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Assignment 2: Researching a Cross Media Film Campaign

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.Skilled use of MED A !A"#A$A#E%&ERM "'!'#( 2.$sing E) DE"CE from the media te*t to support +our anal+sis

n +our lesson toda+ +ou are going to ,e e*amining a case stud+ and looking at ho- it promotes a film ,efore its general release. &he Key Words -hich am looking for in +our anal+sis are S #" F ES. C'""'&A& '"S. S("ER#(. &AR#E& A$D E"CE. #E"RE

1. Carr+ out an analysis of the home page e*plaining -hat +ou can tell a,out the mo/ie from the home page 0remem,er to think a,out images, colours, fonts, hyperlin s, multimedia content. $se -ords like C'""'&A& '"S. A"C1'RS. S #" F ES. RE2RESE"&A& '"3

&he+ also sell multiple platforms of &he main color of the home page is D)D5s so that e/er+,od+ is a,le to ,lue. 6lue is the most fa/ored color At the top of the homepage in the -orld as o/er 789 of the ,u+ them. &his is great for their are character profiles. &his compan+ and ,usiness as it creates -orld5s populations fa/orite color is allo-s the audiences too ne- ,ranches of -a+s for people ,lue. 6lue has connotations of interact ,+ learning a,out too purchase their D)D. &he more intelligence and also is a /er+ each character and also /ariet+ of -a+s +ou are a,le too get masculine color -hich is perfect for gi/es +ou a narrati/e their target audience -hich is ,o+s insight. t is interacti/e +our mo/ie into the industr+ the from the ages fi/e too t-el/e. more popular it -ill get. ,ecause -hen +ou ho/er o/er each character the+ mo/e -hich -ould attract the target audience of fi/e too t-el/e +ear olds ,ecause it is e*iting and is also a ne- feature. Also ,+ h+per linking each character too there profile page makes it much easier and also interacti/e -hich -ill appeal to the target audience of 7 too 12 +ear olds that are usuall+ male.

&here is also a face,ook like &he font is simple too read and /er+ fun and has a :D ,utton -hich allo-s the audience too interact e/en effect -hich anchors the fact further -ith this -e,site ,+ that the film is also :D. Also the font ,eing in :D is more finding out e/en more a,out the d+namic and more interesting film. Also ,+ liking the face,ook -hich -ill attract the target page it -ill notif+ too the person -ho liked it friends -hich is audience -hich is mainl+ males from the age of fi/e too therefore a form of ad/ertising. t-el/e.

&he main image of the homepage are the main characters of this film. this attracts the audience as people -ho ma+ ha/e -atched the se4uels ,efore -ill then -ant too -atch this film ,ecause the same characters are featured. &he main image isn5t 4uite located in the centre. &his is to create more space for the title of the film and make the titles stand out more.

2. From +our initial anal+sis e*plain -ho the target audience is and ho! +ou kno- this. #E"DER%A#E%E&1" C &(%SE;$A! &( According to m+ initial anal+sis and the film genre and characteristics can clearl+ tell that the target audience created for this film are mainl+ males at the age of fi/e to thirteen. &here is no specific se*ualit+ portra+ed in the film neither is there an aimed ethnicit+ sho-n -ithin this film as the film is ,ased in a countr+ -hich is in the Cari,,ean and also ,+ using actors%actresses like <ueen !atifah and Da/id Sch-immer -ho come from a range of different ,ackgrounds and ha/ing opposing ethnicities and genders sho-s us that this film is not aiming to specif+ their choice of audience using ethnicit+. :. "o- its time to ha/e a look around this -e,site. e*plain -hat features the -e,site has and ho- these features -ould appeal to the target audience 0make a list of these3 E"&ER&A "% "F'RM%ED$CA&E%ESCA2E%SE!F=ES&EEM "EAT#RE $" T%E WE&SITE Face,ook like ,utton REAS$N IT W$#'( A))EA'* &he audience can get in/ol/ed -ith the film and also ,+ ha/ing a Face,ook like ,utton it -ould also re4uire a Face,ook page a,out the film -hich -ould then inform the audience a,out the film 0-hich could also help ad/ertise it e/en more3 and it could e/en inform a,out the se4uels ,efore and ma+,e possi,le films coming out later. 6+ ha/ing a page de/oted specificall+ for games 0-hich ultimatel+ is too entertain and attract the audience3 -ill get the audience more interested in the film and -ill also promote the film. &his -ill -ork ,+ interesting a /ie-er so much that the+ go and tell someone else a,out it and then it -ill go /iral. Character ta,s are mainl+ used too educate the audience a,out -ho -ill ,e featured -ithin the film. &his also is a cle/er -a+ to sell the film ,etter as the characters featured in the film ma+ ha/e ,een in the 2 films ,efore and -ill therefore attract the audience ,ecause the+ ma+ like a certain character. &his could also ,e used in the opposite -a+ as if the+ disco/er there are ne- characters featured in the film the+ ma+ ,e intrigued and -ant to -atch it to find out -hat the characters are like.


