu Bird Flu Bird Flu Bird Flu
India on 12 November 2013
declared itself free from Notifiable
Avian Influenza (H5N1), commonly 15 15 15 15 15
National Issues National Issues National Issues National Issues National Issues
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called bird flu and notified the same
to World Organisation for Animal
Health (OIE). India notified the
outbreak of the Avian Influenza
(H5N1) at poultry production unit,
College of Veterinary Sciences and
Animal Husbandry, Anjora, Durg and
Government Poultry Farm, Jagdalpur,
Chhattisgarh on 05th August, 2013.
The control measures adopted
in the outbreak was taken in form of
stamping of the entire poultry
population and it included the
destruction of eggs, litters, feed and
other infected materials within the
radius of one kilometer around the
location of the outbreak, restriction
of the poultry movement, disinfection
and cleaning up of the infected
premises and subsequently issuing of
the Post Operation Surveillance Plan
(POSP). On 12 August 2013 the
POSP was issued. Although India is
free from the bird flu, but regular
surveillance will be continued across
the country especially in the
vulnerable areas that is bordered by
the infected countries and in areas
which are visited by migratory birds.
MoU between Sports Ministry MoU between Sports Ministry MoU between Sports Ministry MoU between Sports Ministry MoU between Sports Ministry
& Department of AIDS Control & Department of AIDS Control & Department of AIDS Control & Department of AIDS Control & Department of AIDS Control
The Union Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports on 29 November
2013 signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with
Department of AIDS Control. The
MoU was signed between Secretary,
Department of Sports Ajit M Saran,
and Secretary, Department of AIDS
Control, Lov Verma, in New
Delhi. The MoUs objective is to
reach a large number of youth
engaged in sports activities at village,
district and state level with
information on STI/HIV/AIDS
prevention and related services.
Other objectives included building
the capacity of sports educators,
administrators and coaches on
Minimizing the risk of HIV
transmission on and outside the sports
field, involve youth organisation,
sports federations in HIV/AIDS
prevention activities, promote
awareness generation through
hoarding and banners at eminent
places and sports infrastructure
during state/national events and
tournaments, and involve eminent
sports personalities for addressing
social stigma and discrimination
associated with HIV/AIDS.
For fulfillment of objectives of
MOU, the Department of Sports
would issue directives to Sports
Authority of India (SAI), National Anti
Doping Agency (NADA), Lakshmibai
National University of Physical
Education (LNUPE), National Sports
Federations (NSFs) and other sports
bodies for creating awareness. The
Department of AIDS Control provide
technical support in capacity
building on HIV/AIDS for
sportspersons, trainees and staff of
sports organisations and federations,
by sharing of Information Education
and Communication (IEC) materials
for awareness generation activities.
National Portal on Maulana National Portal on Maulana National Portal on Maulana National Portal on Maulana National Portal on Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad launched Abul Kalam Azad launched Abul Kalam Azad launched Abul Kalam Azad launched Abul Kalam Azad launched
Union Minister of Minority Affairs
K Rahman Khan on 11 November
2013 launched a National Portal on
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The portal
was inaugurated to mark 125th birth
anniversary of the great national
leader- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, (11
November 1888 22 February 1958)
was a scholar and a great Indian
freedom fighter, an eminent
educationist and the first Education
Minister of India. He was one of the
greatest national leaders of his time
in the cause of Hindu Muslim unity as
well as secularism and socialism.
About the National Portal About the National Portal About the National Portal About the National Portal About the National Portal
This portal is an initiative to
digitise the heritage of the Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad, and make his life
and legacy available online. Along
with a biographical account on
Maulana Azad, the portal contains
titles and information on over 20
books written by Maulana Azad, in
Urdu and English, as well as
information on over 45 books written
on Maulana Azad in Urdu, Hindi and
English. Portal also contains over 60
photographs some of which are
with contemporaries like Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi,
C Rajagopalachari amongst others.
The portal also has excerpts of rare
writings by Maulana Azad his
address on the Mahatmas Birthday
on All India Radio, his message on the
day that marked the anniversary of the
JallianwalaBagh massacre, his insights
on the history of philosophy to name
a few. Additionally, the portal enlists
the institutions, scholarships and
other initiatives named after the
leader. The portal is a collaborative
effort by the Union ministry of 16 16 16 16 16
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minority affairs, the Office of Advisor
to the Prime Minister, the National
Commission for Minorities, the Ministry
of Culture). The national portal a one
stop point collating all knowledge and
resources available on Maulana Azad,
is now available to the public.
Higher Base Price for Higher Base Price for Higher Base Price for Higher Base Price for Higher Base Price for
upcoming Spectrum Auction upcoming Spectrum Auction upcoming Spectrum Auction upcoming Spectrum Auction upcoming Spectrum Auction
The Empowered Group of
Ministers (EGoM) on 22 November
2013 approved hiking by up to 25
per cent the reserve or start price for
the auction of mobile phone
spectrum in January 2014. An
Empowered Group of Ministers
(EGoM) on Telcom headed
b y Defence Minister A K Defence Minister A K Defence Minister A K Defence Minister A K Defence Minister A K
Antony Antony Antony Antony Antony agreed wi th the
recommendation of the Telecom
Commission to better regulator TRAIs
suggested reserve or base price for
the auction of spectrum in the 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
MHz and 900 MHz and 900 MHz and 900 MHz and 900 MHz and 900 MHz bands used by
GSM operators such as Bharti Airtel
and Vodafone. The EGoM also asked
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India (TRAI) to suggest a base price
for the 800 MHz spectrum, which is
used by CDMA operators such as
Sistema. TRAI had not recommended
a reserve price for the 800 MHz band,
saying there was no need to auction
these airwaves now. The Telecom
Commission had earlier this month
(Nov 2013) suggested fixing a
minimum 1765 crore Rupees per
MHz as the price for pan-India
spectrum in the 1800 MHz band, 15
per cent higher than the TRAIs
suggested rate of 1496 crore Rupees.
Indias 1st Synthetic Rubber Indias 1st Synthetic Rubber Indias 1st Synthetic Rubber Indias 1st Synthetic Rubber Indias 1st Synthetic Rubber
Plant in Panipat Plant in Panipat Plant in Panipat Plant in Panipat Plant in Panipat
Union Petroleum Minister
Veerappa Moily on 29 November
2013 inaugurated the first
Synthetic Rubber Plant Synthetic Rubber Plant Synthetic Rubber Plant Synthetic Rubber Plant Synthetic Rubber Plant of the
country at Panipat in Haryana. The
country s fi rst e-SBR (styrene e-SBR (styrene e-SBR (styrene e-SBR (styrene e-SBR (styrene
butadiene rubber) butadiene rubber) butadiene rubber) butadiene rubber) butadiene rubber) unit was set
up by Indian Synthetic Rubber Ltd
(ISRL), a joint venture promoted by
Indian Oil, TSRC Corporation, Taiwan,
and Marubeni Corporation, Japan.
The plant will produce 120 kilo
tonnes synthetic rubber annually,
which would be used in industrial
units for manufacturing automobile
and daily need products. It is planned
to increase the capacity of the plant
to 220 KT in next two years. The
project, which is estimated to
cost 958 crore rupees 958 crore rupees 958 crore rupees 958 crore rupees 958 crore rupees, has been
funded through debt raised from
Japan Bank for International
Cooperation and Mizuho Corporation
Bank. Technology for the
manufacturing unit is being provided
by TSRC Corporation.
Dual Cab Freight Diesel Dual Cab Freight Diesel Dual Cab Freight Diesel Dual Cab Freight Diesel Dual Cab Freight Diesel
Locomotive Vijay Flagged Off Locomotive Vijay Flagged Off Locomotive Vijay Flagged Off Locomotive Vijay Flagged Off Locomotive Vijay Flagged Off
The Minister of Railways
Mallikarjun Kharge flagged off the first
ever Dual Cab 4500 HP Freight Diesel
locomotive called Vijay from Diesel
Locomotive Works (DLW), Varanasi,
a production unit of Indian Railways,
on 6 November 2013. At the same
time, the Minister announced to stop
the Swatantrata Senani Express at
Bhulanpur Railway Station, Sub-way
at DLW administration. It is important
to note that the DLW has not only
increased its production in large but
also developed latest state-of-the-art
Building of this WDG4D High
Horse Power freight locomotive is a
breakthrough for DLW as well as for
the Indian Railways.
Highlights of the Dual Cab Highlights of the Dual Cab Highlights of the Dual Cab Highlights of the Dual Cab Highlights of the Dual Cab
4500 HP Freight Diesel 4500 HP Freight Diesel 4500 HP Freight Diesel 4500 HP Freight Diesel 4500 HP Freight Diesel
locomotive- Vijay locomotive- Vijay locomotive- Vijay locomotive- Vijay locomotive- Vijay
Vijay, the dual cab freight
WDG4D is a trailblazer.
It is the first dual cab diesel
electric freight locomotive to
be built by Indian Railways.
The locomotive has been
designed on a 21.7 metre
platform to accommodate two
cabs and this is about two
meters longer than the single
cab version.
The cabs have full width front
Besides the obvious visibility
advantages, the locomotive
also has several features for
crew comfort.
Vijay has been provided with
air conditioned cabs. The AC
unit is designed to heat up the
cab during winters while
cooling it during summers, thus
maintaining a comfortable
ambient for efficient working.
The loco also has TFT screen
based integrated driver
display. This feature which is 17 17 17 17 17
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similar to the one used in the
aero planes allows the
operating parameters to be
displayed on a single screen.
The system also provides alarm
levels for the ease of the crew.
The display system naturally
assists the crew through fault
diagnostics. The system
reduces eye fatigue, improves
reliability and improves crew
The locomotive has been
provided with an
ergonomically designed
control stand and seat. The seat
is based on the excavator
design (which needs 360 deg
view and operability) has been
provided with movement on
three axis for operational
The locomotive has also been
provided with airplane type
task light and automotive type
auto wash wipers.
Vijay has been built around the
4500HP 710 G3B engine with
inverter controlled three phase
traction motor drive.
The inverter control uses the
state of the art IGBT
technology. This is the
technology being used
worldwide by the leading
manufacturers i.e. GE, ABB,
Alsthom etc.
The locomotive is provided
with the latest Computerised
Control Brake system which is
the world standard. The brake
system uses the latest in the
electronics and
communication to improve
response times and to improve
The locomotive has been
designed to implement the
Indian Railways efforts at
increasing the speed of loaded
trains to 100kmph. It can run at
105 kmph and can be used to
haul passenger trains in
The cost of the locomotive is
approximately 14.7 crore
Rupees as compared to 14.38
crore Rupees for the single cab
VVPATS to be used on large- VVPATS to be used on large- VVPATS to be used on large- VVPATS to be used on large- VVPATS to be used on large-
scale for 1st time scale for 1st time scale for 1st time scale for 1st time scale for 1st time
Election Commission decided
t o use Voter-Verified Paper Voter-Verified Paper Voter-Verified Paper Voter-Verified Paper Voter-Verified Paper
Audit Trail (VVPAT) Audit Trail (VVPAT) Audit Trail (VVPAT) Audit Trail (VVPAT) Audit Trail (VVPAT) on a large-
scale for the first time in the country
in the Mizoram Assembly polls on 25
November 2013. The VVPAT is a
machine attached to EVMS which
allows voters to verify that their vote
has been cast in the way they wished.
As soon as the voter casts his vote,
the VVPAT will show a small slip in a
glass covered screen with the symbol
and the candidate he has voted for
in a form of a small ballot paper, which
after 3 to 4 seconds would
automatically fall into an attached
closed box. The VVPATs are being
used in only ten assembly
constituencies of Aizwal District of
the total 40 assembly segments in
Mizoram. The VVPAT system was first
experimented in the Noksen
Assembly bypoll in Nagaland on 4
September 2013 and Mizoram would
be the first state where it would be
introduced on a large scale.
Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail System (VVPAT) Trail System (VVPAT) Trail System (VVPAT) Trail System (VVPAT) Trail System (VVPAT)
1. The VVPAT system is a new
initiative of the Election
Commission to ensure free and
fair elections.
2. The VVPT will enable electors
to see a printout of their ballot -
displaying the name, election
symbol and serial number of the
chosen candidate. However
the voter cannot take the
printout home.
3. In case there is a dispute about
the voting and a petition is
filed, the votes can be tallied
electronically and physically
with the ballot slips that fall into
the compartment.
4. The cost of each VVPAT,
manufactured by Bharat
Electronic Ltd and Electronics
Corporation of India (ECIL) is
estimated at about 12000
5. At present, EVMs are used for
voting and counting is based
on the results in the machines.
In comparison the VVPAT will
print a voters selection, thus
also allowing for physically
verification of the vote.
Election Commission of India
with an objective of free and fair polls,
the VVPAT System is introduced.
This new voting system is a step
towards winning the public trust in
election process. VVPAT system will
also help to resolve the election
disputes by providing physical
verification of the votes in EVMs. For
introducing VVPAT systems
throughout the country would cost
around 2000 to 3000 crore rupees.
SC directed to Fix the tenure SC directed to Fix the tenure SC directed to Fix the tenure SC directed to Fix the tenure SC directed to Fix the tenure
of bureaucrats of bureaucrats of bureaucrats of bureaucrats of bureaucrats
The Supreme Court of India on
31 October 2013 directed the
Government of India and the States
to pass order within three months on 18 18 18 18 18
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giving the fixed tenure to civil
servants. The Supreme Court has also
directed to constitute a Civil Services
Board at nation and state levels for
management of the transfers, posting,
reward, inquiries and process of
promotion, punishment and
disciplinary matters of bureaucracy.
The decisions were taken to bring
bureaucracy out from political
interference and to give end to
regular transfers of the civil servants
from political executive. The
Supreme Court bench headed by
Justice K S Radhakrishnan said that
the fixed tenure of the bureaucrats
would help to promote the
professionalism, efficiency and good
governance. The Parliament has
been also directed by the Supreme
Court to enact a law to regulate
transfer, posting and disciplinary
action on the IAS officers and to
immunize them from political
As the Supreme Court held that
the condition of bureaucracy is
deteriorated due to the interference
from the political people. The court
also said that the civil servants should
not act on the verbal orders given by
the political executives and all the
actions taken by the political
executives on the basis of written
communication. The Court directed
on a petition submitted by 83 former
civil servants, like former cabinet
secretary T S R Subramanian, former
Indian ambassador to the US Abid
Hussain, former chief election
commissioner, N Gopalaswami and
others, demanding reforms to ensure
bureaucracy to get them out from the
political influences.
Committee to Deal with Committee to Deal with Committee to Deal with Committee to Deal with Committee to Deal with
Sexual Harassment Complaints Sexual Harassment Complaints Sexual Harassment Complaints Sexual Harassment Complaints Sexual Harassment Complaints
The Supreme Court of India on
26 November 2013 constituted a ten-
member Gender Sensitisation Gender Sensitisation Gender Sensitisation Gender Sensitisation Gender Sensitisation
and Internal Complaints and Internal Complaints and Internal Complaints and Internal Complaints and Internal Complaints
Committee (GSICC) Committee (GSICC) Committee (GSICC) Committee (GSICC) Committee (GSICC) to deal with
complaints of sexual harassment
within its premises. The committee
was constituted by the Chief Justice
of India P. Sathasivam. The committee
is headed by Justice Ranjana Prakash
The committee has six other
female members. Two members are
outsiders and not connected with the
Supreme Court. The panel is in
consonance with the guidelines laid
down by the apex court in its
judgment in the Vishaka case for
dealing with complaints of sexual
harrassment at the workplace.
New Delhi to host 12th New Delhi to host 12th New Delhi to host 12th New Delhi to host 12th New Delhi to host 12th
Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya
Divas 2014 Divas 2014 Divas 2014 Divas 2014 Divas 2014
The 12th edition 12th edition 12th edition 12th edition 12th edition of Pravasi
Bhartiya Divas will be held in New
Delhi from 7th to 9th of January 2014.
This was announced by Vayalar Ravi,
Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs
on 5 Novemeber 2013 in New Delhi.
The theme of the convention is -
Engaging Diaspora - Engaging Diaspora - Engaging Diaspora - Engaging Diaspora - Engaging Diaspora -
Connecting across Generations Connecting across Generations Connecting across Generations Connecting across Generations Connecting across Generations-
with a special focus on the younger
generation. Prime Minister Dr
Manmohan Singh will inaugurate the
convention and President Pranab
Mukherjee will give his valedictory
address. Pravasi Bharatiya Samman
will also be bestowed on 15 persons
during the convention. The PBD
Convention provides a unique
of India showcases investment
opportunities in India and its
potential in various sectors.
The 11th edi ti on 11th edi ti on 11th edi ti on 11th edi ti on 11th edi ti on of Pravasi
Bharatiya Divas (PBD) was held
at Kochi, Kerala Kochi, Kerala Kochi, Kerala Kochi, Kerala Kochi, Kerala from 7th to 9th
of January 2013.
About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas About Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) is
celebrated on 9th January every 9th January every 9th January every 9th January every 9th January every
year year year year year to mark the contribution of
Overseas Indian community in the
development of India. January 9 was
chosen as the day to celebrate this
occasion since it was on this day this day this day this day this day
in 1915 that Mahatma in 1915 that Mahatma in 1915 that Mahatma in 1915 that Mahatma in 1915 that Mahatma
Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi the greatest Pravasi,
returned to India from South Africa,
led Indias freedom struggle and
changed the lives of Indians forever.
PBD conventions are being held
every year since 2003. These
conventions provide a platform to the
overseas Indian community to
engage with the government and
people of the land of their ancestors
for mutually beneficial activities.
These conventions are also very useful
in networking among the overseas
Indian community residing in various
platform for overseas Indians to
interact among themselves and with
the Government of India and the
Governments of various Indian States.
It is a forum where the Government 19 19 19 19 19
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parts of the world and enable them
to share their experiences in various
During the event, individuals of
exceptional merit are honoured with
the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Pravasi Bharatiya Pravasi Bharatiya Pravasi Bharatiya Pravasi Bharatiya
Samman Award Samman Award Samman Award Samman Award Samman Award to appreci ate
their role in Indias growth. The event
also provides a forum for discussing
key issues concerning the Indian
Rapid Metro-Indias First Rapid Metro-Indias First Rapid Metro-Indias First Rapid Metro-Indias First Rapid Metro-Indias First
Private Metro service Private Metro service Private Metro service Private Metro service Private Metro service
Rapid Metro-Indias First Private
Metro service started operation from
Gurgaon, Haryana on 14 November
2013. Rapid Metro Rapid Metro Rapid Metro Rapid Metro Rapid Metro is Indias first
fully privately financed Metro system
connecting NH-8 to Delhi Metro via
Cyber City, Gurgaon. Rapid Metro,
with an elevated route and six stations
with a frequency of every four
minutes, can carry 800 passengers in
each trip.
The 5.1 km long route covers six
stations-Sikanderpur, Phase-2,
Belvedere Towers, Cyber City,
Moulsari Avenue and Phase 3. The
Rapid Metro is using a common
ticketing system with Delhi Metro.
The launch of Rapid Metro Gurgaon
will boost connectivity within Cyber
City, which is the corporate and the
retail hub of Gurgaon -nearly one lakh
people work or visit the hub each day.
About Rapid Metro Rail About Rapid Metro Rail About Rapid Metro Rail About Rapid Metro Rail About Rapid Metro Rail
System System System System System
Rapid Metro is a metro rail
system in the Indian city of Gurgaon,
Haryana, linked with the Delhi Metro
systems Yellow Line. Built and
operated by Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon
Limited (RMGL), the system is Indias
first fully privately financed metro. It
was built at a cost of 1100 crore
rupees and construction was
completed in 30 months. Originally
planned to open in 2012, the first
phase of the system opened on 14
November 2013.
The Haryana Urban
Development Authority ( HUDA HUDA HUDA HUDA HUDA)
provided the land and the
infrastructure was built by Rapid
Metro, a partnership between IL&FS IL&FS IL&FS IL&FS IL&FS
and construction major DLF DLF DLF DLF DLF. The
project has been leased to Rapid
Metro for 99 years.
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Iran and P5+1 Group of Iran and P5+1 Group of Iran and P5+1 Group of Iran and P5+1 Group of Iran and P5+1 Group of
Nations clinched Nuclear Nations clinched Nuclear Nations clinched Nuclear Nations clinched Nuclear Nations clinched Nuclear
Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal
Iran and P5+1 group of Nations
reached a breakthrough deal on 24
November 2013 to curb Irans
nuclear programme in exchange for
limited sanctions relief. An agreement
to this effect was signed at UN
Headquarters in Geneva on 24
November 2013 between the Chief
negotiator for the six nations,
Catherine Marie Ashton and Iranian
Foreign Minister Mohammad Jawad
Zarief. The interim deal for six
months is intended to give time and
space to the international community
to work towards a comprehensive
agreement. After four days of
negotiations, representatives
of P5+1 group of nations - the P5+1 group of nations - the P5+1 group of nations - the P5+1 group of nations - the P5+1 group of nations - the
US, the UK, Russia, China, US, the UK, Russia, China, US, the UK, Russia, China, US, the UK, Russia, China, US, the UK, Russia, China,
France and Germany France and Germany France and Germany France and Germany France and Germany - reached
an agreement with Iran. The deal is
intended as the first step in a six-
month process aimed at a permanent
resolution to the decade-old global
impasse over Irans nuclear
programme, and heading off the
threat of a new war in West Asia. The
Geneva deal also makes the way for
releasing over 4 billion Dollars in
Iranian oil sales revenue from frozen
accounts, and suspends restrictions
on the countrys trade in gold,
petrochemicals, and car and plane
In return, Iran undertakes In return, Iran undertakes In return, Iran undertakes In return, Iran undertakes In return, Iran undertakes
to restrict its nuclear activities. to restrict its nuclear activities. to restrict its nuclear activities. to restrict its nuclear activities. to restrict its nuclear activities.
Over the next six months Iran Over the next six months Iran Over the next six months Iran Over the next six months Iran Over the next six months Iran
has agreed to: has agreed to: has agreed to: has agreed to: has agreed to:
1. Stop enriching uranium above
5 per cent, reactor-grade, and
dilute its stock of 20 per cent-
enriched uranium or convert it
to oxide, which makes it harder
to enrich further.
2. Not to increase its stockpile of
low-enrichment uranium.
3. Freeze its enrichment capacity
by not installing any more
centrifuges, leaving more than
half of its existing 16000
centrifuges inoperable.
4. Not to fuel or to commission the
heavy-water reactor it is
building in Arak or build a
reprocessing plant that could
produce plutonium from the
spent fuel.5. Iran will give
greater access to inspectors
including daily access at the
Natanz and Fordo nuclear sites.
In return, there will be no new
nuclear-related sanctions for six
months if Iran sticks by the accord.
Geneva II Geneva II Geneva II Geneva II Geneva II
Syria Peace Conference Syria Peace Conference Syria Peace Conference Syria Peace Conference Syria Peace Conference
Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary 23 23 23 23 23
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General on 25 November 2013
announced the Geneva-II peace
conference is to be held on 22
January 2014. The international
conference is aimed at a democratic
political transition in Syria, which will
bring the Government and the
opposition to a negotiating table for
the first time, since the conflict that
started in March 2011. The decision
was taken at a meeting of the UN
special envoy on Syria, Lakhdar
Brahimi with the Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov
and Gennady Gatilov along with the
US under Secretary for political
Affairs, Wendy Sherman in Geneva on
25 November 2013. The Geneva-II
conference was termed as the mission
of hope by Ban Ki Moon in which,
the fighting has killed more than
100000 and driven almost nine million
from their homes, left countless
missing and detained and terrible
violations of human rights. The goal
of Geneva II would be to achieve a
political solution to the conflict
through a comprehensive agreement
between the Government and the
opposition for the full implementation
of the Geneva communiqu, adopted
after the first international meeting on
the issue on 30 June 2012. The
communiqu, which has been
endorsed by the UN Security
Council, lays out key steps in a process
to end the violence. Among these,
the establishment - based on mutual
consent - of a transitional governing
body with full executive powers,
including over military and security
Nepal Constituent Assembly Nepal Constituent Assembly Nepal Constituent Assembly Nepal Constituent Assembly Nepal Constituent Assembly
el ecti ons el ecti ons el ecti ons el ecti ons el ecti ons
Nepali Congress (NC) emerged
as single largest Party in the second
Constituent Assembly elections
which are held on 19 November
2013. The Communist Party of Nepal
(Unified Marxist-Leninist) stood a
close second position and the UCPN
(Maoist) party is in a distant third
position. Elections to the Constituent
Assembly were held under two
categori es first-past-the- first-past-the- first-past-the- first-past-the- first-past-the-
p o s t p o s t p o s t p o s t p o s t a n d p r o p o r t i o n a l p r o p o r t i o n a l p r o p o r t i o n a l p r o p o r t i o n a l p r o p o r t i o n a l
representation representation representation representation representation.
A total of 240 seats were
allocated in the first category and 365
seats in the proportional
representation category. The
remaining 26 seats in the 601-
member will be nominated by the
Cabinet later. A total of 301 301 301 301 301 seats
are needed for majority and to form a
government. Nepali Congress Party
wins 105 of the 240 directly elected
seats followed by Communist Party
of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist)
with 91 and the United Communist
Party of Nepal (Maoist) with 26.
The NC NC NC NC NC has also emerged a clear
front-runner in both the electoral
formats. It won 105 seats under the
direct election of candidates and has
so far bagged 26 per cent under the
PR system. The CPN (UML) CPN (UML) CPN (UML) CPN (UML) CPN (UML) i s a
close second with 91 seats and 25
per cent, respectively. The largest
party in the last assembly- the UCPN UCPN UCPN UCPN UCPN
(Maoist) (Maoist) (Maoist) (Maoist) (Maoist) is in a distant third
position. The previous assembly -
elected in 2008 after the abolition of
the monarchy - was won by the
former rebels. But the Constituent
Assembly (CA) was bitterly divided
and failed to write a new constitution.
Shinawatra declared Shinawatra declared Shinawatra declared Shinawatra declared Shinawatra declared
Emergency Law for Bangkok Emergency Law for Bangkok Emergency Law for Bangkok Emergency Law for Bangkok Emergency Law for Bangkok
Thailand Prime Minister
Yingluck Shinawatra on 25 November
2013 declared a special emergency
law for Bangkok after riot police and
anti-government protesters scuffled
in the capital city. The decision came
after hundreds of anti-government
protesters stormed into the finance
ministry compound and later forced
their way into the foreign ministry
Anti-government protesters
want Prime Minister to step down
amid claims that her government was
remote-controlled by her older
brother Thaksin Shinawatra , who was
forced to quit as prime minister in
2006. He has since lived in exile to
avoid jail on a corruption conviction.
The current political crisis is the most
serious confrontation in Thailand
since the 2010 bloody protests in
which over 90 people were killed.
US exempted India and China US exempted India and China US exempted India and China US exempted India and China US exempted India and China
from Iranian Sanctions from Iranian Sanctions from Iranian Sanctions from Iranian Sanctions from Iranian Sanctions
United States of America on 29
November 2013 exempted some
countries, including India and China,
from the tough Iranian sanctions for
reducing their dependence on
Iranian oil. Secretary of State, John
Kerry announced in a statement in 24 24 24 24 24
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Washington that other countries
which have significantly reduced the
purchases of Iranian crude oil are the
Republic of Korea, Turkey, and
Taiwan and these have qualified for
an exception to sanctions under the
National Defence Authorisation Act.
This move came after the decision
made by US President Barack Obama
that there is sufficient supply of non-
Iranian oil for countries to continue
to reduce import of oil from Iran. This
is the fourth time that these countries
have qualified for an NDAA
exception as a result of their
continued significant reductions in
the volume of crude oil purchases
from Iran or their end to such
Abdulla Yameen sworn in as Abdulla Yameen sworn in as Abdulla Yameen sworn in as Abdulla Yameen sworn in as Abdulla Yameen sworn in as
the President of Maldives the President of Maldives the President of Maldives the President of Maldives the President of Maldives
Abdulla Yameen has been
sworn in as the 6th President of the
Maldives on 17 November 2013. The
Chief Justice of Maldives, Ahmad Faiz
at a special session of the Parliament
in Male administered the oath of
office to Abdulla Yameen.
Mohammad Jameel was sworn in as
vice-President. Yameen (54) a
candidate of Progressive Party of
Maldives (PPM) secured 51.39
percent of votes, whereas the
opposition leader and the former
President Mohamed Nasheed
received 48.61. Election
Commission of Maldives, declared
the results of the election on 16
November 2013 in which it declared
Yameen, the half-brother of former
autocratic ruler Maumoon Abdul
Gayoom as the President elect.
Abdulla Yameens sworn in has
ended the two years of political
turmoil that was threatened to isolate
the country internationally. The
Maldives was witnessing the political
turmoil, since Nasheed resigned
under pressure in February 2012
because of a controversial transfer of
China Set up Air Defence China Set up Air Defence China Set up Air Defence China Set up Air Defence China Set up Air Defence
Zone over East China Sea Zone over East China Sea Zone over East China Sea Zone over East China Sea Zone over East China Sea
China on 23 November 2013
announced that it was set up an Air Air Air Air Air
Defence Identification Defence Identification Defence Identification Defence Identification Defence Identification
Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone over an area i n the East East East East East
China Sea China Sea China Sea China Sea China Sea. The Zone
includes Senkaku islands Senkaku islands Senkaku islands Senkaku islands Senkaku islands that are
controlled by Japan but claimed by
China. In this regard, the Chinese
Defense Ministry issued a map of an
East China Sea Air Defense
Identification Zone including a chain
of disputed islands. The zone came
into effect from 10:00 local time from
23 November 2013. China also issued
a set of rules for the zone, saying all
aircraft must notify Chinese
authorities and are subject to
emergency military measures if they
do not identify themselves or obey
orders from Beijing. It stated it
would identify, monitor, control identify, monitor, control identify, monitor, control identify, monitor, control identify, monitor, control
and react and react and react and react and react to any air threats or
unidentified flying objects coming
from the sea.
China-Japan islands row China-Japan islands row China-Japan islands row China-Japan islands row China-Japan islands row
The islands, known as Senkaku
in Japan and Diaoyu in China, that lie
in the East China Sea are a source of
rising tension between China and
Japan. The eight uninhabited islands
with a total area of about 7 sq km are
lie northeast of Taiwan, east of the
Chinese mainland and southwest of
Japans southern-most prefecture,
Okinawa. They matter because they
are close to strategically important
shipping lanes, offer rich fishing
grounds and are thought to contain
oil deposits. The islands are
controlled by Japan.
13th Council of Ministers Meeting of the 13th Council of Ministers Meeting of the 13th Council of Ministers Meeting of the 13th Council of Ministers Meeting of the 13th Council of Ministers Meeting of the
Indian Ocean Rim Association was held in Australia Indian Ocean Rim Association was held in Australia Indian Ocean Rim Association was held in Australia Indian Ocean Rim Association was held in Australia Indian Ocean Rim Association was held in Australia
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) held its 13th Council of Ministers
meeting in Perth, Australia on 1 November 2013. On the occasion, India
handed over the chair of the IORA to Australia. India chaired the IORA, since 25 25 25 25 25
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2011. The Perth reviewed the
process made by IORA since 2012
meeting in Gurgaon, India. The future
directions and initiatives to advance
were considered then for the interests
of the IORA and its members. The
thirteenth Council of Ministers
Meeting was visited by the member
states Foreign Ministers namely
Australia, Bangladesh, Comoros,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya,
Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles,
Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab
Emirates and Yemen.
Perth Pri nci pl es Perth Pri nci pl es Perth Pri nci pl es Perth Pri nci pl es Perth Pri nci pl es
Reiterating that IORA is the
apex pan-regional organisation
for the Indian Ocean.
Recalling the six priority areas
of cooperation agreed at the
eleventh COMM (Council of
Ministers Meeting) in
Bengaluru, namely: Maritime
Safety and Security; Trade and
Investment Facilitation;
Fisheries Management; Disaster
Risk Management; Academic
and Science and Technology
Cooperation; and Tourism and
Cultural Exchanges.
Recalling Also our desire to
promote the sustainable
growth and balanced
development of the Indian
Ocean region and IORA
Member States, and to create
common ground for regional
economic cooperation.
Committed to promoting
cooperation and collaboration
between IORA and other
Indian Ocean regional
stakeholders including
Dialogue Partner States and
other regional and international
Reaffirming our commitment to
the Charter of the United
Nations, to the Charter of IORA,
and to the applicable
principles of international law.
Reaffirming Also our
commitment to The Future We
Want, as adopted at the 2012
United Nation as Conference
on Sustainable Development,
and to the protection,
restoration, health, productivity
and resilience of the Indian
Ocean and its resources.
Recognising that the United
Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea provides the legal
framework for the conservation
and sustainable use of the
oceans and their resources and
plays a vital role in maintaining
peaceful cooperation and
stability across the Indian
About the I ORA About the I ORA About the I ORA About the I ORA About the I ORA
The IOR-ARC was formally
launched at the first Ministerial
Meeting in Mauritius on 6 7 March
1997. This meeting adopted the IOR-
ARC Charter, and determined a
number of administrative and
procedural matters. The apex body
of the IOR-ARC is the Council of
(Foreign) Ministers (COM). The
meeting of the COM is preceded by
the meetings of the Indian Ocean Rim
Academic Group (IORAG), Indian
Ocean Rim Business Forum (IORBF),
Working Group on Trade and
Investment (WGTI), and the
Committee of Senior Officials (CSO).
The Coordinating Secretariat of IOR-
ARC is located at Ebne, Mauritius.
Apart from a Secretary-General, its
present staff strength at the
executive level includes two
Directors and eight local staff. IORA
was formerly known as IOR-ARC
(Indian Ocean Rim Association for
Regional Cooperation).
Members of IORA (IOR-ARC) Members of IORA (IOR-ARC) Members of IORA (IOR-ARC) Members of IORA (IOR-ARC) Members of IORA (IOR-ARC)
The Indian Ocean Rim-
Association for Regional Cooperation
(IOR-ARC), initially known as the
Indian Ocean Rim Initiative, is an
I n t e r n a t i o n a l / Di p l o ma t i c
Organization with 20 Member States
namely Australia, Bangladesh,
Comoros, India, Indonesia, Iran,
Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman,
Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa,
Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Arab
Emirates and Yemen. Whereas the
China, Egypt, France, Japan, United
Kingdom and the United States of
America are Dialogue Partners of the
IOR-ARC. The Indian Ocean Tourism
Organisation (IOTO) and Indian
Ocean Research Group (IORG) have
been granted Observer Status.
Agreement to provide Agreement to provide Agreement to provide Agreement to provide Agreement to provide
financial assistance to Egypt financial assistance to Egypt financial assistance to Egypt financial assistance to Egypt financial assistance to Egypt
European Union on 28
November 2013 signed an
agreement to provide the financial
assistance worth 122 million dollar
(90 million) to Egypt to tide over
the financial crisis. The funds under
the assistance finance will be used
to increase the childrens access to
education, social and reaching out to
the most impoverished areas and
improvements in unplanned housing.
An agreement to this effect was
signed between the EU foreign
policy chief Catherine Marie Ashton
and Deputy Prime Minister Ziad
Bahaaeeddin of Egypt at Brussels.
Apart from this, the two sides have
also discussed about the
implementation of Egypts political
roadmap. This calls for an elected
Parliament and president by summer.
Afghan-US Bilateral Security Afghan-US Bilateral Security Afghan-US Bilateral Security Afghan-US Bilateral Security Afghan-US Bilateral Security
Agreement got nod Agreement got nod Agreement got nod Agreement got nod Agreement got nod
The Loya Jirga Loya Jirga Loya Jirga Loya Jirga Loya Jirga, Afghanistans 26 26 26 26 26
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Grand Assembly of tribal elders and
elite persons on 24 November 2013
gave its consent on the issue of
signing the Afghan-US Bilateral
Security Agreement that would pave
the way for the continuation of some
US troops in the country after 2014.
2500 member traditional Loya
Jirga after three days of deliberations
adopted a 31-point resolution
approving the proposed agreement
and called upon Afghan President to
sign the document by the end of the
2013. However, Afghan President
put forward conditions for signing the
agreement with the United States.
The United States wants the
agreement to be signed before the
end of the 2013, but the Afghan
President has been saying that it may
be signed after the presidential
elections in Afghanistan in April 2014.
The US is to withdraw its troops from
Afghanistan next year (2014).
About Loya Jirga About Loya Jirga About Loya Jirga About Loya Jirga About Loya Jirga
The Afghan constitution of
2003 constituted a Loya Jirga, made
up of both houses of parliament and
elected heads of regional
administrations, with the power to
amend the constitution, impeach the
president and decide matters of
national sovereignty.
Cyber Coalition 2013' Cyber Coalition 2013' Cyber Coalition 2013' Cyber Coalition 2013' Cyber Coalition 2013'
l aunched l aunched l aunched l aunched l aunched
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) on 26
November 2013 launched a three-
day cyber defence
exerci se Cyber Coalition Cyber Coalition Cyber Coalition Cyber Coalition Cyber Coalition
2013 2013 2013 2013 2013"in Estonia. The defense
exercises are based at the NATOs
cyber defense centers in Estonia,
Russia and will be held from 26 to 28
November 2013. The Cyber Defence
Exercise is aimed at training technical
personnel and their leadership as well
as testing the capability of NATO and
its partners to coordinate their efforts
in foiling multiple simulated cyber
attacks. The exercises involve
participants from more than 30
countries across Europe, including
five non-NATO nations: Austria,
Finland, Ireland, Sweden, and
Switzerland. New Zealand and the
European Union have observer
status. According to NATO, around
300 cyber defense experts will take
part in the operation from their home
countries and partner nations while
an additional 80 experts will work
from the military training facility in the
Estonian city of Tartu.
About NATO About NATO About NATO About NATO About NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, or NATO, is an
intergovernmental military alliance of
28 European and North American
countries, ranging from the United
States, United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Italy and Canada to Albania,
Bulgaria and Turkey. It was formed in
1949 as deterrence against the Soviet
bloc armed forces in Eastern Europe.
State of National Calamity declared in Philippines State of National Calamity declared in Philippines State of National Calamity declared in Philippines State of National Calamity declared in Philippines State of National Calamity declared in Philippines
President of Philippines, Benigno Aquino on 11 November 2013
declared a state of national calamity to speed relief efforts for victims of
Typhoon Haiyan.
Leyte and Samar are the much suffered provinces of the country as it
suffered massive destruction and loss of life. About 10000 people were killed
in Philippines. Tacloban is one of the worst affected cities, as more than
thousands of people have been displaced after the high winds and
About the Typhoon Haiyan About the Typhoon Haiyan About the Typhoon Haiyan About the Typhoon Haiyan About the Typhoon Haiyan
Super Typhoon Haiyan is a category-5 super typhoon to hit Philippines
on 8 November 2013 leaving behind many people dead. It also injured many
people in the city of Tacloban on Leyte Island.
This was one of the most powerful typhoons to hit Philippines. It pushed
winds up to 300 kilometers an hour. The typhoon forced millions of people to
flee to safe places. 27 27 27 27 27
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Russia Successfully Launched Russia Successfully Launched Russia Successfully Launched Russia Successfully Launched Russia Successfully Launched
Proton-M Rocket Proton-M Rocket Proton-M Rocket Proton-M Rocket Proton-M Rocket
Russia on 12 November 2013
successfully launched the Proton-M
rocket carrying a defense satellite,
Raduga-1M from its Baikonur
cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It is
important to note that Russia restarted
the launch of Proton rockets in
September 2013 after a small gap in
order to check why a Proton rocket
launched on 2 July 2013 exploded
while taking off. The Proton-M rocket
is the most popular rocket of Russia
for the commercial satellite launches.
About the Raduga-1M About the Raduga-1M About the Raduga-1M About the Raduga-1M About the Raduga-1M
Defense Satellite Defense Satellite Defense Satellite Defense Satellite Defense Satellite
Raduga-1M is primarily a
defense satellite of the third
It is a part of the Stage Two
Unified Satellite
Telecommunications System.
It is equipped with the
multichannel transponder
equipment, which enables it to
establish reliable
communications with mobile
geo-service stations.
What is a Proton-M rocket? What is a Proton-M rocket? What is a Proton-M rocket? What is a Proton-M rocket? What is a Proton-M rocket?
Proton-M rocket is a Russian
carrier rocket which is derived from
Soviet-developed Proton. Proton is
actually an expendable launch
system which is used for commercial
as well as Russian Government space
Proton-M rocket is built by
Khrunichev and launched from sites
81 and 200 at the Baikonur
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The
commercial launches of Proton-M
rocket are marketed by International
Launch Services (ILS). First Proton-M
launch took place on 7 April 2001.
All the Protons are built at the
Khrunichev plant in Moscow. These
are then transported for the launch
to Baikonur Cosmodrome from where
they are raised into the vertical
position for the purpose of launch.
Voting Rights of US and Israel Voting Rights of US and Israel Voting Rights of US and Israel Voting Rights of US and Israel Voting Rights of US and Israel
over Palestine row suspended over Palestine row suspended over Palestine row suspended over Palestine row suspended over Palestine row suspended
UNESCO on 8 November 2013
suspended the voting rights of the
United States (US) and Israel. The
suspension happened as the two
countries stopped paying the dues
to the United Nations (UNs) cultural
arm from two years in the protest over
the grant of full membership to the
The funding to UNESCO
started in October 2011 because of
the laws of US, which prohibits it to
pay the dues to any UN agencies
giving recognition of the Palestinians
demand for their own state. The fund
from Israel was pulled out because it
objected the one-sided attempts of
Palestinians to be recognized of its
statehood. The voting rights of the
two nations were suspended as they
both failed to provide a justification
for non-payments of the dues within
In 1945, UNESCO was created
in order to respond to the firm belief
of nations, forged by two world wars
in less than a generation that political
and economic agreements are not
enough to build a lasting peace.
Peace must be established on the
basis of humanitys moral and
intellectual solidarity.
UNESCO strives to build UNESCO strives to build UNESCO strives to build UNESCO strives to build UNESCO strives to build
networks among nations that networks among nations that networks among nations that networks among nations that networks among nations that
enable this kind of solidarity, enable this kind of solidarity, enable this kind of solidarity, enable this kind of solidarity, enable this kind of solidarity,
by: by: by: by: by:
Mobilizing for education: Mobilizing for education: Mobilizing for education: Mobilizing for education: Mobilizing for education:
so that every child, boy or girl,
has access to quality education
as a fundamental human right
and as a prerequisite for human
Bui l di ng i ntercul tural Bui l di ng i ntercul tural Bui l di ng i ntercul tural Bui l di ng i ntercul tural Bui l di ng i ntercul tural
understanding: understanding: understanding: understanding: understanding: through
protection of heritage and
support for cultural diversity.
UNESCO created the idea of
World Heritage to protect sites
of outstanding universal value.
Pursui ng sci enti fi c Pursui ng sci enti fi c Pursui ng sci enti fi c Pursui ng sci enti fi c Pursui ng sci enti fi c
cooperation: cooperation: cooperation: cooperation: cooperation: such as early
warning systems for tsunamis or
trans-boundary water
management agreements, to
strengthen ties between
nations and societies.
Protecti ng freedom of Protecti ng freedom of Protecti ng freedom of Protecti ng freedom of Protecti ng freedom of
expressi on: expressi on: expressi on: expressi on: expressi on: an essential
condition for democracy,
development and human
Mal ta to Host Next Mal ta to Host Next Mal ta to Host Next Mal ta to Host Next Mal ta to Host Next
Commonweal th Summi t i n 2015 Commonweal th Summi t i n 2015 Commonweal th Summi t i n 2015 Commonweal th Summi t i n 2015 Commonweal th Summi t i n 2015
Malta, a Southern European
country was on 17 November 2013
unanimously chosen as the host of the
next Commonwealth summit in 2015.
The decision was made at the retreat
session of the Commonwealth Heads
of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in
Colombo, Sri Lanka after Mauritius
withdrew as host of the 2015
Commonwealth summit as a result of
its prime ministers boycott of the
Colombo summit over Sri Lankas
human rights concerns.
This is second time for Malta to
host the Commonwealth summit.
Before this, Malta hosted a
Commonwealth Summit in 2005. 28 28 28 28 28
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About Malta About Malta About Malta About Malta About Malta
Malta is a southern European
country in the Mediterranean Sea. The
country covers just over 316 km2 (122
sq mi), making it one of the worlds
smallest and most densely populated
countries. The capital of Malta is
Valletta which is also the smallest
capital in the EU. Malta has two official
languages: Maltese and English. Malta
comprises an archipelago of six
islands and islets in the middle of the
Mediterranean Sea, 93km south of
Sicily and 290km from the coast of
North Africa. Malta, Gozo and Comino
are inhabited; the other islands are
Cominotto, Filfla and St Pauls Island.
Malta got independence from the
United Kingdom in 1964 and became
a republic in 1974 and joined the
European Union in May 2004. Malta Malta Malta Malta Malta
joined the Commonwealth of joined the Commonwealth of joined the Commonwealth of joined the Commonwealth of joined the Commonwealth of
Nations in 1964. Nations in 1964. Nations in 1964. Nations in 1964. Nations in 1964. Malta is a member
of the Council of Europe, European
Union, Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe, United
Nations and World Trade
About CHOGM 2013 About CHOGM 2013 About CHOGM 2013 About CHOGM 2013 About CHOGM 2013
The 22nd Commonwealth
Heads of Government Meeting
(CHOGM) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka,
from 15-17 November 2013 on the
t heme Growth with Equity: Growth with Equity: Growth with Equity: Growth with Equity: Growth with Equity:
Incl usi ve Devel opment. Incl usi ve Devel opment. Incl usi ve Devel opment. Incl usi ve Devel opment. Incl usi ve Devel opment. The
event concluded with the adoption
of the independent declarations - on
Youth, International Trade and
Inclusive Development and the
release of Summit Communiqu.
Pakistan Successfully Test Pakistan Successfully Test Pakistan Successfully Test Pakistan Successfully Test Pakistan Successfully Test
Fired Hatf IX (Nasr) Fired Hatf IX (Nasr) Fired Hatf IX (Nasr) Fired Hatf IX (Nasr) Fired Hatf IX (Nasr)
Pakistan on 5 November 2013
successfully test-fired Hatf IX (Nasr)
missile, a surface-to-surface missile
with a range of 60 km. The test fire
was conducted with successive
launches of 4 x missiles (Salvo) from
a state of the art multi tube launcher.
Nasr, with a range of 60 Kilometer and
in-flight maneuver capability is a
quick response system, with shoot
and scoot attributes. It contributes to
the full spectrum deterrence against
threats in view of evolving scenarios.
Facts related to Hatf IX (Nasr) Facts related to Hatf IX (Nasr) Facts related to Hatf IX (Nasr) Facts related to Hatf IX (Nasr) Facts related to Hatf IX (Nasr)
Nasr is designed specifically to
defeat Anti-Tactical Missile
Defence Systems of all kinds.
The test firing of short range
surface-to-surface missile Hatf
IX (Nasr) was a part of medium-
range ballistic missiles [MRBM]
and short-range surface-to-
surface ballistic missile
The missile has the capability
to carry nuclear weapons.
Largest Nuclear Power Project Largest Nuclear Power Project Largest Nuclear Power Project Largest Nuclear Power Project Largest Nuclear Power Project
in Pakistan Launched in Pakistan Launched in Pakistan Launched in Pakistan Launched in Pakistan Launched
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif on 26 November 2013
launched the construction of the
countrys biggest Nuclear power
project. The 2200-MegaWatt-
Karachi Coastal Power Project Karachi Coastal Power Project Karachi Coastal Power Project Karachi Coastal Power Project Karachi Coastal Power Project,
comprising the K-2 and K-3 nuclear
plants, is being built at Paradise
Beach, located 40 km from the
Karachi. The nuclear power plant is
to be built with Chinese technical
assistance on the Arabian Sea coast.
Pakistan already has three operational
nuclear plants generating a total of
around 740 MW of power. The World
Nuclear Association has estimated
the cost of the new project at nearly
10 billion Dollars. Pakistan Atomic
Energy Commission engineers will
work on the project with help from
the China Atomic Energy Authority.
As Pakistan is not party to
the Nucl ear Non-Prol i ferati on Nucl ear Non-Prol i ferati on Nucl ear Non-Prol i ferati on Nucl ear Non-Prol i ferati on Nucl ear Non-Prol i ferati on
Treaty Treaty Treaty Treaty Treaty it is excluded from the
international trade in nuclear materials
and technology, and can rely only on
its neighbour China for help.
UN Court ruled for Cambodia UN Court ruled for Cambodia UN Court ruled for Cambodia UN Court ruled for Cambodia UN Court ruled for Cambodia
The UNs International Court of
Justice ruled on 11 November 2013
that the area around a flashpoint
ancient temple on the Thai border 29 29 29 29 29
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belongs to Cambodia. The
International Court of Justice
interpreted a 1962 ruling saying that
Cambodia had sovereignty over the
whole territory of the promontory
of Preah Vihear temple Preah Vihear temple Preah Vihear temple Preah Vihear temple Preah Vihear temple.
