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Complete whatever - Infinite essence Somewhere within dimensions

Table of contents Chapter 1: About myself..................................................................................... Chapter 2: Philosophy of the book. Chapter 3: About the book................................................................................. Chapter 4: Harmonic reconnection.................................................................... Chapter : !o"e your nei#hbor as yourself $ %esus............................................ Chapter &: '(periences )synchronicities*........................................................... Chapter +: Holo#raphic uni"erse, fre-uencies . harmonics.............................. Chapter /: 'ner#ies )"ie0points*....................................................................... Chapter 1: 2ubconscious, numbers.................................................................... Chapter 13: 4eality $ thou#hts create thin#s...................................................... Chapter 11: 5bser"ation of infinity..................................................................... Chapter 12: The 67nkno0n6............................................................................... Chapter 13: 4esonatin# intelli#ence....................................................... Chapter 14: 8umerolo#y interpretations............................................................ Chapter 1 : 2ymbolism........................................................................................ Chapter 1&: 2ubconscious fre-uencies............................................................... Chapter 1+: 2elf$impro"ement $ 9eeper kno0le9#e )black:0hite*.................... Chapter 1/: Cool mo"ies Chapter 11: Thou#hts are manifestin# our reality.. Chapter 23: ;etaphors of life.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4epro9uction of the book in part or in 0hole for commercial purposes is prohibite9.

Chapter 1: About myself

Within dimensions

This infinite essence$ book has been challen#e to the 0riter. The most interestin# -uestions are the best -uestions: <s #o9 infinite= >hat is meanin# of our li"es an9 0hy 9o 0e e(ist= >hat 9oes take place if infinite stop e(istin#= >riter has thou#ht these -uestions his entire life. ?lo##in#: "lo##in# ha"e been my interest for lon# time. < #ui9e people to fin9 their re$solution to e"ery kin9 of thin#s, most people e"en think problems as someone else@s problem. ;y perspecti"e has chan#e9 an9 my 9i"ine perspecti"e of uni"erse has also chan#e9 to a 9ifferent kin9 than it 0as before. The thin#s < teach are about numerolo#y, la0 of attraction, creation, resonance an9 paranormal occurrences. <t is interestin# to be a0are of focus points that takes place here 0here < li"e an9 to kno0 ho0 thin#s are both unseen thin#s an9 seen thin#s.. < li"e in 2outhern Ainlan9 in the area 0here lo0est kin9s of "ibrations of entire planet e(ist. <n some time < ha"e -uite acti"ely publishe9 to my blo#s about aspects of positi"e an9 ne#ati"e an9 interestin# full 9ocuments of thin#s that < am intereste9, especially e"ery beyon9 thinkin# fits 0ell that 1/ B of people ha"e no i9ea of. < also enCoy bein# out9oors in 0il9 nature an9 0atchin# times of year chan#in#.

Chapter 2: Philosophy of the book

>hen you become a0are of the 9ream, the matri( 0orks like a "oice tellin# you 0hat to 9o. >e can become completely a0are of the illusion aroun9 us an9 tune to hi#her 9imensional "ibrations an9 realiDation. '"eryone an9 e"erythin# emits ener#y in e"ery 9irection. The 0orl9 an9 reality 0e e(perience aroun9 us is a mirror of our thou#hts. Thou#hts are constantly manifestin# reality an9 also people aroun9 us are more or less in impact 0ith "ibrational fre-uencies : ener#ies. >hen the obser"in# self is not thinkin# an9 is in a state of no thou#hts, the min9 can see ne0 0orl9 beyon9 beliefs an9 thou#hts.. <t is possible to un9erstan9 that 0hen you think, you focus on thin#s 0hether on positi"e or ne#ati"e 0ay. Thou#hts are ener#y an9 they are manifestin# thin#s to reality 0e belie"e to be real. The reality 0e belie"e to be real is losin# its meanin# 0hen the min9 is not ha"in# thou#hts.

'"ery thin# hol9s a fre-uency that has a uni-ue meanin#, symbols hol9s meanin#s that ra9iate a uni-ue meanin#. Aire, 0in9, earth an9 0ater are the basic elements..


Chapter 3: About the book

Eou shoul9 focus on your breathin# all the time, it helps you to fin9 ne0 0ays of li"in#, 0hate"er you think or 9o. Think thin#s as focus points 0hich help you in #ettin# to0ar9s peace. >hen you un9erstan9 the stable ener#ies insi9e, you automatically connect to the outer ener#ies. Check thin#s insi9e you, thin#s are ener#etical thin#s. !et us assume that the reality of the nature is non$physical, the e(perience can be seen throu#h the 9ifferent harmonics, these harmonics are the shapes, colors an9 9ensity of ener#y etc. '"erythin# that has a be#innin# has an en9. The reality is possible to e(perience as a "irtual #ame, by 0hich it can be 9i"i9e9 to many 9imensions. The purpose of this book is to share information about the multi$9imensional nature of reality, from hi#her points of "ie0 an9 9ifferent an#les. '"ery time you think an9 feel, you are resonatin# a fre-uency 0hich is makin# ener#y aroun9 you to resonate the same fre-uency. <ma#ine substance A an9 substance ?, 0hat is the essence that is mo"in# bet0een them=. People aroun9 seem to ha"e similar thou#hts relati"e to each other@s, norms such as ha"in# a nee9 to be part of the society an9 ha"e a nee9 to communicate. Taboos are thin#s that 9istract our norms. Those that sometimes FbreakG these norms feel an(ious of 9ifferent thin#s. <n fact people can all e(it their Fcomfort DoneG if they are 0illin# to break their unconscious ne#ati"e H positi"e beliefs. Anythin# that outcomes coul9nIt be sai9 to be a 133B fact, nothin# in this reality happens to be an absolute thin#. '"ery thin# an9 information that outcomes from the uni"erse can be a 6no6 ans0er $ thin#s are meant to lea9 us to ne0 0ays. As e"erythin# in uni"erse has potential to be anythin#, there is ri#ht time to all thin#s an9 they shoul9 outcome from uni"erse in harmonic 0ay. The e(perience of oursel"es shoul9 be -uestione9 an9 to -uestion our o0n 0ays to0ar9s the harmonious outcome. Know that this Universe is nothing but a dream, a bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality. JParamahansa Eo#anan9a All information is mainly 0ritten to help people to #ain lar#er

