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Extaversion(E) vs Introversion(I)

This preference pair describes alternative ways of orienting to the world. Extraversion (E) is an external, action orientation and Introversion (I) is an internal, reflective orientation. E: Extraversion Lets talk this over. I like getting my energy from active involvement in events and having a lot of different activities. Im excited when Im around people and I like to energize other people. I like moving into action and making things happen. I generally feel at home in the world. I often understand a problem better when I can talk out loud about it and hear what others have to say. The following statements generally apply to me: I: Introversion I need to think about this. I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world. I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people I feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of what Ill be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of something better than the real thing. The following statements generally apply to me:

I am seen as outgoing or as a people person. I am seen as reflective or reserved. I feel comfortable in groups and like I feel comfortable being alone and like working in them. things I can do on my own. I have a wide range of friends and know I prefer to know just a few people well. lots of people. I sometimes spend too much time I sometimes jump too quickly into an reflecting and dont move into action activity and dont allow enough time to quickly enough. think it over. I sometimes forget to check with the Before I start a project, I sometimes outside world to see if my ideas really fit forget to stop and get clear on what I the experience. want to do and why.

Sensing(S) vs iNtuition(N)
Sensing and Intuition are two ways to take in information. Sensing (S) indicates a preference for more practical attention to facts and details. Intuition (N) indicates a preference for more abstract attention to patterns and possibilities. S: Sensing N: iNtuition Just the facts, please! I can see it all now. You favor clear, tangible data and You are drawn to information that is information that fit in well with your direct more abstract, conceptual, big-picture, here-and-now experience. and represents imaginative possibilities

You tend to have a mastery of the facts and a knowledge of what materials and resources are available. You have an appreciation of knowing and doing what works. Focus on details & specifics. Admire practical solutions. Are pragmatic--see what is. Value utility: approaches that are useful and based on established principles. Live in the now, attending to present opportunities. Take things literally, at face value. Have a memory recall that is rich in detail of facts and past event. Like step-by-step instructions. Work at a steady pace. Prefer to perfect established skills. Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy". Prefer to stay with the valuable, tried, and true when considering change. Tend to follow instructions. Apply experience to problems. Need to be convinced.

for the future. You pay attention to insights and meanings and have a grasp of what is possible and what the trends are. You have an appreciation of doing what hasnt been tried before. Focus on the big picture and possibilities. Admire creative ideas and theory. Are inventive--see what could be. Value novelty: approaches that stimulate the imagination. Live in the future, attending to future possibilities. Take things figuratively, looking for a deeper meaning. Have a memory recall that emphasizes patterns, contexts, and connections. Like to figure things out for themselves. Work in bursts of energy. Prefer to learn new skills. Are comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data, and with guessing its meaning. Are excited by future possibilities when considering change. May create their own instructions. Apply ingenuity to problems. Need to be inspired and need to inspiring others by ideas and possibilities.

Thinking(T) vs Feeling(F)
Thinking and Feeling describe information-processing and decision-making preferences. An individual with a preference for Thinking (T) would focus more on logic and analysis. An individual preferring Feeling (F) would focus more on personal values and effects. T: Thinking Is this logical? Focus on logic and analysis. Deal best with objective data and causeand-effect relationships. Consider the pros and cons of ideas, F: Feeling Will anybody be hurt? Be more interested in the effects of information on people than in things or ideas themselves. Be motivated by other people and work best in an environment that provides

information, and opinions. Understand emotions and feelings best when they are introduced as facts and details to consider in decision making and problem solving. Prefer calm, objective interactions.

support and encouragement. View the atmosphere at work as being as important as the work itself. Make subjective decisions; the are often good at understanding and appreciating the values of others. Find objective, logical reasoning harsh; they may feel criticized by others who function in a logical, analytical mode.

Judging(J) vs Perceiving(P)
Judging and Perceiving describe two ways of orienting to and dealing with the external world. An individual with a preference for Judging (J) would tend to be decisive and prefer structure and control. An individual with a preference for Perceiving (P) would tend to keep his or her options open and prefer spontaneity and flexibility. J: Judging Just do something. Want things decided as soon as possible to seek closure. Make most decisions pretty easily, but may decided too quickly. Once you make decision, you do not like to change your decisions. You prefer to stick with it. You like to organize you world. you organize it by planning, ordering, structuring and systemazing approach. You prefer to avoid problems by anticipating and planning ahead so you prefer have contigency plan (plan b). Prefer to follow rules, protocols and more tolerant with routines. Find comfort in schedules, so they prefer to schedule their time, set dates, and make arrangement. Feel anxious until things are settled. You like to control your environment. Like roles and expectations to be clear and explicit. Be uncomfortable with change and ambiguity. Complete tasks/project before move on P: Perceiving Lets wait and see. Defer judgments and gather more information. Act spontaneously and leave things to the last minute; they may choose not to plan or organize tasks or time. Prefer starting projects to following through with them. Be flexible and adaptable. Become frustrated by rules, routines, and closure. Focus on exploring and seeking new information; they embrace change.

to other task/project. Do not like leaving unanswered questions. Talk about definite results: focusing on goals, objectives, and outcomes. Stop taking in information as soon as they have enough to make a decision.

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