In 2012, the ICJ ruled that both
countries should withdraw forces
from around the ancient Khmer
temple, which is perched on a
clifftop in Cambodia but is more easily
accessed from the Thai side. Thailand
does not dispute Cambodias
ownership of the temple, a UNESCO
World Heritage site, but both sides
laid claim to an adjacent 4.6-square-
km piece of land. At least 28 people
have been killed in outbreaks of
violence since 2011 over the
ownership of the patch of land next
to the 900-year-old Preah Vihear
About Preah Vihear Temple About Preah Vihear Temple About Preah Vihear Temple About Preah Vihear Temple About Preah Vihear Temple
The Preah Vihear Temple is a
Khmer Hindu temple situated atop a
525-meter cliff in the Dngrk
Mountains of Cambodia. The temple
complex runs 800m along a north-
south axis. It was built mainly during
the 11th and 12th centuries during
the reigns of the kings Suryavarman I
(and Suryavarman II). Ownership of
the temple by Cambodia has been
under dispute from neighbouring
Thailand. In 1962 the International
Court of Justice in The Hague ruled
that it belonged to Cambodia. The
Preah Vihear temple was made a
UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008
Mission to study Mars Mission to study Mars Mission to study Mars Mission to study Mars Mission to study Mars
Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere
The US space agency NASA on
18 November 2013 launched
Roadmap for destruction of Roadmap for destruction of Roadmap for destruction of Roadmap for destruction of Roadmap for destruction of
Syrias Chemical Weapons Syrias Chemical Weapons Syrias Chemical Weapons Syrias Chemical Weapons Syrias Chemical Weapons
adopted adopted adopted adopted adopted
Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the
UN Chemical weapons watchdog on
15 November 2013 started its work
on the final roadmap for the
destruction of chemical arsenals of
Syria. In the plan, Syrian chemical
weapons will be transported for
destruction outside its territory to
ensure their destruction in the safest
and soonest manner, and no later
than 30 June 2014. The deadline of
OPCW to agree on the destruction
milestones of more than 1000 tonnes
of dangerous chemicals in Syria
expired on 15 November 2013. The
plan was adopted during the
meeting of its 41-member Executive
Council in The Hague. The UN
Security Council gave its mandate to
the agency to destroy the weapons
of mass destruction by mid-2014. As
per the reports, OPCW will send the
resource for packaging and handling
the chemical materials to 12 chemical
storage sites by December 2013,
under a tentative plan. Subsequently,
the chemicals would be taken to
Syrias Latakia port from where they
would be shipped out by 5 February
About Organization for the About Organization for the About Organization for the About Organization for the About Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Prohibition of Chemical Prohibition of Chemical Prohibition of Chemical Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW) Weapons (OPCW) Weapons (OPCW) Weapons (OPCW) Weapons (OPCW)
The Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is
the implementing body of the
Chemical Weapons Convention
(CWC) that entered into force in
1997. As of today the OPCW has 190
i t s MAVEN MAVEN MAVEN MAVEN MAVEN orbiter Mission to Mars
planet. The orbiter mission was
l aunched on an Atlas V Atlas V Atlas V Atlas V Atlas V
rocket rocket rocket rocket rocket from Florida s Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station at 18:28
The probe will have a 10-month
cruise to the Red Planet- Mars.
MAVEN is going to study Mars
During the course of the long
cruise, Maven will perform four
trajectory corrections, with the first
scheduled to occur on 3rd
December 2013.
About MAVEN Mission About MAVEN Mission About MAVEN Mission About MAVEN Mission About MAVEN Mission
The Mars Atmosphere and
Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission
is part of NASAs Mars Scout program.
The mission will explore the Red
Planets upper atmosphere,
ionosphere and interactions with the
sun and solar wind.
The trip to Mars takes 10
months, and MAVEN will go into orbit
around Mars in September 2014.
MAVEN will be the NASAs first
spacecraft mission dedicated to
exploring the upper atmosphere of
Scientists will use MAVEN data
to determine the role that loss of
volatile from the Mars atmosphere to
space has played through time, giving
insight into the history of Mars
atmosphere and climate, liquid water,
and planetary habitability. The entire
MAVEN mission cost 671 million US
Dollars. 30 30 30 30 30
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Member States, who are working
together to achieve a world free from
chemical weapons. They share the
collective goal of preventing
chemistry from ever again being used
for warfare, thereby strengthening
international security.
Agreement for the Agreement for the Agreement for the Agreement for the Agreement for the
Development of Dara-Suf to Development of Dara-Suf to Development of Dara-Suf to Development of Dara-Suf to Development of Dara-Suf to
Yakawlang Highway Yakawlang Highway Yakawlang Highway Yakawlang Highway Yakawlang Highway
The Government of Afghanistan
on 10 November 2013 signed an
agreement with the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) for the
development of road network in the
country at a cost of 220 million US
dollar. The agreement was signed
between Afghan Finance Minister Dr.
Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal and the ADB
Country Director Joji Tokeshi in
Major Highlights of the Major Highlights of the Major Highlights of the Major Highlights of the Major Highlights of the
Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement
The agreement envisages
reconstruction of 178 kilometer
north-south corridor road
joining northern Balkh province
with the central Bamyan
province of Afghanistan. This
connectivity will play an
important role in joining
Afghanistan to the other
regional countries.
The agreement includes
reconstruction of the 178km
Dara-Suf to Yakawlang
highway, preliminary survey of
Gardan Diwal to Cheghcharan
road and preliminary survey of
Kabuls ring road.
It is important to note that the
northern and southern parts of
Afghanistan are linked by the
Asian Highway which passes
through the Salang Pass
situated at an altitude of nearly
12000 foot in the Hindukush
Mountains. However, due to
the snowfall during winters, the
highway gets blocked leading
to the obstacle in connecting
northern and southern
The proposed north-south
corridor will provide an
alternative route between the
two reagions of the country.
The Asian Development Bank
(ADB) also facilitated
execution of the Turkmenistan-
(TAPI) project, which is
actually an opportunity for the
regional cooperation at an
unprecedented scale, linking
the four countries
It is worth noticing that the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) had
earlier decided to support
Afghanistan and commit to the
economic development after the year
UN urged Myanmar to grant UN urged Myanmar to grant UN urged Myanmar to grant UN urged Myanmar to grant UN urged Myanmar to grant
Rights to Rohingya Muslims Rights to Rohingya Muslims Rights to Rohingya Muslims Rights to Rohingya Muslims Rights to Rohingya Muslims
The UN General Assemblys
human rights committee on 19
November 2013 passed a resolution
urging Myanmar to give the stateless
Rohingya minority equal access to
citizenship. The committee also
asked Myanmar to crack down on
violence against them and other
Muslims in Myanmar. The resolution
also expressed concern about
remaining human rights violations,
including arbitrary arrests and
detentions of political activists and
human rights defenders, forced
displacement, land confiscations,
rape and other forms of sexual
violence and torture and cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment.
In the resolution, the 193-nation
committee reiterated its serious
concern about communal violence
and other abuses of the Rohingya
minority in Rakhine State of Myanmar.
The UN resolution, which will move
to the full UN General Assembly,
acknowledged the scale of the
reform effort undertaken so far in
Background Background Background Background Background
Myanmar emerged from a half-
century of military rule in 2011, but
its transition to democracy has been
marred by sectarian violence that has
left more than 240 people dead and
sent another 240000 fleeing their
homes, most of them Rohingya
Muslims. In 1982, Myanmar passed a
citizenship law recognising eight
races and 130 minority groups but
omitted the nations 800000
Rohingya, among Myanmars 60
million people. Many Myanmar
Buddhists view the Rohingya as
interlopers brought in by British
colonialists from modern-day
Bangladesh, but many Rohingya say
they have lived in the country once
known as Burma for hundreds of
Egypt Panel approved New Egypt Panel approved New Egypt Panel approved New Egypt Panel approved New Egypt Panel approved New
Draft Constitution Draft Constitution Draft Constitution Draft Constitution Draft Constitution 31 31 31 31 31
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An Egyptian constitutional
panel on 1 December 2013 approved
a new draft constitution for Egypt
Government.50-member constitution
drafting panel headed by Amre Amre Amre Amre Amre
Moussa Moussa Moussa Moussa Moussa approved draft-
constitution, which contains 247
Articles. According to the countrys
officials, the referendum on the draft
constitution is to be held in January
Key provision in the new draft Key provision in the new draft Key provision in the new draft Key provision in the new draft Key provision in the new draft
Constitution Constitution Constitution Constitution Constitution
Presidential powers Presidential powers Presidential powers Presidential powers Presidential powers
President to only serve two
four-year terms.
Candidates must be at least 40
years old.
President appoints prime
President can dismiss the
government with the approval
of the majority of parliament.
Military Powers Military Powers Military Powers Military Powers Military Powers
It gives more power to military,
including an article that allows
trial of civilians in martial courts.
Military budget to be discussed
by a national defence council.
The defense minister must be
appointed in agreement with
the military.
Religion Religion Religion Religion Religion
Islamic law, or sharia, the main
source of legislation.
Political parties may not be
formed on the basis of religion.
Freedom and rights Freedom and rights Freedom and rights Freedom and rights Freedom and rights
Political parties cannot be
formed on the basis of gender,
race, sect or geography.
Parties must not have military or
paramilitary components.
Citizens have the right to
organise public meetings and
demonstrations and all forms of
peaceful protests.
Background Background Background Background Background
1. Egypt is witnessing a political
crisis since the resignation of
the long-serving leader Hosni
Mubarak in February 2011
(During the Arab spring).
2. The country is deeply divided
between Islamist and secular
groups, while the Egyptian
military remains the countrys
chief decision-maker.
3. The first democratic elections
held for Egypt in December
2011, and won by the Islamist-
Muslim Brotherhood group. But
Egypt s first democratically
elected parliament was
dissolved in June 2012.
4. The Muslim Brotherhood
candidate Mohammed Morsi
won the presidential elections
in June 2012.
5. In July 2013, Egyptian army
ousted Morsis government,
suspended the constitution
and dissolved the parliament
and army appointed Mansour
as the new interim president.
6. The interim authorities
suspended the previous
constitution written under
Morsi s government and
appointed new panel for new
constitution in September
New Army New Army New Army New Army New Army
Chief of Pakistan Appointed Chief of Pakistan Appointed Chief of Pakistan Appointed Chief of Pakistan Appointed Chief of Pakistan Appointed
Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister
of Pakistan appointed Lt Gen Raheel
Sharif as the new Chief of Army Staff
and Lt Gen Rashad Mahmood as the
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Committee. Lt Gen Raheel Sharif and
Lt Gen Rashad Mahmood have been
promoted to the rank of four-star
general. The generals will take up the
new posts from 27 November 2013,
the day when the 61 year old Gen
Ashfaq Parvez Kayani will retire from
the post of Army Chief. Lt Gen Raheel
is currently serving as Inspector
General, Training and Evaluation,
whereas Lt Gen Mahmood is serving
as Chief of General Staff. The names
of the two commanders were
recommended by Sharif after
endorsement by the President
Mamnoon Hussain. Both were
promoted to the General rank from
Lt. Generals by the President. The
prior appointments of Lt General
Sharif include Commander,
Gujranwala XXX Corps, Commandant
of Pakistan Military Academy Kakul
and General Officer Commanding
Lahore. Lt Gen Mahmood has served
as the Corps Commander of Lahore
as well as the military secretary to
former President Rafiq Tarar.
Mahmood belongs to the Baloch
Regiment and had served under
General Kayani as ISI deputy director
Silvio Berlusconi expelled Silvio Berlusconi expelled Silvio Berlusconi expelled Silvio Berlusconi expelled Silvio Berlusconi expelled
from Italian Parliament from Italian Parliament from Italian Parliament from Italian Parliament from Italian Parliament
The Italian Senate on 27
November 2013 expelled ex- Prime
Minister Silvio Berlusconi from
Parliament over his tax fraud
conviction. The Senate declared
Berlusconi ineligible for parliament
after he was convicted of
masterminding a complex system of
illegally inflated invoices to cut the
tax bill for his Mediaset television
empire. 32 32 32 32 32
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About Silvio Berlusconi About Silvio Berlusconi About Silvio Berlusconi About Silvio Berlusconi About Silvio Berlusconi
He was born on 29 September
Berlusconi, 77, is an
entrepreneur, media tycoon
and politician.
In 1993, Berlusconi founded
his own political party, Forza
Italia - Go Italy - named after a
chant used by Italian football
Berlusconi as Italian politician
dominated for two decades
and he served three times as
Prime Minister (In between
1994-2011). He was the
member of Italian senate.
He was involved in many
scandals during his political
career, like charges of abuse of
office and corruption.
Venezuela President got Venezuela President got Venezuela President got Venezuela President got Venezuela President got
Special Powers Special Powers Special Powers Special Powers Special Powers
Nicolas Maduro, the President
of Venezuela on 19 November 2013
got the final approval to special
powers by Venezuela National
Assembly. Because of this approval,
Maduro will be able to govern
without consulting the congress for
12 years. The new powers assigned
to the power will help him to tackle
corruption and the economic crisis
of the country. Presently, Venezuela
is facing the shortages of food and
other essential goods, power cuts and
inflation about 54 percent. As the
economic sabotage activity, the
retailers of the country have been
forced to slash the prices up to 60
percent. Strict controls over the sale
of the foreign currency have been
introduced by the government to
control the growing black market of
Dubai to host World Expo Dubai to host World Expo Dubai to host World Expo Dubai to host World Expo Dubai to host World Expo
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Bureau International des
Expositions (BIE) on 27 November
2013 voted in favour of Dubai to be
the host city for the World Trade Fair
or EXPO 2020. EXPO 2020. EXPO 2020. EXPO 2020. EXPO 2020. This was decided
after the third and the final round of
voting in Paris on 27 November 2013.
Four cities including Dubai in UAE,
Yekaterinbergh in Russia, Sao Paulo
in Brazil and Izmir in Turkey were
competing to host the prestigious
event. The theme of Dubai for the
EXPO 2020 is Connecting Minds, Connecting Minds, Connecting Minds, Connecting Minds, Connecting Minds,
Creating the Future Creating the Future Creating the Future Creating the Future Creating the Future. A Worl d
Expo in Dubai in 2020 would be the
first to be held in
Africa and South Asia) region, which
takes place every five years. The
yearlong event is considered a major
event since the award of the EXPO
brings home more number of visitors
and adds to the trade, economy,
tourism and hospitality sectors in the
host city. The focus is on attracting
25 million people and through word
of mouth may be 100 million over
three to four years. This will give a
boost to the local economy, trade,
realty, tourism and retail sectors in the
long run.
About World Expo About World Expo About World Expo About World Expo About World Expo
World Expos is a meeting point
for the global community to share
innovations and make progress on
issues of international importance
such as the global economy,
sustainable development and
improved quality of life for the worlds
population.The first world expo was
held in London in 1851. This Expo
will be held every five years in
different cities across the world. The
last world expo took place in 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010
at Shanghai at Shanghai at Shanghai at Shanghai at Shanghai, China and the next
World Expo takes place in Milan, Milan, Milan, Milan, Milan,
Italy, in 2015 Italy, in 2015 Italy, in 2015 Italy, in 2015 Italy, in 2015. The focus: Feeding
the Planet, Energy for Life.
About Bureau International About Bureau International About Bureau International About Bureau International About Bureau International
des Expositions des Expositions des Expositions des Expositions des Expositions
The Paris-based Bureau
International des Expositions (BIE)
is the international body responsible
for overseeing the calendar, bidding,
selection and organisation of World
Expos. It has a total of 167 member
Iran Unveiled Iran Unveiled Iran Unveiled Iran Unveiled Iran Unveiled
New Biggest Drone New Biggest Drone New Biggest Drone New Biggest Drone New Biggest Drone
Iran on 18 November 2013
unveiled a biggest missile-equipped
drone with a range of 2000 km, which
would enable it to cover much of the
Middle East, including Israel. The
drone named Fotros Fotros Fotros Fotros Fotros has an 33 33 33 33 33
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operational range of 2000 kilometres
and can fly at an altitude of 25000
feet, with a flight time of 16 to 30
hours. The drone could carry out
reconnaissance missions or launch
air-to-surface missile strikes. In
September 2013, Iran announced
the mass production of the Shahed Shahed Shahed Shahed Shahed
129 129 129 129 129 drone, which it said has a range
of 1700 kilometres, is capable of
carrying eight missiles and can fly for
24 hours.
In the same month, Iran
unveiled a reconnaissance drone
named Yasseer Yasseer Yasseer Yasseer Yasseer, which was said to
be capable of flying for eight hours
with a range of 200 kilometres and at
an altitude of 4500 meters. Yasseer
was based on the US ScanEagle
drone, a model of which Tehran
claimed to have captured in
December 2012 and reproduced
since then. The Iranian army also
recently claimed that it was
producing a series of drones called
Rad-85. 36
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Indi a and Russia on 18
November 2013 agreed to expand
the range of strategic partnership in
a significant manner in Moscow. The
two countries will also hold a Joint
Air Force Level exercise for the first
time in 2014. The decision was taken
during the 13th Meeting of the India
Russi a Inter-Governmental
Commission on Military Technical
Cooperation (IRITC-MTC) and it was
co chaired by AK Antony, the
Defence Minister of India and His
counterpart of Russia, Sergey Shoigu.
This decision was taken by the two
countries within two days after
commissioning of INS Vikramadatya
into Indian Navy.
The Agreements
The two countries agreed to
hold a joint Air Force level
exercise for the first time,
which will happen in 2014 with
a joint Navy Exercise in the
Peter the Great Bay in the Sea
of Japan. Recently, the armies
of the two countries held an
Exercise Indra in Rajasthan with
a focus on anti-terrorism.
Agreement was reached
between the two ministers on
further cooperation at all levels,
especi al ly i n vi ew of the
regional and global challenges
and to fight the menace of
terrorism jointly. Both sides
reviewed the situation in West
Asia, especially in Syria and the
evol vi ng paradi gm i n
The two sides also agreed on
to expand the cooperation not
only in product design and
devel opment but al so to
involve various echelons of the
Defence establishments in
strategi zi ng pol i ci es and
cooperati on i n the fast
changi ng gl obal securi ty
The Indian delegation in Russia
also laid a wreath at the World War-II
memorial at Poklonnaya Gora (Bow-
Down Hill) of the Victory Park. A
ceremonial guard of honour was also
presented. Shoigu has also assured
to India that the Indian pilots will be
trai ned by the Naval Avi ation
Specialists to take offs and landing
on the INS Vikramaditya, which may
be held in Goa.
India and Malaysia signed a
Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) on 25 November 2013 to
strengthen co-operation in public
administration and governance as
part of the efforts to enhance their
strategic partnership. The MoU 37
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covers eight areas of co-operation
i ncl udi ng human resource
management, e-governance, public
delivery system, accountability and
transparency, skills and capacity
building and quality results. The MoU
was signed by Malaysias Public
Servi ce Department Di rector-
General Mohamad Zabidi Zainal and
the Secretary of Indias Department
of Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances of Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions,
Sanjay Kothari. The MoU envisages
cooperation via tours, workshops and
conferences, sharing of public
administration and governance
information and expertise, common
project implementation mechanisms
and exchange of publications, state.
considered the need of establishing
good communication between the
BRICS Competition Authorities on
competition law and policy to further
improving and strengthening the
relationship between the BRICS
Competition Authorities. BRICS
Competition Authorities, while
recognising the benefits of technical
cooperation among the competition
agencies, in sound and effective
enforcement of competition laws
expressed thei r resol ve and
commitment to exchange views on
different aspects of competition
policy. The Competition Authorities
of BRICS also support the hosting of
the Fourth BRICS ICC during 2015 at
South Africa. The Delhi Accord was
signed by Al essandro Serafi n
Octaviani Luis, Commissioner, CADE
for the Brazilian Competition Policy
System, by Andrey Tsarikovsky, Stats
Secretary-Deputy Head of the FAS,
Russia for the Federal Antimonopoly
Service of the Russian Federation, by
Ashok Chawla, Chairman, for the
Competition Commission of India, by
Sun Hongzhi, Vice Minister, for the
State Administration for Industry and
Commerce of the Peoples Republic
of China and by Tembinkos Bonakele,
Acti ng Commi ssi oner for the
Competition Commission of South
Princess Astrid of Belgium on 28
November 2013 inaugurated the
Consulate General of Belgium in
Chennai for expansion of the bilateral
ties with India. This is the second
S. No Document Australian Signatory Indian Signatory Remarks
1. Amendments on
MoU between the
Central Board of
Excise & Customs
of the Republic of
India and the
Australian Customs
Service on
Cooperation on
Patrick Suckling
Australian High
Commissioner to India
Praveen Mahajan
Central Board of
Excise and
The amendments allow both
parties to establish Joint Working
Group for the effective
implementation of the MOU
2. Statement of Intent
between the
Government of
Australia and
Nalanda University
to Progress a three
year arrangement
towards a chair of
Ecology and
Studies at the
Patrick Suckling
Australian High
Commissioner to India
Gopa Sabharwal
Vice Chancellor,
Nalanda University
Both sides agree to work
towards establishment of Chair
of Ecology & Environment
Studies at the University.
India and Australia on 18
November 2013 si gned two
agreements in New Delhi during the
visit of Foreign Minister of Australia,
Julie Bishop to India. She was on four
days visit to India from 15 November
to 18 November 2013. Li st of
documents signed during the visit of
Foreign Minister of Australia to India:
BRICS Nations signed the
Del hi Accord
The Heads of the Competition
Authorities of BRICS Nations signed
a Joi nt Accord namel y Del hi
Accord on 22 November 2013 at
3rd BRICS International Competition
Conference (ICC) at New Delhi. The
Delhi Accord was signed to ensure
effecti ve enforcement of
competition rules, among the BRICS
nations and to strengthen the co-
operation among their fair trade
regulators by exchanging views and
boosting communication. BRICS
Competi ti on Authori ti es also 38
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Consulate General and the third
diplomatic mission in India. Princess
Astrid is the representative of the
King of Belgium, who is on a visit to
India from 23-30 November, 2013.
At present is leading a high
power trade delegation to India. As
per the Belgian Ambassador to India,
Pierre Vaessen the initiative was part
of his countrys efforts to strengthen
presence in India, mainly in South
India. At present about 160 Belgian
companies are operational in India,
which of maximum are in South
India. India and Belgium generally do
trade of 15 billion, which mainly
includes diamond business. The
trade could also be diversified into
different sectors l i ke green
technology, renewable energy and
chemical and pharmacy industries.
The first Integrated Checkpost
al ong Agartala-Akhaura, Indi a-
Bangladesh border was jointly
inaugurated on 17 November 2013
by Union Home Minister Sushilkumar
Shinde and hi s Bangl adeshi
counterpart Mohi uddi n Khan
Alamgir. The chief Mister of Tripura,
Manik Sarkar was also present on the
occasion. The integrated checkpost
has been created to facilitate easier
movement for the goods and
passengers across the border and this
will help in promoting the relations
between India and Bangladesh. The
Agartala-Akhaura Integrated
checkpost is the first of the seven
Land Customs Border Stations has
been upgraded by the Land Port
Authority of India along the 4096 km
border. The Integrated Checkpost
houses all regulatory agencies, which
includes Immigration, Customs and
Border Security and it constitutes a
single complex equipped with the
state-of-art facilities with dedicated
cargo and passenger terminals, ware-
housi ng and banki ng. Trade
between India and Bangladesh has
improved significantly after India
granted zero-customs and zero-quota
trade concessions to all Bangladeshi
on 8 November 2013. The Indian side
was led by External Affairs Minister,
Salman Khurshid, while the Republic
of Korea (ROK) side was led by
Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se.
The two nati ons did a
comprehensive review of bilateral
relations, which were upgraded to a
Strategic Partnership and acquired
range and depth over the past few
years. Noting that high level political
exchanges had imparted momentum
to the relationship, India and South
Korea discussed the possibility of a
visit to India by ROK President
Madame Park Geun-hye in early
2014. The JCM discussed ways to
add strategic and economic content
to bilateral ties including in the
political, security, trade, investment,
consular, scientific and cultural
spheres. Regional and international
issues of mutual interest were also
discussed. The 8th India-ROK Joint
Commission Meeting at a mutually
convenient time will be held in Seoul
in 2014.
India and Vietnam signed eight
agreements on 20 November 2013
in areas of defence and security, oil
exploration, civil aviation and
products, except 25 i tems.
Bangladeshi exports to India hit a
record of 562 million dollar during
The 7th India-Republic of Korea
(South Korea) Joint Commission
Meeting (JCM) was held in New Delhi 39
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scientific research. India will also assist Vietnam in the modernization and training of the defence and security forces
of Vietnam and agreed to give a 100 million dollar line of credit to Vietnam for defence purchases. The agreements
were signed by Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen
Phu Trong in New Delhi after delegation level talks.
S.No Name
Indian Signatory Remarks
1. Air Service Agreement Dinh La Thang,
Minister for
Ajit Singh, Minister for
Civil Aviation
The ASA seeks to promote international air services,
including direct flights between the two countries and
also to promote an international aviation system based
on competition among airlines. The ASA will ensure
the highest degree of safety and security in
international air services and reaffirms the grave
concern about acts or threats against the security of
aircraft, which jeopardize the safety of persons or
property and adversely affects the operation of air
2. MOU for setting up of
the Indira Gandhi
Hightech Crime Lab
(IGHCL ) in Hanoi
Lieutenant General
Le Quy Vuong,
Deputy Minister for
Public Security
Preeti Saran,
Ambassador of India
to Vietnam
The MoU reaffirms the desire to further strengthen and
consolidate the cooperation between the two
countries in the field of crime investigation, counter
terrorism and other transnational organized crime, and
other relevant areas. India shall provide financial grant
towards procurement of technical equipment for
IGHCL, teaching aids, training programmes for staff
members and deputation of experts and Vietnam shall
provide a permanent venue and related infrastructure
to establish the IGHCL in Hanoi.
3. Agreement on
Protection of Classified
Senior Lieutenant
General Nguyen Chi
Vinh, Deputy
Minister for Defence
Radha Krishna Mathur,
Defence Secretary
The MoU is based on the principles of the MoU on
Defence Cooperation signed between the two
countries in November 2009 to recognise the benefits
of sharing of information and to confirm mutual
interest in protection of such information in
accordance with the respective national laws and
relevant provisions.
4. MOU between two
Ministries of Finance
Vu Thi Mai, Deputy
Minister for Finance
Arvind Mayaram,
Secretary, Dept. of
Economic Affairs
The MoU will permit the parties to strengthen
exchanges and share experiences in the fiscal policies
for transitional economies, macroeconomic
management, budget management process, financial
policies to support high technology and software
technology development. Exchange of financial
policies would be used to develop policies in related
areas as mutually agreed by the Parties.
5. Cooperation Agreement
between Hanoi
National University and
Indian Council for
Scientific and Industrial
Prof. Phung Xuan
Nha, President of
Vietnam National
University, Hanoi
Prof. Samir K
Brahmachari, DG CSIR
& Secretary, Dept. of
Scientific & Industrial
The purpose of the Agreement is to promote Scientific
and Technical Cooperation between the two
institutions aimed at developing long term S&T
collaboration between the two countries and also
promoting friendly relations. This would include
exchange of Scientists, Research Scholars and
Specialists etc. for the purpose of research, training
and consultation.
6. MoU on Cooperation
between India Institute
of Management (IIM)
Bangalore and HCM
National Academy of
Public Administration
Prof. Truong Thi
Thong, Vice
President of Ho Chi
Minh National
Academy of Public
Prof. Devanath
Director (In-Charge),
The MoU shall focus on the activities and programmes
such as exchange of faculty members and students,
joint research activities, participation in seminars and
academic meetings, exchange of academic materials
and other information, special short-term academic
programmes, training programmes and study tours.
The cooperation will initially be focused on Public
Policy, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Governance,
Training for executives from public and private sector
enterprises, Social Sciences and Student & Faculty
7. MoU between Vietnam
Oil and Gas Group and
ONGC Videsh
Nguyen Vu Truong
Son, Vice President
of Petro Vietnam
D. K. Saraf Managing
Director, OVL
The MoU provides for association in the field of
exploration, development and production of
petroleum resources between the two countries for
new investments by OVL in oil and gas blocks in
Vietnam for oil and gas exploration and production.
Petro Vietnam is also invited to participate in open
blocks in India and in third countries.
8. MOU between Vietnam
Ministry of Industry and
Trade and Tata Power
Ltd. on development of
Long Phu 2 Thermal
Power Project in Soc
Trang, Vietnam
Nguyen Khac Tho,
Deputy Director
General of the
Energy Department
Anil Sardana, Chief
Executive Officer of
Tata Power
The MoU approves TATA Power belonging to TATA
Group to act as Investor to develop Long Phu 2, coal-
fired Power Plant Project of 2x660 MW capacity. The
Project will be designed, engineered, procured,
contracted, constructed, owned, operated and
maintained through a BOT Company owned by TATA
Power and additional investors, with TATA Power as
the lead member and will reach commercial operation
in accordance with Agreements with the Vietnam side. 40
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India and Vietnam signed
Treaty on the Transfer of
Sentenced Pri soners
Indi a and Vi etnam on 1
November 2013 signed a treaty on
transfer of sentenced prisoners in the
jails in the two countries. The treaty
would allow prisoners of the two
countries to be near their families and
they will have to serve the remaining
part of their sentences. This process
will help to facilitate the process of
their social rehabilitation. The treaty
was signed from Sushilkumar Shinde,
the Union Home Minister and Tran
Dai Quang, the Minister of Public
Security of Vietnam. The two sides
also held bilateral talks on security
matters, issues of training, capacity
building, cyber security, cyber crime,
trans-national crime, terrorism and
disaster management.
India and Japan on 9 November
2013 decided to further strengthen
their cooperation in the maritime
sector as a part of the overall robust
bilateral relations. The two countries
agreed to enhance their interaction
through the existing forums and
through port-to-port exchanges. This
was decided during the visit of Union
Minister of Shipping G.K. Vasan, to
Japan. India expl ained the
developments that were taking place
in its Ports sector and assured Japan
that concerns regardi ng
infrastructure and connectivity of
ports are bei ng addressed
expeditiously. The ports in Ennore
and Chennai are catering to the
Japanese car exporters like Toyota
and Nissan who have so far exported
about 42000 and 300000 cars
respectively from these ports. During
the talks, India thanked the Japanese
government for its support to various
Indian Ports and infrastructure
proj ects through the Japan
International Cooperation Agency
(JICA). It al so menti oned the
possibility of JICA assistance to VOC
Port at Thoothukudi for the upcoming
Outer Harbour Project. Japan
acknowledged the existing cordial
relationship between the two nations,
assured that it will carry forward the
momentum. Japan expressed its
interest in shipbuilding and recycling
industries in India.
India won election to United
Nations Board of Auditors
India on 1 November 2013 won
a crucial election to the UN Board of
Auditors with its nominee Shashi
Kant Sharma, the Comptroller and
Auditor General- by 124 votes out of
the total 186. Shashi Kant Sharma
won 124 votes out of the total 186
cast in the General Assemblys Fifth
Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary questions. India won by a
comfortable margin against its closest
contender the Philippines, which got
62 votes. Having obtained the
required majority and the largest
number of votes, Shashi Kant Sharma
will be appointed to the UN Board of
Auditors for a six year term beginning
on 1 July 2014.
About UN Board of Auditors
The General Assembly in 1946
establ i shed the UN Board of
Auditors to audit of the accounts
of the United Nations organisation
and its funds and programmes and to
report i ts fi ndings and
recommendations to the Assembly
through the Advisory Committee on
Admi nistrati ve and Budgetary
Questions. The Auditors-Generals of
UN member states are elected to the
Board. India had last sat on the board
in 1993 for six years. The United
Nations Board of Auditors comprised
of the heads of the Supreme Audit
Institutions from three Member States,
has for more than 60 years provided
independent external audit services
to the General Assembly. Board has
involved certifying the accounts of
the UN and i ts funds and
programmes, and providing reports
covering a wide array of managerial
and value for money issues.
The overarching goal of the
Board is to use the unique
perspective of public external audit
to both help the General Assembly
to hold UN entities to account for the
use of public resources, and add
value by identifying ways to improve
the delivery of international public
services. The chairmanship of the
Board is rotated every two years, and
is currently held by Amyas Morse for
the period 2013-2014. Amyas Morse
is Comptroller and Auditor General,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
Indi a and Kuwai t on 8
November 2013 agreed to expand
cooperation in key areas, which
includes energy and investment. Five
pacts were signed to strengthen
bilateral cooperation in culture and
education during the India visit of the
Prime Minister of Kuwait, HH Sheikh
Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-
Sabah. During this India visit of the 41
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Kuwait Prime Minister to India five documents were signed including an agreement on the transfer of sentenced
persons, cooperation in the field of sports and youth affairs and exchange of cultural and information programmes,
besides cooperation in the field of education.
Name of Agreement/ MoU Signatories from India Signatories from
Agreement Between the
Government of the Republic of
India and the State of Kuwait on
the Transfer of Sentenced
Sushil Kumar Shinde,
Minister of Home Affairs
Sabah Khaled Al-
Hamad Al-Sabah
Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister
of Foreign Affairs
The Agreement aims to enable the transfer of
sentenced persons of both the countries to serve
their remaining sentences of imprisonment or
any other form of punishment in their own
MoU between the Foreign
Service Institute(FSI), Ministry of
External Affairs of the Republic
of India and the Saud N. Al-
Sabah Kuwait Diplomatic
Institute(KDI), Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, of the State of Kuwait for
Cooperation In Mutual Beneficial
Area of Activities.
Salman Khurshid, External
Affairs Minister
Sabah Khaled Al-
Hamad Al-Sabah
Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister
of Foreign Affairs
The MoU aims at promoting cooperation
between the FSI and KDI, including exchange of
information on structure and content of training
programmes, exchange of trainees, students,
faculty members, experts and researchers.
MOU on Cooperation in the field
of Sports & Youth Affairs
Between the Government of the
Republic of India and the
Government of the State of
Jitendra Singh, MOS(IC) for
Youth Affairs and Sports
Anas Al-Saleh
Minister of
commerce and
The MoU aims at promoting and strengthening
bilateral cooperation between the two countries
in the field of Sports & Youth through
institutional exchanges particularly through
exchange of youth and sports teams in various
Executive Programme for Cultural
and Information Exchanges
Between the Government of the
Republic of India and the
Government of the State of
Kuwait for the Years 2013-16
Shri Ravindra Singh,
Secretary (Culture)
Khalid S. Al-jarallah,
Undersecretary of the
Ministry of Foreign
The Executive Programme aims at enhancing
cultural cooperation between National Council
for Culture, Arts and Letters of Kuwait and Indian
Lalit Kala Akademi, between Rampur Raza
Library, Rampur India and Dar Al-Athar Al-
Islamiya Kuwait, exchange of TV and radio
programmes for better understanding of the
culture of each others countries, increased
participation in training programmes and courses
and symposia of mutual interest in the field of
libraries and information, visit of experts and
archaeologists, cooperation on management and
conservation of cultural heritage sites.
Educational Exchange Program
Between the Government of India
and the Government of the State
of Kuwait on Cooperation in
Education And Learning for the
Years 2013-16
Ashok Thakur, Secretary Khalid S. Al-jarallah
Undersecretary of the
Ministry of Foreign
The Executive Programme aims at strengthening
bilateral cooperation in the field of education
and learning by exchange of students,
researchers in the field of education and
learning, and academicians and specialists in the
field of general education, adult education,
special needs education, conducting research
seminars in the fields of science and education,
exchange of books, publications, audio-visual
materials, microfiche and archives resources and
other information to assist researchers in their
fields of operations. 42
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The fifth session of India-
Ukrai ne Inter-Governmental
Commission on Trade, Economic,
Scientific, Technological, Industrial
and Cultural Cooperation held in
New Delhi on 13 November 2013.
The Commission was chaired by E.
Ahamed, the Minister of State for
External Affairs. The Ukrainian
delegati on was l ed by Ihor
Mykolayovych Prasolov, the Minister
of Economic Development and
Trade of Ukraine. He was
accompanied by a 15 member
official and 12 member business
delegations from Ukraine. During the
session current status and future
prospects of cooperation in trade and
investment, heavy/light industry,
fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and
healthcare, mining and metallurgy,
science and technology, energy
(coal, nuclear), transportation,
agriculture and food processing,
education, culture and tourism were
reviewed. The Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers, Government of India,
and the State Administration of
Ukraine on Medicinal Products
signed the Memorandum of
Understanding for Cooperation in
Joint Ventures and Research and
Development in Pharmaceuticals and
The Ukrai nian Busi ness
Delegation held an interactive session
with Indian business community
organized by the Federation of
Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (FICCI). The Ukrainian side
agreed to address the concerns of
Indian pharmaceutical companies
operating in Ukraine. Both sides also
agreed to work on an agreement on
simplification of visa procedures to
ease movement of business people
and tourists. The bulk of Indias
exports of pharmaceuti cal s to
Ukraine amount to about 375 million
US dollars per annum. India and
Ukraine also agreed to increase trade
beyond the existing level of 3.2 billion
US dollars. The fourth session was
held in Kyiv in June 2012 and the sixth
session of the Commission will take
place in 2014 at Kyiv.
Indian and Chinese army are set
to hold their third joint military
exercises after a gap of 5 years. During
the exerci ses the Indian army
contingent of 150 people reached
the Chengdu city on 4 November
2013 to take part in the anti-terrorism
drills. The 10 day drill code has been
named hand i n hand was
inaugurated in the Chengdu city on
5 November 2013. Earlier, the annual
exercises began in 2007 and the first
exercise was held in Kumming city
of China, whereas the second round
was held in India at Belgaum in
Karnataka in 2008. Further, the next
round of exercise was called off by
India after the General who headed
troops in Jammu and Kashmir was
denied the visa on the grounds that
the regi on part of di sputed
territory. The contact between the
two nations was resumed after China
withdrew its decision and started
issuing the regular visas to residents
of Jammu and Kashmir. This step
facilitated a broad engagement
between the two giant neighbours.
New Highway linking Medog
to Zhamog
China on 31 October 2013
opened a new highway that links
Medog to Zhamog-located near the
border with Arunachal Pradesh. The
highway linking Medog, the last
roadless county in China, with
neighboring Bome county in Tibet
formally opened to traffic, ending the
countys isolation from the outside
world. The 117-km highway, which
cost 950 million yuan (155 million U.S.
dollars), links Zhamog Township, the
county seat of Bome, and Medog in
Nyingchi Prefecture in southeastern
Tibet. The road will be accessible for
8 to 9 months per year, barring major
natural disasters. The Zhamog-Medog
starts along the Number 318 National
Road in Zhamog township in Bomi
County. It goes through the 4400-
meter high Galung La Mountain and
cross 6 rivers, to reach Medog.The
opening of the Medog road will
greatly lower transportation costs and
will also improve medical care and
educational facilities. With this new
highway, every county in Tibet is now
linked through the highway network,
underli ni ng the widening
infrastructure gulf across the disputed
border, even as India belatedly
pushes forward an upgrading of
border roads in more difficult
terrain.China first started attempting
to build the highway to Medog a
landlocked county in Tibets Nyingchi
prefecture in the 1960s, in the
aftermath of the 1962 war with India.
Government of India on 14
November 2013 dispatched relief
package that includes medicines, 43
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hygiene and chemicals, tentage,
blankets, tarpaulins and ready to eat
meal s to Hurri cane ravaged
Philippines by an Indian Air Force C-
130J aircraft to Mactan.
The relief package will helped
the people of Philippines to meet the
urgent needs at the time of trouble
like life-saving medical care, food
suppl ies and constructi on of
temporary shelters in this hour of
need. A similar aid was provided to
Philippines by India in 2006.
The Problem of Philippines
Super Typhoon Hai yan of
category-5 struck Philippines on 8
November 2013 and left behind
more than 10000 people dead. It also
affected about 4 million people. This
was one of the most powerful
typhoons to hit Philippines. It pushed
winds up to 300 kilometers an hour.
Visa Waiver Agreements with
Poland, Slovenia and
Lithuania approved by India
The Union Cabi net on 7
November 2013 approved the visa
waiver agreements with Poland,
Slovenia and Lithuania. This move will
help the Indians with diplomatic
passports to visit the three countries.
The agreements would be signed
very soon.
The CCEA (Cabinet Committee
on Economic Affairs) cleared a
proposal to disinvest 17 percent of
paid up capital for Follow on Public
Offering (FPO) of the state owned
power grid corporation of India. As
per the Power Minister Jyotiraditya
Scindia, 13 percent of fresh equity
by the Public Sector Company and 4
percent stake sale by the government
includes under the FPO. A similar
agreement was cleared with Cuba in
first week of November 2013.By now
India has similar agreements with
about 50 countries that include
Japan, Russia and Israel.
Indias public broadcaster
Prasar Bharati and Radio-Television of
Slovenia (RTV-SLO) on 13 November
2013 signed an MoU to develop and
strengthen mutual friendly relations
through an increased cooperation in
the fiel d of broadcasting. The
agreement was signed by head of
international department of RTV SLO,
Suzana Vidas Karoli and Member
Personnel of Prasar Bharati, VAM
Hussain. The MoU allows to explore
further opportunities in potential
proj ects of producti on of
programmes. It also entails exchange
of programmes in the field of culture,
education, entertainment, sports and
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Norms relaxed for
participation of NBFCs in
Insurance JVs
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on
28 November 2013 relaxed norms for
parti ci pati on of Non-Banking
Finance Companies (NBFCs) in the
insurance joint ventures by allowing
them to hold more than 50 percent
in such companies. The notification
of Reserve Bank of India has stated
that - it has been decided that in
cases where IRDA issues calls for
capital infusion into the Insurance
joint venture company, the RBI may,
on a case to case basis, consider need
based relaxation of the 50 percent
group limit. The relaxation will be
2013 inaugurated the IT based Risk
Management System (RMS) for
the Customs clearance of export
goods at New Delhi. Government
has introduced RMS to enhance
trade facilitation in export sector and
to check smuggl i ng of drugs,
weapons and other illegal substances
harmful to the country. RMS will also
enable the Excise and Customs
Department to enhance the level of
facilitation and speed up the process
of cargo cl earance. The single
window system of RMS wi l l
contribute to reduce in dwell time,
by achieving the desired objective
of reducing the transaction cost in
order to make the busi ness
internationally competitive. The
launch of RMS in exports covers 11
Customs stations at Bangalore,
Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
Pune and Tutocorin. It would be
extended to all EDI Customs stations
by year end. Benefits are expected
to accrue to the trade in terms of
faster clearances and reduced
transaction costs thereby enhancing
the global competitiveness of our
export goods.
subject to compliance by the NBFC
with all regulatory conditions. In the
operation of Insurance Company, the
IRDA often requires an insurance
company to expand its capital taking
into account the stipulations of the
Insurance Act and the solvency
requirements of the insurance
company. The restriction of a group
limit of the NBFC to 50 percent of
the equity of the insurance joint
venture company prescribed in the
above mentioned circular may act as
a constrai nt for the insurance
company in meeting the requirement
of IRDA.
RMS for Trade Facilitation in
Export Sector Introduced
Union Fi nance Minister P.
Chidambaram was on 13 November 46
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Medium Manufacturi ng
Enterprises to be included
under Priority Sector
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
on 26 November 2013 allowed banks
to treat loans given to medium
manufacturing enterprises after 13
November 2013 as priority sector
advance. RBI stated that the step
has been taken to provide enhanced
liquidity support to the medium and
small enterprises. The RBI also
allowed incremental bank loans to
medi um servi ces enterprises
extended after 13 November 2013
to up to 100 million rupees and raised
the loan limit given to micro and small
service enterprises to 100 million
rupees from 50 million rupees that
will be treated as priority sector
advance. This facility will remain open
till 31 March 2014. Under priority
sector advance, most banks have to
lend 40 percent of their loans to
agri cul ture, mi cro and smal l
enterprises, poor people for housing,
students for education and other low
income groups and weaker sectors.
NIC got approval of 75 %
Innovation Fund Corpus
The Nati onal Innovati on
Council (NInC) on 20 November
2013 got approval of 75 percent of
the 500 crore rupees initial corpus of
the upcoming India Innovation Fund
(IIIF), which is an Indian model of
i nnovati on. IIIF wil l have
contri buti ons from Ministry of
Finance, public sector banks (PSBs)
and multilateral agencies and is
being mobilized by NInC. The main
obj ecti ve of IIIF i s to finance
Enterprises focusing on the bottom
of the pyramid that is, firms delivering
goods and services to the poorest of
the country. Multilateral agency, PSBs
and financial institutions already gave
commitment of 375 crore rupees and
additional commitments to council,
which mentioned in NInC annual
Report of the People 2013. The
launch date not yet decided though
it is in its final stage of launching the
fund. Mi ni mum 50 percent of
advances from the fund would be to
micro, small and medium enterprises
(MSMEs) in the first close.
The fund will not invest more
than 15 percent of the corpus in any
single company to ensure spread of
investment. The fund intends to
partner with public R&D programmes
and laboratories to support the
commercialization and deployment
of socially relevant technologies and
The fund would be registered
with Securities and Exchange of India
(SEBI). A pipeline of the potential
investment prospects has been
identified. A specialised core team
is also expected to be in place before
the first closure. It is expected that
the fund would be operational by the
beginning of 2014. The fund may
increase eventual size of 5000 crore
rupees in the long term.
About National Innovation
Council (NInC)
The Nati onal Innovati on
Council (NInC) was set up by the
Prime Minister under chairmanship of
Sam Pitroda, an adviser to PM on
public information infrastructure and
innovations (PIII). NInC will provide
mutual ly rei nforci ng pol i cies,
recommendations and
methodologies to implement and
boost innovation performance in the
The task of the Nati onal
Innovati on Counci l incl ude
formulating Roadmap for innovation
for 2010-2020 and creati ng
framework for evolving an Indian
model of innovation, with focus on
i nclusi ve growth, encouraging
central and state governments ,
universities and R&D institutions to
innovate and to encourage the multi-
displinary and globally competitive
approaches for innovations and
others. The Council will also promote
the setting up of State and Sector
Innovati on Counci l s to hel p
implement strategies for innovation
in Stated and Specified sectors.
Provision for Higher Sugar
Export announced
The Union Government of India
on 15 November 2013 announced
the provision of higher sugar export
with domestic production becoming
The condition of export of
sugar has been relaxed by doubling
the limit of the overseas shipment
that sellers can register. The export
of sugar has been doubled to 50000
tonnes from 25000 tonnes per
application for registration was
announced by the Di rectorate
General of Foreign Trade. The sugar
production of India is projected at
25 million tonnes in 2013-14, which
is two million tonnes more than the
domestic demand. 47
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Third-party payment for
Export and Import
Transactions allowed
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
on 8 November 2013 has allowed
third party payment for the export
and i mport transacti ons. The
procedure relating to payments for
exports or imports was liberalized
taking into account the evolving
international trade procedure. Banks
are allowed to receive the payments
for export of goods/software from the
third party. The order of RBI also
permits the banks to make payments
to the third party for imports of goods.
The third party refers to an entity
other than the buyer or the seller. The
procedure was liberalised taking into
account the evolving international
trade practices.
However, banks woul d
have t o f ol l ow cert ai n
condi t i ons i n case of export
Firm irrevocable order backed
by a tripartite agreement should
be in place
Third party payment should
come from a Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) compliant
country and through the
banking channel only
The exporter should declare
the third party remittance in
the Export Declaration Form;
It would be responsibility of
the Exporter to realize and
repatriate the export proceeds
from such third party named in
the EDF
Reporting of outstandings, if
any, in the XOS would continue
to be shown against the name
of the exporter. However,
instead of the name of the
overseas buyer from where the
proceeds have to be realised,
the name of the declared third
party should appear in the XOS
In case of shipments being
made to a country in Group II
of Restricted Cover Countries,
(e.g. Sudan, Somalia, etc.),
payments for the same may be
received from an Open Cover
The banks have been
allowed to make payments for
import transacti ons to a thi rd
part y f or i mport of goods,
subject to conditions as under:
Firm irrevocable purchase
order / tripartite agreement
should be in place
Third party payment should be
made to a Financial Action Task
Force (FATF) compl i ant
country and through the
banking channel only
The Invoice should contain a
narration that the related
payment has to be made to the
(named) third party
Bill of Entry should mention the
name of the shipper as also the
narration that the related
payment has to be made to the
(named) third party
Importer should comply with
the related extant instructions
relating to imports including
those on advance payment
being made for import of goods
The amount of an i mport
transaction eligible for third
party payment should not
exceed USD 100,000. This limit
will be revised as and when
considered expedient
Banks to Charge customers on
actual usage of SMS alerts
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
on 26 November 2013 directed the
banks to charge customers for the
transaction SMS alerts on the basis of
usage, instead of imposing a fixed fee.
The RBI in its notification issued to all
banks has asked the banks to charge
customers based on actual usage of
SMS al erts, consi deri ng the
technology available with banks to
considering the technology available
with banks and the telecom service
The notification has been done
to ensure reasonableness and equity
in the charges levied by banks for
sending SMS alerts to customers. In
its second quarter review of monetary
policy 2013-14, the RBI had advised
banks to charge for SMS alerts on
usage basis. Earlier, the Reserve Bank
of India had set the guidelines for
banks to send online alerts to the
customers for all types of transactions,
irrespective of the amount in March
Sale of 5 kg LPG cylinders
extended to petrol pumps
The Government of India on 4
November 2013 decided to extend
the sale of the non-subsidized 5 kg
cooking gas (LPG) cylinders at petrol
pumps across the country. The
proposal to extend the scope of the
scheme was approved by M.
Veerappa Moily, the Union Minister
of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Earlier, the scheme was in operation
in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and
Bengaluru. The scheme was
launched on 5 October 2013 by
Moily in Bangalore for sale in selected
company owned and company
operated petrol pumps in the four
cities. The cylinders will be sold at
market rates. The scheme will be
delayed in poll bounding states like
Del hi , Madhya Pradesh and 48
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Chhatti sgarh. The scheme has
allowed to sale the 5 kg LPG cylinders
with just proof of Identity through
Petrol Stati ons to students, IT
professional, BPO employees and
people with odd duty timings. As per
the decision, the sale of the cylinders
would be done with or without
regulator for the first time. The
cylinders will be charged 1000
rupees and the regulator will be
available at 250 rupees. Whereas, the
cost of refills of the LPG will be as per
to the non-domestic rates applicable
in the market. A 5 kg is sold at about
340 to 350 rupees.
Refinance window for the
MSME extended to 5000
The Reserve Bank of India on
18 November 2013 opened a 5000
crore rupees refinance window for
MSME sector, for a period of one year
to ease the liquidity. The view of
easing the liquidity stress to the Micro
and Small Enterprises sector was
taken by the RBI to provide refinance
to the small Industrial Development
Bank of India. Basically the Micro
and Small Enterprises sector is
empl oyment i ntensive and
contributes significantly to exports.
At present, the slowdown in the
economy has resulted in the liquidity
tightness i n the MSEs i n the
manufacturing and services sector
raising the need of liquidity support.
The availability of the refinance
facility will be till 13 November 2014.
Women SHGs to get Banks
loans at 7 percent
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
on 19 November 2013 directed
Publ ic Sector Banks (PSBs) to
provide loans to women self-help
groups (SHGs) at 7 per cent per
annum to avail the benefit of interest
rate subvention scheme under the
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar
Yojana-Aajeevika (SGSY) scheme.
Salient features of RBI
Noti fication
1. Al l women SHGs wi l l be
eligible for interest subvention
to avail the credit upto 3 lakh
Rupees at 7 per cent per
2. PSBs will be subvented to the
extent of difference between
the Weighted Average Interest
charged and 7 per cent subject
to the maximum limit of 5.5 per
cent, for the FY-2014.
