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Strategy, Tactics & Logistics,%20Tactics%20%26%20Logistics Created 8th February, 2005 10:44 (UTC), last edited 17th August, 2006 17: 7 (UTC) This article is also on CivFanatics and that's where the discussions are. There is al!ays "u#h #$%&usi$% ab$ut the ter"s strategy a%d tactics' (% additi$%, "u#h $& !hat is #alled strategy is $&te% really logistics, s$ h$! d$es it all !$r)* +hat d$ these !$rds "ea%* (% e,-l$ri%g these ter"s !e.ll als$ ha/e t$ #$%sider a %e! ter": Gran strategy' (% "a%y situati$%s there is a l$t $& $/erla- bet!ee% the "ea%i%gs $& these &$ur ter"s, but that d$es%0t "ea% that y$u #a% use the" !illy1%illy a%d %$t be laughed at' This arti#le is g$i%g t$ e,-l$re these ter"s a%d di- i%t$ e-is$des i% hist$ry that ( h$-e hel- t$ #lari&y the -$i%ts' Alth$ugh !e.ll $##asi$%ally di- i%t$ the !$rld $& Ci/ili2ati$% the disti%#ti$%s are 3ust as a--li#able t$ a%y $ther !ar1 ga"e $r e/e% t$ real1!$rld i%ter%ati$%al -$liti#s, !ar"$%geri%g, tr$$- "$/e"e%ts $r busi%ess'

Gran strategy is -$liti#al' (t sets the l$%g ter" a%d sh$rt ter" g$als b$th i% a%d $ut $& !ar' (t de#ides !h$ t$ atta#) !he% a%d !hat the g$als $& a !ar are t$ be' !perational strategy $r 3ust strategy is the -la%%i%g a%d the e,e#uti$% that leads t$ the &ul&il"e%t $& the g$als set i% gra%d strategy' (& the g$al $& a !ar is t$ #a-ture a% isla%d !ith three #ities $% it the% the strategy de#ides !hi#h $rder t$ ta)e the #ities i% a%d !hat s$rt $& &$r#e !ill be re4uired' Tactics is de-l$y"e%t $& tr$$-s t$ e,e#ute the strategy' Ta#ti#s $&te% i%#ludes s"all set -ie#es $& tr$$"$/e"e%ts a%d de-l$y"e%ts that are )%$!% t$ be e&&e#ti/e' Logistics is all ab$ut "a)i%g sure that the tr$$-s are !here "ea%t t$ be be&$re the &ighti%g starts a%d that they ha/e all the su--$rt (%$r"ally su--lies, but #a% i%#lude $ther thi%gs) that are re4uired'

Gran Strategy
(% the real !$rld the highest le/el $& #$%tr$l is )%$!% as 5ra%d strategy' 5ra%d strategy has t$ d$ !ith the -$liti#al "$ti/ati$%s &$r a gi/e% #$urse $& a#ti$%' 5ra%d strategy these days is #alled -$liti#s a%d is #arried $ut by %ati$%al leaders' (% ga"e ter"s a%d at the highest le/el this is h$! !e !a%t t$ !i% the ga"e, but it als$ g$es d$!% t$ dire#ti%g a -arti#ular !ar6!hat are $ur $b3e#ti/es i% this !ar* 5ra%d strategy is "aybe the hardest -art $& the ga"e t$ "aster as there is s$ little hel- that y$u #a% get ab$ut /ari$us situati$%s' As a #$%se4ue%#e there is /ery little !ritte% ab$ut it i% strategy guides &$r Ci/ili2ati$%' 7e#ause e/ery ga"e is di&&ere%t, e/ery ga"e de"a%ds a di&&ere%t 5ra%d strategy' +e all )%$! that s$"eti"es it is best t$ atta#) $ur !ea)est %eighb$ur a%d s$"eti"es it is best t$ tea" u- !ith $ther %ati$%s t$ atta#) the str$%gest' +hi#h is best i% a gi/e% situati$% de-e%ds $% "a%y &a#t$rs: #$"-arati/e te#h%$l$gy8 the l$#ati$%s $& b$rders a%d tr$$-s8 the l$#ati$% $& -$te%tial allies a%d e%e"ies8 h$! the %ati$%s &eel ab$ut us a%d ea#h $ther8 !hat s$rt $& /i#t$ry !e are tryi%g &$r a%d s$ $%'