perception. < mainly seek information for #ainin# lar#er perception, learnin# to i#nore all i#norant, also realiDe that < kno0 nothin#, actually all thin#s are Cust ener#y. There e(ists only your truth, my truth an9 truth 0hich is absolute truth. %ust noticin# 9ifferent thin#s can make chan#es in life. '"il seeks e"il, #oo9 seeks #oo9. 7ni"erse is the sum of many ener#ies, all is about one, there is 2 kin9 of ener#y Cust for us to noticeK positi"e an9 ne#ati"e. 4eal is only shift of ener#y that can be e(perience9 by this moment. Thin#s that ha"e happene9, or are about to happen are only our min9s ima#inin# them to be real. <n my perception there are t0o aspects of informationK false an9 real information, but there e(ist also opinionate9 information that coul9 not "ie0 in terms IrealI or IfalseI information. There e(ist 9ifferent aspects of 9ifferent thin#s, as useless or useful thin#s, useful coul9 be interprete9 as somethin# that coul9 be in use in our life, useless coul9 be somethin# as 0e say IuselessI in our life, 0e say. >e use terms to 9efine 9ifferent thin#s an9 paste them a meanin# . >e use 0or9s to 9escribe thin#s as IsmallI IsmartI Istupi9I IpoorI etc. ;ost of us ha"e hear9 0or9s as IintuitionI , ItelepathyI, Iener#yI. >e are afrai9 to kno0 9eeper information about these 0or9s. >e are scare9 of bein# unbalance9 an9 bein# unprotecte9 if 0e 9on@t feel stable enou#h in our life. This is 0hy most of people are borin# an9 insecure in some parts of life. "People begin to fear not only the beauty of love or the loss of human life but also the whole ethical foundation for the collapse. It is the thought that, if we are made up of atoms, the money is immediately permitted to steal or kill people at will - a curious finding of fact." F5n the le"el of the bo9y, humans are "ery close to animals. All the basic bo9ily functions H pleasure, pain, breathin#, eatin#, 9rinkin#, 9efecatin#, sleepin#, the 9ri"e to fin9 a mate an9 procreate, an9 of course birth an9 9eath H 0e share 0ith animals. A lon# time after their fall from a state of

#race an9 oneness into illusion, humans su99enly 0oke up in 0hat seeme9 to be an animal bo9y H an9 they foun9 this "ery 9isturbin#. FLon@t fool yourself. Eou are no more than an animal.G This seeme9 to be the truth that 0as starin# them in the face. ?ut it 0as too 9isturbin# a truth to tolerate. A9am an9 '"en sa0 their animal nature set in "ery -uickly. The threat that they mi#ht be taken o"er by po0erful instinctual 9ri"es an9 re"ert back to complete unconsciousness 0as in9ee9 a "ery real one. 2hame an9 taboos appeare9 aroun9 certain parts of the bo9y an9 bo9ily functions, especially se(uality. The li#ht of their consciousness 0as not yet stron# enou#h to make frien9s 0ith their animal nature, to allo0 it to be an9 e"en enCoy that aspect of themsel"es H let alone to #o 9eeply into it to fin9 the 9i"ine hi99en 0ithin it, the reality 0ithin the illusion. 2o they 9i9 0hat they ha9 to 9o. They be#an to 9isassociate from their bo9y. They no0 sa0 themsel"es as ha"in# a bo9y, rather than Cust bein# it6 'ckhart Tolle Appro"al creates more e(periences an9 0hen 0e accept oursel"es 0e can achie"e e(periences an9 thin#s much lar#er 0ays. There are many thin#s that comes out 0hen 0e e(perience thin#s. 5bser"e the kno0n reality as much as you like. ;anipulation is a set of infinity that lea9s to a ran9om chaos H 0hate"er. All thin#s are illusions of min9 H 0hate"er. 7nseen is only somethin# that 0e can measure as real. >e as humans an9 bein#s can e(perience the specific set of infinity in a specific moment. All thin#s ha"e a specific set of nature that has a po0er in uni"ersal po0er. <n biolo#y all thin#s are process of e"olution. F!o create somethingG in life is more than Cust appreciate9. >e see the 0orl9 like mirror ima#e an9 0e can un9erstan9 thin#s that come from the essence of our e#oistic min9. 6An atom only appears in a particular place if you measure it. <n other 0or9s an atom is sprea9 out all o"er the place until a conscious min9 9eci9es to look at it6 $-uantum physicist )measurement problem*

Chapter 4: Harmonic reconnection

<ma#ine that there e(ists ener#y #ri9 : stable multi9imensional fiel9 of ener#y 0hich contains fiel9 in 0hich all thou#hts are forme9. 7ni"erse inclu9es la0 of perspecti"e, 0hich e(plains that thin#s in uni"erse ha"e their o0n 9ifferent sense of thin#s. >hen < ask you to think about a pink elephant, ho0 9oes this affect to you= <s the thou#ht of pink elephant same kin9 of thou#ht to e"eryone 0ho thinks it= There coul9 be millions of 9ifferent perspecti"es of the same thin# or e"en infinitely. <n sense thin#s coul9 be abstract Cust like the thou#ht of pink elephant an9 "isions in our min9s that are bein# thou#ht. Ho0 9o 0e e"en kno0 the sense of pink colour is the same to e"eryone= >e all ha"e this sense of 0hat is normal in collecti"e le"el an9 0e think the 0ay that 0e ha"e learne9 to think, but in the 9eeper sense of life anythin# coul9 ha"e a possibility to become a taboo in le"els of uni"ersal consciousness. >e ha"e this sense of positi"e an9 ne#ati"e an9 0e are ma9e of the same ener#ies, by tunin# both positi"e an9 ne#ati"e 0e are creatin# a balance. Lo 0e 9o thin# because 0e ha"e a must to 9o thin#s or 9o 0e feel 9eeper connection bet0een thin#s= < feel that there are 9eeper le"els of our li"es, 0hen 0e learn to un9erstan9 that thin#s ori#inate from the uni"erse 0e can un9erstan9 more 9eeply uni"ersal ener#ies an9 synchronicity. 2ome ener#ies float but some thin#s can shift to a more stable state an9 synchronicities start to #ui9e our li"es.



Chapter : !o"e Eour 8ei#hbor as Eourself H %esus.

