Project Synopsis

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The Indian Railways (IR) carries about 5.5 lakhs passengers in reserved accomodation every day.The Computerised Passenger Reservation ystem(PR ) !acilates the booking and cancellation o!

tickets !rom any o! the "### terminals(i.e. PR bookin window all over the countries). These tickets can be booked or cancelled !or $ourneys commencin in any part o! India and ending in any other part% with travel time as long as &'hours and distance upto several thousand kilometers.

The administrator should be able to enter any change related to the train in!ormation like change in train name% number etc. The system should be able to reserve seat in a train !or a passenger. (irst the clerk will check !or availability !or the seats in a particular train on a speci!ied date o! $ourney. I! it is available the clerk will reserve seats. The passenger will be given a uni)ue P*R no. The system should be able to cancel a reservation. The clerk will delete the entries in the system. The passenger can check their reservation status online by entering their P*R no. The system will display his current status like con!irmed% R+C or waiting list. They are also able to see in!ormation related to the train schedules. The system should be able to print the report like it should be able to generate reservation chart% train report% reservation ticket which will have train no and name% date o! $ourney% boarding station% destination station% person name% age% ,censored-% total !are and a uni)ue P*R no. The system should be able to print the cancellation ticket which will have total !are and the amount deducted.

P.RP/ 01
The purpose of this source is to describe the railway reservation system which provides the train timing details, reservation, billing and cancellation on various types of reservation namely:-

Con!irm Reservation !or con!irm eat. Reservation against Cancellation. /nline Reservation. Tatkal Reservation. 2aiting list Reservation

Our Project also deals with the Railway information system by using functions like:1.Add New ser !."is#lay all user "etails $.Add new train %."is#lay all trains &.'cheduled trains (."is#lay 'chedule ).logout ser ha*e function like 1.'how #rofile !.+dit #rofile details $."is#lay schedule based on train %."is#lay schedule based on source and destination &."is#lay schedule based on date (."is#lay all trains schedule ),heck berth a*ailability -..ook tickets /.,ancel ticket 10.e1it



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Why we(Software Developers) Choose Java:-

3ava with its versatilty% e!!iciency% and portability% 3ava has become invaluable to developers by enabling them to14
5 2rite so!tware on one plat!orm and run it on virtually any other plat!orm 5 Create programs to run within a 2eb browser and 2eb services 5 Combine applications or services using the 3ava language to create highly customi6ed applications or services

Goals in creation of Java:

There were !ive primary goals in the creation o! the 3ava language 7. '. 9. ". 5. It It It It It should should should should should be 8simple% ob$ect oriented8. be 8robust and secure8. be 8architecture neutral and portable8. e:ecute with 8high per!ormance8. be 8interpreted% threaded% and dynamic8.

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In /nline Railway Reservation ystem%!or booking the tickets online the intended user has to enter details like username and password. /nce the username and passwords are veri!ied then he is allowed to enter the main system wherein he can select the destination% date and no o! tickets. (or the purchase o! the tickets he is asked !or payment details (like credit card details etc). The user is also provided with a provision o! canceling the reservation where in the entire amount is credited back to his account.

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