Coding Clinical Information: Analysis of Clinicians Using Computerized Coding

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Methods of Information in Medicine

F. K. Schatlauer Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (1996)

J. H. Hohnloser, P. Kadlec, F. Puerner

Coding Clinical Information: Analysis of Clinicians Using Computerized Coding

Abstract: Data are presented of a controlled experiment with a computerized browsing and encoding tool. Eighteen practicing clinicians extracted medical concepts from two narrative exercise cases using two approaches, traditional and computer-assisted use of ICD-9. Our results indicate that by using a computerized coding tool the completeness of coding can be improved by up to 55%, that by enforcing mandatory as opposed to optional modifier codes results in lower rates of incomplete coding (0 and 55%, respectively), higher rates of correct coding{ (41 to 92%) and no change in incorrect code, and that manual coding takes twice as long than coding with the help of the computerized coding tool. Clinicians need 59% more time for processing the whole set of codes than is suggested by the sum of individual codes. We conclude that the use of a computerized coding tool can save time and result in higher quality codes. However, the real time spent on coding may be underestimated when looking at individual coding times, instead of the whole task of processing a clinical scenario.
Keywords: Free Text, Coding, ICD-9, Computerized Patient Record, Data-

Medizinische Klinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany

base Browsing, Encoding Tools, Medical Concepts

Unstructured free text is still the most frequently used form of documentation in medicine. From an information processing point of view, nexibility and freedom of expression are hampered by major difficulties to process free text with computers. Therefore, numerous ever-more complex coding and classification systems have been developed [1] using even multi-axial approaches and vocabularies of more than 100.000 codable terms [2, 3]. Naturallanguage processing systems. albeit rapidly improving, are still difficult to use in routine clinical settings, particularly in languages other than English where a more complex syntax and delayed availability of standard coding systems may complicate matters even more. Many clinical depart men ts do not use numeric codes for clinical documentation as a primary means of entering information into computer systems. Thus, for the time being, the extraction of codable information from free text through medical stafr rcmains the only viable

approach for many medical institutions, whereas data quality remains a concern [4-7]. In our hospital, coding of freetext data by physicians is a critical element of documenting patient care related processes. A computerized patient record system (PADS, Patient Archiving and Documentation System) was developed at the University of Munich in 1989 [8]. Amongst the systems' features is database managemen t of coded diagnoses using a database browsing and encoding tool for codes. This article describes a controlled experiment with the PADS lCD-encoding tool comparing it to traditional coding techniques.

Subjects and Methods

Tes[ ProlOcol
Eighteen medical residents with 1 to 4 years of clinical experience and exposure to traditional rCD-coding were tested using two exercise clinical cases (half a page of narrative free text per case) with eight ICD-codable medical concepts embedded in each casco The

text was not structured or formatted in any way; the terms in question were not highlighted. Clinicians were tested twice (with one exception). Thus, a total of 560 medical concepts was analysed. Before each test they were given a sheet with both exercise cases. They spent the. whole test time in a room with only the test supervisor present encouraging the physicians to work as fast as possible. They had to read the text, identify codable medical concepts, use the correct search term and then code the term identified. Timing was started after the text was read once to familiarise physicians with the scenario. During one session they had to code the identified terms using a paperback-type coding manual, flipping through pages (manual coding, mc). During the other session a com puterized coding tool was used (computer-assisted coding, cc), allowing the entry of terms not included in the lCD-9 code but linking the uscr vocabulary to the target terms using a thesaurus. The interval between mc and cc was at least one month. The sequence - manual or computerized session first I
lvIclh Inform iVIed 1996: 35: 104-7


n. s.

p:5 0.001

p:5 0.01

n. s.
computerized (n

p:5 0.01

~ computerized (n

manual (control, n

=288) =272)


manual (control, n = 136)

Main code, correct.

Main code, close.

Main code, incorrect.

Main code, missing.

Modifier code, correct.

Modifier code, incorrect.

Modifier code, missing.

Fig. 1 Overview of the coding quality ofthe main ICD diagnosis code in both protocols (computerized vs. manual [control]), dem'onstrating a positive effect of the computerized approach. Analyzed ~". were correct codes (increase by 69.8%), close codes (no difference; for definition, see text), incorrect codes (reduction by 38.2%) and missing codes (reduction by 61.5%).

