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Finding Astrological Indicators of Addiction in Charts

When an astrologer looks at your astrology chart she or he will see many indicators of several possibilities, one which can imply addiction or addiction concerns. Many astrologers will look to Y as the culprit, as Y is given the rulership over alcohol and drugs yet Neptune is not the only mischief maker when it comes to addiction problems, Astrology Chart Aspects and Planets of Addiction When an astrologer looks at your astrology chart she or he will see many indicators of several possibilities, one which can imply addiction or addiction concerns. Many astrologers will look to Y as the culprit, as Y is given the rulership over alcohol and drugs yet Y is not the only mischief maker when it comes to addiction problems. When an astrologer is looking at your chart and sees a prominent Y, which would be Y connected to your Sun, Moon, or ascendant that signature can play out in many ways, compassion, the artist, the con artist, the savior, the martyr, or the person that gets lost in escapism, one way can be through drugs and alcohol. Your astrology chart may not have a prominent Y and you still may be cursed with addiction issues. If you are open with your astrologer concerning your addiction the more understanding you will receive in understanding the various manifestations of your astrology symbols and coping with your compulsions. If you have strong Scorpio in your chart you will be driven to be obsessive and it is imperative you find a positive form to channel this obsessive energy. Scorpio is about control, and you can fool yourself that you have control over the alcohol or drug of choice. Yet it is your destiny to understand that you are not all controlling and that there are factors in your life you do not have control over; such as when you become the addict, the drug has more control over you than you over it. The other factor in your astrology chart to look at is if you have a strong Uranus. Uranus is the planet of freedom and playing life by your own rules. As you can imagine this indicator in teenagers contributes to the rebellious streak of striking out on their own and doing what they want, not what they are told to do or told not to do. This includes smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Uranus is not generally considered a factor in addiction problems, yet anyone can become addicted if they abuse drugs or alcohol long enough. The problem with treating an addict with strong Uranus energy is they adopt an attitude of being above everyone and the laws and rules that govern the ordinary, therefore are not compliant with following procedures that will help them get clean and sober. It has been my experience as an astrologer that the Uranian individuals die the youngest from addiction and abuse problems. The other planet involved with addiction and substance abuse is Jupiter. Strong Jupiter in your astrology chart indicates loving life and having a good time. With a prominent Jupiter the thought of getting trapped in addiction is

off the radar. Not me, would cry the Jupiter person, I am just having fun. Yet once again if you put enough narcotics in the body prolonged abuse will lead to the body being addicted. Once the Jupiter person gets they have a problem they can lead and teach others about the perils of thinking it will never happen to them. Your astrology chart can help you understand how you could be caught in the destructive pattern with drugs or alcohol. If you ask your astrologer or learn astrology you will also be able to see if those that you love and care have the astrological indicators of abuse or addiction. Looking at the chart from a holistic perspective helps understand that there are many indicators for the same problem, it is the perspective and the way the individual adapts and believes about the problem that is unique. OK, first planets and aspects. Look for hard Neptune aspects, especially to inner planets, particularly Moon, or to Ascendant (not likely to catch this last one, most Asc figures are inaccurate). There are key words here that you gave: -- Most indicative of Stressed Lunar factors, Moon in Capricorn not steadied by helpful aspects or not bolstered by other chart factors; Moon stressed by Chiron; these are just some examples. -- Attachment relates to Lunar and Venusian matters, and Plutonian ones. Addiction shows in a number of ways. Relationship addiction is co-dependence in extreme, which is water-related, Neptunian, mutability. Yes, Libra/7th too, but 7th especially where there is mutability. This should be considered apart from Addiction. The strongly solar/leonine and martial/aries types are compulsive in their addiction tendencies, which is different from co-dependent dynamics you refer to. Most of this is too theoretical. You are probably best off looking at charts of known addicts, especially those who died from their addictions. Look at the charts of self-professed co-dependents. Even Sagittarius, which knows no boundaries, can show problems of co-dependence, romance addiction. You're talking about a combination of poor self-worth and lack of self-identity. Ultimately we make choices as to how to live and what to do with questions about what is or isn't inside us. There is no way, for example, to guarantee that you can look at someone's chart and avoid a bad relationship. Relationships are created by people, not birth charts.

Here's a rundown of some of the traditional health problems most associated with such aspects: Pluto: (That which consumes) Contagious disease Polio Paralysis Severe disability Uranus: (That which is strange) Genetic disorders Lupus Albino Irregular chromosomes Brain damage Cerebral Palsy Seizures Epilepsy Deformities Neptune: (That which wastes) Glandular imbalance Cancer Lethargy Leukaemia Jupiter: (That which is excess) Blood disorders Varicose veins Phlebitis Circulation Diabetes Obesity Enlarged heart Saturn: (That which diminishes) Skin conditions Asthma Arthritis Allergies Bone diseases Gauntness Hearing Dwarfism

Mars:(That which inflames) Inflamatory disease Scarlet fever Rheumatic fever Yellow fever Encephalitis Venus:(That which is stillness) Kidney disease Throat ailments

Mercury: (That which keeps silent) Respiratory ailments Lung problems Moon:(That which flows) Hydrocephelus Edema Lymphatic ailments Poor constitution Sun:(That which sees) Blindness Heart ailments **When dealing with the aspects: Moon = Cold Mercury = Minor injuries / digestive problem Venus = Virus / sore throat / injury by glass / laryngitis Mars = Fever / Headache Jupiter = Swelling and infection / abscess Saturn = Asthma attack / weight loss / stress / backache Uranus = Nervousness Neptune = Loss of energy / sleepiness / dizziness Pluto = Contagious diseases. To note though that the Moons aspect depends on the phase that aspects your natal Sun.

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