>e ha"e our lan#ua#e that 0e use communicatin# 0ith other people. >e ten9 to beha"e in common the 0ays that are normal. >e ha"e 9ifferent taste of foo9, 9rinkin#, our bo9y shape is 9ifferent an9 0e learn to think same like as people in the same culture. Lifferent cultural common thin#s seems to be 0eir9 to people that are not born in the specific culture, as in ancient roman culture sla"e$o0nin# 0as a norm. What is real? How do you define real? If youre talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. -;orpheus >hen you chan#e your subconscious min9, your thou#hts must be chan#e9K 8e#ati"e ener#y an9 people that fee9s ne#ati"e ener#y are Cust makin# your subconscious thinkin# more ne#ati"e, 0hich reflects back to your life, this is true literally. Thou#hts that you think in 9aily life creates your inner 0orl9 an9 your thou#hts an9 attitu9e coul9 be "ery 9ifferent. 2tart thinkin# consciously, be a0are of your thou#hts at the moment. <t is only no0 0hen 0e are, no0 is the moment that really e(ists, this nee9s to be e(perience9 constantly till this moment that constantly circles, as all ener#y circles: fre-uencies chan#e. Moo9 0ay to chan#e subconscious pro#rammin# is to accept yourself as you are, an9 chan#in# your beha"ior, usin# 9ifferent kin9 of lan#ua#e, bein# more a0are of your thou#hts, take time to li"e an9 rela(. Consciousness sometimes synchroniDe to these fre-uencies as 0e #o throu#h fre-uencies in our brainK ?y usin# alcohol, caffeine an9 9ru#s the state of consciousness can shiftK Also 0hen 0e sleep our brains can impose a 9ifferent state of consciousness. 2ymbols are lan#ua#e of our subconscious. Conscious min9 can

<nterpret these messa#es from subconscious. >e 9o thin#s 0ithout noticin# that 0e 9o them, they seem to ha"e somethin# to 9o 0ith our subconscious. <s it possible to rea9 other peoples thou#hts at subconscious le"el=

Chapter &: '(periences )synchronicities*

"Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner.6 >hen 0e e(perience these causally unrelate9 thin#s 0e start to notice more closely to specific thin#s. After noticin# these thin#s that are in non$causal relation, synchronicity starts to happen more an9 more e"ents that are unlikely to happen occurs. < personally e(perience that all thin#s in uni"erse are base9 on 9ifferent numeric co9es an9 synchronicitiesK >e ha"e 9ifferent kin9 of thinkin#, our thinkin#. >e ha"e subconscious. 5ur subconscious min9 has pro#ramme9 the 0ay 0e think an9 ho0 0e interact in this reality. >hen < think it has its o0n kin9 of ener#y fre-uency, people ha"e ener#y fre-uencies, they chan#e 0hen they interact 0ith others... >hen < see constantly these thin#s < ask myself 0hy these thin#s 9o occur in my reality an9 0hat is behin9 these thin#s that seems to repeat themsel"es an9 etc. < #uess these are only ima#ination: illusions to people that think limite9: close9 min9e9 an9 are una"ailable to see oneness. < 0as makin# a pa#e about 6The 2creamin# #oat6. Then < notice9 that someone ha9 ma9e that same pa#e Cust a fe0 minutes before me. These causally unrelate9 thin#s has happene9 to me all the time an9 Cust makin# a pa#e of screamin# #oat soun9s stran#e. An9 also the "ery same #uy that ma9e that same pa#e about that #oat causally unrelate9 tol9 me about the 9ubstep "ersion of it. Also numbers ha"e ma9e "ery clear about their nature in this uni"erse an9 ho0 uni"erse

0orks, 0hich ha"e ma9e me think of the 0orl9 in 9ifferent perception. < feel connection to uni"erse 0hen < e(perience these synchronicities an9 numeric fre-uencies an9 they stren#then my thinkin# to be more a0are of thin#s aroun9 me. 7ni"erse al0ays communicates in the ri#ht time, al0ays.

Chapter +: Holo#raphic uni"erse, fre-uencies . harmonics

Thinkin# can chan#e 0hen a person can achie"e ne0 thin#s in this ener#y reality that is forme9 of persons attitu9e an9 of li"in#. >hen you ha"e thin#s in your life, is the subconscious positi"e: ne#ati"e in 0ellbein#. Coul9 you say no to life 0here you coul9 #et all thin#s= 5r by money you can buy ne0 thin#s that you like= All 0ant to attract money: items to their li"es= <t is the thou#ht that to #et ne0 thin#s 0e nee9 to earn our life an9 thin#s that other people like an9 thin#s to #et oursel"es famous. >e hate 9ifferent thin#s, those 9ifferent thin#s that 9istracts us are not #oin# to make our li"es better. Thin#s an9 people aroun9 you may make you opposite of positi"e, by labelin# people in 9ifferent #roups you 9efine people that are 9ifferent, you 9efine yourself. Ho0 9oes your self$ ima#e fit in 0hat other people think of you= 7ni"erse has potential only 0hen you ha"e it. A 6thou#ht6 affects:shapes:chan#e ener#y literally an9 thou#hts becomes thin#s instantly to your reality. >e are able to control life instantly 0hen 0e think. >e nee9 to chan#e our "ie0points about consciousness. ?y thinkin# 0e focus them 0hether in positi"e or ne#ati"e 0ay. There are people that ha"e 9ifferent kin9 of fre-uencies an9 attitu9e. >e say an9 9o thin#s in 9ifferent "ibrations an9 also subconsciously. >e 0hether think too much or 9on@t think consciously enou#h. There is lar#er scale of problems in human life. <mportant thin# is to chan#e our "ie0points. >e are scare9 of 9arkness an9 unkno0n, 0hich keeps us li"in# in fear of thin#s.