3. Thi s subventi on wi l l be
available to all the PSBs on the
condition that they make SHG
credit available at 7 per cent in
the 150 districts.
4. The Regional Rural Banks
(RRBs) will be subvented to the
extent of difference between
the lending rates and 7 per
cent for the FY-2014 on the
condi tion they make SHG
credit available at 7 per cent.
5. SHGs wi l l be gi ven an
addi ti onal 3 per cent
subventi on on prompt
repayment of loan.
Swarnaj ayant i Gram
Swarozgar Yoj ana- Aaj eevi ka
(SGSY) is an initiative by the
government to provide sustainable
income to poor people living in rural
areas of the country.
About Interest Rate
subvention concept
Interest Rate subvention is a
subsi dy of i nterest given by
Government to certain sectors like
Textiles, Agriculture etc. For eg.
Textile Company borrows from Bank
at 10 percent and Government gives
subvention of 2 percent. Hence net
bank takes interest from textiles
companies 8 percent. Other sectors
have to pay 10 percent to the bank.
Foreign banks subsidiaries
permitted to acquire
domestic PSBs
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
on 6 November 2013 permitted the
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS)
of the foreign banks to acquire the
domestic private sector banks. RBI
also permitted the banks to set up
branches anywhere in the country.
As per the permission given by RBI,
the foreign banks will have to seek
permission of RBI to open branches
in certain sensitive locations. The
foreign bank subsidiaries have also
been allowed to list on the local stock
exchanges. Although, they will not
be allowed to hold more than 74
percent in the private banks they may
acquire. The order of the RBI also
stated that the foreign banks that
commenced banking business in
India before August 2010 will be
given an opportunity to convert into
a wholly owned subsidiary.
Key features of the
Banks with complex structures,
also the banks which do not
provide adequate disclosure in
their home jurisdiction, as well
as the banks which are not
widely held and banks from
jurisdictions having legislation
giving a preferential claim to
depositors of home country in
a winding up proceedings,
would be mandated entry into
India only in the WOS mode. 49
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Foreign banks in whose case
the above conditions do not
apply can opt for a branch or
WOS form of presence.
A foreign bank opting for
branch form of presence shall
convert into a WOS as and
when the above conditions
become applicable to it or it
becomes systemi cal l y
important on account of its
balance sheet size in India.
Forei gn banks, whi ch
commenced banking business
in India before August 2010
shal l have the opti on to
conti nue thei r banki ng
business through the branch
mode. However, they will be
incentivised to convert into
WOS because of the
attractiveness of the near
national treatment afforded to
To prevent domination by
foreign banks, restrictions
would be placed on further
entry of new WOSs of foreign
banks/ capital infusion, when
the capital and reserves of the
WOSs and forei gn bank
branches in India exceed 20
per cent of the capital and
reserves of the banking system.
The initial minimum paid-up
voting equity capital for a WOS
shall be 5 billion for new
entrants. Existing branches of
foreign banks desi ring to
convert into WOS shall have a
minimum net worth of 5 billion.
The parent of the WOS would
be required to issue a letter of
comfort to the RBI for meeting
the liabilities of the WOS.
Corporate Governance
(i) Not less than two-third of the
di rectors shoul d be non-
executive directors;
(ii) A minimum of one-third of the
di rectors shoul d be
i ndependent of the
management of the subsidiary
in India, its parent or associates
(iii) Not less than fifty percent of the
directors should be Indian
nationals /NRIs/PIOs subject to
the condition that not less than
1/3rd of the directors are Indian
nationals resident in India
The branch expansion
guidelines as applicable
to domestic scheduled
commercial banks would
generally be applicable
to WOSs of foreign banks
except that they wi ll
require prior approval of
RBI for opening branches
at certain locations that
are sensitive from the
perspective of national
Priority Sector lending
requirement would be 40
per cent for WOS like
domesti c schedul ed
commercial banks with
adequate transi ti on
period for existing foreign
bank branches converting
into WOS.
On arms length basis,
WOS woul d be
permitted to use parental
guarantee/ credit rating
only for the purpose of
provi di ng custodi al
services and for their
international operations.
However, WOS should
not provi de counter
guarantee to its parent
for such support.
WOSs may, at thei r
option, dilute their stake
to 74 per cent or less in
accordance wi th the
existing FDI policy. In the
event of dilution, they will
have to list themselves.
Defini tion of Infrastructure
lending Sub Category
wi dened
Reserve Bank of India on 25
November 2013 wi dened the
definition of infrastructure lending
sub category in a bid to expedite
Projects. In a notification issued by
RBI, it has stated that new sub-sectors
that have been added in the list will
include hotels with project cost of
more than 200 crore rupees bring
built anywhere in India and of any
star rating. The list will also include
convention centres with project cost
of more than 300 crore rupees. RBI
also stated that the new sub-sectors
will get classified as infrastructure
for the purpose of lending by banks
and select All India Term-Lending
and Refinancing Institutions. Various
sub-sectors under the categories
such as Transport, Energy,Water &
Sanitation, Communication, Social
and Commercial Infrastructure come
under infrastructure lending. Hotel
and convention centre come under
Soci al and Commerci al
Infrastructure category for this kind
of lending.
Bharatiya Mahila Bank
l aunched
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan
Singh and UPA Chairperson, Sonia
Gandhi Jointly inaugurated Indias
first all-women bank, Bharati ya
Mahi l a Bank in Mumbai on 19
November 2013,marking the birth
anniversary of former Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi. The main objectives
of the bank will be to focus on the 50
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banking needs of women and to
promote thei r economi c
empowerment. The bank wi l l
commence operations with an initial
capi tal of one thousand crore
The Union Government on 12
November 2013 appointed Usha
Ananthasubramanian as the first
chairperson and managing director
of public sector Bharatiya Mahila
Bank (BMB).
About Bharatiya Mahila Bank
1. The Mahila bank aims to service
women and women-run
businesses, support womens
self-help groups and their
l i vel i hoods and promote
further financial inclusion.
2. An only-for-women bank first
time in India.
3. Bhartiya Mahila Bank will be a
universal bank and will provide
every banking service and
facility that is provided by
comparable Public and Private
sector banks. It will establish
branches all over the country
and, i n due course, some
branches in abroad.
4. The Union Cabinet cleared the
proposal for setting up of all-
women bank on August 2013.
5. The Reserve Bank of India gave
its in-principal approval for the
Bharatiya Mahila Bank in June
2013 and the banking company
was set up.
6. The Uni on government
approved 1000 crore Rupees
seed capital for the women-
focused public sector bank,
announced by Union finance
minister P. Chidambaram in his
2013-14 budget speech.
Continuati on of Agriculture
Export Plan of APEDA
The Cabinet Committee on
Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 25
November 2013 approved the
continuation of the Agriculture
Export Promotion Plan Scheme of the
Agricultural and Processed Food
Products Export Development
Authority (APEDA) during 12th Plan
Period (2012-13 to 2016-17). It was
a proposal of the Mi nistry of
Commerce and Industry for APEDA
with four components namel y
infrastructure development, transport
assistance, market development and
quality development. The CCEA
meeting was chaired by Prime
Minister of India, Manmohan Singh.
The outlay of the scheme will be 1100
crore rupees during the 12th Plan
period. The investments on the
components are (Rupees in crore):
Component 2012-13* 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total
Infrastructure Development 43.35 62.00 62.00 65.00 66.65 299.00
Transport Assistance 72.99 116.00 125.00 130.00 66.65 600.00
Market Development 26.98 29.00 31.00 34.00 30.02 151.00
Quality Development 6.68 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.32 50.00
Total 150.00 216.00 228.00 240.00 266.00 1100.00
The Integrated Finance Division approved the expenditure incurred in
the 1st year of the 12 plan period. The scheme will enhance the capabilities
of the Indian exporters of agro products and support them in realizing their
export potential. The components will help to catalyze the efforts of the
exporting community because of the interventions by APEDA at different
stages of supply chain.
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KINECT Developed by
Mi crosoft
US software company Microsoft
recently developed a new cost-
effective sign language translator that
converts signs into spoken and
written language - and vice versa.
In collaboration with researchers in
China, Microsoft created the Kinect
Si gn Language Transl at or, a
prototype system that understands
the gestures of sign language and
converts them to spoken and written
l anguageand vice versa. The
translator uses a computer and a
Ki nect camera that recognises
signing gestures, then gives a spoken
and written translation of languages
for people who can hear.
The system captures a
conversation both sides: the deaf
person is shown signing, with a
written and spoken translation being
read a users body position and
movements and, with the help of a
computer, translate them i nto
commands. The project was
collaboration between the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing Union
University, and Microsoft Research
rendered in real-time, while the
system takes the hearing persons
spoken words and turns them into
accurate, understandable signs.
The system takes a persons
spoken words and translate them into
accurate signs carried out by an on-
screen avatar. The Kinects sensors
In Mars Findings
Mangalyaan & Maven will Complement Each Other
ISRO and NASA will coordinate functions of their Mars Orbiters-
Mangalyaan and MAVEN once both get into orbit of the Mars planet in
September 2014. This was announced by ISRO scientists. ISRO scientists 54
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also stated that the findings of ISRO
Mars Orbiter mission and NASAs
Maven would complement each
other. NASAs Mars-bound
spacecraft, the Mars Atmosphere and
Volatile EvolutionN (MAVEN) was
launched aboard a United Launch
Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket from Cape
Canaveral in Florida, US on 18
November 2013. MAVEN is the
second mission for NASAs Mars Scout
Program and is likely to obtain critical
measurements of the Martian upper
atmosphere to help understand the
climate change over the red planet-
Mars history. MAVEN carries eight
instruments Neutral Gas and Ion Mass
Spectrometer, Imaging Ultraviolet
Spectrograph, Magnetometer, Solar
Wi nd Electron Anal yzer,
SupraThermal And Thermal Ion
Composition, Langmuir Probe and
Waves antenna, Solar Energetic
Particles and Solar Wind Ion Analyzer.
After having successfully completed
five orbit raising manoeuvres on its
Mars Orbiter, ISRO is expected to
perform the crucial event of trans
Martian injection of the spacecraft in
the early hours of 1 December 2013.
The spacecraft will reach the red
planets orbit by 24 September 2014
after an over 10 month voyage. ISROs
PSLV-C25 successfully injected
1350-kg Mangalyaan Orbiter (Mars
craft) into orbit around Earth some
44 minutes after launch at 2.38 PM
from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at
Sriharikota on 5 November 2013
marking the successful completion of
the first stage of the 450 crore Rupees
IICT Recei ved
Samples from OPCW
The Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology (IICT), Hyderabad,
recently received over 50 samples for
detection of chemical weapons from
the Organisation for Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The
samples in the form of soil, water and
organic solvents were sent twice a
year since 2008 when IICT attained
the status of designated laboratory for
off-site analysis of weapons. OPCW
had been sending to IICT for analysis
only blank samples collected from
different parts of the world. Six
samples which were coded to hide
the identity of the substance and the
originating country were sent by
courier every six months as part of
continuous evaluation of the lab. The
report of the institute should be cent
per cent accurate to be eligible to
get three A grades in succession
and pass the proficiency test every
year. The institute has already got the
proficiency certificate for this year
(2013), but it was yet to enter into a
technical agreement with OPCW to
get authentic on-site samples.It had
the technique to identify chemicals
at parts per million (PPM) levels. A
dedicated centre for analysis of
chemical toxins was set up at the
institute to attend to OPCW.
The IICT was one of the 21
labs i n 17 countries that were
designated by OPCW for off-site
analysis of chemical weapons. Apart
from IICT, the Defence Research
and Devel opment
Establishment (DRDE), Gwalior,
under the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO)
is also one of the designated
laboratories of the OPCW. A
desi gnated l aboratory has to
participate every year in the OPCW
proficiency test and consistently
attain the A grade benchmark to
retain its status. From 2008, IICT has
retained its status though it has been
associated with OPCW since 1998.
The Organi sat i on f or t he
Prohi bi t i on of Chemi cal
Weapons (OPCW) on 11 October
2013 won the Nobel Peace Prize
for the year 2013 for its extensive
efforts to el imi nate chemical
About Indian Institute of
Chemi cal Technology (IICT)
Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology, (established in 1989) is
a national-level research center
located in Hyderabad, India under
the Council of Scientifi c and
Industri al Research (CSIR),
Government of India. IICT conducts
research in basic and appli ed
chemi stry, bi ochemi stry,
bioinformatics, chemical engineering
and provi des sci ence and
technology inputs to the industrial and
economic devel opment of the
Biosimilar Trastuzumab got
Approval of DCGI
Indi an Bi otech Company
Biocon on 26 November 2013
announced that it had received
market authorisation from the Drug
Controller General of India (DCGI) for
its Breast cancer Drug- biosimilar
Trast uzumab. The bi osi mil ar
trastuzumab will be marketed in India
under the brand name
of CANMAb by the company, and
is expected to be available to Indian
patients in the fourth quarter of FY14.
The drug is jointly developed by
Biocon along with US-based pharma
company Mylan. Breast cancer is
one of the most common types of
cancer in India, with over 100000
new patients being diagnosed with
this disease every year. The cost of 55
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biologics in cancer treatment is high,
which makes access unaffordable to
a large number of patients. Biosimilar
Trastuzumab will offer an alternative
affordable option thereby enhancing
access to treatment for cancer
patients in India and the world over.
Biosimilar Trastuzumab drug is used
for the treatment of Her 2+ metastatic
breast cancer.The Bi osi mi lar
Trastuzumab marketed in the brand
name of CANMab. CANMab is the first
biological equivalent of Herceptin, a
breast cancer drug manufactured by
Swiss company, Roche.
New View of Saturn and Earth
provided by Cassini
NASA in November 2013
released a natural-color image of
Saturn from space, the first in which
Saturn, its moons and rings, and Earth,
Venus and Mars, all are visible. The
panoramic mosaic of the majestic
Saturn system was taken by Cassini
Spacecraft of the NASA. It shows the
view that can be seen by the human
eyes. It was unveiled at the Newseum
in Washington on 12 November
2013. To create the panorama, the
image team of Cassini processed 141
wi de-angle images. The image
sweeps 404880 miles across Saturn
and its inner ring system, which
includes Saturn rings out to the E ring,
the second outermost ring of Saturn.
On July 19, people for the first time
had advance notice a spacecraft
taking the picture from planetary
distance during the Cassinis Wave at
Saturn campai gn. Duri ng the
campaign, NASA invited public to
celebrate by finding Saturn in their
part of the sky, waving at the ringed
planet and sharing pictures over the
internet. An annotated version of the
Saturn system mosaic labels points of
interest. Earth is a bright blue dot to
the lower right of Saturn. Venus is a
bright dot to Saturns upper left. Mars
also appears, as a faint red dot, above
and to the left of Venus. Seven
Saturnian moons are visible, including
Enceladus on the left side of the
image. Zooming into the image
reveals the moon and the icy plume
emanating from its south pole,
supplying fine, powder-sized icy
particles that make up the E ring. The
E ring shines like a halo around Saturn
and the inner rings, because it is
tenuous and can be seen with the
light shine from behind it.
About the Cassini Spacecraft
Cassi ni Spacecraft was
launched in 1997 and explored the
Saturn system for more than nine
years. NASA has planned to continue
the mission through 2017 with the
anticipation of many more images of
Saturn, its rings and moons, along with
scientific data. The Cassini-Huygens
mission is a cooperative project of
NASA, the European Space Agency
and Italian Space Agency. JPL, a
division of the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, manage the
mission for NASAs Science Mission
Directorate in Washington. JPL
desi gned, devel oped and
assembled the Cassini orbiter and its
two onboard cameras. The imaging
team is based at the Space Science
Institute, Boulder, Colo.
Orbit Raising Manoeuvre
Performed by ISRO
The Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) on 16 November
2013 performed the last of the five
orbit-raising manoeuvre on its Mars
Orbiter, raising the apogee (farthest
point from Earth) of the spacecraft
to over 1.92 lakh km. In the series of
five orbit raising manoeuvre with a
supplementary operation after the
fourth one, the space agency had
raised the apogee of the spacecraft
to over 1.92 lakh km.
After the successful completion
of these operations, the Mars Orbiter
mission is expected to take on the
crucial event of the trans-Mars
injection around 12.42am on 1st
December 2013. It will reach the orbit
of the red planet by 24th September,
2014 after taking on a voyage of over
10 months. ISROs PSLV C 25 on 5
November 2013 successful l y
i nj ected the 1350-kg
Mangalyaan Orbiter (Mars craft)
into the orbit around the earth, from
the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at
Sriharikota, Andhra Pra desh.
Germany Tested Worlds First
Green Heli copter
Germanys aviation company e-
Vol o on 17 November 2013
successfull y tested the first
helicopter which is noiseless and
emission-free named- Volocopter.
The Volocopter is an environmentally
friendly and emission-free private
About the Green Heli copter
The hel i copter, named 56
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Volocopter, devel oped by the
German company e-volo, two seat
prototype made it earlier voage in
kalsruhe, Germany.
The volocopter uses eighteen
electrically driven rotos propel
instead of one combustion engine
which is environmentally friendly and
The emission free Volocopter is
a vertical take-off and landing
manned aircraft, with rich features
and i ncredibl y qui et sound,
absolutely no noticeable vibrations,
new spring strut landing gear and
extremely calm rotor plane that
replace conventional aircraft .
Survival of small farms crucial
for food security
For the last 25 years, Deccan
Developmental Society (DDS) in
Medak District, Andhra Pradesh has
been working in more than 70-odd
villages along with 5,000 dalit women
farmers. More than 60 per cent of
their livelihood is derived from small
holdings. In fact there must be more
than 300 million small and marginal
farmers in this country. And everyone
who analyses Indian agriculture and
farmers clearly says that the survival
of these small farmers is crucial to the
nations food security and well
being, says Mr. P.V. Sateesh,
Director, DDS.
Food analyst
Some of the most respected
food analysts in the world such as
Miguel Altieri, after a decade of study
have categorically concluded that
small farms are the most efficient food
producers. Hence the criticality of
small farmers for agricultural future
today stands undisputed. Most of
these farmers were either landless or
marginal farmers two decades ago.
But with support from DDS they got
into active agriculture. All of them
are ecological farmers and producers
of food crops. Through thei r
magni fi cent efforts they have
become owners of lands between 5-
20 acres though all these lands are
non irrigated dry lands, says Mr.
milch animal, a couple of goats and a
few chickens.
Governments role
The government must ensure
that all farmers like them must own
these animals that generate additional
cash to support the needs of their
chil dren as they grow and get
educated, adds Mr. Sateesh.
Increasing cost of cultivation is a major
worry for these women. Weeding
wages have gone through the roof.
What used to be about Rs.100 per
person just two years ago, has gone
upto Rs. 250 now. And even then
we find it hard to find labourers, says
Susilamma. She thinks the 100 days
rural empl oyment scheme
(MNREGA) has caused this situation.
Everyone seems to echo this feeling.
Though all of them also are benefited
by it since they all go for wage work
in other peoples lands, they still think
that the scheme has dented their own
agriculture. To make MNREGA small
farmer friendly, they suggest
agricultural activities be included in
it. Weeding, ploughing (incidentally
ploughing costs have gone up by four
times in last five years, they point out)
and harvesting costs can be borne
under the scheme. If this is done,
surely their agriculture will not be
under any threat, asserts
Susi l amma. Another farmer,
Cheelamamidi Laxmamma, in her late
30s has nurtured her three acre
dryland farm with great love and care
for decades.
Weedi ng cost
During monsoon, weeding
must be done quickly in two or three
days. Depending on the soil type, 20
to 40 persons are needed. Current
rates are around Rs.200-250 per
person. Therefore it costs between
Rs. 4,000 and 6,000 per acre. The
total income from one acre might be
around Rs.8, 000. Under these
circumstances how can the weeding
wages be met? she asks. Agriculture
Take the case of Rayapalli
Susilamma, a 40 year old woman
farmer who owns three acres of
rainfed farm of which half an acre is
mango plantation, one acre not
cultivable, grows an amazing variety
of food crops. She is proud that she
does not have to buy food grains. She
goes to the market for buying only
cooking oil, coconut oil, soap and
soap powder. Along with Susilamma
are five others, all of whom share the
same socio economic and agricultural
They all want to own about five
acres of farm, a pair of bullocks, one 57
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officials thi nk that weedi ng is
something that a small farmer can do
on their own. They treat this argument
with heavy contempt. In drylands,
particularly on red soils weeding
during Kharif must be finished within
two or three days. If you prolong it, it
becomes unproductive, according to
her. An acre needs a minimum of 25
persons. If the farmer does this on her
own, it takes 25 days for her to finish
the j ob. Weeds become
unmanageable over this gap of time.
Local money lenders
Most of these women borrow
from local moneylenders at three per
cent interest to complete weeding.
Add to this the fact that crops like
millets and other food crops need
more weeding compared to cash
crops. Therefore the government
must offer 100 per cent subsidy for
agricultural activity on millet lands and
50 per cent for cash crops by
including these activities under
MNREGA scheme.
Need encouragement
According to Mr. Sateesh, this
is the only area where these proud
women farmers in spite of their small
holdings and difficult farming need
help and encouragement from the
ATV-4 accomplished its
The heaviest-ever cargo-carrier
of Europe to the International Space
Station burned up in the Earths
Atmosphere i n the control led
manoeuvre after a five month mission
on 2 November 2013. When the cargo
was burnt, it carried about six tonnes
of garbage and waste produced on
the board of the ISS. The Automated
Transfer Vehicle (ATV) was burnt
over the uninhabited zone of the
southern Pacific Ocean. The ATV-4
set the record for the heaviest Ariane
5 launch and its mission started on 5
June 2013 from Europes Spaceport
in French Guiana. The record cargo
of 2480 kg included more than 1400
individual items. Albert Einstein
performed a series of delicate
manoeuvres to reenter below the
Station in order for the astronauts to
observe the spacecrafts
fragmentation in the upper
atmosphere, providi ng uni que
information on reentry physics.
Automated Transfer Vehicl es
Automated Transfer Vehicles
(ATVs) are the most complex space
vehicles ever developed in Europe
and are the largest and most capable
resupply ships to dock with the Space
European Space Agency
The European Space Agency
(ESA) is Europes gateway to space
and its mission is to shape the
development the space capability of
Europe ensuring that the investments
done in the space can deliver
benefits to the people of Europe and
the world. ESA is an international
organisation with 20 Member States.
By coordinating the financial and
intellectual resources of its members,
it can undertake programmes and
activities far beyond the scope of any
single European country.
Study says that Oceans acidifying at Unprecedented Rate
A report released in second week of November 2013 claimed that the
worlds oceans are becoming more acidic at an unprecedented rate. The
oceans of the world are becoming hot, sour and breathless due to the impact
of the greenhouse gases. As per the new report from scientists, the way those
changes work together is creating a very serious outlook for global water.
The scientists from the International Biosphere Geosphere Programme said 58
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that the human emissions of Carbon
Dioxide are the matter to be blamed.
The human activities add 24 million
tonnes of Carbon Dioxide to the
Worlds ocean every day. These
emissions will have a profound effect
on the chemistry of sea water. The
increasing acidity of the oceans is
maki ng the l i fe of the mari ne
organisms hard.
The acidity is happening in the
polar oceans at a higher speed, where
the cold water holds the larger
amount of CO2. The researchers and
scientists claim that by the end of this
century the acid effect would be
global and scientists warn, at least 30
per cent of ocean species will be
unable to survive.
The acidification of the ocean
has increased at an unprecedented
rate in the past 300 million years. The
scientists have calculated that the
world oceans have became 26
percent more acidic since 1880 due
to the increase of carbon in the water.
ISROs Mars orbiter sent first
pictures of earth
The Mars Orbiter Mission also
known as Mangalyaan has beamed
back the first set of pictures of Earth
on 21 November 2013 that was
captured by Mars Color Camera fitted
on Mars Orbiter spacecraft. The
picture of earth has captured the
Indian subcontinent and parts of
Africa. The camera has also captured
the cyclonic storm Helen that is
heading towards Andhra Pradesh
coast. The Picture was taken on 19
November 2013 from an altitude of
67975 km with a resolution of 3.53
km. This is the first time after launch
that an instrument on board has been
checked for its operation. Earlier,
ISRO had performed all five orbit
raising manoeuvres planned on the
Mars Orbiter and raised the apogee
of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh
RH 200 launch spotlights
TERLS humble begi nni ng
Rohini (RH) 200 took to the sky
at 6.25 p.m. on Thursday from the
Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching
Station (TERLS) to mark the golden
jubilee of the first successful launch
of a sounding rocket from Indian soil,
the beginning of Indias big leap
forward in space exploration. It was
on this day in 1963, a small American-
built rocket named Nike Apache was
fired at 6.25 p.m. from Thumba, a
fishing hamlet near here, which was
chosen by Vikram Sarabhai and his
team of scientists for its proximity to
the earths magnetic equator. Since
then, the TERLS has grown rapidly.
RH 200, built indigenously, which
carried copper chaff as payload, was
the 2,328th test flight. RH 200 was a
two-stage spinning and fin-stabilised
vehicle, with 200 mm in diameter and
3,875 mm in length, weighing 114 kg.
These types of rockets are extensively
used for meteorological studies and
the chaff they release is tracked with
the help of radars for processing wind
A low-key affair
The day being a momentous
occasion we wanted to make it a
major event. However, we had to
keep it a low-key affair as the top
scientific community of the Indian
Space Research Organisation is busy
with the Mars orbiter probe and the
scheduled launch of the GSLV. We
would organise a major event to
felicitate the top scientists, including
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who worked for
the first launch from here, TERLS
Deputy General Manager Koshy
Mammen told The Hindu.
Corrections & Clarifications
The fourth paragraph of RH
200 launch spotlights TERLS humble
beginning (Nov. 22, 2013) talked
about rockets used for metrological
studi es. It shoul d have been
meteorological studies.
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Thank You Sachin campaign
The Board of Control for Cricket
in India (BCCI) on 6 November 2013
l aunched Thank you
Sachi n campaign on soci al
networking site Twi t ter. This
Campaign will allow fans worldwide
to connect and say thank you to
Sachin Tendulkar on his retirement.
The campaign offers fans across India
receive a Tweet from BCCI with a
momentous pi cture of Sachi n,
including a personalised message
and signature in his handwriting.
Sachin Tendulkar on 10 October
2013 announced his decision to retire
from Test cricket after playing his
landmark 200th Test match against
the West Indies in November 2013.
India - West Indies ODI series
India has won the three one day
series against West Indies by 2-1 on
27 November 2013. This was the sixth
ODI title win in a row for India after it
defeated West Indies by 5 wickets in
the third and final match of the series
at Kanpur. After India lost a series in
December 2012 against Pakistan, it
has played six more series and had
consecutively won all the series.
The six ODI series were:
England tour to India to play 5
matches ODI - India won this
series by 3-2
ICC Champions Trophy which
was played in England India
defeated the host England in
the final
and the world a rare opportunity to
receive a personalised picture of
Sachin Tendulakar.The Board of
Control for Cricket in India launched
this campaign in collaboration with
Twitter and Digigraph. During the
Test series between India and the
West Indies(6 to 18 November 2013),
al l Twitter users who send an
appreciative message for Sachin to
the BCCI handle with the
ThankYouSachin will instantaneously 62
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A triangular series with Sri Lanka
and West Indies India won
the final match against Sri
India tour to Zimbabwe India
won the series 5-0. Virat Kohli
captained the Indian side
Seven ODI seri es duri ng
Australia tour to India - India
defeated Australia 3-2. Two
matches of the series were
washed away
West Indies tour to India to play
three matches ODI India
defeated West Indies 2-1
India Australia ODI series
India won the series 3-2 against
Australia on 2 November 2013 by
beating Australia in the seventh match
by 57 runs at Bangalore. In the seventh
One Day International (ODI) match
India scored Score 383/6 in 50 over
and Australia scored 326 in 45.1 over.
In the seventh ODI, Rohit Sharma
scored 209 in 158 balls and became
the third players to score more than
200 runs. Rohit hit 16 sixes, while
scoring the 209. The rest of two
scorers are Indian cricketers namely
Sachin Tendulkar (who scored 200
runs in 147 balls) and Virender
Sehwag (who scored 219 in 140
balls). While chasing, Faulkner of
Australia broke the Australian record
of fastest century in an ODI in 57 balls.
Glenn Maxwell also equaled the
Australian record of fastest fifty in 17
balls, while scoring 60 runs in 22
balls. In the seven ODI series two
successive matches were washed out
at Ranchi and Cuttak. India was
successful to equal the level in series
2-2 at Nagpur, during the sixth
Man of the Series: Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma Scores a Double
Hundred in ODI
Rohi t Sharma, the Indian
batsman on 2 November 2013
became the third cricketer in the
worl d t o score a doubl e
2010. The second one to do so was
Virendra Sehwag who scored 219
against West Indies in the year 2011
and the third one is Rohit Sharma to
score 209 runs against Australia in
Yet another record was that of
the partnership between Rohit
Sharma and Indian cricket team
captain MS Dhoni, who collectively
added 167 runs for the fifth wicket, a
record against Australia. It is also
important to note that Indias score
of 383 for six is the highest ever total
against Australia.
Records broken by Rohit
The highest scorer against
Highest number of sixes in the
ODI innings
Second highest ODI score
(209) after Virendra Sehwag
Fastest Batsman to Score
5000 Runs in ODIs
Indian Cricketer Virat Kohli
became the fastest batsman to score
5000 runs in one-day internationals
when he scored 86 against the West
Indies in the first ODI in Kochi on 21
November 2013. Vi rat Kohl i
achieved the feat in just 120 matches
and 114 innings. He has so far scored
5005 runs, whi ch included 17
hundred in an ODI match. He
scored 209 runs of f 158
balls against Australia in seventh
and fi nal ODI (One-Day
International) match at Bangalores
M.Chinnaswamy Stadium. His runs
included 12 fours and 16 sixes,
which also means that he re-wrote the
record of highest number of sixes in
an ODI match. He out-beat Shane
Watsons record of 15 sixes in the ODI
which he hit in the match against
Bangladesh. It is worth noticing
that all the three batsmen who
scored double hundred in one
day mat ch are I ndi ans. The
milestone was at first achieved by
Sachin Tendulkar who scored 200
runs against South Africa in the year 63
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centuries and 27 fifties in his short
In terms of innings, Virat Kohli
has equalled the record of Sir Viv
Richards of West Indies, who also
achieved the feat in 114 innings way
back in 1987 but it was Vivs 126th
Before Kohli, former captain
Sourav Ganguly was the fastest to
achi eve the feat among Indian
batsmen in 131 matches and 126
i nni ngs. From India, ski pper
Mahendra Singh Dhoni (135 innings),
Gautam Gambhir (135 innings) and
Sachin Tendulkar (138 innings) are
the next fastest batsmen to reach the
5000 runs in ODIs.
Bat sm an O pp os it ion Mat ch Da te M atches Inn ings
Virat Kohli (India) West Indies 21 Nov 2013 120 114
Viv Richards (WI) England 30 Jan 1987 126 114
Brian Lara (WI) South Africa 3 Nov 1997 120 118
Gordon Greenidge (WI) Pakistan 13 Nov 1990 122 121
AB de Villiers (SA) England 28 Aug 2012 129 124
Sourav Ganguly (India) Pakistan 25 Jan 2000 131 126
ICC Twenty20 World Cup
2014 Qual ifier
Nepal and the UAE on 27
November 2013 qualified for the ICC
T20 World cup which will be held in
Bangladesh in 2014. Nepal defeated
Hong Kong by five wickets in Abu
Dhabi on 27 November 2013. Nepal
survived a last-over scare to score the
required 13 runs, with 10 runs coming
from the first two deliveries and a last-
ball misfield producing the winning
The UAE has also qualified for
the tournament as they defeated the
Netherlands by 10 runs. This will be
the first time since the ICC Cricket
World Cup 1996 that the UAE and
Nepal will make an appearance on
the global stage. Four teams have now
qual i fi ed for the ICC T20 i n
Bangladesh next year. These include
Afghanistan, Ireland, Nepal and UAE.
The 2014 ICC World Twenty20 to be
held in Bangladesh from 16 March
2014 to 6 April 2014 and a total of 16
teams are participating in this
Ireland and Afghanistan on 24
November 2013 qualified for ICC
Twenty20 World Cup 2014 after
winning their respective matches in
the qualifiers at Dubai.
Ireland defeated Hongkong by
85 runs while Afghanistan beat Kenya
by 34 runs to qualify as the top teams
from the two groups. Four places for
the tournament are yet to be
The remaining four teams will
be decided after a series of matches
i n Dubai and Abu Dhabi . The
contestants include Nepal, UAE,
Hongkong, Nami bia, Scotland,
Netherlands, Italy and Papua New
Guinea. The 2014 ICC Worl d
Twenty20 to be held in Bangladesh
from 16 March 2014 to 6 April 2014
and a total of 16 teams are
participating in this tournament.
Afghani stan Cri cket team also
qualified for its maiden ICC World Cup
after defeating Kenya by seven
wickets at World Cricket League
Champi onship in Sharjah on 4
October 2013.
ICC test Ranking
In the latest ICC test ranking,
India moved to the second position,
following the 2-0 victory over West
Indies on 16 November 2013. South
Africa stood at the top position with
131 points, which is followed by
India with 119 ratings point. England
stands at third position with 116
points. India in the two match test
series made a clean sweep of West
Indies. India defeated the West
Indies in the second match with an
innings and 126 runs in Mumbai. The
second match of the series was also
the last match of Sachin Tendulkar,
as he hung his bat and gave an end to
his 24 years long cricketing career.
After India won the match, the
Government of India chose Sachin for
the highest civilian award, Bharat
Ratan on 16 November 2013.
Test rankings of other nations:
Rank Team Matches Points Rating
1 South Africa 27 3531 131
2 India 33 3920 119
3 England 38 4407 116
4 Pakistan 25 2538 102
5 Australia 33 3318 101
6 West Indies 25 2366 95
7 Sri Lanka 26 2295 88
8 New Zealand 30 2243 75
9 Zimbabwe 11 372 34
10 Bangladesh 16 285 18 64
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Virat Kohli became Number 1
ranked ODI Batsman
Virat Kohli on 3 November 2013
became the number 1 batsman in one
day International cricket rankings
after scoring 344 runs in the series
against Australia, that India won by
3-2. In the series Kohli scored 61 in
Pune, 100 in Naipur, 68 in Mohali, 115
in Nagpur and 0 in Bengaluru at an
average of 114.66. The 344 runs in
the series gave 38 rating points to him,
which helped him to jump three
points to top in the ICC ranking tables.
He achieved the top position on the
ODI rankings for the first time. He also
became the third Indian to hold
number 1 position after Sachin
Tendulkar in 1996 and MS Dhoni in
Tendulkar claimed the number
1 position for the first time from Brain
Lara in February 1996 and for the last
time he achieved the position in
March 2008. Dhoni reached the
number 1 position for the first time
from Ricky Pointing in April 2006 and
for the last time in July 2010. In the
latest list released by the ICC, the
other players who changed their
rankings were George Bailey, Shikhar
Dhawan and Rohit Sharma. The
captain of Australia during the series
against India skipped six places and
claimed third position in rankings
This was the first time for Bailey
in the career to achieve the third
position. Shikhar Dhawan broke into
the top 20 list for the first time by
jumping 12 places to stand at 11th
ranking in the list. Rohit Sharma
achi eved 15th positi on i n the
rankings list after scoring 491 runs at
an average of 122.75, which includes
the score of 209 runs in the final. Rohit
Sharma became the fifth batsman to
feature inside top 20 along with Kohli
(first position), MS Dhoni (sixth
position), Dhawan (eleventh position)
and Suresh Raina (ni neteenth
South Africa Defeated
Pakistan ODI Series
South Africa defeated Pakistan
4-1 in the One-Day International
series in UAE on 11 November 2013.
In the final match at Sharjah, the South
Africa defeated Pakistan by 117 runs
to win the series. The two teams will
play Twenty20 internationals in Dubai
on 13 November 2013 and 15
November 2013. During the match,
South African batsman De Villiers hit
115 off 102 deliveries with 10 fours
and three sixes, which took the team
to a total of 268 runs for seven in 50
overs. With the century, De Villiers
also became the fastest South African
to reach 6000 ODI runs from 147
South African cricketer died
after being hit by ball
Darryn Randall , the South
African cricketer died on 27 October
2013 after being hit by the ball on
the head while batting in the premier
league match. He was of 32 years old.
He was hit on the side of head, when
he tried to attempt a pull on a short
delivery. The incidence happened
duri ng a match between Ol d
Selbornians and Fort Hare University,
which was held under the support of
the Border Cricket Board at Alice on
27 October 2013. Randall collapsed
after the injury and then was rushed
to Alice Hospital, where the medical
staffs failed to revive him. He is
survived by his mother and his
fiance. Haroon Lorgat, the CSA chief
executive expressed the
federations condolences and said it
would be offering counseling to those
involved in the match.
Davis Cup
The Czech Republic on 17
November 2013 defended the Davis
Cup title 2013 after Redek Stepanek
defeated the Serbian Dusan Lajovic
6-3, 6-1, 6-1 in the fifth rubber of the
final by BNP Paribas Final in Belgrade.
With the win Stepanek handed the
win too Czech Republic 3-2. With
this win, Stepanek became the third
player in the history to win Two Davis
Cup Finals live fifth singles rubbers.
He is also the first man to do so on
consecuti ve occasi ons after
bypassing Serbian youngster Dusan
Lajovic for the loss of just five games.
In 2012, he defeated Ni colas
Almagro in the fifth rubber of the
100th Final in Prague. Only Frances
Henri Cochet (1927, 1929 and 1931)
and Britains Fred Perry (1933, 1936)
have won two Davis Cup Final live
fifth singles rubbers before - Radek
Barclays ATP World Tour Final
Novak Dj okovi c on 11 65
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November 2013 retained the
Barclays ATP World Tour Finals title
after defeating the number one,
Rafael Nadal.
The worl d number two
Djokovic, won 6-3, 6-4 at the O2
Arena in London. The ATP world tour
took place from 4 to 11 November
2013. He earned 1923000 US dollar
as prize money and 1500 Emirates
ATP Rankings points, while Nadal
earned 1013000 US dollar and 1000
points as he dropped to a 10-4 record
in finals in 2013. Earlier, Djokovic won
the same title in the year 2008 and
2012. This is the fifth time, when
number 1 versus number 2 in the final
in 44 years. They were:
2013: Number 2 Djokovic
defeated Number 1 Nadal
2012: Number 1 Djokovic
defeated Number 2 Federer
2010: Number 2 Federer
defeated Number 1 Nadal
1986: Number 1 Lendl
defeated Number 2 Becker
1983: Number 2 McEnroe
defeated Number 1 Lendl
Djokovi c extended hi s
unbeaten run to 22 matches as he
claimed the season-ending title for
the third time. With this win, he
became the seventh player to win the
year-end championship at least three
times namely Roger Federer (six
titles), Ivan Lendl and Pete Sampras
(five each), Ilie Nastase (four), and
Boris Becker and John McEnroe
(three each).
Traralgon Ti tle
Yuki Bhambri on 4 November
2013 won the ATP mens singles title
of Traralgon event in Australia. He
defeated Bradely Klahn of America
in the summit clash that was hit by
rain. This is the second win of his
career. Yuki, the 21 years old Indian
defeated higher ranking Bradely by
6-7, 6-3, 6-4 in the finals in a match
played on two days due to rain.
This is the third straight win of
Yuki over a higher ranked opponent
in this tournament. The 277 ranked
Yuki earlier defeated, Tatsuma of
Japan ranked 191 and the James
Duckworth of Australia ranked 147
in the tournament to reach the finals.
BNP Paribas Masters Tennis
Tournament 2013
Novak Djokovic of Serbia on 3
November 2013 won the BNP Paribas
Masters Tennis tournament at Paris,
France. In the title clash, Novak
Dj okovic defeated defendi ng
champion David Ferrer of Spain in
straight sets, 7-5, 7-5. This Paris Master
title was Novak Djokovics 40th career
title and sixth title in 2013.
Novak Djokovic 2013 titles
1. January: Australian Open
2. March: Dubai Championships
3. April: Monte Carlo Masters
4. Oct ober: Chi na Open,
Shanghai Masters
5. November: BNP Pari bas
Masters (Paris Masters)
India qualified for Hockey
World Cup 2014
Indian mens hockey team on 3
November 2013 officially qualified for
the Rabobank Hockey World Cup
2014. International Hockey
Federation (FIH) confirmed the
Indias berth in a official press release
at Switzerland. Australia success at
Oceania Cup on 3 November 2013
confirmed latest teams for world cup
2014. The Rabobank Hockey World
Cup will be held from 31 May to 15
June 2014 at The Hague, Netherland.
The India mens team finished sixth
at the Rabobank HWL Semi Final in
Rotterdam and that was enough to
confirm their participation in the
A total of 22 teams (11 men/11
women) have now qualified for the
Rabobank Hockey World Cup, with
just two more places left to fill. The
remaining berths will be taken by the
winners of the rescheduled Mens
and Womens Africa Cup of Nations,
whi ch takes pl ace from 18-24
November 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Mens Teams for World Cup
1. Netherlands: Hosts
2. Ger many: Conti nental
Champions Europe
3. Argent i na: Conti nental
Champions Pan America
4. Korea: Continental Champions
5. Aust ral i a: Conti nental
Champions Oceania
6. England: 3rd place Hockey 66
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World League Semi-Final, Johor
Bahru (MAS)
7. Belgium: 1st place Rabobank
Hockey World League Semi-
Final, Rotterdam (NED)
8. New Zeal and: 4th pl ace
Rabobank Hockey Worl d
League Semi-Final, Rotterdam
9. Spain: 5th place Hockey World
League Semi-Final, Rotterdam
10. Malaysia: 5th place Hockey
World League Semi-Final, Johor
Bahru (MAS)
11. I ndi a: 6th pl ace Hockey
World League Semi -Final ,
Rotterdam (NED)
3rd Asian
Champi ons Trophy 2013
Indian mens hockey team
fi nished fifth at the 3rd Asi an
Champions Trophy at Kakamigahara,
Japan on 10 November 2013. In a
fi fth-si xth pl ace match, Indi a
defeated Oman 6-1 by scoring at
regular intervals in both halves of the
game. Pakistan men and Japan
women were crowned as the winners
of the Asian Champions Trophy
following victories over Japan and
India respectively. The Bronze medal
in mens category went to Malaysia,
who defeated China 3-0. Malaysia
women matched their mal e
counterparts by taking Bronze in the
four-nations tournament, claiming a
surprise victory over China. 3rd Mens
& Womens Asian Champions Trophy
held from 2nd to 10th November
2013 at Kakamigahara,Japan.
Asian Champions Trophy 2013
The Medallists
Gold: Pakistan
Silver: Japan
Bronze: Malaysia
Gold: Japan
Silver: India
Bronze: Malaysia
India to host Mens Hockey
World Cup in 2018
India was selected by the
International Hockey Federation
(FIH) on 7 November 2013 to host
V. Baskaran
Appointed as Coach
Hockey India on 20 November
2013 appointed the former Olympic
gold-medallist V Baskaran as Coach
of the Senior Men Hockey Team.
Baskaran will work under the recently
appointed Chief Coach Terence
Hockey India on 15 October
2013 appointed the Terence Walsh
as Chief Coach of the Senior Men
National Hockey Team.
About V Baskaran
Vasudevan Baskaran who was
the captain of the team that won the
gold medal at the 1980 Olympics
in Moscow has 287 internationals
caps and has represented India in the
Olympic Games in 1976 Montreal,
two World Cups in 1973 Amsterdam
(Silver) and in 1978 Buenos Aires,
two Asian Games in 1974 Tehran
(Silver) and in 1978 Bangkok (Silver)
and Champions Trophy in 1978
Pakistan (Bronze). Baskaran coached
the senior men national team for ten
Under his coaching India had
played 187 matches including major
tournaments such as the Olympic
Games in 2000 (Sydney), two World
Cups in 1998 in Utrecht and 2006 in
Germany, Asian Games 2006 in Doha,
Junior World Cup in 1997 in Milton
Keynes (Silver) and Champions
Trophy in 1997 in Chennai.
In 1980, he received the Arjuna
Award and in 1981 he received
Padamshri Award.
the Mens World Cup of Hockey in
2018. The finals will be played from
1 to 16 December 2018. Also,
England will host the Womens World
Cup of hockey from 7-21 July, 2018.
This was announced by Leandro
Negre, the President of FIH at
Lausanne duri ng the speci al
ceremony. Hockeys World Cup is
held every four years and is second
only to the Olympics in significance.
India hosted the world cup in 2010
at New Delhi. The 2014 edition of
Hockey World Cup would be played
in The Hague, Netherlands. 67
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Lionel Messi awarded third
Gol den Shoe
Lionel Messi, the Barcelonan
forward footballer on 20 November
2013 won the Golden Shoe award.
Messi won the award in recognition
of hi s 46 goals i n 32 l eagues
appearances i n the Europes
domestic football league in the 2012-
13 season. This is the third Golden
Shoe award of Messi and with this win
he became the first footballer win the
show three times. Earlier Messi won
the award in 2009-10 for 34 goals and
a Spanish record 50 in 2011-12.
About Lionel Messi
Lionel Andres Messi (26) is an
Argentine Footballer and a captain
to the national team of Argentina. At
present he plays for FC Barcelona in
Spain. He is the fourth footballer to
win 3 Ballons dOr. He is the second
player to win three Ballons dOr
consecutively after Michele Platini.
Mark Schwarzer Retired
Australia goalkeeper Mark
Schwarzer on 6 November 2013
announced his retirement from
i nternati onal footbal l. Mark
Schwarzer (41 years old)
represented Australia at international
level on 109 occasions since his
debut in 1993, and one of the key
pl ayers in qualifyi ng for three
consecutive World Cups.
Mark Schwarzer moved to
Chelsea as backup to established Petr
Cech this season after more than five
years and 172 appearances at
Mark Schwarzer represented
Australia at the 2006 and 2010 World
cups. Mark Schwarzer is the key
player in Socceroos team (Australia
National football team) for twenty
years. Mark played in Australias 6-0
loss to Brazil in his last match for the
national team in September 2013
18th Asian Archery
Competi tion
Indi as mens compound
Archery team on 31 October 2013
won a gold medal in the 18th Asian
Archery competition held at Chinese
Abhishek Verma, Ratan Singh,
Sandeep Kumar formi ng the
compound team defeated the
Korean trio of Lihong Min, Yong Hee
Choi and Jongho Kim 233-231 to win
the gold.
The Indian compound trio
showed their consistency right
through the qualification round, in
which they totalled 2086 points, to
be ranked No.1 after they got a bye
in the pre-quarters.
In the quarters, India ousted
Iraq 231-221 while hosts Chinese
Taipei faced the elimination going
down 220-232.
18th Asi an Archery
Championships 2013 was organized
by Asian Archery Federation (AAF)
in Taipei (TPE) from 29 October to 2
November 2013.
Rifle/Pistol World Cup Finals
Heena Sidhu became a part of
the history by becoming the third
Indian pistol shooter to win Gold at
the World Cup Final on 10 November
2013 in Munich. In the Womens 10-
metre Air Pistol event at the ISSF
World Cup final, the 24-year-old
shooter defeated World Champion
Zorana Arunovic of Serbia to bag her
first Gold. Prior to her, Anjali Bhagwat
(2003) and Gagan Narang (2008)
have won Gold at the rifle/pistol event
in World Cup finals.
Final Results
The overal l resul ts i n the
Womens event were as follows:
10m ai r pi st ol : 1. Heena
Sidhu 203.8 (384); 2. Zorana
Arunovic (Srb) 198.6 (382); 3.
Viktoria Chaika (Blr) 176.8
50m rifle 3-position: 1. Petra
Zublasing (Ita) 462.7 (585); 2.
Andrea Arsovic (Srb) 457.9
(587); 3. Wu Liuxi (Chn) 446.4
(585); 4. Lajja Gauswami 435.5
(581). 68
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About Heena Sidhu
Heena Si dhu was born in
Ludhiana, Punjab.
She is an Indian shooter.
Heena Sidhu along with Annu
Raj Singh won the gold medal
in womens Pairs 10 metre air
Cup tournament, in 10 metre air
pistol event, Heena Sidhu won
the Silver medal.
In 2010 Guangzhou Womens
10m Air Pistol Team event, she
won Silver medal in the Asian
pi stol at the 2010
Commonwealth Games as
She also won a silver medal in
the si ngl es event i n the
Commonwealth Games.
In the 2009 Beijing ISSF World
Golf World Cup 2013
Jason Day, Australian Golfer won
the Golf world cup at The Royal
Melbourne Golf Club in Melbourne
on 24 November 2013. Australia team
(Jason Day and Adam Scott) also won
the team Championships by beating
the American team of Matt Kuchar
and Kevin Streelman. With this victory
Jason Day collected 1.2 million
Dollars for sealing individual Title and
will share another 600000 Dollars with
Adam Scott for winning the team
trophy. Indi an Golfer Ani rban
Lahi ri fini shed wi th 25t h
place and picked up 56000 Dollars
for his effort at the
tournament. I ndi a f i ni shed
26t h and l ast i n the team
Championships. The 2013 Golf World
Cup, officially known as ISPS HANDA
World Cup of Golf was held from 21
to 24 November 2013 at The Royal
Melbourne Golf Club in Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia.
Indian Open
Gol f Tournament 2013
Mohammed Si ddikur of
Bangladesh won the 50th edition of
Indian Open golf tournament on 10
November 2013 at the Delhi Golf
Club (DGC), New Delhi. It was his
second Asian Tour title after Brunei
Open victory in 2010.
The tournament carries a cash
prize of 1.25 million US dollars. This
win catapulted him from ninth to
third on the Order of Merit. Siddikur
scored a total of 274 to edge past his
Indian friends Anirban Lahiri and SSP
Chowrasia to win the tournament.
Mohammad Siddikur Rahman was
born on 20 November 1984. He is a
Bangladeshi professional golfer who
plays on the Asian Tour. He is known
as Tiger Woods of Bengal.
Brazilian Grand Prix 2013
Formula one raci ng dri ver
Sebasti an Vettel won the F1
Brazilian Grand Prix 2013 on 24
November 2013. With this victory
vettel matched Mi chael
Schumachers record of 13 victories
in a year and equalled the nine
consecutive wins of Alberto Ascari.