5ra%d strategy i%/$l/es !eighi%g all $& these &a#t$rs a%d "$re t$ "a)e a &i%al de#isi$%' 9$ !e atta#) the !ea) :$"a%s $r the str$%g 5ree)s $r d$ !e ha/e t$ !ait &$r a %e! te#h%$l$gy be&$re !e #a% a#tually d$ either*

(% August 1;;0 <adda" =ussei% i%/aded >u!ait' As i% all thi%gs $& a gra%d strategi# %ature there !ere b$th si"-le a%d #$"-le, reas$%s &$r his #h$i#e' +hat ! g$i%g t$ l$$) at here is the dire#t #$%se4ue%#es $% this i% ter"s $& the di&&ere%#e bet!ee% 5ra%d <trategy a%d <trategy' The &irst a#ti$% !as the -assi%g $& U%ited ?ati$%s :es$luti$% 660' This de"a%ded that (ra4 !ithdra! &r$" >u!ait' The &$ll$!i%g :es$luti$% 661 i"-$sed e#$%$"i# sa%#ti$%s $% (ra4' 9uri%g the rest $& 1;;0 a large #$aliti$% $& %ati$%s -ut t$gether &irst $& all a de&e%#e $& <audi Arabia !hi#h !as als$ bei%g threate%ed by (ra4 (@-erati$% 9esert <hield) a%d the% i% Aa%uary 1;;1 a% i%/asi$% t$ reta)e >u!ait (@-erati$% 9esert <t$r")' The U%ited ?ati$%s dire#ted the 5ra%d strategy i% this !ar' (% #$%sideri%g !hat #$urses $& a#ti$%s !ere $-e% t$ it the U? <e#urity C$u%#il had t$ !eigh &a#t$rs su#h as !hat t$$ls it #$uld use (sa%#ti$%s, use $& "ilitary &$r#e)8 h$! a%y a#ti$%s !$uld a&&e#t $ther #$u%tries (!hat !as the -$siti$% $& the Arab Beague a%d Ce"e% i% -arti#ular)8 !hat "ight (ra4 d$ %e,t (it still $!ed <audi Arabia "$%ey &r$" the (ra41(ra% !ar duri%g the -re#edi%g de#ade)8 a%d %$t least i"-$rta%t !hat "ight the -$st1!ar e&&e#ts be i& "ilitary a#ti$% !as ta)e%' (% l$$)i%g at that list y$u.ll see that "a%y $& these are &a#t$rs ha/e dire#t ga"e a%al$gues a%d they are als$ the s$rts $& 4uesti$%s y$u sh$uld be as)i%g y$ursel& !he% -la%%i%g y$ur #$urses $& a#ti$%' 9ee- as these issues are !he% -layi%g the #$"-uter they are e/e% harder t$ !eigh !he% -layi%g hu"a%s: =u"a%s are b$th "$re #a-ri#i$us a%d "$re h$%$rable tha% the A(' As Clause!it2 said: +ar is %$t "erely a -$liti#al a#t, but als$ a real -$liti#al i%stru"e%t, a #$%ti%uati$% $& -$li#y #arried $ut by $ther "ea%s' At s$"e -$i%t -$liti#al "a#hi%ati$%s !ill s-ill $/er i%t$ bl$$dshed, but %e/er &$rget that there "ust be a s$lid reas$% &$r g$i%g t$ !ar a%d 3ust as i"-$rta%tly, know before you start when you will end'

(% a%#ie%t Chi%a duri%g the <-ri%g a%d Autu"% Deri$d there !as a -r$&$u%d #ha%ge i% the !ay that !ars !ere &$ught' The destru#ti$% $& the Eh$u #a-ital by barbaria%s i% 722 7CF lead t$ a -$!er /a#uu" that !as &illed by the rise $& =ege"$%s' The -eri$d is i%teresti%g &$r a %u"ber $& di&&ere%t reas$%s i%#ludi%g the ti"es !he% s$"e $& the "$st &a"$us Chi%ese i%telle#tuals li)e C$%&u#ius a%d Ba$ Tse (the &$u%der $& Ta$is") !here !riti%g' There !ere als$ the &irst great thi%)ers $& strategy !h$ !r$te b$$)s that still sur/i/e t$day, the "$st &a"$us $& !hi#h is <u% T2u.s Art $& +ar' F/e% "$re i"-$rta%t tha% these "ilitary te,ts !as the de/el$-"e%t $& the -r$&essi$%al ge%eral' At the start $& this -eri$d the relati/ely s"all battles that $##urred !here dire#ted by the >i%gs (a%d later the =ege"$%s) !h$ als$ e,er#ised -$liti#al #$%tr$l' 7y the e%d the battle&ield !as #$%tr$lled by -r$&essi$%al, &ull1ti"e s$ldiers'