"ocus points The best focus points that 0e are able to un9erstan9 are the colours of the "isible spectrum. These points inclu9e + kno0n 0a"elen#ths of li#ht that are re9, oran#e, yello0, #reen, blue, in9i#o an9 "iolet. >e can un9erstan9 ho0 to tune specific unconscious fre-uencies 0hen 0e are a0are of the ener#ies. >hen tunin# to specific ener#ies 0e are tunin# to thin#s that are manifestin# the thin#s that 0e focus to. <t has been 9isco"ere9 that 0hen a number of animals are tau#ht somethin# ne0, those of the same species be#in to 9o somethin# ne0 0ithout bein# sho0n, ho0 or seein# it 9one. 6The hundredth mon#ey effect is a suppose9 phenomenon in 0hich a beha"ior or thou#ht sprea9s rapi9ly from one #roup to all relate9 #roups once a critical number of initiates is reache9. ?y #eneraliDation it means the instantaneous sprea9in# of an i9ea or ability to the remain9er of a population once a certain portion of that population has hear9 of the ne0 i9ea or learne9 the ne0 ability by some unkno0n process currently beyon9 the scope of science.6 Humans ha"e re"ie0e9 ho0 music benefits the brain$ 9ifferent aspects of music, such as rhythm, tonality an9 timbre )soun9 color* affects on our brain functions. The results of listenin# to music are unima#inable. ;usic can be use9 as therapy because it has 9isco"ere9 to ha"e positi"e effects. The soun9 fre-uencies are also part of our e(istence. The aspects insi9e our brains are manifeste9 outer 0orl9 resonatin# specific harmonics. There are sharply 9efine9 harmonics. 4e9, oran#e, yello0, #reen, blue, in9i#o, "iolet are colors of the "isible spectrum of li#ht. These harmonics are all relate9 on ho0 uni"erse 0orks. Eou 0ill 9isco"er this 0hen you realiDe ho0 e"erythin# is constantly mo"in# an9 shiftin#.

>e can notice ho0 uni"erse has brou#ht us more balance bet0een "ibrational aspects of fre-uency by noticin# harmonics that are sho0n up often in 1111 or 11 numbers se-uences. 8umber 1 can be represente9 as ne0 be#innin#s, number 11 carries more aspects of ne0 be#innin#s, also number one can be "ie0e9 as letter 6A6 in harmonics scale. The 0ays that ha"e been learne9 by the society ha"e only a limite9 scale of ener#y fre-uencies 0hich is pro#rammin# the in9i"i9ual to accept the 0ays of the society 0ithout -uestionin# the common 0ays 0e accept as a frame0ork.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------->e put ener#y on specific thin#s that 0e e(perience to be important to us.

Chapter /: 'ner#ies )"ie0points*

>e ha"e

common senses as humans.

All 9ifferent kin9 of people ha"e their ener#ies more or less unbalance9, this kin9 of people are usually in F9enial mo9eG. $ife, this reality and humanity holds many religions, belief systems, collective groups and things that create our lives. >e as humans act in certain 0ays, act rele"ant to our self. >e act self$re#ar9in# 0ays, humanity 9o thin#s ha"in# moti"ation in one@s o0n #oals an9 9esires. >e humans act selfish an9 ha"e 9ifferent propensity in thin#s. Nno0 that the humanity is all base9 on money, people ha"e to 0ork for li"in# an9 for their perfect life in humanity an9 society. 2ociety is an or#aniDe9 system of people sharin# reli#ious, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes. The humanity has a 9eep si#ht of 0hat has to be focuse9 on. >hen 0e stop fee9in# ne#ati"e ener#y, 0e are creatin# a more stable state of ener#y . 0e create more opportunities to create more an9 more positi"e.


Chapter 1: 2ubconscious, numbers

Aibonacci se-uence are 3 an9 1, an9 each subse-uent number is the sum of the pre"ious t0o numbers. 21)2O1P3*, 34)3O4P+* )all numbers hol9s char#es of ener#y that are more or less connecte9 to 9ifferent ener#ies aroun9, le"els that in9i"i9ual can e(perience...* )1O1P2* 2O1P3, 3O2P , O3P/, /O P13, 13O/P21, 21O13P34 etc. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ >hen 0e become more a0are of 0hat 0e think an9 thinkin# can chan#e more conscious. >hen you make 9ecisions or attempt physically somethin# you realiDe that you nee9 confi9ence, "isualiDe yourself alrea9y ha"in# your #oal. Airst 0hen you stan9 on bri9#e an9 you take a leap an9 Cump to col9 0ater, you may thinkK 6Ho0 9eep is 0ater6, 6Ho0 col9 is 0ater6, 6>hat if...6 these thou#hts pull you a0ay from 0ater. >hen you think 6Airst < Cump to the 0ater, then < s0im circle an9 then 9i"e in the ocean.6 you #et confi9ence instantly an9 first leap #oes that 0ay. This is 0hen you literally chan#e the 0ay you think an9 shape your consciousness. Tell yourself thou#hts as 6<@m not afrai9 of anythin#6, 6'"erythin# #oes al0ays ri#ht6, 6< control e"erythin#6, 6< kno0 e(actly 0hat < 9o6, it really 0orks an9 shapes subconscious min9 an9 yourself. ?e a0are also that there are 9ifferent ener#y fre-uencies that control life, these ener#y fre-uencies nee9s to be a0are of. Any 0ish, 0or9 or i9ea has a "ibration. >hen you think your thou#ht 0ill shape uni"erse. " ike attracts like" this is the uni"ersal la0 of attraction. There is also this mystical ener#y that comes out 0hen somethin# chan#es, it is 0hen uni"ersal ener#ies 0ork close 0ith you. These ener#ies #ui9e you 0hen you become more a0are of it an9 synchronicities be#ins to happen more fre-uent. 8umerolo#ical synchronicities surroun9 you. >e are able to e(plore ho0 this matri( uni"erse 0orks by numbers an9 numerolo#ical fre-uencies. 62cientists ha"e sho0n that all matter in our 7ni"erse is ma9e up of "ibratin# ener#y at the subatomic le"el.6

--------------------------%&'-(&')&(&)&&(& *+! ," -U./0+S )1((1222 -U.0+,$,34 %5'5(5'5(5(6(( 233Q133131313313P213111212+2333


213111212+2333Q233P42/1&&331/22231 3:: $ 133131313313:233P 11/2/321,&3 1113 11/2/321Q&3 1113P3131223/&42+/2++: : 3131223/&42+/2++: 11/2/321,&3 1113P &3 1112,112/2+112 &3 1112Q112/2+112P&31 & 3&&/244 44 &31 & 3&&/244 44:&3 1112,112/2+112P 112/2&141,31/4/&1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Thin#s that ha"e specific numbers on them can be calculate9 to e(plore 0hat ener#y is behin9 the obCect an9 fre-uencies that it hol9s. 8umbers hol9s an infinite char#e of ener#y an9 by fre-uencies uni"ersal ener#ies are e"ery0here in all thin#s in the uni"erse. 78%2(7&&&&%7 - Slip#not This number is the barco9e number on the ;ate. Aee9. Nill. 4epeat album of the popular ban9 2lipknot. They purchase9 the ri#hts to this barco9e, an9 this specific number is use9 an9 abuse9 only by 2lipknot. 78%2(7&&&&%7 6a99 the first & numbers an9 u #et 2+ )+O4O2O&O1O+P2+* no0 take 2+ an9 multiply that by the number of 3s )2+(4P 13/* no0 9i"i9e that by the number of 9i#its there are total )13/:12P1* 1Pnumber of members in slipknot...6 Common sense means payin# attention to the ob"ious. This is not as easy as it soun9s. Neep your min9 focuse9...