Vettels Red Bull teammate Mark
Webber was second in his final F1
race. Fernando Alonso of Ferrari was
third. The formula one season ending
Brazilian GP is Vettels second victory
in Brazil, and 39th of his career.
Recently, Sebastian Vettel also won
the Formula One Indian Grand Prix
2013 at Buddha International Circuit
on 27 October 2013.
About Sebasti an Vettel
Sebastian Vettel is a German
formulae one racing driver and
at present he is driving for the
Red Bull a Austrian racing
At present he is the world
champi on as he won the
Championship in 2010, 2011,
2012 and 2013.
He was born on 3 July 1987.
While driving for Red Bull in
2009, he finished as the season
as the youngest ever World
Drivers Championship runner-
He became the youngest
driver, who won the World
Drivers Championship in 2010
and the same year he helped
Red Bull to win the first teams
Worl d Constructors
US Grand Prix 2013
Sebastian Vettel of Red Bulls
team on 17 November 2013 won 69
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United States Grand Prix. Frances
Romain Grosjean in Lotus was second
with Red Bulls Mark Webber took the
third place.
This was his eighth successive
race of Vettel in a season. With this
win he succeeded ahead of Michael
Schumachers previous record of
winning seven races in a row in the
same season, which was set in 2004.
This was also vettels 12th win of the
season and if he wins the year-ender
in Brazil than he will tie with Michael
Schumacher Formulae one record of
13 victories in a single season. The
win in the Brazil grand prix that is
schedul ed to happen on 24
November 2013 will bring to him
ninth victory in a row, which was set
by Alberto Ascari. The Mark Webber
(37) of Red Bulls will be driving last
time in the Brazil grand prix, as it will
be his last race in the Formulae one.
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2013
Formula 1 racing dri ver,
Sebastian Vettel on 3 November
2013 won the Abu Dhabi Formula 1
Grand Prix at the Yas Marina circuit,
Abu Dhabi. Sebastian Vettel clocked
1 minute 43.893 seconds to finish at
the top of the table. Vettels team-
mate Aussie Mark Webber finished
with second position, with Mercedes
driver Nico Rosberg of Germany
finishing third. Sebastian Vettel won
the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix for the
second time in his career. (First time
is in 2009). This victory has drawn
Vettel level with compatriot Michael
Schumachers mark of seven
successive wins. Earlier, Sebastian
Vettel (26 years old) had clinched
the title at the Indian Grand Prix on
27 October 2013. The Abu Dhabi
Grand Prix (formally known as the
Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi
Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor
race that was held at the Yas Marina
Circuit, Abu Dhabi on 3 November
FIDE World Chess
Champi onshi p 2013
Magnus Carlsen of Norway won
the FIDE World Chess Championship
2013 at Chennai on 22 November
Magnus Carlsen defeated the
previ ous worl d champi on
Viswanathan Anand of India by 6.5-
3.5 in the match that was held from
7th November in Chennai, India. The
last 10th game (out of 12 possible)
finished in a draw after 65 moves of
play and Carlsen accumulated the
necessary 6.5 points to claim the
The victory was worth 8.4 crore
Rupees for Magnus Carlsen. Anand
settled for 5.6 crore Rupees. The
match was sponsored by the Tamil
Nadu state and organized by FIDE
and AICF. This is Carlsens maiden
World Chess Champion title in his first
attempt itself. Magnus Carlsen also
became the first Western player since
Bobby Fischer to hold the title. With
this victory, Magnus Carlsen also
became the second youngest world
champion since Garry Kasparov, who
was also 22 when he won the title in
1985. The Magnus Calsens victory
was also the end of Anands six-year
reign as the World champion. It was
Anands first loss in a world title
match since 2007. Magnus Carlsen,
who became the youngest world No.
1 at 19, also holds the record of being
the strongest rated player in chess
history with a published rating of
2872, on 1 February 2013.
About 2013 FI DE Worl d
Chess Championship
The 2013 FIDE World Chess
Championship match which took
place from 7 to 22 November in
Chennai, India. It is a match for the
highest crown in chess between the
Defending Champion Viswanathan
Anand (India) and the Challenger
Magnus Carlsen (Norway).
Commonwealth Weightli fti ng
Championshi ps
Indian weightlifter, Deepak
Lathore won Gold and two Silver
medals in the Boys 50 Kg category
of the Commonwealth Weightlifting
Championships on 25 November
at Penang, Malaysia. On the opening
day of the event, Lathore took the
Gold in Snatch with a lift of 83 kg. In
Clean and Jerk, he lifted 102
kg to claim the Silver. With a total
lift of 185 kg, he won another Silver
i n the event. The 2013
Commonwealth Senior, Junior and 70
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Youth weightlifting Championships
are being held at Penang city of
Malaysia from 24 to 30 November
2013. In thi s event, Indi a i s
represented by 41 Weightlifters in
three categories.
About Commonweal t h
Weightlifti ng Federati on
The Commonwealth
Weightlifting Federation (CWF) was
established in 1947. It is one of the
oldest sporting federations of the
Commonwealth and is unique in that
it encompasses Commonwealth
nations from the five continents and
recognised by the International
Weightlifting Federation (IWF).
Powerlifti ng Asi an Open
Championshi ps
British Paralympic powerlifter
Ali Jawad on 5 November 2013 won
gold at the International Paralympic
Commi ttee (IPC) Asian Open
Championships with a world-record
lift. Ali lifted 185.5kg in the 59kg class
in Malaysia to better his record by
10.5kg. The championship was held
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ali Jawad
is 24 years old.
Jawad had won gold at the
2007 Powerli fting European
Champi onshi ps in Greece and
became World Junior Champion at
the 2008 championships in the USA.
But at the London Paralympics 2012,
he lost the bronze medal to Chinese
lifter Wang Jian.
Jawad is one of five British
athletes competing in Kuala Lumpur
which includes fellow Paralympian
Natalie Blake and ex-serviceman
Micky Yule.
World champion water-skier
Sarah Teelow Died
Sarah Teel ow, the worl d
champion water skier of Australia
died on 25 November 2013 after a
fall during a high-speed endurance
race on Australias Hawkesbury River.
The 21 year old, Teelow fell from her
skis after the start of the 75 mile Bridge
to Bridge Water Ski Classic near
She was airlifted to the hospital
in critical condition, with spinal and
head injuries and later she died in the
She is the seventh water-skier
to die in an accident in Australia in
last five years. Teelow had won the
Formula 2 category at the World
Waterski Racing Championships in
Spain in September. Teelow was the
daughter of two-time world waterski
champion, Tania Teelow.
World Athletes of 2013
The Jamaican sprinters, Usain
Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
were crowned the male and female
World Athletes of the Year, 2013 on
16 November 2013. They were
selected as the world athletes of the
year by the sports governing IAAF at
a ceremony in Monaco.
Gold in the 100 meters, 200
meters and 4x100 relay at the
Moscow Worlds in August helped
Bolt to take his all-time tally to eight
gol ds and two si l vers at the
Usain Bolt had been the World
Athlete of the Year in 2008, 2009,
2011 and 2012, previously. Bolt won
10 out of hi s 11 100m races
(including heats), and was unbeaten
in his five races over 200m. Whereas,
the Olympic Sprint Champion, the
Fraser-Pryce claimed gold medals in
three events in Moscow. Fraser-
Pryce, regained her 100m title at the
2013 IAAF World Championships,
winning in 10.71, which remained the
fastest time of the year. Earlier, she
had gold and two silvers. Fraser-
Pryce became the second Jamaican
woman to win, after Merlene Ottey in
1990. Bolt and Fraser-Pryce also
received a prize of 100000 US
G V Mavalankar Shooting
Championshi p
West Bengal, the host of the
Al l Indi a G V Maval ankar
Shooting Championship topped the
medals tally on 16 November 2013.
The championship concluded at the
Chandmari Range in West Bengal.
This is the first time that West Bengal
topped the medal table of national
l evel of shooti ng
champi onship. West Bengal ,
shooters won five gold, five silver and
a bronze to top the 10 day long
championship. Maharashtra stood at
the second positi on i n the
championship with four gold, five 71
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silver and three bronze medals.
Whereas, Chandigarh was third in the
list as it won three gold, one silver
and one bronze medal. In the All
India G V Mavalankar Shooting
Championship, in all 1400 shooters
from 15 states, military and para-
military forces participated in 72
events in four different categories
namely, boys, girls, men and women.
Of all the participants, more than
500 shooters have qualified for the
national meet, which will be held in
New Delhi from 11 December 2013.
GS Sandhu reappointed as
India Boxing Coach
Gurbax Singh Sandhu was on
20 November 2013 reappointed as
the national coach of the mens
Indian boxing team till the 2016
Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This
decision was taken in consultation
with the Sports Authority of India at
New Delhi. First appointed as coach
in 1993, Gurbax Singh Sandhu has
ably served for almost two decades
during which Indian boxers have
made ground-breaking progress in
the international arena including
winning the countrys first Olympic
medal, and first World Championship
medal, through Vijender Singh (75kg

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Bharat Ratna Award Bharat Ratna Award Bharat Ratna Award Bharat Ratna Award Bharat Ratna Award
The Government of India on 16
November 2013 decided to confer,
t he Bharat Ratna, Bharat Ratna, Bharat Ratna, Bharat Ratna, Bharat Ratna, the hi ghest
civilian award on eminent
scientist Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao and cricket
player Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin
Tendulkar is the first sports person to
win the Bharat Ratna Award. The
Bharat Ratna award so far, given only
to eminent personalities from the field
of dance, music, art, literature and
the social sector. In the year 2011,
the Government of India modified
the eligibility criteria for Bharat Ratna
Award - to enable eminent Sports-
persons to receive the Nations
highest civilian award.
About Prof. CNR Rao About Prof. CNR Rao About Prof. CNR Rao About Prof. CNR Rao About Prof. CNR Rao
Prof. Chintamani Nagesa
About Sachin Tendulkar About Sachin Tendulkar About Sachin Tendulkar About Sachin Tendulkar About Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is an
Indian Batsman who is considered
one of the greatest batsmen of the
cricket world. Sachin Tendulkar who
belongs to Mumbai Maharashtra made
his appearance in six world cups for
India and was the member of the
2011 World Cup winning squad of the
nation. Sachin Tendulkar made his
Test debut against arch-rival Pakistan
at Karachi in 1989. He made his ODI
debut against Pakistan in 1989 in
Gujranwala. He currently holds the
record for most hundreds in both
Tests and One Day Internationals. In
198 Test matches, Sachin Tendulkar
scored over Fifteen Thousand Eight
hundred runs at an average of 53.86.
He slammed 51 Test centuries and
an unbeaten 248 against Bangladesh
in Dhaka in 2004 was his best
ever. He made 49 hundreds in the
one-day format, including a double
hundred which is the first in this form
of cricket and 96 half centuries. In
2012, Sachin Tendulkar became the
first player to score 100 international
centuries. Sachin Tendulkar
Ramachandra Rao (CNR Rao) was
born on 30 June 1934, Bangalore,
India. He is an eminent scientist and
a well recognized international
authority on solid state and materials
He has published over 1400
research papers and 45 books. Prof.
CNR Raos contributions have been
recognized by most major scientific
academies around the world through
conferment of memberships and
fellowships. He has been honoured
with several national and international
awards, including Padma Vibhushan.
Prof. CNR Rao is Honorary President
of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research,
Bangalore, India.
Prof, CNR Rao is presently
servi ng as the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the
Scientific Advisory Council to Scientific Advisory Council to Scientific Advisory Council to Scientific Advisory Council to Scientific Advisory Council to
the Prime Minister of India the Prime Minister of India the Prime Minister of India the Prime Minister of India the Prime Minister of India.The
Scientific Advisory Council to the
Prime Minister is the uppermost body
that deliberates on various policy
issues, pertaining to Science &
Technology and also on the role it can
play in the upliftment of the Indian
economy. 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3
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About Bharat Ratna award About Bharat Ratna award About Bharat Ratna award About Bharat Ratna award About Bharat Ratna award
Bharat Ratna, the highest
civilian Award of the country
was instituted in the year 1954.
It is awarded in recognition of
exceptional service/
performance of the highest
order in any field of human
The recommendations for
Bharat Ratna are made by the
Prime Minister himself to the
The number of annual awards
announced his retirement from Test cricket after playing his landmark 200th
Test match against the West Indies on 15 November 2013. Earlier, Sachin
Tendulkar announced retirement form one day cricket on 23 December
2012 and from Twenty20 cricket format on 26 May 2013.
is restricted to a maximum of
three in a particular year.
The last recipient of Bharat
Ratna award is Pandit Bhimsen
Joshi in 2008.
The first three Indians, who
received the Bharat Ratna were
Chandrasekhara Venkata
Raman, Chakravarti
Rajagopalachari and Sarvapali
Radhakrishnan in 1954.
There is no written provision
that Bharat Ratna should be
awarded to Indian citizens only.
The award has been conferred
to a naturalised Indian
c i t i z e n M o t h e r M o t h e r M o t h e r M o t h e r M o t h e r
Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa (1980) and to two
non-I ndi ans Khan Abdul Abdul Abdul Abdul Abdul
Ghaffar Khan Ghaffar Khan Ghaffar Khan Ghaffar Khan Ghaffar Khan a nd Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson
Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela (1990).
The award does not carry any
monetary grant.In terms of
Article 18 (1) of the
Constitution, the award cannot
be used as a prefix or suffix to
the recipients name.
S. No. S. No. S. No. S. No. S. No. Name Name Name Name Name Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In
1. Shri Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (1878-1972) 1954
2. Dr. Sarvapali Radhakrishnan (1888-1975) 1954
3. Dr. Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (1888-1970) 1954
4. Dr. Bhagwan Das (1869-1958) 1955
5. Dr. Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (1861-1962) 1955
6. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 -1964) 1955
7. Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant (1887-1961) 1957
8. Dr. Dhondo Keshave Karve (1858-1962) 1958
9. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (1882-1962) 1961
10. Shri Purushottam Das Tandon (1882-1962) 1961
11. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1884-1963) 1962
12. Dr. Zakir Hussain (1897-1969) 1963
13. Dr. Pandurang Vaman Kane (1880-1972) 1963
14. Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri (Posthumous) (1904-1966) 1966
15. Smt. Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) 1971
16. Shri Varahagiri Venkata Giri (1894-1980) 1975
17. Shri Kumaraswami Kamraj (Posthumous) (1903-1975) 1976
18. Mother Mary Taresa Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) (1910-1997) 1980
19. Shri Acharya Vinobha Bhave (Posthumous) (1895-1982) 1983
20. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1890-1988) 1987 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4
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S. No. S. No. S. No. S. No. S. No. Name Name Name Name Name Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In Awarded In
21. Shri Marudu Gopalan Ramachandran (Posthumous) (1917-1987) 1988
22. Dr. Bhim Rao Ramji Ambedkar (Posthumous) (1891-1956) 1990
23. Dr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (b-1918) 1990
24. Shri Rajiv Gandhi (Posthumous) (1944-1991) 1991
25. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (Posthumous) (1875-1950) 1991
26. Shri Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (1896-1995) 1991
27. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (Posthumous) (1888-1958) 1992
28. Shri Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhai Tata (1904-1993) 1992
29. Shri Satyajit Ray (1922-1992) 1992
30. Shri Gulzarilal Nanda (1898-1998) 1997
31. Smt. Aruna Asaf Ali (Posthumous) (1909-1996) 1997
32. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (b-1931) 1997
33. Smt. Madurai Sanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi (1916-2005) 1998
34. Shri Chidambaram Subramniam (1910-2000) 1998
35. Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan (Posthumous) (1902-1979) 1999
36. Professor Amartya Sen (b-1933) 1999
37. Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi (Posthumous) (1890-1950) 1999
38. Pandit Ravi Shankar (b-1920) 1999
39. Sushri Lata Dinanath Mangeshkar (b-1929) 2001
40. Ustad Bismillah Khan (1916-2006) 2001
41. Pandit Bhimsen Gururaj Joshi (1922-2011) 2009
42. Prof. CNR Rao ( b-1934) 2013
43. Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (b-1973) 2013
EUs Sakharov Human Rights EUs Sakharov Human Rights EUs Sakharov Human Rights EUs Sakharov Human Rights EUs Sakharov Human Rights
Pri ze 2013 Pri ze 2013 Pri ze 2013 Pri ze 2013 Pri ze 2013
Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani
teenage activist on 20 November
2013 received the EUs Sakharov
human rights prize for her brave
crusade for the right of the children
to education.
The European Parliament
President Martin Schulz presented
the award to the 16-year-old Malala
at a ceremony in Strasbourg, France.
Malala Yousafzai dedicated the
award to the unsung heroes of
Pakistan and to human rights
campaigners worldwide. Malala was
shot in the head in October 2012 for
campaigning for better rights for girls
in Swat Valley of northwest Pakistan,
an erstwhile Taliban stronghold.
About Sakharov Prize About Sakharov Prize About Sakharov Prize About Sakharov Prize About Sakharov Prize
The Sakharov Prize for free
speech is awarded by the European
Parliament annually in memory of
Soviet physicist and dissident Andrei
Sakharov. The prize was set up in
1988 to honour individuals or
organisations for their efforts on
behalf of human rights and
fundamental freedoms.
The 50000-Euro prize is
considered Europes top human
rights award. In 2012 the award went
to detained Iranians, lawyer Nasrin
Sotoudeh and film maker Jafar Panahi,
to honour those standing up for a
better Iran. with this award Malala
joins a distinguished list of winners of
the prize that includes South Africas
Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu
Kyi of Myanmar.
Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi
Prize for Peace 2013 Prize for Peace 2013 Prize for Peace 2013 Prize for Peace 2013 Prize for Peace 2013
Dr. Angela Merkel, German
Chancellor on 19 November 2013
selected for Indira Gandhi Prize for
Peace, Disarmament and
Development for the year 2013. The
International Jury for the Prize was
chaired by the Prime Minister Dr.
Manmohan Singh, which made this
announcement on 19 November
2013 on the birth anniversary of Indira
Gandhi. Dr. Angela Merkel is
nominated for her exemplary
leadership in Europe and the world
during the financial crises, her
commitment to universal peace and 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
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achievement in the various
fields like yoga, taekwondo,
painting and dancing.
5. Hardik Jay Prakash Nayar from
Daman & Diu for his
exceptional achievement in
the field of academics.
6. A.A. Aravinda Lochanan from
Delhi for his exceptional
achievement in various fields
like musical instrument (Violin),
recitation, quiz etc.
7. Vaishnav Chinmay Surilbhai
from Gujarat for his exceptional
achievement in the field of
academics and sports.
8. Harman Singh from Haryana for
her exceptional achievement
in the field of dance and
9. Kushagra Rastogi from
Himachal Pradesh for his
exceptional achievement in
the field of academics.
10. Kariha Javaid from Jammu and
Kashmir for her exceptional
achievement in the field of
martial arts and academics.
11. Simpi Kumari from Jharkhand
Kashmir for her exceptional
achievement in the field of
12. Pooja G. Prabhu from Karnataka
for her exceptional
achievement in the field of
13. Akshay V. A from Kerala for his
exceptional achievement in
the field of painting.
14. Usman Hanif Patel from
Maharashtra for his exceptional
achievement in the field of
Technical Innovation.
15. Khagembam Binta Devi from
Manipur for her exceptional
achievement in the field of
16. Harsha Pattnaik from Odisha for
her exceptional achievement
in the field of literature.
17. Chirag Gupta from Punjab for
his exceptional achievement in
the field of sports.
disarmament and her leadership role
in strengthening productive and
mutually beneficial relations with
India and other developing
About Angela Merkel About Angela Merkel About Angela Merkel About Angela Merkel About Angela Merkel
Angela Dorothea Kasner,
better known as Angela Merkel,
was born in Hamburg, West
Germany, on 17 July 1954.
Trained as a physicist, Merkel
entered politics after the 1989
fall of the Berlin Wall.
Rising to the position of
Chairwoman of the Christian
Democratic Union party,
Merkel became Germanys first
female chancellor, and one of
the leading figures of the
European Union, following the
2005 national elections.
About Indira Gandhi Prize for About Indira Gandhi Prize for About Indira Gandhi Prize for About Indira Gandhi Prize for About Indira Gandhi Prize for
Peace, Disarmament and Peace, Disarmament and Peace, Disarmament and Peace, Disarmament and Peace, Disarmament and
Devel opment Devel opment Devel opment Devel opment Devel opment
The Indira Gandhi Prize for
Peace, Disarmament and
Development was instituted
( i n 1986 i n 1986 i n 1986 i n 1986 i n 1986) in the name of
former Prime Minister of India,
Indira Gandhi. It celebrates the
values that she stood and
fought for in the service of our
nation and its people.
The award is conferred upon
the person or an organisation
irrespective of race, religion,
nationality or other aspects. It
consists of award worth 2.5
million Rupees as well as trophy
along with citation.
The Indiara Gandhi Award is
constituted by Indira Gandhi
Memorial Trust.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , the
Liberian President was
conferred with the Indira
Gandhi Prize for Peace,
Disarmament and
Development for the
year 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012.
National Child Award for National Child Award for National Child Award for National Child Award for National Child Award for
Exceptional Achievement Exceptional Achievement Exceptional Achievement Exceptional Achievement Exceptional Achievement
Krishna Tirath, the union Minister
for Women and Child Development
on 14 November 2013 gave away the
National Child Award for Exceptional
Achievement to 22 children on
Childrens Day during the opening
ceremony of Vatsalya Mela at Dilli
Haat. The awards initiated in 1996
are presented every year to the
children between the age group 4-
15 years for their exceptional
achievements in various fields
including academics, art, culture and
sports etc. They include a Gold Medal
with cash prize of 20000 Rupees and
a citation, and 21 Silver Medals with
cash prize 10000 Rupees and
citations. The Vatsalya Mela is
celebrated on the day of Jawahar Lal
Nehrus birth anniversary, which also
marks the Childrens Day. The Gold
Medal was presented to Harshal
Shahi from Delhi for his exceptional
achievement in the field of chess.
Out of 21 Silver Medal Out of 21 Silver Medal Out of 21 Silver Medal Out of 21 Silver Medal Out of 21 Silver Medal
winners, 10 are girls. The names winners, 10 are girls. The names winners, 10 are girls. The names winners, 10 are girls. The names winners, 10 are girls. The names
are: are: are: are: are:
1. S. Harshitha Reddy from
Andhra Pradesh for her
exceptional achievement in
the field of mathematics.
2. Dhanraj Sahariah from Assam
for his exceptional
achievement in the various
fields like martial arts, dance,
music, swimming and theatre.
3. M. Shraddha from Chandigarh
for her exceptional
achievement in the field of
Hindustani classical music.
4. Anjali Yadav from Chattisgarh
for her exceptional 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
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18. Megha Gupta from Rajasthan
for her exceptional
achievement in various fields
such as academics, sports,
dance, skating, drawing,
football and arts.
19. R. Ajeetha from Tamil Nadu for
her exceptional achievement
in the field of yoga.
20. Pranay Fartyal from Uttar
Pradesh for his exceptional
achievement in the field of
21. Mitrabha Guha from West
Bengal for his exceptional
achievement in the field of
GG2 Leadership Awards GG2 Leadership Awards GG2 Leadership Awards GG2 Leadership Awards GG2 Leadership Awards
Malala Yousafzai, Kainat Riaz and
Shazia Ramzan on 27 November 2013
were chosen for the GG2 Hammer
Award, for their bravery at the GG2
(Garavi Gujarat 2) Leadership Awards
2013 a London.
The activist Malala Yousafzai
won the number one spot in the GG2
Power List 101 for her work in raising
awareness for female empowerment.
Malala Yousafzai, the teenager from
Pakistan, who was shot in the head
by the Taliban for campaigning for
girls education. She has been named
as the Britains most influential Asian
by a weekly publication.
Kainat Riaz and Shazia Ramzan
were shot and wounded in Swat
Valley last year.
The GG2 Hammer Award
winner of 2013 transcends every
boundary and appeals to the very
core of our humanity. The GG2 Power
101 has been compiled by The Asian
Media and Marketing Group (AMG)
and features the top 101 most
influential Asians in the UK, ranging
from all walks of life. Now in its third
year, the list honours some notable
British Asians who hold power and
influence not just in Britain, but also
Others who received the Others who received the Others who received the Others who received the Others who received the
award are: award are: award are: award are: award are:
Ingrid Loyau-Kennett was
handed the GG2 Spirit in the
Community Award for her
courage and bravery in the face
of the Woolwich attackers
Simon Woolley, the founding
member and director of
Operation Black Vote was
given the GG2 Pride of Britain
Physicist Professor Tejinder
Virdee, who has previously
worked on the investigation of
the Higgs Boson particle, was
honoured with the GG2 Man of
the Year Award
Christine Lee received the
award for Woman of the Year
for her success in establishing
and managing the largest
British Chinese law firm in the
Other Asians who were Other Asians who were Other Asians who were Other Asians who were Other Asians who were
ranked in the list: ranked in the list: ranked in the list: ranked in the list: ranked in the list:
Nick Clegg, British Deputy
Premier, who was the chief
guest on the occasion, was
ranked first in the latest edition
of GG2 Power 101 list.
Chairman of the Home Affairs
Committee MP Keith Vaz, who
headed the power list last year,
has been ranked as Number 2.
The steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal
was ranked at Number 3.
The Hinduja brothers,
Srichand, Gopichand, Ashok
and Prakash, were ranked at
Number four in the Power 101.
Lord Swraj Paul and his son
Angad were ranked at Number
21 on the list.
International Indian of the International Indian of the International Indian of the International Indian of the International Indian of the
Decade Award Decade Award Decade Award Decade Award Decade Award
Lord Swraj Paul, a leading NRI
industrialist and educationist was
presented with the International
Indian of the Decade award on 15
November 2013. Swraj Paul was
presented the award for his
outstanding achievements in the
fields of industry, education and
philanthropy. Virender Paul, the
acting High Commissioner of India to
the UK presented the award to Lord
Swraj Paul at the 20th anniversary of
the publication of India Link
International (a monthly magazine).
About Lord Swraj Paul About Lord Swraj Paul About Lord Swraj Paul About Lord Swraj Paul About Lord Swraj Paul
Lord Swraj Paul is the founder
of the UK-based steel and
engineering multinational
company Caparo, which at
present employs about 10000
people worldwide from UK,
USA and India.
He was made the Life Peer is a
member of the House of Lords
in 1996 and donated 1 million
pounds to prevent the London
Zoo closure in 1994.
He became the first Indian-
born Deputy Speaker of the
House of Lords in 2008 and was
also appointed to the Privy
Council in 2009.
From 2000 to 2008, he was the
member of the London
Development Agency. He
chaired the London
Development Agency
Olympics Delivery Committee 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
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between 2005 to 2008, which
was responsible for delivering
the land and infrastructure for
the London 2012 Olympic
Games on time and on budget
In 1999, he became the
chancellor of the University of
Wolverhampton in 1999. In
2006, he became the
Chancellor of the University of
Westminster. From 1992 to
1997, he was the pro-
chancellor of Thames University
and its chancellor in 1998
In 1983 he was awarded the
Padma Bhushan by the
Government of India
In 1998, he was granted the
freedom of the city of London
Universities of UK, USA,
Switzerland and India has
awarded him 15 honorary
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology gave him the
Corporate Leadership Award
New Horizons in New Horizons in New Horizons in New Horizons in New Horizons in
Physics Prize 2014 Physics Prize 2014 Physics Prize 2014 Physics Prize 2014 Physics Prize 2014
Shiraz Naval Minwalla, Professor
of Physics in TIFR, Mumbai selected
for the 2014 New Horizons in Physics
Prize on 5 November 2013. He was
awarded for his pioneering for his pioneering for his pioneering for his pioneering for his pioneering
contributions to the study of contributions to the study of contributions to the study of contributions to the study of contributions to the study of
string theory and quantum field string theory and quantum field string theory and quantum field string theory and quantum field string theory and quantum field
theory; and in particular his theory; and in particular his theory; and in particular his theory; and in particular his theory; and in particular his
work on the connection work on the connection work on the connection work on the connection work on the connection
between the equations of fluid between the equations of fluid between the equations of fluid between the equations of fluid between the equations of fluid
dynamics and Albert Einsteins dynamics and Albert Einsteins dynamics and Albert Einsteins dynamics and Albert Einsteins dynamics and Albert Einsteins
equations of general relativity. equations of general relativity. equations of general relativity. equations of general relativity. equations of general relativity.
The New Horizons for Physics Prize
awarded to promising junior
researchers by Fundamental Physics
Prize Foundation. The award carries
prize money of 100000 US Dollars.
The other laureates of 2014 The other laureates of 2014 The other laureates of 2014 The other laureates of 2014 The other laureates of 2014
New Horizons in Physics Prize New Horizons in Physics Prize New Horizons in Physics Prize New Horizons in Physics Prize New Horizons in Physics Prize
are: are: are: are: are:
Freddy Cachazo, Freddy Cachazo, Freddy Cachazo, Freddy Cachazo, Freddy Cachazo, Perimeter
Institute, for uncovering numerous
structures underlying scattering
amplitudes in gauge theories and
Vyacheslav Rychkov Vyacheslav Rychkov Vyacheslav Rychkov Vyacheslav Rychkov Vyacheslav Rychkov, CERN/
Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University/
cole Normale Suprieure, for
developing new techniques in
conformal field theory, reviving the
conformal bootstrap program for
constraining the spectrum of
operators and the structure constants
in 3D and 4D CFTs.
About Fundamental Physics About Fundamental Physics About Fundamental Physics About Fundamental Physics About Fundamental Physics
Prize Foundation Prize Foundation Prize Foundation Prize Foundation Prize Foundation
The Fundamental Physics Prize
Foundation is a not-for-profit
corporation established by
t he Milner Foundation, Russia in Milner Foundation, Russia in Milner Foundation, Russia in Milner Foundation, Russia in Milner Foundation, Russia in
2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 and dedicated to advancing
our knowledge of the Universe at the
deepest level by awarding annual
prizes for scientific breakthroughs, as
well as communicating the
excitement of fundamental physics
to the public. Two categories of
prizes will be awarded for past
achievements in the field of
fundamental physics, with the aim of
providing the recipients with more
freedom and opportunity to pursue
even greater future
accomplishments. The
Fundamental Physics Fundamental Physics Fundamental Physics Fundamental Physics Fundamental Physics
Pri ze Pri ze Pri ze Pri ze Pri ze recognizes transformative
advances in the field, while the New New New New New
Horizons in Physics Prizes Horizons in Physics Prizes Horizons in Physics Prizes Horizons in Physics Prizes Horizons in Physics Prizes a r e
targeted at promising junior
Gol den Gol den Gol den Gol den Gol den
Elephant Award in ICFF Elephant Award in ICFF Elephant Award in ICFF Elephant Award in ICFF Elephant Award in ICFF
The 18th International
Childrens Film Festival concluded on
20 November 2013 in Hyderabad. A
Dutch Film named Kauwboy,
directed by Boudewijn Koole won
the Golden Elephant Award for best
film in the International Live Action
category. The film is about a 10 year
old boy and a bird. The Golden
Plaque for second-best film in the
same section was won by a German
film Das Pferd Auf Dem Balkon or A
horse on the Balcony.
The Jury Prize for the best
artwork was won by a Hindi film
Goopi Gawaiya Bagha Bajaiya
directed by Shilpa Ranade. Ernest Et
Celestine won the award for the Best
Animation Feature and Zarafa won
the Golden Plaque for the second
best animation film in the International
Animation Competition section that
has been added in 2013. During the
film festival, Batul Mukthiar received
the best director award for his film
Kaphal in the International Live
Action. The best screenplay award
went to Nono-The Zigzag Kid. The
Golden Elephant trophy for Best Little
Director category was given to an
Indian film Breaking Silence and
Tamator Chor. The Golden Plaque for
the second best Little Director went
to Phoolwati Amma and Mondial
World School. The film festival was
organised by the Childrens Film
Festival India (CFSI), which is an
autonomous body under the Union
Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting and Andra Pradesh
Government. The Festival started on
14 November 2013.
IAAC honour IAAC honour IAAC honour IAAC honour IAAC honour
Salman Rushdie, Mira Nair and
Majula Bansal, the prominent Indian 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8
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Americans on 21 November 2013
were honoured by Indo-American
Arts Council (IAAC) at the Angel
Orensanz Foundation of
Contemporary Art. The author,
Salman Rushdie and filmmaker, Mira
Nair were honoured for their
commitment and contributions to the
global artistic community. Whereas,
Manjula Bansal, a renowned Indian-
American pathologist was honoured
for her contribution to Indian
performing, visual and literary arts to
New York Citys diverse cultural
Indo-American Arts Council Indo-American Arts Council Indo-American Arts Council Indo-American Arts Council Indo-American Arts Council
The Indo-American Arts
Council (IAAC) is a registered
501(c)3 not-for-profit, secular
service and resource arts organization
charged with the mission of
promoting and building the
awareness, creation, production,
exhibition, publication and
performance of Indian and cross-
cultural art forms in North America.
The IAAC supports all the artistic
disciplines in classical, fusion, folk
and innovative forms influenced by
the arts of India.
First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary First Centenary
film award at IFFI film award at IFFI film award at IFFI film award at IFFI film award at IFFI
Waheeda Rehman, the veteran
actress of Bollywood will be
conferred with the inaugural
Centenary Award for the Indian Film
Personality of the Year 2013 at the
44th International Film Festival of
India (IFFI) in Goa on 20 November
2013. The award will be given to her
in recognition of her contributions to
Dayawati Modi Award Dayawati Modi Award Dayawati Modi Award Dayawati Modi Award Dayawati Modi Award
Anjolie Ela Menon, a
contemporary artist was awarded
with Dayawati Modi Award for Art and
Culture and Education by Dayawati
Foundation on 19 November 2013.
The award comprised of a cash price
of 2.51 lakh rupees, a silver shield and
a scroll of hounour. It was presented
to her by the Minister of state for
Prime Minister Office, Department of
personnel and Training, Government
of India.
About Anjolie Ela Menon About Anjolie Ela Menon About Anjolie Ela Menon About Anjolie Ela Menon About Anjolie Ela Menon
Anjolie Ela Menon was born in
1940 in India
She is one the leading
contemporary female artist and
well known muralist
She held a solo exhibition with
fifty-three variety style at age of
She was awarded Padma Shree
in 2000
Most recently a major work yatra
was acquired by the Asian Art
Museum of San Francisco,
Infosys Prize 2013 Infosys Prize 2013 Infosys Prize 2013 Infosys Prize 2013 Infosys Prize 2013
The Infosys Science
Foundation on 12 November 2013
the film industry. She has been
selected unanimously by the team of
five member jury. The award has
been instituted by the Government
of India to mark the 100 years of
Indian Cinema. It includes a prize
amount of 10 lakh rupees and a
Nehru Fellowship Nehru Fellowship Nehru Fellowship Nehru Fellowship Nehru Fellowship
Professor Mushirul Hasan, the
former Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia
Islamia on 14 November 2013 was
conferred with the Jawaharlal Nehru
Fellowship by the Jawaharlal Nehru
Memorial Fund.
The title of the Hasans
fellowship project is Roads to
Freedom Prison, Prisoners and the
Raj. The project of professor Hasan
will see how the jails were used
during the time of Raj to bring down
the body and soul of those resting or
revolting against the British.
About Professor Mushirul About Professor Mushirul About Professor Mushirul About Professor Mushirul About Professor Mushirul
Hasan Hasan Hasan Hasan Hasan
He is an internationally known
historian and has written
extensively on the partition.
He did his MA from Aligarh
Muslim University and the PhD
from Cambridge in 1977.
He was awarded Padma Shri
and the Ordre des Palmes
Academiques by the French
Government in 2010.
He was also the Director-
General of the National
Archives from May 2010 to May
2013. 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9
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announced the winners of the Infosys
Prize 2013 across six categories:
Engineering & Computer Science,
Humanities, Life Sciences,
Mathematical Sciences, Physical
Sciences and Social Sciences. The
winners were recognized for their
outstanding achievements and
contributions to scientific research.
The Infosys Science Foundation also
announced an increase in the prize
purse by 5 Lakhs to 55 Lakhs rupees
for each category for 2013. The prize
for the Humanities category will be
split equally between the two
winners. The seven winners were
chosen based on significant progress
showcased in their chosen spheres,
as well as for the impact their research
will have on the specific field. In
addition to the prize purse, each
category award includes a gold
medallion and a citation certificate.
The distinguished winners of
t he 5th Infosys Prize 2013 5th Infosys Prize 2013 5th Infosys Prize 2013 5th Infosys Prize 2013 5th Infosys Prize 2013 are:
1. Engineering and Computer
Prof. Ramgopal Prof. Ramgopal Prof. Ramgopal Prof. Ramgopal Prof. Ramgopal
Rao, Rao, Rao, Rao, Rao, Institute Chair Professor
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Chief
Investigator, Centre of
Excellence in Nanoelectronics,
Indian Institute of Technology,
2. 2. 2. 2. 2. Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities
Archaeol ogy Archaeol ogy Archaeol ogy Archaeol ogy Archaeol ogy
Prof. Nayanj ot Prof. Nayanj ot Prof. Nayanj ot Prof. Nayanj ot Prof. Nayanj ot
Lahiri, Lahiri, Lahiri, Lahiri, Lahiri, Professor
Department of History,
University of Delhi, New Delhi
Li ngui sti cs Li ngui sti cs Li ngui sti cs Li ngui sti cs Li ngui sti cs
Prof. Ayesha Ki dwai , Prof. Ayesha Ki dwai , Prof. Ayesha Ki dwai , Prof. Ayesha Ki dwai , Prof. Ayesha Ki dwai ,
Professor Centre for
Linguistics, School of
Language, Literature and
Culture Studies, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences
Dr. Raj esh Dr. Raj esh Dr. Raj esh Dr. Raj esh Dr. Raj esh
Gokhale, Gokhale, Gokhale, Gokhale, Gokhale, Director, Council of
Scientific and Industrial
Research Institute of
Genomics and Integrative
Biology, New Delhi
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences
Prof. Rahul Prof. Rahul Prof. Rahul Prof. Rahul Prof. Rahul
Pandharipande Pandharipande Pandharipande Pandharipande Pandharipande, Professor
Department of Mathematics,
Eidgenssische Technische
Hochschule, Zrich (ETH
5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Physical Sciences
Prof. Shi raz Naval Prof. Shi raz Naval Prof. Shi raz Naval Prof. Shi raz Naval Prof. Shi raz Naval
Mi nwal l a, Mi nwal l a, Mi nwal l a, Mi nwal l a, Mi nwal l a, Professor
Department of Theoretical
Physics, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research,
Mumbai and Member, School
of Natural Sciences, Institute for
Advanced Studies, New
Jersey, USA
6. 6. 6. 6. 6. Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences
Prof. Ani nhal l i R. Prof. Ani nhal l i R. Prof. Ani nhal l i R. Prof. Ani nhal l i R. Prof. Ani nhal l i R.
Vasavi, Vasavi, Vasavi, Vasavi, Vasavi, Senior Fellow, Nehru
Memorial Museum and Library,
New Delhi
About the Infosys Science About the Infosys Science About the Infosys Science About the Infosys Science About the Infosys Science
Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on
The Infosys Prize is awarded
under the aegis of the Infosys Science
Foundation, a not-for-profit trust set
up in February 2009 by the
management of the Infosys company.
The Infosys Science Foundation is
funded by a corpus which today
stands at over 100 Crore Rupees
contributed by the trustees and
United Nation Award United Nation Award United Nation Award United Nation Award United Nation Award
Martha Dodray, a health worker
from Bihar on 6 November 2013 won
the global UN Award for her
commitment and dedication to
eradicate Polio in India. United
Nation has conferred the UN Frontline
Workers Global Leadership Award to
Martha Dodray. The award was given
in recognition of the roles to
individuals, organizations, and
corporations played in supporting the
work of the United Nations to
advance global peace, justice, and
prosperity. The United Nations
Foundation and the United Nations
Association of the USA (UNA-USA)
honored recipients of the 2013
Global Leadership Awards at the
annual Global Leadership Dinner in
New York City.
About Martha Dodray About Martha Dodray About Martha Dodray About Martha Dodray About Martha Dodray
Martha Dodray is an Auxiliary
Nurse & Midwife (ANM) from
Darbhanga district of Bihar
She represented the
worldwide polio frontline
workers. Her contribution
cause was recognized by
United Nations Foundation in
2013 and awarded
The other honorees The other honorees The other honorees The other honorees The other honorees
recogni zed were recogni zed were recogni zed were recogni zed were recogni zed were
Malala Yousafzai, honored for
her role as a global activist on
behalf of educating and
empowering girls worldwide
The Documentary Group and
10x10 for Girl Rising, honored
for its efforts to ensure all girls
receive an education
GE Africa honored for its
commitment to the Secretary
General Ban Ki-moons Every
Women Every Child initiative
and for building partnerships
across Africa to advance
country-owned solutions,
innovation and development in
health care
Ambassador Samantha Power,
U.S. Permanent Representative
to the United Nations, was
presented the Leo Nevas
Human Rights Award for her
enduring commitment to the
global advancement of human 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0
Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes
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rights and a strong U.S.-UN
Senator Timothy E. Wirth,
former UN Foundation
President, and current Board
Vice Chair, recipient of the
Champion for Global Change,
was honored for his leadership
in advancing womens rights,
sustainable development, and
climate security throughout his
career, including his 15-year
legacy as President of the UN
About the United Nations About the United Nations About the United Nations About the United Nations About the United Nations
Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on Foundati on
The United Nations Foundation
builds public-private partnerships to
address the worlds most pressing
problems and broadens support for
the United Nations through advocacy
and public outreach.
Through innovative campaigns
and initiatives, the Foundation
connects people, ideas, and
resources to help the UN solve global
problems. The Foundation was
created in 1998 as a U.S. public
charity by entrepreneur and
philanthropist Ted Turner and now is
supported by global corporations,
foundations, governments, and
The United Nations Association
of the United States of America
(UNA-USA) is a membership
organization dedicated to informing,
inspiring, and mobilizing the
American people to support the
ideals and vital work of the United
For 70 years, UNA-USA has
worked to accomplish its mission
through its national network of
Chapters, youth engagement,
advocacy efforts, education
programs, and public events. UNA-
USA is a program of the United
Nations Foundation. UNA-USA and
its sister organization the Better World
Campaign represent the single largest
network of advocates and supporters
of the United Nations in the world.
Engi neeri ng Engi neeri ng Engi neeri ng Engi neeri ng Engi neeri ng
Excellence Award 2013 Excellence Award 2013 Excellence Award 2013 Excellence Award 2013 Excellence Award 2013
Engineering Excellence Award
2013 was conferred on the Security
Printing and Minting Corporation of
India Limited (SPMCIL), a Public
Sector Unit under the Ministry of
Finance, and Government of India on
19 November 2013. The award was
given by Engineering Watch at
SCOPE Convention Centre in
Delhi. The second Best Engineering
Marvel for Project Innovativeness was
conferred on Modernisation of Ink
Factory Project at Bank Note Press,
Dewas. Indigenisation of Bank Note
Paper production at Security Paper
Mill, Hoshangabad and Modernisation
of Bank Note Press, Dewas have been
awarded under the Special Mention
Security Printing and Minting Security Printing and Minting Security Printing and Minting Security Printing and Minting Security Printing and Minting
Corporation of India Limited Corporation of India Limited Corporation of India Limited Corporation of India Limited Corporation of India Limited
Security Printing and Minting
Corporation of India Limited
(SPMCIL) was formed after
corporatization of nine units
including four mints, four presses and
one paper mill, which were earlier
functioning under the Ministry of
The Company was
incorporated on 13 January 2006
under the Companies Act, 1956 with
its headquarters at New Delhi.
SPMCIL is a Miniratna Category-I
CPSE, and wholly owned Schedule
A Company of Government of India.
It is engaged in the manufacture of
security paper, minting of coins,
printing of currency and bank notes,
non-judicial stamp papers, postage
stamps, travel documents and others.
Asian Trader Editors Award Asian Trader Editors Award Asian Trader Editors Award Asian Trader Editors Award Asian Trader Editors Award
Priti Patel, an Indian Origin
British MP on 22 November 2013 has
been honoured with the prestigious
Asian Trader Editors Award. She was
awarded for her tireless campaigning
to support small shops and
convenience stores. She was
awarded at the Park Plaza
Westminster Bridge Hotel in a
ceremony held. Priti has supported
the sector by campaigning for
tougher punishments for offenders,
who commit retail crime, reforms to
business rates and cuts to red tape.
She has also warned the Government
of the impact on small shops of new
tobacco controls being proposed by
Indira Gandhi NSS Best Indira Gandhi NSS Best Indira Gandhi NSS Best Indira Gandhi NSS Best Indira Gandhi NSS Best
University Award 2012-13 University Award 2012-13 University Award 2012-13 University Award 2012-13 University Award 2012-13
President of India Pranab
Mukherjee on 19 November 2013
presented Indira Gandhi National
Service Scheme Best University
Award 2012-13 to Mangalore
University of Karnataka. Mangalore
University is fourth in the row of
universities winning Indira Gandhi
NSS Award in Karnataka. Prior to this 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1
Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes Awards and Prizes
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university, RGUHS, Bangalore
University, and UAS Dharwad had
received this award. The award
comprises a memento and a citation
along with a cash prize of 2 lakh
President of India also gave NSS
Best Plus 2 Council Award for 2012-
13 t o Directorate of Higher Directorate of Higher Directorate of Higher Directorate of Higher Directorate of Higher
Secondary Education, Secondary Education, Secondary Education, Secondary Education, Secondary Education,
T h i r u v a n a n t h pu r a m T h i r u v a n a n t h pu r a m T h i r u v a n a n t h pu r a m T h i r u v a n a n t h pu r a m T h i r u v a n a n t h pu r a m wh i l e
Upcoming University Award was
presented to Kumaun University, Kumaun University, Kumaun University, Kumaun University, Kumaun University,
Nainital. Nainital. Nainital. Nainital. Nainital. The awards are given to
educational institutions, faculty and
students for their contribution in
various beneficial and voluntary
activities. The awards were
presented on the occasion of
National Integration Day (19
November 2013) at a function in
Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
National Integration Day is the Birth
anniversary of the first woman Prime
Minister of the India, Indira Gandhi.
Outstanding American by Outstanding American by Outstanding American by Outstanding American by Outstanding American by
Choice Award Choice Award Choice Award Choice Award Choice Award
Rahul Jindal, a doctor of Indian
origin was selected on 9 November
2013 for the prestigious Outstanding
American by Choice award. He was
awarded for his contribution to US
health sector.
He will be honoured by the US
citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) at women in Military Service
for America Memorial at Arlington
National Cemetery in Virginia on 13
November 2013. Rahul is a transplant
surgeon and philanthropist.
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Gist of The Hindu

Gist of Yojana

Gist of Kurukshetra

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Gist of Science Reporter 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2
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Imomali Rakhmon Imomali Rakhmon Imomali Rakhmon Imomali Rakhmon Imomali Rakhmon
Central Election Commission
(CEC) of Tajikistan on 6 November
2013 declared that Imomali Rakhmon
was re-elected as the President of
Imomali Rakhmon belongs to
Peoples Democratic Party of
Tajikistan (PDPT). The President of
Tajikistan is elected by popular vote.
The term of the office is 7 years. The
term of the President of Tajikistan is
limited to not more than two terms.
However, a constitutional
amendment passed in 2003 allows
President Imomali Rakhmon to run for
Solapur district Court and shifted to
the Bombay High Court in the year
1977. He was Chief Justice of the
High Court of Delhi from May 2008
till his retirement in February 2010.
He is known for his bold judgments,
especially concerning social issues,
including the world-headliner July
2009 ruling that found Indias 150-
year-old statute prohibiting
homosexual acts (Section 377 of the
Indian Penal Code) as discriminatory
and, therefore, a violation of
fundamental rights.
20th Law Commission of India 20th Law Commission of India 20th Law Commission of India 20th Law Commission of India 20th Law Commission of India
The 20th Law Commission of
India was constituted with the Order
of the Government of India with
effect from 1 September 2012. It has
a three-year term ending on 31st
August, 2015. The commission would
be responsible for identification of
obsolete laws and suggest measures
suitable for quick grievance handling
and redressal of the citizens. It would
also be examining the laws that
effects poor and suggest measures
a third term which, if he prevails,
would keep him in office until 2020.
Justice Ajit Prakash Shah Justice Ajit Prakash Shah Justice Ajit Prakash Shah Justice Ajit Prakash Shah Justice Ajit Prakash Shah
Union Government on 22
November 2013 appointed Justice
Ajit Prakash Shah as the new Chairman
of the 20th Law Commission of India.
Justice Ajit Prakash Shah
succeeded Justice D. K. Justice D. K. Justice D. K. Justice D. K. Justice D. K.
Jain Jain Jain Jain Jain who resigned in October 2013
to take over as the President of
National Consumer Disputes
Redressal Commission. Justice Ajit
Prakash Shah was born on 13
February, 1948 at Solapur,
Maharashtra. He started practice at
APPOINTED 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3
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which would help in harnessing the
law and the legal process for the
economically weaker and poor
section of the society.
Abdullah Yameen Abdullah Yameen Abdullah Yameen Abdullah Yameen Abdullah Yameen
Abdulla Yameen, the candidate
of Progressive Party of Maldives on
16 November 2013 defeated the
former premier, Mohammed Nasheed
to win the Maldivian Presidential
elections. Election Commission of
Maldives announced the result of the
election on 16 November 2013, in
which Yameen defeated Mohamed
Nasheed of Maldivian Democratic
Party with a margin of six thousand
votes. Yameen secured 51.39
percent (1 lakh 11 thousand) of votes,
whereas Mohamed Nasheed
received 48.61 (1 lakh 5 thousand
votes). 45 foreign observers and 22
foreign monitors saw the
transparency and credibility of the
election. The winning candidate
Abdullah Yameen will be sworn in as
the President at a special seating of
the Majlis, the Maldivian Parliament.
Neeraj Sahai Neeraj Sahai Neeraj Sahai Neeraj Sahai Neeraj Sahai
Neeraj Sahai, Indian-American
has appointed as president of
Standard & Poors Ratings Services,
the worlds largest ratings firm. He
was appointed by McGraw Hill
Financial Company. Neeraj Sahai (56)
will assume his new role at Standard
& Poors from 6 January 2014. Neeraj
Sahai, who did his masters in
economics from the University of
Delhi, is currently head of Citis
Securities and Fund Services
business and also acts as chief
fiduciary officer of Citigroup. He
succeeds Douglas Peterson, who
became president and chief
executive officer of McGraw Hill
Financial on 1 November 2013.