(t !as this de/el$-"e%t $& -r$&essi$%al "ilitary leaders that all$!ed the de/el$-"e%t $& e&&e#ti/e battle strategy as %$! the ge%erals #$uld s-e%d all $& their ti"e studyi%g a%d trai%i%g &$r !ar !ith$ut the distra#ti$%s $& als$ ruli%g their state' <u%1T2u.s des#ri-ti$%: (% res-e#t $& the Art $& +ar, !e ha/e: &irstly, Geasure"e%t8 se#$%dly, Fsti"ati$% $& 4ua%tity8 thirdly, Cal#ulati$%8 &$urthly, 7ala%#i%g $& #ha%#es8 &i&thly, Hi#t$ry <trategy %e#essarily e%#$"-asses the thi%)i%g that y$u d$ before y$u de-l$y a%y tr$$-s'

$osworth %iel
(% 1485 CF i% Fur$-e there !as still the si%gle leader !h$ !$uld be i% #harge -$liti#ally a%d als$ lead the !arri$rs $% the battle&ield' A g$$d e,a"-le $& this is i% the 7attle $& 7$s!$rth FieldI1This &eatures i% <ha)es-eare0s Richard III !ith the l$/ely JA h$rse, a h$rseK Gy >i%gd$" &$r a h$rseKJ li%e uttered by :i#hard' bet!ee% :i#hard ((( a%d =e%ry (H $& F%gla%d' :i#hard0s battle strategy !as /ery si"-le6he !a%ted t$ e%gage =e%ry i% $%e1t$1$%e "$rtal #$"bat a%d !i%' (& he #$uld d$ that his -$siti$% as >i%g !$uld be se#ure' This "ade =e%ry0s strategy e4ually si"-le' All he had t$ d$ !as t$ )ee- $ut $& :i#hard0s !ay' (t is%0t #lear !hether :i#hard !$uld ha/e beate% =e%ry i% a &air &ight as the #ha%#e %e/er ar$se' =e%ry0s tr$$-s #ut :i#hard d$!% !hilst he !as tryi%g t$ get thr$ugh the"' :i#hard #$""itted hi"sel& t$ a #harge agai%st =e%ry0s &$r#es -r$bably a little t$$ late' (& he had d$%e s$ !hilst =e%ry !as still tryi%g t$ li%e his &$r#es u- it "ight ha/e !$r)ed' Gight ha/eL

(% 1815 the Tsar $& :ussia tur%ed t$ the 9u)e $& +elli%gt$% a%d said M(t is &$r y$u t$ sa/e the !$rld agai%N' ?a-$le$% 7$%a-arte had 3ust es#a-ed &r$" Flba a%d !as g$i%g t$ try t$ reta)e his -$siti$% $& F"-er$r $& Fra%#e' 7$th "e% li%ed their tr$$-s u- $% either side $& a /alley !ith ?a-$le$% ta)i%g $% his strategy $& ad/a%#i%g at all #$sts' +elli%gt$% %e! h$!e/er that the Drussia%s !here %earby a%d re1gr$u-i%g (a&ter a battle a &e! days earlier) a%d he %eeded t$ )ee- the Fre%#h l$#)ed i% #$"bat u%til they arri/ed' ?a-$le$% 7$%a-arte !as #ertai%ly a "ilitary ge%ius' The battle&ield strategies that he de/el$-ed !here i%&lue%tial i%t$ the early 20th Ce%tury (alth$ugh "aybe they sh$uld%.t ha/e bee%)' At this ti"e there !as a #lear disti%#ti$% bet!ee% strategy a%d ta#ti#s !ith strategy bei%g the -la% be&$re the battle started' C$""u%i#ati$%s !here sl$! a%d err$r -r$%e !ith $%ly /ery si"-le sig%alli%g a/ailable' F/e% !$rse, as the si2e $& the battles had i%#reased "assi/ely $/er the -re/i$us #e%turies it !as %$! the #ase that "a%y $& the -r$tag$%ists #$uld%.t e/e% see all $& their $!% &$r#es let al$%e th$se $& their e%e"y' 7y +$rld +ar ( battle&ield "$bility !as i% su#h a s$rry "ess a%d #$""u%i#ati$%s had i"-r$/ed s$ "u#h that by the% the 5e%erals !here %$!here %ear the &ighti%g a%d strategy had bee% redu#ed t$ de#idi%g !he% a%d !here t$ lau%#h a% $&&e%si/e' ?a-$le$%.s strategy $& $&&e%#e at all #$sts !as bei%g &$ll$!ed alth$ugh it sh$uld ha/e already bee% $b/i$us