Chapter 13: 4eality $ Thou#hts create thin#s

All thin#s are thinkin# more or lessK you create your 0orl9, 9ifferent ener#ies are al0ays aroun9 us.


>e 9o thin#s 0ithout noticin#. >e ten9 to act 9ifferently 0ith people aroun9 us, Cust all small thin#s can affect to people aroun9K thin#s, thinkin# creates 0hate"er you focus on, people aroun9, places, situations. About myself, there are thin#s that < coul9 9o better, but also thin#s that are meanin#ful abo"e all small thin#s. !ife is about bein# 6me6. Eou 0hether choose to li"e insi9e this 6collecti"e 9ream6 or 0ake up to 0hat is IrealI in this uni"erse. 62ometimes 0e #i"e up 0antin# somethin# 0hen 0e belie"e that 0e can@t ha"e it. Althou#h 0e 9on@t actually stop 0antin# it H 0e Cust 9eny oursel"es the 9esire. This is base9 upon the fear of 9isappointment, an9 the fear of 9isappointment un9ermines our intentions. >e are afrai9 that 0e 0on@t #et )or achie"e* 0hat 0e 0ant, so 0e #i"e up 0antin#, an9 9eny oursel"es the opportunity to e"en try. Aeelin# Run0orthy@ can create this fear.6 Pro#ressi"e numbersK 1234 etc. 4e#ressi"e numbersK 4321 etc. 23 9oin# stron# analysis in all thin#s 4 simplifyin# all thin#s 34 stron#: 0eak thinkin#, balance & 7nbalancin# an9 balancin# ener#y: 9oin# ri#ht, entry point +/ mo"in# 9irect: non-9irect /1 Health an9 #ro0in# : /O1P1+)/*, comple( li"in# &+ achie"in# an9 flo0in# , specific Know that universe #nows us 5ur min9 0orks physically by the structures of human min9. 5ur human min9 has ten9encies in 0orkin# a 0ell pro#ramme9 0ays an9 in common 0ays that 0e ha"e learnt. 5ur attitu9e to uni"erse is base9 on thin#s 0e ha"e learnt. >e are about to i#nore all thin#s 0hen 0e are afrai9 of somethin# or 0hen our "isions are impropriate. 5ur li"es are commonly pro#ramme9 the 0ays our min9 0orks an9 it someho0 sprea9 ener#y that can be seen in 0orl9 aroun9. Thou#hts sprea9 aroun9 ener#y in le"els of ener#y. There is a state of min9 that can put thin#s in ri#ht place, make chaos, accept thin#s or create

ne0 thin#s, people can choose 0hate"er they 0ant to belie"e. )mainly*. 5ur min9 has a fractal shape that has be#innin#s an9 en9in#s, all ener#y has many shapes, but ener#y keeps creatin# more 9etails 0hen 0e obser"e it. ;in9 creates thou#hts, 0hich lea9s to 9ifferent thin#s. Airst chan#e in min9 happens 0hen 0e #et an inspiration to beha"e in 0ays 0e ne"er use9 to beha"e before. >hen 0e learn to #et ne0 thin#s, e(periences in life 0e shape rules for ne0 be#innin#s etc. 1Pbe#innin#, one. 2Pboth si9es of the coin 3Pne0 ener#y, ener#y Omore >hen 0e un9erstan9 numbers 1234 &+/1 0e kno0 ho0 to create more ener#y. >e sprea9 ener#y by our thinkin#. 2o keep your min9. ?e#innin# A man create9 fire raisin# ener#y to a 9ifferent le"el.

Chapter 11: 5bser"ation of infinity

>hy 9o people hate others= >hy 9oes nobo9y kno0 anythin#= >hy all seems to be stran#e= >hen you start to create a connection bet0een seen an9 unseen reality, you start noticin# thin#s that lea9s you for0ar9. 7ni"erse has 9ifferent intelli#ent ener#ies, by askin# uni"erse to 6#ui9e6 you, you fin9 0ays to follo0 #ui9ance of these ener#ies. >e ha"e our #ui9in# ener#ies aroun9 either physical or non$physical. >e as humans are able to reach the ener#ies of non-physical 0orl9. >e as people shoul9 accept oursel"es so that 0e coul9 accept thin#s, creatin# thou#hts 0ithout limits.

?alance is "ery important in creatin# more a0areness.. >or9s to 9escribe uni"erse: non causality, 9ream, kno0in#, obCecti"e, #ui9ance. Abstract perception is that there is a shape : colour that resonates 0ith e"ery same subconscious resonances that are in constant shift. 2hift allo0s us to resonate 0ith 9ifferent fre-uencies. This resonance can be e(perience9 throu#h this moment. There are colours of the "isible li#ht but there are also colours that are in"isible. These fre-uencies resonate to us. This kin9 of resonance allo0s us to be more accepte9 in the 0orl9 aroun9 us. Also fre-uencies of music allo0s us to connect the 0orl9 aroun9 usK lo0ers the resistance of our subconsciousK allo0in# the shift. Consciousness can also e(perience a feelin# of Coy that resonates 0ith 9imensions an9 time beyon9 thin#sK allo0in# resonance. There is a lot of resistance of i9ea that some thin#s happen beyon9 perceptionK fre-uencies that shift our future can be "ie0e9 as resonance 0hich allo0s us focus thin#s that are ob"ious an9 thin#s that are unkno0nK feelin#s are not separate9 from the uni"erse )perception of min9.* H time . space shifts 0hen 0e can tune Fcollecti"elyG to the 0hole resonance. The resonance is all aroun9$ outer H inner. FA human bein# is a part of the 0hole calle9 by us uni"erse, a part limite9 in time an9 space. He e(periences himself, his thou#hts an9 feelin# as somethin# separate9 from the rest, a kin9 of optical 9elusion of his consciousness. This 9elusion is a kin9 of prison for us, restrictin# us to our personal 9esires an9 to affection for a fe0 persons nearest to us. 5ur task must be to free oursel"es from this prison by 0i9enin# our circle of compassion to embrace all li"in# creatures an9 the 0hole of nature in its beauty.G S Albert 'instein