Nisha Desai Biswal Nisha Desai Biswal Nisha Desai Biswal Nisha Desai Biswal Nisha Desai Biswal
Nisha Desai Biswal was on 21
November 2013 sworn in as the US
Assistant Secretary of State for South
and Central Asia. United States
Secretary of State John K Kerry
administered the oath to Nisha Desai
Biswal as she was sworn in as the US
Assistant Secretary of State at the
George Marshall East Auditorium of
the White House. Nisha Desai Biswal
took over charge from Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert
Bl ake Bl ake Bl ake Bl ake Bl ake, who moved recently to
Indonesia as ambassador.Before her
appointment to this position, Biswal
was assistant administrator for Asia at
the US Agency for International
Development. Nisha Desai Biswal will
oversee the US Foreign Policy and
relations at the State Department for
India, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Maldives,
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This is
the first time an I ndi an- I ndi an- I ndi an- I ndi an- I ndi an-
American American American American American is heading the South Asia
Bureau, a new milestone for the
Indian community.
Satyananda Mishra Satyananda Mishra Satyananda Mishra Satyananda Mishra Satyananda Mishra
Multi Commodity Exchange of
India Ltd on 27 November 2013
appointed Satyananda Mishra as the
chairman of MCXs board. Market
Regulatory authority, the Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward
Markets Commission (FMC) Markets Commission (FMC) Markets Commission (FMC) Markets Commission (FMC) Markets Commission (FMC) al so
approved the appointment of
Satyananda Mishra as the
independent Director of MCXs
board for a period up to 31 March
2016. The previous chairman of MCX,
Venkat Chary, resigned in August
2013 due to the new guidelines of
Forward Markets Commission (FMC).
The FMC new guidelines stated that
the age limit of people on the board
should not be more than 70 years.
Kushal Das Kushal Das Kushal Das Kushal Das Kushal Das
The All India Football
Federation (AIFF) on 20 November
2013 reappointed Kushal Das as AIFF
General Secretary for a second term
of another three years. Kushal Das,
who had served as Chief Financial
Officer of the ICC and International
Management Group (IMG) India, was
appointed as AIFF General Secretary
in November 2010. The Executive
Committee of AIFF also approved the
recommendations of AIFF Technical
Committee to extend the contract of
national team coach Wim
Koevermans and Technical Director 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
In the News In the News In the News In the News In the News
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Rob Baan by one year. National
footbal l team coach Wi m Wi m Wi m Wi m Wi m
Koevermans Koevermans Koevermans Koevermans Koevermans contract was
extended till October 2014. Besides
the national team, Koevermans will
also be in charge on Indias campaign
in 2014 Incheon Asian Games. In
June 2012, The All India Football
Federation appointed
f or mer Net her l ands Net her l ands Net her l ands Net her l ands Net her l ands f oot bal l
player Wilhelmus Jacobus
Koevermans, popularly known
as Wim Koevermans, Wim Koevermans, Wim Koevermans, Wim Koevermans, Wim Koevermans, as the new
head coach of the Indian national
football team.
Parvinder Sohi Behuria Parvinder Sohi Behuria Parvinder Sohi Behuria Parvinder Sohi Behuria Parvinder Sohi Behuria
Parvinder Sohi Behuria, a Senior
IRS officer was appointed as the
Secretary General of National Human
Rights Commission (NHRC) on 8
November 2013. Behuria was
appointed in the rank and pay of the
secretary. She is the successor of
Ashok Sahu, a 1975 batch officer of
Indian Economic Service, following
his retirement. She is a 1977 batch
IRS (Income Tax) officer. At present,
she is the Member (Revenue) in
Central Board of Direct Taxes under
the Department of Revenue.
Usha Ananthasubramanian Usha Ananthasubramanian Usha Ananthasubramanian Usha Ananthasubramanian Usha Ananthasubramanian
The Union Government on 12
November 2013 appointed Usha
Ananthasubramanian as the
chairperson and managing director
of public sector Bharatiya Mahila
Bank (BMB), the first womens bank.
Before joining BMB, she was an
Executive Director with Punjab
National Bank (PNB).
Usha Ananthasubramanian
started her career in the actuarial
department with LIC and banking
career in February 1982 with Bank of
Baroda. She holds a masters degree
in statistics from the University of
Madras and a masters degree in
ancient Indian culture from University
of Mumbai.
During her tenure at Punjab
National Bank, she was part of the
panel formed for examination of the
blueprint and other issues for setting
up of the womens bank. The panels
report paved the way for Indias first
public sector womens bank.
About Bharatiya Mahila Bank About Bharatiya Mahila Bank About Bharatiya Mahila Bank About Bharatiya Mahila Bank About Bharatiya Mahila Bank
The bank aims to service
women and women-run
businesses, support womens
self-help groups and their
livelihoods and promote
further financial inclusion.
An only-for-women bank first
time in India.
The Union Cabinet cleared the
proposal for setting up of all-
women bank on August 2013.
The Reserve Bank of India gave
its in-principal approval for the
Bharatiya Mahila Bank in June
2013 and the banking company
was set up.
The Union government
approved 1000 crore Rupees
seed capital for the women-
focused public sector bank,
announced by Union finance
minister P. Chidambaram in his
2013-14 budget speech.
One of the key objectives of the
bank is to focus on the banking
needs of women and promote
economic empowerment.
Five Central Information Five Central Information Five Central Information Five Central Information Five Central Information
Commissioners appointed Commissioners appointed Commissioners appointed Commissioners appointed Commissioners appointed
Five new Information
Commissioners are appointed to the
Central Information Commission (CIC)
on 22 November 2013. Chief
Information Commissioner Deepak
Sandhu administered the oath of
office to them in New Delhi. The new
commissioners are Yashovardhan
Azad, Sharat Sabharwal, Manjula
Parasher , M A Khan Yusufi and
Madabhushanam Sridhar Acharyulu.
With this the total number of
Information Commissioners including
the Chief Information Commissioner
has gone up to 10.
1. .. .. Yashovardhan Azad Yashovardhan Azad Yashovardhan Azad Yashovardhan Azad Yashovardhan Azad, a
former IPS Officer, before
joining the Office of
Information Commissioner in
Central Information
Commission, was holding the
post of Secretary (Security) in
Cabinet Secretariat.
2. Sharat Sabharwal Sharat Sabharwal Sharat Sabharwal Sharat Sabharwal Sharat Sabharwal a career
diplomat, retired as High
Commissioner of India in
Pakistan before joining the
Office of Information
3. Manjula Parasher Manjula Parasher Manjula Parasher Manjula Parasher Manjula Parasher a former
Indian Postal Service Officer
had retired as Secretary from
the Department of Posts before
joining the Office of
Information Commissioner.
4. MA Khan Yusufi MA Khan Yusufi MA Khan Yusufi MA Khan Yusufi MA Khan Yusufi , a former
Indian Legal Service Officer,
before joining the Office of
Information Commissioner in
CIC was holding the post of
Chairperson in Airport
Appellate Tribunal.
5. Madbhushanam Sridhar Madbhushanam Sridhar Madbhushanam Sridhar Madbhushanam Sridhar Madbhushanam Sridhar
Acharyulu Acharyulu Acharyulu Acharyulu Acharyulu was working as
Professor at NALSAR, before
joining the Office of
Information Commissioner in
CIC. 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5
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G. K. Pillai G. K. Pillai G. K. Pillai G. K. Pillai G. K. Pillai
G.K. Pillai, the former Union
Home Secretary on 1 November 2013
was appointed as the Chairman of
the MCX-SX. Thomas Mathew T, the
former acting chairman of the Life
Insurance Corporation has also been
appointed as the Vice President of
the bourse. The appointments were
cleared by the board of directors on
24 October 2013 and have been also
cleared by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). In
October 2013, SEBI had also
renewed the license of the exchange
after extensively exam the same.
Sachin Tendulkar Sachin Tendulkar Sachin Tendulkar Sachin Tendulkar Sachin Tendulkar
Indian Cricket legend Sachin
Tendulkar on 28 November 2013
appointed as UNICEFs first brand
ambassador for South Asia. Sachin
Tendulkar will work for promoting
hygiene and sanitation in the South
Asian region for two years. Sachin
Tendulkar was already involving with
the UNICEF campaigns for polio and
worked as District and Sessions
Judge in Coimbatore and Vellore,
and Principal District and Sessions
Judge in Pudukottai, Madras,
Tirunelveli and Salem. She also
worked as Chief Metropolitan
Magistrate, Chennai. She was made
a judge of the Madras High Court on
3 April 2003.
According to clause (1)
o f Article 217 of the Article 217 of the Article 217 of the Article 217 of the Article 217 of the
Constitution of India Constitution of India Constitution of India Constitution of India Constitution of India every Chief
Justice of the High Court shall be
appointed by the President of India
after consultation with the Chief
Justice of India and the Governor of
the concerned State. In the case of
appointment of a Judge of the High
court, the President will also consult
the concerned Chief Justice High
Court. The Jharkhand High Court
came into existence after
reorganiszation of state of Bihar in
existing state of Bihar and Jharkhand
o n 15 November 2000. 15 November 2000. 15 November 2000. 15 November 2000. 15 November 2000.
Justice Ajay Justice Ajay Justice Ajay Justice Ajay Justice Ajay
Manikrao Khanwilkar Manikrao Khanwilkar Manikrao Khanwilkar Manikrao Khanwilkar Manikrao Khanwilkar
Justice Ajay Manikrao
Khanwilkar was sworn in as the 22nd
Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh by
Governor Ram Naresh Yadav at Raj
Bhavan, Bhopal on 24 November
2013. He was appointed by President
global hand washing. According to
UNICEF, almost half the population
in India defecates in the open and
681 million people practice open
defecation in South Asia. Children
under five years of age are the most
vulnerable to the effects of poor
sanitation and annually more than half
a million children in South Asia die of
diarrhoea caused by unsafe drinking
water, poor hygiene and lack of
sanitation. After sub-Saharan Africa,
South Asia is the region with the
highest number of under-five deaths,
accounting for 2.3 million in 2011.
Around 39 percent of children under
five are stunted in this region which
is also the worst in terms of lack of
toilets; over 680 million people do not
use toilets.
R. Banumathi R. Banumathi R. Banumathi R. Banumathi R. Banumathi
Justice R. Banumathi, Judge of
the Madras High Court was on 12
November 2013 appointed as the
Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High
Court. She was appointed by the
President of India, Pranab
Mukherjee. The Supreme Courts
collegium has cleared her elevation
as Chief Justice in August 2013 and
the Union government has taken
three months to process and notify
the appointment. Justice R. Justice R. Justice R. Justice R. Justice R.
Banumathi Banumathi Banumathi Banumathi Banumathi (58) entered the Tamil
Nadu Higher Judicial Service in 1988
as a direct recruit district judge. She 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
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of India, under the Article 217 of the
Constitution of India. Justice
Khanwilkar was earlier the Chief
Justice of Himachal Pradesh and has
also been a judge in the Bombay High
He was preceded by Justice
Sharad Arvind Bobde who was
elevated to the Supreme Court in
April 2013. Justice Khanwilkar will
take office at the principal seat of the
MP High Court in Jabalpur on 26
November 2013.
Justice Ajay Manikrao
Khanwilkar was born on 30 July, 1957
at Pune, Maharashtra. He completed
Bachelor of Commerce from Mulund
College of Commerce, Mumbai
Bachelor of Laws from K.C. Law
College,Mumbai University. He
Enrolled as Advocate on 10
February, 1982. According to clause
(1) of Article 217 of the Constitution
of India every Chief Justice of the
High Court shall be appointed by the
President of India after consultation
with the Chief Justice of India and
the Governor of the concerned State.
In the case of appointment of a Judge
of the High court, the President will
also consult the concerned Chief
Justice High Court.
Reshma Reshma Reshma Reshma Reshma
Legendary Pakistani folk singer
Reshma passed away in Lahore,
Pakistan on 3 November 2013 after a
long battle with throat cancer. She
was 66 years old. She is known for
her popular songs such as Lambi
Judai and Dama Dam Mast Kalandar.
She is survived by a son and a
daughter. Reshma was born in 1947
in Bikaner, Rajasthan, in a Banjara
family. She has no formal education
in music, but at the age of just 12
years, she was seen singing at the
Shahbaz Qalanders shrine.
Thereafter, her iconic song Laal
Meri was recorded on the state-run
Pakistan Radio. With this, she became
the most popular folk singer of
Pakistan. She appeared on the
television in the year 1960 and
recorded songs for not just Pakistani
film industry, but also the Indian
cinema. Some of her most popular
songs also include Hai O Rabba
nahion lagda dil mera and Ankhiyan
no rehen de ankhyan de kol kol. She
won various national awards such
a s Sitara-i-Imtiaz as wel l
a s Legends of Pakistan, by the
President of Pakistan. She performed
in India during 1980s when
exchange of artists was allowed
between India and Pakistan. Indian
filmmaker Subhash Ghai used her
voice in Hero which also featured her
most famous song Lambi Judai.
Omprakash Valmiki Omprakash Valmiki Omprakash Valmiki Omprakash Valmiki Omprakash Valmiki
Noted Dalit writer Omprakash
Valmiki passed away on 17 November
2013 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand. He
died at the age of 63 after prolonged
illness due to cancer.
Omprakash Valmiki is one of the
most famous Dalit litterateurs in Hindi
and he portrayed the life of Dalits
with an authentically Dalit voice. He
was born in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar
Pradesh in 1950. He worked with
Government Ordnance Factory
Dehradun. Valmikis
autobiography Joothan is one of his
famous works. In his
autobiography Joothan (1997) he
spoke in detail about the caste
discrimination, persecution and
humiliation tha he faced, whe he is
growing up. Joothan is regarded as a
milestone in Hindi literature. Valmikis
other works also include three
collections of poetry (in
Hi ndi ): Sadiyon ka santap (The
centuries-old anguish, 1989), Bas!
bahut ho chuka (Stop it! Thats
enough, 1997) and Ab aur
nahin (Not any more, 2009).
Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj
Ram Kripalu Tripathi Ram Kripalu Tripathi Ram Kripalu Tripathi Ram Kripalu Tripathi Ram Kripalu Tripathi,
popularly known as Jagadguru
Kripaluji Maharaj passed away on 15
November 2013 at New Delhi. He
was 91 years old. He was given the
title of Jagadguru (the world teacher)
at the age of 34 years, in 1957. Ram
Kripalu Tripathi was born in October
1922 at Allahabad, India. He was the
preceptor of Jagadguru Kripalu
Parishat, which is the worldwide
Hindu non-profit organization with 5
main spiritual centers. This is
considered as one among the largest
Hindu Temple complexes in entire
Northern Hemisphere. His
discourses were broadcasted
everyday on various religion channels
such as Zee Jagran, Aastha TV and
Sanskar TV. He authored various
books such as Prem Ras Siddhant,
Bhakti Shatak and Radha Govind
Geet. 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
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Frederick Sanger Frederick Sanger Frederick Sanger Frederick Sanger Frederick Sanger
Frederick Sanger, a British
biochemist who is the only person to
win Nobel Prize two times for
Chemistry died on 19 November
2013 in Cambridge, eastern England.
He was aged 95. For the first time,
he won the Nobel Prize in 1958 for
development of the methods, which
helped to unravel the chemical
structure of Protein, mainly insulin.
Second Nobel Prize was given to him
in 1980, jointly with Walter Gilbert
and Paul Berg for the development
of the techniques to read the
sequences of DNA, which carries the
basic code for life. By winning two
Nobel, Sanger became one of the
four people who had won the Nobel
Prizes two times. The other winners
of Nobel Prize two times are Marie
Curie, John Bardeen and Linus
Sher Choudhury Sher Choudhury Sher Choudhury Sher Choudhury Sher Choudhury
Assamese music director Sher
Choudhury passed away on 6
November 2013 at B. Baruah Cancer
Institute in Guwahati, Assam. He was
69. Sher Choudhury received
National Award for best music
director for the Gautam Bora
directed film Wosobi po i n Wosobi po i n Wosobi po i n Wosobi po i n Wosobi po i n
1990. 1990. 1990. 1990. 1990. His first film as music director
was Prothom Ragini, directed by late
Dhiru Bhuyan, for which he received
an award from EIMPA. Sher
Choudhury had also composed
music for Sanjib Hazarikas national-
award winning film Halodhar. He
gave music for award-winning films
like Mimangsha, I Killed Him Sir,
Raag Birag, Adajyo, Rongbin,
Chakrabehu, Nissihido Nodi, Ahir-
Bhairav and Dwaar-The Voyage
Out. He also won best music
director award for Raag Birag,
Adajyo and Nishiddho Nodi in
Assam. He composed music for
several documentary films and
directed the documentary Sound of
the dying Colours which won the
best promotional national film award.
Tarla Dalal Tarla Dalal Tarla Dalal Tarla Dalal Tarla Dalal
Tarla Dalal, one of the first
celebrity chefs of India as well as
prolific cookbook writer died on 6
November 2013 due to heart attack
in Mumbai. She was 77 years old and
is survived by three children. She
authored more than 100 cookbooks
which sold three million copies. Her
website is the largest
food website of Asia.
Doris Lessing Doris Lessing Doris Lessing Doris Lessing Doris Lessing
British Nobel Prize-winning
author Doris Lessing was died on 17
November 2013 at London.She was
94 years old. Her best-known works
a r e The Golden Notebook, The Golden Notebook, The Golden Notebook, The Golden Notebook, The Golden Notebook,
Memoirs of a Survivor Memoirs of a Survivor Memoirs of a Survivor Memoirs of a Survivor Memoirs of a Survivor and The The The The The
Summer Before the Dark. Summer Before the Dark. Summer Before the Dark. Summer Before the Dark. Summer Before the Dark. In her
life time she wrote more than 80
books, including poetry, two operas,
short stories, plays and non-fiction. In
2007, the 88-year-old Doris Lessing
became the oldest recipient of oldest recipient of oldest recipient of oldest recipient of oldest recipient of
the Nobel Prize in the Nobel Prize in the Nobel Prize in the Nobel Prize in the Nobel Prize in
Literature. Literature. Literature. Literature. Literature. and onl y the 11th
woman to win the award. Doris
Lessing was born on 22 October
1919, in Kermanshah, Iran. When she
was 3, the family settled in southern
Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
Her debut novel The Grass is The Grass is The Grass is The Grass is The Grass is
Singing Singing Singing Singing Singing was published in 1950 and
she made her breakthrough with The
Golden Notebook in 1962. Her first
novel, The Grass is Singing is about a
woman trapped in a doomed
marriage in a troubled country, a
stinging critique of racial politics in
the former Rhodesia.
Ishwar Das Rohani Ishwar Das Rohani Ishwar Das Rohani Ishwar Das Rohani Ishwar Das Rohani
Iswardas Rohani, the speaker of
the Madhya Pradesh Assembly died
on 5 November 2013 due to cardiac
arrest at Jabalpur. He was the speaker
of the assembly of Madhya Pradesh
from 2003. He was 67. BJP fielded
him from the Jabalpurs Cantt
segment for the elections of the state
to be held on 25 November 2013. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
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Shoma Chaudhury Shoma Chaudhury Shoma Chaudhury Shoma Chaudhury Shoma Chaudhury
Shoma Chaudhury, managing
editor of Tehelka, on 27 November
2013 announced her resignation from
the Tehelka, an investigative
This resignation came in the
wake of the sexual harassment case
in which a young Tehelka reporter
alleged that the magazines editor in
chief Tarun Tejpal had sexually
assaulted her during an event the
magazines group conducted in Goa.
Shoma Chaudhurys resignation came
after six other senior journalists quit
the magazine after the alleged sexual
assault came to light.
Writers including Jay
Mazoomdaar, Ayesha Siddiqa, Revati
Laul and Rana Ayyub put in their
papers following the incident.
Tehelka magazines editor in chief
Tarun Tejpal also stepped down as
editor following allegations of sexual
assault on 21 November 2013.
Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal
The Chairman of Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development
Authority (PFRDA), Yogesh Agarwal
resigned from the post of Chairman
on 13 November 2013. He resigned
because of the Governments
decision to not allow him to be a part
of the selection panel for members
of the regulator. In the meanwhile,
Joint Secretary Anup Wadhawan was
appointed as the new Chairman of
PFRDA by the Finance Ministry. It is
important to note that Yogesh
Agarwal had one and half years more
as his tenure of the Chairman.
Valdis Dombrovskis Valdis Dombrovskis Valdis Dombrovskis Valdis Dombrovskis Valdis Dombrovskis
The Latvian Prime Minister,
Valdis Dombrovskis announced his
resignation and thereby the fall of the
Government on 27 November 2013.
He resigned due to the deadly
collapse of Maxima supermarket of
Riga on 21 November 2013. His
announcement came during the
meeting with Andris Berzins, the
President of Latvia. Dombrovskis is
the longest serving prime minister in
Latvias history.
About 54 people died in the
collapse of the supermarket. This
collapse is the biggest loss of life in
the country since its independence
from the USSR in 1991. The police
had opened a criminal investigation
into the cause of the disaster. The
possible explanations to the collapse
include a flawed design,
substandard construction materials,
and corruption. Further it depends
on the President, Andris Berzins to
accept or reject the resignation and
nominate an acting Prime Minister,
who will be responsible to form a
new cabinet.
Birth of Cinema Birth of Cinema Birth of Cinema Birth of Cinema Birth of Cinema
The book entitled Birth of
Cinema written by N. Gopal Krishna
was released at ICFFI media centre
by a Journalist T. Udayawarluon 18
November 2013. The book
comprises of details related to the
advanced cinematic technologies
like the 3D shootings and Voice
enhancements and others, which
were popularized by the Hollywood
He is a film maker of Andhra
Pradesh. During the launch, he said
that the Government patronization of
the children films, which should be
in the form of providing cinema halls,
publicity and lower entertainment
7th Edition of Indian 7th Edition of Indian 7th Edition of Indian 7th Edition of Indian 7th Edition of Indian
Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014
The Union Health and Family 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9
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Welfare Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad
released the 7th edition of Indian
Pharmacopoeia 2014 a book of
Drug Standards at the Nirman Bhawan
on 4 November 2013.
About the book- Indian About the book- Indian About the book- Indian About the book- Indian About the book- Indian
Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014
The book entitled Indian
Pharmacopoeia 2014 includes
the standards of drug all over
the world. These standards
given in this pharmacopoeia are
authoritative, legally
enforceable and intended to
help in the inspection and
licensing of manufacturing
units and distribution of drugs
and pharmaceuticals.
The new edition includes
advanced technology and
experimental methods widely
adopted in India and abroad.
The seventh edition of the
Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP
2014) has been published by
the Indian Pharmacopoeia
Commission (IPC) in fulfillment
of the requirements of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
and Rules thereunder.
It prescribes the standards for
drugs produced and/or
marketed in India and thus
contributes in the control and
assurance of the quality of the
The Indian Pharmacopoeia
2014 is presented in four
The scope of the
Pharmacopoeia has been
extended to include products
of biotechnology, indigenous
herbs and herbal products,
veterinary vaccines and
additional antiretroviral drugs
and formulations, inclusive of
commonly used fixed-dose
Standards for new drugs and
drugs used under National
Health Programmes are added
and the drugs as well as their
formulations not in use now
days are omitted from this
It incorporates 2548
monographs of drugs out of
which 577 are new
monographs consisting of APIs,
excipients, dosage forms,
antibiotic monographs, insulin
products and herbal products
19 New Radiopharmaceutical
Monographs and 1 General
chapter is first time being
included in this edition.
Objective of Indian Objective of Indian Objective of Indian Objective of Indian Objective of Indian
Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014 Pharmacopoeia 2014
The Indian Pharmacopoeia
2014 will be able to fulfill the mission
of the Indian Pharmacopoeia
Commission to promote public
health, both in India and other
countries using drugs manufactured
in India.
Maimaar-E-Qaun Maimaar-E-Qaun Maimaar-E-Qaun Maimaar-E-Qaun Maimaar-E-Qaun
Hamid Ansari, the Vice
President of India on 21 November
2013 released a book entitled
Maimaar-E-Qaun-Dr. A. R. Kidwai.
The book has been edited by Mufti
Ataur Rahman Ansari. Dr A.R.
Kidwai has been compiled in the
book creatively. He was a learned
scientist and served as a professor at
Aligarh Muslim University. He
contributed in the formation of
Mewat Development Board in
Momentous Times Momentous Times Momentous Times Momentous Times Momentous Times
The Vice President of India, M.
Hamid Ansari released a book
entitled Momentous Times on the
175 years of Times of India at a
function in New Delhi on 11
November 2013.
The Momentous Times is the
fine collection and is the quick
glimpse of a selective history. The
book is an effort of the Times of India
Group. The book brings together
175 landmark events, from 1838 to
2013, as seen through the eyes of
Times of India. The book provides a
glimpse on how dramatically our
country has changed in this one-and-
three-quarter century.
150th birth celebrations of 150th birth celebrations of 150th birth celebrations of 150th birth celebrations of 150th birth celebrations of
Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda
Jitin Prasada, the Union Minister
of State for Human Resources
Development on 28 November 2013
released a music album to
commemorate 150th birth
celebrations of Swami Vivekananda.
The released album contains original
poem of Swami Vivekananda among
others. The poems have been sung
by Akshayaa Vibho and Amrutaa
Vibho 11 year old twin sisters from
Delhi. Akshayaa Vibho has rendered
the song and Amrutaa Vibho has
accompanied on the acoustic
drums. Akshayaa learns Hindustani
classical vocal from Pandit Sitangshu
Chaudhary of Rampur Sehaswan
Gharana. She also specializes in 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
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rendering of patriotic songs and film
songs of Lata Mangeshkar. Whereas,
Amrutaa is being trained under the
legendary mridanga vidwan Dr. T. K.
Murthy, international drum star Shri
Sivamani and Shri Chandrakant
Mohanti of Bollywood fame. Amrutaa
is the only the youngest female drum
player in India.
Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao Prof CNR Rao
Eminent Scientist and Bharat
Ratna Awardee Prof CNR Rao was on
4 November 2013 elected as
honorary foreign member of Chinese
Academy of Science (CAS). He is first
Indian to be elected to this
prestigious Chinese Academy of
Science (CAS) which comprises of
many Nobel laureates and eminent
scientist across the world.
CNR Rao has been elected to
almost all scientific academies of the
world including The Royal Society-
London, National Academy of
Science-USA, Pontifical Academy of
Science, Japan Academy and Royal
Spanish Academy of Sciences,
among others.
Miss Venezuela Gabriela Isler Miss Venezuela Gabriela Isler Miss Venezuela Gabriela Isler Miss Venezuela Gabriela Isler Miss Venezuela Gabriela Isler
Gabriela Isler from Venezuela
won Miss Universe 2013 contest on 9
November 2013 held at Crocus City
Hall in Moscow, Russia. Patricia
Yurena Rodriguez from Spain
finished as the first runner-up,
whereas Constanza Baez from
Ecuador was the second runner up.
Manasi Moghe from India had been
shortlisted for the top 10 finalists of
Miss Universe 2013 but failed to win
the crown.
Miss Universe is the oldest
International beauty pageant. The
top 10 finalists comprised India,
Dominican Republic, Venezuela,
Ukraine, Ecuador, USA, Brazil, Great
Britain, Spain and Philippines. Top 5
finalists included Ecuador, Spain,
Brazil, Philippines, Venezuela. Mara
Gabriela Isler was born on 21 April
1988 in Valencia, Carabobo,
Venezuela. She is a Venezuelan
fashion model and beauty pageant
titleholder who was crowned Miss
Venezuela 2012. She is the third Miss
Universe from Venezuela in 6 years.
Commemorative Coins on Commemorative Coins on Commemorative Coins on Commemorative Coins on Commemorative Coins on
Abul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad
The Union Finance Minister
P.Chidambaram released a
Commemorative Coin of 20 Rupees a
circulation coin of 5 Rupees to mark
the culmination of the 125th Birth
Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam
Azad at New Delhi on 11 November
2013. 2013 marked the culmination
of 125th Birth Anniversary of Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad. Maulana Azad was
one of Indias most prominent
freedom fighters, who espoused the
cause of an undivided India.
He was the first Minister of
Education of India and was also
awarded countrys highest civilian
award, the Bharat Ratna in 1992. On
that occasion, two commemorative
coins were brought out by the
Ministry of Finance.
Wi pha Wi pha Wi pha Wi pha Wi pha
A powerful typhoon Wipha on
16 October 2013 caused landslides
and flooding on Izu Oshima Island,
South of Tokyo. The storm brought
strong winds and record rainfall -
122mm (4.8 inches) in one hour to
Izu Oshima Island, which lies some
120km (75 miles) south of Tokyo. It
caused damage to property and
human lives. Wipha is the equivalent
of a category 3 hurricane. Wipha is 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1
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the 12th typhoon and 26th named
storm of the west Pacific typhoon
It was the strongest storm to
impact the region since Typhoon
Tokage in October, 2004.
44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film
Festival of India Festival of India Festival of India Festival of India Festival of India
The 44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film 44th International Film
Festival of India (IFFI) Festival of India (IFFI) Festival of India (IFFI) Festival of India (IFFI) Festival of India (IFFI) began at
Panaji in Goa on 20 November 2013
with great fanfare. Academy award
winning actress Suasan Sarandon
inaugurated the 11- day cinematic
extravaganza by lighting the
traditional lamp in the distinguished
presence of Union Minister of
Information and Broadcasting Manish
Tewari, Goa Chief Minister Manohar
Parriker and a galaxy of cine stars. The
44th International Film Festival of
India. A package of 19 films from the
North-East will explore the immense
ethnic, traditional and cultural
diversity in the 8 states of North- East.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is
being conferred on the legendary
Czech fi l m di rector Ji ri Ji ri Ji ri Ji ri Ji ri
Menzel Menzel Menzel Menzel Menzel whose films have been
acknowledged as the Czech New
Wave Cinema. Renowned
actress Waheeda Rehamn Waheeda Rehamn Waheeda Rehamn Waheeda Rehamn Waheeda Rehamn will be
conferred with the first Centenary Centenary Centenary Centenary Centenary
Award Award Award Award Award for Indian Film Personality of
the Year.
The 44th IFFI will
showcase Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese films in
t he country focus section country focus section country focus section country focus section country focus section. Czech
JUANS JUANS JUANS JUANS JUANS directed by Jiri Menzel will
open the 44th International Film
Festival of India. Indian Panorama
category comprises of 26 feature films
and 16 non-feature films from
contemporary Indian cinema.
India (from 20 to 30 November 2013)
is organized by the IFFI Secretariat
under the aegis of the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India, in collaboration
with the Government of Goa. A variety
of film screening programmes,
academic sessions and cultural
exchange programmes will mark the
occasi on. Around 160 foreign 160 foreign 160 foreign 160 foreign 160 foreign
film film film film films are to be showcased in this
edition under various categories.
44th edition of IFFI is unique on
several accounts. The festival would
highlight for the first time Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema
from the North Eastern from the North Eastern from the North Eastern from the North Eastern from the North Eastern states of
About IFFI About IFFI About IFFI About IFFI About IFFI
The International Film Festival
of India (IFFI) is one of the most
significant film festivals in Asia,
held every year every year every year every year every year. It aims at providing
a common platform for the cinemas
of the world to project the
excellence of the film art,
contributing to the understanding
and appreciation of film cultures of
different nations in the context of
their social and cultural ethos, and
promoting friendship and
cooperation among people of the
world. The first edition of IFFI was
organized by the Films Division,
Government of India at Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai
1952. 1952. 1952. 1952. 1952.
22nd Commonwealth Heads 22nd Commonwealth Heads 22nd Commonwealth Heads 22nd Commonwealth Heads 22nd Commonwealth Heads
Of Government Meeting Of Government Meeting Of Government Meeting Of Government Meeting Of Government Meeting
The 22nd Commonwealth
Heads of Government Meeting,
CHOGM began in Colombo, Sri Lanka
on 15 November 2013. The Summit
was inaugurated by Prince Charles of
England, who is representing Queen
Elizabeth at the Commonwealth
Summit. The theme for CHOGM 2013
i s Growth with Equity; Inclusive Growth with Equity; Inclusive Growth with Equity; Inclusive Growth with Equity; Inclusive Growth with Equity; Inclusive
Development. Development. Development. Development. Development. The official symbol
for CHOGM is Water lily flower. Water lily flower. Water lily flower. Water lily flower. Water lily flower. 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2
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The logo symbolises the blue
water lily (Nil Manel), the national
flower of Sri Lanka. The multi coloured
petals represent the diversity,
liveliness and unity among different
Commonwealth countries within a
global perspective.
External Affairs
Mi ni st er Salman Khurshid Salman Khurshid Salman Khurshid Salman Khurshid Salman Khurshid i s
represented the India in the 22nd
Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM). This
year, CHOGM in Sri Lanka, the first
time an Asian country is hosting the
summit in 24 years. The last CHOGM
Summit (in 2011) was held at Perth,
The Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM) is
hel d every two years every two years every two years every two years every two years to enable
leaders of Commonwealth countries
to come together to discuss global
and Commonwealth issues, and to
decide on collective policies and
initiatives. Every CHOGM is jointly
organized by the host country and
the Commonwealth Secretariat.
These biennial meetings serve as the
principal policy and decision-making
forum to guide the strategic direction
of the association. Commonwealth
leaders have been coming together
for discussions since 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949, but the
title Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting was adopted
during a session in Singapore
i n 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971. This specific classification
was used to depict the gathering of
both presidents and prime ministers
in the event. One unique aspect of
the meeting is that the formal opening
ceremony and the formal Executive
Session are followed by a where
leaders meet privately for discussions.
With an informal atmosphere, this
session allows heads of state to freely
and frankly exchange their views on
important issues and come to a
consensus. Previous CHOGMs have
focused on a range of global issues,
including international peace and
security, democracy, climate change,
multilateral trade issues, good
governance, sustainable
development, small states, debt
management, education,
environment, gender equality, health,
human rights, information and
communication technology, and
youth affairs. The theme of the 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
C H O G M C H O G M C H O G M C H O G M C H O G M i n P e r t h , P e r t h , P e r t h , P e r t h , P e r t h ,
A u s t r a l i a , A u s t r a l i a , A u s t r a l i a , A u s t r a l i a , A u s t r a l i a , w a s B u i l d i n g B u i l d i n g B u i l d i n g B u i l d i n g B u i l d i n g
National Resilience, Building National Resilience, Building National Resilience, Building National Resilience, Building National Resilience, Building
Global Resilience. Global Resilience. Global Resilience. Global Resilience. Global Resilience.
Fi tow Fi tow Fi tow Fi tow Fi tow
Typhoon Fitow Fitow Fitow Fitow Fitow slammed into
Southeastern China on 7 October
2013 with powerful winds and heavy
rains. The tropical cyclone Fitow
st ruck Fuding city of Fujian Fuding city of Fujian Fuding city of Fujian Fuding city of Fujian Fuding city of Fujian
province province province province province with winds of up to 151
kilometers (94 miles) an hour. The
typhoon also killed at least five
people and impacted three million
people. More than half a million
people had been evacuated and
fishing boats were called back to
shore and authorities issued a red
alert. The provincial flood relief
agency in Zhejiang stated that
574000 people had been evacuated
by 6 October 2013 evening and
35800 vessels returned to shore.
Fujians government stated 177000
people had been moved to safety and
nearly 30000 fishing boats called
back. The typhoon cut power in
towns and counties in Zhejiang
province while high-speed rail
services in the region were
suspended. At least 27 flights out of
Wenzhou airport in Zhejiang were
canceled on 6 October 2013.
Typhoon Fitow came just weeks
after Typhoon Usagi Typhoon Usagi Typhoon Usagi Typhoon Usagi Typhoon Usagi killed at least
25 peopl e i n southern southern southern southern southern
Guangdong province Guangdong province Guangdong province Guangdong province Guangdong province. Typhoon
Fitow named after a flower.
Gargee Ghosh Gargee Ghosh Gargee Ghosh Gargee Ghosh Gargee Ghosh
Barack Obama, the President of
US on 21 November 2013 appointed
an Indian-American Gargee Ghosh to
a key administration post as the
member of the Presidents Global
Development Council.
At present, Ghosh is the Director
of Policy Analysis and Financing
(PAF) at Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, since 2012. From 2004
to 2009, Gargee Ghosh also held roles
in global health and international
economics with the Gates
Before the Gates Foundation,
Ghosh served McKinsey & Company
as a Senior Expert in the international
development practice. She also
worked at the Google and the Centre
for Global Development. At
University of California San Franciscos
Global Health Group, she is a member
of the advisory board.
Mahatma Gandhis Charkha Mahatma Gandhis Charkha Mahatma Gandhis Charkha Mahatma Gandhis Charkha Mahatma Gandhis Charkha
Charkha of Mahatma Gandhi that
he used in Yerwada Jail during the
Quit India Movement was auctioned
in UK on 5 November 2013 for
110000 (1.1 crore rupees
approximately) at England. The
charkha of Mahatma Gandhi is about
eight decades old. His last/final will
was also auctioned over 20000 (19
lakh rupees approximately) for
historical documents and artefacts by
the Mullocks Auction house in
Shropshire, England. The name of the 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
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buyer was kept secret by the buyer.
The Charkha made by Indian teak
was gifted by Mahatma Gandhi to
Revd Floyd A Puffer, an American
Free Methodist missionary in 1935.
Whereas. His will was written at
Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarati. The will
succeeded the will dated 1921 that
was sold at an earlier auction by
First Advanced Light First Advanced Light First Advanced Light First Advanced Light First Advanced Light
Helicopter squadron Helicopter squadron Helicopter squadron Helicopter squadron Helicopter squadron
Indian Navy on 12 November
2013 commissioned the first
Advanced Light Weight Helicopters
Squadron at Southern Command,
Kochi, Kerala. This squadron of
Advanced Light Weight Helicopters
will help Indian Navy for search and
rescue operations during night hours
in a more effective manner. The Navy
has transformed Dhruv helicopters
into an advance search and rescue
helicopter according to the
The newly commissioned
Squadron named Indian Naval Air Indian Naval Air Indian Naval Air Indian Naval Air Indian Naval Air
Squadron (INAS) 322 Squadron (INAS) 322 Squadron (INAS) 322 Squadron (INAS) 322 Squadron (INAS) 322 i s an
exclusive group of Dhruv
Helicopters, which was designed
and manufactured by Hindustan
Aeronautics Ltd. Bangalore. The
Dhruv helicopters are being
operational at INAS Garuda, the Naval
Air Station at Kochi since March 2002
and being used for missions
including rescue operations. It has
proven her mettle in many rescue
operations during the last nine years.
Dhruv is one among the few
helicopters in the world, which is
capable of night search and rescue
operations over the sea.
3rd BRICS International 3rd BRICS International 3rd BRICS International 3rd BRICS International 3rd BRICS International
Competition Conference Competition Conference Competition Conference Competition Conference Competition Conference
Prime Minister of India Dr.
Manmohan Singh on 21 November
2013 inaugurated the 3rd BRICS
International Competition
Conference in New Delhi. The theme
of the conference is: Competition Competition Competition Competition Competition
Services Administration) upgraded it
into a tropical depression and named
it Santi. It gradually intensified into a
Tropical Storm, gaining the
international name Nari 9 October
Nari continued to intensify, and
reached Category 3 status on 11
October as it moved west towards
the Philippines and made landfall in
Dingalan, Aurora.
Enforcement in BRICS Enforcement in BRICS Enforcement in BRICS Enforcement in BRICS Enforcement in BRICS
Countries: Issues and Countries: Issues and Countries: Issues and Countries: Issues and Countries: Issues and
Challenges. Challenges. Challenges. Challenges. Challenges. The parti ci pati ng
countries are BRICS Nations: Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa.
The two-day conference is organised
by Competition Commission of India
(CCI) on behalf of BRICS countries.
The aim of the conference is to
discuss various issues and challenges
in competition enforcement in BRICS
The conference would focus
on issues and challenges in setting
up an effective agency, enforcement
related to state owned enterprises,
public procurement and creation of
competition culture. During the
conference, Competition
Commission of India will sign a
Memorandum of Understanding with
European Union on competition
Nari Nari Nari Nari Nari
Typhoon Nari hit hard the
northern part of Philippines on 13
October 2013. The government
issued a storm warning for the east of
the region. Typhoon Nari is the 19th
storm to hit the disaster-prone
More than 43000 people
displaced by the storm. The
Philippines are hit by some 20
typhoons each year. A tropical
disturbance formed in the Philippine
sea from an area of convection. The
PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical
Integrated Processing Integrated Processing Integrated Processing Integrated Processing Integrated Processing
Development Scheme (IPDS) Development Scheme (IPDS) Development Scheme (IPDS) Development Scheme (IPDS) Development Scheme (IPDS)
The Cabinet Committee on
Economic Affairs on 30 October
2013 approved the launching of a
new Integrated Processing
Development Scheme (IPDS) with a
total cost of 500 crore rupees during
the 12th Five Year Plan and to
establish four to six brown field
projects and three to five green field
projects addressing the
environmental issues faced by Textile
Processing Units. The eligible projects
under the scheme would cover the
(i) Common Effluent Treatment
Plant (CETP),
(ii) Captive power generation on
technology preferably
renewable/green technology,
(iii) Infrastructure such as storm
water management, necessary
roads and pipelines for water
& wastewater and
(iv) Facility for testing and R&D
centres. 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4
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The Scheme will facilitate the
textiles industry become globally
competitive using environmentally
friendly processing standards and
technology and create new
processing parks. This scheme will
support the upgradation of existing
processing clusters/centres
specifically in the area of water and
waste water management and also
encourage research and
development work in the textiles
processing sector.
IAF Aqua Scullers IAF Aqua Scullers IAF Aqua Scullers IAF Aqua Scullers IAF Aqua Scullers
Air Marshal HB Rajaram on 13
November 2013 flagged in IAF
(Indian Air Force) Aqua Scullers on
the successful completion of their
white water rafting expedition on the
Ganges from Gangotri (at an altitude
of 3049 mtrs) to Ganga Sagar in West
Bengal. It is worth noticing that the
River Ganges is known to be one of
the most challenging rivers in the
world for White Water rafting. The
Himalayan portion of the river from
Gangotri (at 3049 mtrs) to Haridwar
(at 295 mtrs) is considered one of the
most treacherous white water
stretches in the world, with forceful
Grade IV and V rapids. IAF Aqua
Scullers completed the expedition
by overcoming challenges in the
record time of 16 days. Also, this is
the first and the most unique kind of
expedition undertaken by the Indian
Armed Forces.
Milestones Achieved During Milestones Achieved During Milestones Achieved During Milestones Achieved During Milestones Achieved During
the Expedi ti on the Expedi ti on the Expedi ti on the Expedi ti on the Expedi ti on
This was the longest Rafting
expedition ever in India and
covered 3000 km.
It took shortest duration ever to
raft down the entire length of
Ganga. The IAF expedition
took 16 days with larger
distance traversed while the
ITBP expedition took 53 days.
The Indian Armed Forces
completed the longest non
stop rafting at a stretch in a
single day. On 23 October
2013, the team rafted
continuously for 15 hrs from
Jalalpur (near Garmukteshwar)
to Rajghat (near Anupshahar)
in Uttar Pradesh.
In the meanwhile, the IAF also
covered the longest distance
by the raft in a single day. On 3
November 2013, more than 300
kms were covered from
Ramakantapura iron bridge to
Barrackpore in West Bengal.
What is White Water Rafting? What is White Water Rafting? What is White Water Rafting? What is White Water Rafting? What is White Water Rafting?
Rafting is primarily a challenging
recreational outdoor activity by
making use of a raft in order to
navigate the river or a water
Rafting or White Water Rafting
is usually done on white water
or the different degree of
rough water.
White Water is basically formed
in the rapid when the gradient
of a river increases so much that
it disturbs the laminar flow to
create turbulence.
White Water Rafting became a
popular leisure sport since mid
1970s. It is the extreme
adventure sport and can also
be fatal.
Phailin Phailin Phailin Phailin Phailin
The cyclonic storm Phailin in
the second week of October 2013
hit the Andaman and Nicobar islands
and moved northwestwards early this
morning and presently lay centred
about 800 km South East of Paradip
in Odisha. It is expected to reach the
coast of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh
in the next 48 to 72 hours. The system
will intensify into a severe cyclonic
storm during the next 12 hours.
Fishermen have been asked not to
venture into sea and those gone
deep inside the sea have been asked
to return to the coast.
Meanwhile the Odisha
government has issued a high alert
and cancelled the Dusshera holidays
of employees in 14 districts. It has
been decided to deploy Odisha
Disaster Rapid Action Force teams in
the 14 districts. The State government
has also asked all the cyclone-prone
district authorities to stock up food
and relief materials at cyclone
International Heavy Minerals International Heavy Minerals International Heavy Minerals International Heavy Minerals International Heavy Minerals
Conference 2013 Conference 2013 Conference 2013 Conference 2013 Conference 2013
The 9th International Heavy
Minerals Conference (HMC 2013) was
held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh from 27 to 29 November
2013. The biennial International
conference is ninth in a series of
conferences that focus on the heavy
minerals industry.
This International conference
was held for the first time in India by
the Mining Engineers Association of
India (MEAI) in collaboration with
and support from the Government of
India, other professional organisations
and industry.
The Conference theme is: The Conference theme is: The Conference theme is: The Conference theme is: The Conference theme is:
Overcoming New Challenges. Overcoming New Challenges. Overcoming New Challenges. Overcoming New Challenges. Overcoming New Challenges.
The aim of HMC 2013 was to
discuss the technical, managerial,
business opportunities and
challenges facing the sector
Delegates attended the
conference including from Australia,
Canada, Africa, US, China, Vietnam,
Srilanka and Europe. The earlier
editions of the conference were held
in diverse places as Cape Town (SA),
Jacksonville (US) Fermantle &
Perth(Australia) etc. The first
conference held in Kwazulu Natal
(SA) and the previous conference
held in Perth. 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5
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BrahMos Supersonic Cruise BrahMos Supersonic Cruise BrahMos Supersonic Cruise BrahMos Supersonic Cruise BrahMos Supersonic Cruise
Missile Missile Missile Missile Missile
India on 18 November 2013
successfully test-fired the advanced
version of the BrahMos supersonic
cruise missile from the Pokhran test
firing range in Rajasthan. The block
III variant of BrahMos with deep
penetration capability was test
launched from a Mobile Autonomous
Launcher (MAL). The missile after
launch followed the predetermined
trajectory and successfully pierced
the designated concrete structure.
The 290-km range BrahMos flies
at a speed of 2.8 Mach and carries a
conventional warhead of up to 300
kg. The missile can be launched from
multiple platforms including land,
sea, sub-sea and air. Both the Army
and Navy have already inducted the
missile in service, while the air-version
of the weapon is scheduled to be
flight tested by the IAF soon.
Agni -1 Agni -1 Agni -1 Agni -1 Agni -1
India successfully test fired the
indigenous Agni-1 missile from
Wheeler Island off Odisha coast on 8
November 2013. The user trial of the
12 ton bomb was conducted from
Chandipur in Balasore district of
Odisha. The surface to surface
missile Agni-1 was launched from a
mobile launcher. It can travel a
distance of 700 kilometers. The 15
meter long missile can carry a payload
of 1000 kilogram. It has a specialized
navigation system that ensures it to
reach the target with a high degree
of accuracy and precision. Agni-I
was developed by the advance
systems laboratory, the premier
missile development laboratory of the
DRDO and was collaborated with the
Defence Research Development
Laboratory and the Research Centre
Imarat and integrated by the Bharat
Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad. The
sophisticated Agni-1 was for the last
time was successfully carried out on
12 December 2012 from the same
Cyclone Lehar Cyclone Lehar Cyclone Lehar Cyclone Lehar Cyclone Lehar
The cyclonic storm Lehar Lehar Lehar Lehar Lehar on
27 November 2013 hit the Andhra
Pradesh coast and caused severe
damage in the coastal region. The
tropical cyclone Lehar was centered
about 520 km east-southeast of
Machillipatnam and 470 km southeast
of Kakinada in Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal. The
nine coastal districts of Andhra
Pradesh are highly affected in the
region and coastal area of Odisha also
After cycl one Phailin Phailin Phailin Phailin Phailin a nd
cycl one Helen Helen Helen Helen Helen, this is the third
severe cyclone within a month.
Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai
As per the data released by the
Internet and Mobile Association of
India (IAMAI) on 6 November 2013,
Mumbai emerged as the city with
highest internet penetration in India.
Bangalore which is considered as the
information technology (IT) capital of
the country was the sixth in the list of
internet penetration with 3.8 million
internet users. Mumbai has 12 million
internet users, followed by Delhi with
8.1 million users and Hyderabad with
4.7 million users. Kolkata emerged as
the city with highest growth of
internet users in 2013. The city
registered a 47 percent rise in
internet adoption. Ahmedabad
registered the lowest growth rate
among the top eight cities at 26
Services Conclave 2013 Services Conclave 2013 Services Conclave 2013 Services Conclave 2013 Services Conclave 2013
The Union Minister of
Commerce and Industry Anand
Sharma inaugurated Services
Conclave 2013 on 12 November
2013. During the occasion, Anand
Sharma highlighted that services
trade is an essential ingredient to
economic growth, sustainable
development and contributes
prominently to employment
generation. It is worth noticing that
80 percent of Indias total exports are
dominated by the high skilled
services including software business
services, financial services and
communication services. Also,
exports from IT&ITES in the year
2012 stood at 1.40 lakh crores Rupees,
registering a growth of over 70
percent over the year 2011. 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6
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About Services Conclave About Services Conclave About Services Conclave About Services Conclave About Services Conclave
2013 2013 2013 2013 2013
Services Conclave 2013 has the
focus on few select sectors that
have the potential for Indias
service sector export strategy.
The Services Conclave 2013
will deliberate on a roadmap for
augmenting exports of various
services so as not only to
diversify India s services
exports but also to position
India as a key player in world
services trade.