>Character ta,s

"EAT#RE $" T%E WE&SITE Design

REAS$N IT W$#'( A))EA'* t is o,/ious the design of this homepage is specificall+ targeted to the audience of 7 to 1: as the font is in ,u,,le -riting to appear more fun and the image is large and also has a ,it of humor -hich the audience -ill ,e attracted ,+. Also there are not too man+ links and the la+out is simple -hich is perfect as the audience is 4uite +oung. &he+ use a lot of promotion on this -e,site. &his includes the Face,ook like ,utton and the images of the D)D5s. &his -ill not necessaril+ appeal to the target audience ,ut it -ill make it easier for them ,ecause if the+ did -ant to ,u+ the film the+ kno- -hat it -ould look like. &he -e,site does not use a lot of s+nerg+ ,ut -hen it does. it makes it clear. &he s+nerg+ ,et-een the film and dream -orks compan+ -ill appeal to /ie-ers as dream -orks are /er+ popular and ha/e made good films in the past. -hich the /ie-ers -ill therefore ,elie/e that the film -ill also ,e good. &he images used on the -e,site are large. colorful and humorous. &his is perfect for their target audience of 7 to 1: +ear olds as all the color and humor signifies fun and that is /er+ appealing to +oung children.




?. Find out if there are an+ e*amples of synergy on the -e,site. E*plain ho- the film compan+ has -orked -ith other companies to reach their &AR#E& A$D E"CE and promote their film. An e*ample of s+nerg+ used on this particular -e,site -ould ,e the s+nerg+ ,et-een Face,ook and the -e,site. &his is a perfect -a+ for them to reach there target audience ,ecause on Face,ook people like and share links e/er+da+ so the -e,site link ma+ appear on someone5s ne-s feed -ithout them deli,eratel+ looking for it. Despite using s+nerg+ as an attempt to sell more to their target audience using Face,ook to reach their target audience doesn5t -ork ,ecause their target audience is +oung children and Face,ook onl+ allo-s children of the age of thirteen and o/er to access it. Despite this. ,+ using Face,ook. adults ma+ find out a,out the film and -ill therefore encourage their children to go and -atch it in the cinema or ,u+ the D)D for them -hen it comes out. 7. n +our o-n -ords e*plain ho- effecti+e +ou think the -e,site is. 2ersonall+ think the -e,site is 4uite effecti/e -hen it comes to ad/ertising the film ,ecause of all the features it uses and ho- the+ aim for their target audience through colors and images etc. Despite this ,elie/e that the+ possi,l+ could ha/e researched their target audience a little more to make their -e,site a little less confusing and also think

that choosing to use Face,ook as a form of s+nerg+ -as a mistake as their target audience is children from fi/e to thirteen. +et Face,ook onl+ allo- people at the minimum age of thirteen to @oin their -e,site.

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