Chapter 12: The 67nkno0n6

62ome0here, somethin# incre9ible is 0aitin# to be kno0n.6 $Carl 2a#an

"! phase is a form of matter that has a relatively uniform chemical composition and physical properties "such as density, specific heat, refractive index, and so forth#. $hese phases include the three familiar ones "solids, li%uids, and gases#, as well as more exotic states of matter "such as plasmas, superfluids, supersolids, &ose'(instein condensates, ...#. ! fluid may be a li%uid, gas or plasma. $here are also paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases of magnetic materials. !s conditions 21

change, matter may change from one phase into another." "If a particle and its antiparticle come into contact with each other, the two annihilate) that is, they may both be converted into other particles with e%ual energy in accordance with (instein*s e%uation ( + mc,. $hese new particles may be high-energy photons "gamma rays# or other particle'antiparticle pairs."

>hen e-ual -uantities of matter an9 antimatter colli9e, they 9o not completely annihilate each other. The science team at the !ar#e Ha9ron Colli9er publishe9 9ata in 2313 that the collision sli#htly fa"ors the formation of matter by appro(imately 1B. <nitially, the reaction pro9ucts may contain matter, antimatter, an9 photons. >hen the reaction #oes to completion, 0e are left 0ith 1B of the matter 0e starte9 0ith an9 the rest becomes electroma#netic ra9iation )photons*.

Nno0 thyself.

Chapter 13: 4esonatin# intelli#ence

There is me li"in# in the 0orl9 as a person. The 0orl9 coul9 be compare9 to a labyrinth: there are 9ifferent 0ays to #oK there are 0ays to procee9 to. >hat happens 0hen 0e can un9erstan9 that 0e create our 0orl9 by our thou#hts that 0e are focusin# on.

>hat is physical reality an9 0hy it can be 9i"i9e9 in le"els=

!he world around you is whatever you believe it is


>e can "ie0 from this point that e"erythin# you think e(ists, e(ist from your perceptionK accor9in# 0hat you think it is. Accor9in# to the li"in# form of life, shape ener#y, the 0orl9 coul9 be "ie0e9 as more ne#ati"e than neutral or positi"e. 7n9erstan9in# of a0areness hei#htens the present le"els. >e all share this same harmonic picture, but because 0e only see our o0n manifeste9 pieces of this 0holeness, 0e can see the 0holeness of this 0ithin the pieces of creations. >e coul9 reconnect to the 9i"ine cosmic plan, 0hat 0e put into motion, the uni"erse is respon9in# accor9in# to the ener#ies of 0hat has been create9. The -uestionin# an9 seekin# a meanin# of life has been an interest in all times an9 humans ha"e reli#ions that ha"e their ans0ers to these -uestions. There are many countries in this planet an9 0e ha"e ans0ers, many 9ifferent belief systems ... Ho0 the uni"erse has been create9, 0e are all part of 9ifferent belief systems an9 0e belie"e thin#s that resonates to oursel"es. >e e(perience thin#s that are unkno0n $ unkno0n is the portal of infinity an9 abun9ance an9 uni"ersal ener#ies are in this moment H life coul9 be "ie0e9 either positi"e or ne#ati"e but life is neither of them $ this moment coul9 be "ie0e9 0hether in a positi"e or ne#ati"e 0ay. 4eality manifests

Chapter 14: 8umerolo#y <nterpretations

6If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of vibration, fre%uency, energy.6 $ 8ikola tesla The uni"erse 0orks throu#h synchronicity, meanin#ful 6coinci9ences6 that are connecte9 to some other e"ent. This is communication 0ith the unseen an9 the physical 0orl9. 8umerolo#y is a "ery interestin# phenomenon that allo0s uni"erse to communicate "ia numbers an9 fre-uencies. 4eality is Cust illusion 111 is a metaphor of reality, creatin# all that e(istsK "-niverse is based on numerology and numeric codes. ../.. is one of the codes, which means a 01! activation. 2ou3ll notice that when you see the code ../.. often, it raises the synchronicity in your life."

111 perception or manifestation of 0holeness. Abo"e all particular thin#s. /// e(istin#, controllin#, manipulatin# etc. 333 kno0in# all that is, unity +++ full a0areness &&& thinkin# thin#s 0ith focus: all thin#s in life an9 thinkin# bi# 444 notice all small thin#s 0hile seein# this si#n, easy ener#y 333 notice all positi"e thin#s that comforts you, har9 ener#y balance: unbalance e(pression of shiftin# ener#y 222 literally means thin#s aroun9 0ith specific ener#y Also e"ery letter has a number "alue that pro"i9es a relate9 cosmic "ibration.

Aor e(ample number 1 is relate9 to letters A:%:2 $ number 2 is relate9 to letters ?:N:T $ number 3 is relate9 to letters C:!:7 $ number 4 is relate9 to letters L:;:T $ number is relate9 to letters ':8:> $ number & is relate9 to letters A:5:U $ number + is relate9 to letters M:P:E $ number / is relate9 to letters H:V:W $ number 1 is relate9 to letters <:4

Chapter 1 : 2ymbolism

<n Christianity trinity means the three aspects of #o9 )Aather, son an9 the Holy 2pirit*. Trinity can be seen in patterns or "ie0e9 by our min9s as Fthou#htG H FintentionG an9 FresultG . Arom this perception 0e can ima#ine ener#y an9 opposite ener#y plus ener#y that shifts the fre-uency bet0een them. 2o the reference of father an9 son are the opposite ener#ies an9 the Holy 2pirit is the Fbreath of #o9G. 8umerolo#ical, 0hen you a99 a thir9, you create a sort of balance to the less stable, free$ floatin# t0o. <n another sense, the thir9 al0ays 0as implie9 by the t0o, because of the 5ne

from 0hich the t0o ori#inate9, an9 0hich remaine9 0ith them.

Chapter 1&: 2ubconscious fre-uencies

< a#ree many of thin#s aroun9 me. 2uch as the thin#s that ha"e 9ifferent 0ays to #ui9e an9 lea9 us for0ar9. ?ut also there are some thin#s that shoul9 not to be a#ree9. Time is illusion, 0e shape the ne0 thin#s 0hen 0e choose thin#s that 0e a#ree. Thin#s 0e remember shifts our 0orl9 to0ar9s thin#s that are in harmony 0ith thin#s that 0e a#ree, but usually 0hen 0e are in harmony 0ith all thin#s. >e humans manipulate the 0hole planet an9 0e create also ne#ati"ity, an9 limit our o0n realm of subconscious.