The Conclave is organised by
the Department of Commerce
in collaboration with the
Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII) with support
from the Federation of Indian
Export Organisations (FIEO)
and Centre for WTO Studies
The primary aim of the
Conclave will be to address
issues relating to the challenges
and opportunities of Services
sector exports for India
especially in the specific
sectors of logistics, professional
services (Architectural
services, accountancy,
management consultancy
services), IT/ITeS, telecom
services, tourism, health and
medical services and creativity
and entertainment services.
Sel f i e Sel f i e Sel f i e Sel f i e Sel f i e
The word Selfie Selfie Selfie Selfie Selfie was named
as word of the year by Oxford
Dictionaries on 19 November 2013.
Selfie Selfie Selfie Selfie Selfie, (Noun) means: a photograph
that one has taken of oneself, typically
one taken with a smartphone or
webcam and uploaded to a social
media website. The word has
evolved from a niche social media tag
into a mainstream term for a self-
portrait photograph. Other shortlisted
words included twerk twerk twerk twerk twerk- a raunchy
dance move performed by Miley
Cyrus - and binge-watch binge-watch binge-watch binge-watch binge-watch -
meaning watching lots of
TV. Schmeat Schmeat Schmeat Schmeat Schmeat, meaning a form of
meat synthetically produced from
biological tissue, was also a
contender. Selfie was added to in August
2013, although the Word of the Year
selection is made irrespective of
whether the candidates are already
included in an Oxford dictionary. The
other words that were shortlisted
include: bedroom tax bedroom tax bedroom tax bedroom tax bedroom tax, meaning a
reduction in the amount of housing
benefit paid to a claimant if the
propert y; bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin a digital
currency in which transactions can
be performed without the need for a
central bank and olinguito olinguito olinguito olinguito olinguito, a small
furry mammal found in mountain
forests in Colombia and Ecuador.
Dhanush Dhanush Dhanush Dhanush Dhanush
India on 23 November 2013
successfully test-fired its nuclear-
capable Dhanush ballistic missile
from a naval ship off Odisha coast.
The surface-to-surface surface-to-surface surface-to-surface surface-to-surface surface-to-surface Dhanush,
a naval variant of Indias indigenously
developed Prithvi Prithvi Prithvi Prithvi Prithvi missile, was test
fired from a location at Bay of Bengal
by the Srategic Force Command of
the defence force. The single-stage,
liquid propelled Dhanush has already
been inducted into the armed
services. It is one of the five missiles
developed by the Defence Research
and Development Organisation
under the Integrated Guided Missile
Development Programme. Dhanush
missile is capable of carrying
conventional as well as nuclear
payload of 500 to 1000 kg and hit
both land and sea-based targets.
Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
and the Embassy of Sweden on 9
November 2013 jointly unveiled
a Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall Nobel Memorial Wall at Rajiv
Chowk metro station, Delhi. The aim
of exhibiting this wall is to spread
awareness about all the Nobel
Laureates of India, with a focus on
Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. The
wall at the Rajiv Chowk metro station
was unveiled by Delhi Metro Rail
Corporations Managing Director
Mangu Singh and the Ambassador of
Sweden Harald Sandberg. The wall
has been created as part of
celebrations of Sweden India Nobel
Memorial Week that started on 8
November 2013.
This year(2013) the Nobel
Memorial Week is dedicated to
Rabindranath Tagores centenary of
winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.
The Nobel Memorial Wall has a bust
of Tagore against the original text of
his Nobel Prize nomination, which
has been procured by the Swedish
Embassy from the Swedish Academy.
The Nobel Memorial Wall also has the
portraits of the seven Nobel
Laureates from India: Rabindranath
Tagore, CV Raman, Dr Hargobind
Khorana, Mother Teresa,
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,
Amartya Sen and Venkatraman
Ramakrishnan and provided details
about their contribution to society
and a panel each on Alfred Nobel
and the Nobel Prizes.
Hawk 132 Hawk 132 Hawk 132 Hawk 132 Hawk 132
Indian Navy on 6 November
2013 inducted the fourth generation
advanced jet trainer aircraft Hawk
132 at a ceremony held at the Naval 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7
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Air Station INS Dega at
Visakhapatnam. Hawk 132 is an
aircraft operating with over 24
countries around the world. The
aircraft was built by the Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) with
Transfer of Technology from M/s
British Aerospace, UK. Hawk 132 is
equipped with advanced and
reliable navigation systems and it is
able to deploy an impressive array of
weaponry including air-to-air missiles,
air-to-ground rockets, bombs and
guns. The HOTAS (Hands on Throttle
and Stick) system on the control
column enables the pilot to make
weapon selections without
maneuvering his hands. The Indian
Air Force is also operating these
aircraft for training of their pilots. The
induction of the sophisticated aircraft
will boost the training of combat pilots
in the Navy for helping them learn
advanced fighter flying.
Constitution Day in India Constitution Day in India Constitution Day in India Constitution Day in India Constitution Day in India
Constitution Day was observed
across India on 26 November 2013
to honour the Constitution of India.
The Constitution of India was
adopted by the Constituent
Assembly on 26 November 1949,
which came into force on 26 January
1950. The Constitution of India is a
supreme law of India, which lays
down the framework that defines the
political principles, establishes the
structure, procedures, powers and
duties of Government institution. It
also sets the fundamental rights,
directive principles, and the duties
of citizens. Being one of the longest
constitution in the world, which
contains 448 articles in 22 parts, 12
schedules and 118 amendments. Dr.
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is regarded
as the father of the Indian
Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur
Union Minister for Rural
Development Jairam Ramesh on 1
November 2013 declared Kannur in
Kerala as the first zero-landless
district in the country. Kannur District
Authorities provided land to as many
as 11118 beneficiaries, including 85
families belonging to the Scheduled
Tribes category.
The Zero Landless programme The Zero Landless programme The Zero Landless programme The Zero Landless programme The Zero Landless programme
in Kerala in Kerala in Kerala in Kerala in Kerala
The prestigious Zero Landless
programme of the United
Democratic Front was flagged off by
Congress president Sonia Gandhi in
October 2013. The Zero Landless
programme envisages distribution of
three cents of land each to 243928
families identified across the State.
About Kannur District About Kannur District About Kannur District About Kannur District About Kannur District
Kannur District is one of the 14
districts in the state of Kerala, India.
The town of Kannur is the district
headquarters. Its total area is 2966
km2. Kannur district is bound by the
Western Ghats in the East (Coorg
district of Karnataka State),
Kozhikkode and Wayanad districts, in
the South, Lakshadeep sea in the
West and Kasaragod, the northern
most district of Kerala, in the North.
Czech Castles Czech Castles Czech Castles Czech Castles Czech Castles
The Union Culture Minister
Chandresh Kumari Katoch along with
Jan Kohout, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Czech Republic and Jiri
Balvin, Minister of Culture of the
Czech Republic, on 7 November
2013 jointly inaugurated an exhibition
titled Czech Castles. It is for the first
time that this exhibition has been
organised in India in collaboration
with the Archaeological Survey of
India and the Ministry of Culture,
Government of India by the National
Museum of the Czech Republic and
the Embassy of the Czech Republic,
New Delhi. It is important to note that
a cultural agreement was signed
between India and Czech Republic
in the year 1959. At the occasion of
inauguration of the exhibition, a
Memorandum of Understanding was
also signed between the ASI and the
National Museum of the Czech
Republic at the Red Fort for
promotion of cultural exchange and
bilateral cooperation. The MoU will
form the basis for more active
cooperation between the two
About the Czech Castles About the Czech Castles About the Czech Castles About the Czech Castles About the Czech Castles
Exhi bi ti on Exhi bi ti on Exhi bi ti on Exhi bi ti on Exhi bi ti on
The Czech Castle architecture
is an important part of the
cultural heritage of the Czech
The Exhibition presents a
selection of 37 most interesting
castles and chateaux of
Bohemia and Moravia, two of
the historic areas that make up
the Czech state.
The criterion for the selection
of the localities has been their
historical significance as well as
their architectural, artistic, and
historical value.
The exhibition is accompanied
by rich cultural program
consisting of film shows, art
exhibitions, music
presentations and other events
that will together celebrate the
Czech-India Cultural Year 2014.
The Exhibition will stay at the
Red Fort, Delhi till January 2014
and then tour various other
cities of India.
After Delhi, the exhibition will
be presented in Leh (Leh
Palace, June-July 2014), Kolkata
(Currency Building September
October 2014), Mumbai
(Nehru Science Centre,
November 2014) and Goa
Panaji (Kala Academy,
December 2014 January
Haiyan Haiyan Haiyan Haiyan Haiyan
Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan made a
landfall in northern Vietnam, close to
the China border on 10 November
2013. It is the super typhoon which
killed thousands of people in
Philippines. The super typhoon 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8
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destroyed large number of towns
across Philippines and killed over
10000 people, according to the
Philippines authorities. This was
declared as the deadliest recorded
natural disaster of Philippines. The
United States, in the meanwhile,
declared military help to Philippines.
It is important to note that the
Philippines had earlier endured a
range of natural disasters such as
deadly typhoons, volcano eruptions,
earthquakes and other similar
Philippines is situated along the
typhoon belt and also the Ring of Fire,
a vast Pacific Ocean region where a
range of earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions take place. Until Typhoon
Haiyan, the deadliest natural disaster
was in the year 1976 when the
tsunami of magnitude 7.9 had
erupted and devastated the Moro
Gulf on the southern Philippine island
of Mindanao.
19th Kolkata International 19th Kolkata International 19th Kolkata International 19th Kolkata International 19th Kolkata International
Film Festival Film Festival Film Festival Film Festival Film Festival
The 19th Kolkata International
Film Festival was inaugurated on 10
November 2013 with the screening
of noted director, Rituparna Ghoshs
Taak Jhaank. The festival was
inaugurated by legendary Bollywood
actor Amitabh Bachchan along with
Shah Rukh Khan, Kamal Haasan and
other renowned actors.
Highlights of the 19th Highlights of the 19th Highlights of the 19th Highlights of the 19th Highlights of the 19th
Kolkata International Film Kolkata International Film Kolkata International Film Kolkata International Film Kolkata International Film
Festival (KIFF) Festival (KIFF) Festival (KIFF) Festival (KIFF) Festival (KIFF)
The 19th Kolkata International
Film Festival is an 8-day film
festival during which 189 films
from 63 countries will be
The focus of the 19th Kolkata
International Film Festival will
be on South East Asian Films.
During the festival, eight films
of Rituparna Ghosh, including
Unishe April, Dahan, The Last
Lear and Chitrangada, will be
screened as a tribute to the
director who passed away in
KIFF is the accredited film
festival of the International
Federation of Film Producers
Association, Paris (FIAPF).
West Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee announced
that the 19th Kolkata
International Film Festival will
mark the Golden Jubilee of
Bengali cinema.
The theme song of the 19th
Kolkata International Film
Festival featured lyrics from
legendary singer Manna Deys
popular Bengali film Jibone Ki
Paabo Na. Manna Dey passed
away in October 2013.
Also, the works of Malayalam
filmmaker and Dadasaheb
Phalke Award winner Adoor
Gopalakrishnan will be
screened during the festival.
Special tributes shall be paid
to international actors and
directors including American
actor Burt Lancaster, Australia-
born American filmmaker Billy
Wilder and Japanese filmmaker
Nagisa Oshima.
In the meanwhile, the State
Government also launched a
special medi-claim scheme for
all the technicians of the
Tollywood film industry.
Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen
Tropical Storm Karen on 5
October 2013 touched the US Gulf
Coast, with forecasters warning of
weekend flooding and heavy rainfall
in several states, including Louisiana
and Florida. As the system swirled
about 385 kilometres south-
southwest of the mouth of the
Mississippi River, authorities urged
residents to stock up on essentials.
Florida Governor Rick Scott declared
a state of emergency in 18 counties
to enable the potential deployment
of resources as needed. A tropical
storm watch, meanwhile, was issued
for areas including metropolitan New
Orleans, battered by Hurricane
Katrina in 2005.
Heritage Documentation Heritage Documentation Heritage Documentation Heritage Documentation Heritage Documentation
The National Museum Institute
(NMI), New Delhi on 22 October
2013 launched a project on
researching and cataloguing various
forms of performing and fine arts of
the country. The main aim of the
project is developing an inventory on
the intangible cultural heritage from
across the country.
Pilot projects Pilot projects Pilot projects Pilot projects Pilot projects
Under this program, pilot
projects were already began on 17
October 2013 at two regions of north
India- 1) Western Uttar Pradesh and
2) Ladakh. The institute also organised
a community-led event at Sikhera
village off Meerut and Gya on the
highest plateau in Jammu and
Kashmir. The events in both places
were held on 17 October 2013
coinciding with the 10th anniversary
of signing of UNESCOs Paris
convention for safeguarding
intangible cultural heritage. The
institute also engaged high-school
students from the region and
facilitated their interaction with the
elders of the socio-ethnic belt. The
basic aim is to make these students
aware of and interested in the activity
and creating an opportunity to learn
something from their cultural
environment. At Sikhera, NMI
organised a programme of live
creation of the living tradition of
Sanjhi - a set of design patterns of
traditional motifs created for various
ceremonies, festivals and life-cycle
occasions. Sanjhi is a living traditional
art form prevalent not just in Western
Uttar Pradesh but in other parts of the
country as well.
National Conference on National Conference on National Conference on National Conference on National Conference on
Intellectual Disability Intellectual Disability Intellectual Disability Intellectual Disability Intellectual Disability
The Union Minister for Social
Justice & Empowerment Kumari Selja
inaugurated the National Conference 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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on Intellectual Disability, jointly
organised by the Department of
Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment and
National Institute for Mentally
Handicapped, Secunderabad, on 7
November 2013.
About the National About the National About the National About the National About the National
Conference on Intellectual Conference on Intellectual Conference on Intellectual Conference on Intellectual Conference on Intellectual
Di sabi l i ty Di sabi l i ty Di sabi l i ty Di sabi l i ty Di sabi l i ty
The National Conference on
Intellectual Disability has
special relevance in the present
context because of the
complex nature of problems.
Mental retardation is a complex
condition which affects the
development of cognitive
functions, motor functions,
social and communication skills
of the Individual.
The findings of the conference
would be useful for ensuring
speedy empowerment of
persons with Intellectual
This is the first such conference
and the Department has
planned similar national level
conferences of National
Institutes to address the issues
relating to the sector.
Some Important Facts Some Important Facts Some Important Facts Some Important Facts Some Important Facts
It is important to note that as
per 2001 Census out of the total
number of persons with
disabilities of about 2.19 crores,
the number of persons with
mental disabilities was about
23 lakhs.
The causative factors of
intellectual disabilities have
their influence in the pre-
conceptual, pre-natal, peri-
natal and post-natal phases of
the life cycle of a child.
Intellectual disability can also
occur due to hereditary
India is a signatory to the United
Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (UNCRPD).
About the National Institute About the National Institute About the National Institute About the National Institute About the National Institute
for Mentally Handicapped for Mentally Handicapped for Mentally Handicapped for Mentally Handicapped for Mentally Handicapped
The National Institute for the
Mentally Handicapped
(NIMH), Secunderabad was
established in the year 1984.
The primary objective of NIHM
is to cater to the needs of
Persons with Mental
NIMH has facilities for
providing comprehensive
therapeutic services for
children with intellectual
disabilities right from infancy
stage to any age level.
In order to meet the demand
for the trained professionals
NIMH is involved in manpower
development by conducting
long term academic programs
from Diploma to M.Phil level.
NIMH is also involved in
research and developmental
The results of the research and
developmental activities are
disseminated through their
published books, pamphlets,
leaflets, videos, posters and
Pragati Pragati Pragati Pragati Pragati
India developed a new tactical
surface-to-surface missile Pragati
which has a range between 60-170
km. The missile is on offer to Indias
friendly countries. The Pragati missile
is based on the Prahaar missile and it
has been developed by the DRDO
for the Army. It was put on display at
a defence exhibition at the Seoul
International Aerospace and
Defence Exhibition (ADEX 2013).
Besides Pragati tactical missile,
DRDO showcased, Akash missile
system and Tejas LCA and its variants.
The LCA is a DRDO project which
remains to be completed and the
aircraft has not been inducted by the
IAF so far. ADEX 2013 hosted more
than 300 companies from 33 nations.
DRDOs participation in ADX 2013
commemorates the 40th anniversary
of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between India and South
World Toilet Day World Toilet Day World Toilet Day World Toilet Day World Toilet Day
The World Toilet Day (WTD)
was observed across the world on 19
November 2013. In the world about
a third of the worlds people dont
have an access to a decent toilet.
As per the United Nations about 2.5
billion people do not have an access
to adequate sanitation and about 1
billion people practice open
defecation, which contributes many
diseases. Each year, more than
800000 children under 5 die from
diarrhea, many due to poor sanitation.
In 2001 WTO declared 19 November
World Toilet Day (WTD). It is
celebrated in over 19 countries with
over 51 events being hosted by
various water and sanitation
advocates on this day.
33rd India 33rd India 33rd India 33rd India 33rd India
International Trade Fair International Trade Fair International Trade Fair International Trade Fair International Trade Fair
The 33rd India International
Trade Fair began at Pragati Maidan in
New Delhi on 14 November 2013. 100 100 100 100 100
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President Pranab Mukherjee
inaugurated the India International
Trade Fair (IITF). The trade fair aimed
to spur international trade while
highlighting Indias economic
growth. The Theme of IITF 2013
i s Inclusive Growth. Inclusive Growth. Inclusive Growth. Inclusive Growth. Inclusive Growth.
The 14-day event scheduled
from 14 to 27 th November 2013.
About 6000 exhibitors including 250
from foreign countries are
participating in the fair. This year
Japan is a partner country and South
Africa, the focus country. While Bihar
is a partner state, Odisha is the focus
Kenichi Ito Kenichi Ito Kenichi Ito Kenichi Ito Kenichi Ito
Kenichi Ito, a Japanese man
broke his own Guinness World
Record for the 100 meter dash on 14
November 2013. He runs on his arms
and legs broke. ITO of 30 years
finished the dash in 16.87 seconds
by saving about 30 seconds of his
2012 run of 17.47 seconds.
Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney
The Regional Pravasi Regional Pravasi Regional Pravasi Regional Pravasi Regional Pravasi
Bhartiya Divas Bhartiya Divas Bhartiya Divas Bhartiya Divas Bhartiya Divas was offi ci al l y
launched on 11 November 2013 in
Sydney, Australia by New South
Wales, Premier Barry OFarrell and
Overseas Indian Affairs Minister
Vayalar Ravi.
The 2013 convention is the first
to be held in Australia, marking the
contribution the overseas Indian
community makes to the
development of India. The
conventions objective objective objective objective objective is to link
the vast Indian diaspora and other
parts of the Asia-Pacific region with
India. The 2013 Convention will be
the seventh seventh seventh seventh seventh such conference held
outside India. The Regional Pravasi
Bharatiya Divas is organised by the
High Commission of India and the
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs.
Participation in the convention is
expected from all states and
territories of Australia and from
neighbouring countries, including
Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Hong Kong, Papua New
Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji and the
Pacific Islands.

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Institutionalising Freedom Institutionalising Freedom Institutionalising Freedom Institutionalising Freedom Institutionalising Freedom
India has repeatedly seen
incidents where the screening of films,
certified by the Central Board of Film
Certification, has been halted. Extremist
groups threaten public order, and claim
community sentiments have been
offended. Rather than take on such
forces, State governments have often
caved in, unwilling to invest political
and administrative capital in the
protection of the freedom of expression.
Earlier this year, in the wake of the
controversy over the ban
on Vishwaroopam , the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting set up a
committee under Justice Mukul Mudgal
to revisit the entire legislative
framework. The report has now been
made public. It recommends a new
procedure for appointments to
advisory panels, which actually view
films. It is on the basis of their
recommendations that the board issues
certification. Unfortunately,
membership to such panels is often
distributed as political patronage. For
certification, the committee has
adopted two guiding principles
protection of artistic and creative
freedom, and remaining socially
responsible and sensitive to values and
standards of society. But the danger is
that such phrases can be used to stifle
free speech.
But it is with regard to the
governments power to ban films that
the committee comes up with a new set
of recommendations. It upholds the
principle that exhibition of a film already
certified shall not be suspended. This is
in line with the landmark 1989 judgment
in the case of S. Rangarajan v Jagivan
Ram i nvol vi ng the fi l m, Ore Oru
Gramathile , where the Supreme Court
laid down that freedom of expression
cannot be suppressed on account of
threat of demonstration and
processions or threats of violence. The
committee also concludes that the
Central government is the sole
repository of legislative power and
executive action regarding exhibition
of films. In instances where a public
exhibition leads to a breach of public
order or can potentially do so, the
Centre can the committee suggests
order the suspension of the
exhibition. While allowing such orders,
the committee makes the point that it
has inserted additional caveats. It has
taken away the power from State
governments the power to ban films. It
has stipulated that film producers be
given an opportunity to explain their
side of the story first. Such orders, it
says, are justified only in the case of
threats to public order, not merely
peace. It should be passed only after
public screening and not prior to
intended screening. It has also expanded
the jurisdiction of the Film Certification
Appellate Tribunal. While the
committee appears to invest excessive
faith in the Centres judgment and
willingness to stand up to extremist
forces, the recommendations are
positive and a step towards
institutionalising freedom and checking
unwarranted censorship.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Rediscovering Patel Rediscovering Patel Rediscovering Patel Rediscovering Patel Rediscovering Patel
In the past few days, political
parties have vied with each other to lay
claim to the political legacy of Indias
first Home Minister, Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel, and to build their own partisan
narratives around the beliefs that are
thought to have defined him. As
elections approach, the re-imagining of
Patel as one of Indias strongest leaders
is clearly intended to shore up the
images of the respective leaders
invoking his memory. The Congress, led
by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
himself, has claimed ownership of Patel
on the ground that essentially, he was a
loyal Congressman. The Bharatiya Janata





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Party under Narendra Modi has not just
recast Patel in its own image but has
sought to project a historically unsound
thesis that there was a divide between
the two greats of pre- and post-
Independence India Patel, and the
first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.
The historical record is quite to the
Both leaders held each other in the
highest esteem. They disagreed on the
execution of certain policies but they
placed the interests of the newly-born
nation above everything else, and
repeatedly reaffirmed their faith in each
other. Unfortunately, current-day
politics thrives on dramatic stereotypes
designed to excite the popular
imagination, which inevitably sacrifices
the nuances and subtleties of the real
historical picture.
Mr. Modi has conflated Patels role
in integrating India into a united,
independent nation with projections for
how the country might have fared had
he been at the helm instead of Nehru.
Given that Patel died in 1950, such
theoretical speculation is futile. Patel
had real concerns that the welding
together of the states the stimulus
for which he admitted has come from
above rather than below would not
hold, leading to the danger of collapse
and chaos, according to V.P. Menon,
Patels close confidant. It is a tribute to
that remarkable nation-builder that the
Indian Union has not just survived but is
today a force to reckon with globally,
as a leading democracy. The BJPs
political bid to reposition Patels place
in the Indian pantheon of heroes is of a
piece with its angst at the perceived
dominance of the Nehru dynasty. It is
indisputable that more than half of all
Centrally sponsored schemes and
programmes are named after one or
another member of the Congresss first
family. Yet, the question arises if the only
way to correct this imbalance is by
building the tallest statue anywhere of
the Sardar. Had he been alive today,
Patel would have been distressed at this
showmanship, especially knowing the
objective of the exercise was to elevate
him over Nehru with whom, as he noted
in a letter, he shared mutual love and
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Many strides in food security Many strides in food security Many strides in food security Many strides in food security Many strides in food security
This is one of the most significant
years in Indias agricultural and national
history. At Independence in 1947, we
were suffering from acute food
shortages that led to the introduction
of food rationing. Later, we started
depending on imported food, largely
under the PL480 programme of the
United States, although the countrys
population then was only a little over
300 million. In 1966, the year Indira
Gandhi became Prime Minister, India
had to import nearly 10 million tonnes
of foodgrains to ward off a famine.
Building a reserve Building a reserve Building a reserve Building a reserve Building a reserve
In the latter half of 1966, Dr. Vikram
Sarabhai and I went to meet Indira
Gandhi to discuss issues relating to the
use of remote sensing to map coconut
root wilt disease in Kerala. She turned
to me and asked: How soon can we
build a foodgrain reserve of 10 million
tonnes? It was clear she was worried
about dependence on imported food
to feed our population, a majority of
them farmers and farm labourers. Also,
it became clear to me later, that Indira
Gandhi was convinced an independent
foreign policy could be built only on a
foundation of food security based on
home-grown food. This led to her
determination to achieve food self-
sufficiency as soon as possible, and to
always maintain substantial grain
The relationship between food
self-reliance and national sovereignty
became evident when several important
decisions became possible only
because we had built up sufficient
foodgrain reserves. Thus, Indias
assistance to Bangladesh in its liberation
struggle, help to Vietnam to avoid
famine following the unification of the
country in 1975, and its ability to
conduct nuclear implosion tests at
Pokhran, were all possible only because
it had become food self-reliant in the
early 1970s. General Vo Nguyen Giap,
who was largely responsible for Vietnam
gaining freedom from France, and being
unified, would tell me whenever I met
him in Hanoi in the early 1980s, that
Vietnam owes much to Indira Gandhi
for saving it from widespread famine
soon after unification. Indira Gandhi
asked me to visit Vietnam in 1975 to
develop a long-term strategy for food
self-reliance. This led to India setting up
a Rice Research Institute in the Mekong
delta to assist in harnessing the
untapped yield reservoir in rice in the
delta. Today, Vietnam is a major rice
The foundation laid by Indira
Gandhi in the 1960s has now made it
possible to make access to food a legal
right. The transition from the ship-to-
mouth existence of the 1960s to the
Right to Food with home-grown food
commitment, as enshrined in the
National Food Security Act of 2013, is a
historic one.
There is, however, no time to
relax. The monsoon and the market are
two major determinants of the fate of
farmers, and we should do everything
possible to insulate them from the
adverse impact of both climate change
and price volatility. The pathway to
achieve these twin goals has been laid
out in the reports of the National
Commission on Farmers, submitted
during 2004-06.
Instrument for integration Instrument for integration Instrument for integration Instrument for integration Instrument for integration
Agriculture is a powerful
instrument for national integration.
Wheat and rice produced by Punjab
farmers help feed many parts of India.
Farmers everywhere have a common
need, namely, opportunity for assured
and remunerative marketing. They are
willing to share their knowledge and
expertise freely without thought of
intellectual property rights.
Striking progress in improving the
yield of crops in the early 1960s came
from a shift in plant breeding strategy
involving attention to the performance
of populations rather than of individual
plants. This emphasis on population
performance led to a quantum jump in
the yield of crops. Similarly, we need to
assess our progress by using population
performance as a yardstick to measure
excellence. National integration is our
Sel f-suffi ci ency Sel f-suffi ci ency Sel f-suffi ci ency Sel f-suffi ci ency Sel f-suffi ci ency
In mid-1968, Paul and Anne Ehrlich
wrote in their book The Population
Bomb : Sometime between 1970 and
1985 the world will undergo vast famines
hundreds of millions of people are 103 103 103 103 103
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going to starve to death. That is, they
will starve to death unless plague,
thermonuclear war, or some other agent
kills them first. The United States should
announce that it will no longer ship food
to countries such as India, where
dispassionate analysis indicates that the
unbalance between food and
population is hopeless.
Almost at the same time, in July
1968, Indira Gandhi released a special
stamp titled the Wheat Revolution,
thereby announcing that India had
embarked upon the path of self-reliance
in foodgrains through a revolutionary
change in agricultural technology and
policy. It is therefore a great privilege
to receive an award bearing her name.
Also, the purpose of the award is
an area dear to my heart: a nation that is
united in its commitment to the
principles of non-violence, secularism,
social and gender equity, self-reliance
and love and respect for all.
India has become the first nation
in the world to make access to food a
legal right. The right to information can
be implemented with the help of files,
but the right to food can be
implemented only with the help of
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Penetrating the Penetrating the Penetrating the Penetrating the Penetrating the
Web of terror networks Web of terror networks Web of terror networks Web of terror networks Web of terror networks
The deadly explosions that struck
a Bharatiya Janata Party rally in Patna
on October 27 confirmed that terrorism
will remain on top of the agenda for an
over-stretched Indian police and a
heavily burdened Intelligence Bureau
(IB). Investigations have revealed the
involvement of at least six individuals
in the planting of 18 explosives (of which
only seven exploded) in Gandhi Maidan.
The Indian Mujahideen (IM) is the leading
suspect for the daring attack. Its
intentions seem clear: convert the rally
into a mass fatality event, and spread
fear and panic with a blatant message
to the security apparatus that the IM is a
force to contend with.
To the credit of the Bihar Police,
some operatives from the IMs Ranchi
cell one of its newly unearthed field
entities have been arrested in
connection with the Patna bombing.
Unfortunately, arresting IM operatives
does not appear to prevent the outfit
from launching terror attacks with
relative impunity, and in fact could be a
sign that further attacks are in the works.
In the forthcoming book Indian
Mujahideen: Computational Analysis
and Public Policy (Springer 2014), the
four writers here were able to use data
mining algorithms developed at the
University of Maryland to identify broad
conditions that were predictive of
different types of terror acts carried out
by the IM. Over the years, the IM has
consistently carried out simultaneous
attacks with multiple devices within a
few months of the arrests or deaths of
its top operatives. Following the arrest
of Yasin Bhatkal in late August 2013, this
behavioural rule led us to predict that
the IM was likely to launch attacks in
the last quarter of 2013 a prediction
that has unfortunately come true with
the Patna attacks.
The prospect of a renewed IM
terror campaign is dismaying because
the next few months are going to be
dominated by heightened political
acrimony related to the general election
and the inevitable use of valuable police
resources. In contrast, organisations
such as the IM and their allies (such as
the Lashkar-e-Taiba) and sponsors (such
as the Pakistani Inter-Services
Intelligence) would remain focussed on
creating maximum damage for Indias
Soft targets Soft targets Soft targets Soft targets Soft targets
A striking feature of all IM attacks
is the choice of soft targets such as
crowded markets. These have caused
havoc, killing hundreds of innocent
civilians. The IMs trademark has been
multi-pronged attacks that maximise
casualties. These attacks, such as the
near-simultaneous bombing of three
courthouses in different cities across
Uttar Pradesh in 2007, require substantial
coordination and organisational skills.
After the U.P. attacks, the IM terrorised
India with a string of bombings
throughout 2008. In an attack in
Ahmedabad in July 2008, the IM set off
nearly 20 low-intensity bombs across
the city, and when crowds gathered at
the City Trauma Centre, it detonated a
car bomb, killing dozens. Since then, the
outfit has carried out at least 10 forays,
including the 2010 attack on the German
Bakery in Pune (possibly in conjunction
with LeT) that killed 17, a triple bombing
in Mumbai in 2011 that killed 27, and in
February 2013, a double bombing in
Hyderabad that killed 17.
There have been a few significant
IM arrests in recent months. In a coup
for Indias security agencies, two of IMs
top operatives, Yasin Bhatkal and
Asadullah Akhtar, were captured.
Unfortunately, these arrests do not seem
to have caused a major dent on the IM,
which retains its skill in planning
operations with deadly precision and
efficiency. The serial blasts in Patna,
which were strikingly similar to the twin
blasts in Dilsukhnagar (Hyderabad), on
February 21, and the July 7 Bodh Gaya
blasts this year, illustrate the IMs
capabilities. These repeated terrorist
successes here and elsewhere can,
unfortunately, only help to boost the
morale of groups like the IM.
This raises the overarching issue
of how to check terrorism in India. It is
more than clear that the IM is one of the
most active terrorist groups in India. Its
achievements have been
disproportionate to its actual strength
or marginal popular appeal.
Predicting exactly when and where
an attack will occur is a task that cannot
be consistently done. However, the
authors detailed study of the IM, based
on a clinical analysis of carefully curated
data, and employing the big data
analytic techniques (similar to
techniques used by the Amazons and
eBays of the world), is now starting to
pay its first dividends in understanding
when the IM will launch attacks and what
types of targets it will select.
The study projects an ominous
scenario. Periods during which Indian-
Pakistani diplomatic relations begin to
warm are followed by internal IM
conferences and chatter, a month or so
later. These high-level internal meetings
are seen as necessary to plan the IMs
signature multi-pronged bombing
campaigns. These meetings are then
followed by ramped up collaboration
with other terrorist groups such as the
LeT and the Harkat-ul-Jihad Isami.
Pakistani terrorist groups, with the
active connivance of Pakistans ISI, have
provided funding, explosives, training 104 104 104 104 104
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and other crucial support, all of which
have facilitated the IMs emergence as
a deadly terrorist organisation capable
in its own right. Shortly after every strike,
there are the usual arrests of IM activists.
These arrests may be the result of visible
IM activity in preparation for an
upcoming attack. It is also possible that
attacks follow the arrests of IM men,
because the IM or its Pakistani allies,
LeT and the ISI, want to demonstrate
their resolve to carry out further attacks.
Valuable warnings Valuable warnings Valuable warnings Valuable warnings Valuable warnings
This sequence of events preceding
IM bombings can provide valuable
warnings of likely attacks, and highlight
points in IM operations that are
vulnerable to disruption by security
agencies. Specifically, security agencies
must subject IM operatives and their
networks to extensive covert electronic
surveillance. While this is routine in most
counter-terror operations, travel
intelligence systems must track the
movement of IM operatives within India,
across Indias borders, and even beyond
those borders. IM operatives have
previously used Indian passports to exit
India to friendly neighbouring countries
like Pakistan and Bangladesh from
there on, they have used fake Pakistani
passports, no doubt supplied by the ISI,
to travel to Pakistan and the Gulf.
One of IMs top leaders,
Mohammed Sadiq Israr Sheikh, from
Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh, is believed
to have travelled from India to
Bangladesh in 2000 on a legitimate
Indian passport and from there on to
Pakistan on a genuine Pakistani passport
arranged by the ISI. In Pakistan, he met
with LeT commander Azeem Cheema
in Bahawalpur and trained at an LeT
training camp near Muzaffarabad. At
least another 10 people from Azamgarh
alone, who travelled to Pakistan through
various intermediate countries, have
been identified.
Disrupting a network requires
understanding it thoroughly in real-time
so that attacks can be stopped before
they occur. Closer coordination with
agencies such as the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and other law enforcement
agencies will not only help uncover IMs
global support network, but also the
detailed interlinked relationship among
terror, financing, and criminal
Though it is impossible to predict
the exact location and timing of an
attack, data mining technology has now
come of age. It can predict the types of
attacks that terror groups will carry out
and the approximate time-frame (in
three-month periods). This provides a
valuable input to law-enforcement and
intelligence agencies, enabling them to
intelligently deploy scarce investigative
resources. If this translates into fewer
number of IM attacks over the course
of a six-month period, we will have
brought about a welcome and needed
synergy between researchers and law-
enforcement at a time when national
security demands it.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Unshackling the bureaucracy Unshackling the bureaucracy Unshackling the bureaucracy Unshackling the bureaucracy Unshackling the bureaucracy
The image of an honest civil
servant subjected to arbitrary transfer
or suspension by the political executive
at the behest of vested interests is
etched in the public consciousness as a
key archetype of the Indian
bureaucracy. The rising public
awareness of the importance of the
bureaucracy in the delivery of basic
services to citizens has received a
welcome boost from the Supreme
Courts reformative verdict on insulating
officers from political interference.
Three significant administrative reforms
arise out of the courts verdict on a
petition by more than 80 former
bureaucrats: a fixed tenure for civil
servants so that they are not transferred
at the whims and fancies of the political
executive; and a stipulation that all
instructions by superiors be in writing,
to protect officers from wrongful
pressure from their superiors, political
masters and vested interests. To prevent
arbitrary transfers, the court has directed
that the Centre and the States establish
Civil Service Boards (CSB) comprising
serving officers to advise the political
executive on transfers, postings and
disciplinary action, until Parliament
enacts a law in this regard. These
directions are meant to ensure good
governance, transparency and
accountability in governmental
functions, the court has said.
A question that might be raised is
whether the Supreme Court was
overstepping its ambit by directing the
constitution of a mechanism to regulate
transfers and postings, especially when
draft Bills are in circulation on such
reforms. But it is evident that the court
has taken judicial note of the various
official reports and studies in this
regard. It quotes extensively from past
exercises the reports of the K.
Santhanam Committee on prevention of
corruption, the Hota Committee and the
Second Administrative Reforms
Commission that addressed these
questions. These reports had
recommended fixed tenures, insulation
from political interference, avoidance
of oral instructions, and a statutory
board to decide on transfers. But these
were not taken forward. The failure of
the executive to frame a legislative
framework to address these key
concerns has forced the court to step
in. The reality is that the phenomenon
of the politician-bureaucrat-
industrialist nexus is so entrenched that
it requires a sustained systemic effort
to cleanse the administrative system.
The real gain for citizens is that the
Supreme Court judgment has raised the
bar for good governance in this country
by providing a framework to insulate
bureaucrats from the pressures of a
clutch of vested interests which act
through the political system. Public
confidence in governance is bound to
rise as a result of this landmark verdict.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Tackl i ng Tackl i ng Tackl i ng Tackl i ng Tackl i ng
New Maritime Challenges New Maritime Challenges New Maritime Challenges New Maritime Challenges New Maritime Challenges
Maritime challenges are being
fundamentally transformed by new
technological and geopolitical realities,
shifting trade and energy patterns, and
the rise of unconventional threats. The
fact that about 50 per cent of the
maritime boundaries in the world are
still not demarcated, accentuates the
Water covers more than seven-
tenths of the planets surface, and
almost half the global population lives
within 200 km of a coastline. It may thus
surprise few that 90 per cent of the
worlds trade uses maritime routes. With
countless freighters, fishing boats,
passenger ferries, leisure yachts, and
cruise ships plying the waters, a pressing 105 105 105 105 105
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concern is maritime security a mission
tasked to national navies, coast guards,
and harbour police forces.
Altering equations Altering equations Altering equations Altering equations Altering equations
The maritime order has entered a
phase of evolutionary change in
response to global power shifts.
Maritime power equations are beginning
to alter. The shifts actually symbolise
the birth-pangs of a new world order.
Emerging changes in trade and energy
patterns promise to further alter
maritime power equations. For
example, energy-related equations are
being transformed by a new
development: the centre of gravity in
the hydrocarbon world is beginning to
quietly shift from the Persian Gulf to the
Americas, thanks to the shale boom,
hydrocarbon extraction in the South
Atlantic and Canadas Alberta Province,
and other developments.
The United States, for the
foreseeable future, will remain the
dominant sea power, while Europe will
stay a significant maritime player. Yet,
the international maritime order will
continue to gradually but fundamentally
change as new powers acquire greater
economic and naval heft.
According to a projection by the
recently released Global Marine Trends
2030 report, as the global GDP doubles
over the next 17 years China will come
to own a quarter of the worlds
merchant fleet. Several other maritime
states in the Asia-Pacific, including
Japan, South Korea, India, and Vietnam,
are also set to significantly enlarge their
maritime footprints.
Admittedly, there are real threats
to maritime peace and security from the
changing maritime power equations and
the sharpening competition over
resources and geopolitical influence.
The Asia-Pacific region with its
crowded and, in some cases, contested
sea lanes is becoming the centre of
global maritime competition. Maritime
tensions remain high in this region due
to rival sovereignty claims, resource-
related competition, naval build-ups,
and rising nationalism.
A lot of attention has focussed on
the maritime implications of Chinas
rise. President Xi Jinping has
championed efforts to build China into
a global maritime power, saying his
government will do everything possible
to safeguard Chinas maritime rights and
interests and warning that in no way
will the country abandon its legitimate
rights and interests. Chinas increasing
emphasis on the oceans was also
evident from the November 2012 report
to the 18th national congress of the
Chinese Communist Party that outlined
the countrys maritime power strategy.
It called for safeguarding Chinas
maritime rights and interests, including
building improved capacity for
exploiting marine resources, and for
asserting the countrys larger rights.
The risks of maritime conflict
arising from mistake or miscalculation
are higher between China and its
neighbours than between China and the
U.S. There has been a course correction
in the Obama administrations pivot
toward Asia, lest it puts it on the path of
taking on Beijing. Washington has bent
over backward to tamp down the
military aspects of that policy. Even the
term pivot has been abandoned in
favour of the softer new phrase of
rebalancing. The U.S., moreover, has
pointedly refused to take sides in
sovereignty disputes between China and
its neighbours. It has sought the middle
ground between seeking to restrain
China and reassure allies but, as former
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James
Steinberg has put it, without getting
ourselves into a shooting war. China has
also shied away from directly
challenging U.S. interests. It has been
careful not to step on Americas toes.
Its assertiveness has been largely
directed at its neighbours.
After all, China is seeking to alter
the territorial and maritime status quo
in Asia little by little. This can be
described as a salami-slice strategy or,
what a Chinese general, Zhang
Zhaozhong, this year called, a cabbage
strategy surrounding a contested area
with multiple security layers to deny
access to the rival nation.
Bit-by-bit strategy Bit-by-bit strategy Bit-by-bit strategy Bit-by-bit strategy Bit-by-bit strategy
This bit-by-bit strategy increases
the risk of maritime conflict through
overreach, and the inadvertent
encouragement it provides to
neighbouring countries to overcome
their differences and strategically
collaborate. The new international
maritime challenges, however, go
beyond Chinas jurisdictional creep.
The oceans and seas not only have
become pivotal to any powers security
and engagement with the outside world
but they also constitute the strategic hub
of the global geopolitical competition.
The growing importance of maritime
resources and of sea-lane safety, as well
as the concentration of economic boom
zones along the coasts, has made
maritime security more critical than
ever. The maritime challenges extend to
non-traditional threats such as climate
security, transnational terrorism, illicit
fishing, human trafficking, and
environmental degradation. The
overexploitation of marine resources
has underscored the need for
conservation and prudent management
of the biological diversity of the seabed.
Deep seabed mining has emerged
as a major new strategic issue. From
seeking to tap sulphide deposits
containing valuable metals such as silver,
gold, copper, manganese, cobalt and
zinc to phosphorus nodule mining
for phosphor-based fertilizers used in
food production, the inter-state
competition over seabed-mineral
wealth underscores the imperative for
creating a regulatory regime, developing
safe and effective ocean-development
technologies, finding ways to share
benefits of the common heritage, and
ensuring environmental protection.
Inter-state competition over
seabed minerals is sharpening in the
Indian Ocean, for example. Even China,
an extra-regional power, has secured an
international deep-seabed block in
southwestern Indian Ocean from the
International Seabed Authority to
explore for polymetallic sulphides. More
broadly, some of the outstanding
boundary, sovereignty and jurisdiction
issues extending from the Arctic to
the Indian Ocean carry serious
conflict potential. The recrudescence of
territorial and maritime disputes, largely
tied to competition over natural
resources, will increasingly have a
bearing on maritime peace and security.
Bangladesh and Myanmar have set
an example by peacefully resolving a
dispute over the delimitation of their
maritime boundaries in the Bay of
Bengal. They took their dispute to the 106 106 106 106 106
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International Tribunal for the Law of the
Sea for adjudication. The Tribunals
verdict, delivered in 2012, ended a
potentially dangerous dispute that was
fuelled in 2008 when, following the
discovery of gas deposits in the Bay of
Bengal, Myanmar authorised
exploration in a contested area,
prompting Bangladesh to dispatch
warships to the area. However, some
important maritime powers, including
the U.S., are still not party to the 1982
U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS). Iran recently seized an Indian
oil tanker, holding it for about a month,
but India could not file a complaint with
the International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea because Tehran has not ratified
UNCLOS. The seizure of the tanker,
carrying Iraqi oil, appeared to be an act
of reprisal against Indias sharp
reduction of Iranian oil purchases under
U.S. pressure. The threats to navigation
and maritime freedoms, including in
critical straits and exclusive economic
zones (EEZs), can be countered only
through adherence to international rules
by all parties as well as through
monitoring, regulation and enforcement.
Great-power rivalries, however,
continue to complicate international
maritime security. The rivalries are
mirrored in foreign-aided port-building
projects; attempts to assert control
over energy supplies and transport
routes as part of a 21st-century-version
of the Great Game; and the
establishment of listening posts and
special naval-access arrangements
along the great trade arteries.
The evolving architecture of
global governance will determine how
the world handles the pressing maritime
challenges it confronts. The assertive
pursuit of national interest for relative
gain in an increasingly interdependent
world is hardly a recipe for harmonious
maritime relations. Another concern is
the narrow, compartmentalised
approach in which each maritime issue
is sought to be dealt with separately,
instead of addressing the challenges in
an integrated framework.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
A flawed and A flawed and A flawed and A flawed and A flawed and
Unwarranted move Unwarranted move Unwarranted move Unwarranted move Unwarranted move
The Election Commission might
be well-intentioned in seeking to ban
opinion polls in the run-up to an election,
but the move does not seem to be sound
in law, and is certainly not desirable in
practice. The reasoning for a ban is that
opinion polls influence voters prior to
polling, and therefore the results of such
polls should be withheld until after the
end of voting. Needless to say, this is a
flawed argument, and a ban, while
imposing needless restrictions, will not
in any way enhance the purity of
elections. Whether opinion polls
influence voting is debatable, but even
if they do, that is no reason to ban them.
Election campaigning ends only 48 hours
before polling closes, and political
parties and their supporters are free to
indulge in propaganda to influence
voters till then. If parties and candidates
are allowed to try and influence voters
during the campaign period, why cannot
the media or others publish poll findings
that may or may not influence voter
behaviour? Even if some of the surveys
are not scientific, and some others are
fraudulent just as some election
manifestoes may include tall promises
a ban cannot be the solution. Opinion
polls that are not transparent and are
carried out unscientifically, quickly lose
credibility. In any case, the voters must
be allowed to judge for themselves the
extent of reliability of the innumerable
opinion polls and exit polls.
Actually, any ban on opinion polls
runs counter to Article 19 (1) (a) of the
Constitution that provides all citizens
the right to freedom of speech and
expression. Of course, this freedom is
subject to reasonable restrictions listed
in Article 19(2): in the interests of the
sovereignty and integrity of India, the
security of the state, friendly relations
with foreign states, public order,
decency or morality, or in relation to
contempt of court, defamation or
incitement to an offence. Any
hypothetical influence on voters does
not figure in this list. Any ban would
therefore contravene the fundamental
rights guaranteed under the Constitution,
and belittle the intelligence of voters.
Already, by a 2009 amendment to the
Representation of the People Act,
restrictions have been placed on the
publication of results of exit polls from
the beginning of polling on the first day
in a multi-phase election till half an hour
after the close of polling in all States.
The rationale behind the restrictions on
exit polls is their claim to greater
credibility, and therefore, their greater
ability to influence voters. The
distinction between opinion polls and
exit polls on this basis is surely untenable,
but what needs to be done is the
removal of restrictions on the
publication of exit poll findings, not the
placing of similar restrictions on opinion
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Trouble in tourist paradise Trouble in tourist paradise Trouble in tourist paradise Trouble in tourist paradise Trouble in tourist paradise
The murder of Nigerian national
Obodo Uzoma Simon at Parra village in
north Goa, and the unusual street protest
by the small community from the
African nation that followed, have
brought under focus the seamier side of
the tourist paradise. While the crime
itself may have been the fallout of what
the police believe is a turf war between
local and international gangs in the
narcotics trade, the knee-jerk reaction
of the authorities in beginning an
eviction drive against Nigerians was
unwise. By the time Goa Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar came out with an
explanation that the drive was against
all foreign nationals staying on without
valid documents and was not limited to
Nigerians, wrong signals had gone out.
The African country intervened
diplomatically to seek a reassurance that
its nationals are not unfairly treated and
demand that the culprits involved in the
murder be apprehended. It issued
a note verbale to India, and the Indian
emissary in Abuja had to explain the
situation to the Nigerian foreign office.
India imports oil in considerable
quantity from Nigeria, which is one of
its major trading partners. There is a
sizeable Indian community in Nigeria. It
would make little sense to resort to
actions against Nigerians that may invite
retaliation there. Nigerian diplomats did
mention the possibility of retaliatory
The Goa police have made some
progress in the investigation, arresting
one Goan suspect and identifying a few
more. It appears that there is
considerable local resentment against
the activities of some foreign nationals, 107 107 107 107 107
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especially after the police struggled to
control the protest by the Nigerian
community, but this should not be an
excuse to crack down on foreign
nationals indiscriminately. Prejudices
and perceptions often come together
to put communities to disadvantage,
especially in the backdrop of unsavoury
incidents. Goas reputation as a haven
for the fun-loving tourist is matched only
by the popular perception that gangs
belonging to various nationalities
operate there with impunity. Crime
statistics, however, do not bear out the
theory: there is no unusual spike in
recent years in the number of foreign
nationals arrested for such offences.
And it is now no secret after a
committee of the Goa Assembly
highlighted last month the nexus
between the authorities and drug
dealers that the trade is more than a
mere shadowy activity catering to
addicts. While dealing with such cartels,
the State government should focus on
any criminal activity, rather than the
nationalities of those involved. At any
cost, it should not allow the perception
to gain ground that a crackdown on
organised crime has racial overtones.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
A battle of generations A battle of generations A battle of generations A battle of generations A battle of generations
Aglobal audience running to tens
of millions awaits the start of the world
chess championship title clash between
champion Viswanathan Anand and
Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen, the
highest ranked player in chess history,
in Chennai starting on November 9.
Anand, once known as the Lightning Kid
for the speed at which he annihilated
opponents on the board, is now aged
43; he is a five-time winner who has
overpowered three seasoned
challengers since 2008. Believe it or not,
Anand first made it into the top 10 in
world rankings in July 1991, when
Carlsens first birthday was still four
months away. This battle of generations
involves players of conflicting styles.
They have perfected the art using the
best tools of their era. What Anand learnt
from his deep study and understanding
of chess classics, Carlsen gained using
software. Going by present form,
Carlsen is tipped to win. His rating of
2870 is 95 points higher than Anand, who
is currently ranked eighth in the world.
The young challenger has won six of his
last nine tournaments and in the others,
stayed half a point behind the winner.
Anand triumphed once this year to end
a title-drought that began in 2008. But
remarkably, during this period, Anand
retained the world title all three times.
In the event, Anands experience and
success in match-play is being seen as
his biggest asset. In Chennai, more than
Anand taking advantage of home
conditions, it will be interesting to see
how Carlsen, a citizen of one of the
coldest and least populated nations,
deals with the situation.