Fig. 2 Overview of coding quality of the (optional) V-modifier code in both protocols (computerized vs. manual [control]), demonstrating a positive effect of the computerized approach. Analyzed were correct codes (increase by 46.6%), incorrect (no change) and missing codes (reduction by 33.7%).

- was chosen at random. Due to a better documentation and transparency of computerized coding some parameters were available for the cc-group, only. For example, a stopwatch integrated into the electronic patient record was designed in a way that the entry to and exit from the main browsing and coding dialogue was recorded in a database. Repeated frustrating attempts to code one diagnosis by browsing the database of codes with the computerized search tool were summarized, resulting in a total coding time for that particular diagOnosis and giving a realistic estimate
Table 1 Data showing the advantage ofthe computerized approach over the traditional manual one. They also indicate that the time to process the entire narrative case document is 59% longer than expected from the sum of coding times for individual medical concepts.

about the real time spent in coding. In the mc-group, however, the line between the coding-endpoint of some diagnosis and the coding-starting point of the next diagnosis could not precisely be drawn without interference with the coding process. Therefore, data on coding time for individual cases are not available for the mc-group. For both groups (cc vs. mc) coded terms were analysed in terms of correct, incorrect, close and missing. As "close" we defined those user-defined lCD-codes which were identical with the target diagnoses in at least three rCD-digits.

Coding Database
rn our hospital a German clinical modification and subset of the WHO's ICD-9 is used [9] and available as a paperback-type manual. This coding database was used for both experimental groups. One feature is the use of modifier codes in addition to the main code used (usually a three-two-five digit numerical code). Three modifier codes were used: The Y-modifier code modifies the main code with terms such as "status after operation for. .. ". It is a one-digit numerical code placed in front

TypeoJcode Parameter
Correct code Close code Incorrect code Missing code

manual (control)
5.20.44 3.01 0.32 5.11 0.63 2.70.21

8.830.26 2.83 0.47 3.160.26 1.00.52

55.21 17.71 19.79 6.25

159 53 57 19

32.47 18.78 31.91 16.85

88 51 87 46

p:5 0.001 n.s p:5 0.001 p:5 0.01

MainICD Code

Y-modifier code (optional for cc-group)

Correct code Incorrect code Missing code

2.17 0.48 0.33 0.21 2.830.54

40.6 6.3 53.1



1.480.32 0.330.22 4.27 0.41

21.9 5.6 72.5

30 8 98

p:5 0.01 n.s. p:5 0.01

f,z-modifier code (mandatory for cc-group)

Correct code Incorrect code Missing code

2.670.38 0.260.28 OO

92.1 8.2 0

264 24 0 -

1.33 0.47 0.170.35 1.77 0.36 n.a. n.a. 464.54

41.2 5.3 54.5 -

111 14 147

p=O.OOI n.s. p=O.OOI

Time to code

Tune to code/diagnosis (sec) 54.58 12.4 Total time to code (min) 14.46 2.47 Total time to process text (min) 233.61

p:5 0.01

Meth. Inform. Med., Vo1.35, No.2, 1996


of the main code and separated from it with a hyphen. It is optional for both groups (cc and mc). In certain diagnoses, f- or z-modifier codes exist, coding for functional or morphological features of a selected syndrome thus enabling a fairly precise assessment of disease status. These additional codes (mandatory for the cc-group, optional for the mc-group) can be regarded as a multi-axial coding approach to certain disease entities. For example, in thyroid disease the z-modifier code describes morphological status such as multinodular goitre; the f-modifier code describes functional status such as hyperthyroidism. Both the f- and the z-code are separated by hyphens and appended to the last digit of the main code. The resulting final code is:
s. p. operation for 4. Y-modifier code goitre 241.1. ICD main code multinodular 3. z-modifer code with hyperthyreoidism 3 f-modifier code

p ~ 0.001

n. s.
~ computerized (0 = 288)
~ manual (control,

p ~ 0.001


F+Z-code, correct. F+Z-code, incorrect. F+Z-code, missing.