&r$" the A"eri#a% Ci/il +ar !hat !$uld ha--e% t$ i%&a%try atta#)i%g "a#hi%e gu% e"-la#e"e%ts' (t t$$) the bl$$dy tre%#h !ar&are $& the &irst years $& +$rld +ar ( t$ really dri/e the -$i%t h$"e' (t !as%.t u%til ta%)s !ere i%/e%ted that "$bility !as -ut ba#) i%t$ !ar, but !ith the de/el$-"e%t $& e&&e#ti/e radi$ this als$ lead t$ a blurri%g $& the $ld disti%#ti$%s bet!ee% strategy a%d ta#ti#s i% +$rld +ar (('

+hilst bl$$dy "urder !as bei%g #$%du#ted i% a%d bet!ee% the tre%#hes i% +$rld +ar ( a %e! #$"bat are%a had bee% $-e%ed usi%g the bra%d %e! te#h%$l$gy $& -$!ered &light' =au-t"a% @s!ald 7$el#)e !r$te the "$st &a"$us air #$"bat ta#ti#s "a%ual i% 1;16, the Dicta-Boelcke' This #$"-rised a set $& si"-le rules that a% a/iat$r sh$uld &$ll$! t$ "a,i"ise his #ha%#e $& retur%i%g h$"e i% $%e -ie#e a%d "i%i"isi%g the sa"e &$r his $--$%e%t' These ta#ti#s are still taught t$ air #$"bat -il$ts t$day' F,a"-les $& the ta#ti#s i%#lude M(& -$ssible, )ee- the su% behi%d y$u,N a%d M(% a%y ty-e $& atta#), it is esse%tial t$ g$ &$r y$ur $--$%e%t &r$" behi%d'N These ta#ti#al rules disti%guish the"sel/es &r$" strategy i% that they d$%.t #$%sider the !hy $r !here&$re $& the battle, but try t$ gi/e the best #ha%#e that e/ery e%#$u%ter sh$uld be de#ided i% the ta#ti# user.s &a/$ur without evaluating the situation' (t is this ta#ti#al ele"e%t that the s-e#ial trai%i%g a <+AT (<-e#ial +ea-$%s A%d Ta#ti#s) tea" addresses (alth$ugh their #h$i#e $& !hi#h ta#ti#s t$ e"-l$y i% a gi/e% situati$% is #learly strategi#)' Ta#ti#s that !e "ay e"-l$y i% Ci/ili2ati$% "ight i%#lude &r$%t assaults, &la%)i%g $r surr$u%di%g e%e"y u%its' The su##ess $& the ta#ti# de-e%ds hea/ily $% it bei%g used i% the right #ir#u"sta%#e as they te%d t$ be highly situati$%al' A #a/alry #harge agai%st a thi% li%e $& ri&le"e% "ay !ell su##eed, but agai%st e/e% a #$u-le $& "a#hi%e1gu%%er !ill al"$st #ertai%ly be sui#ide' :e-la#e the h$rse !ith a ta%) a%d the ta#ti# be#$"es /iable agai%'

Sagas & 'omans

(% a%#ie%t s$#ieties there !as $%ly gra%d strategy a%d ta#ti#s' 7attle &ield strategy !as%.t u%derst$$d at all a%d i%ter1 tribe !ar&are #$%sisted $& "elOe, $r -it#hed battle !ith the t!$ gr$u-s "eeti%g a%d &ighti%g' +h$e/er is le&t sta%di%g ($r has%0t ru% $&&) !i%s' The (#ela%di# Fgils <aga by <%$rri <turlus$% is &ull $& st$ries $& this )i%d' Fa"ilies &eudi%g !ith ea#h $ther a%d her$i# battles' @ther sagas des#ribe &a"ily li&e a%d &eudi%g a%d the -$liti#s $& early (#ela%di# s$#iety' Fa#h h$"estead its $!% -$liti#al e%tity, but tied i%t$ larger #$""u%ities $& shi&ti%g allia%#es $&te% thr$ugh ties $& bl$$d a%d bl$$dletti%gP25ra%d strategy re/$l/ed ar$u%d -$liti#s at the Thing, a -re#urs$r t$ -arlia"e%ts a%d $&te% #$%sisted $& %e! bl$$d ties thr$ugh "arriage'' As battles g$t bigger it be#a"e i%#reasi%gly i"-$rta%t t$ ha/e s$"e s$rt $& #$%tr$l $/er the -r$#eedi%gs' (& there are 3ust t!e%ty !arri$rs $% ea#h side the% there is%0t "u#h that y$u #a% d$ !ith the &ight $% a strategi# le/el ($ther tha% "a)e sure y$u $##u-y the high gr$u%d)' +he% battles started t$ be bet!ee% th$usa%ds $& !arri$rs the% y$u d$%0t !a%t e/eryb$dy ru%%i%g ar$u%d a%d d$i%g their $!% thi%g (as "a%y Hi)i%g -re#urs$rs &$u%d t$ their #$st !he% &ighti%g :$"a%s)'

