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GERUND 1) Despus de preposiciones (after, before, to, of, in, on,...

) Close the door after leaving / She was proud of winning the prize I am used to doing sports / e was accused of murdering !) Despus del "erbo #$o% para acti"idades &ue se hacen, como deportes 'hen it snows, we normall( $o skiing / I $o shopping with m( sister If we had a boat, we could $o sailing / )he( often $o trekking *) Con "erbos &ue e+presan #li,es/disli,es%- li,e, disli,e, lo"e, hate, detest,... I li,e walking / I hate sweeping the floor / I lo"e listening to music .) Con otros "erbos como- en/o(, admit, den(, mind, a"oid, in"ol"e, su$$est... I su$$est stopping for a rest / Do (ou mind closing the door, please0 1) Con ciertas e+presiones- to be worth, can2t help, feel li,e, it2s no use,3 It2s worth watching that film / I can2t help doing that I feel li,e having some tea / It2s no use thinking too much INFINITIVE 1) Suele ir detr4s de ad/eti"os (pleased, $lad, sad, sorr(, happ(, eas(, hard,3) )his e+ercise is eas( to do / I am $lad to meet (ou She was happ( to see him / )hat wor, is hard to do !) Detr4s de part5culas interro$ati"as (how, what, when, where,3) I didn2t ,now where to put it / 'e ha"e decided what to do *) Con "erbos de los sentidos ( con #ma,e/let% cuando lle"an ob/eto directo. 6n estos casos el infiniti"o "a sin el #to% (bare infiniti"e) I saw him enter the house / )he( didn2t hear me go in )hat ma,es me feel sad / 7( dad doesn2t let me go there .) Con "erbos de petici8n, instrucci8n, ordenes, ad"ertencias, conse/os3 cuando ha( un ob/eto antes (as,, tell, order, warn, ad"ise, be$, remind,3) e told me to go out / e ordered me to stop m( car I warned him not to move / She ad"ised me to phone 9ohn 1) :tros "erbos- pretend, offer, hope, e+pect, a$ree, mana$e, refuse, decide, promise, intend, pro"e, pretend, prepare, seem, "olunteer,3 I intended to see him / She a$reed to visit us / 'e mana$ed to go out ;) Con los "erbos modales (sin #to%) ( con otras e+presionesI can2t sing / <ou2d better sta / I2d rather go / I2d li,e to dance

GERUND ! INFINITIVE =erbos se$uidos tanto de $erundio como de infiniti"o ( cambian su si$nificadoRemember / Forget > ?erundio- se refiere a una acci8n pasada, como recordando e+periencias,... I still remember clim"ing up trees when we were (oun$ 'e ha"en2t for$otten visiting our cousins in @ondon > Infiniti"o- se refiere a un deber o tarea &ue se te ha encomendado Don2t for$et to close the door / Aemember to post me the letters Stop / Go on > ?erundio- se de/a de hacer una acti"idad o se si$ue haciendo la misma acti"idad e stopped talking / e went on talking

> Infiniti"o- se de/a de hacer al$o para hacer otra cosa o se si$ue con al$o distinto e stopped to talk to me / Try > ?erundio- se refiere a e+perimentar al$o, hacer una prueba como e+perimento e tried eating Indian food for a chan$e (Brob8 con la comida india por cambiar) > Infiniti"o- si$nifica hacer el intento de, intentar usando incluso la fuerza e tried to lift the bo+ but he couldn2t (Intent8 le"antar la ca/a pero no pudo) e went on to e#plain me the details

EXERCISES $%& 'omplete these sentences with infinitive/gerund 1>I remember (par,) the car ri$ht in front of the hospital !>Blease stop (ma,e) that noiseC I can2t concentrateD *>She tried (open) with a hoo, because she had lost the ,e(. .>Aemember (lea"e) the door openC I don2t ha"e a ,e(. 1>)he teacher stopped (e+plain) (correct) the e+ercises. ;>Don2t for$et (bu() me the stamps for the letters. E> e stopped (bu() some ci$arettes. F>I2ll show how (do) it. G>She told me where (put) the boo,s. 1H>)his &uestion is eas( (answer). 11>I en/o( (run) in the rain. 1!>I su$$est (stop) for a cup of tea. 1*>She learnt how (send) the fa+. 1.>I would be "er( happ( (recei"e) an in"itation. 11> e was sorr( (find) that his friends had for$otten his birthda(. 1;>I can2t help (fall) asleep durin$ the class. 1E>She hopes (pass) the dri"in$ test. 1F>It2s no use (shout) at himC he2s deaf. 1G>She pretended (be) readin$. !H>I don2t mind (do) the washin$>up. !1> e didn2t ,now when (turn) the machine off. !!>I ,new e+actl( what (tell) her. !*>)hat was "er( difficult (pro"e). !;>'h( don2t (ou tr( (ta,e) somethin$ for (our headache0 !E>I for$ot (tell) him about his parents. !F>Do (ou li,e (pla() tennis0 !G>'hat would (ou li,e (do) tomorrow0 *H>Is this boo, worth (read)0 *1>I feel li,e (ha"e) o(sters toni$ht. *!>I hate (repeat) thin$s a lot of times. **>She2s not interested in (ma,e) mone(. *.>I used (li"e) here. *1>I am used to (practise) sports. *;> e denied (ha"e) ta,en the mone(. *E> e warned me (pa() him the mone(. *F>She as,ed her father (borrow) the car. *G>If the weather is nice, we could $o (s,ate) .H>I lo"e (ha"e) a rest after (eat) .1>)he( finall( admitted (rob) the ban,. .!>She refused (tell) me the secret. .*>7( father doesn2t let me (sta() out until late. ..>I can2t stand (listen) to that musicC .1>it ma,es me (feel) sad. .;>I didn2t see the children ($o) inside. .E>Did (ou hear the car (crash) into the shop window0 .F>)his /ob in"ol"es (eat) outside most of the da(s.

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