Anand has to make things happen
instead of playing the waiting game
against Carlsen. The Norwegian is not
known to accept quick draws. He
capitalises on his energy to tire out his
rivals. He excels in drab and listless
positions where most players find it
difficult to concentrate for long.
Expecting long battles, Anand is learnt
to have worked a lot on his fitness and
shed a few kilograms as part of his
preparation. Head-to-head, Anand has
six victories to three by Carlsen who is,
however, the winner of their last two
decisive encounters. In fact, in their last
game this summer, Carlsen handed out
Anand his worst defeat. No wonder, the
chess world expects a change of guard
in Chennai. But knowing Anands
tenacity and motivation, it will be nave
to rule out his chances. As former
champion Garry Kasparov, who trained
the young Norwegian in 2009, said,
Vishy [Anand] will be quite happy that
he is the underdog. Hes got huge
experience. In opening preparation,
Anand is an expert whereas Magnus
should be more precise. Magnus will
have to learn to deal with psychological
pressure. Anand needs no reminding
how important this match is.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
The Great Akbar of The Great Akbar of The Great Akbar of The Great Akbar of The Great Akbar of
Independence struggl e Independence struggl e Independence struggl e Independence struggl e Independence struggl e
Height about 5 5; exceptionally
thin; noticeably fair; age about 33 years;
has practically no hair on his face though
he does not shave; long sharp face with
prominent nose. This is the official
description of Maulana Abul Kalam
Azad, the golden boy of the
Independence struggle. With his
confidence, charm and sincerity, Azad
impressed people of his age group with
his sharp and swift mind. Later in years,
he especially cultivated a look of
venerable age to give a suitable
background to his learning. His genius
and method were too individual to
found a school, but his writings and
lectures exerted a profound influence
owing to the breadth of view and patient
learning. Rajaji described him as The
Great Akbar of Today.
Unease with conformity Unease with conformity Unease with conformity Unease with conformity Unease with conformity
The study of Azads early life is,
however, hampered by a deficiency of
data. But there is ample evidence to
indicate his discomfort with the
traditional order of things. This was
enough to rouse his scorn. So is his
unease with taqlid or conformity. Is
Islamic doctrine so rigid and dogmatic
that it leaves no room for intellectual
creativity? With this bent of mind, he
broke off the shackles of fossilised
theology, and critiqued all those
elements in theology that inhibited the
progress of empirical science and the
unlimited process of their utilisation. His
views on the spread of a materialistic
way of life and the stagnation and
retardation of religious life became
well-known, but this phase in his life
when he saw in religion only ignorance
proved to be momentary. Once he
regained his faith, he worked out a
synthesis between the reformist and
orthodox philosophies. He did not go
too far in this journey, but went far
enough to disturb the status quo .
The awakening at Aligarhs M.A.O.
College fostered ideas on reforms,
interpretation, and innovation among
the Muslim intelligentsia. Syed Ahmad
Khan moulded young Azads thinking.
He did his very best to read his writings
and admired them. He also admired
Shibli Nomani, founder of the Nadwat
al-ulama in Lucknow. And when the
Nadwa alim turned pan-Islamist after
the European intervention in the Balkan
States, Azad too stressed that the
bonding with the Turks was unique
insofar as they were a part of the Islamic
community as well as its last political
One has only to cast a glance at
some of Azads early writings to realise 108 108 108 108 108
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that he entered the valley of doubts and
uncertainties to demolish the
suppositions that had guided
theologians. He opposed the
scripturalists or the literalists,
because they advocated rigid adherence
to the fundamentals of Islam, as literally
interpreted from the Koran and
the Sunna . His interest in the externals
of religion, too, diminished. At the same
time, he was consistent in his authentic
inward piety. Just as he was ready to
comprehend the whole Koran within the
verses of the fi rst Surah , so he
conceived and pursued the politics of
Islam within the Korans dimension of
The Muslim communities were
divided by geographical situation, by
differences of dialect and custom and,
in some cases, by the deeper chasm of
sectarianism, but pan-Islamism inflamed
their passions, a feeling that, although
they had been ground down under the
wheels of history, they thought of
themselves as a mighty society spread
worldwide. Azad, for one, was attached
to the common inheritance of Islamic
culture and explored the treasures of
thought and emotion which belonged
to theumma . He proceeded naturally
from the conviction that education,
liberalism and faith in progress were
requisites for Muslim empowerment.
Setting a great example of moral
leadership during World War I, Azad
became the soul of the Congress party.
He opposed Partition heart and soul,
while a great body of his compatriots
clamoured for a Muslim nation. He could
not conceal the contempt that he felt
for them, and at no stage in his public
career did he stoop to compromise. The
spectacle of Indians working out a new
way of life and boldly defying the
accumulated prejudices and animus of
the past was one which aroused his
interest and curiosity. Without looking
around to find a mirror that might
reflect radical faces, he identified
pluralism to be the weapon of the strong
and the weak against the British. He
preferred the conviction of Dara Shikoh,
the eldest Mughal prince and a victim
of Aurangzebs conspiracy, that in the
search for the ultimate Truth, mosques
as well as temples validly mediate the
one candles light.
Harmonious and Harmonious and Harmonious and Harmonious and Harmonious and
Creative Islam Creative Islam Creative Islam Creative Islam Creative Islam
Azads greatest gift was to
postulate an equation between Islam
and Indian nationalism on the one hand,
and between Islam and the universal
principles, on the other. He did so to
enlarge our conception of what is
possible, enrich our intellectual
imagination, and diminish dogmatism
which closes the mind toijtehad . With
his belief in an integrated, harmonious
and creative Islam, he adumbrated the
outlook of a religious humanist, very
much in the line of the humanism
embodied in the classical Persian Sufi
poetical tradition. He envisaged an Islam
not of sectarian belligerence but of
confident partnership in a cultural and
spiritual diversity where a strident
divisiveness would be its betrayal.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
Minister of Education in free India and
sponsor of an official history of the
1857 Rebellion, referred to the two
communities standing shoulder to
shoulder to liberate themselves from
the British yoke. Why did Azad and
others think that it was worth their while
to make this point? Probably, to record
the regret that the British swept away
and rooted out the late Mughals
pluralistic and philosophically
composite nationalism, and to bemoan
that they ensured that common action
by Hindus and Muslims would in future
not be accomplished easily.
Shakespeares view of life in one
of his plays is that, round the lonely
great ones of this earth there is inevitably
a conspiracy of envy and hatred,
hatched by the base and common sort.
On December 30, 1941, the gates of
Naini prison outside Allahabad opened
for Azad; on August 9, 1942, the new
gate of the old Ahmednagar Fort prison
closed behind him.
Earlier, its mention would
invariably bring to his mind several
forgotten footprints of time and
presented, page after page, six centuries
of history. And yet, in this world of
thousand caprices and moods, so many
doors are opened to be closed and so
many are closed to be later thrown
open. Hence, between July 15 and
August 5, 1942, he went around the
country for consultation with the
Congress leaders.
Azad spent a total of 10 years in
jail. Thrown into a new world whose
geography did not extend beyond a
hundred yards and where the population
was no more than 15 faces, he was
overwhelmed by the morning sunlight
and the evening darkness. Like Antonio
Gramsci, Azad conceived of writing
something that might absorb him and
give a focus to his inner life. For this, he
read a great deal. He drew the guidance
and motivation from the reading of
Scriptures. It is important to realise
and important particularly for the full
knowledge and comprehension of times
past that internment kindled Azads
Islam into warmth and fervour. Like
Aurobindo Ghose who found God as a
result of the wrath of the government,
he felt comforted and serene. And like
the future sage of Pondicherry, he found
it impossible to explain the love of
motherland or sacrifice to the thick-
skinned Britons in India.
Independence came with Nehrus
tryst with destiny speech, but Partition
plunged Azads spirits into depression.
There is no more certain test of
statesmanship, wrote H.A.L. Fisher in
hi s History of Europe , than the
capacity to resist the political
intoxication of victory. Though hurt and
wounded by a colossal tragedy, the
otherwise distraught Azad carried his
tribulations with a stoical dignity and
pursued his active role through stresses
of inner disquiet. Ultimately, he suffered
for the sake of truth. He had noted in
one of his many elegant passages that,
the flowering trees whose offspring
once represented beauty and grace
were now lying in a heap in a corner,
like burnt out bushes and trampled up
grass. The story which opened with the
bright colours of the Al-Hilal and Al-
Balagh closed in deep shadow.
Like the Urdu poet, Mir Taqi Mir,
Azad could only voice affirmation of
the historical process or protest against
the iniquities of time and the suffering it
caused to the sensitive mind and soul.
He had indeed no small talk, and no time
for it, or for little human foibles, but in
his famous speech after independence
at the Red Fort in Delhi, he lambasted
those Muslims who threw themselves 109 109 109 109 109
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more and more deeply into the
communal vortex. At the same time it
must be said to his credit that, in the
turmoil raging around the Muslim
communities, Azad secured them the
comfort of peace and security. Lesser
men found conflict in the rich variety of
life, but Azad was big enough not only
to see the essential unity behind all that
diversity but also to realise that only in
this unity can there be hope for India as
a whole and for those great and varied
currents of national life.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Reprieve, for now Reprieve, for now Reprieve, for now Reprieve, for now Reprieve, for now
Policymakers must be heaving a
big sigh of relief at the decision of ratings
agency Standard & Poors (S&P), to retain
Indias sovereign rating at BBB , with
a negative outlook. The skidding rupee,
a high current account deficit (CAD),
weakening GDP growth and rising
inflation had set off fears of an imminent
downgrade of the countrys sovereign
rating. A downgrade would have taken
India to below investment grade, which
would have put off prospective investors
and also raised borrowing costs for
Indian companies abroad,
compounding the existing problems. If
this dire scenario did not play out, it is
thanks mainly to the measures initiated
by the Reserve Bank of India and the
government to support the rupee and
rein in CAD through a tight squeeze on
non-essential imports. A simultaneous
pick-up in exports and revival in FII fund
flows, following the decision of the U.S.
Federal Reserve to continue with its
monthly bond-buying programme,
certainly helped improve the external
environment. Interestingly, S&P notes
that Indias external position is an
element of strength for the rating, a far
cry from the situation just a few weeks
ago. Yet, the fact is that the risk of
downgrade has been seen off only
temporarily, as the ratings agency has
itself acknowledged in its report.
There still are several adverse
economic variables for policymakers to
be worried about. With the CAD now
under check, the focus has shifted to
the fiscal deficit and the question of
whether the government will be able to
stick to the target of 4.8 per cent of GDP
for 2013-14 considering that elections
are round the corner. Reining in
subsidies on petroleum products and
fertilizers is crucial to meeting the fiscal
deficit target, but as we get closer to
the elections it is doubtful if the
government will be able to prune either.
Added to this is the outlay on food
subsidy, which S&P estimates will be as
high as 1.5 per cent of GDP. Funding
these subsidies would not have been a
worry in an environment of strong
economic growth but that is not the case
now; the growth impulse is weak and
both consumption and investment are
at a low ebb. Falling demand has
resulted in idling of capacities across a
range of industries starting from
automobiles to consumer durables.
These problems acquire a different
dimension when viewed along with the
likelihood of political instability at the
Centre post the general elections. And
this is exactly the risk that the ratings
agency is flagging for its negative
outlook. A change in the outlook to
positive and warding off a possible
downgrade would require a return of
the growth impulse, resolute
management of the fisc and stable
monetary conditions a tough ask
indeed in an election season.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Surrender on CHOGM Surrender on CHOGM Surrender on CHOGM Surrender on CHOGM Surrender on CHOGM
Once again, foreign policy
objectives have been sacrificed at the
altar of political expediency. After
Pakistan and Bangladesh, the surrender
by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
the Congress to political opposition and
a narrow regional view on Sri Lanka is
not surprising, but it is disappointing all
the same. For India, the two main
objectives in its dealings with Sri Lanka
are to ensure a just deal for that nations
Tamil minority, and to protect its own
interests in a region of strategic
importance. The Prime Ministers
decision not to attend the
Commonwealth Heads of Government
Meeting came after weeks of pressure
by Tamil Nadu political parties,
including a resolution by the State
Assembly. But if the primary reason for
staying away is to express displeasure
at Sri Lankas reluctance to address
alleged atrocities against Tamil civilians
during the final battles against the LTTE,
it is doubtful if the decision will yield a
different, more positive outcome. More
likely is a further erosion of New Delhis
influence on the Rajapaksa regime to
effect a just settlement of the Tamil
question. It was thanks to Indias
prodding that Sri Lanka held elections
in September to the Northern Provincial
Council, convincingly won by the Tamil
National Alliance. This significant
milestone in ethnic reconciliation has
given Tamil-dominated northern Sri
Lanka a popularly elected
administration for the first time.
Unfortunately, instead of projecting this
as an example of constructive
diplomacy, the Congress allowed itself
to be blackmailed by its present and
potential allies in the State. Political
parties in Tamil Nadu virtually ignored
the NPC election, giving rise to the
suspicion that it is not the interests of
Tamils across the Palk Strait that they
espouse but their own, as in this election
season it is easier to flog the emotional
overtones of the issue than respond to
more pressing domestic concerns.
A decision by Dr. Singh to go to
CHOGM and include a visit to Jaffna
would have been a powerful
reaffirmation of New Delhis stakes and
interests in the region. India must now
deal with the consequences of its
decision to stay away, both on the Tamil
question and on its own larger interests.
In Sri Lanka, it will affect the task of
reconciliation considerably, including
Indias efforts to ensure the 13th
Amendment is not diluted or done away
with entirely. It is to be hoped that both
countries will guard against any adverse
consequences on people-to-people
links, and India will have to manage the
huge strategic and diplomatic fallout. It
is debatable if Sri Lanka will turn into a
Chinese satellite in the Indian Ocean as
is commonly feared, but clearly, the
island will be looking for other allies in
the region and beyond.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
A flawed A flawed A flawed A flawed A flawed
approach to Montreal approach to Montreal approach to Montreal approach to Montreal approach to Montreal
It is 1994, and less than a year to
Assembly elections in Bihar. The Indian
economy is on the mend but the benefits
of liberalisation are yet to reach semi-
urban and rural areas. Standing in the 110 110 110 110 110
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way of government efforts to boost
consumer spending is a little known
international treaty called the Montreal
Protocol. The Protocol requires India
which ratified it in 1992 to control
and phase out the use of
chlorofluorocarbons and halons, which
are considered Ozone Depleting
Substances (ODS). As a developing
country, India has been offered a 10-
year window to abide by its
commitments to the Protocol.
Refrigerator or tiger? Refrigerator or tiger? Refrigerator or tiger? Refrigerator or tiger? Refrigerator or tiger?
Reining in CFCs could possibly
dent the consumer goods market in
India: they are used as refrigerants in
automobiles, electronic appliances,
plastics and pharmaceuticals, among
other applications. Of particular
concern is the market for refrigerators,
which has witnessed an unprecedented
boom. Having acceded to the Protocol,
the government has no option but to
hard-sell it to the public. Maneka Gandhi
who as Environment Minister
negotiated Indias entry into the Protocol
opts for a novel approach to the issue
at an election rally in Bihar, in a
constituency located near a tiger
reserve. Ms. Gandhi she would recall
to the late political scientist Holly Sims
spins the story of The Lady, or the
Tiger around to ask the crowd: Do you
want a refrigerator, or a tiger?
Its impact on Indias consumer-
driven growth notwithstanding, the
Montreal Protocol was a much-needed
instrument that addressed ozone
depletion. The well-being of tigers is not
directly linked to the decreasing volume
of ozone in the atmosphere but by
comparing refrigerators to endangered
animals, Ms. Gandhi simply sought to
relate the importance of the treaty to
This year, the Montreal Protocol
is back in the spotlight. The United
States and other developed countries
are leading an effort to bring
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) within the
ambit of the treaty. India, which has
scrupulously adhered to its original
commitments under the Protocol, is
being arm-twisted into agreement.
Cutting down on HFCs will deprive
Indian industry of the only viable
alternative to CFCs. Despite its potential
impact on the economy, in an election
season, the United Progressive Alliance
has made no effort to convince the
public why it is tagging along with the
The reasons are fairly clear: Indias
negotiating position has not been borne
out of some sense of responsibility to
the environment. It has its genesis in
Prime Minister Manmohan Singhs
promise to U.S. President Barack Obama
made both at the G20 meeting at St.
Petersburg and during his visit to the
White House in September 2013 that
New Delhi will not object to the Wests
The Montreal Protocol was
negotiated in the aftermath of a stunning
discovery by British scientists of a giant
hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica.
This discovery in 1985 lent urgency to
treaty deliberations. The Protocol owes
its success to a sharply defined
objective to stem further ozone
depletion. To this end, the treaty
identifies the class and category of
halons and CFCs that need to be
The Wests current proposal to
sweep HFCs under the Montreal
Protocol runs contrary to established
principles of international law. In fact, it
defeats the very purpose of the
Protocol. HFCs do not harm the ozone
layer. However, they contribute
substantially to greenhouse gas
emissions and thus, climate change.
Since HFCs gained currency as an
alternative to CFCs and other ozone-
depleting substances, the West has
argued, they too should be regulated
under the Protocol. A treaty may have
unintended consequences, but to amend
it to tackle them all is neither feasible
nor desirable. If it is found that
conventional warfare has been on the
rise on account of the absolute ban on
nuclear weapons, should the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty be amended to
impose limits on defence budgets of
Bringing HFCs under the Montreal
Protocol, some have argued, serves the
larger goal of tackling climate change.
But regulating the only commercially
viable alternative to ODS is likely to
encourage non-compliance from the
Protocol. In any event, history suggests
the Wests proposal is not solely driven
by noble intentions. In return for its
consent, India has been promised
financial and technical assistance to
phase out HFCs. The U.S. offered exactly
the same carrot when the Protocol was
negotiated two decades ago. Although
a Multilateral Fund was set up to provide
support for developing countries, its
quantum was subject to much dispute.
While India sought $1 billion for the
Fund, the West offered merely $240
million in the interim period between
1991-93, with additional pledges to
follow. As of 2010, $2.7 billion had been
pledged. Here is a figure to put that
amount in perspective: the refrigerator
market in India alone is valued at $1.8
While negotiating the Protocol,
India was sceptical about claims of
technology transfer, so the Environment
Ministry sought to make it mandatory.
Alternative technology was
concentrated in the hands of private
players in the West, India argued, and
the treaty had to compel them into
sharing it with developing countries.
Industrialised nations, as the then chief
U.S. negotiator Richard Benedick recalls
in his memoir Ozone Diplomacy , saw
this demand as environmental
blackmail. The mandatory transfer
provision failed to materialise after
China softened its stance. India was
projected as a holdout to the Protocol,
which increased pressure on the
government to ratify it.
The result? Companies like DuPont
which influenced the U.S. position
on the Protocol and Daikin made
windfall profits by tapping into
emerging markets with their patented
substitutes to CFCs. Similarly, western
companies stand to gain most if HFCs
are to be phased out under the Protocol.
The U.S. holds most of the patents for
alternative hydrocarbon and magnetic
refrigerants. These technologies, which
have not seen wide commercial usage
in developing countries, could be
prohibitively expensive.
Meanwhile, India has once again
been called out for stalling the
proposal to amend the Protocol. The
Hindu has reported how, at the Bangkok
conference to review the working of the
Protocol recently, the Indian delegation
objected to the setting up of a contact 111 111 111 111 111
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group on HFCs. The Ministry of
Environment and Forests is keen to
address HFCs within the U.N.
Framework Convention on Climate
Change. But setting a target to reduce
HFCs under the Framework will lead to
similar demands for other greenhouse
gases, something the U.S. steadfastly
opposes. HFCs are potent compounds
but their contribution to climate change
is currently minuscule compared to that
of CO2 emissions. Tweaking the
Montreal Protocol not only frees the U.S.
from any commitment on other
greenhouse gas emissions, but also
works to favour its companies.
Phasing down HFCs Phasing down HFCs Phasing down HFCs Phasing down HFCs Phasing down HFCs
The Ministry has been thrown
under the bus after the Prime Minister
agreed during his U.S. visit to set
up an Indo-U.S. Task Force to discuss
phasing down HFCs under the
Protocol. Indias negotiating position at
climate talks have, regrettably, been
held hostage to the Prime Ministers
foreign policy legacy.
If the Montreal Protocol is
amended to include HFCs within its
scope, India and other developing
countries have no option but to import
expensive and largely untested
technology from the West. The
government has proposed to allow for
compulsory licensing to make it
accessible to domestic players. Two
wrongs, however, do not make a right.
For starters, New Delhi will find it
difficult to justify granting compulsory
licences regarded as an emergency
measure for green technology under
the TRIPS regime. Second, compulsory
licences are only going to serve the
interests of big Indian companies which
have the wherewithal to manufacture
alternative refrigerants cheaply and on
an industrial scale.
Indias accession to the Montreal
Protocol offers a few lessons for this
government. While it negotiated the
terms of the Protocol during the late
1980s, it did not join as an original
signatory. India adopted a negotiation
strategy aimed at securing financial
assistance in addition to a grace period
to phase out CFCs. With the wisdom of
hindsight it is clear that developed
countries are not going to pay for the
damage they have caused to the ozone
layer. This does not dilute the imperative
of tackling climate change rather than
rushing to embrace the U.S. position on
the Montreal Protocol, India should stick
to its original demand to address all
greenhouse gas emissions through the
UNFCC. At the U.N. climate talks, Indias
commitment to stringent emission
norms must doubtless be coupled with
a legally binding assurance of
technology transfer.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
The Rupee s The Rupee s The Rupee s The Rupee s The Rupee s
Continuing Troubles Continuing Troubles Continuing Troubles Continuing Troubles Continuing Troubles
The rupee is in trouble, yet again.
The currency has been sliding in the last
five trading sessions, to close at Rs.63.71
versus the dollar on Tuesday. A
convergence of unfavourable factors
appears to be behind the renewed fall
in the currency after the relative stability
of the last few weeks. The immediate
trigger was the positive news emerging
from the U.S. The global economic
engine last week reported a better-than-
expected 2.8 per cent growth in the third
quarter ended September. This was
immediately followed by encouraging
non-farm payrolls data which showed
that more jobs were added in October
than expected. These data have set off
fears that the Federal Reserve might start
the tapering of its $85 billion monthly
bond-buying programme as early as in
December or January. Foreign
institutional investors have turned net
sellers in the domestic market in the last
few trading sessions. It is not
coincidental that since November 6, the
day the rupee lurched into its latest
turbulence, FIIs have sold $438.50
million in the debt market. The return of
fears over tapering is strengthening the
dollar against other Asian currencies as
well, as global fund flows head back to
the U.S. in anticipation of rising bond
There are a couple of domestic
factors too that seem to be working
against the rupee. The most important
of these is the partial closure of the
special window that was opened by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for oil
companies to buy their dollars directly
from the central bank. With apparent
stability prevailing over the last few
weeks, the RBI pushed back into the
market almost half of the oil companies
dollar requirements, causing demand for
the greenback to rise. Also, a couple of
special measures initiated by the central
bank at the peak of the crisis to support
the rupee by attracting dollar inflows,
such as the swap window for foreign
currency deposits, are supposed to
close by the end of this month. These
factors, along with the possibility of the
Federal Reserve starting the tapering
process, point to a period of weakness
ahead for the rupee. The RBI may well
find itself forced to extend some of the
supportive measures put in place earlier.
What is heartening though is that there
has been a perceptible improvement in
the external account since the last round
of volatility a couple of months ago.
Trade data for October, the latest
available, show acceleration in exports
and a significant fall in imports; if these
trends sustain, the current account
deficit, which was acting as a drag on
the rupee during the last spell of
volatility, could be around $60 billion
or 3-3.2 per cent of GDP. Yet, this may
not be enough to support the rupee if
FIIs decide to take their money back to
the U.S.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
A crucial milestone A crucial milestone A crucial milestone A crucial milestone A crucial milestone
The 19th Conference of the Parties
to the U.N. Framework Convention on
Climate Change (CoP 19), which began
on Monday in Poland, marks a crucial
milestone towards negotiating an
effective global warming treaty. At CoP
19, the fault lines remain the same:
industrialised countries would like to see
a significant cut in global greenhouse
gas emissions (GHG), while developing
nations are prepared to reduce their
carbon footprint only with financial and
technical assistance from the West.
Negotiators have given themselves two
years to connect the dots on a
comprehensive agreement when they
meet in Paris in 2015. Predictably, this
deadline has proven tough to meet.
Most countries agree that it would be
unrealistic to have the treaty prescribe
the quantum of emission cuts. There
seems to be broad support for the
bottom-up approach, which would
involve countries submitting voluntary 112 112 112 112 112
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commitments assessed and monitored
for compliance by the treatys guardians.
Even so, the devil is in the detail: the
EU, for instance, will push for legally
binding commitments to halve GHG
emissions by 2050 in comparison to
1990 levels. The U.S. wants a mix of
legally and non-legally binding
commitments. The Obama
administration has said it has no plans
to ratify the Kyoto Protocol which
imposes a binding emissions cut on
developed countries.
For its part, India wants to retain
the Kyoto Protocols preferential
treatment of developing countries.
Along with BASIC group members Brazil,
China and South Africa, India has based
its negotiating position on the principle
of equity. New Delhi has made its
climate commitments contingent on
mitigation actions which would entail
assistance to it in the form of finance,
technology transfer and capacity
building measures. The challenge for
Indian negotiators at CoP 19 will be to
secure these demands without being
billed as a holdout to the treaty. India
has already faced flak, rather unfairly,
for its objection to bringing
hydrofluorocarbons under the Montreal
Protocol, as opposed to the UNFCCC.
Meanwhile, fissures have shown up in
the BASICs negotiating line as a whole.
Last month, South Africa suggested the
new treaty must include binding carbon
cuts for all parties. The imperative of
climate change what with several
natural disasters this year, and the
atmospheric concentration of carbon
dioxide having crossed 400 parts per
million is no doubt lending urgency
to negotiations. Indias climate
diplomacy must be aimed at dispelling
the notion that it is reluctant to tackle
global warming. Meanwhile, it must
ensure Indian industry affordable access
to western technology to meet our
commitments effectively.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
The garb of policy-making The garb of policy-making The garb of policy-making The garb of policy-making The garb of policy-making
Facing a series of corruption
charges, some of them borne out by
audit reports and police probes, the last
thing that the United Progressive Alliance
regime would want is to reinforce in the
public mind the image of being a
government that seeks to restrain
independent agencies from going
behind its policies and decisions to look
for evidence of wrong-doing. Remarks
by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram
at a conference organised by the Central
Bureau of Investigation are likely to
create such an impression. When Dr.
Singh said it would not be appropriate
for a police agency to sit in judgment
over policy formulation without any
evidence of mala fides , he may have
been voicing serious concern that
treating an administrative decision that
goes wrong as criminal misconduct may
lead to policy paralysis. However, with
Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram
taking the cue from him and cautioning
the CBI and other authorities like the
Comptroller and Auditor-General
against overstepping their limits, it is
difficult not to see a pattern. The
government is clearly uneasy with recent
developments: the CBI wishes to be seen
as being independent and wants to
scrutinise decisions such as those
relating to allocation of coal blocks, and
there is greater public and judicial
support for granting it functional
The UPA government is perhaps
not wrong in highlighting the
complexities involved in decision-
making in the era of economic
liberalisation. Also, it has sought to place
in perspective the issue of granting
autonomy to the CBI: its operational
freedom should be distinguished from
the need for accountability and
executive oversight. If all it wants is that
errors of judgment during decision-
making should not be misconstrued by
an investigating officer as crimes, there
should be no quarrel. However, the
government itself administers the
safeguards available in law and the
judicial system that can protect honest
policy decisions and honest officials
against vexatious enquiries. The
requirement that prior sanction is
needed before prosecution is launched
is intended to filter out misconceived
charges. Experience shows that corrupt
deals do take place in the garb of overtly
proper administrative decisions, while
policies and norms ostensibly serving
the public interest are on many
occasions framed in such a way as to
suit vested interests. Great caution is
required while seeking amendments to
provisions that currently criminalise
actions that procure pecuniary
advantage to any person without any
public interest. Protecting the honest
civil servant who makes risky judgment
calls is one thing; sweeping dishonest
decisions under the carpet of policy-
making is quite another.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Long walk to normalcy Long walk to normalcy Long walk to normalcy Long walk to normalcy Long walk to normalcy
Thirteen-year old Suraj Thapa
works as a kitchen boy at a
highway dhaba on Jalandhar Bypass,
well cared for by his Sikh employers.
But why is Suraj here in the first place,
rather than attending school in his home
district of Pyuthan in western Nepal?
Since the unification of Nepal two-
and-a-half centuries ago, the state has
failed to provide for its citizenry,
pauperising it through expansionary
wars, hereditary autocracies and royal
dictatorships. The poorest have had to
migrate for survival, reaching back to
when Gorkhalis turned up at the gates
of Ranjit Singh in Lahore.
Opportunity for growth Opportunity for growth Opportunity for growth Opportunity for growth Opportunity for growth
When the 1990 Peoples Movement
ushered in democracy, the opportunity
for economic growth and equity
seemed finally at hand, a time to shed
Kathmandu-centricism and the historical
marginalisation of whole communities.
Nepal would now be able to parlay its
size, sovereignty and abundant natural
resources for material wealth, to emerge
as an exemplary nation-state of South
Before five years were over,
however, the Maoists had picked up the
gun against the embryonic
parliamentary system. Evolution of the
polity was derailed and the economy
stunted; the process of de-
employment has been ongoing now for
17 years, a decade of conflict and seven
years of chaotic transition.
The poorest from hill and plains
cross the open border to the south,
swelling the ranks of the labouring
Nepali underclass, from the wheat fields
of Punjab to the apple orchards
of kalapahad (Himachal) and the
bylanes of Bangalore. The less-poor go 113 113 113 113 113
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to the Gulf and Malaysia. At least six
million of Nepals 27.5 million able-
bodied are outside today, also severely
depleting the voter rolls for the
upcoming elections of November 19.
Crows in a fog Crows in a fog Crows in a fog Crows in a fog Crows in a fog
The so-called transitional period
has become almost as long as the
conflict itself, with the economy held
hostage and the state directionless like
a crow in a mountain fog. The Maoists
came above ground following the
massive and peaceful Peoples
Movement of 2006, but they cheated
on the peace process by holding on to
their combatants for six years instead
of the promised six months. The
historical monarchy was abolished by
political consensus, but the Republic of
Nepal was weakened from the start by
its progenitors.
An electoral farce was enacted in
April 2008, with aggression and reckless
propaganda making the Maoists the
largest party by far in the Constituent
Assembly (CA). The electorate was
trapped by the hurried announcement
by Jimmy Carter (as a parachutist
election observer) that the polls were
just fine; and by the Chief Election
Commissioner of the day who declared
that the polls were to be seen as part of
the peace process. Given the sullied
elections, the Assembly was robbed of
gravitas and credibility; after extending
its two-year term by a further two years,
the CA collapsed in May 2012 without
delivering a document.
Throughout the period of the CAs
life, the Maoists continued to
consolidate their grip on society,
weakening the bureaucracy, police, the
army and, finally, the judiciary. Ignoring
the pain among the victims of conflict,
they developed a tacit understanding
with the Nepal Army, the former enemy,
to scuttle the formation of a Truth and
Reconciliation Commission. Their goal
of blanket amnesty for perpetrators
sowed the seeds of long-term social
Micromanaged quagmire Micromanaged quagmire Micromanaged quagmire Micromanaged quagmire Micromanaged quagmire
Perhaps the most dangerous
development during the CAs term was
the calibrated manufacture of inter-
community polarisation, in the context
of defining federalism. Cross-cutting
divisions were activated between hill
and plains communities, between castes
and ethnicities, with the sizeable Dalit
population losing out at every step.
The Maoists prepared the stage for
crony capitalism, with all-out corruption
whose scale went from lakh to crore to
arab in a handful of years. Deftly, the
comrades transformed from
revolutionaries to casino operators, real
est at e mafiosi , and ki ckback
merchants swimming in telecom,
hydropower and other honey pots.
Steadfastly stonewalling district and
village-level elections, they helped
extend the culture of graft to the
The Interim Constitutions stricture
on governance-by-consensus proved a
bane, and over time the polity came
under the grip of the four-party
syndicate steered by the UCPN-Maoist
Chairman, Pushpa Kamal Dahal
(Prachanda). It was this political cartel
which, in early 2013, decided to hand
over the reins of the government to the
sitting Chief Justice, compromising
Nepals tradition of separation of
With the political leadership
divided between the opportunists
(Maoists) and the inept (the
democratic flank), the international
community had a field day with Nepals
internal affairs. Overseas donors
provided ample funding for
constitutional debates, but managed
mainly to divert political activists into
workshops and seminars. Beijing,
nervous about its Tibet underbelly but
also seeking to create new geopolitical
realities, sought to increase its influence
on the Home Ministry. Astoundingly,
New Delhi seemed to outsource its
Nepal policy to unaccountable
agencies and obnoxious individuals
and, as a result, got caught in a quagmire
of micromanagement.
Country without jurists Country without jurists Country without jurists Country without jurists Country without jurists
One more try at writing the
Constitution was needed, hence the polls
next week for Constituent Assembly-II.
Unfortunately, the syndicate has
ensured that the foundations are weak.
There is no threshold percentage, so the
forthcoming House will likely be hugely
fragmented. The size of the Assembly
at 601 members is unwieldy, and the
nature of the proportional list allows
party leaders to play favourites. The
plains Dalit, in particular, have been
abandoned in the various compromises
made. The unkindest cut was to discard
the very concept of vetting, allowing
war-crime accused to become
Given such flaws, the
meaningfulness ( saarthakata ) of the
CA-II can only be ensured by
guaranteeing clean elections. Even if
Constitution-writing takes time, in this
country without jurists, there will be a
Parliament for the next four years.
Representative government will provide
a buffer for the economy and give
continuity and direction to the state. The
polls will also help separate the judiciary
from the executive, and salvage a
modicum of dignity in the international
arena including assigning an
ambassador to India, a seat that has
been vacant for more than two years.
The elections are also crucial to
impede the growth in tandem of the
radical left and the Hindutva-right, the
former led by Chairman Dahal and the
latter manned by those energised by the
prospects of Narendra Modi in India.
The road to socio-political stability is
ideally along the lines spelled out by
the late Biswheswor Prasad Koirala half-
a-century ago, a social democratic state
where fundamental freedoms will help
reverse the injustices of the past and
Electoral accessory Electoral accessory Electoral accessory Electoral accessory Electoral accessory
Nepals normalisation is
dependent at this stage on
representative government built on the
basis of kosher elections, reversing the
momentum towards money and muscle
in politics. The dangers emanate from
the UCPN-Maoist of Dahal and the
breakaway faction of Mohan Baidya.
The leaders of the Nepali Congress, the
CPN (UML) and Madhesbadi parties are
unable to block the elections even if
they want to.
What would Chairman Dahal (and
Vice-Chairman Baburam Bhattarai) do
if they perceive the UCPN-Maoist party
faring considerably worse than in 2008?
This is a critical question, for the
temptation would be to try and hijack
the outcome through booth capture,
stuffing of ballots and threatening voters 114 114 114 114 114
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On October 30, the Supreme Court
of India, on a public interest litigation
plea by several retired senior civil
servants, ruled in favour of greater order
and transparency in transfers and
posting. It directed the formation of a
Civil Services Board of senior civil
servants to decide on transfers and
postings and a fixed tenure for postings.
It also directed civil servants not to
accept oral orders from their superior
officers or Ministers, and to ensure that
the orders are reduced in writing before
they are carried out.
The judgment has been welcomed
by the media, the bureaucracy and those
who deal with the government and its
institutions. The reaction from the
political executive has been muted and,
from some quarters, negative, with one
spokesman saying the power of
transfers and postings should continue
with the political executive. There have
also been comments from think tanks
that the judgment would be difficult to
implement, given that the Central as well
as State governments would be
involved, and that the Supreme Court
should not have ventured so deep into
the realm of executive jurisdiction.
Behind these two events is the
recognition of the development of a
malaise that is affecting governance and
the way the business of government is
transacted. Even more deeply, there
appears to be a debate between what
is right and who is right.
Pre-Independence l egacy Pre-Independence l egacy Pre-Independence l egacy Pre-Independence l egacy Pre-Independence l egacy
The permanent civil services are a
pre-Independence legacy. There was
always to be a gap between
administrators/implementers and
politicians. The former were
professionals who were expected to
advise on policy, and implement the
governments programmes and
projects. The relationship was one based
on mutual trust and respect of one
anothers role. Those of us who joined
the services in the 1960s took this
relationship for granted, and were able
to function freely, with respect and close
coordination with Ministers. This has
changed since the 1980s. The growth of
regional parties and the fragmentation
of the national polity brought to power
groups which had the short-term
objective of retaining power, and lesser
respect for established rules and
regulations. There was increasing
pressure on civil servants to do as they
were told, under threat of transfer and
administrative action. In some States,
there was little respect for office or
tenure, and officers lived in constant
anxiety over the next transfer. The recent
case of the suspension of a young officer
in Uttar Pradesh, and actions against an
officer in Haryana are visible examples
of political highhandedness. Officers
were given oral orders that were often
not backed by rules. In the event of an
investigation, the officers had to face
culpability. In the last decade, the
excesses have extended to several
sectors that are now facing investigation
and criminal action.
The Supreme Court judgment is a
welcome reprieve that attempts to set
the boundaries for political intervention
in administration. The directions on
written orders, fixity of tenure and the
establishment of a Civil Services Board
are based on the earlier
recommendations of the Hota
committee and the Administrative
Reforms Commission reports of 2009.
These recommendations were not
implemented by the government, and
the Supreme Court verdict draws upon
them and directs implementation.
However, it is not going to be easy to
implement the instructions, for several
Disjoint in governance Disjoint in governance Disjoint in governance Disjoint in governance Disjoint in governance
First, there is a serious disjoint in
governance between the political
hierarchy and the administrative
machinery. The 2G case, coal and mining
scandals, the Commonwealth Games
and other incidents have clearly
demonstrated that there has been
considerable erosion of fair processes
in the last decade. Criminal
investigations will determine where the
malaise lies: but it is quite apparent that
the subversion of due process to the
advantage of a select few has originated
at the level of the political executive.
Only investigations will reveal whether
the civil service participated in the
wrong-doing. It is also clear that in
several instances, rules have been
flouted, earlier norms overturned, and
protests marked on files ignored. There
is now lack of trust and fear among
and candidates alike with the Young
Communist League as was done the
last time. The UCPN-Maoist is also far
ahead of the other parties in the ability
to buy votes, and the spending would
be upped sharply in the final days.
The other critical question is
whether Mr. Baidya and his party will
seek to disrupt the polls as a whole, or
help fight Mr. Dahal on the issues. It is a
fact that Mr. Baidya was unfairly treated
by the syndicate in talks on
participating in the elections, but he
does the people an injustice with the
run of bandhs and bombings of the past
month. In the penultimate days, he is
emerging as a spoiler and, in that sense,
acting as a Dahal accessory.
In the days before the ballot, Mr.
Baidya has managed to divert the
attention of the electorate from the
issues that are vital for the upcoming
elections responsibility for the
weakened sense of national sovereignty,
heightened impoverishment, squelching
of local government, loot of the
exchequer, communal polarisations, and
candidacies of accused perpetrators.
The upcoming election is one
more attempt to end the run of debacles
that has dogged the people of Nepal
through history, and to reach for
normalcy, in democracy and in peace.
That journey begins, once again, by
trying to keep money and muscle from
influencing the ballot box on November
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
A question of accountability A question of accountability A question of accountability A question of accountability A question of accountability
Two recent events have focussed
attention on the relationship between
the political executive and public
servants. At the international conference
on corruption organised by the Central
Bureau of Investigation on November
11, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
urged that if there was no evidence of
wrong-doing, there should not be any
presumption of criminality. He also said
that Section 13 d (3) of the Prevention
of Corruption Act, introduced when P.
Chidambaram was the Minister for
Personnel two decades ago, would be
removed. This Section extends the
concept of corruption to any loss to the
government by the action of public
servants. 115 115 115 115 115
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senior bureaucrats, who feel they have
no safety net against illegal action, and
that they are victimised if they do not
toe the political line.
The Prime Ministers assertion at
the anti-corruption seminar on
November 11 that in effect, a loss to the
government and the country does not
necessarily constitute wrong-doing
indicates the direction of future political
decision-making. If this is the mindset,
there is no way the Supreme Court
judgment will change the behaviour or
attitude of those in power. It is no
surprise that a Congress spokesperson
has reacted strongly to the judgment,
and declared that transfers are a tool to
control the bureaucracy.
Second, it is equally true that there
has been some politicisation of the civil
service. In several States, officers close
to a regime are unwanted during the next
regime. Such close political proximity
is possible only through compromises
in decision-making as well as in ethical
standards. The politician may well turn
to these instances to justify his position.
There is also considerable corruption at
the operating levels. Fixity of tenure in
lucrative jobs, as promised by the court,
is but a guarantee to continue to exploit
the benefits of the position. It will
become a double-edged sword. If there
is collusion between the interests of the
political executive and the civil service,
the Supreme Court judgment will result
in an increase in wrong-doing, not a curb
on it. There is enough evidence at the
lower levels of administration that this
is true.
Third, there is the ultimate
question of accountability. As long as
wrong-doing goes unpunished, the
politician will continue to believe that
getting voted back to power is sufficient
proof of innocence, and that the civil
service should not be a bottleneck.
Recent Supreme Court judgments on the
Representation of the People Act as well
as the close monitoring of 2G and other
cases have shifted the focus to courts,
and no political party is comfortable
with that. We are faced with the ultimate
question of whether, in a democracy,
the rule of law can be interpreted in
favour of those in power at a particular
time. If yes, the Supreme Court judgment
will have no effect.
The time is now ripe for a much
more fundamental debate, on whether
the rules of business that applied to a
colonial regime are any longer relevant.
Even in the United Kingdom, where these
rules originated, they have been given
up in favour of a joint decision-making
process that makes the Minister in
charge solely responsible for the
actions. Watchdogs are effective and
retribution is swift and deterrent. The
vertical hierarchy of notes and orders
prevalent in India shifts responsibility in
a manner that makes accountability
difficult it is time to change that. If
not, as predicted by Hamza Alawi two
decades ago, the state would be under
the control of the political and industrial
class, aided, to some extent, by the
bureaucracy, and all to the detriment of
the nation and the citizens.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Questions about Questions about Questions about Questions about Questions about
Indias drug industry Indias drug industry Indias drug industry Indias drug industry Indias drug industry
Even before I walked into the
Mayflower Hotel in the heart of
Washington on a crisp autumn afternoon
to meet Dinesh Thakur, whistle-blower
and former director of India-based
pharmaceutical giant Ranbaxy, I had a
hunch that this conversation would spark
some troubling questions on Indias
malfunctioning drug industry.
On May 13, 2013, Ranbaxy
pleaded guilty to seven felonies relating
to drug manufacturing fraud and agreed
to cough up $500 million to settle the
case brought by the U.S. Department of
Justice (DoJ) after eight years of
investigation. The vast evidence in the
case, some of it supplied by Mr. Thakur
and marshalled by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), included
inspection reports compiled after
multiple FDA visits to Ranbaxy plants in
India in Paonta Sahib, Himachal
Pradesh, and Dewas, Madhya Pradesh.
Ranbaxy makes a long list of
generic medications 200 different
molecules, according to its website
everything from anti-retroviral drugs to
treat HIV-AIDS to commonly used
antibiotics such as Amoxicillin and
Cephalexin (Mox and Sporidex in India).
It makes generic combinations of
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, and sells
numerous over-the-counter products,
such as pain relief gel Volini and
cosmetic product Revital in India.
While it is apparent that Indians
consume Ranbaxy drugs at a prolific rate
accounting for approximately
Rs.2,600 crore, or 18 per cent of the
companys global revenue for 2012
what is less clear is why the Indian
government has not launched a vigorous
investigation into the current Good
Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)
violations that the U.S. authorities found
at multiple Ranbaxy facilities.
Go-slow approach Go-slow approach Go-slow approach Go-slow approach Go-slow approach
The Drug Controller General of
India (DCGI), G.N. Singh, said in June:
When the issue has been flagged, as a
regulator it is our duty to see that
whatever medicines have been
produced here are of assured quality.
But he did not specify the date by which
a review of Ranbaxys past drug
applications would be completed, leave
alone committing himself to holding
surprise visits to facilities aimed at
investigating manufacturing standards.
This go-slow approach is all the
more baffling given that, despite
assurances by Ranbaxy after its
admission of guilt in May that all of its
other facilities adhered to the required
process quality standards, a third plant,
this time in Mohali, Punjab, was slapped
with an import alert by the U.S. in
If any doubt remains about the
seriousness of the claims made by the
FDA so far, it is worth taking a quick
look at the dossier of evidence
submitted by the DoJ in the case against
Settlement documents make it
clear that Ranbaxy admitted that had
the seven felony charges brought by the
DoJ gone to trial, the government
would have proven beyond a
reasonable doubt that the company in
2006 had knowingly made materially
false, fictitious and fraudulent
statements, with regard to the stability
testing of drugs, and in 2003, it with
intent to defraud and mislead, failed
to submit timely field reports to the
FDA investigation FDA investigation FDA investigation FDA investigation FDA investigation
According to the FDAs
investigation, Ranbaxy acknowledged 116 116 116 116 116
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violations of cGMP regulations with
regard to a U.S.-distributed drug, Sotret,
even as far back as 2003. That was at a
time when the billionaire brothers
Malvinder and Shivinder Singh owned
the company. The Singh brothers sold
Ranbaxy to Japanese Daiichi-Sankyo in
2008 and walked away with a cool $4.6
Nevertheless, the Sotret episode
marked the beginning of a series of FDA
investigations of Ranbaxy facilities in
India, particularly of the two that
focussed on production for U.S.
markets: Paonta Sahib and Dewas,
where Ranbaxy manufactured Sotret
and two other popular drugs,
Gabapentin and Ciprofloxacin.
Inspecting Paonta Sahib in
February 2006, the FDA found no fewer
than eight deviations from cGMPs. These
included failure to include a complete
record of all drug testing data as
required by FDA guidelines, and failure
to establish an adequate testing
programme for the stability
characteristics of drugs essential to
determine drug storage conditions and
expiration dates.
Dewas was also investigated the
same month and the FDA found not only
a similar unavailability of quality-control
data but also a failure to extend
investigations into any unexplained
discrepancy, such as testing deviations
noted for specific drug batches.
Quality issues Quality issues Quality issues Quality issues Quality issues
Additional inspections of the
Dewas facility in 2008 unearthed a range
of quality problems. For example, there
were no separately defined areas for the
production and packaging of penicillin
that could prevent microbiological
contamination of this drug from
exposure to other drugs in the vicinity.
Again, quality control test failures of
certain drugs were not thoroughly
These early hints ought to have set
alarm bells ringing at FDA headquarters:
prescribed procedures were not being
followed; the required data
documenting these procedures were not
being compiled; and where deviations
were noted, they were not being
investigated. They did not appear to
raise the red flag or at least not
enough of them.
Thus, in November 2011, the FDA
did not see it fit to hold Ranbaxy back
from selling generic Lipitor, the popular
cholesterol-reducer. Blessed with a six-
month exclusivity grant, the company
went on to rake in $600 million in sales
revenue. Only when fate appeared to
intervene and glass particles were
discovered in samples of the drug did
Ranbaxy issue a massive recall notice.
Yet, if the FDA only scratched the
surface of drug quality problems at three
Ranbaxy facilities, then there is an
enormous question mark over the extent
to which other Ranbaxy facilities
beyond the ken of U.S. authorities are
similarly involved a matter of great
importance to the 150-odd countries in
which Ranbaxy sells its products,
including India.
Poor enforcement in India Poor enforcement in India Poor enforcement in India Poor enforcement in India Poor enforcement in India
In this context, the Indian drug
control authorities must share some of
the blame for not coming down harder
on fraud. The institutional reasons for
poor enforcement in India are well
known. In the context of drug regulation,
the point was made most poignantly by
the department-related Rajya Sabha
Standing Committee on Health and
Family Welfare in its 59th report, on the
functioning of the Central Drugs
Standard Control Organization
In 2012, the Standing Committee
lambasted the collusive nexus between
drug manufacturers, some functionaries
of CDSCO and some medical experts,
citing in one case the spurious nature of
the approvals process for new drug
applications made by pharmaceutical
While there is much more that the
DCGI and CDSCO could do, it would be
unfair to say they havent been jolted
into action by laffaire Ranbaxy, and
then again by the FDA issuing import
alerts against another Indian generics
company, Wockhardt.
Earlier this month, the DCGI
reportedly ordered a third
pharmaceutical major, Sun
Pharmaceutical, to suspend clinical
research activities and new drug filings
and applications at its Mumbai-based
bio-analytic laboratory, after
discovering that Sun didnt have the
requisite approval from the Central
government for operating the
However, until a deeper,
institutional change takes place to break
the nexus between drug companies and
Indias regulatory regime a change
that incorporates everything from
surprise checks on manufacturing
facilities to greater transparency in, and
policing of, drug approvals processes
and clinical trials there is a strong
likelihood that Indian consumers of
drugs made by these companies have
poison coursing through their veins.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Indi a and Indi a and Indi a and Indi a and Indi a and
Climate talks imperatives Climate talks imperatives Climate talks imperatives Climate talks imperatives Climate talks imperatives
By all accounts, no dramatic
developments are to be expected from
the 19th edition of the Conference of
Parties (COP) of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) that started in Warsaw
last week. But it is generally
acknowledged that the key issue at
Warsaw, even if there are many other
significant subjects on the agenda,
centres around moving forward the
negotiations on the Durban Platform for
Enhanced Action (DPA) initiated at COP
17 two years ago.
It is widely understood that the
Durban Platform was a game-changer,
setting the stage for decisive climate
action based on clear commitments to
emissions reduction from all nations.
Subsequently, the discussions in the Ad-
Hoc Working Group on the Durban
Platform (ADP) have resulted in
demanding timeline for achieving its
aims, including a draft text to be
produced by the COP in 2014, a global
meeting of heads of states of all nations
to be convened by the United Nations
Secretary General to push forward such
an agreement, and a final agreement to
be reached by COP 21 in 2015.