The :$"a%s "a%aged t$ !i% "a3$r battles agai%st "u#h larger &$r#es %$t $%ly thr$ugh g$$d ge%erals (a%d Aulius Caesar !as $%e $& the best), but als$ due t$ their i"-ressi/e dis#i-li%e' The battle&ield &$r"ati$%s that they e"-l$yed !ere #learly ta#ti#al, !hilst the "$/e"e%t a%d -$siti$%i%g $& these &$r"ati$%s a%d als$ !hi#h &$r"ati$% t$ use i% a gi/e% situati$% duri%g a battle !as strategi#' (t !as these ta#ti#al &$r"ati$%s that the ge%erals #$uld e"-l$y !ith a% u%dersta%di%g $& !he% they !ere e&&e#ti/e that "ade the" su#h &$r"idable &$es'

A #$""$% 4u$te is MA"ateurs study strategy, -r$&essi$%als study l$gisti#sN a%d -ithy as it is it !ill $%ly hel- us i& !e truly u%dersta%d the i"-li#ati$%s' +he% $utli%i%g y$ur strategy &$r a great battle y$u !ill !a%t t$ #all u-$% #ertai% res$ur#es' (% Ci/ili2ati$% these res$ur#es are ge%erally the &ighti%g u%its, but d$%0t &$rget the -ure l$gisti#al u%its $& air#ra&t #arriers a%d tra%s-$rt shi--i%g' C$u !ill %eed %u"bers $& #ertai% ty-es $& atta#) u%it, y$u "ay !ish t$ su--$rt the" !ith artillery a%d later y$u are g$i%g t$ %eed de&e%si/e u%its t$ h$ld y$ur ta)i%gs' B$gisti#s is the -art $& y$ur -la%%i%g that i%&$r"s y$u !hat $rder t$ build the u%its a%d h$! t$ "$/e the" s$ e/eryb$dy arri/es at the right -la#e !he% %eeded' Cru#ially it tells y$u !he% y$u #a% ad/a%#e a%d !he% y$u "ust h$ld ba#)' Ta%)s #hargi%g $&& i%t$ e%e"y are liable t$ be destr$yed i& they lea/e their rei%&$r#e"e%ts behi%d' <$"eti"es the l$gisti#s di#tate !he% y$u "ay "$/e'