Fig.3 Overview of coding quality of the combined f- and z-modifier code (mandatory for the computerized group fcc-group] in both protocols [computerized vs. manual]), demonstrating a positive effect ofthe computerized approach. Analyzed were correct codes (increase by 50.9%), incorrect (no change) and missing codes (reduction by 54.5%).

higher quality codes (i. e., correct, not only close), however, was 69.8% higher in the cc-group (Table 1).

Quality of Coding, Modifier Codes Statistical Analysis

All analyses were done using a spreadsheet. For statistical analyses a non-parametric paired test (Wilcoxon signed-rank) was used because no conclusion could be drawn on a normal distribution due to the small sample size. Unless indicated otherwise, significance is assumed for p :0:;0.01; n. s. signifies "not significant". As outlined under Subjects and Methods, the German version of the ICD-9 code [8] requires the use of up to three additional modifier codes. In our system the Y-code is optional, f- and z-codes are mandatory, thus allowing comparison of the use of mandatory as opposed to optional modifier codes in the same test person. For the optional Y-code the number of correctly coded terms is 40.6% (2.17 0.48) for the cc-group as opposed to 21.9% (1.48 0.32) for the mc-group (p :0:;0.01). The

Quality of Coding, Main Code
When analysing the quality of coded terms in the cc-group as opposed to the mc-group, 55.21 % (8.83 0.26) vs. 32.47% (5.2 0.44, P :0:;0.001) of the codes were encoded correctly (a 69.8% increase), 17.71% (2.83 0.47) vs. 18.78% (3.01 0.32, n. s.) were close (for definition of "close" see Section on Subjects and Methods) and 19.79% (3.16 0.26) vs. 31.91 % (5.11 0.63, P :50.001) were coded incorrectly (a 38.2% reduction). In 6.25% (1.0 0.52) vs. 16.85% (2.7 0.21, n. s.) the code was missing; a 61.5% reduction (Fig. 1). Acceptable coding (correct plus close) was 73% vs. 51 % in the cc-group and the mc-group, respectively. The rate of 106

number of incorrectly coded terms is 6.3% (0.33 0.21) vs. 5.6% (0.33 0.22, n. s.), and the number of missing terms 53.1 % (2.83 0.54) vs. 72.5% (4.27 0.41, p :0:;0.01), respectively (Fig. 2). For the mandatory f- and z-codes the combined number of correctly coded terms is 92.1 % (2.67 0.38) vs. 41.2% (1.33 0.47, p :0:;0.001), the number of incorrectly coded terms 8.2% (0.26 0.28) vs. 5.3% (0.17 0.35, n.s.), and the number of missing terms 0% vs. 54.5% (1.77 0.35, P :0:;0.001) (see Fig. 3; for data overview see Table 1). When comparing only computerprocessed modifier codes, a comparison between optional (Y-) and mandatory (flz-) codes revealed an advantage for f mandatory coding with a 51.5% in-


Code, correct.

Code, incorrect .

Code, missing.

Fig.4 Chart demonstrating the advantage of mandatory as opposed to optional modifier coding. Both groups used the computerized approach. Correct codes are increased by 51.5%, incorrect codes are unchanged, and the number of missing codes is reduced by 53.1% to zero.

Meth. Inform. Med., Vol. 35, No.2, 1996

a. Computerized encoding. b. Computerized encoding. Sum of all coding times. Processing of

complete exercise cases.

c. Manual encoding. Processing of complete

exercise cases.


Fig. 5 Chart demonstrating advantage in speed when processing two narrative exercise cases with a computerized coding tool as opposed to the traditional approach (b vs. c). Furthermore, a 59% increase of mean time is noted when considering the overall case processing time as opposed to the simple sum of coding times for each medical concept (a vs. b).

