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Breif: To create a new advertising campaign for either perfume/aftershave or confectionary product you will need to show the creation of the brand image and create 2 A4 posters or 1 billboard The genre of this production is advertisement !y genre for my advert is devilish with dar"ness and a hint of mystery This is because of the contrast of the colours red and blac" The red represents that the consumer has a naughty side to them and the blac" represents the dar"ness # chose these colours because # wanted a theme of mystery and dar"ness # thin" it can appeal to the target audience that way $or e%ample # would compare &ucci &uilty to my fragrance as it has got a theme of dar"ness and secrecy 'sually the consumer would see mens fragrance adverts with topless men( however # chose to use a model with a red and blac" shirt on to symbolise the themes of the aftershave #f my aftershave adverts where to be publisised # would want it to be at the age range of 21)*+ ,middle class income- # would li"e my fragrance advert to be published in maga.ines such as !ens /ealth( 0uts and $/! The reason # chose the target audience 21)*+ is because they are most li"ey to e%periment with new fragrances and are a lot busier that any other age group so therefore have a better chance of seeing the advert advertised An e%ample of someone in my target audience would be a middle aged man around 21)*+ ,middle class- # made a 1uestionnaire so that # can see what people loo" for in a fragrance #t also gives a vauge idea on how many people li"e that sort of fragrance The process for my target demographic is # had to do some mar"et research to find out who my target audience is and how it distributes the message to the consumer # made three s"etched poster designs2 # used a male and a female to reresent the devilish passion as the woman reaches out for the man as she is attracted to the aftershave 3hen # designed my s"etched posters # had a rough idea of what # wanted my final poster to loo" li"e but # had to change my final poster so it attracted my target audience and loo"ed more affective than the s"etched designs # made sure my final poster loo"ed as real and effective as possible # also tried to ma"e it loo" tidy and immaculate so my poster loo"ed professional All the decisions # made for my poster were satisfactory to the target audience # chose The colours # chose where ongoing throughout the poster to get the themes across to the target audience # used 45esto 5ento4 which is italian for si%th sense # used this because it fits in with my slogan 4discover your si%th sense which suggests discovering a sense that nobody "nows and therefore 5esto 5ento ties in with the slogan After creating my posters for my advertising pro6ect # had to thin" about what was successful about the campaign # thin" # used appropriate colours and images so that it ties in with the theme of my

aftershave These had a positive impact on my target audience as they where efficient and revelant Therefore it corresponds to my audience in the correct manner # decided to create my poster and logo on illistrator however # confronted a few problems with the poster as it was difficult to erase the bac"round of the bottle image to put it in my poster 7nce # had attemped it a few times # managed to overcome the problem

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