!peration $ar(arossa
At the start $& +$rld +ar (( =itler !as !ay ahead $& %early e/ery $ther "ilitary #$""a%der i% his u%dersta%di%g $& the #ha%ges i% strategy a&&$rded by ta%)s a%d air1-$!er' =is use $& Blit krieg i% his early #a"-aig%s had su##eeded i% deli/eri%g all the $b3e#ti/es he had set his ar"ies' @% 9e#e"ber 18th 1;40 =itler $rdered his #$""a%ders t$ -re-are a% i%/asi$% $& :ussia !hi#h !as t$ be started i% se#ret t$ sur-rise the <$/iet tr$$-s' This des-ite ha/i%g earlier sig%ed a %$%1aggressi$% -a#t !ith <tali% be&$re the start $& h$stilities i% D$la%d i% 1; ;' =a/i%g lear%t s$"ethi%g &r$" ?a-$le$%.s &ailed 1812 i%/asi$% $& :ussia he )%e! that he !$uld %eed t$ "eet his $b3e#ti/es duri%g the su""er "$%ths' =is -re/i$us su##esses i% usi%g 7lit2)rieg agai%st $ther $b3e#ti/es %$ d$ubt ga/e hi" the #$%&ide%#e that he #$uld se#ure the targeted territ$ries duri%g the su""er "$%ths $& 1;41' The -la% !as a highly $-ti"isti# $%e, but the &irst &e! !ee)s $& the #a"-aig% see"ed t$ bear it $ut i% early su##ess' +he% the i%/asi$% started $% Au%e 22%d, 1;41 the :ussia% tr$$-s !ere u%der $rders %$t t$ e%gage A,is tr$$-s a%d %$t t$ be -r$/$)ed by the"' This e&&e#ti/ely st$--ed "a%y u%its &r$" e%gagi%g i% ti"e' A later $rder &r$" G$s#$! t$ sta%d a%d &ight &urther ha"-ered :ussia% e&&$rts as the A,is tr$$-s !ere able t$ e%#ir#le :ussia% h$ld1$uts !h$ !ere %$t all$!ed t$ retreat a%d re1$rga%ise' There !as h$!e/er a &atal &la! i% the -la%%i%g &$r the $-erati$%' @-erati$% 7arbar$ssa !as the largest e/er !ar theatre i%/$l/i%g #$"bi%ed tr$$-s $& %early te% "illi$% "e%, yet des-ite this 5er"a% &a#t$ries had $%ly bee% $-erati%g si%gle shi&ts t$ "a%u&a#ture e4ui-"e%t' The se/ere la#) i% tra%s-$rt "ea%t that the i%/asi$% started !ith ab$ut 625,000 h$rses bei%g used t$ "$/e e/erythi%g &r$" &ield )it#he%s t$ artillery' The A,is tr$$-s !ere als$ t$ &i%d that "$st $& the

:ussia% r$ads !here i"-assable a&ter rai%s a%d that there !ere%.t e%$ugh trai%s t$ tra%s-$rt the" (!hi#h used a di&&ere%t gauge a%d s$ #$uld%.t use 5er"a% r$lli%g st$#))' Added t$ this the tr$$-s had $%ly bee% issued !ith e%$ugh su--lies ("$stly $& &uel a%d a""u%iti$%) &$r a sh$rt #a"-aig% a%d had %$t bee% gi/e% !i%ter u%i&$r"s' 5i/e% the #h$i#e bet!ee% a""u%iti$% a%d &$$d &$r his &$r#es =itler $& #$urse #h$se the "u%iti$%s' =is tr$$-s !ere redu#ed t$ stu&&i%g %e!s-a-ers i%t$ their su""er u%i&$r"s t$ )ee- !ar" duri%g the bitter :ussia% !i%ter a%d t$ eati%g their h$rses' The thi% treads $% the Da%2ers !as%.t suited t$ "ud a%d the ta%)s $&te% g$t stu#)' A la#) $& greases a%d $ils that !ere able t$ !ithsta%d 140QC te"-eratures "ea%t that the grease had t$ be #hi--ed $&& bree#hes i% $rder t$ l$ad shells i%t$ gu%s' (t t$$) the :ussia% &$r#es u%til @#t$ber t$ start t$ regr$u- e&&e#ti/ely a&ter their early l$sses a%d u%til 9e#e"ber t$ !i% their &irst de#isi/e /i#t$ry i% tur%i%g the tr$$-s threate%i%g G$s#$! ba#)' F/e% i& the A,is tr$$-s had "et %$ resista%#e it see"s u%li)ely that they #$uld ha/e held su--ly li%es $-e% $/er "$re tha% 1,600 )" a%d they 3ust did%.t ha/e the su--lies %eeded' The l$gisti#s &ailure had started a&ter FRhrer 9ire#ti/e 21 $rdered @-erati$% 7arbar$ssa a%d #$%ti%ued thr$ugh$ut' The &ailure $& the A,is tr$$-s i% :ussia "ar)ed a tur%i%g -$i%t i% 5er"a%y.s &$rtu%es a%d e/e%tually led t$ its de&eat' G$der% ar"ies ha/e lear%t that the l$gisti#s #$""a%d "ust be at the sa"e le/el as the strategi# #$""a%d' Dea#e ti"e $-erati$%s $& su--ly a%d -re-arati$% are ulti"ately res-$%sible &$r "a)i%g sure that the e4ui-"e%t %eeded is -rese%t i% su&&i#ie%t 4ua%tities' (& y$ur &r$%t1li%e gets b$gged d$!% the% s$"eti"es y$u ha/e t$ re#$%sider y$ur $b3e#ti/es, a%d s$"eti"es y$ur &r$%t1li%e "$/i%g t$$ &ast is a% e4ually big disaster'

