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Personality Report Saira Iqbal

Strength 1. Goodwill power 2. Compassionate others 3. Good self Discipline weakness Slightly Unreliable Can be Unimaginative Not for cheerful

Overview: Personality traits

Neuroticism Extraversion Openness experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness 67% 23% 40% 36% 36%

Sensitive about others think u, feel shy and uncomfortable around others . easily embarrassed ,self fulfilling prophecy , ,prefer to make objective judgment , sometime intimidate others to get your own way. have strong will power , able to stay on track despite distraction.

Neuroticism weakness
Anxiety Anger Depression Self consciousness Immoderation Vulnerability 81% 76% 47% 67% 38% 59%

feel ,tens ,nervous ,anger feel something dangerous about happen, may be afraid specific situation generally fearful, feel anger when the things do not your way ,sensitive mostly emotional sensitive about what others thinks you ,easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed your fear about other criticize or make fun you. you are exaggerated and unrealistic ,your awkwardness and discomfort make fear a self fulfil prophecy. high level stress feels panic or confusion cope day to day pressure

Friendliness Gregariousness Assertiveness Activity level Excitement seeking cheerfulness 14% 22% 35% 71% 46% 12%

feel distance and reserve ,avoid crowed ,need privacy and time for yourself ,active group participant you lead fast pace and busy life move about quick , energetically vigorously involve activity , enjoy excitement and risk taking in your life

Openness to Experience

Imagination Artistic interest Emotionality Adventurousness Intellect

11% 41% 43% 69% 18% 80%


Interested in what happing in real word reasonable interested in arts ,not considered emotional person however you are aware and touch emotion ,eager try to new activity travel to foreign land and experience different things ,intellectual exercise and waste time , you exhibit readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values ,sometime feel degree of hostility towards rules and even enjoy ambiguity.


Trust Mortality Altruism Cooperation Modesty Sympathy

Assume people fair honest wary hold back from trusting people completely you believe deception in social relationship necessary Guarded in new relationship less willing to openly whole truth about yourself you are help other if they are in need ,willing to take credit for good things ,mostly compassionate person ,prefer make objective judgment


Self Efficacy Dutifulness Achievement striving Self discipline Cautiousness

58% 3% 36% 68% 47%

Often don't feel effective , you r reasonable organize person you find contract , rules regulation, sometime seen unreliable ,irresponsible by other you work towards achieve your best strong willing to and able to overcome reluctant to being task able to stay on track despite distraction , not overly cautious person you will think about alternatives and consequences make up your mind fairly

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