1111X11111 Aka <f you multiply 1111 by 1111 you #et 1234321 representin# a pyrami9. Abstract se-uencesK 132 )a99 132 by itself 3 times: e-uals 31&* 31&)a99 31& by itself 3 times : e-uals 11//*$3&1 )a99 3&1 by itself 3 times:e-uals 113+* 1/1 )a99 1/1 by /1: e-uals 2+/, a99 2+/ by /1: e-uals 3&+, a99 3&+ by /1: e-uals 4 &, a99 1/1 2 times: e-uals 3+/, a99 1/1 3 times: e-uals &+* 1:)1O/P1* )a99 1/1 by 1/1: e-uals 11+3* 3& )a99 3& by 3& P +2, 1/1 9i"i9e9 by 1 P 131*

Chapter 1+: 2elf$impro"ement - 9eeper kno0le9#e )black:0hite*

>e see the 0orl9 throu#h limitationsK 0e feel that 0e ha"e boun9aries. There is ener#etical boun9 bet0een all thin#s. ;y concept is to #rasp the i9ea that there are no boun9aries. >e can accept thin#s as they are. To kno0 ho0 thin#s 0ork there is use to #et kno0 of terms that #ui9e us mo"in# the path that is all about manifestin# ener#y an9 shiftin# the subconscious min9 to0ar9s more stable optimistic attitu9e. $aw of vibration !a0 of "ibration says that e"erythin# in the uni"erse is in a constant state of "ibration. '"erythin#, 0hether soli9, li-ui9 or #as is ma9e up of ener#y an9 all forms of ener#y are constantly mo"in# an9 "ibratin#. There is scale of both lo0 fre-uencies an9 hi#h fre-uencies. '"ery in9i"i9ual is broa9castin# an9 recei"in# "ibration fre-uencies of thou#hts an9 to connect subconscious part of min9 one is about to shift to0ar9s completely 9ifferent ne0 kin9 of pro#rammin#. Eou can feel intuiti"ely the presence of this moment.

$ucid dreaming A luci9 9ream is a completely natural e(perience. <t is Cust like any other 9ream e(cept for the small 9ifference of your kno0le9#e that it is a 9ream. <t has nothin# to 9o 0ith ne0 a#e, the occult, or escapism, nor can it harm you any more than a re#ular 9ream coul9. <t is recommen9e9 to 9o reality check mostly in 0akin# life, re#ularly. Ask thin#s yourself such as ho0 you en9e9 up someplace, 0hy you are there an9 0here you are #oin#. "ocusing - moving within new energy fre9uencies 2tart e"ery 9ay fin9in# ne0 0ays an9 ha"e intention in 0hat you 9o. ;o"in# to0ar9s thin#s in life is about fin9in# ne0 0ays an9 balancin# thin#s. <f in9i"i9ual is ha"in# limitin# beliefs, the ener#y flo0s to0ar9s those parts that are limitin#. The flo0 can #o up0ar9s 0hen 0e are rea9y to hei#hten our manifestin# ener#yK the unlimite9 flo0 allo0s us to maintain all positi"e ener#ies an9 allo0s us to see our #oals. Hei#hten your present ener#ies, the #oals are manifestin# 0hen 0e think.



Chapter 1/: Cool mo"ies

.atri: ;()))<

Computer pro#rammer Thomas An9erson learne9 the true nature of his reality an9 0as tol9 of the real 0orl9 that 0as far abo"e his ima#ination. He 0as an a"era#e computer pro#rammer an9 by ni#ht a hacker 0ho calle9 himself 8eo. 8eo foun9 people that 0ant to re"eal the truth to him. He ha9 been truth seeker. Their lea9er calle9 ;orpheus a0akene9 8eo to the real 0orl9 an9 8eo 0as mo"e9 into the real 0orl9. 8eo ha9 a chance to learn more about the ;atri( by takin# an offere9 pill. 8eo 0as re"eale9 a place 0here most of humanity has been capture9 by machines 0ho imprison their min9s 0ithin an artificial reality kno0n as the ;atri(. 8eo 0as tol9 to be 6the 5ne6 of Prophecy, an9 he 0oul9 free the human race from the matri( an9 en9 the 0ar bet0een humans an9 machines.

Source code ;%&((<

Captain Colter 2te"ens 7.2 army@s sol9ier 0as tol9 that he 0as pulle9 into parallel 0orl9 62ource co9e6 an9 he 0ill be mo"e9 into 2ha0n Aentress bo9y insi9e source co9e. Colter 2te"ens 0akes up in a capsule 0here he 0akes after ei#ht minutes an9 he has access to a parallel 0orl9 an9 his brain 0as linke9 into source co9e 0hich tells that if brains electroma#netic fiel9 an9 short term memory bank is linke9 after 9eath there is a link to access insi9e source co9e an9 parallel 0orl9. He later #ot to kno0 that he has been 9ea9 for t0o months an9 he has access to 62ource co9e6 to stop a bomber in a train that the terrorist canYt use nuclear bomb 0hich is locate9 in the centre of Chica#o.


Chapter 11: Thou#hts are manifestin# our reality

Lo not 90ell in the past, 9o not 9ream of the future, concentrate the min9 on the present moment. $?u99ha