)*tting it together
+he% -la%%i%g a !ar !e #a%%$t ig%$re a%y le/el $& gra%d strategy, strategy, ta#ti#s $r l$gisti#s' +e %eed t$ )%$! !h$ !e0re g$i%g t$ atta#) a%d !e %eed a g$$d reas$% &$r it, a #lear $b3e#ti/e' +e %eed t$ de#ide h$! !e are g$i%g t$ a#hie/e that $b3e#ti/e, !hat $rder t$ ta)e #ities, !hi#h #ities t$ lea/e al$%e' +e %eed t$ u%dersta%d the tr$$-s a%d the %u"bers that !e are u- agai%st8 !hat they #a% d$ a%d !hat $urs #a% d$' +e als$ ha/e t$ ha/e a -la% that gets the" !here they0re %eeded i% a ti"ely "a%%er that d$es%0t lea/e $ur li%es !ea) else!here $r $ur &r$%t1li%es e,-$sed' (% sh$rt, e/ery le/el %eeds t$ i%&$r" the $thers' +e #a%%$t si"-ly d$ a t$-1d$!% a%alysis as the% !e "ay #$"e u!ith a -la% !e #a%%$t e,e#ute' +e sh$uld%0t d$ a b$tt$"1u- battle -la% be#ause the% !e !ill &i%d $ursel/es &ighti%g the !r$%g e%e"y at the !r$%g ti"e 3ust thr$ugh $--$rtu%is"'

+,+ay, -.//
@-erati$% @/erl$rd, the Allied la%di%gs at ?$r"a%dy i% +$rld +ar (( gi/es us a g$$d -lat&$r" t$ see h$! the di&&ere%t le/els !$r)ed t$gether' The 5ra%d strategi# de#isi$% !as "ade i% 1;42 !he% 7ritai% a%d U%ited <tates -r$"ised the U<<: that they !$uld $-e% a %e! &r$%t $% #$%ti%e%tal Fur$-e' At that ti"e the Faster% Fr$%t !as the $%ly Fur$-ea% battlegr$u%d le&t a%d the U<<: !as su&&eri%g badly' (t !as h$-ed that a se#$%d &r$%t !$uld relie/e s$"e $& this -ressureS =eeri%gas $/er at