While it is not a foregone
conclusion that the DPA will achieve its
stated goals by 2015, there are now
additional factors conducive to reaching
a global agreement. Even if no individual
extreme climate event can be attributed
exclusively to increased global warming,
increasing awareness of the impact of
climate-driven disasters, such as 117 117 117 117 117
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Typhoon Haiyan and the Uttarakhand
flash floods, is contributing to a global
recognition of the urgency of a climate
deal, among governments as well as civil
society. Significantly, the release of the
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) over the next several
months, culminating in the release of the
final synthesis report of all its findings
next year, will add to the sense of
At the UNFCCC, the European
Union has been the most active in
pushing forward the agenda of the
Durban Platform, laying out in increasing
detail the framework and broad outlines
of its content and a methodology for
securing commitments that would
ensure an effective treaty. It has been
joined in this effort by many African
nations, especially South Africa, and
have the strong support of the island-
states of the world support that was
vociferously expressed at Durban in
2011. The United States has pursued a
two-track policy with respect to the
DPA. On the one hand, the U.S. insists
that it would undertake only such
emissions reductions as it deems
feasible, a strategy that is referred to as
the bottom up approach in the global
climate discourse. On the other hand, it
has not hesitated to support the
European Union, the Africa Group and
the Alliance of Small Island States
(AOSIS) in their efforts to have a binding
climate agreement with assigned
commitments to all nations, especially
when such commitments are to be
imposed on China and India.
Indias interests Indias interests Indias interests Indias interests Indias interests
Where do Indias interests lie in the
matter of a global climate agreement?
There can be no doubt that India needs
an early climate agreement, for two
reasons. On the one hand, there is
increasing evidence that unchecked
global warming would lead to
increasingly severe effects in several
sectors, especially agriculture and
water, apart from the increased
frequency of extreme climate events.
The enhanced climate variability that
accompanies global warming will have
serious impacts on Indian farmers, the
bulk of whom are small-holders who
even today suffer the consequences of
weather and climate shocks, before the
effects of global warming have risen to
more alarming levels. An early climate
agreement with the potential to restrict
global average temperature rise to at
least 2 degrees Centigrade, if not lower,
is certainly a necessity. An early and
effective limit on greenhouse gas
emissions will also contribute to
lowering the need, and associated costs,
for climate change adaptation, which
otherwise could be considerable.
At the same time, India needs
adequate atmospheric space in terms
of allowed carbon emissions to pursue
its development. Even in a highly
optimistic scenario in which renewable
energy rapidly takes up the bulk of the
requirements for sectors such as
domestic lighting and heating,
agriculture, and all energy needs of
small-scale establishments, India will
still need fossil fuels for a considerable
time until reliable sources of clean
energy become available for large-scale
use in the expansion of industry,
transportation and the like, all of which
are needed for development. Even
infrastructure needs for adaptation will
require such emissions. The IPCCs AR5
report has brought to the centre-stage
of discussion the notion of a global
carbon budget, referring to the
cumulative carbon dioxide emissions
into the atmosphere, from the beginning
of the industrial era till the end of the
21st century, that are permissible, if the
global temperature rise is to be kept
below 2 degrees C. For a 66 per cent
probability of keeping the rise in global
average temperature below this limit,
the world is allowed approximately
1000 billion tonnes of carbon emissions
(taking account solely of carbon
dioxide). But the nub of the issue is the
equitable distribution of this space. In
per capita terms, or indeed by several
other measures of equitable distribution
as well, the developed countries have
already substantially exceeded their fair
share of this global budget. As a
consequence, a large number of
developing countries, including China
but especially India, will have to make
do with less than their fair share of the
global carbon space as their national
carbon budgets for the future, if indeed
global warming has to be kept in check.
Top-down agreement Top-down agreement Top-down agreement Top-down agreement Top-down agreement
To maximise the developing
countries access to the global carbon
budget, an early top-down agreement
to impose constraints on the developed
nations consumption of carbon space
in the atmosphere is an obvious
necessity. Even more obviously, an
approach based on voluntary
commitments to emissions reduction by
developed and developing countries
would not address Indias needs.
In view of these considerations, it
is surprising that New Delhis guidelines
for its Warsaw delegation should set
aside Indias long-standing commitment
to treating the atmosphere as a global
commons, to be shared equitably by all
nations, and instead back the voluntary
commitments approach. Predictably,
even before this approach has been
articulated, it has run into rough
weather. The EU is of course fully aware
of the global carbon budget and hence
demands that the gap between the sum
of all voluntary commitments and the
allowed global budget has to made up
by further emissions reductions that all
nations have to agree to. This demand,
as well as Indias response that the gap
must be made up by the developed
nations based on historical
responsibility for emissions, brings us
back to what is indeed a top-down
At the heart of the Government of
Indias current confusion lies its
unwillingness to acknowledge that in an
eventual global agreement, all countries
have to shoulder some part of the
burden, even while any such burden-
sharing must be based on equity and
climate justice in accordance with the
principle of common but differentiated
responsibilities. New Delhis view
currently is that developing countries
will have no binding commitments
whatsoever even into the future, a view
that will increasingly isolate India from
even others in the ranks of the G-77. The
inadequacy of official Indias unhappy
approach is brought out by the fact that
it has allowed the term equity reference
framework in the context of the ADP
negotiations to be hijacked by other
nations, including nations of the African
Group as well as the EU. India and its
like-minded friends are left in the 118 118 118 118 118
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unenviable position of opposing this
term, claiming that developing nations
will never undertake any binding
For too long, Indias official
climate policy has portrayed the
absence of a proactive stance on a
climate agreement as a strategy to
protect the countrys interests. Climate
science as well as good climate politics
demand that India shift to making clear
to the world its commitment, in
concrete terms, both to securing its
developmental future as well as
preserving the global environment.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Challenge to Challenge to Challenge to Challenge to Challenge to
Artistic expression Artistic expression Artistic expression Artistic expression Artistic expression
The Madhya Pradesh High Courts
directive to change the title of Sanjay
Leela Bhansalis movie Ram Leela, i s
only the latest setback to artistic and
creative expression in India. The High
Courts order underlines the urgent need
to reconsider the film certification
process, and indeed, the archaic
Cinematograph Act of 1952. Mr.
Bhansalis offering was cleared by the
Central Board of Film Certification, a
statutory body entrusted with vetting
all aspects of a movie, including its title.
If a High Court judge could overrule the
CBFC in response to a petition that
claimed the title Ram Leela offended
religious sentiments, the Boards
mandate is in serious jeopardy.
Presumably, neither the judge nor the
petitioners had a chance to evaluate the
movie ahead of its release. The Madhya
Pradesh High Court could have simply
issued notice to the movies producers
while refusing to comment on the
petitions merits, as the Bombay High
Court had done. The Delhi High Court
had gone further, imposing a fine on an
NGO that preferred a similar, vexatious
complaint against the movie. The
Madhya Pradesh High Courts order has
opened the door for mischievous
attempts to curb free speech and
rendered the movie vulnerable to
attacks elsewhere.
Ram Leela may not have met the
fate of movies like Vishwaroopam
and Madras Caf , banned altogether
by the Tamil Nadu government. But in
all three cases, film-makers were in no
position to contest any violation of their
freedoms. The exigency of ensuring a
timely release in a competitive market
has left them at the mercy of fringe
elements who twist the law to meet their
ends. Those aggrieved by the CBFCs
decision to clear the title Ram
Leela could well have approached the
Film Certification Appellate Tribunal.
The rationale behind a dedicated
certification process is laid to waste if
producers are not offered an
opportunity to present their case.
Summary decisions by courts, as with
that issued by the Madhya Pradesh High
Court, often come at the cost of due
process. The Justice Mukul Mudgal
Committee, constituted to formulate a
model Cinematograph Act, had
recommended that the FCATs scope be
enlarged so as to make it the primary
venue for such litigation. The draft Bill
mooted by the Committee suggests that
movies be evaluated in the context []
and people to which the film relates.
Whether Ram Leela sl i ghts the
traditional enactment of the Ramayana
or is merely a reference to the movies
protagonists is best decided by the
FCAT. Lawmakers must take up the
Mudgal Committees recommendations
in earnest to avoid such scenarios as
the one created by the Madhya Pradesh
High Courts order.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Rationales for separation Rationales for separation Rationales for separation Rationales for separation Rationales for separation
Telangana is almost a fait
accompli now, but both pro-Telangana
activists and anti-bifurcation protesters
know there is still a lot to fight for: the
status of Hyderabad, the demarcation
of boundaries, the sharing of water
resources, and the reallocation of
government personnel. With the Group
of Ministers looking into issues relating
to the bifurcation completing its
consultations on Monday, the focus is
now on the details of the bifurcation,
and not the creation of Telangana itself.
The violent agitations leading to and
following the Cabinet approval for
Telangana were in part engendered by
the indecisiveness of the government at
the Centre, and the absence of any
structured dialogue among the various
stakeholders on the bifurcation. The
Centre heard views from all sides, but
could not force anyone to consider
compromises or scale down from
maximalist positions. The discussions so
far have been random exercises held in
the hope that a consensus would
magically emerge. But now that these
efforts have predictably failed, they are
shown up as justification for a hurried,
unilateral approach by the Centre. No
resolution on the Telangana issue was
introduced in the Andhra Pradesh
Assembly. While this is not mandated
by the Constitution, the bypassing of the
Assembly is certainly a departure from
the precedents in the bifurcation of
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya
Pradesh in 2000. Of course, in these
instances the creation of the new States
Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, and
Chhattisgarh were not as contentious
as the carving out of Telangana from
Andhra Pradesh is. Telangana remains
an instance of how not to go about
creating new States.
Almost inevitably, the Cabinet
approval for Telangana has revived
demands for new states in eastern India,
Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Clearly,
the Telangana tangle has reinforced the
need for setting up another States
Reorganisation Commission to examine
various demands for new states and lay
down broad principles and guidelines
in deciding new boundaries. At present,
many of the demands are based on
loose, largely imagined, identities. The
struggle for Telangana was based on its
political past, and not linguistic or ethnic
identity. Without some rational,
practical basis for the creation of new
states, statehood demands would be
conceded as the Centre seems
politically expedient. Governance issues
and administrative convenience should
also be among the decisive factors in
the creation of new states. Otherwise,
statehood demands would be sustained
by narrow, sectarian agendas that ignore
the larger interests of the community.
The end result of such demands can only
be internal displacement of people.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Crippling deadlock Crippling deadlock Crippling deadlock Crippling deadlock Crippling deadlock
Bangladeshs political impasse
appears all set to worsen in the coming
weeks unless the two main political
parties, the Awami League and the 119 119 119 119 119
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Bangladesh Nationalist Party,
demonstrate maturity of a high order.
The BNP has opposed the all party
government formed by Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina to oversee national
elections due in January 2014 and
threatened to take to the streets. As a
result, only parties in the Awami League-
led ruling coalition are represented in
the set-up. The roots of the present crisis
go back to 2011, when the Hasina
government amended the Constitution
to abolish the caretaker system of
government, which had been introduced
in the mid-1990s to provide a non-
partisan overseer for elections. The
decision to do away with it was born
out of first-hand experience of the perils
of the caretaker system when a
government of technocrats appointed
for three months in 2006 stayed on for
over two years with military backing.
The abolition was opposed by the BNP,
which also boycotted the vote on the
amendment in Parliament, seeing it as a
self-serving move by the Awami League.
Since then, the country has moved from
crisis to crisis, each segueing into the
other, including massive violence that
attended the trials to punish those who
had cooperated with the Pakistan Army
against the liberation of Bangladesh.
Through all this, if BNP leader Khaleda
Zia has been confrontationist, Prime
Minister Hasina has hardly been
reconciliatory. The ban imposed earlier
this year on the Jamaat-e-Islami, a
crucial ally of the BNP, did nothing to
enhance the Awami League leaderships
democratic credentials, coming as it did
shortly after the opposition combine
convincingly won a clutch of municipal
elections in the midst of the war crimes
What is required now is for both
parties to acknowledge that they need
to engage with each other constructively
to ensure a peaceful democratic
transition. An election boycott by the
BNP, as the party has threatened, is no
solution. As for the Awami League,
victory in an election that is not
contested by the main opposition party
would be hollow. It will set the country
on a fresh path of political confrontation.
With the security situation in the entire
region uncertain, several countries are
now engaged in efforts to break the
political deadlock in Dhaka. Already
seen as pro-Hasina, New Delhi must do
nothing that appears partial to any party.
It is true that Sheikh Hasina has been a
good friend of India, but New Delhis
inability to reciprocate with a
settlement on the Teesta river water
dispute or on the land boundary issue
has given the BNP a stick to beat the
government with. It is in Indias interests
to encourage the two main parties to
find a way out of this impasse
themselves, without taking sides.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Ridding the net of the poison Ridding the net of the poison Ridding the net of the poison Ridding the net of the poison Ridding the net of the poison
of child abuse of child abuse of child abuse of child abuse of child abuse
No one should be able to search
for and find images of child abuse
online. Its that simple. This isnt about
censorship; this is saying to people that
they cannot use search engines to
attempt to look for something clearly
sickening and illegal. On Monday,
Google and Microsoft took a major step
forward in making a safer Internet a
reality: 100,000 terms that could be used
when someone is searching for child
abuse images will no longer lead people
to gateway websites that link to this
content, and in some cases will now
return an on-screen warning to the user.
The government, the Child
Exploitation & Online Protection Centre
(CEOP) and the Internet Watch
Foundation (IWF) have worked together
to get us here, and the Internet industry
has shown great integrity. But while we
at the National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children
(NSPCC) welcome the vast amount of
work and expertise that has gone into
finding technical solutions to rid the web
of this poison, we will only ever measure
the success of these efforts in one way:
results. That means reductions in people
looking at these images and in the
number of children who are abused.
We must never forget that behind
every one of these images and videos is
a real little boy or girl who has been
abused. The term child porn obscures
this reality and should be deleted from
our vocabulary. Calling the abuse of
children porn aligns it as just another
form of human sexual taste. Lets call
this material child abuse images and
have no more shades of grey about it.
Some people may ask why its so
important to stop the circulation of and
access to these images online? Shouldnt
more resources be put into stopping the
abuse of children in the first place?
Well, this isnt an either/or
situation. All of these images portray
crime scenes and we know that sex
offenders often begin their journey into
depravity by casually searching for
images of young children in increasingly
sexualised poses.
I am not naive about the scale of
the challenge. I know that Mondays
announcement on search terms wont
stop determined sex offenders, but what
it will do is help stop the curious from
heading down a very dangerous path.
We know that the worst child
abuse is shared in the dark corners of
the Internet, on peer-to-peer file-sharing
websites, and these are the target of
organisations such as CEOP and the IWF.
And we know the industry is helping with
its vast expertise in this area too.
Of course every effort must be
made to keep children safe from abuse,
to teach them about it, as well as
identifying sex offenders as soon as
possible and get them treatment to
prevent them posing a danger to
There is no one silver bullet, but
that shouldnt detract from the
significance of this commitment from
the industry to make this an ongoing
programme of work with monitoring,
evaluation and transparency at its heart.
If more abusers are identified we
must then see them prosecuted and
jailed. Its very concerning that we have
record numbers of people reporting sex
crimes yet cases being sent for
prosecution by the police are falling.
The government must keep child
abuse images at the top of the political
agenda and take a strong stance,
including providing sufficient police
resources to track down and bring
offenders to justice.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Surveillance and Surveillance and Surveillance and Surveillance and Surveillance and
Its Privacy Pitfalls Its Privacy Pitfalls Its Privacy Pitfalls Its Privacy Pitfalls Its Privacy Pitfalls
On November 15, a pair of
investigative portals released a set of
audio transcripts depicting an
extraordinarily invasive and scrupulous 120 120 120 120 120
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surveillance of a young woman by the
Gujarat Police. Its implications, limited
as they may appear to those who
consider privacy a besmirched value, in
fact, have much to tell us about the
abusive might of political power. The
surveillance was purportedly ordered
by Amit Shah, former Gujarat Home
Minister, at the behest, it appears, of
the Bharatiya Janata Partys prime
ministerial candidate and current
Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi.
The Congress, for its part, has
predictably taken umbrage to the
alleged illegal surveillance, arguing it
seems, for a probe into the matter. But
we have been none the closer to a
comprehensive privacy law under the
Congress-led United Progressive
Alliance regime. The Union government
is, in fact, equally at fault for dipping
into its totalitarian reserves to allow a
substantial erosion of our privacy, even
as technology pervades our lives like a
brooding omnipresence.
Slippery slope Slippery slope Slippery slope Slippery slope Slippery slope
The tragedy of the matter is not
merely that the BJP and Mr. Modi have
been allowed to get away without an
explanation, but that the value attached
to our privacy is on a slippery slope.
The BJPs defence, for the record, an
oblique annexe to the statement of the
womans father, is broadly to question
the locus of those who question the
incident, given that the girl and her
father are not complaining. This
justification is a common one. It also
ignores a fundamental fact: illegal
surveillance by the state is the concern
of the entire populace.
In India today, violations of
privacy, which have become
increasingly common, arent seen as
anathema to ones foundational civil
liberties. The lack of a systematic
indignation at such infractions, it might
be argued, is an indication that these
values are not cherish-worthy and are,
in fact, antiquated given the age of
publicity that we live in. To snoop into a
persons private space, therefore,
whether in the interest of security or
otherwise, does not vitiate your liberty:
If youve got nothing to hide, youve got
nothing to fear, goes the argument. But
such a response, acceptable as it may
have come to become, is inherently
backward and opposed to all tenets of
a liberal, democratic polity.
Privacy, contrary to the elitist
notions attached to it, protects us from
the abuse of those in power. It isnt a
luxury. On the contrary, it is integral to
our development as human beings. The
two Boston lawyers, Samuel Warren and
Louis Brandeis, put it better than anyone
in their 1890 essay in theHarvard Law
Review . The intensity and complexity
of life, attendant upon advancing
civilization, they wrote, have rendered
necessary some retreat from the world,
and man, under the refining influence of
culture, has become more sensitive to
publicity, so that solitude and privacy
have become more essential to the
individual; but modern enterprise and
invention have, through invasions upon
his privacy, subjected him to mental
pain and distress, far greater than could
be inflicted by mere bodily injury.
Right to privacy in India Right to privacy in India Right to privacy in India Right to privacy in India Right to privacy in India
The Indian Constitution does not
expressly grant a right to privacy. It was
only in 1994, in Rajagopal v. State
of Tamil Nadu, that the Supreme Court,
though its interpretive force, found
privacy to be inherent in a persons right
to personal liberty: It is the right, wrote
Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy, to be let
alone. In 1997, when considering the
legality of certain wiretaps, the court,
i n PUCL v. Union of India , established
a set of guidelines to be followed in
intercepting messages, in a public
emergency or in the interest of public
safety. But these guidelines are seldom
followed. Compounding the matter is
the utter legislative inaction in the field.
In April, the Union government
craftily trundled out the Central
Monitoring System (CMS), amid almost
no uproar, giving itself the absolute
power to monitor all phone and online
communication in the country. The CMS
provides the government direct access
to every one of Indias
telecommunication networks; it has
removed the earlier obstacle of having
to rely on the service providers for such
information. But there is little in the
public domain indicating the complete
nature and scope of this programme.
The absence of a facilitating law,
providing legislative backing to the
CMS, only makes matters worse; much
like Indias chief investigative agencies,
the programme is a creature of the
executive. In other words, there is no
procedure established by law to lend
any credibility to what is an
unquestionable transgression of our
personal liberty. The CMS is a distinctly
anti-libertarian measure adopted by
distinctly anti-democratic means.
In June 2013, The Hindu revealed
that the CMS would substantially
enhance the governments surveillance
and interception capabilities. The
programme, contrary to initial
expectations, does not replace the
existing surveillance equipment
deployed by mobile operators and
Internet Service Providers, but rather
multiplies the governments forensic
capabilities. The state can today
navigate through every
telecommunication network in the
country, and it possesses the unique
power to read all our personal messages,
whether communicated by email, text
or other online means. The government,
a s The Hindu reported, can, in fact,
access your search history and the
websites that you visit. It can even go
through partially written emails
floundering in your drafts.
As things stand, two primary laws
control access to communication data
in India. But neither expressly authorises
surveillance nor does enough to protect
privacy. It effectively only adds to the
vacuum. The Indian Telegraph Act of
1885, a colonial-era law that continues
to govern telecommunication law, gives
the government the power to access
information in the interest of public
safety or in a public emergency
neither of which has been defined with
any level of precision. The Information
Technology Act of 2000, as amended in
2008, permits the government to
intercept, monitor or decrypt
information in the interest of the
sovereignty or integrity of India, defence
of India, security of the state, friendly
relations with foreign states, or public
order, or to prevent incitement to the
commission of any offence. The lack of
adequate safeguards to our privacy in
both of these laws is telling the
intention in these laws, if anything,
appears to be to strengthen the
governments prying powers as 121 121 121 121 121
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opposed to protecting civil liberties. The
recent snooping incident in Gujarat
might have emanated out of a multitude
of factors that are not yet directly
apparent. But the wanton ease with
which it was ordered speaks to a deeper
rot. We should use this as an opportunity
to ask ourselves why we value our
privacy. And to question how the
government has assumed almost
stealthily, and without the approval of
the legislature the power to conduct
wide-ranging surveillance unchecked by
any independent authority.
To allow programmes such as the
CMS to be piloted without due process
of law would amount to a renunciation
of our most fundamental freedoms. It
would grant the government, as the
Professor of Law, Daniel J. Solve wrote,
not merely Orwellian control over our
lives, but would also lead to a
corresponding Kafkaesque problem: a
suffocating powerlessness and
vulnerability created by the court
systems use of personal data and its
denial to the protagonist of any
knowledge of or participation in the
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Banking on women Banking on women Banking on women Banking on women Banking on women
To the long list of 28 public sector
banks in India, one more was added with
the inauguration of the Bharatiya Mahila
Bank (BMB) on Tuesday by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh. The bank is unique in
more ways than one. It will focus
predominantly on women, apart from
being staffed largely by them. To the
BMB will go the distinction of being the
first-ever public sector bank to have
been set up by the government, as the
others came into being through
nationalisation of existing private banks.
Women, who constitute about half the
countrys population, account for 80 per
cent lower per capita credit compared
to men. This is largely because they are
unable to offer collateral for borrowings
given that property is invariably held in
the name of the father, husband or son.
That there is a gender bias in banking
services is clear. It was precisely this
that led to the creation of womens
cooperative banks such as the Shri
Mahila Sewa Sahakari Bank Ltd. which
extended financial support to self-
employed women in the unorganised
sector. Yet, it is not clear if an all-new,
full-service bank is the way to get more
women into the financial system. Could
not the same objective have been
achieved through the existing public
sector banks that have an extensive
network in rural areas, where financial
exclusion of women is the most acute?
The BMB will face the same issues
as other public sector banks; if anything,
it will be handicapped even more by
the fact that it is a start-up operation.
For example, if the bank is to be
commercially viable, it needs an
extensive network in the cities where it
can attract deposits, but its lending
focus has to be in the rural areas where
women are marginalised. How does it
solve this network dilemma? In the first
year of operations at least, the bank will
be opening branches only in the cities.
The initial year or two will largely
determine if the concept of the BMB
will be a success. The bank will have to
conceive and devise innovative
products that will encourage women to
bank with it. The bank has already
indicated that it will offer higher deposit
rates to attract savings bank customers,
but this should not result in pushing up
lending rates. It will have to tailor
products for the unorganised sector
where lending is largely without
collateral. The bank is likely to be
hamstrung in recruiting experienced
staff; public sector banks are reported
to be facing a staff shortage. Even
assuming that staff from other banks can
be attracted by means of promotions
and higher salaries, it is doubtful if they
will agree to move to rural branches.
How well the BMB handles these
challenges is what will decide if the idea
will be a success or if the BMB will
turn out to be just another public sector
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu
Issues of sexual Issues of sexual Issues of sexual Issues of sexual Issues of sexual
assault: the Tehelka case assault: the Tehelka case assault: the Tehelka case assault: the Tehelka case assault: the Tehelka case
The Goa government and police
have taken the right step in filing a First
Information Report (FIR) against Tarun
Tejpal, Editor-in-chief of Tehelka
magazine, for sexual assault on a
woman colleague while she was fulfilling
work-related responsibilities. Sexual
offences are cognisable crimes and the
state is duty bound to take action if the
information of such a crime is in the
public domain. Tehelka has often
advocated the rights of women and
other sections of the marginalised and
therefore its admirers are shocked and
angered at the ethical and moral
collapse of the organisation as soon as
it was called upon to use the same
standards for itself as it had rightly
demanded of others.
All too often, because of the
nature of the offence, reporting of a
sexual crime depends on whether or not
the victim of the crime is able to speak
about it and report it and it is a shocking
reality that this heinous crime is also one
of the most under-reported. The reasons
are many. Social stigmatisation,
traumatising legal procedures, the
hostile attitude of public officials,
discouragement from families and
friends who want to protect the victim
from the toll that fighting a case may
impose on her, are some of the often
compelling factors that impose silence
around the crime. This, in effect, works
to the benefit of the perpetrator of the
crime. In the case of a working woman,
almost always an employee subordinate
to the man who has sexually assaulted
her, reporting the crime is all the more
difficult because of the apprehension
that it would involve, in addition to
everything else, the loss of livelihood.
In case after case this is what happens:
the woman who dares to complain of
sexual harassment against her boss loses
her job.
The young woman journalist in
t he Tehelka case showed exemplary
courage in reporting the crime to the
second-in-command, the Managing
Editor, Shoma Chaudhury. But she was
let down again by those she had trusted.
Ms Chaudhury, who received her
complaint, chose to accept the farce of
an apology offered by Mr. Tejpal, chose
to whitewash his crime, chose to accept
his self-serving, self-decided, self-
imposed punishment of a six-month
sabbatical. She further defended her
decision by the outrageous statement
that it was more than what was asked
for after all, he didnt just apologise,
but look, theres atonement too, six
whole months of not being the Chief 122 122 122 122 122
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Boss. If other rapists locked up in the
jails of India had been beneficiaries of
such an approach, they would all be
lining up at the doors of their victims,
offering their apologies, promising
months of atonement. It is easier after
all to atone in the circle of loving friends
and families than to face the law and
the consequences of your crime.
The crime is rape The crime is rape The crime is rape The crime is rape The crime is rape
And make no mistake, going by
the victims complaint under the
amended Indian Penal Codes definition
of rape in Section 375B read with
Explanation 1, the crime committed was
rape, which if proved, gets the accused
a jail sentence of a minimum of seven
Further, under the amended law,
under Section 376(2)(f) of the IPC where
the offence of rape is committed by a
relative, guardian, teacher, or a person
in a position of trust or authority and
also under Section 376(2)(k) where
anyone being in a position of control
and dominance over a woman commits
rape on the woman the offence is
considered an aggravated form of rape
and the punishment is enhanced to a
minimum of ten years. TheTehelka case
would invite these provisions.
The gravity of the offence was
sought to be concealed by Tehelka i n
another way too, and regretfully some
women activists and women lawyers,
in their misplaced arguments on several
television channels, became party to this
exercise in deception. It was put out that
the complainant herself would prefer
that the case be referred to an in-house
committee mandated by the law against
sexual harassment at the workplace.
Actually the Act is in limbo as the Central
government has failed to draft the Rules.
Si nce Tehelka did not have such a
committee, it set one up within a day.
This was then showcased as a serious
effort by Tehelka to address the
grievance of the young journalist.
Agency and the law Agency and the law Agency and the law Agency and the law Agency and the law
The other argument advanced to
support Tehelka s handling of the case
is that a complainant has agency, the
capacity to take her own decisions, and
that therefore if she chooses not to
report the crime to the police and
chooses other ways of finding justice or
even remaining silent, that is her busi-
ness and should be respected. The as-
sertion of agency by a rape victim in
relation to the action to take against her
tormentor requires that she has full in-
formation of the different laws, that she
has the time to think things through, the
pros and cons of not going to the police
to file a complaint.
Was she informed that the 2013
Act against sexual harassment deals
with offences of a lesser nature? Was
she informed that the punishment un-
der the Act could not in any way match
the crime that was inflicted on her? Did
she know that her job was protected by
the law? Was she offered the best legal
advice and support to fight for justice?
Without such a framework, the use of
the argument of agency ends up as a
shield to protect the accused from be-
ing prosecuted under the anti-rape laws.
In cases such as Tehelka , it is essential
for the organisation and management
to advise the victim to file a case with
the police and to provide all legal help,
which would better help her make an
informed choice.
In fact, the employer herself un-
der the Vishaka judgment had a duty to
report the offence to the police. Men in
positions of power, who use that posi-
tion to exploit women employees for
sexual gratification cannot be allowed
to get away with it.
And what about Gujarat? And what about Gujarat? And what about Gujarat? And what about Gujarat? And what about Gujarat?
There is also a political dimension
to thi s. Si nce Tehelka s st i ng
operations had exposed the Bharatiya
Janata Partys corruption and underhand
dealings, the present case has provided
the BJP with an opportunity to hit back.
In fact, the case highlights the double
standards being used by that party. If in
this case the Goa government run by
the BJP can take suo motu notice of a
cognisable crime, why is the same
alacrity not being shown in Gujarat, also
led by the BJP, where in violation of the
law a young woman known to the Chief
Minister was reportedly put under
intense surveillance by the Anti-Terrorist
Squad, on his orders? This constitutes a
cognisable crime that requires the State
to file an FIR for the violation of Section
5.2 of the Indian Telegraph Act and
possibly of Section 354D(ii), which deals
with the offence of stalking a woman
under the amended IPC. The crimes
differ but both are cognisable and
therefore the same processes of law
should be as applicable in Gujarat as
they are in Goa.
Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu Courtesy-The Hindu

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Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal
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One of the thorniest disputes
between Iran and the international
community is over Irans nuclear
programme. Here is an explainer to
the crisis.
Why is there a crisis? Why is there a crisis? Why is there a crisis? Why is there a crisis? Why is there a crisis?
In short, because world powers
suspect Iran has not been honest
about its nuclear programme and is
seeking to build a nuclear bomb. Iran
says it has the right to nuclear energy
- and stresses that its nuclear
programme is for peaceful purposes
What led to the crisis? What led to the crisis? What led to the crisis? What led to the crisis? What led to the crisis?
Irans nuclear programme
became public in 2002, when an
opposition group revealed secret
activity including a uranium
enrichment plant at Natanz and a
heavy-water reactor at Arak. The
Iranian government subsequently
agreed to inspections by the UN
nuclear watchdog, the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). But
the IAEA was unable to confirm Irans
assertions that its nuclear programme
was exclusively for peaceful
purposes and that it had not sought
to develop nuclear weapons.
This led the US and its European
allies to press Iran to stop enriching
uranium, which can be used for
civilian nuclear purposes but also - if
enriched to 90% purity - to build
nuclear bombs. However, the
election of President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad in 2005 halted any
progress in talks, and the IAEA
referred Iran to the UN Security
Council for failing to comply with its
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) Safeguards Agreement. Since
then, the Security Council has
adopted six resolutions requiring Iran
to stop enriching uranium, some
imposing sanctions. The US and EU
have imposed additional sanctions on
Iranian oil exports and banks since
2012, crippling Irans economy.
Despite this, Iran continues to enrich
uranium. In 2009, it disclosed the
existence of a new underground
facility at Fordo.
There have been multiple
rounds of negotiations between Iran
and the so-called P5+1 - the five UN
Security Council permanent
members US, UK, France, China,
Russia and Germany. For years the
two sides failed to make headway.
But the mood changed after the
election of Hassan Rouhani as
president in 2013.
What have Iran and the P5+1 What have Iran and the P5+1 What have Iran and the P5+1 What have Iran and the P5+1 What have Iran and the P5+1
agreed? agreed? agreed? agreed? agreed?
On 24 November 2013,
negotiators reached an interim deal
after intensive talks in Geneva. It
marked the biggest breakthrough in
about a decade of on-off meetings.
Iran agreed to curb its enrichment
activities in return for an easing of
some sanctions. This first step
agreement will apply for six months,
giving time for a comprehensive
solution to the crisis to be found.
Under the interim deal, Iran agreed
to halt uranium enrichment above the
level of 5% purity, reduce its existing
stockpile of medium-enriched
uranium, not increase the number of
centrifuges (used to purify uranium),
suspend work at its reactor at Arak
(currently under construction), and
give UN inspectors more information
and greater access to enrichment
facilities. 124 124 124 124 124
Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal
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In return, the world powers
agreed to limited, temporary...
reversible sanctions relief. This
includes allowing Iran to trade in gold
and precious metals, suspending
some sanctions on its motor industry,
permitting petrochemical exports
and giving Iran access to $4.2bn from
oil sales. The US says the measures
could be worth $7bn in revenue to
Iran. They also agreed not to impose
any new nuclear-related sanctions for
six months.
Critically for Iran, its chief
negotiator Foreign Minister
Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran had
not given up its right to enrich
uranium - one of the sticking points
which had held up a deal. The US
however denied any such right had
been conceded.
Iran nuclear deal: Key points Iran nuclear deal: Key points Iran nuclear deal: Key points Iran nuclear deal: Key points Iran nuclear deal: Key points
Both sides committed to a series
of steps which will last for six months,
while a more conclusive deal is
negotiated. Here are the key points
of what the two sides agreed:
What Iran will do What Iran will do What Iran will do What Iran will do What Iran will do
Halt enrichment of uranium
above 5% purity. (Uranium
enriched to 3.5-5% can be
used for nuclear power
reactors, 20% for nuclear
medicines and 90% for a
nuclear bomb.)
Neutralise its stockpile of
near-20%-enriched uranium,
either by diluting it to less than
5% or converting it to a form
which cannot be further
Not install any more centrifuges
(the machines used to enrich
Leave half to three-quarters of
centrifuges installed in Natanz
and Fordo enrichment facilities
inoperable (Read our guide to
Irans nuclear facilities)
Not build any more enrichment
Not increase its stockpile of
3.5% low-enriched uranium
Halt work on the construction
of its heavy-water reactor at
Arak, not attempt to produce
plutonium there (an alternative
to highly enriched uranium
used for an atomic weapon)
Provide daily access to Natanz
and Fordo sites to IAEA
inspectors and access to other
facilities, mines and mills
Provide long-sought
information on the Arak reactor
and other data
What the What the What the What the What the
World Powers will do World Powers will do World Powers will do World Powers will do World Powers will do
Provide limited, temporary,
targeted, and reversible
[sanctions] relief. See Q&A:
Not impose further nuclear-
related sanctions if Iran meets
its commitments
Suspend certain sanctions on
trade in gold and precious
metals, Iran s automotive
sector, and its petrochemical
Licence safety-related repairs
and inspections inside Iran for
certain Iranian airlines
Transfer $4.2bn (2.6bn) to
Iran in instalments from sales of
its oil
What has been the reaction to What has been the reaction to What has been the reaction to What has been the reaction to What has been the reaction to
the deal ? the deal ? the deal ? the deal ? the deal ?
The two sides in the
negotiations have hailed the
agreement. President Barack Obama
said it would cut off Irans most likely
paths to a [nuclear] bomb, while his
Secretary of State John Kerry said the
agreement would make the region
safer for its allies, including Israel.
President Rouhani also welcomed
the deal, saying No matter what
interpretations are given, Irans right
to enrichment has been recognised.
Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah
Khamenei, who has final say in
nuclear matters, called it an
achievement and a success.
The deal however has been
sharply criticised by Israel, which
sees Irans nuclear programme as a
potential threat to its existence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said it was not a historic
agreement. It was a historic mistake.
He said Israel was not bound by this
Why does the West suspect Why does the West suspect Why does the West suspect Why does the West suspect Why does the West suspect
Iran is seeking nuclear Iran is seeking nuclear Iran is seeking nuclear Iran is seeking nuclear Iran is seeking nuclear
weapons? weapons? weapons? weapons? weapons?
Irans Supreme Leader, who is
reported to have issued a fatwa
against nuclear weapons, declared in
2009: We fundamentally reject
nuclear weapons and prohibit the
use and production of nuclear
weapons. But the IAEA published a
report in 2011 claiming credible
information that Iran had carried out
activities relevant to the
development of a nuclear explosive
The report drew attention to a
military complex at Parchin, south of
Tehran, which the IAEA has been
unable to visit since 2005. Reports
surfaced in 2000 that a large
containment vessel had been built
there to conduct hydrodynamic
experiments. The IAEA said such
experiments, which involve using
explosives in conjunction with
nuclear material or surrogates, were
strong indicators of possible weapon
The US has alleged that Iran had
a nuclear weapons programme in
2003, but that senior Iranian leaders
stopped it when it was discovered.
How does Iran justify its How does Iran justify its How does Iran justify its How does Iran justify its How does Iran justify its
refusal to obey the Security refusal to obey the Security refusal to obey the Security refusal to obey the Security refusal to obey the Security
Council resolutions? Council resolutions? Council resolutions? Council resolutions? Council resolutions?
The technology used to enrich
uranium to the level needed for
nuclear power can also be used to
enrich it to the higher level needed
for a nuclear explosion. Iran hid an 125 125 125 125 125
Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal Iran and P5+1 reach interim deal
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enrichment programme for 18 years,
so the Security Council says that until
Irans peaceful intentions can be fully
established, it should stop
enrichment and other nuclear
activities. Iran has said it is simply
doing what it is allowed to do under
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,
which allows signatory states to
enrich uranium to be used as fuel for
power generation. Such states have
to remain under inspection by the
IAEA. Iran is under inspection,
though not under the strictest rules
allowed because it will not agree to
Could Iran build a nuclear Could Iran build a nuclear Could Iran build a nuclear Could Iran build a nuclear Could Iran build a nuclear
bomb if it chose to? bomb if it chose to? bomb if it chose to? bomb if it chose to? bomb if it chose to?
US President Barack Obama
told Israeli television in March 2013
that his administration believed it
would take over a year or so for Iran
to actually develop a nuclear
weapon if it decided to do so. That
would mean producing enough
weapons-grade uranium; fashioning
it into a warhead; and being able to
deliver it by airplane, ship or missile.
Experts at the Washington-based
Institute for Science and
International Security said in a report
that Iran could generate weapons-
grade uranium in a matter of months.
But the institute cautioned that the
bomb-making process is separate
and would be done in secret, so
estimating timelines was extremely
In fact, experts have been
predicting for decades that Iran was
on the verge of building a nuclear
bomb. While the UN can monitor the
amount of uranium, the relative skills
of its scientists involved in nuclear and
weapons research are harder to
P5+1 : Some Facts P5+1 : Some Facts P5+1 : Some Facts P5+1 : Some Facts P5+1 : Some FactsThe P5+1
is a group of six world powers which
in 2006 joined the diplomatic efforts
with Iran with regard to its nuclear
program. The term refers to the P5 or
five permanent members of the UN
Security Council, namely United
States, Russia, China, United
Kingdom, and France, plus Germany.
P5+1 is often referred to as the E3+3
(or E3/EU+3) by European
countries.Background Background Background Background BackgroundChina, Russia,
and the United States joined the
three EU3 countries in June 2006 to
offer another proposal for
comprehensive negotiations with
Iran. Up to now, the UN Security
Council has adopted six resolutions
in response to the Iranian nuclear
program. The first resolution (1696)
was adopted in July of 2006 which
demanded that Iran halt its uranium
enrichment-related and reprocessing
activities.The next three years saw the
adoption of three more resolutions,
(1737) in December of 2006, (1747)
in March of 2007, and (1803) in March
of 2008, which have imposed gradual
sanctions on Iranian individuals and
entities believed to be involved in
Irans nuclear and missile
programs.UN Security Council
Resolution (1835), adopted in
September of 2008, restated the
Security Councils demands made in
resolution (1696) of 2006 but without
imposing additional sanctions.The
last Security Council resolution
(1929), adopted in June of 2010, saw
the expansion of more sanctions on
Iran for its lack of cooperation and its
continued uranium enrichment-
related and reprocessing activities.
Dr. A Q Shekh Dr. A Q Shekh Dr. A Q Shekh Dr. A Q Shekh Dr. A Q Shekh 126 126 126 126 126
Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges
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I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on I ntroducti on
Innovation today is increasingly
going beyond the confines of formal
R&D to redefine everything. Today
innovation can mean new and unique
applications of old technologies,
using design to develop new
products and services, new
processes and structures to improve
performance in diverse areas,
organisational creativity, and public
sector initiatives to enhance delivery
of services. Innovation is being seen
as a means of creating sustainable and
cost effective solutions for people at
the bottom of the pyramid, and is
being viewed as an important strategy
for inclusive growth in developing
Realising that innovation is the
engine for the growth of prosperity
and national competitiveness in the
21st century, the President of India
has declared 2010 as the Decade of
Innovation. To take this agenda
forward, the Office of Adviser to the
PM on Public Information
Infrastructure and Innovations
(PIII) is working on developing a
national strategy on innovation with
a focus on an Indian model of
inclusive growth. The idea is to create
an indigenous model of
development suited to Indian needs
and challenges.
Towards this end, the Prime
Minister has approved the setting up
of a National Innovation Council
(NInC) under the Chairmanship of
Mr. Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the PM
on PIII to discuss, analyse and help
implement strategies for inclusive
innovation in India and prepare a
Roadmap for Innovation 2010-2020.
NIC would be the first step in
creating a crosscutting system which
will provide mutually reinforcing
policies, recommendations and
methodologies to implement and
boost innovation performance in the
India has a long tradition of
innovation and a significant pool of
qualified people, both within country
as well as the diaspora, presently
engaged in innovative activities. This
talent pool has to be leveraged to
drive the innovation agenda. Further,
there is also a need to capture the
multiple innovations happening in
various domains such as government,
R&D labs, universities, and across
sectors, to give an impetus to the
innovation process in the country. NIC
will act as a platform to facilitate this
engagement and collaboration with
domain experts, stakeholders and key
participants to create an innovation
movement in India. The aim is to
herald a mindset change and create
a push at the grassroots level so that
more and more people in education,
business, government, NGOs, urban
and rural development engaged in
innovative activities are co-opted and
are part of shaping the national level
innovation strategy.
Innovation Challenge Innovation Challenge Innovation Challenge Innovation Challenge Innovation Challenge
The first challenge launched by
the National Innovation Council was
a call for proposals launched in
October 2011 to reduce the
drudgery of the working class
population. It was an
acknowledgement of the collective
failure to use our scientific and
technological manpower to address
problems of the average working 127 127 127 127 127
Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges
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class citizen. The challenge was to
provide decent conditions of work
to labour including ideas that would
improve the design of work
implements, processes, and models
that improve work conditions. This
went with the caveat that proposals
should not be labour displacing.
468 proposals were received in
a period of four months and finally
six proposals were shortlisted after
several rounds of screening. These six
proposals, as detailed below, were
awarded by Shri Sam Pitroda, Adviser
to PM and Chairman, National
Innovation Council along with Shri
Jairam Ramesh, Honble Minister for
Rural Development and Kumari Selja,
Honble Minister for Housing and
Urban Poverty Alleviation at a
function on 4th April 2012 at PIB
Conference Hall, Shastri Bhavan.
I ndi a I ndi a I ndi a I ndi a I ndi a
Inclusive Innovation Fund Inclusive Innovation Fund Inclusive Innovation Fund Inclusive Innovation Fund Inclusive Innovation Fund
A key proposal emerging from
National Innovation Council
deliberations: is the proposal to
establish the India Inclusive
Innovation Fund. This Council effort
seeks to establish a Fund that will
drive and catalyse the creation of an
ecosystem of enterprise,
entrepreneurship, and venture
capital, targeted at innovative
solutions for the bottom of the
The Inclusive Innovation Fund
is built on the principle that innovative
enterprise can profitably, scalably,
and competitively engage citizens at
the bottom of the economic pyramid:
and, in doing so, provide goods and
services that will transform their lives
for the better. The Fund proposes to
invest in a new generation of Indian
entrepreneurs who will build and
are in the process of building world
class enterprises that focus on the
problems of the poor, without
compromising on economic success.
In doing so, the Fund will help create
a new Indian model of innovation:
one that bridges growth and
The Fund will focus on
providing risk capital funding to
enterprises that create and deliver
technologies and solutions aimed at
enhancing the quality of life at the
Bottom of the Pyramid; and subject
to applicable law work with other
funds with objectives similar to its
own. The Fund will support
investment at different stages of the
enterprise development cycle from
early stages, through later phases of
scaling-up of potentially successful
solutions and business models.
Crucially, the Fund will also
explore the possibility of establishing
soft incubation capacity and
resources expertise and
programmes that will support
individual investee entrepreneurs
and companies, in successful
enterprise development and
performance. This effort will address
social impact objectives, by kick-
starting an ecosystem of capacity-
building around BOP-focused
enterprises and entrepreneurship;
and economic return objectives, by
providing entrepreneurial teams with
the capacities needed to successfully
deliver on their ideas.
The best entrepreneurial and
technological talent, across the
world, has tended to focus on the
problems of the rich. The Inclusive
Innovation Fund will break this
convention, investing in a new
generation of Indian entrepreneurial
talent, capable of innovating in
products, processes, and business
models: successfully combining
profitability and business excellence,
with transformational socioeconomic
Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress
The Honble Finance Minister of
India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, has
announced an initial investment by
the Government of India in the Fund.
The Fund is currently in the process
of conceptualisation, design, and
development to ensure that it is able
to deliver on the mandate described
Gl obal Gl obal Gl obal Gl obal Gl obal
Innovation Roundtable 2013 Innovation Roundtable 2013 Innovation Roundtable 2013 Innovation Roundtable 2013 Innovation Roundtable 2013
The National Innovation
Council (NInC), Government of India
launched the Global Innovation
Roundtable (GIR) as a policy dialogue
to outline a new paradigm of inclusive
innovation. NInC has hosted two such
Roundtables in 2011 and 2012 in
New Delhi, India which saw
participation from heads of
Innovation policy from Governments
across the world, as well as, leading
global Innovation experts. Through
institutionalising the Roundtables the
aim was to create a global platform
for sharing experiences, best
practices and enabling
collaborations around the theme of
inclusive innovation for addressing
the challenges of access, equity,
excellence and inclusion.
The discussions in the previous
Roundtables focused on stimulating
greater global cooperation across
countries, formation of networks,
sharing experiences to make
innovations a prime driver for
collective solution building, and
discussing innovations that have
addressed the needs of the Base of
the Pyramid (BOP) population. The
discussions also echoed the need to
have a long-term approach to
fostering innovation as well as
increased collaboration among the
public sector, private enterprises,
social sector and the venture capital
industry to support programmes and
policies that enhance the national
innovative capacity.
GIR 2012 GIR 2012 GIR 2012 GIR 2012 GIR 2012
The National Innovation
Council is now preparing to host the
Third edition of the Global Innovation
Roundtable on November 18-19, 128 128 128 128 128
Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges Innovation Fund Corpus: Structure & Challenges
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2013. More details will be provided
as the programme develops. The
National Innovation Council (NInC),
Government of India organised the
Second Global Innovation
Roundtable, themed Innovations to
address challenges of access, equity
and excellence on 1st and 2nd
November 2012 in New Delhi. The
heads of innovation from over 15
governments and several industry
and innovation experts discussed the
less charted road of broad-basing
innovations to meet key
development challenges.
At the concluding session on
Collaboration on Innovation, chaired
by Mr Pitroda, numerous
experiences, insights and ideas
shared by the participants were
galvanised and distilled and the
collaboration opportunities in the
following areas were discussed:
Open Government: Open Government: Open Government: Open Government: Open Government: The
Platform already developed for
this could be adopted by other
countries, and India could help
Crowdsourcing Innovation Crowdsourcing Innovation Crowdsourcing Innovation Crowdsourcing Innovation Crowdsourcing Innovation
Platform: Platform: Platform: Platform: Platform: The Open Source
Drug Discovery Platform
developed by India for
tuberculosis drug discovery
could be used as a template for
crowd sourcing in new areas of
drug discovery.
Innovation for Education: Innovation for Education: Innovation for Education: Innovation for Education: Innovation for Education:
Existing educational content
could be aggregated, filtered
and indexed, under the
guidance of global domain
experts and made available on
mobile devices like Aakash
Innovati on for Heal th: Innovati on for Heal th: Innovati on for Heal th: Innovati on for Heal th: Innovati on for Heal th:
Health content could also be
aggregated and made
available, just like educational
content. Further, India s
initiative for an Open Source
Electronic health records
system and tele-medicine
could be adopted by other
Mr Pitroda also stated that next
year the third edition of the Global
Innovation Roundtable 2013 will be
scheduled in India and will be done
on a bigger scale with more
participation and more time for
In order to foster a grass-root
bottoms-up approach to innovation
and development and to arrive at
solutions for local problems, which
are sustainable and scalable, there is
a need for seeking out and
campaigning for ideas that have the
potential to solve challenges.
Accordingly, based on the innovative
ideas received from the local people
regarding developmental projects, a
One MP One Idea Competition
may be held in each Lok Sabha
constituency annually to select the
three best innovations for cash awards
and certificate of appreciation for
next five best innovations.
State Innovation Councils State Innovation Councils State Innovation Councils State Innovation Councils State Innovation Councils
NInC is facilitating the setting up
of State Innovation Councils in each
State to create a cross-cutting system
to boost innovation performance in
the country. The State Innovation
Councils will replicate at the State
level what NInC is undertaking at the
national level. The Councils would
drive the innovation agenda in the
states and harness the core
competencies, local talent, resources
and capabilities to create new
Each State Innovation Council
will support its respective State
Government to promote innovation
in the State; encourage young talent
and local universities, colleges,
medium and small scale industries
(MSME), and R&D institutes; map
opportunities for innovation in the
State; identify and reward talent in
innovation and disseminate success
stories; organise seminars, lectures,
workshops on innovation; create a
State innovation portal to educate
and drive awareness or innovation;
and provide input into the Innovation
Roadmap 2010-2020 for the State.
Sectoral Innovation Councils Sectoral Innovation Councils Sectoral Innovation Councils Sectoral Innovation Councils Sectoral Innovation Councils
In order to drive innovative
strategies in key sectors and create
multiple roadmaps the NInC is
encouraging the creation of multiple
Sectoral Innovation Councils aligned
to Union Government Ministries
which would enhance innovation
capabilities in respective
sectors. Letters were sent from the
Chairman, NInC to all the Union
Government Ministers followed by
a workshop for Secretaries. Further
to which the following sectors aligned
to Union Ministries have constituted
the Council.
Dhruv Nishad Dhruv Nishad Dhruv Nishad Dhruv Nishad Dhruv Nishad

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