Aocus in life to the thin#s you 0ant to ha"e. 4epeatin# these thou#hts in your min9 e"ery 9ay 0ill help to manifest ne0 life. Thin#s such as ha"in# limitin# beliefs can also cause troubles in focusin# the ener#y of our intentions. The follo0in# 0or9s 0ill be basics of #ainin# a ne0 life an9 basics to achie"e prosperity in our li"es: %oy, trust, happiness, optimism, confi9ence, satisfaction, harmony, e(citement, balance, stren#th, abun9ance an9 #ratitu9e etc. Aearful thinkin# affects 9ifferent 0ays, ab9icatin#, 9epression, shiftin# ne#ati"ity an9 chan#in# beha"iors. <t@s all a 9ream, 0e can feel e"ery moment, thinkin# can stren#then , 0e can pay our attention to no0 H this moment $ 0e Fcollecti"elyG ha"e apparently 9eci9e9 that 0orl9 is full of ne#ati"ity an9 ne#ati"e people e(ist 0ithin our li"es. '#oistic min9 has ten9encies to put thin#s to others problems, full of chaotic ener#ies floatin# aroun9 in this reality 0e li"e in. >e all think at least once in our life about this life an9 realityK 4eality, uni"erse, collecti"e thou#hts, personal thou#hts, in9i"i9uality an9 the meanin# of all thin#s. >hat is the selfishnessK 9o 0e li"e our li"es as oursel"es an9 li"e selfish= >hat is #oo9= Ho0 9o 0e create oursel"es= This ener#y$Fener#iesG H ha"e ten9encies to sho0 up thin#s in e#oistic 0ays, especially the nee9 to become IbetterI or be Iabo"e an9 0iserI than anyone else. ?ein# critical means thinkin# an9 belie"in# 0ays that resonate best to our reality. ;aybe 0e shoul9 proCect our ener#ies to more interestin# subCects or thin#s that are in our min9s. Think of the air, the space in the uni"erse as a matri(, "ibrational #ri9 fille9 0ith this personal ener#y, like thou#hts attracts like thou#hts throu#hout of the "ibrational #ri9. 'ner#y of uni"erse is 9esi#ne9 for us to chan#e it an9 create ne0 thin#s an9 balance our o0n ener#ies. Thou#hts affect to thin#s O create thin#s.

6<f you realiDe9 ho0 po0erful your thou#hts are, you 0oul9 ne"er think a ne#ati"e thou#ht a#ain.6

6All 0e see . seem is but a 9ream 0ithin a 9ream6: the illusory nature of physical reality, creati"e consciousness . the uni"ersal min9.6

There are thin#s that ha"e a ne#ati"e po0er in my life. There is ne#ati"e ener#y that must be cleare9. There is bi##er perception of information that is ener#y, consciousness that creates uni"erses an9 it controls balance of e"ery thin#. There is positi"e si9e of life an9 there is ne#ati"e, an9 there are #ui9in# ener#ies both ne#ati"e an9 positi"e );icrocosm aka ;acrocosm*. All thin#s affect also to other ener#ies an9 interact 0ith all kin9 of thin#s. 2imply e"ery thin# is an illusi"e thin# that chan#es 0hen thin#s an9 con9itions chan#e. >hen occurrin# ne#ati"e thin#sK try to shift thou#hts more to a positi"e kin9 of ener#y an9 think thin#s that fit best to yourself or shift more to optimistic state. Also if 0e 0ant to stay in the optimistic le"el of thinkin# 0e nee9 to take a9"anta#e of our li"es. !et the 9aily ener#y shift more to FpresenceG, the chaotic ener#ies 0ill become more a9"ance9 H 0hate"er FThe our intentionG is H put the effort in the present moment. This ener#y 0hich has a certain shape:fre-uencies is affectin# to some thin#s an9 is clearin# inner an9 outer ener#ies of creation. Patterns in nature are "isible re#ularities of form foun9 in the natural 0orl9. '(ample of these re#ularities are the Aibonacci se-uences 1, 1, 2, 3, , /, 13, 21, 34, , /1, 144 etc. )a99 the number by pre"ious number to create harmony bet0een the pattern*.


2ierpinski Trian#le

obody understands the things without interest to listen!inspiration to do different things. We all ha"e been gi"en this life # infinite potential # which e$ists in e"erything. %y tuning to these energies we can see beauty of life and see things beyond limitations.


Into infinity


&ll things focus in a certain sense to this moment!present. 'his what I mean is related to being and how all can be seen and e$perienced sub(ecti"ely, which in itself is a part of e$periencing e"erything. &ll those things that we think are part of a collecti"e network. 'his network can be seen as sub(ecti"e or ob(ecti"e.

'he e$ternal world can be seen as a continuous stream of energy, behind which is a higher connection to multidimensional reality. 'his game of life is mainly fractal structured where each is an indi"idual, e"eryone understands their role in this entity, in which case the e$perience is sub(ecti"e )originally* + in which case indi"idual is controlled by their own subconscious programming that is part of the structure.

Human beings can understand things in a positi"e or in a negati"e way, these things can be interpreted through the indi"idual,s sub(ecti"e perception, things are (ust metaphors themsel"es, consciousness itself has the appearance of a fractal structure.


"ractal means that if we ta#e a small area of corner and =oom it we get always new details infinitely. O Ney information: http:::en.0ikipe9ia.or#:0iki:;an9elbrotZset

Chapter 23: ;etaphors of life

6>hat is the uni"ersal matri( : uni"ersal infinity.. >hat is the purpose of the uni"ersal matri(=6 These are the -uestions resonatin# in this infinite ener#y matri( aka uni"ersal matri( ri#ht at the moment. Lo you realiDe that this uni"ersal matri( is communicatin# for you= This is all my realiDation that 0orl9 aroun9 is an illusion an9 all is connecte9. <s life the same as it use9 to be before= >e are about to buil9 a 0orl9 in 0hich 0e li"e as e-uals 0ith nature an9 in harmony 0ith the uni"erse.

1 O1 O1 P 3, 2 O2 O2 P &

*ll is energy

6!ife is a Courney6 6Mo9 is a fre-uency... 2tay tune96 $ Alan Cohen 6All is 8umber6 $ Pytha#oras F< am a hole in a flute that the Christ@s breath mo"es throu#hlisten to this music.G $ HafeD 6The spirit is life. The min9 is the buil9er. The physical is the result6 $ '9#ar Cayce


?e no0 thankful about small thin#s you ha"e in your life. Eou feel your ener#y 0hate"er it is, it #i"es you ener#y you nee9 in 9oin# 0hate"er you 9o if you focus on 0hat you 9o. Eou learn ne0 thin#s in 9aily life. Think yourself bein# somethin# that is not you. >e belie"e in 0hat other people belie"e an9 0e fee9 other peoples i9eas. All people 0ant to li"e the "alues that really matter to us as in9i"i9uals There is a balance in all thin#s in life, by thinkin# 0e can fi#ure anythin# 0e nee9 to belie"e or 0hat 0e belie"e. ;anipulatin# life coul9 be the thin# that shifts our belief systems an9 "alues that 0e ha"e. ;anifestation . impression: people are able to make 9ifferent impressions for themsel"es an9 for others. Eou ha"e been tau#ht not to -uestion anythin# as early a#e, others affect the 0ays 0e think in this reality. Create you o0n reality, you choose thin#s that you put focus



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