College Management Synopsis

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INTRODUCTION I am preparing project on college website . first of all we have to know what we nee to prepare a website. !

" Complete knowle ge abo#t $tml %" Notepa &" 'rowser

($)T I* $T+,
When you look at a web page in a web browser, you see, at the simplest level, words. These words usually have some style characteristics, such as different font sizes and colors. In many cases a page also displays images or maybe video. Sometimes there is a form where you can enter (or search for information, or customize the display of the page to your liking. !ften a page contains animated content and content that changes while the rest of the page remains the same. "T#$ is a markup language. It tells the web browser how to display content. "T#$ separates %content% (words, images, audio, video, and so on from %presentation% (the definition of the type of content and the instructions for how that type of content should be displayed . "T#$ uses a pre&defined set of elements to identify content types. 'lements contain one or more %tags% that contain or e(press content. Tags are surrounded by angle brackets, and the %closing% tag (the one that indicates the end of the content is prefi(ed by a forward slash.

T)-* U*.D IN $T+,/

"T#$ is a markup language. It tells the web browser how to display content. "T#$ separates %content% (words, images, audio, video, and so on from %presentation% (the definition of the type of content and the instructions for how that type of content should be displayed . "T#$ uses a pre&defined set of elements to identify content types. 'lements contain one or more %tags% that contain or e(press content. Tags are surrounded by angle brackets, and the %closing% tag (the one that indicates the end of the content is prefi(ed by a forward slash.

$T+, T)-* IN T)',. 0OR+)T/

Tag Description

<!--...--> <!DOCTYPE> <a> <abbr> <acronym> <address> <applet> <area> <article> <aside> <audio> <b> <base> <basefont> <bdi> <bdo> <big> <bloc !uote> <body> <br> <button> <can"as> <caption> <center> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <command> <datalist> <dd> <del> <details> <dfn> <dialog> <dir> <di"> <dl> <dt> <em> <embed>

Defines a comment Defines the oc#ment t1pe Defines a h1perlink Defines an abbreviation Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Defines an acron1m Defines contact information for the a#thor3owner of a oc#ment Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. Defines an embe e apple Defines an area insi e an image-map Defines an article Defines content asi e from the page content Defines so#n content Defines bol te6t *pecifies the base UR,3target for all relative UR,s in a oc#ment Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. *pecifies a efa#lt color7 si font for all te6t in a oc#ment Isolates a part of te6t that might be formatte in a ifferent irection from othe o#tsi e it Overri es the c#rrent te6t irection Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Defines big te6t Defines a section that is 9#ote from another so#rce Defines the oc#ment:s bo 1 Defines a single line break Defines a clickable b#tton Use to raw graphics7 on the fl17 via scripting ;#s#all1 <ava*cript" Defines a table caption Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. Defines centere te6t Defines the title of a work Defines a piece of comp#ter co e *pecifies col#mn properties for each col#mn within a =colgro#p> element *pecifies a gro#p of one or more col#mns in a table for formatting Defines a comman b#tton that a #ser can invoke *pecifies a list of pre- efine options for inp#t controls Defines a escription3val#e of a term in a escription list Defines te6t that has been elete from a oc#ment Defines a itional etails that the #ser can view or hi e Defines a efinition term Defines a ialog bo6 or win ow Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. Defines a irector1 list Defines a section in a oc#ment Defines a escription list Defines a term3name in a escription list Defines emphasi8e te6t Defines a container for an e6ternal ;non-$T+," application

<fieldset> <figcaption> <figure> <font> <footer> <form> <frame> <frameset> <#$> to <#%> <#ead> <#eader> <#r> <#tml> <i> <iframe> <img> <input> <ins> < bd> < eygen> <label> <legend> <li> <lin > <map> <mar > <menu> <meta> <meter> <na"> <noframes> <noscript> <ob&ect> <ol> <optgroup> <option> <output> <p> <param> <pre> <progress> <!> <rp> <rt> <ruby> <s> <samp>