Ci/Fa%ati#s -$i%ts $ut that by the ti"e they g$t ar$u%d t$ d$i%g the i%/asi$% the U<<: !as !i%%i%g $% the Faster% Fr$%t' <udde%ly it be#a"e "u#h "$re i"-$rta%t t$ try t$ #$%tai% the" (a -re1#urs$r the C$ld +ar)'' T!$ strategies !ere -r$-$sed' Chur#hill !a%ted t$ use irregulars (resista%#e tr$$-s) thr$ugh$ut "$st $& Fur$-e !ith a "ai% thrust #$"i%g &r$" the Gediterra%ea% thr$ugh Austria a%d i%t$ 5er"a%y' The U< $% the $ther ha%d !a%ted t$ ta)e the sh$rtest r$ute t$ 5er"a%y &r$" the str$%gest Allied -$!er1base (!hi#h at the ti"e !as 7ritai%)' The A"eri#a%s g$t their !ay4This "ay ha/e bee% 3ust as !ell' Chur#hill0s last Gediterra%ea% #a"-aig% at 5alli-$li i% +$rld +ar ( !as a t$tal disaster'' The #h$i#e $& atta#)i%g =itler t$ his !est !as there&$re "ade &$r gra%d strategi# reas$%s' The #h$i#e $& a Cha%%el la%di%g !as "ade &$r strategi# reas$%s, but the #h$i#e $& la%di%g site !$uld be "ai%ly &r$" ta#ti#al a%d l$gisti#al #$%siderati$%s' The "ai% ta#ti#al reas$% !as that the Ca%adia%s had sh$!% i% 1;42 at 9ie--e that ta)i%g a &$rti&ied harb$ur t$!% by dire#t &r$%tal assault !as di&&i#ult, s$ a de#isi$% !as "ade t$ la%d at suitable bea#hes' The "ai% l$gisti#al i%-ut t$ the strategi# #$%siderati$%s had t$ d$ !ith air su--$rt' The Allied &ighter air#ra&t based i% 7ritai% had /ery li"ited ra%ge thus li"iti%g the -art $& the #$%ti%e%tal #$ast that #$uld be #$/ered' 5e$gra-hy the% &urther li"ited the -$ssible sites t$ 3ust t!$: The Das de Calais a%d ?$r"a%dy' Das de Calais !as #l$ser a%d !as the $b/i$us #h$i#e' A strategi# de#isi$% !as "ade that a &a)e la%di%g e,-editi$% !$uld be "$u%ted i% >e%t t$ threate% Das de Calais a%d the real i%/asi$% !$uld be lau%#hed i% se#ret at ?$r"a%dy' This strategy !as hea/ily i%&lue%#ed by ta#ti#al #$%#er%s6 the 5er"a% high #$""a%d )%e! that Das de Calais !as the best la%di%g site a%d it !as there&$re hea/ily &$rti&ied' As a%y l$%g ti"e -layer $& Ci/ili2ati$% )%$!s the "$st de"a%di%g l$gisti#al e,er#ises are %a/al i%/asi$%s' 5i/e% i%&i%ite shi-s that #a% "$/e a#r$ss the !idest straits i% %$ ti"e it !$uld be easy, but i% the real !$rld y$u %e/er ha/e a% i%&i%ite %u"ber $& shi-s a/ailable a%d al!ays sl$!' The Allies i% +$rld +ar (( #ertai%ly had a l$gisti#al -r$ble" !he% they !ere -la%%i%g the ?$r"a%dy i%/asi$%s: 47 di/isi$%s (ab$ut 140,000 "e%)8 6,000 shi-s (i%#ludi%g 4,000 la%di%g #ra&t, a%d 1 0 !arshi-s &$r b$"bard"e%t)8 12,000 air#ra&t a%d 5,000 t$%s $& b$"bs' A%d it !as%.t 3ust the i%itial i%/asi$% &$r#e' A&ter the i%/asi$% the "e% had t$ eat, get %e! a""u%iti$% a%d later be relie/ed (a&ter &i/e days there !ere $/er 25,000 "e% i% ?$r"a%dy)' Ta%)s dri%) a l$t $& &uel' Tru#)s are "u#h &aster &$r "$/i%g i%&a%try u%its ab$ut tha% "a)i%g the" !al) but the% the tru#)s %eeded t$ get there a%d they %eed &uel a%d s-are -arts t$$' 7a#) i% F%gla%d, be&$re a%y $& this #a% ha--e% th$ugh the "u%iti$%s, tru#)s, ta%)s a%d -arts all had t$ be "a%u&a#tured, shi--ed t$ the #$ast a%d -ut $% b$ats' All $& this had t$ ha--e% at the right ti"e $r the i%/asi$% !$uld &ail' This l$gisti#al e,er#ise t$$) a l$t "$re "a%-$!er a%d ti"e t$ -la% a%d the% t$ ad"i%ister tha% the strategi# #$%siderati$%s did' The ta#ti#s e"-l$yed $% the day i%#luded the b$"bi%g $& the "ai% de&e%#es, the -ara1tr$$-i%g $& s-e#ial i%&a%try u%its i% behi%d e%e"y li%es t$ try t$ ta)e $ut "a3$r ar"a"e%ts a%d gliders t$ -ut "e% a%d e4ui-"e%t behi%d e%e"y li%es'

The ter"s l$$)ed at here #a% al"$st be see% t$ be a #$%ti%uu"' There is $&te% %$ #lear li%e bet!ee% gra%d strategy a%d strategy8 bet!ee% strategy a%d ta#ti#s8 a%d bet!ee% all $& the" a%d l$gisti#s' <$"e e,a"-les !e #a% -$i%t t$ are #learly

$%e $r a%$ther, but "a%y are "$re a"bigu$us' 9es-ite that a% u%dersta%di%g $& !hat the ter"s "ea% !ill hel- us i% $ur a%alysis, -la%%i%g a%d e,e#uti$%' +he% tryi%g t$ de#ide !hat ! g$i%g t$ d$ !e ha/e t$ thi%) ab$ut all $& these thi%gs t$gether' A t$- d$!% -la% "ust als$ be a##$"-a%ied by a b$tt$" u- a%alysis $& y$ur #a-ability t$ e,e#ute it' Categ$ries: Ci/ili2ati$% T F,-$siti$% T =ist$ry T +ar U 20021201 >irit V Tai <Wle%s"i%de' All &$ru" -$sts are #$-yright their res-e#ti/e auth$rs' Bi#e%sed u%der a Creati/e C$""$%s Bi#e%se' ?$%1#$""er#ial use is &i%e s$ l$%g as y$u -r$/ide attributi$%'

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