Teste de Evaluare Initiala Cl. A Via A Va

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Test de evaluare initial-Limba Englez L2 Clasa a VI-a I.

Fill in the blanks with the present forms of the verbs to be or to have, as necessary: a. Hello, Tom! How.you? I..fine, thanks. They..my frien s. b. This.my brother, !aniel. He .."# years ol . Hean e$%ensive car. c. &hat.the weater like? Itsunny an warm. d. .you 'ot any brothers or sisters? (es, Itwo brothers. ( 10p II. !. )ut the ri'ht in efinite article, a or an: *ara is .... +,- octor. *he is thirty seven years ol . *he lives in ... +"-small villa'e near .acau. *ara is marrie . Her husban s name is /ohn. /ohn is.... +0-en'ineer. He works in.......+1- im%ortant firm. *ara an /ohn have one son calle 2n rew. He is three years ol . 2t the weeken , /ohn 'oes to........+3- s%ort club an %lays tennis with his frien Tom an *ara visits her %arents or rea s a book. ("p #. &rite True or $alse : ,4*aras husban , /ohn , is a octor. "4 *ara lives in a bi' town. 04*ara is thirty seven an is marrie . C. 5om%lete the sentences: ,4*ara is /ohns.............. "4 /ohn an *ara are 2n rews................... III. 2.)ut the verbs in brackets in the ri'ht tense4 %resent sim%le6 %resent continuous: Tom (go) to school every 7on ay but to ay he( stay ) home . you + like- %i88a? (es, I ... .2na+ make - her be every mornin'? 9o, she. /ohn + not6 rea - a story now. He.. + %lay - tennis in the yar . I.+ love - %i88a but my brother..+ like - s%a'hetti. ( 20p IV. 5hoose the ri'ht form: a. There are many tomatoes/ tomatos an knives/ knifes on the table. b. This is/ These are a cat an that is / those are some o's. c. 2na is taller/ tallest than 7aria. d. In my room there are two mouses/ mice an four flys/ flies. e. There is / There are some books on the chair. &. The children/ childs usually 'o to school on foots/ feet. (10p V . Fill in the chart with your %ersonal etails then write them own in a com%osition +3 lines('0p (10p (& a. b. c. d. e.

(%p (2p

7y )ersonal File 9ame *urname 2'e 9ationality 5ity6 villa'e Family :ikes !islikes 5an 5ant

)ame*++++++++++++ ,urname*++++++++++ -rade* "t.

Test /aper e salut

1. &rite the correct 'reetin' accor in' to the ima'e + scrie;i formula cores%un8<toare ima'inii-: a. 2t ni'ht I say. b c e.&hen I meet someone for the first time I say

2. 5om%lete with A/ AN an translate the wor into =omanian + com%leta;i cu 26 29 >i tra uce;i cuv?ntul articulat @n rom?n<-: a..e'' A c.%enA b %encilbo$A umbrellaA e..oran'eA %.5om%lete with am/m, are/re, is/s an translate the sentences into =omanian+ com%leta;i cu am/m, are/re, is/s) >i tra uce;i %ro%o8i;iile @n rom?n<: a. It BBBBB a bus. e. IBBBBBBBBBBBBa 'oo boy. b. I BBBBB a stu ent. f. (ouBBBBBBBBBBmy brother. c. It BBBBB an oran'e. '. 5ome on! HeBBBBBBB5harlie. . (ouBBBBBBBBBmy mother. h. *heBBBBBBBin the car. :ets 'o! '. 2sk an answer This/ That accor in' to the ima'es + @ntreba;i >i r<s%un e;i cu This/ That u%< ima'ini-C a. &hat is...............? Its .....................

b. &hat is...............? .............................. 3.Fill in the blanks with Who/ What/ How/ Where/ When + com%leta;i s%a;iile libere cu ...a. ..........is 2na? *he is my frien . b...........is this? Its a vi eo camera. c. ..........is your birth ay? It is in 2%ril. ............is the cat? It is there.

e. ...........ol are you? I am ten. #arem de c(rectare clasa a V-a 1. a. Doo ni'ht b. Doo evenin' c. Doo afternoon . Doo mornin' e. 9ice to meet you 1$ 3A 20 p 2. a. an , un ou b. a, un %enar c. a , un stilou d. an, o umbrel< e. an,o %ortocal< 1$3A 20 p %. a. is6 este un autobu8 "% b. am6 eu sunt stu ent. "% c. s 6 este o %ortocal< "% . re 6 tu e>ti mama mea "% e. m 6sunt un b<iat bun "% f. are 6 tu e>ti fratele meu "% '.is6 hai e , el este 5harlie 1% h. s 6 ea este @n ma>in<, s< mer'em 1% Total 20p '. a. This6 a book b. That6 Its a o' "$3010p ". a.&ho b. &hat c.&hen .&here e.How 1$30 20p 10p din (&iciu T(tal 100 p

#arem de c(rectare clasa a VI-a I. 11 100 10p a. are, m, are b. is, s, has c. is, is . have, have II. 2. 11 "0"p ,. a ". a 0. an 1. an 3. a .. 11 %0%p ,. F ". F 0. T 5. 1120 2p ,. wife ". husban III. '1 "0 20p a. 'oes, is not 'oin' b. o.like, o c. oes.make, oes not . is not rea in', is %layin' e. love, likes IV.1110010p a. tomatoes, knives b. this is, those are c. taller . mice, flies e. there are f. chil ren, feet V .10 p &(r c(mpleting t.e c.art %0 p &(r c(mp(siti(n 10 p &(r rig.t &(rms (& t.e verbs t.at are used in c(mp(siti(n 10p &(r appr(priate v(cabular2 and meaning 10 p &(r c(nnect(rs and aspect 10 p din (&iciu T(tal 100 p

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