-ro#ps relate elements in a form Defines a caption for a =fig#re> element *pecifies self-containe content Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. Defines font7 color7 an si8e Defines a footer for a oc#ment or section Defines an $T+, form for #ser inp#t Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Defines a win ow ;a frame" in a frameset Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Defines a set of frames Defines $T+, hea ings Defines information abo#t the oc#ment Defines a hea er for a oc#ment or section Defines a thematic change in the content Defines the root of an $T+, oc#ment Defines a part of te6t in an alternate voice or moo Defines an inline frame Defines an image Defines an inp#t control Defines a te6t that has been inserte into a oc#ment Defines ke1boar inp#t Defines a ke1-pair generator fiel ;for forms" Defines a label for an =inp#t> element Defines a caption for a =fiel set> element Defines a list item Defines the relationship between a oc#ment an an e6ternal reso#rce ;most # to st1le sheets" Defines a client-si e image-map Defines marke 3highlighte te6t Defines a list3men# of comman s Defines meta ata abo#t an $T+, oc#ment Defines a scalar meas#rement within a known range ;a ga#ge" Defines navigation links Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Defines an alternate content for #sers that o not s#p frames Defines an alternate content for #sers that o not s#pport client-si e scripts Defines an embe e object Defines an or ere list Defines a gro#p of relate options in a rop- own list Defines an option in a rop- own list Defines the res#lt of a calc#lation Defines a paragraph Defines a parameter for an object Defines preformatte te6t Represents the progress of a task Defines a short 9#otation Defines what to show in browsers that o not s#pport r#b1 annotations Defines an e6planation3pron#nciation of characters ;for .ast )sian t1pograph1" Defines a r#b1 annotation ;for .ast )sian t1pograph1" Defines te6t that is no longer correct Defines sample o#tp#t from a comp#ter program

<script> <section> <select> <small> <source> <span> <stri e> <strong> <style> <sub> <summary> <sup> <table> <tbody> <td> <te'tarea> <tfoot> <t#>

Defines a client-si e script Defines a section in a oc#ment Defines a rop- own list Defines smaller te6t Defines m#ltiple me ia reso#rces for me ia elements ;=vi eo> an =a# io>" Defines a section in a oc#ment Not s#pporte in $T+,2. Deprecate in $T+, 4.5!. Defines strikethro#gh te6t Defines important te6t Defines st1le information for a oc#ment Defines s#bscripte te6t Defines a visible hea ing for a = etails> element Defines s#perscripte te6t Defines a table -ro#ps the bo 1 content in a table Defines a cell in a table Defines a m#ltiline inp#t control ;te6t area" -ro#ps the footer content in a table Defines a hea er cell in a table

(ard)are and *oft)are re!uirements

(ard)are +e!uirements ?rocessor R)+ +onitor Ae1boar +o#se / / / ?enti#m #al core an )bove !-' R)+ !2@ Color +onitor

*oft)are +e!uirements Operating *1stem. / (in ows B? Develop with help of notepa an an1 browser is nee e to make the website b1 #sing html

,otepad is a generic te6t e itor incl# e with +icrosoft (in ows that enables someone to open an rea plainte6t files. If the file contains special formatting or is not a plainte6t file7 it will not be able to be rea in +icrosoft Notepa . In the image to the right7 is a small e6ample of what the +icrosoft Notepa ma1 look like while r#nning

Short for Web browser, a software application used to locate, retrieve and also display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video and other files. As a client/server model, the browser is the client run on a computer that contacts the Web server and requests information. The Web server sends the information back to the Web browser which displays the results on the computer or other nternet!enabled device that supports a browser.

*T)RTIN- O0 T$. ?RO<.CT CO,,.-. (.'*IT.

0ntroduction College website is prepare to maintain the a1 to a1 operations in a lea ing college. This website help the st# ent so the1 can get information from the website abo#t the college. .ver1one can know abo#t the facilities provi e b1 the college an the activities which are going one in the college. Purpose

The p#rpose of this oc#ment is to specif1 re9#irements an to give g#i elines for the evelopment of website. In partic#lar it gives g#i elines on how to prepare the above sai project. This oc#ment is inten e to be a practical g#i e for people who eveloping this website. *cope The scope is to make the website is to help the st# ent to get an acc#rate an reliable information from the website. Now the ever1 college has it own website where the1 can store the information abo#t the college.

1O-2 The main goal of the website is that ever1one know abo#t o#r college7(ith the help of website ever1one can open this website across national an can get information abo#t the college. This website is helpf#l to the colleges to maintain goo relation with the st# ent an college management +eferences

O3E+30E/4 This is a general website serve the p#rpose of maintenance of information of a colleges. This software provi e them ver1 easier option to search for the college etails7 his fee . ) mission 7 e #cation streams7 res#lt etc.7

E'isting *ystem )t present in colleges all information is not given to st# ents. There are tho#san s of st# ents joining each 1ear. )s the 1ears goes then n#mber of st# ents also get increases7 for the staff to give information is ver1 te io#s an time cons#ming. Up ate fee7 7 test res#lt all these nee to be one in time to achieve college management nee to be recr#it more peoples. To solve this problem this project is prepare which help the management to maintain the information acc#ratel1.

Proposed *ystemIn the propose s1stem all the parameter are consi ere to maintain neat an easier sol#tions. In college to maintain all college information the1 less clerical staff an also place to maintain the recor s. .ven maintaine properl1 when ever re9#ire the1 are not available. To solve this problem this program is esigne . It serve the p#rpose of maintain . Collecting fee. )nno#ncing the important ates. .tc.7

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