action was "intelligent" searching and flipping through the pages of the coding manual. In the case of the computerized browsing/coding tool, identifying and entering the right search terms into a specific dialogue were relevant, a process we facilitated through an extensive thesaurus. We conclude that with the help of a computerized coding tool time can be saved and completeness of coding can be increased. However, there is evidence to suggest that clinicians need substantially more time to extract codable information from free text than is suggested by the speed of coding individual diagnoses.
REFERENCES 1. International Classification of Diseases. Basic tabulation list with Alphabetical Index (9th Rev. Ed., 2 vols). Geneva: World Health Organisation 1978. 2. Rothwell Dl, Hause LL. SNOMED and microcomputers in anatomic pathology. Med Inf 1983; 8: 23-31. 3. Unified Medical Language System. Fact Sheet. Bethesda Md: National Library of Medicine 1989. 4. Hohnloser IH, Konig A, Fischer MR, Emmerich B. Data quality in computerized patient records: Analysis of a hematology biopsy report database. Int 1 Clin Monit Comp 1994; 11: 233-40. 5. Klar R, Kaufmehl K. Die QualiUit der Diagnosenstatistik nach der neuen Bundespflegesatzverordnung. In: Oberla K, Rienhoff 0, Victor N, eds. Medizinische Informatik und Statistik. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 1988; 23-6. 6. Lloyd SS, Rissing IP. Physician and coding errors in patient records. lAMA 1985; 10: 1330-6. 7. Nietzschke E, Wiegand M. Fehleranalyse bei der Diagnoseverschliisselung nach ICD-9 gemaB der Bundespflegesatzverordnung. Z Orthop 1992; 130: 371-7. 8. Hohnloser IH, Puerner F. PADS - A Patient Archiving and Documentation System. Int 1 Clin Monit Comp 1992; 9: 71-84. 9. Scriba PC, Mansky T, Fassl H, Friedrich Hl. Diagnoseschliissel des Zentrums fiir Innere Medizin und des Medizinischen Zentrums. 1. Auflage 1986. Address of the authors: Dr. 1. Hohnloser, Electronic Patient Record Group, Medizinische Klinik, Klinikum Innenstadt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat MUnchen, Ziemssenstr. I, D-80336 MUnchen, Germany Phone: +49 89 5160 4575 Fax: +498951602341 E-Mail Compuserve: E-Mail: 100015.3015@CompuServe.COM

crease of correct codes, no change in the rate of incorrect codes (6.3% vs. 8.2 %) and a 53.1 % reduction in the rate of missing codes (Fig. 4).

Time needed to code

With a total number of 560 medical concepts to be analysed, the mean number of extracted diagnoses was 15.7 2.1 and not significantly different in both groups (cc vs. mc). As shown in Table 1 the cc-group needed a mean time of 54.6 12.4 seconds for each individual diagnosis. These data were not available for the mc-group. For overall processing time of both narrative free. text case reports, however, the cc-group did significantly better (23 3.6 min vs. 46 4.5 min, p :50.01). When analysing the data of the cc-group, 59% more time was required (14.5 2.5 to 23 3.6 minutes) for the overall time to completely process the two cases, when compared with the sum of all individual coding times for these two cases, suggesting extra time needed for coding-related processes not explained by the coding time per se (see Fig. 5 and Table 1).

We have attempted to analyse a typical clinical coding scenario under standardized conditions, applying a controlled experimental setting. Clinicians had to perform one of their daily tasks, extracting codable medical conMeth. Inform. Med., Vol. 35, No.2, 1996

cepts from narrative free text. The following observations seem noteworthy: - Using the computerized coding tool (a generic browsing and encoding utility as part of our electronic patient record system PADS) the time required to code distinct medical concepts or diagnoses could be reduced by about 50%. Coding quality was improved substantiallyas indicated by higher rates of correctly encoded terms, lower rates of incorrect terms, and lower rates of missing terms. When applying mandatory as opposed to optional (modifier) codes, comparable to multi-axial coding schemes such as SNOMED, users responded favorably with lower rates of incomplete coding, higher rates of correct coding, and no higher rates of incorrect coding. Adding individual coding time intervals for individual terms resulted in a significantly shorter time than the real total time interval required to process the free-text document. This excluded the first reading of the document. Summarizing coding times for individual diagnoses significantly distorted the real coding time burden for clinicians. Apparently, significant extra time for either mental concept change or interaction with the coding instrument (close to 60%) was spent by clinicians even under maximum time pressure as present in the experiment. In the case of manual coding this inter-


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